--- /dev/null
+public class Google extends Lookup{
+ public Google() {
+ url="";
+ hostname="www.google.com";
+ start="<html>";
+ end="</html>";
+ exclusive=true;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+public class Inventory {
+ // Inventory flags
+ flag TransInitialize;
+ // Transaction variables
+ int numitems;
+ HashMap map;
+ int balance;
+ // Constructor
+ public Inventory(){
+ map = new HashMap();
+ balance=100000;
+ }
+ public Inventory(int howmany) {
+ numitems = howmany;// howmany keeps track of the number of items
+ // in the inventory
+ map = new HashMap();
+ }
+ // Add item to a list of inventory
+ public int additem(String name, int quantity, int price){
+ ItemInfo newitem = new ItemInfo(quantity, price);
+ balance-=quantity*price;
+ // Get the item from hash
+ if (map.containsKey(name) == false) {
+ map.put(name, newitem);
+ } else {
+ ItemInfo i = (ItemInfo) map.get(name);
+ i.quantity += quantity;
+ i.price = price;
+ map.put(name, i);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ // Buy item from a given list of inventory
+ public int buyitem(String name, int quantity){
+ if (map.containsKey(name) == false) {
+ // System.printString("Error - Item does not exist");
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ ItemInfo i = (ItemInfo) map.get(name);
+ if (i.quantity == 0) {
+ // System.printString("Error - Item unavailable");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if ((i.quantity-quantity) < 0 ) {
+ // System.printString("Error - Available qty is less: Cannot Buy\n");
+ return -1;
+ } else {
+ i.quantity -= quantity;
+ map.put(name, i);
+ balance+=quantity*i.price;
+ return i.price;
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //Display the inventory list
+ //Display the inventory list
+ public synchronized void inventory(Socket s){
+ HashMapIterator i = new HashMapIterator(map, 0);// Gets key from the hashmap= name of item
+ HashMapIterator j = new HashMapIterator(map, 1);//Gets the value from hashmap
+ int totalvalue=balance;
+ while (i.hasNext() == true) {
+ StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("");
+ Object o = i.next();
+ String name = o.toString();
+ ItemInfo oo = (ItemInfo) j.next();
+ sb.append(name);
+ sb.append(" ");
+ Integer q = new Integer(oo.quantity);
+ sb.append(q.toString());
+ sb.append(" ");
+ Integer p = new Integer(oo.price);
+ sb.append(p.toString());
+ sb.append("\n");
+ totalvalue+=oo.quantity*oo.price;
+ s.write(sb.toString().getBytes());
+ }
+ StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer("");
+ sb.append("Total value: ");
+ sb.append((new Integer(totalvalue)).toString());
+ sb.append("\n");
+ s.write(sb.toString().getBytes());
+ }
--- /dev/null
+class ItemInfo {
+ int quantity;
+ int price;
+ ItemInfo(int x, int y) {
+ quantity = x;
+ price = y;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+public class Logger {
+ //Logger flag
+ flag Initialize;
+ FileOutputStream fos;
+ //Constructor
+ public Logger(){
+ fos=new FileOutputStream("request.log");//Open request.log file
+ }
+ //Logs filename as per client requests
+ public void logrequest(String filename){
+ String request = new String("\nNew Request received: ");
+ fos.write(request.getBytes());
+ fos.write(filename.getBytes());
+ fos.flush();
+ }
+ public void logrequest(){
+ String request = new String("\nNew Request received: ");
+ fos.write(request.getBytes());
+ fos.flush();
+ }
+ public void closerequest() {
+ fos.close();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+public class Lookup extends Socket {
+ flag query;
+ flag initialstate;
+ flag done;
+ boolean exclusive;
+ String url;
+ String hostname;
+ String data;
+ String start;
+ String end;
+ public void fix() {
+ int istart=data.indexOf(start);
+ int iend=data.indexOf(end);
+ if (exclusive)
+ data=data.substring(istart+start.length(), iend);
+ else
+ data=data.substring(istart, iend+end.length());
+ String m1="src=\"/";
+ String m2="src=\'/";
+ String m3="href=\"/";
+ boolean cnt=true;
+ while(cnt) {
+ if (data.indexOf(m1)!=-1) {
+ int index=data.indexOf(m1)-1;
+ data=data.substring(0,index+m1.length())+"http://"+hostname+data.substring(index+m1.length(),data.length());
+ } else if (data.indexOf(m2)!=-1) {
+ int index=data.indexOf(m2)-1;
+ data=data.substring(0,index+m2.length())+"http://"+hostname+data.substring(index+m2.length(),data.length());
+ } else if (data.indexOf(m3)!=-1) {
+ int index=data.indexOf(m3)-1;
+ data=data.substring(0,index+m3.length())+"http://"+hostname+data.substring(index+m3.length(),data.length());
+ } else cnt=false;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+public class MySocket extends Socket {
+ public MySocket() {
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/* Startup object is generated with the initialstate flag set by the
+ * system to start the computation up */
+// Create New ServerSocket
+task Startup(StartupObject s {initialstate}) {
+ ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(9000);
+ Logger log = new Logger() {Initialize};
+ Inventory inventorylist = new Inventory(){TransInitialize};
