private TreeMap safeexecution;
private static final int OR = 0;
private static final int AND = 1;
- private static final int UNIONFS = 1;
- private static final int NOUNION = 0;
private Hashtable reducedgraph;
private String classname;
private State state;
+ /*Structure that stores a possible optional
+ task which would be safe to execute and
+ the possible flagstates the object could
+ be in before executing the task during an
+ execution without failure*/
public class MyOptional{
public TaskDescriptor td;
public HashSet flagstates;
+ /*Constructor*/
public SafetyAnalysis(Hashtable executiongraph, State state){
this.executiongraph = executiongraph;
this.safeexecution = new TreeMap();
this.state = state;
- public void unMark(Vector nodes){
+ public void unMarkProcessed(Vector nodes){
for(Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode);
+ /*returns a hashset of tags used during the analysis */
+ private HashSet createNodeTags(EGTaskNode tn){
+ HashSet nodetags = new HashSet();
+ String flagstate = tn.getFSName();
+ String word = new String();
+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(flagstate);
+ while (st.hasMoreTokens()){
+ word = st.nextToken();
+ if (word.compareTo("Tag")==0)
+ nodetags.add(st.nextToken());
+ }
+ for(Iterator it = nodetags.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ System.out.println("nodetag :";
+ }
+ return nodetags;
+ }
+ /*finds the the source node in the execution graph*/
+ private EGTaskNode findSourceNode(Vector nodes){
+ for(Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode);
+ if(tn.isSource()){
+ System.out.println("Found Source Node !!");
+ return tn;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /*returns the nodes corresponding to the tasks
+ that can fire with the object in flagstate
+ previousflagstate*/
+ private Vector findEGTaskNode(String previousflagstate, Vector nodes){
+ Vector tns = new Vector();
+ for(Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode);
+ if(tn.getFSName().compareTo(previousflagstate)==0)
+ tns.add(tn);
+ }
+ if(tns.size() == 0)
+ return null;
+ else if (tns.size() > 1){
+ for(Iterator it = tns.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode);
+ tn.setAND();
+ }
+ }
+ return tns;
+ }
+ /*returns the executiongraph corresponding to the classname*/
+ private Vector getConcernedClass( String classname ){
+ Enumeration e = executiongraph.keys();
+ while( e.hasMoreElements() ){
+ ClassDescriptor cd = (ClassDescriptor)e.nextElement();
+ if (classname.compareTo(cd.getSymbol())==0)
+ return (Vector)executiongraph.get(cd);
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+ /*Method used for debugging*/
public void buildPath() throws {
byte[] b = new byte[100] ;
- Vector flagstates = new Vector();
HashSet safetasks = new HashSet();
System.out.println("Enter the Class of the object concerned :");
int k =;
classname = new String(b,0,k-1);
- //classname =new String("Test");
- for (int i = 0 ; i<2 ; i++){
- System.out.println("Enter the possible flagstates :");
+ System.out.println("Enter the flagstate :");
k =;
String previousflagstate = new String(b,0,k-1);
- flagstates.add(previousflagstate);
- }
+ //get the graph result of executiongraph class
Vector nodes = new Vector();
nodes = getConcernedClass( classname );
if(nodes==null) {
System.out.println("Impossible to find "+classname+". Maybe not declared in the source code.");
- HashSet tempnodes = new HashSet();
- for(Iterator it = flagstates.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
- Vector tns = new Vector();
- String flagstate = (String);
- tns = findEGTaskNode(flagstate, nodes);
- if(tns==null) {
- System.out.println("No task corresponding");
- return;
- }
- else{
- tempnodes.add(tns);
- }
- }
+ //mark the graph
EGTaskNode sourcenode = findSourceNode(nodes);
- buildSafeExecutions(sourcenode);
+ doGraphMarking(sourcenode);
+ //get the tasknodes possible to execute with the flagstate before failure
+ HashSet tempnodes = new HashSet();
+ Vector tns = new Vector();
+ tns = findEGTaskNode(previousflagstate, nodes);
+ if(tns==null) {
+ System.out.println("No task corresponding");
+ return;
+ }
- int counter = 0;
- for(Iterator nodesit = tempnodes.iterator(); nodesit.hasNext();){
- Vector tns = (Vector);
- HashSet availabletasks = new HashSet();
- for(Iterator it = tns.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
- counter++;
- unMark(nodes);
- EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode);
- HashSet nodetags = createNodeTags(tn);
- availabletasks = createUnion(determineIfIsSafe(tn, nodetags), availabletasks);
+ //compute the result for all the nodes contained in tns.
