// Determine if this scalar needs quotes.
static bool mustQuote(StringRef) { return true; }
+Block Scalars
+YAML block scalars are string literals that are represented in YAML using the
+literal block notation, just like the example shown below:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ text: |
+ First line
+ Second line
+The YAML I/O library provides support for translating between YAML block scalars
+and specific C++ types by allowing you to specialize BlockScalarTraits<> on
+your data type. The library doesn't provide any built-in support for block
+scalar I/O for types like std::string and llvm::StringRef as they are already
+supported by YAML I/O and use the ordinary scalar notation by default.
+BlockScalarTraits specializations are very similar to the
+ScalarTraits specialization - YAML I/O will provide the native type and your
+specialization must create a temporary llvm::StringRef when writing, and
+it will also provide an llvm::StringRef that has the value of that block scalar
+and your specialization must convert that to your native data type when reading.
+An example of a custom type with an appropriate specialization of
+BlockScalarTraits is shown below:
+.. code-block:: c++
+ using llvm::yaml::BlockScalarTraits;
+ using llvm::yaml::IO;
+ struct MyStringType {
+ std::string Str;
+ };
+ template <>
+ struct BlockScalarTraits<MyStringType> {
+ static void output(const MyStringType &Value, void *Ctxt,
+ llvm::raw_ostream &OS) {
+ OS << Value.Str;
+ }
+ static StringRef input(StringRef Scalar, void *Ctxt,
+ MyStringType &Value) {
+ Value.Str = Scalar.str();
+ return StringRef();
+ }
+ };
+/// This class should be specialized by type that requires custom conversion
+/// to/from a YAML literal block scalar. For example:
+/// template <>
+/// struct BlockScalarTraits<MyType> {
+/// static void output(const MyType &Value, void*, llvm::raw_ostream &Out)
+/// {
+/// // stream out custom formatting
+/// Out << Val;
+/// }
+/// static StringRef input(StringRef Scalar, void*, MyType &Value) {
+/// // parse scalar and set `value`
+/// // return empty string on success, or error string
+/// return StringRef();
+/// }
+/// };
+template <typename T>
+struct BlockScalarTraits {
+ // Must provide:
+ //
+ // Function to write the value as a string:
+ // static void output(const T &Value, void *ctx, llvm::raw_ostream &Out);
+ //
+ // Function to convert a string to a value. Returns the empty
+ // StringRef on success or an error string if string is malformed:
+ // static StringRef input(StringRef Scalar, void *ctxt, T &Value);
/// This class should be specialized by any type that needs to be converted
/// to/from a YAML sequence. For example:
+// Test if BlockScalarTraits<T> is defined on type T.
+template <class T>
+struct has_BlockScalarTraits
+ typedef StringRef (*Signature_input)(StringRef, void *, T &);
+ typedef void (*Signature_output)(const T &, void *, llvm::raw_ostream &);
+ template <typename U>
+ static char test(SameType<Signature_input, &U::input> *,
+ SameType<Signature_output, &U::output> *);
+ template <typename U>
+ static double test(...);
+ static bool const value =
+ (sizeof(test<BlockScalarTraits<T>>(nullptr, nullptr)) == 1);
// Test if MappingTraits<T> is defined on type T.
