<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_int_split.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_int_striped.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_bronsonavltree.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_cuckoo.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_ellentree.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_michael.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_refinable.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_skip.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_split.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_striped.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_string.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_string_bronsonavltree.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_string_cuckoo.cpp" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_func.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_int.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_int.h" />\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_string.h" />\r
<PropertyGroup Label="Globals">\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_int_striped.cpp">\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_bronsonavltree.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>map_insdel_item_string</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_cuckoo.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>map_insdel_item_string</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_ellentree.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>map_insdel_item_string</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_michael.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>map_insdel_item_string</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_refinable.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>map_insdel_item_string</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_skip.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>map_insdel_item_string</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_split.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>map_insdel_item_string</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string_striped.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>map_insdel_item_string</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
<Filter Include="map_insdel_func">\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_int.h">\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\tests\unit\map2\map_insdel_item_string.h">\r
+ <Filter>map_insdel_item_string</Filter>\r
+ </ClInclude>\r
\ No newline at end of file
tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_item_int_striped.cpp \
tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_item_int_refinable.cpp \
tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_item_int_cuckoo.cpp \
+ tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_item_string.cpp \
+ tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_item_string_michael.cpp \
+ tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_item_string_split.cpp \
+ tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_item_string_skip.cpp \
+ tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_item_string_ellentree.cpp \
+ tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_item_string_bronsonavltree.cpp \
+ tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_item_string_striped.cpp \
+ tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_item_string_refinable.cpp \
+ tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_item_string_cuckoo.cpp \
tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_string.cpp \
tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_string_michael.cpp \
tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_string_split.cpp \
tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_string_refinable.cpp \
tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_string_cuckoo.cpp \
tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_string_std.cpp \
- tests/unit/map2/map_insdel_item_string.cpp \
tests/unit/map2/map_insdelfind.cpp \
tests/unit/map2/map_insdelfind_michael.cpp \
