--- /dev/null
+#!/bin/sh -x
+# Note: this script was written on Ubuntu 14.04 and will need work in order to
+# work on additional platforms. This is left as an exercise for the reader.
+set -e
+VERSION=${VERSION:-"$(sed 's/:/./' VERSION)"}
+DESTDIR=${DESTDIR:-$(mktemp -d)}
+DESC="Folly is an open-source C++ library developed and used at Facebook
+ as a foundation for our infrastructure."
+LICENSE="Apache License v2.0"
+which fpm || (echo "Please install fpm from https://github.com/jordansissel/fpm" && exit 1)
+[ -d "$DESTDIR" ]
+# Make
+[ -e ./configure ] || autoreconf -if
+[ -e Makefile ] || ./configure --prefix=/usr
+make install DESTDIR="$DESTDIR"
+# Move symbols to debug file
+[ -d "$DEBUGDIR/usr/lib" ] || mkdir -p "$DEBUGDIR/usr/lib"
+find "$DESTDIR/usr/lib" -maxdepth 1 -iname "lib*.so.*" -type f \
+ -execdir objcopy --only-keep-debug {} "$DEBUGDIR/usr/lib/{}.debug" \; \
+ -execdir strip --strip-debug --strip-unneeded {} \; \
+ -execdir objcopy --add-gnu-debuglink "$DEBUGDIR/usr/lib/{}.debug" {} \;
+# Build debs
+fpm \
+ -s dir -t deb \
+ -n "libfolly$VERSION" \
+ -v "$VERSION" --iteration "$ITERATION" \
+ -C "$DESTDIR" \
+ --description "$DESC" \
+ --vendor Facebook \
+ --url "$URL" \
+ --license "$LICENSE" \
+ --maintainer "$MAINTAINER" \
+ --category libs \
+ --provides libfolly \
+ --depends libc6 \
+ --depends libstdc++6 \
+ --depends libboost-context"$BOOST_VERSION" \
+ --depends libboost-filesystem"$BOOST_VERSION" \
+ --depends libboost-program-options"$BOOST_VERSION" \
+ --depends libboost-regex"$BOOST_VERSION" \
+ --depends libboost-system"$BOOST_VERSION" \
+ --depends libboost-thread"$BOOST_VERSION" \
+ --depends libdouble-conversion1 \
+ --depends libevent-"$LIBEVENT_VERSION" \
+ --depends libgflags2 \
+ --depends libgoogle-glog0 \
+ --depends libicu52 \
+ --depends libjemalloc1 \
+ --depends liblz4-1 \
+ --depends liblzma5 \
+ --depends libsnappy1 \
+ --depends libssl"$SSL_VERSION" \
+ --depends zlib1g \
+ --exclude usr/lib/debug \
+ --exclude usr/lib/*.a \
+ --exclude usr/lib/*.la \
+ usr/lib
+fpm \
+ -s dir -t deb \
+ -n libfolly-dev \
+ -v "$VERSION" --iteration "$ITERATION" \
+ -C "$DESTDIR" \
+ --description "$DESC" \
+ --vendor Facebook \
+ --url "$URL" \
+ --license "$LICENSE" \
+ --maintainer "$MAINTAINER" \
+ --category devel \
+ --depends "libfolly$VERSION" \
+ --exclude usr/lib/*.so* \
+ usr/include \
+ usr/lib/debug
+echo "${DESTDIR}"