+ //return the intersection. (because it is not possible to choose)
+ int counter = 0;
+ HashSet availabletasks = new HashSet();
+ for(Iterator it = tns.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ counter++;
+ unMarkProcessed(nodes);
+ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode);
+ HashSet nodetags = createNodeTags(tn);
+ availabletasks = createUnion(determineIfIsSafe(tn, nodetags), availabletasks);
for(Iterator it2 = availabletasks.iterator(); it2.hasNext();){
- MyOptional mm = (MyOptional);
- System.out.println("\t";
- System.out.println("with flags :");
- for(Iterator it3 = mm.flagstates.iterator(); it3.hasNext();){
- System.out.println("\t"+((FlagState);
- }
- System.out.println("-----------------------------");
- }
- //
- if(counter == 1) safetasks = availabletasks;
- else safetasks = createIntersection(availabletasks, safetasks, NOUNION);
- }
- }
- /////DEBUG
- System.out.println("\n\n\n\nSAFE TASKS : ");
- for(Iterator it2 = safetasks.iterator(); it2.hasNext();){
- MyOptional mm = (MyOptional);
- System.out.println("\t";
- System.out.println("with flags :");
- for(Iterator it3 = mm.flagstates.iterator(); it3.hasNext();){
+ MyOptional mm = (MyOptional);
+ System.out.println("\t";
+ System.out.println("with flags :");
+ for(Iterator it3 = mm.flagstates.iterator(); it3.hasNext();){
- }
- resultingFS(mm, classname);
- }
- //////
+ }
+ resultingFS(mm, classname);
+ System.out.println("-----------------------------");
+ }
+ if(counter == 1) safetasks = availabletasks;
+ else safetasks = createIntersection(availabletasks, safetasks);
+ }
+ System.out.println("----------FINAL--------------");
+ for(Iterator it2 = safetasks.iterator(); it2.hasNext();){
+ MyOptional mm = (MyOptional);
+ System.out.println("\t";
+ System.out.println("with flags :");
+ for(Iterator it3 = mm.flagstates.iterator(); it3.hasNext();){
+ System.out.println("\t"+((FlagState);
+ }
+ resultingFS(mm, classname);
+ System.out.println("-----");
+ }
+ System.out.println("----------FINAL--------------");
- public HashSet buildPath(Vector flagstates, ClassDescriptor cd) throws {
- HashSet safetasks = new HashSet();
- Vector nodes = new Vector();
- classname = cd.getSymbol();
- nodes = getConcernedClass( classname );
- if(nodes==null) {
- System.out.println("Impossible to find "+classname+". Maybe not declared in the source code.");
- return null;
- }
- HashSet tempnodes = new HashSet();
- for(Iterator it = flagstates.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
- Vector tns = new Vector();
- String flagstate = (String);
- tns = findEGTaskNode(flagstate, nodes);
- if(tns==null) {
- System.out.println("No task corresponding");
- return null;
- }
- else{
- tempnodes.add(tns);
- }
- }
- EGTaskNode sourcenode = findSourceNode(nodes);
- buildSafeExecutions(sourcenode);
- createDOTFile();
- int counter = 0;
- for(Iterator nodesit = tempnodes.iterator(); nodesit.hasNext();){
- Vector tns = (Vector);
- HashSet availabletasks = new HashSet();
- for(Iterator it = tns.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
- counter++;
- unMark(nodes);
- EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode);
- HashSet nodetags = createNodeTags(tn);
- availabletasks = createUnion(determineIfIsSafe(tn, nodetags), availabletasks);
- if(counter == 1) safetasks = availabletasks;
- else safetasks = createIntersection(availabletasks, safetasks, NOUNION);
- }
- }
- return safetasks;
+ /*Actual method used by the compiler.
