--- /dev/null
+""" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CAPture - a pcap file analyzer and report generator
+ (c) 2017 - Rahmadi Trimananda
+ University of California, Irvine - Programming Language and Systems
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Credits to tutorial: https://dpkt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import datetime
+import dpkt
+from dpkt.compat import compat_ord
+import socket
+import sys
+""" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Global variable declarations
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Command line arguments
+INPUT = "-i"
+OUTPUT = "-o"
+POINT_TO_MANY = "-pm"
+VERBOSE = "-v"
+def mac_addr(address):
+ # Courtesy of: https://dpkt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
+ """ Convert a MAC address to a readable/printable string
+ Args:
+ address (str): a MAC address in hex form (e.g. '\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05\x06')
+ Returns:
+ str: Printable/readable MAC address
+ """
+ return ':'.join('%02x' % compat_ord(b) for b in address)
+def inet_to_str(inet):
+ # Courtesy of: https://dpkt.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
+ """ Convert inet object to a string
+ Args:
+ inet (inet struct): inet network address
+ Returns:
+ str: Printable/readable IP address
+ """
+ # First try ipv4 and then ipv6
+ try:
+ return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, inet)
+ except ValueError:
+ return socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, inet)
+def show_usage():
+ """ Show usage of this Python script
+ """
+ print "Usage: python CAPture.py [ -i <file-name>.pcap ] [ -o <file-name>.pcap ] [ -pm ] [ -v ]"
+ print
+ print "[ -o ] = output file"
+ print "[ -pm ] = point-to-many analysis"
+ print "[ -v ] = verbose output"
+ print "By default, this script does simple statistical analysis of IP, TCP, and UDP packets."
+ print "(c) 2017 - University of California, Irvine - Programming Language and Systems"
+def show_progress(verbose, counter):
+ """ Show packet processing progress
+ Args:
+ verbose: verbose output (True/False)
+ counter: counter of all packets
+ """
+ if verbose:
+ print "Processing packet number: ", counter
+ else:
+ if counter % 100000 == 0:
+ print "Processing %s packets..." % counter
+def show_summary(counter, ip_counter, tcp_counter, udp_counter):
+ """ Show summary of statistics of PCAP file
+ Args:
+ counter: counter of all packets
+ ip_counter: counter of all IP packets
+ tcp_counter: counter of all TCP packets
+ udp_counter: counter of all UDP packets
+ """
+ print
+ print "Total number of packets in the pcap file: ", counter
+ print "Total number of ip packets: ", ip_counter
+ print "Total number of tcp packets: ", tcp_counter
+ print "Total number of udp packets: ", udp_counter
+ print
+def save_to_file(tbl_header, dictionary, filename_out):
+ """ Show summary of statistics of PCAP file
+ Args:
+ tbl_header: header for the saved table
+ dictionary: dictionary to be saved
+ filename_out: file name to save
+ """
+ # Appending, not overwriting!
+ f = open(filename_out, 'a')
+ # Write the table header
+ f.write("\n\n" + str(tbl_header) + "\n");
+ # Iterate over dictionary and write (key, value) pairs
+ for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
+ f.write(str(key) + ", " + str(value) + "\n")
+ f.close()
+ print "Writing output to file: ", filename_out
+def statistical_analysis(verbose, pcap, counter, ip_counter, tcp_counter, udp_counter):
+ """ This is the default analysis of packet statistics (generic)
+ Args:
+ verbose: verbose output (True/False)
+ pcap: object that handles PCAP file content
+ counter: counter of all packets
+ ip_counter: counter of all IP packets
+ tcp_counter: counter of all TCP packets
+ udp_counter: counter of all UDP packets
+ """
+ for time_stamp, packet in pcap:
+ counter += 1
+ eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(packet)
+ if verbose:
+ # Print out the timestamp in UTC
+ print "Timestamp: ", str(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time_stamp))
+ # Print out the MAC addresses
+ print "Ethernet frame: ", mac_addr(eth.src), mac_addr(eth.dst), eth.data.__class__.__name__
+ # Process only IP data
+ if not isinstance(eth.data, dpkt.ip.IP):
+ is_ip = False
+ if verbose:
+ print "Non IP packet type not analyzed... skipping..."
