+ HashSet<HeapRegionNode> nodesWithNewAlpha = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
Iterator lnArgItr = paramIndex2ln.entrySet().iterator();
while( lnArgItr.hasNext() ) {
Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) lnArgItr.next();
while( hrnItr.hasNext() ) {
HeapRegionNode hrn = hrnItr.next();
- rewriteCallerNodeAlpha( index,
+ rewriteCallerNodeAlpha( fm.numParameters(),
+ index,
- paramTokenStar2paramIndex );
+ paramIndex2paramTokenStar );
+ nodesWithNewAlpha.add( hrn );
+ // commit changes to alpha
+ Iterator<HeapRegionNode> nodeItr = nodesWithNewAlpha.iterator();
+ while( nodeItr.hasNext() ) {
+ nodeItr.next().applyAlphaNew();
+ }
- /*
- // make a change set to translate callee tokens into caller tokens
- ChangeTupleSet C = new ChangeTupleSet().makeCanonical();
- for( int i = 0; i < fm.numParameters(); ++i ) {
- Integer paramIndex = new Integer( i );
- System.out.println( "In method "+fm+ " on param "+paramIndex );
- assert ogCallee.paramIndex2id.containsKey( paramIndex );
- Integer idParam = ogCallee.paramIndex2id.get( paramIndex );
- assert ogCallee.id2hrn.containsKey( idParam );
- HeapRegionNode hrnParam = ogCallee.id2hrn.get( idParam );
- assert hrnParam != null;
- TokenTupleSet calleeTokenToMatch =
- new TokenTupleSet( new TokenTuple( hrnParam ) ).makeCanonical();
- // now depending on whether the callee is static or not
- // we need to account for a "this" argument in order to
- // find the matching argument in the caller context
- TempDescriptor argTemp;
- if( isStatic ) {
- argTemp = fc.getArg( paramIndex );
- } else {
- if( paramIndex == 0 ) {
- argTemp = fc.getThis();
- } else {
- argTemp = fc.getArg( paramIndex - 1 );
- }
- }
- LabelNode argLabel = getLabelNodeFromTemp( argTemp );
- Iterator argHeapRegionsItr = argLabel.setIteratorToReferencedRegions();
- while( argHeapRegionsItr.hasNext() ) {
- Map.Entry meArg = (Map.Entry) argHeapRegionsItr.next();
- HeapRegionNode argHeapRegion = (HeapRegionNode) meArg.getKey();
- ReferenceEdgeProperties repArg = (ReferenceEdgeProperties) meArg.getValue();
- Iterator<TokenTupleSet> ttsItr = repArg.getBeta().iterator();
- while( ttsItr.hasNext() ) {
- TokenTupleSet callerTokensToReplace = ttsItr.next();
- ChangeTuple ct = new ChangeTuple( calleeTokenToMatch,
- callerTokensToReplace ).makeCanonical();
- C = C.union( ct );
- }
- }
- }
- */
System.out.println( "Applying method call "+fm );
System.out.println( " Change: "+C );
- private void rewriteCallerNodeAlpha( Integer paramIndex,
+ private void rewriteCallerNodeAlpha( int numParameters,
+ Integer paramIndex,
HeapRegionNode hrn,
Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteH,
Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteD,
Hashtable<Integer, TokenTuple> paramIndex2paramToken,
- Hashtable<TokenTuple, Integer> paramTokenStar2paramIndex ) {
+ Hashtable<Integer, TokenTuple> paramIndex2paramTokenStar ) {
ReachabilitySet rules = paramIndex2rewriteH.get( paramIndex );
assert rules != null;
TokenTuple tokenToRewrite = paramIndex2paramToken.get( paramIndex );
assert tokenToRewrite != null;
- ReachabilitySet r0 = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
+ ReachabilitySet r0 = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
Iterator<TokenTupleSet> ttsItr = rules.iterator();
while( ttsItr.hasNext() ) {
TokenTupleSet tts = ttsItr.next();
- r0 = r0.union( tts.rewrite( tokenToRewrite, hrn.getAlpha() ) );
+ r0 = r0.union( tts.simpleRewriteToken( tokenToRewrite, hrn.getAlpha() ) );
- //ReachabilitySet r1 = D( r0 );
+ ReachabilitySet r1 = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
+ ttsItr = r0.iterator();
+ while( ttsItr.hasNext() ) {
+ TokenTupleSet tts = ttsItr.next();
+ r1 = r1.union( rewriteDpass( numParameters,
+ paramIndex,
+ tts,
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ paramIndex2paramToken,
+ paramIndex2paramTokenStar ) );
+ }
- hrn.setAlphaNew( r0 );
