) {
System.out.println("!!! Stopping analysis after debug snap captures. !!!");
- System.exit(0);
+ System.exit(-1);
true, // write labels (variables)
false, //true, // selectively hide intermediate temp vars
- false, //true, // prune unreachable heap regions
+ true, // prune unreachable heap regions
true, // hide reachability altogether
true, // hide subset reachability states
true, // hide predicates
FlatCall fc = (FlatCall) me.getKey();
ReachGraph rgContrib = (ReachGraph) me.getValue();
- assert fc.getMethod().equals(d);
+ // note that "fc.getMethod()" like (Object.toString)
+ // might not be equal to "d" like (String.toString)
+ // because the mapping gets set up when we resolve
+ // virtual dispatch
FlatMethod fmCallee = state.getMethodFlat(mdCallee);
- // all this jimma jamma to debug call sites is WELL WORTH the
- // effort, so so so many bugs or buggy info appears through call
- // sites
- boolean debugCallSite = false;
- if( state.DISJOINTDEBUGCALLEE != null &&
- state.DISJOINTDEBUGCALLER != null ) {
- boolean debugCalleeMatches = false;
- boolean debugCallerMatches = false;
- ClassDescriptor cdCallee = mdCallee.getClassDesc();
- if( cdCallee != null ) {
- debugCalleeMatches =
- state.DISJOINTDEBUGCALLEE.equals( cdCallee.getSymbol()+
- "."+
- mdCallee.getSymbol()
- );
- }
- if( mdCaller instanceof MethodDescriptor ) {
- ClassDescriptor cdCaller = ((MethodDescriptor)mdCaller).getClassDesc();
- if( cdCaller != null ) {
- debugCallerMatches =
- state.DISJOINTDEBUGCALLER.equals( cdCaller.getSymbol()+
- "."+
- mdCaller.getSymbol()
- );
- }
- } else {
- // for bristlecone style tasks
- debugCallerMatches =
- state.DISJOINTDEBUGCALLER.equals( mdCaller.getSymbol() );
- }
- debugCallSite = debugCalleeMatches && debugCallerMatches;
- }
- boolean writeDebugDOTs = false;
- boolean stopAfter = false;
- if( debugCallSite ) {
- ++ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitCounter;
- System.out.println(" $$$ Debug call site visit "+
- ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitCounter+
- " $$$"
- );
- if(
- (ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitCounter >=
- ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitStartCapture) &&
- (ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitCounter <
- ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitStartCapture +
- ReachGraph.debugCallSiteNumVisitsToCapture)
- ) {
- writeDebugDOTs = true;
- System.out.println(" $$$ Capturing this call site visit $$$");
- if( ReachGraph.debugCallSiteStopAfter &&
- (ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitCounter ==
- ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitStartCapture +
- ReachGraph.debugCallSiteNumVisitsToCapture - 1)
- ) {
- stopAfter = true;
- }
- }
- }
- // calculate the heap this call site can reach--note this is
- // not used for the current call site transform, we are
- // grabbing this heap model for future analysis of the callees,
- // so if different results emerge we will return to this site
- ReachGraph heapForThisCall_old =
- getIHMcontribution(mdCallee, fc);
- // the computation of the callee-reachable heap
- // is useful for making the callee starting point
- // and for applying the call site transfer function
- Set<Integer> callerNodeIDsCopiedToCallee =
- new HashSet<Integer>();
- ReachGraph heapForThisCall_cur =
- rg.makeCalleeView(fc,
- fmCallee,
- callerNodeIDsCopiedToCallee,
- writeDebugDOTs
- );
- // enforce that a call site contribution can only
- // monotonically increase
- heapForThisCall_cur.merge(heapForThisCall_old);
- if( !heapForThisCall_cur.equals(heapForThisCall_old) ) {
- // if heap at call site changed, update the contribution,
- // and reschedule the callee for analysis
- addIHMcontribution(mdCallee, fc, heapForThisCall_cur);
- // map a FlatCall to its enclosing method/task descriptor
- // so we can write that info out later
- fc2enclosing.put(fc, mdCaller);
- System.out.println(" context changed, scheduling callee: "+mdCallee);
- }
- calleesToEnqueue.add(mdCallee);
- } else {
- enqueue(mdCallee);
- }
- }
// the transformation for a call site should update the
// current heap abstraction with any effects from the callee,
// or if the method is virtual, the effects from any possible
+ DebugCallSiteData dcsd = new DebugCallSiteData();
ReachGraph rgMergeOfPossibleCallers = new ReachGraph();
Iterator<MethodDescriptor> mdItr = setPossibleCallees.iterator();
while( mdItr.hasNext() ) {
MethodDescriptor mdPossible =;
addDependent(mdPossible, // callee
d); // caller
+ // decide for each possible resolution of the method whether we
+ // want to debug this call site
+ decideDebugCallSite( dcsd, mdCaller, mdPossible );
+ // calculate the heap this call site can reach--note this is
+ // not used for the current call site transform, we are
+ // grabbing this heap model for future analysis of the callees,
+ // so if different results emerge we will return to this site