tests/unit/map2/map_insdelfind_split.cpp \
virtual void myRun(const char *in_name, bool invert = false);
# include "map2/map_defs.h"
-#include "map2/map_types.h"
-#include "cppunit/thread.h"
-#include <vector>
+#include "map2/map_insdel_item_string.h"
namespace map2 {
-# define TEST_MAP(X) void X() { test<MapTypes<key_type, value_type>::X >() ; }
-# define TEST_MAP_NOLF(X) void X() { test_nolf<MapTypes<key_type, value_type>::X >() ; }
+ size_t Map_InsDel_Item_string::c_nMapSize = 1000000;
+ size_t Map_InsDel_Item_string::c_nThreadCount = 4;
+ size_t Map_InsDel_Item_string::c_nGoalItem = c_nMapSize / 2;
+ size_t Map_InsDel_Item_string::c_nAttemptCount = 100000;
+ size_t Map_InsDel_Item_string::c_nMaxLoadFactor = 8;
+ bool Map_InsDel_Item_string::c_bPrintGCState = true;
- namespace {
- static size_t c_nMapSize = 1000000 ; // map size
- static size_t c_nThreadCount = 4 ; // thread count
- static size_t c_nGoalItem = c_nMapSize / 2;
- static size_t c_nAttemptCount = 100000 ; // count of SUCCESS insert/delete for each thread
- static size_t c_nMaxLoadFactor = 8 ; // maximum load factor
- static bool c_bPrintGCState = true;
+ void Map_InsDel_Item_string::setUpParams( const CppUnitMini::TestCfg& cfg )
+ {
+ c_nThreadCount = cfg.getSizeT("ThreadCount", c_nThreadCount );
+ c_nMapSize = cfg.getSizeT("MapSize", c_nMapSize );
+ c_nGoalItem = cfg.getSizeT("GoalItemIndex", c_nGoalItem);
+ c_nAttemptCount = cfg.getSizeT("AttemptCount", c_nAttemptCount );
+ c_nMaxLoadFactor = cfg.getSizeT("MaxLoadFactor", c_nMaxLoadFactor );
+ c_bPrintGCState = cfg.getBool("PrintGCStateFlag", true );
- class Map_InsDel_Item_string: public CppUnitMini::TestCase
+ void Map_InsDel_Item_string::myRun(const char *in_name, bool invert /*= false*/)
- typedef std::string key_type;
- typedef size_t value_type;
- const std::vector<std::string> * m_parrString;
- template <class Map>
- class Inserter: public CppUnitMini::TestThread
- {
- Map& m_Map;
- virtual Inserter * clone()
- {
- return new Inserter( *this );
- }
- public:
- size_t m_nInsertSuccess;
- size_t m_nInsertFailed;
- public:
- Inserter( CppUnitMini::ThreadPool& pool, Map& rMap )
- : CppUnitMini::TestThread( pool )
- , m_Map( rMap )
- {}
- Inserter( Inserter& src )
- : CppUnitMini::TestThread( src )
- , m_Map( src.m_Map )
- {}
- Map_InsDel_Item_string& getTest()
- {
- return reinterpret_cast<Map_InsDel_Item_string&>( m_Pool.m_Test );
- }
- virtual void init() { cds::threading::Manager::attachThread() ; }
- virtual void fini() { cds::threading::Manager::detachThread() ; }
- virtual void test()
- {
- Map& rMap = m_Map;
- m_nInsertSuccess =
- m_nInsertFailed = 0;
- size_t nGoalItem = c_nGoalItem;
- std::string strGoal = (*getTest().m_parrString)[nGoalItem];
- for ( size_t nAttempt = 0; nAttempt < c_nAttemptCount; ) {
- if ( rMap.insert( strGoal, nGoalItem )) {
- ++m_nInsertSuccess;
- ++nAttempt;
- }
- else
- ++m_nInsertFailed;
- }
- }
- };
- template <class Map>
- class Deleter: public CppUnitMini::TestThread
- {
- Map& m_Map;
- struct erase_cleaner {
- void operator ()(std::pair<typename Map::key_type const, typename Map::mapped_type>& val )
- {
- val.second = 0;
- }
- // for boost::container::flat_map
- void operator ()(std::pair< typename std::remove_const< typename Map::key_type >::type, typename Map::mapped_type>& val )
- {
- val.second = 0;
- }
- // for BronsonAVLTreeMap
- void operator()( typename Map::key_type const& /*key*/, typename Map::mapped_type& val )
- {
- val = 0;
- }
- };
- virtual Deleter * clone()
- {
- return new Deleter( *this );
- }
- public:
- size_t m_nDeleteSuccess;
- size_t m_nDeleteFailed;
- public:
- Deleter( CppUnitMini::ThreadPool& pool, Map& rMap )
- : CppUnitMini::TestThread( pool )
- , m_Map( rMap )
- {}
- Deleter( Deleter& src )
- : CppUnitMini::TestThread( src )
- , m_Map( src.m_Map )
- {}
- Map_InsDel_Item_string& getTest()
- {
- return reinterpret_cast<Map_InsDel_Item_string&>( m_Pool.m_Test );
- }
- virtual void init() { cds::threading::Manager::attachThread() ; }
- virtual void fini() { cds::threading::Manager::detachThread() ; }
- virtual void test()
- {
- Map& rMap = m_Map;
- m_nDeleteSuccess =
- m_nDeleteFailed = 0;
- size_t nGoalItem = c_nGoalItem;
- std::string strGoal = (*getTest().m_parrString)[nGoalItem];
