const uint8_t *actionTableStart = callSiteTableEnd;
const uint8_t *callSitePtr = callSiteTableStart;
- bool foreignException = false;
while (callSitePtr < callSiteTableEnd) {
uintptr_t start = readEncodedPointer(&callSitePtr,
// We have been notified of a foreign exception being thrown,
// and we therefore need to execute cleanup landing pads
actionEntry = 0;
- foreignException = true;
if (landingPad == 0) {
std::vector<llvm::Constant*> structVals;
llvm::Constant *nextStruct;
- llvm::GlobalVariable *nextGlobal = NULL;
// Generate each type info
typeInfoName = typeInfoNameBuilder.str();
// Note: Does not seem to work without allocation
- nextGlobal =
new llvm::GlobalVariable(module,