HashSet<ReferenceEdge> edgesWithNewBeta = new HashSet<ReferenceEdge>();
// first look for possible strong updates and remove those edges
boolean strongUpdate = false;
ReferenceEdge edgeY = itrYhrn.next();
HeapRegionNode hrnY = edgeY.getDst();
+ /*
+ if( hrnX.getID().equals( 258 ) && hrnY.getID().equals( 259 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " About to create "+hrnX+" to "+hrnY );
+ printDebug = true;
+ try {
+ writeGraph( "testing0before", true, true, true, false, false );
+ } catch( IOException e) {}
+ }
+ */
// we can do a strong update here if one of two cases holds
if( f != null &&
f != OwnershipAnalysis.getArrayField( f.getType() ) &&
// then propagate back just up the edges from hrn
ChangeTupleSet Cx = R.unionUpArityToChangeSet(O);
HashSet<ReferenceEdge> todoEdges = new HashSet<ReferenceEdge>();
Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet> edgePlannedChanges =
+ /*
+ if( printDebug ) {
+ try {
+ writeGraph( "testing1tokenpropagation", true, true, true, false, false );
+ } catch( IOException e) {}
+ }
+ */
// then go back through and add the new edges
itrXhrn = lnX.iteratorToReferencees();
while( itrXhrn.hasNext() ) {
+ /*
+ if( printDebug ) {
+ try {
+ writeGraph( "testing2newedgesadded", true, true, true, false, false );
+ } catch( IOException e) {}
+ }
+ */
// if there was a strong update, make sure to improve
// reachability with a global sweep
if( strongUpdate ) {
+ /*
+ if( printDebug ) {
+ try {
+ writeGraph( "testing3globalsweep", true, true, true, false, false );
+ } catch( IOException e) {}
+ printDebug = false;
+ }
+ */
// the parameter model is to use a single-object heap region
// for the primary parameter, and a multiple-object heap
// region for the secondary objects reachable through the
Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet> edgePlannedChanges
= new Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet>();
+ if( printDebug ) {
+ System.out.println( " propagating down over nodes" );
+ }
// first propagate change sets everywhere they can go
while( !todoNodes.isEmpty() ) {
HeapRegionNode n = todoNodes.iterator().next();
ChangeTupleSet C = nodePlannedChanges.get(n);
+ if( printDebug ) {
+ System.out.println( " at "+n+" with change set "+C );
+ }
Iterator<ReferenceEdge> referItr = n.iteratorToReferencers();
while( referItr.hasNext() ) {
ReferenceEdge edge = referItr.next();
nodesWithNewAlpha.add( n );
+ if( printDebug ) {
+ System.out.println( " done propagating down over nodes" );
+ }
propagateTokensOverEdges(todoEdges, edgePlannedChanges, edgesWithNewBeta);
Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet> edgePlannedChanges,
HashSet<ReferenceEdge> edgesWithNewBeta) {
+ if( printDebug ) {
+ System.out.println( " propagating back up over edges" );
+ }
// first propagate all change tuples everywhere they can go
while( !todoEdges.isEmpty() ) {
ReferenceEdge edgeE = todoEdges.iterator().next();
ChangeTupleSet changesToPass = new ChangeTupleSet().makeCanonical();
+ if( printDebug ) {
+ System.out.println( " at "+edgeE+" with change set "+C );
+ }
Iterator<ChangeTuple> itrC = C.iterator();
while( itrC.hasNext() ) {
ChangeTuple c = itrC.next();
ReferenceEdge e = (ReferenceEdge) me.getKey();
ChangeTupleSet C = (ChangeTupleSet) me.getValue();
- e.setBetaNew( e.getBeta().applyChangeSet( C, true ) );
+ e.setBetaNew( e.getBetaNew().union( e.getBeta().applyChangeSet( C, true ) ) );
edgesWithNewBeta.add( e );
+ if( printDebug ) {
+ System.out.println( " done edge propagation" );
+ }
String debugCaller = "foo";
String debugCallee = "bar";
- //String debugCaller = "process";
- //String debugCallee = "createfoo";
+ //String debugCaller = "executeAll";
+ //String debugCallee = "executeMessage";
+ //String debugCaller = "addFlightPlan";
+ //String debugCallee = "setFlightPlan";
if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
// if there is a secondary node, compute the rest of the rewrite rules
- if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
- fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
- System.out.println( "*** does param "+paramIndex+ " have a gamma region? "+
- ogCallee.paramIndex2idSecondary.containsKey( paramIndex ) );
- }
if( ogCallee.paramIndex2idSecondary.containsKey( paramIndex ) ) {
// setup H (secondary)
paramIndex2rewriteH_s.put( paramIndex, toShadowTokens( ogCallee, hrnSecondary.getAlpha() ) );
- if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
- fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
- System.out.println( "H_s["+paramIndex+"] gets "+toShadowTokens( ogCallee, hrnSecondary.getAlpha() ) );
- System.out.println( "*** H_s="+paramIndex2rewriteH_s );
- }
// setup J (secondary->X)
Iterator<ReferenceEdge> s2xItr = hrnSecondary.iteratorToReferencees();
while( s2xItr.hasNext() ) {
boolean edge_classified = false;
if( on instanceof HeapRegionNode ) {
// hrn0 may be "a_j" and/or "r_j" or even neither
HeapRegionNode hrn0 = (HeapRegionNode) on;
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " Looking at "+edge );
+ }
+ }
+ */
Iterator itr = pi2dr.entrySet().iterator();
while( itr.hasNext() ) {
Map.Entry mo = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
if( dr_i.contains( hrn0 ) ) {
