#include <sys/types.h>
#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetMachine.h"
+#include "llvm/Type.h"
// OpCodeMask definitions for the Sparc V9
// Synthetic phi operation for near-SSA form of machine code
// Number of operands is variable, indicated by -1. Result is the first op.
{ "PHI", -1, 0, 0, false, 0, 0, SPARC_INV, M_DUMMY_PHI_FLAG },
// 2 other groups, including NOPs if necessary).
return (opCode == FCMPS || opCode == FCMPD || opCode == FCMPQ);
+// class UltraSparcInstrInfo
+// Purpose:
+// This class provides info about sparc register classes.
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/SparcRegInfo.h"
+class LiveRange;
+class UltraSparc;
+class UltraSparcRegInfo : public MachineRegInfo
+ private:
+ enum RegClassIDs { IntRegClassID, FloatRegClassID, FloatCCREgClassID };
+ // reverse pointer to get info about the ultra sparc machine
+ const UltraSparc *const UltraSparcInfo;
+ // Int arguments can be passed in 6 int regs - %o0 to %o5 (cannot be changed)
+ unsigned const NumOfIntArgRegs;
+ // Float arguments can be passed in this many regs - can be canged if needed
+ // %f0 - %f5 are used (can hold 6 floats or 3 doubles)
+ unsigned const NumOfFloatArgRegs;
+ void setCallArgColor(LiveRange *const LR, const unsigned RegNo) const;
+ public:
+ UltraSparcRegInfo(const UltraSparc *USI ) : UltraSparcInfo(USI),
+ NumOfIntArgRegs(6),
+ NumOfFloatArgRegs(6)
+ {
+ MachineRegClassArr.push_back( new SparcIntRegClass(IntRegClassID) );
+ MachineRegClassArr.push_back( new SparcFloatRegClass(FloatRegClassID) );
+ assert( SparcFloatRegOrder::StartOfNonVolatileRegs == 6 &&
+ "6 Float regs are used for float arg passing");
+ }
+ inline const UltraSparc & getUltraSparcInfo() const {
+ return *UltraSparcInfo;
+ }
+ inline unsigned getRegClassIDOfValue (const Value *const Val) const {
+ Type::PrimitiveID ty = (Val->getType())->getPrimitiveID();
+ if( ty && ty <= Type::LongTyID || (ty == Type::PointerTyID) )
+ return IntRegClassID; // sparc int reg (ty=0: void)
+ else if( ty <= Type::DoubleTyID)
+ return FloatRegClassID; // sparc float reg class
+ else {
+ cout << "TypeID: " << ty << endl;
+ assert(0 && "Cannot resolve register class for type");
+ }
+ }
+ void colorArgs(const Method *const Meth, LiveRangeInfo& LRI) const;
+ static void printReg(const LiveRange *const LR);
+ void colorCallArgs(vector<const Instruction *> & CallInstrList,
+ LiveRangeInfo& LRI ) const;
// class UltraSparcMachine
Scheduling guidelines for SPARC IIi:
--- /dev/null
+/* Title: SparcRegClassInfo.h
+ Author: Ruchira Sasanka
+ Date: Aug 20, 01
+ Purpose: Contains the description of integer register class of Sparc
+#include "llvm/CodeGen/TargetMachine.h"
+#include <string>
+// Integer Register Class
+// Int register names in same order as enum in class SparcIntRegOrder
+static string const IntRegNames[] =
+ { "g1", "g2", "g3", "g4", "g5", "g6", "g7",
+ "o0", "o1", "o2", "o3", "o4", "o5", "o7",
+ "l0", "l1", "l2", "l3", "l4", "l5", "l6", "l7",
+ "i0", "i1", "i2", "i3", "i4", "i5",
+ "g0", "i6", "i7", "o6" };
+class SparcIntRegOrder{
+ public:
+ enum RegsInPrefOrder // colors possible for a LR (in preferred order)
+ {
+ // --- following colors are volatile across function calls
+ // %g0 can't be used for coloring - always 0
+ g1, g2, g3, g4, g5, g6, g7, //%g1-%g7
+ o0, o1, o2, o3, o4, o5, o7, // %o0-%o5,
+ // %o6 is sp,
+ // all %0's can get modified by a call
+ // --- following colors are NON-volatile across function calls
+ l0, l1, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, l7, // %l0-%l7
+ i0, i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, // %i0-%i5: i's need not be preserved
+ // %i6 is the fp - so not allocated
+ // %i7 is the ret address - can be used if saved
+ // max # of colors reg coloring can allocate (NumOfAvailRegs)
+ // --- following colors are not available for allocation within this phase
+ // --- but can appear for pre-colored ranges
+ g0, i6, i7, o6,
+ NumOfAllRegs // place holder to count all possilbe colors
+ };
+ // max # of colors reg coloring can allocate
+ static unsigned int const NumOfAvailRegs = g0;
+ static unsigned int const StartOfNonVolatileRegs = l0;
+ static unsigned int const StartOfAllRegs = g1;
+ static const string getRegName(const unsigned reg) {
+ assert( reg < NumOfAllRegs );
+ return IntRegNames[reg];
+ }
+class SparcIntRegClass : public MachineRegClassInfo
+ public:
+ SparcIntRegClass(unsigned ID)
+ : MachineRegClassInfo(0,
+ SparcIntRegOrder::NumOfAvailRegs,
+ SparcIntRegOrder::NumOfAllRegs)
+ { }
+ void colorIGNode(IGNode * Node, bool IsColorUsedArr[] ) const;
+// Float Register Class
+static string const FloatRegNames[] =
+ {
+ "f0", "f1", "f2", "f3", "f4", "f5", "f6", "f7", "f8", "f9",
+ "f10", "f11", "f12", "f13", "f14", "f15", "f16", "f17", "f18", "f19",
+ "f20", "f21", "f22", "f23", "f24", "f25", "f26", "f27", "f28", "f29",
+ "f30", "f31", "f32", "f33", "f34", "f35", "f36", "f37", "f38", "f39",
+ "f40", "f41", "f42", "f43", "f44", "f45", "f46", "f47", "f48", "f49",
+ "f50", "f51", "f52", "f53", "f54", "f55", "f56", "f57", "f58", "f59",
+ "f60", "f61", "f62", "f63"
+ };
+class SparcFloatRegOrder{
+ public:
+ enum RegsInPrefOrder {
+ f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9,
+ f10, f11, f12, f13, f14, f15, f16, f17, f18, f19,
+ f20, f21, f22, f23, f24, f25, f26, f27, f28, f29,
+ f30, f31, f32, f33, f34, f35, f36, f37, f38, f39,
+ f40, f41, f42, f43, f44, f45, f46, f47, f48, f49,
+ f50, f51, f52, f53, f54, f55, f56, f57, f58, f59,
+ f60, f61, f62, f63
+ };
+ // there are 64 regs alltogether but only 32 regs can be allocated at
+ // a time.