+ hrn.setAlphaNew( r1 );
+ private ReachabilitySet rewriteDpass( int numParameters,
+ Integer paramIndex,
+ TokenTupleSet ttsIn,
+ Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ Hashtable<Integer, TokenTuple> paramIndex2paramToken,
+ Hashtable<Integer, TokenTuple> paramIndex2paramTokenStar ) {
+ ReachabilitySet rsOut = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
+ boolean rewritten = false;
+ for( int j = 0; j < numParameters; ++j ) {
+ Integer paramIndexJ = new Integer( j );
+ ReachabilitySet D_j = paramIndex2rewriteD.get( paramIndexJ );
+ assert D_j != null;
+ if( paramIndexJ != paramIndex ) {
+ TokenTuple tokenToRewriteJ = paramIndex2paramToken.get( paramIndexJ );
+ assert tokenToRewriteJ != null;
+ if( ttsIn.containsTuple( tokenToRewriteJ ) ) {
+ ReachabilitySet r = ttsIn.exhaustiveRewriteToken( tokenToRewriteJ, D_j );
+ Iterator<TokenTupleSet> ttsItr = r.iterator();
+ while( ttsItr.hasNext() ) {
+ TokenTupleSet tts = ttsItr.next();
+ rsOut = rsOut.union( rewriteDpass( numParameters,
+ paramIndex,
+ tts,
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ paramIndex2paramToken,
+ paramIndex2paramTokenStar ) );
+ rewritten = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ TokenTuple tokenStarToRewriteJ = paramIndex2paramTokenStar.get( paramIndexJ );
+ assert tokenStarToRewriteJ != null;
+ if( ttsIn.containsTuple( tokenStarToRewriteJ ) ) {
+ ReachabilitySet r = ttsIn.exhaustiveRewriteToken( tokenStarToRewriteJ, D_j );
+ Iterator<TokenTupleSet> ttsItr = r.iterator();
+ while( ttsItr.hasNext() ) {
+ TokenTupleSet tts = ttsItr.next();
+ rsOut = rsOut.union( rewriteDpass( numParameters,
+ paramIndex,
+ tts,
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ paramIndex2paramToken,
+ paramIndex2paramTokenStar ) );
+ rewritten = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( !rewritten ) {
+ rsOut = rsOut.union( ttsIn );
+ }
+ return rsOut;
+ }
- public ReachabilitySet rewrite( TokenTuple tokenToRewrite,
- ReachabilitySet replacements ) {
+ public ReachabilitySet simpleRewriteToken( TokenTuple tokenToRewrite,
+ ReachabilitySet replacements ) {
ReachabilitySet rsOut = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
if( !tokenTuples.contains( tokenToRewrite ) ) {
- rsOut.add( this );
+ rsOut = rsOut.add( this );
} else {
TokenTupleSet ttsMinusToken = new TokenTupleSet( this );
replaced.tokenTuples.addAll( ttsMinusToken.tokenTuples );
replaced.tokenTuples.addAll( replacement.tokenTuples );
replaced = replaced.makeCanonical();
- rsOut.add( replaced );
+ rsOut = rsOut.add( replaced );
+ public ReachabilitySet exhaustiveRewriteToken( TokenTuple tokenToRewrite,
+ ReachabilitySet replacements ) {
+ ReachabilitySet rsOut = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
+ /*
+ if( !tokenTuples.contains( tokenToRewrite ) ) {
+ rsOut = rsOut.add( this );
+ } else {
+ TokenTupleSet ttsMinusToken = new TokenTupleSet( this );
+ ttsMinusToken.tokenTuples.remove( tokenToRewrite );
+ Iterator<TokenTupleSet> replaceItr = replacements.iterator();
+ while( replaceItr.hasNext() ) {
+ TokenTupleSet replacement = replaceItr.next();
+ TokenTupleSet replaced = new TokenTupleSet();
+ replaced.tokenTuples.addAll( ttsMinusToken.tokenTuples );
+ replaced.tokenTuples.addAll( replacement.tokenTuples );
+ replaced = replaced.makeCanonical();
+ rsOut = rsOut.add( replaced );
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ return rsOut;
+ }
public String toString() {
return tokenTuples.toString();
public Foo x;
public Foo y;
+ public Foo z;
public void ruinSomeFoos( Foo a, Foo b ) {
p1.x = f2;
+ static public void m1_( Foo p0 ) {
+ Foo g0 = new Foo();
+ Foo g1 = new Foo();
+ g0.x = p0;
+ p0.x = g1;
+ }
+ static public void m2_( Foo p0 ) {
+ Foo g0 = new Foo();
+ g0.x = p0;
+ g0.y = p0;
+ }
+ static public void m3_( Foo p0 ) {
+ Foo g0 = new Foo();
+ p0.x = g0;
+ p0.y = g0;
+ }
+ static public void m4_( Foo p0 ) {