+ else:
+ is_ip = True
+ if is_ip:
+ ip = eth.data
+ ip_counter += 1
+ # Pull out fragment information (flags and offset all packed into off field, so use bitmasks)
+ do_not_fragment = bool(ip.off & dpkt.ip.IP_DF)
+ more_fragments = bool(ip.off & dpkt.ip.IP_MF)
+ fragment_offset = ip.off & dpkt.ip.IP_OFFMASK
+ if verbose:
+ # Print out the complete IP information
+ print "IP: %s -> %s (len=%d ttl=%d DF=%d MF=%d offset=%d)\n" % \
+ (inet_to_str(ip.src), inet_to_str(ip.dst), ip.len, ip.ttl, do_not_fragment,
+ more_fragments, fragment_offset)
+ # Count TCP packets
+ if ip.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_TCP:
+ tcp_counter += 1
+ # Count UDP packets
+ if ip.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_UDP:
+ udp_counter += 1
+ show_progress(verbose, counter)
+ # Print general statistics
+ show_summary(counter, ip_counter, tcp_counter, udp_counter)
+def point_to_many_analysis(filename_out, dev_add, verbose, pcap, counter, ip_counter,
+ tcp_counter, udp_counter):
+ """ This analysis presents how 1 device (MAC address or IP address) communicates
+ to every other device in the analyzed PCAP file.
+ Args:
+ dev_add: device address (MAC or IP address)
+ verbose: verbose output (True/False)
+ pcap: object that handles PCAP file content
+ counter: counter of all packets
+ ip_counter: counter of all IP packets
+ tcp_counter: counter of all TCP packets
+ udp_counter: counter of all UDP packets
+ """
+ # Dictionary that preserves the mapping between destination address to frequency
+ mac2freq = dict()
+ ip2freq = dict()
+ for time_stamp, packet in pcap:
+ counter += 1
+ eth = dpkt.ethernet.Ethernet(packet)
+ # Save the timestamp and MAC addresses
+ tstamp = str(datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(time_stamp))
+ mac_src = mac_addr(eth.src)
+ mac_dst = mac_addr(eth.dst)
+ # Process only IP data
+ if not isinstance(eth.data, dpkt.ip.IP):
+ is_ip = False
+ if verbose:
+ print "Non IP packet type not analyzed... skipping..."
+ print
+ else:
+ is_ip = True
+ if is_ip:
+ ip = eth.data
+ ip_counter += 1
+ # Pull out fragment information (flags and offset all packed into off field, so use bitmasks)
+ do_not_fragment = bool(ip.off & dpkt.ip.IP_DF)
+ more_fragments = bool(ip.off & dpkt.ip.IP_MF)
+ fragment_offset = ip.off & dpkt.ip.IP_OFFMASK
+ # Save IP addresses
+ ip_src = inet_to_str(ip.src)
+ ip_dst = inet_to_str(ip.dst)
+ if verbose:
+ # Print out the complete IP information
+ print "IP: %s -> %s (len=%d ttl=%d DF=%d MF=%d offset=%d)\n" % \
+ (ip_src, ip_dst, ip.len, ip.ttl, do_not_fragment,
+ more_fragments, fragment_offset)
+ # Categorize packets based on source device address
+ # Save the destination device addresses (point-to-many)
+ if dev_add == ip_src:
+ if ip_dst in ip2freq:
+ freq = ip2freq[ip_dst]
+ ip2freq[ip_dst] = freq + 1
+ else:
+ ip2freq[ip_dst] = 1
+ if dev_add == mac_src:
+ if mac_dst in ip2freq:
+ freq = mac2freq[mac_dst]
+ mac2freq[mac_dst] = freq + 1
+ else:
+ mac2freq[mac_dst] = 1
+ # Count TCP packets
+ if ip.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_TCP:
+ tcp_counter += 1
+ # Count UDP packets
+ if ip.p == dpkt.ip.IP_PROTO_UDP:
+ udp_counter += 1
+ show_progress(verbose, counter)
+ # Print general statistics
+ show_summary(counter, ip_counter, tcp_counter, udp_counter)
+ # Save results into file if filename_out is not empty
+ if not filename_out == "":
+ print "Saving results into file: ", filename_out
+ ip_tbl_header = "Point-to-many Analysis - IP destinations for " + dev_add
+ mac_tbl_header = "Point-to-many Analysis - MAC destinations for " + dev_add
+ save_to_file(ip_tbl_header, ip2freq, filename_out)
+ save_to_file(mac_tbl_header, mac2freq, filename_out)
+ else:
+ print "Output file name is not specified... exitting now!"