+ It computes the analysis for every
+ possible flagstates of every classes*/
+ public void buildPath(Vector flagstates, ClassDescriptor cd) throws {
- private void buildSafeExecutions(EGTaskNode extremity) throws{
+ /*Marks the executiongraph :
+ -optionals
+ -multiple
+ -AND and OR nodes
+ */
+ private void doGraphMarking(EGTaskNode extremity) throws{
+ //detects if there is a loop or no more nodes to explore
if (extremity.isMarked() || !((Iterator)extremity.edges()).hasNext()){
if (!((Iterator)extremity.edges()).hasNext()) extremity.mark();
reducedgraph.put(extremity.getuid(), extremity);
else {
+ //do the marking
reducedgraph.put(extremity.getuid(), extremity);
+ //calls doGraphMarking recursively with the next nodes as params
for( Iterator it = extremity.edges(); it.hasNext(); ){
TEdge edge = (TEdge);
- buildSafeExecutions((EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget());
+ doGraphMarking((EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget());
- //testIfLoop(tn);
- }
- private HashSet createNodeTags(EGTaskNode tn){
- HashSet nodetags = new HashSet();
- String flagstate = tn.getFSName();
- String word = new String();
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(flagstate);
- while (st.hasMoreTokens()){
- word = st.nextToken();
- if (word.compareTo("Tag")==0)
- nodetags.add(st.nextToken());
- }
- for(Iterator it = nodetags.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
- System.out.println("nodetag :";
- }
- return nodetags;
- private boolean tagChange(EGTaskNode tn, HashSet nodetags){
- HashSet tags = new HashSet();
- String flagstate = tn.getFSName();
- String word = new String();
- StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(flagstate);
- while (st.hasMoreTokens()){
- word = st.nextToken();
- if (word.compareTo("Tag")==0)
- tags.add(st.nextToken());
- }
- for(Iterator it = tags.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
- String tag = (String);
- if( !nodetags.contains(tag)){
- System.out.println("Tag Change :"+tag);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
private void testIfOptional(EGTaskNode tn){
for(Iterator edges = tn.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
TEdge edge = (TEdge);
TEdge edge = (TEdge);
EGTaskNode nexttn = (EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget();
if( nexttn.getTD().numParameters() > 1 ){
- System.out.println("Multiple found");
+ //maybe a little bug to fix
private void testIfRuntime(EGTaskNode tn){
for(Iterator edges = tn.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
TEdge edge = (TEdge);
+ /*That correspond to the case where it is
+ not possible for us to choose a path of
+ execution. The optional task has to be
+ present in all the possible executions
+ at this point. So we mark the node as an
+ AND node.*/
private void testIfSameTask(EGTaskNode tn){
Vector vtemp = new Vector();
Vector tomark = new Vector();
+ //maybe little bug to fix
private void testIfNextIsSelfLoop(EGTaskNode tn){
for(Iterator edges = tn.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
TEdge edge = (TEdge);
- /*private void testIfLoop(EGTaskNode tn){
- for(Iterator edges = tn.edges(); edges.hasNext();){
- TEdge edge = (TEdge);
- if (((EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget()).isMarked()){
- ((EGTaskNode)edge.getTarget()).doLoopMarking();
- }
- }
- }*/
- private EGTaskNode findSourceNode(Vector nodes){
- for(Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
- EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode);
- if(tn.isSource()){
- System.out.println("Found Source Node !!");
- return tn;
- }
- }
- return null;
- }
- private Vector findEGTaskNode(String previousflagstate, Vector nodes){
- Vector tns = new Vector();
- for(Iterator it = nodes.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
- EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode);
- if(tn.getFSName().compareTo(previousflagstate)==0)
- tns.add(tn);
- }
- if(tns.size() == 0)
- return null;
- else if (tns.size() > 1){
- for(Iterator it = tns.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
- EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode);
- tn.setAND();
- }
- }
- return tns;
- }
- private Vector getConcernedClass( String classname ){
- Enumeration e = executiongraph.keys();
- while( e.hasMoreElements() ){
- ClassDescriptor cd = (ClassDescriptor)e.nextElement();
- if (classname.compareTo(cd.getSymbol())==0)
- return (Vector)executiongraph.get(cd);
- }
- return null;
- }
+ /*recursive method that returns a set of MyOptionals
+ The computation basically consist in returning the
+ intersection or union of sets depending on the nature
+ of the node : OR -> UNION
+ The method also looks for tag changes.
+ */
private HashSet determineIfIsSafe(EGTaskNode tn, HashSet nodetags){
if(tn == null) return null;
if(!tagChange(tn, nodetags)){
HashSet temp = new HashSet();
+ //if the tn is optional and there is no more nodes/presence of a loop
+ //create the MyOptional and return it as a singleton.
if( !((Iterator)tn.edges()).hasNext() || tn.isMarked() || tn.isSelfLoop()){
HashSet fstemp = new HashSet();
return temp;
+ //else compute the edges, create the MyOptional and add it to the set.
temp = computeEdges(tn, nodetags);
+ //if not optional but terminal just return an empty set.
if( !((Iterator)tn.edges()).hasNext() || tn.isMarked() || tn.isSelfLoop()){
HashSet temp = new HashSet();
return temp;
+ //if not terminal return the computation of the edges.
return computeEdges(tn, nodetags);
+ //if there has been a tag change return an empty set.