template <class T>
struct has_MappingTraits
&& !has_ScalarBitSetTraits<T>::value
&& !has_ScalarTraits<T>::value
+ && !has_BlockScalarTraits<T>::value
&& !has_MappingTraits<T>::value
&& !has_SequenceTraits<T>::value
&& !has_DocumentListTraits<T>::value > {};
virtual void endBitSetScalar() = 0;
virtual void scalarString(StringRef &, bool) = 0;
+ virtual void blockScalarString(StringRef &) = 0;
virtual void setError(const Twine &) = 0;
+template <typename T>
+typename std::enable_if<has_BlockScalarTraits<T>::value, void>::type
+yamlize(IO &YamlIO, T &Val, bool) {
+ if (YamlIO.outputting()) {
+ std::string Storage;
+ llvm::raw_string_ostream Buffer(Storage);
+ BlockScalarTraits<T>::output(Val, YamlIO.getContext(), Buffer);
+ StringRef Str = Buffer.str();
+ YamlIO.blockScalarString(Str);
+ } else {
+ StringRef Str;
+ YamlIO.blockScalarString(Str);
+ StringRef Result =
+ BlockScalarTraits<T>::input(Str, YamlIO.getContext(), Val);
+ if (!Result.empty())
+ YamlIO.setError(llvm::Twine(Result));
+ }
template<typename T>
typename std::enable_if<validatedMappingTraits<T>::value, void>::type
bool bitSetMatch(const char *, bool ) override;
void endBitSetScalar() override;
void scalarString(StringRef &, bool) override;
+ void blockScalarString(StringRef &) override;
void setError(const Twine &message) override;
bool canElideEmptySequence() override;
StringRef value() const { return _value; }
static inline bool classof(const HNode *n) {
- return ScalarNode::classof(n->_node);
+ return ScalarNode::classof(n->_node) ||
+ BlockScalarNode::classof(n->_node);
static inline bool classof(const ScalarHNode *) { return true; }
bool bitSetMatch(const char *, bool ) override;
void endBitSetScalar() override;
void scalarString(StringRef &, bool) override;
+ void blockScalarString(StringRef &) override;
void setError(const Twine &message) override;
bool canElideEmptySequence() override;
return yin;
+// Define non-member operator>> so that Input can stream in a block scalar.
+template <typename T>
+typename std::enable_if<has_BlockScalarTraits<T>::value, Input &>::type
+operator>>(Input &In, T &Val) {
+ if (In.setCurrentDocument())
+ yamlize(In, Val, true);
+ return In;
// Provide better error message about types missing a trait specialization
template <typename T>
return yout;
+// Define non-member operator<< so that Output can stream out a block scalar.
+template <typename T>
+typename std::enable_if<has_BlockScalarTraits<T>::value, Output &>::type
+operator<<(Output &Out, T &Val) {
+ Out.beginDocuments();
+ if (Out.preflightDocument(0)) {
+ yamlize(Out, Val, true);
+ Out.postflightDocument();
+ }
+ Out.endDocuments();
+ return Out;
// Provide better error message about types missing a trait specialization
template <typename T>
#include "llvm/Support/Errc.h"
#include "llvm/Support/ErrorHandling.h"
#include "llvm/Support/Format.h"
+#include "llvm/Support/LineIterator.h"
#include "llvm/Support/YAMLParser.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cctype>
+void Input::blockScalarString(StringRef &S) { scalarString(S, false); }
void Input::setError(HNode *hnode, const Twine &message) {
assert(hnode && "HNode must not be NULL");
this->setError(hnode->_node, message);
KeyStr = StringRef(Buf, Len);
return llvm::make_unique<ScalarHNode>(N, KeyStr);
+ } else if (BlockScalarNode *BSN = dyn_cast<BlockScalarNode>(N)) {
+ StringRef Value = BSN->getValue();
+ char *Buf = StringAllocator.Allocate<char>(Value.size());
+ memcpy(Buf, Value.data(), Value.size());
+ return llvm::make_unique<ScalarHNode>(N, StringRef(Buf, Value.size()));
} else if (SequenceNode *SQ = dyn_cast<SequenceNode>(N)) {
auto SQHNode = llvm::make_unique<SequenceHNode>(N);
for (Node &SN : *SQ) {
this->outputUpToEndOfLine("'"); // Ending single quote.