+def parse_cli_args(argv):
+ """ Parse command line arguments and store them in a dictionary
+ Args:
+ argv: list of command line arguments and their values
+ Returns:
+ str: dictionary that maps arguments to their values
+ """
+ options = dict()
+ # First argument is "CAPture.py", so skip it
+ argv = argv[1:]
+ # Loop and collect arguments and their values
+ while argv:
+ print "Examining argument: ", argv[0]
+ # Check the first character of each argv list
+ # If it is a '-' then it is a command line argument
+ if argv[0][0] == '-':
+ if argv[0] == VERBOSE:
+ # We don't have value for the argument VERBOSE
+ options[argv[0]] = argv[0]
+ # Remove one command line argument and its value
+ argv = argv[1:]
+ else:
+ options[argv[0]] = argv[1]
+ # Remove one command line argument and its value
+ argv = argv[2:]
+ return options
+""" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Main Running Methods
+ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def main():
+ # Variable declarations
+ global VERBOSE
+ global POINT_TO_MANY
+ # Counters
+ counter = 0
+ ip_counter = 0
+ tcp_counter = 0
+ udp_counter = 0
+ # Booleans as flags
+ verbose = False
+ is_ip = True
+ is_statistical_analysis = True
+ is_point_to_many_analysis = False
+ # Names
+ filename_in = ""
+ filename_out = ""
+ dev_add = ""
+ # Welcome message
+ print
+ print "Welcome to CAPture version 1.0 - A PCAP file instant analyzer!"
+ # Get file name from user input
+ # Show usage if file name is not specified (only accept 1 file name for now)
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ show_usage()
+ print
+ return
+ # Check and process sys.argv
+ options = parse_cli_args(sys.argv)
+ for key, value in options.iteritems():
+ # Process "-i" - input PCAP file
+ if key == INPUT:
+ filename_in = value
+ elif key == OUTPUT:
+ filename_out = value
+ elif key == VERBOSE:
+ verbose = True
+ elif key == POINT_TO_MANY:
+ is_statistical_analysis = False
+ is_point_to_many_analysis = True
+ dev_add = value
+ # Show manual again if input is not correct
+ if filename_in == "":
+ print "File name is empty!"
+ print
+ show_usage()
+ print
+ return
+ # dev_add is needed for these analyses
+ if is_point_to_many_analysis and dev_add == "":
+ print "Device address is empty!"
+ print
+ show_usage()
+ print
+ return
+ # One PCAP file name is specified - now analyze!
+ print "Analyzing PCAP file: ", filename_in
+ # Opening and analyzing PCAP file
+ f = open(filename_in,'rb')
+ pcap = dpkt.pcap.Reader(f)
+ # Choose from the existing options
+ if is_statistical_analysis:
+ statistical_analysis(verbose, pcap, counter, ip_counter, tcp_counter, udp_counter)
+ elif is_point_to_many_analysis:
+ point_to_many_analysis(filename_out, dev_add, verbose, pcap, counter, ip_counter,
+ tcp_counter, udp_counter)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ # call main function since this is being run as the start
+ main()
--- /dev/null
+Script used to extract only the needed information from JSON packet traces generated by\r
+tshark from PCAPNG format\r
+import os, sys\r
+import json\r
+import uuid\r
+from collections import OrderedDict\r
+json_key_source = "_source"\r
+json_key_layers = "layers"\r
+json_key_ip = "ip"\r
+json_key_tcp = "tcp"\r
+json_key_http = "http"\r
+json_key_method = "method"\r
+json_key_uri = "uri"\r
+json_key_headers = "headers"\r
+json_key_host = "host"\r
+json_key_http_req = json_key_http + ".request."\r
+json_key_http_req_method = json_key_http_req + json_key_method\r
+json_key_http_req_uri = json_key_http_req + json_key_uri\r
+json_key_http_req_line = json_key_http_req + "line"\r
+json_key_pkt_comment = "pkt_comment"\r
+json_key_frame = "frame"\r
+json_key_frame_num = json_key_frame + ".number"\r
+json_key_frame_comment = json_key_frame + ".comment"\r
+json_key_frame_ts = json_key_frame + ".time_epoch"\r
+def make_unique(key, dct):\r
+ counter = 0\r
+ unique_key = key\r
+ while unique_key in dct:\r
+ counter += 1\r
+ unique_key = '{}_{}'.format(key, counter)\r
+ return unique_key\r
+def parse_object_pairs(pairs):\r
+ dct = OrderedDict()\r
+ for key, value in pairs:\r
+ if key in dct:\r
+ key = make_unique(key, dct)\r
+ dct[key] = value\r
+ return dct\r
+def change_file(fpath):\r
+ for fn in os.listdir(fpath):\r