+ p0.x = p0;
+ }
+ static public void m5_( Foo p0 ) {
+ Foo g0 = new Foo();
+ p0.x = g0;
+ g0.x = p0;
+ }
+ static public void m6_( Foo p0, Foo p1 ) {
+ Foo g0 = new Foo();
+ Foo g1 = new Foo();
+ Foo g2 = new Foo();
+ Foo g3 = new Foo();
+ g0.x = p0;
+ p0.x = g1;
+ g2.x = p1;
+ p1.x = g3;
+ p0.y = p1;
+ }
+ static public void m7_( Foo p0, Foo p1 ) {
+ Foo g0 = new Foo();
+ Foo g1 = new Foo();
+ Foo g2 = new Foo();
+ Foo g3 = new Foo();
+ g0.x = p0;
+ p0.x = g1;
+ g2.x = p1;
+ p1.x = g3;
+ p0.y = p1;
+ p0.z = p1;
+ }
+ static public void m8_( Foo p0, Foo p1 ) {
+ Foo g0 = new Foo();
+ Foo g1 = new Foo();
+ Foo g2 = new Foo();
+ Foo g3 = new Foo();
+ g0.x = p0;
+ p0.x = g1;
+ g2.x = p1;
+ p1.x = g3;
+ p0.y = p1;
+ p1.y = p0;
+ }
task forMethod( Foo p0{ f } ) {
Foo a0;
taskexit( p0{ !f } );
taskexit( p0{ !f } );
+task methodTest01_( Foo p0{ f }, Foo p1{ f } ) {
+ Foo a0before = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a0after = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo.m1_( a0after );
+ taskexit( p0{ !f }, p1{ !f } );
+task methodTest02_( Foo p0{ f }, Foo p1{ f } ) {
+ Foo a0before = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a0after = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo.m2_( a0after );
+ taskexit( p0{ !f }, p1{ !f } );
+task methodTest03_( Foo p0{ f }, Foo p1{ f } ) {
+ Foo a0before = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a0after = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo.m3_( a0after );
+ taskexit( p0{ !f }, p1{ !f } );
+task methodTest04_( Foo p0{ f }, Foo p1{ f } ) {
+ Foo a0before = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a0after = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo.m4_( a0after );
+ taskexit( p0{ !f }, p1{ !f } );
+task methodTest05_( Foo p0{ f }, Foo p1{ f } ) {
+ Foo a0before = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a0after = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo.m5_( a0after );
+ taskexit( p0{ !f }, p1{ !f } );
+task methodTest06_( Foo p0{ f }, Foo p1{ f } ) {
+ Foo a0before = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a0after = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a1before = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a1before.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a1before.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a1after = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a1after.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a1after.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo.m6_( a0after, a1after );
+ taskexit( p0{ !f }, p1{ !f } );
+task methodTest07_( Foo p0{ f }, Foo p1{ f } ) {
+ Foo a0before = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a0after = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a1before = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a1before.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a1before.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a1after = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a1after.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a1after.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo.m7_( a0after, a1after );
+ taskexit( p0{ !f }, p1{ !f } );
+task methodTest08_( Foo p0{ f }, Foo p1{ f } ) {
+ Foo a0before = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0before.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a0after = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a0after.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a1before = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a1before.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a1before.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo a1after = new Foo();
+ if( false ) {
+ a1after.x = new Foo();
+ } else {
+ a1after.x = new Foo();
+ }
+ Foo.m8_( a0after, a1after );
+ taskexit( p0{ !f }, p1{ !f } );