import Analysis.Locality.LocalityBinding;
import Analysis.Locality.DiscoverConflicts;
import Analysis.Locality.DelayComputation;
+import Analysis.Locality.BranchAnalysis;
import Analysis.CallGraph.CallGraph;
import Analysis.Prefetch.*;
import Analysis.Loops.WriteBarrier;
Hashtable<FlatAtomicEnterNode, AtomicRecord> atomicmethodmap;
static int atomicmethodcount=0;
+ BranchAnalysis branchanalysis;
private void generateFlatMethod(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, PrintWriter output) {
if (State.PRINTFLAT)
ParamsObject objectparams=(ParamsObject)paramstable.get(lb!=null ? lb : md!=null ? md : task);
HashSet<AtomicRecord> arset=null;
+ branchanalysis=null;
if (state.DELAYCOMP&&!lb.isAtomic()&&lb.getHasAtomic()) {
//create map
arset=new HashSet<AtomicRecord>();
+ //build branchanalysis
+ branchanalysis=new BranchAnalysis(locality, lb, delaycomp.getNotReady(lb), delaycomp.livecode(lb), state);
//Generate commit methods here
for(Iterator<FlatNode> fnit=fm.getNodeSet().iterator();fnit.hasNext();) {
PrintWriter output, boolean firstpass) {
/* Assign labels to FlatNode's if necessary.*/
- Hashtable<FlatNode, Integer> nodetolabel=assignLabels(first, stopset);
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, Integer> nodetolabel;
+ if (state.DELAYCOMP&&!firstpass)
+ nodetolabel=dcassignLabels(first, stopset);
+ else
+ nodetolabel=assignLabels(first, stopset);
Set<FlatNode> storeset=null;
HashSet<FlatNode> genset=null;
HashSet<FlatNode> refset=null;
generateFlatCondBranch(fm, lb, (FlatCondBranch)current_node, "L"+nodetolabel.get(current_node.getNext(1)), output);
} else if (storeset.contains(current_node)) {
//need to do branch
- output.println("RESTOREANDBRANCH(L"+nodetolabel.get(current_node.getNext(1))+"); /* "+current_node.nodeid+" */");
+ branchanalysis.generateGroupCode(current_node, output, nodetolabel);
} else {
//which side to execute
+ /** Special label assignment for delaycomputation */
+ protected Hashtable<FlatNode, Integer> dcassignLabels(FlatNode first, Set<FlatNode> lastset) {
+ HashSet tovisit=new HashSet();
+ HashSet visited=new HashSet();
+ int labelindex=0;
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, Integer> nodetolabel=new Hashtable<FlatNode, Integer>();
+ //Label targets of branches
+ Set<FlatNode> targets=branchanalysis.getTargets();
+ for(Iterator<FlatNode> it=targets.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
+ nodetolabel.put(, new Integer(labelindex++));
+ }
+ tovisit.add(first);
+ /*Assign labels first. A node needs a label if the previous
+ * node has two exits or this node is a join point. */
+ while(!tovisit.isEmpty()) {
+ FlatNode fn=(FlatNode)tovisit.iterator().next();
+ tovisit.remove(fn);
+ visited.add(fn);
+ if(lastset!=null&&lastset.contains(fn)) {
+ // if last is not null and matches, don't go
+ // any further for assigning labels
+ continue;
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i<fn.numNext(); i++) {
+ FlatNode nn=fn.getNext(i);
+ if(i>0) {
+ //1) Edge >1 of node
+ nodetolabel.put(nn,new Integer(labelindex++));
+ }
+ if (!visited.contains(nn)&&!tovisit.contains(nn)) {
+ tovisit.add(nn);
+ } else {
+ //2) Join point
+ nodetolabel.put(nn,new Integer(labelindex++));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return nodetolabel;
+ }
- /** This method assigns labels to FlatNodes */
protected Hashtable<FlatNode, Integer> assignLabels(FlatNode first) {
return assignLabels(first, null);
type=elementtype.getSafeSymbol()+" ";
if (this.state.ARRAYBOUNDARYCHECK && fen.needsBoundsCheck()) {
- output.println("if ("+generateTemp(fm, fen.getIndex(),lb)+"< 0 | "+generateTemp(fm, fen.getIndex(),lb)+" >= "+generateTemp(fm,fen.getSrc(),lb) + "->___length___)");
+ output.println("if (((unsigned int)"+generateTemp(fm, fen.getIndex(),lb)+") >= "+generateTemp(fm,fen.getSrc(),lb) + "->___length___)");
if (state.SINGLETM) {
type=elementtype.getSafeSymbol()+" ";
if (this.state.ARRAYBOUNDARYCHECK && fsen.needsBoundsCheck()) {
- output.println("if ("+generateTemp(fm, fsen.getIndex(),lb)+"< 0 | "+generateTemp(fm, fsen.getIndex(),lb)+" >= "+generateTemp(fm,fsen.getDst(),lb) + "->___length___)");
+ output.println("if (((unsigned int)"+generateTemp(fm, fsen.getIndex(),lb)+") >= "+generateTemp(fm,fsen.getDst(),lb) + "->___length___)");
if (state.SINGLETM && locality.getAtomic(lb).get(fsen).intValue()>0) {
//Transaction set element case
- if (!state.STMARRAY&&wb.needBarrier(fsen)&&
+ if (wb.needBarrier(fsen)&&
locality.getNodePreTempInfo(lb, fsen).get(fsen.getDst())!=LocalityAnalysis.SCRATCH) {
output.println("*((unsigned int *)&("+generateTemp(fm,fsen.getDst(),lb)+"->___objstatus___))|=DIRTY;");
protected void generateStoreFlatCondBranch(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatCondBranch fcb, String label, PrintWriter output) {
- output.println("STOREANDBRANCH(!"+generateTemp(fm, fcb.getTest(),lb)+", "+label+"); /* "+fcb.nodeid+" */");
+ int left=-1;
+ int right=-1;
+ //only record if this group has more than one exit
+ if (branchanalysis.numJumps(fcb)>1) {
+ left=branchanalysis.jumpValue(fcb, 0);
+ right=branchanalysis.jumpValue(fcb, 1);
+ }
+ output.println("if (!"+generateTemp(fm, fcb.getTest(),lb)+") {");
+ if (right!=-1)
+ output.println("STOREBRANCH("+right+");");
+ output.println("goto "+label+";");
+ output.println("}");
+ if (left!=-1)
+ output.println("STOREBRANCH("+left+");");
protected void generateFlatCondBranch(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatCondBranch fcb, String label, PrintWriter output) {