- for ( size_t nAttempt = 0; nAttempt < c_nAttemptCount; ) {
- if ( rMap.erase( strGoal, erase_cleaner() )) {
- ++m_nDeleteSuccess;
- ++nAttempt;
- }
- else
- ++m_nDeleteFailed;
- }
- }
- };
- protected:
- template <class Map>
- void do_test( Map& testMap )
- {
- typedef Inserter<Map> InserterThread;
- typedef Deleter<Map> DeleterThread;
- cds::OS::Timer timer;
- // Fill the map
- CPPUNIT_MSG( " Fill map (" << c_nMapSize << " items)...");
- timer.reset();
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < c_nMapSize; ++i ) {
- CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EX( testMap.insert( (*m_parrString)[i], i ), i );
- }
- CPPUNIT_MSG( " Duration=" << timer.duration() );
- CPPUNIT_MSG( " Insert/delete the key " << c_nGoalItem << " (" << c_nAttemptCount << " successful times)...");
- CppUnitMini::ThreadPool pool( *this );
- pool.add( new InserterThread( pool, testMap ), (c_nThreadCount + 1) / 2 );
- pool.add( new DeleterThread( pool, testMap ), (c_nThreadCount + 1) / 2 );
- pool.run();
- CPPUNIT_MSG( " Duration=" << pool.avgDuration() );
- size_t nInsertSuccess = 0;
- size_t nInsertFailed = 0;
- size_t nDeleteSuccess = 0;
- size_t nDeleteFailed = 0;
- for ( CppUnitMini::ThreadPool::iterator it = pool.begin(); it != pool.end(); ++it ) {
- InserterThread * pThread = dynamic_cast<InserterThread *>( *it );
- if ( pThread ) {
- CPPUNIT_CHECK( pThread->m_nInsertSuccess == c_nAttemptCount );
- nInsertSuccess += pThread->m_nInsertSuccess;
- nInsertFailed += pThread->m_nInsertFailed;
- }
- else {
- DeleterThread * p = static_cast<DeleterThread *>( *it );
- CPPUNIT_CHECK( p->m_nDeleteSuccess == c_nAttemptCount );
- nDeleteSuccess += p->m_nDeleteSuccess;
- nDeleteFailed += p->m_nDeleteFailed;
- }
- }
- CPPUNIT_CHECK_EX( nInsertSuccess == nDeleteSuccess, "nInsertSuccess=" << nInsertSuccess << ", nDeleteSuccess=" << nDeleteSuccess );
- CPPUNIT_MSG( " Totals: Ins fail=" << nInsertFailed << " Del fail=" << nDeleteFailed );
- // Check if the map contains all items
- CPPUNIT_MSG( " Check if the map contains all items" );
- timer.reset();
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < c_nMapSize; ++i ) {
- CPPUNIT_CHECK_EX( testMap.find( (*m_parrString)[i] ), "Key \"" << (*m_parrString)[i] << "\" not found" );
- }
- CPPUNIT_MSG( " Duration=" << timer.duration() );
- check_before_cleanup( testMap );
- testMap.clear();
- additional_check( testMap );
- print_stat( testMap );
- additional_cleanup( testMap );
- }
- template <class Map>
- void test()
- {
- m_parrString = &CppUnitMini::TestCase::getTestStrings();
- if ( c_nMapSize > m_parrString->size() )
- c_nMapSize = m_parrString->size();
- if ( c_nGoalItem > m_parrString->size() )
- c_nGoalItem = m_parrString->size() / 2;
- CPPUNIT_MSG( "Thread count= " << c_nThreadCount
- << " pass count=" << c_nAttemptCount
- << " map size=" << c_nMapSize
- );
- for ( size_t nLoadFactor = 1; nLoadFactor <= c_nMaxLoadFactor; nLoadFactor *= 2 ) {
- CPPUNIT_MSG( "Load factor=" << nLoadFactor );
- Map testMap( c_nMapSize, nLoadFactor );
- do_test( testMap );
- if ( c_bPrintGCState )
- print_gc_state();
- }
- }
- template <typename Map>
- void test_nolf()
- {
- m_parrString = &CppUnitMini::TestCase::getTestStrings();
- if ( c_nMapSize > m_parrString->size() )
- c_nMapSize = m_parrString->size();
- if ( c_nGoalItem > m_parrString->size() )
- c_nGoalItem = m_parrString->size() / 2;
- CPPUNIT_MSG( "Thread count= " << c_nThreadCount
- << " pass count=" << c_nAttemptCount
- << " map size=" << c_nMapSize
- );
- Map testMap;
- do_test( testMap );
- if ( c_bPrintGCState )
- print_gc_state();
- }
- void setUpParams( const CppUnitMini::TestCfg& cfg ) {
- c_nThreadCount = cfg.getULong("ThreadCount", 8 ) ; // thread count
- c_nMapSize = cfg.getULong("MapSize", 1000000 );
- c_nGoalItem = cfg.getULong("GoalItemIndex", (unsigned long) (c_nMapSize / 2) );
- c_nAttemptCount = cfg.getULong("AttemptCount", 100000 );
- c_nMaxLoadFactor = cfg.getULong("MaxLoadFactor", 8 );
- c_bPrintGCState = cfg.getBool("PrintGCStateFlag", true );
- }
-# include "map2/map_defs.h"
- CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE( Map_InsDel_Item_string )
- CDSUNIT_TEST_EllenBinTreeMap
- CDSUNIT_TEST_RefinableMap
- //CDSUNIT_TEST_StdMap // very slow!!!