HashSet temp = new HashSet();
return temp;
+ /*check if there has been a tag Change*/
+ private boolean tagChange(EGTaskNode tn, HashSet nodetags){
+ HashSet tags = new HashSet();
+ String flagstate = tn.getFSName();
+ String word = new String();
+ StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(flagstate);
+ while (st.hasMoreTokens()){
+ word = st.nextToken();
+ if (word.compareTo("Tag")==0)
+ tags.add(st.nextToken());
+ }
+ //compare the tag needed now to the tag of the initial node
+ for(Iterator it = tags.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
+ String tag = (String);
+ if( !nodetags.contains(tag)){
+ System.out.println("Tag Change :"+tag);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
private HashSet computeEdges(EGTaskNode tn, HashSet nodetags){
Hashtable andlist = new Hashtable();
Vector orlist = new Vector();
if (init){
init = false;
temp = determineIfIsSafe(tn, nodetags);
- System.out.println("first and vector : ");
- for(Iterator it = temp.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
- MyOptional mm = (MyOptional);
- System.out.println(;
- System.out.println("with flag :");
- for(Iterator it3 = mm.flagstates.iterator(); it3.hasNext();){
- System.out.println(((FlagState);
- }
- }
- temp = createIntersection(determineIfIsSafe(tn, nodetags), temp, UNIONFS);
- System.out.println("another and vector : ");
- for(Iterator it = temp.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
- MyOptional mm = (MyOptional);
- System.out.println(;
- System.out.println("with flag :");
- for(Iterator it3 = mm.flagstates.iterator(); it3.hasNext();){
- System.out.println(((FlagState);
- }
- }
+ temp = createIntersection(determineIfIsSafe(tn, nodetags), temp);
- // DEBUG
- System.out.println("Computation of and vector : ");
- for(Iterator it = temp.iterator(); it.hasNext();){
- System.out.println("\t"+(String)((MyOptional);
- }
return temp;
private HashSet createUnion( HashSet A, HashSet B){
- //remove duplicates (might happend)
+ //remove duplicated MyOptionals (might happend)
+ Vector toremove = new Vector();
System.out.println("A contains "+A.size()+" elements");
int i = 0;
for(Iterator itA = A.iterator(); itA.hasNext();){
MyOptional myA2 = (MyOptional);
System.out.println("myA2 = ";
- A.remove(myA2);
- System.out.println("");
+ toremove.add(myA2);
+ System.out.println("removed!");
+ for( Iterator it = toremove.iterator(); it.hasNext();)
+ A.remove(;
return A;
- private HashSet createIntersection( HashSet A, HashSet B, int option){
+ private HashSet createIntersection( HashSet A, HashSet B){
HashSet result = new HashSet();
for(Iterator itB = B.iterator(); itB.hasNext();){
MyOptional myB = (MyOptional);
for(Iterator itA = A.iterator(); itA.hasNext();){
MyOptional myA = (MyOptional);
- if(option==UNIONFS){
- HashSet newfs = new HashSet();
+ HashSet newfs = new HashSet();
MyOptional newmy = new MyOptional(, newfs);
- }
- else{//to do : don't duplicate tasks with same fses
- result.add(myA);
- result.add(myB);
- }
+ /*Thoose two tasks create the dot file named */
private void createDOTFile() throws {
Collection v = reducedgraph.values(); output;
- File dotfile_flagstates= new File("");
+ File dotfile_flagstates= new File("");
FileOutputStream dotstream=new FileOutputStream(dotfile_flagstates,true);
output = new, true);
output.println("digraph dotvisitor {");
+ /* returns a set of the possible sets of flagstates
+ resulting from the execution of the optional task.
+ To do it with have to look for TaskExit FlatNodes
+ in the IR.
+ */
private HashSet resultingFS(MyOptional mo, ClassDescriptor cd){
return resultingFS(mo, cd.getSymbol());
continue; // avoid queueing the return node if reachable
}else if (fn1.kind()==FKind.FlatReturnNode) {
+ //***
+ //***
return result;