addEdgeIndexPair( edges_p2p, pi, edge, index );
edge_classified = true;
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " Classified p2p" );
+ }
+ }
+ */
if( r_i.contains( hrn0 ) ) {
addEdgeIndexPair( edges_s2p, pi, edge, index );
edge_classified = true;
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " Classified s2p" );
+ }
+ }
+ */
while( hrnItr.hasNext() ) {
// this heap region is definitely an "r_i" or secondary by virtue of being in r
HeapRegionNode hrn = hrnItr.next();
- if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
- fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
- System.out.println( "*** H_s has rules for rewriting "+hrn+" with respect to param "+index+"? "+
- paramIndex2rewriteH_s.contains( index )+"***" );
- System.out.println( "*** H_s="+paramIndex2rewriteH_s );
- }
if( paramIndex2rewriteH_s.containsKey( index ) ) {
// hrn0 may be "a_j" and/or "r_j" or even neither
HeapRegionNode hrn0 = (HeapRegionNode) on;
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " Looking at "+edge );
+ }
+ }
+ */
Iterator itr = pi2dr.entrySet().iterator();
while( itr.hasNext() ) {
Map.Entry mo = (Map.Entry) itr.next();
if( dr_i.contains( hrn0 ) ) {
addEdgeIndexPair( edges_p2s, pi, edge, index );
edge_classified = true;
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " Classified p2s" );
+ }
+ }
+ */
if( r_i.contains( hrn0 ) ) {
addEdgeIndexPair( edges_s2s, pi, edge, index );
edge_classified = true;
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " Classified s2s" );
+ }
+ }
+ */
if( !paramIndex2rewriteJ_p2p.containsKey( makeMapKey( index,
edge.getField() ) ) ) {
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrn = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getSrc();
+ HeapRegionNode hrn0 = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getDst();
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " skipping rewrite as p2p" );
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrn = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getSrc();
+ HeapRegionNode hrn0 = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getDst();
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " rewriting as p2p" );
+ }
+ }
+ */
TokenTuple p_j = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenPrimary.get( indexJ );
assert p_j != null;
if( !paramIndex2rewriteJ_p2s.containsKey( makeMapKey( index,
edge.getField() ) ) ) {
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrn = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getSrc();
+ HeapRegionNode hrn0 = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getDst();
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " skipping rewrite as p2s" );
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrn = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getSrc();
+ HeapRegionNode hrn0 = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getDst();
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " rewriting as p2s" );
+ }
+ }
+ */
TokenTuple s_j = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenSecondary.get( indexJ );
assert s_j != null;
Integer indexJ = (Integer) mo.get( 1 );
if( !paramIndex2rewriteJ_s2p.containsKey( index ) ) {
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrn = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getSrc();
+ HeapRegionNode hrn0 = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getDst();
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " skipping rewrite as s2p" );
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrn = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getSrc();
+ HeapRegionNode hrn0 = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getDst();
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " rewriting as s2p" );
+ }
+ }
+ */
TokenTuple p_j = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenPrimary.get( indexJ );
assert p_j != null;
Integer indexJ = (Integer) mo.get( 1 );
if( !paramIndex2rewriteJ_s2s.containsKey( index ) ) {
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrn = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getSrc();
+ HeapRegionNode hrn0 = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getDst();
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " skipping rewrite as s2s" );
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ if( mc.getDescriptor().getSymbol().equals( debugCaller ) &&
+ fm.getMethod().getSymbol().equals( debugCallee ) ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrn = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getSrc();
+ HeapRegionNode hrn0 = (HeapRegionNode) edge.getDst();
+ if( hrn.getID().equals( 136 ) && hrn0.getID().equals( 214 ) ) {
+ System.out.println( " rewriting as s2s" );
+ }
+ }
+ */
TokenTuple s_j = ogCallee.paramIndex2paramTokenSecondary.get( indexJ );
assert s_j != null;
writeGraph( "debug9endResolveCall", true, true, true, false, false );
} catch( IOException e ) {}
System.out.println( " "+mc+" done calling "+fm );
- System.exit( -1 );
- }
- /*
- if( printDebug ) {
- System.out.println( " End mapping proc" );
+ ++x;
+ if( x > 2 ) {
+ System.exit( -1 );
+ }
- */
- //System.out.println( " End mapping proc" );