+ full_path = fpath + '/' + fn\r
+ # Recursively go through all directories\r
+ if os.path.isdir(full_path):\r
+ change_file(full_path)\r
+ continue\r
+ print full_path\r
+ with open(full_path, "r+") as jf:\r
+ # Since certain json 'keys' appear multiple times in our data, we have to make them\r
+ # unique first (we can't use regular json.load() or we lose some data points). From:\r
+ # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/29321677/python-json-parser-allow-duplicate-keys\r
+ decoder = json.JSONDecoder(object_pairs_hook=parse_object_pairs)\r
+ pcap_data = decoder.decode(jf.read())\r
+ # Prepare new data structure for re-formatted JSON storage\r
+ data = {}\r
+ for packet in pcap_data:\r
+ layers = packet[json_key_source][json_key_layers]\r
+ # All captured traffic should have a frame + frame number, but check anyway\r
+ frame_num = " Frame: "\r
+ if json_key_frame not in layers or json_key_frame_num not in layers[json_key_frame]:\r
+ print "WARNING: could not find frame number! Using -1..."\r
+ frame_num = frame_num + "-1"\r
+ else:\r
+ # Save frame number for error-reporting\r
+ frame_num = frame_num + layers[json_key_frame][json_key_frame_num]\r
+ # All captured traffic should be IP, but check anyway\r
+ if not json_key_ip in layers:\r
+ print "WARNING: Non-IP traffic detected!" + frame_num\r
+ continue\r
+ # For now, focus on HTTP only\r
+ if json_key_tcp not in layers or json_key_http not in layers:\r
+ continue\r
+ # Fill our new JSON packet with TCP/IP info\r
+ new_packet = {}\r
+ new_packet["dst_ip"] = layers[json_key_ip][json_key_ip + ".dst"]\r
+ new_packet["dst_port"] = int(layers[json_key_tcp][json_key_tcp + ".dstport"])\r
+ # Go through all HTTP fields and extract the ones that are needed\r
+ http_data = layers[json_key_http]\r
+ for http_key in http_data:\r
+ http_value = http_data[http_key]\r
+ if http_key.startswith(json_key_http_req_line):\r
+ header_line = http_value.split(":", 1)\r
+ if len(header_line) != 2:\r
+ print ("WARNING: could not parse header '" + str(header_line) + "'"\r
+ + frame_num)\r
+ continue\r
+ # Prepare container for HTTP headers\r
+ if json_key_headers not in new_packet:\r
+ new_packet[json_key_headers] = {}\r
+ # Use lower case for header keys to stay consistent with our other data\r
+ header_key = header_line[0].lower()\r
+ # Remove the trailing carriage return\r
+ header_val = header_line[1].strip()\r
+ # Save the header key-value pair\r
+ new_packet[json_key_headers][header_key] = header_val\r
+ # If this is the host header, we also save it to the main object\r
+ if header_key == json_key_host:\r
+ new_packet[json_key_host] = header_val\r
+ if json_key_http_req_method in http_value:\r
+ new_packet[json_key_method] = http_value[json_key_http_req_method]\r
+ if json_key_http_req_uri in http_value:\r
+ new_packet[json_key_uri] = http_value[json_key_http_req_uri]\r
+ # End of HTTP parsing\r
+ # Check that we found the minimum needed HTTP headers\r
+ if (json_key_uri not in new_packet or json_key_method not in new_packet or\r
+ json_key_host not in new_packet):\r
+ print "Missing some HTTP Headers!" + frame_num\r
+ continue\r
+ # Extract timestamp\r
+ if json_key_frame_ts not in layers[json_key_frame]:\r
+ print "WARNING: could not find timestamp!" + frame_num\r
+ continue\r
+ new_packet["ts"] = layers[json_key_frame][json_key_frame_ts]\r
+ # Now extract and parse the packet comment\r
+ if (json_key_pkt_comment not in layers or\r
+ json_key_frame_comment not in layers[json_key_pkt_comment]):\r
+ print "WARNING: no packet comment found!" + frame_num\r
+ continue\r
+ comment = layers[json_key_pkt_comment][json_key_frame_comment]\r
+ comment_data = json.loads(comment)\r
+ for key in comment_data:\r
+ new_packet[str(key)] = str(comment_data[key])\r
+ # Create a unique key for each packet to keep consistent with ReCon\r
+ # Also good in case packets end up in different files\r
+ data[str(uuid.uuid4())] = new_packet\r
+ # Write the new data\r
+ #print json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4)\r
+ jf.seek(0)\r
+ jf.write(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, indent=4))\r
+ jf.truncate()\r
+if __name__ == '__main__':\r
+ # Needed to re-use some JSON keys\r
+ change_file(sys.argv[1])
\ No newline at end of file