- };
+ setUpParams( m_Cfg.get( "Map_InsDel_Item_string" ));
+ run_MichaelMap(in_name, invert);
+ run_SplitList(in_name, invert);
+ run_SkipListMap(in_name, invert);
+ run_EllenBinTreeMap(in_name, invert);
+ run_BronsonAVLTreeMap(in_name, invert);
+ run_StripedMap(in_name, invert);
+ run_RefinableMap(in_name, invert);
+ run_CuckooMap(in_name, invert);
+ endTestCase();
+ }
} // namespace map2
--- /dev/null
+#include "map2/map_types.h"
+#include "cppunit/thread.h"
+#include <vector>
+namespace map2 {
+# define TEST_MAP(X) void X() { test<MapTypes<key_type, value_type>::X >() ; }
+# define TEST_MAP_NOLF(X) void X() { test_nolf<MapTypes<key_type, value_type>::X >() ; }
+ class Map_InsDel_Item_string: public CppUnitMini::TestCase
+ {
+ static size_t c_nMapSize; // map size
+ static size_t c_nThreadCount; // thread count
+ static size_t c_nGoalItem;
+ static size_t c_nAttemptCount; // count of SUCCESS insert/delete for each thread
+ static size_t c_nMaxLoadFactor;// maximum load factor
+ static bool c_bPrintGCState;
+ typedef CppUnitMini::TestCase Base;
+ typedef std::string key_type;
+ typedef size_t value_type;
+ const std::vector<std::string> * m_parrString;
+ template <class Map>
+ class Inserter: public CppUnitMini::TestThread
+ {
+ Map& m_Map;
+ virtual Inserter * clone()
+ {
+ return new Inserter( *this );
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t m_nInsertSuccess;
+ size_t m_nInsertFailed;
+ public:
+ Inserter( CppUnitMini::ThreadPool& pool, Map& rMap )
+ : CppUnitMini::TestThread( pool )
+ , m_Map( rMap )
+ {}
+ Inserter( Inserter& src )
+ : CppUnitMini::TestThread( src )
+ , m_Map( src.m_Map )
+ {}
+ Map_InsDel_Item_string& getTest()
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<Map_InsDel_Item_string&>( m_Pool.m_Test );
+ }
+ virtual void init() { cds::threading::Manager::attachThread() ; }
+ virtual void fini() { cds::threading::Manager::detachThread() ; }
+ virtual void test()
+ {
+ Map& rMap = m_Map;
+ m_nInsertSuccess =
+ m_nInsertFailed = 0;
+ size_t nGoalItem = c_nGoalItem;
+ std::string strGoal = (*getTest().m_parrString)[nGoalItem];
+ for ( size_t nAttempt = 0; nAttempt < c_nAttemptCount; ) {
+ if ( rMap.insert( strGoal, nGoalItem )) {
+ ++m_nInsertSuccess;
+ ++nAttempt;
+ }
+ else
+ ++m_nInsertFailed;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template <class Map>
+ class Deleter: public CppUnitMini::TestThread
+ {
+ Map& m_Map;
+ struct erase_cleaner {
+ void operator ()(std::pair<typename Map::key_type const, typename Map::mapped_type>& val )
+ {
+ val.second = 0;
+ }
+ // for boost::container::flat_map
+ void operator ()(std::pair< typename std::remove_const< typename Map::key_type >::type, typename Map::mapped_type>& val )
+ {
+ val.second = 0;
+ }
+ // for BronsonAVLTreeMap
+ void operator()( typename Map::key_type const& /*key*/, typename Map::mapped_type& val )
+ {
+ val = 0;
+ }
+ };
+ virtual Deleter * clone()
+ {
+ return new Deleter( *this );
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t m_nDeleteSuccess;
+ size_t m_nDeleteFailed;
+ public:
+ Deleter( CppUnitMini::ThreadPool& pool, Map& rMap )
+ : CppUnitMini::TestThread( pool )
+ , m_Map( rMap )
+ {}
+ Deleter( Deleter& src )
+ : CppUnitMini::TestThread( src )
+ , m_Map( src.m_Map )
+ {}
+ Map_InsDel_Item_string& getTest()