+void Output::blockScalarString(StringRef &S) {
+ if (!StateStack.empty())
+ newLineCheck();
+ output(" |");
+ outputNewLine();
+ unsigned Indent = StateStack.empty() ? 1 : StateStack.size();
+ auto Buffer = MemoryBuffer::getMemBuffer(S, "", false);
+ for (line_iterator Lines(*Buffer, false); !Lines.is_at_end(); ++Lines) {
+ for (unsigned I = 0; I < Indent; ++I) {
+ output(" ");
+ }
+ output(*Lines);
+ outputNewLine();
+ }
void Output::setError(const Twine &message) {
+// Test BlockScalarTraits
+struct MultilineStringType {
+ std::string str;
+struct MultilineStringTypeMap {
+ MultilineStringType name;
+ MultilineStringType description;
+ MultilineStringType ingredients;
+ MultilineStringType recipes;
+ MultilineStringType warningLabels;
+ MultilineStringType documentation;
+ int price;
+namespace llvm {
+namespace yaml {
+ template <>
+ struct MappingTraits<MultilineStringTypeMap> {
+ static void mapping(IO &io, MultilineStringTypeMap& s) {
+ io.mapRequired("name", s.name);
+ io.mapRequired("description", s.description);
+ io.mapRequired("ingredients", s.ingredients);
+ io.mapRequired("recipes", s.recipes);
+ io.mapRequired("warningLabels", s.warningLabels);
+ io.mapRequired("documentation", s.documentation);
+ io.mapRequired("price", s.price);
+ }
+ };
+ // MultilineStringType is formatted as a yaml block literal scalar. A value of
+ // "Hello\nWorld" would be represented in yaml as
+ // |
+ // Hello
+ // World
+ template <>
+ struct BlockScalarTraits<MultilineStringType> {
+ static void output(const MultilineStringType &value, void *ctxt,
+ llvm::raw_ostream &out) {
+ out << value.str;
+ }
+ static StringRef input(StringRef scalar, void *ctxt,
+ MultilineStringType &value) {
+ value.str = scalar.str();
+ return StringRef();
+ }
+ };
+// Test writing then reading back custom values
+TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteMultilineStringType) {
+ std::string intermediate;
+ {
+ MultilineStringTypeMap map;
+ map.name.str = "An Item";
+ map.description.str = "Hello\nWorld";
+ map.ingredients.str = "SubItem 1\nSub Item 2\n\nSub Item 3\n";
+ map.recipes.str = "\n\nTest 1\n\n\n";
+ map.warningLabels.str = "";
+ map.documentation.str = "\n\n";
+ map.price = 350;
+ llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate);
+ Output yout(ostr);
+ yout << map;
+ }
+ {
+ Input yin(intermediate);
+ MultilineStringTypeMap map2;
+ yin >> map2;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error());
+ EXPECT_EQ(map2.name.str, "An Item\n");
+ EXPECT_EQ(map2.description.str, "Hello\nWorld\n");
+ EXPECT_EQ(map2.ingredients.str, "SubItem 1\nSub Item 2\n\nSub Item 3\n");
+ EXPECT_EQ(map2.recipes.str, "\n\nTest 1\n");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(map2.warningLabels.str.empty());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(map2.documentation.str.empty());
+ EXPECT_EQ(map2.price, 350);
+ }
+// Test writing then reading back custom values
+TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteBlockScalarDocuments) {
+ std::string intermediate;
+ {
+ std::vector<MultilineStringType> documents;
+ MultilineStringType doc;
+ doc.str = "Hello\nWorld";
+ documents.push_back(doc);
+ llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate);
+ Output yout(ostr);
+ yout << documents;
+ // Verify that the block scalar header was written out on the same line
+ // as the document marker.
+ EXPECT_NE(llvm::StringRef::npos, llvm::StringRef(ostr.str()).find("--- |"));
+ }
+ {
+ Input yin(intermediate);
+ std::vector<MultilineStringType> documents2;
+ yin >> documents2;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error());
+ EXPECT_EQ(documents2.size(), size_t(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(documents2[0].str, "Hello\nWorld\n");
+ }
+TEST(YAMLIO, TestReadWriteBlockScalarValue) {
+ std::string intermediate;
+ {
+ MultilineStringType doc;
+ doc.str = "Just a block\nscalar doc";
+ llvm::raw_string_ostream ostr(intermediate);
+ Output yout(ostr);
+ yout << doc;
+ }
+ {
+ Input yin(intermediate);
+ MultilineStringType doc;
+ yin >> doc;
+ EXPECT_FALSE(yin.error());
+ EXPECT_EQ(doc.str, "Just a block\nscalar doc\n");
+ }
// Test flow sequences