+ static unsigned int const NumOfAvailRegs = 32;
+ static unsigned int const NumOfAllRegs = 64;
+ static unsigned int const StartOfNonVolatileRegs = f6;
+ static unsigned int const StartOfAllRegs = f0;
+ static const string getRegName(const unsigned reg) {
+ assert( reg < NumOfAllRegs );
+ return FloatRegNames[reg];
+ }
+class SparcFloatRegClass : public MachineRegClassInfo
+ private:
+ int findFloatColor(const IGNode *const Node, unsigned Start,
+ unsigned End, bool IsColorUsedArr[] ) const;
+ public:
+ SparcFloatRegClass(unsigned ID)
+ : MachineRegClassInfo(1,
+ SparcFloatRegOrder::NumOfAvailRegs,
+ SparcFloatRegOrder::NumOfAllRegs)
+ { }
+ void colorIGNode(IGNode * Node, bool IsColorUsedArr[] ) const;
bool isDummyPhiInstr (MachineOpCode opCode) const {
return getDescriptor(opCode).iclass & M_DUMMY_PHI_FLAG;
// Check if an instruction can be issued before its operands are ready,
+// class MachineRegClassInfo
+// Purpose:
+// Interface to description of machine register class (e.g., int reg class
+// float reg class etc)
+class IGNode;
+class MachineRegClassInfo {
+ const unsigned RegClassID; // integer ID of a reg class
+ const unsigned NumOfAvailRegs; // # of avail for coloring -without SP etc.
+ const unsigned NumOfAllRegs; // # of all registers -including SP,g0 etc.
+ inline unsigned getRegClassID() const { return RegClassID; }
+ inline unsigned getNumOfAvailRegs() const { return NumOfAvailRegs; }
+ inline unsigned getNumOfAllRegs() const { return NumOfAllRegs; }
+ // This method should find a color which is not used by neighbors
+ // (i.e., a false position in IsColorUsedArr) and
+ virtual void colorIGNode(IGNode * Node, bool IsColorUsedArr[] ) const = 0;
+ MachineRegClassInfo(const unsigned ID, const unsigned NVR,
+ const unsigned NAR): RegClassID(ID), NumOfAvailRegs(NVR),
+ NumOfAllRegs(NAR)
+ { } // empty constructor
+// class MachineRegInfo
+// Purpose:
+// Interface to register info of target machine
+class Value;
+class LiveRangeInfo;
+class Method;
+class Instruction;
+// A vector of all machine register classes
+typedef vector<const MachineRegClassInfo *> MachineRegClassArrayType;
+class MachineRegInfo : public NonCopyableV {
+ MachineRegClassArrayType MachineRegClassArr;
+ inline unsigned int getNumOfRegClasses() const {
+ return MachineRegClassArr.size();
+ }
+ const MachineRegClassInfo *const getMachineRegClass(unsigned i) const {
+ return MachineRegClassArr[i];
+ }
+ virtual unsigned getRegClassIDOfValue (const Value *const Val) const = 0;
+ virtual void colorArgs(const Method *const Meth,
+ LiveRangeInfo & LRI) const = 0;
+ virtual void colorCallArgs(vector<const Instruction *> & CallInstrList,
+ LiveRangeInfo& LRI ) const = 0 ;
+ MachineRegInfo() { }
// class TargetMachine
unsigned char DoubleAl = 8, unsigned char FloatAl = 4,
unsigned char LongAl = 8, unsigned char IntAl = 4,
unsigned char ShortAl = 2, unsigned char ByteAl = 1)
- : TargetName(targetname), DataLayout(targetname, PtrSize, PtrAl,
- DoubleAl, FloatAl, LongAl, IntAl,
- ShortAl, ByteAl)
- {}
+ : TargetName(targetname),
+ DataLayout(targetname, PtrSize, PtrAl,
+ DoubleAl, FloatAl, LongAl, IntAl,
+ ShortAl, ByteAl) { }
/*dtor*/ virtual ~TargetMachine() {}
return (regNum1 == regNum2);
+ const MachineRegInfo& getRegInfo() const { return *machineRegInfo; }
// Description of machine instructions
// Protect so that subclass can control alloc/dealloc
MachineInstrInfo* machineInstrInfo;
MachineSchedInfo* machineSchedInfo;
+ const MachineRegInfo* machineRegInfo;