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<Map_InsDel_Item_string&>( m_Pool.m_Test );
+ }
+ virtual void init() { cds::threading::Manager::attachThread() ; }
+ virtual void fini() { cds::threading::Manager::detachThread() ; }
+ virtual void test()
+ {
+ Map& rMap = m_Map;
+ m_nDeleteSuccess =
+ m_nDeleteFailed = 0;
+ size_t nGoalItem = c_nGoalItem;
+ std::string strGoal = (*getTest().m_parrString)[nGoalItem];
+ for ( size_t nAttempt = 0; nAttempt < c_nAttemptCount; ) {
+ if ( rMap.erase( strGoal, erase_cleaner() )) {
+ ++m_nDeleteSuccess;
+ ++nAttempt;
+ }
+ else
+ ++m_nDeleteFailed;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ protected:
+ template <class Map>
+ void do_test( Map& testMap )
+ {
+ typedef Inserter<Map> InserterThread;
+ typedef Deleter<Map> DeleterThread;
+ cds::OS::Timer timer;
+ // Fill the map
+ CPPUNIT_MSG( " Fill map (" << c_nMapSize << " items)...");
+ timer.reset();
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < c_nMapSize; ++i ) {
+ CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EX( testMap.insert( (*m_parrString)[i], i ), i );
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_MSG( " Duration=" << timer.duration() );
+ CPPUNIT_MSG( " Insert/delete the key " << c_nGoalItem << " (" << c_nAttemptCount << " successful times)...");
+ CppUnitMini::ThreadPool pool( *this );
+ pool.add( new InserterThread( pool, testMap ), (c_nThreadCount + 1) / 2 );
+ pool.add( new DeleterThread( pool, testMap ), (c_nThreadCount + 1) / 2 );
+ pool.run();
+ CPPUNIT_MSG( " Duration=" << pool.avgDuration() );
+ size_t nInsertSuccess = 0;
+ size_t nInsertFailed = 0;
+ size_t nDeleteSuccess = 0;
+ size_t nDeleteFailed = 0;
+ for ( CppUnitMini::ThreadPool::iterator it = pool.begin(); it != pool.end(); ++it ) {
+ InserterThread * pThread = dynamic_cast<InserterThread *>( *it );
+ if ( pThread ) {
+ CPPUNIT_CHECK( pThread->m_nInsertSuccess == c_nAttemptCount );
+ nInsertSuccess += pThread->m_nInsertSuccess;
+ nInsertFailed += pThread->m_nInsertFailed;
+ }
+ else {
+ DeleterThread * p = static_cast<DeleterThread *>( *it );
+ CPPUNIT_CHECK( p->m_nDeleteSuccess == c_nAttemptCount );
+ nDeleteSuccess += p->m_nDeleteSuccess;
+ nDeleteFailed += p->m_nDeleteFailed;
+ }
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_CHECK_EX( nInsertSuccess == nDeleteSuccess, "nInsertSuccess=" << nInsertSuccess << ", nDeleteSuccess=" << nDeleteSuccess );
+ CPPUNIT_MSG( " Totals: Ins fail=" << nInsertFailed << " Del fail=" << nDeleteFailed );
+ // Check if the map contains all items
+ CPPUNIT_MSG( " Check if the map contains all items" );
+ timer.reset();
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < c_nMapSize; ++i ) {
+ CPPUNIT_CHECK_EX( testMap.find( (*m_parrString)[i] ), "Key \"" << (*m_parrString)[i] << "\" not found" );
+ }
+ CPPUNIT_MSG( " Duration=" << timer.duration() );
+ check_before_cleanup( testMap );
+ testMap.clear();
+ additional_check( testMap );
+ print_stat( testMap );
+ additional_cleanup( testMap );
+ }
+ template <class Map>
+ void test()
+ {
+ m_parrString = &CppUnitMini::TestCase::getTestStrings();
+ if ( c_nMapSize > m_parrString->size() )
+ c_nMapSize = m_parrString->size();
+ if ( c_nGoalItem > m_parrString->size() )
+ c_nGoalItem = m_parrString->size() / 2;