+ ReachGraph heapForThisCall_old =
+ getIHMcontribution(mdPossible, fc);
+ // the computation of the callee-reachable heap
+ // is useful for making the callee starting point
+ // and for applying the call site transfer function
+ Set<Integer> callerNodeIDsCopiedToCallee =
+ new HashSet<Integer>();
+ ReachGraph heapForThisCall_cur =
+ rg.makeCalleeView(fc,
+ fmPossible,
+ callerNodeIDsCopiedToCallee,
+ dcsd.writeDebugDOTs
+ );
+ // enforce that a call site contribution can only
+ // monotonically increase
+ heapForThisCall_cur.merge(heapForThisCall_old);
+ if( !heapForThisCall_cur.equals(heapForThisCall_old) ) {
+ // if heap at call site changed, update the contribution,
+ // and reschedule the callee for analysis
+ addIHMcontribution(mdPossible, fc, heapForThisCall_cur);
+ // map a FlatCall to its enclosing method/task descriptor
+ // so we can write that info out later
+ fc2enclosing.put(fc, mdCaller);
+ System.out.println(" context changed, scheduling callee: "+mdPossible);
+ }
+ calleesToEnqueue.add(mdPossible);
+ } else {
+ enqueue(mdPossible);
+ }
+ }
// don't alter the working graph (rg) until we compute a
// result for every possible callee, merge them all together,
// then set rg to that
System.out.println(" callee hasn't been analyzed, scheduling: "+mdPossible);
} else {
// calculate the method call transform
- writeDebugDOTs
+ dcsd.writeDebugDOTs
if( doEffectsAnalysis && fmContaining != fmAnalysisEntry ) {
-// if( !rgPossibleCallee.isAccessible( ReachGraph.tdReturn ) ) {
if( !accessible.isAccessible(fn, ReachGraph.tdReturn) ) {
rgPossibleCaller.makeInaccessible(fc.getReturnTemp() );
- if( stopAfter ) {
- System.out.println("$$$ Exiting after requested captures of call site. $$$");
- System.exit(0);
- }
+ statusDebugCallSite( dcsd );
// now that we've taken care of building heap models for
return fn2rgAtEnter.get(fn);
+ protected class DebugCallSiteData {
+ public boolean debugCallSite;
+ public boolean didOneDebug;
+ public boolean writeDebugDOTs;
+ public boolean stopAfter;
+ public DebugCallSiteData() {
+ debugCallSite = false;
+ didOneDebug = false;
+ writeDebugDOTs = false;
+ stopAfter = false;
+ }
+ }
+ protected void decideDebugCallSite( DebugCallSiteData dcsd,
+ Descriptor taskOrMethodCaller,
+ MethodDescriptor mdCallee ) {
+ // all this jimma jamma to debug call sites is WELL WORTH the
+ // effort, so so so many bugs or buggy info appears through call
+ // sites
+ if( state.DISJOINTDEBUGCALLEE == null ||
+ state.DISJOINTDEBUGCALLER == null ) {
+ return;
+ }
+ boolean debugCalleeMatches = false;
+ boolean debugCallerMatches = false;
+ ClassDescriptor cdCallee = mdCallee.getClassDesc();
+ if( cdCallee != null ) {
+ debugCalleeMatches =
+ state.DISJOINTDEBUGCALLEE.equals( cdCallee.getSymbol()+
+ "."+
+ mdCallee.getSymbol()
+ );
+ }
+ if( taskOrMethodCaller instanceof MethodDescriptor ) {
+ ClassDescriptor cdCaller = ((MethodDescriptor)taskOrMethodCaller).getClassDesc();
+ if( cdCaller != null ) {
+ debugCallerMatches =
+ state.DISJOINTDEBUGCALLER.equals( cdCaller.getSymbol()+
+ "."+
+ taskOrMethodCaller.getSymbol()
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // for bristlecone style tasks
+ debugCallerMatches =
+ state.DISJOINTDEBUGCALLER.equals( taskOrMethodCaller.getSymbol() );
+ }
+ dcsd.debugCallSite = debugCalleeMatches && debugCallerMatches;
+ dcsd.writeDebugDOTs = dcsd.debugCallSite;
+ if( dcsd.debugCallSite ) {
+ dcsd.didOneDebug = true;
+ System.out.println( " --> Debugging "+taskOrMethodCaller+" calling "+mdCallee );
+ }
+ }
+ protected void statusDebugCallSite( DebugCallSiteData dcsd ) {
+ dcsd.writeDebugDOTs = false;
+ dcsd.stopAfter = false;
+ if( dcsd.didOneDebug ) {
+ ++ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitCounter;
+ System.out.println(" $$$ Debug call site visit "+
+ ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitCounter+
+ " $$$"
+ );
+ if(
+ (ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitCounter >=
+ ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitStartCapture) &&
+ (ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitCounter <
+ ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitStartCapture +
+ ReachGraph.debugCallSiteNumVisitsToCapture)
+ ) {
+ dcsd.writeDebugDOTs = true;
+ System.out.println(" $$$ Capturing this call site visit $$$");
+ if( ReachGraph.debugCallSiteStopAfter &&
+ (ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitCounter ==
+ ReachGraph.debugCallSiteVisitStartCapture +
+ ReachGraph.debugCallSiteNumVisitsToCapture - 1)
+ ) {
+ dcsd.stopAfter = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( dcsd.stopAfter ) {
+ System.out.println("$$$ Exiting after requested captures of call site. $$$");
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
// get successive captures of the analysis state, use compiler
// flags to control
boolean takeDebugSnapshots = false;