+ CPPUNIT_MSG( "Thread count= " << c_nThreadCount
+ << " pass count=" << c_nAttemptCount
+ << " map size=" << c_nMapSize
+ );
+ for ( size_t nLoadFactor = 1; nLoadFactor <= c_nMaxLoadFactor; nLoadFactor *= 2 ) {
+ CPPUNIT_MSG( "Load factor=" << nLoadFactor );
+ Map testMap( c_nMapSize, nLoadFactor );
+ do_test( testMap );
+ if ( c_bPrintGCState )
+ print_gc_state();
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Map>
+ void test_nolf()
+ {
+ m_parrString = &CppUnitMini::TestCase::getTestStrings();
+ if ( c_nMapSize > m_parrString->size() )
+ c_nMapSize = m_parrString->size();
+ if ( c_nGoalItem > m_parrString->size() )
+ c_nGoalItem = m_parrString->size() / 2;
+ CPPUNIT_MSG( "Thread count= " << c_nThreadCount
+ << " pass count=" << c_nAttemptCount
+ << " map size=" << c_nMapSize
+ );
+ Map testMap;
+ do_test( testMap );
+ if ( c_bPrintGCState )
+ print_gc_state();
+ }
+ void setUpParams( const CppUnitMini::TestCfg& cfg );
+ void run_MichaelMap(const char *in_name, bool invert = false);
+ void run_SplitList(const char *in_name, bool invert = false);
+ void run_SkipListMap(const char *in_name, bool invert = false);
+ void run_StripedMap(const char *in_name, bool invert = false);
+ void run_RefinableMap(const char *in_name, bool invert = false);
+ void run_CuckooMap(const char *in_name, bool invert = false);
+ void run_EllenBinTreeMap(const char *in_name, bool invert = false);
+ void run_BronsonAVLTreeMap(const char *in_name, bool invert = false);
+ virtual void myRun(const char *in_name, bool invert = false);
+# include "map2/map_defs.h"
+ //CDSUNIT_DECLARE_StdMap // very slow!
+ };
+} // namespace map2
--- /dev/null
+#include "map2/map_insdel_item_string.h"
+namespace map2 {
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_PART( Map_InsDel_Item_string, run_BronsonAVLTreeMap )
+} // namespace map2
--- /dev/null
+#include "map2/map_insdel_item_string.h"
+namespace map2 {
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_PART( Map_InsDel_Item_string, run_CuckooMap )
+} // namespace map2
--- /dev/null
+#include "map2/map_insdel_item_string.h"
+namespace map2 {
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_PART( Map_InsDel_Item_string, run_EllenBinTreeMap )
+ CDSUNIT_TEST_EllenBinTreeMap
+} // namespace map2
--- /dev/null
+#include "map2/map_insdel_item_string.h"
+namespace map2 {
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_PART( Map_InsDel_Item_string, run_MichaelMap )
+} // namespace map2
--- /dev/null
+#include "map2/map_insdel_item_string.h"
+namespace map2 {
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_PART( Map_InsDel_Item_string, run_RefinableMap )
+ CDSUNIT_TEST_RefinableMap
+} // namespace map2
--- /dev/null
+#include "map2/map_insdel_item_string.h"
+namespace map2 {
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_PART( Map_InsDel_Item_string, run_SkipListMap )
+} // namespace map2
--- /dev/null
+#include "map2/map_insdel_item_string.h"
+namespace map2 {
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_PART( Map_InsDel_Item_string, run_SplitList )
+} // namespace map2
--- /dev/null
+#include "map2/map_insdel_item_string.h"
+namespace map2 {
+ CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_PART( Map_InsDel_Item_string, run_StripedMap )
+} // namespace map2