+ taskexit(s {!initialstate}); /* Turns initial state flag off, so this task won't refire */
+task LookupS(Stock l{initialstate}) {
+ String query="GET /"+l.url+" HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost:"+l.hostname+"\r\n\r\n";
+ l.connect(l.hostname, 80);
+ l.write(query.getBytes());
+ taskexit(l{!initialstate, query});
+task ReceiveQueryS(Stock l{query&&IOPending}) {
+ byte[] buffer=new byte[1024];
+ int numchars=l.read(buffer);
+ if (numchars<=0) {
+ l.fix();
+ l.close();
+ taskexit(l{!query,done}{});
+ }
+ String str=new String(buffer, 0, numchars);
+ if (l.data==null) {
+ l.data=str;
+ } else
+ l.data=l.data+str;
+ taskexit;
+task LookupG(Google l{initialstate}) {
+ String query="GET /"+l.url+" HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost:"+l.hostname+"\r\n\r\n";
+ l.connect(l.hostname, 80);
+ l.write(query.getBytes());
+ taskexit(l{!initialstate, query});
+task ReceiveQueryG(Google l{query&&IOPending}) {
+ byte[] buffer=new byte[1024];
+ int numchars=l.read(buffer);
+ if (numchars<=0) {
+ l.fix();
+ l.close();
+ taskexit(l{!query,done}{});
+ }
+ String str=new String(buffer, 0, numchars);
+ if (l.data==null) {
+ l.data=str;
+ } else
+ l.data=l.data+str;
+ taskexit;
+task LookupW(Weather l{initialstate}) {
+ String query="GET /"+l.url+" HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost:"+l.hostname+"\r\n\r\n";
+ l.connect(l.hostname, 80);
+ l.write(query.getBytes());
+ taskexit(l{!initialstate, query});
+task ReceiveQueryW(Weather l{query&&IOPending}) {
+ byte[] buffer=new byte[1024];
+ int numchars=l.read(buffer);
+ if (numchars<=0) {
+ l.fix();
+ l.close();
+ taskexit(l{!query,done}{});
+ }
+ String str=new String(buffer, 0, numchars);
+ if (l.data==null) {
+ l.data=str;
+ } else
+ l.data=l.data+str;
+ taskexit;
+//Listen for a request and accept request
+task AcceptConnection(ServerSocket ss{SocketPending}) {
+ // System.printString("W> Waiting for connection...\n");
+ tag t=new tag(link);
+ WebServerSocket web = new WebServerSocket() {!WritePending, !TransPending, WebInitialize}{t};
+ MySocket ms=new MySocket(){}{t};
+ ss.accept(ms);
+// System.printString("W> Connected... \n");
+// Process the incoming http request
+task ProcessRequest(WebServerSocket web{WebInitialize}{link l}, MySocket s{IOPending}{link l}) {
+ if (web.clientrequest(s)) {
+ if(web.checktrans()==false)
+ // Not special transaction , do normal filesending
+ taskexit(web {WritePending, LogPending,!WebInitialize}); //Sets the WritePending and LogPending flag true
+ else {
+ Weather w=new Weather(){initialstate}{l};
+ Google g=new Google(){initialstate}{l};
+ Stock st=new Stock(){initialstate}{l};
+ taskexit(web {TransPending, LogPending,!WebInitialize});
+ }
+ }
+//Do the WriteIO on server socket and send the requested file to Client
+task SendFile(WebServerSocket web{WritePending}{link l}, MySocket s{}{link l}) {
+// System.printString("W> Inside SendFile ... \n");
+ web.sendfile(s);
+ s.close();
+ taskexit(web {!WritePending});
+// Log the Client request
+task LogRequest(WebServerSocket web{LogPending}, Logger log{Initialize}) {
+//Task fired when both
+// LogPending and Initialize flags are true
+// System.printString("L > Inside logrequest\n");
+ log.logrequest(web.filename);
+ taskexit(web {!LogPending});
+//Transaction on Inventory
+task Transaction(WebServerSocket web{TransPending}{link l}, Weather weather{done}{link l}, Google g{done}{link l}, MySocket s{}{link l}, Stock st{done}{link l}){ //Task for WebServerTransactions
+ web.httpresponse(s);
+ s.write(("<html>").getBytes());
+ s.write(weather.data.getBytes());
+ s.write(g.data.getBytes());
+ s.write(st.data.getBytes());
+ s.write(("</html>").getBytes());
+ s.close();
+ taskexit(web {!TransPending});
--- /dev/null
+/* Startup object is generated with the initialstate flag set by the
+ * system to start the computation up */
+// Create New ServerSocket
+task Startup(StartupObject s {initialstate}) {
+ ServerSocket ss = new ServerSocket(9000);
+ Logger log = new Logger() {Initialize};
+ Inventory inventorylist = new Inventory(){TransInitialize};
+ taskexit(s {!initialstate}); /* Turns initial state flag off, so this task won't refire */
+task LookupS(Stock l{initialstate}) {
+ String query="GET /"+l.url+" HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost:"+l.hostname+"\r\n\r\n";
+ l.connect(l.hostname, 80);
+ l.write(query.getBytes());
+ taskexit(l{!initialstate, query});
+task ReceiveQueryS(Stock l{query&&IOPending}) {
+ byte[] buffer=new byte[1024];
+ int numchars=l.read(buffer);
+ if (numchars<=0) {
+ l.fix();
+ l.close();
+ taskexit(l{!query,done}{});
+ }
+ String str=new String(buffer, 0, numchars);
+ if (l.data==null) {
+ l.data=str;
+ } else
+ l.data=l.data+str;
+ taskexit;
+task LookupG(Google l{initialstate}) {
+ String query="GET /"+l.url+" HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost:"+l.hostname+"\r\n\r\n";
+ l.connect(l.hostname, 80);
+ l.write(query.getBytes());
+ taskexit(l{!initialstate, query});
+task ReceiveQueryG(Google l{query&&IOPending}) {
+ byte[] buffer=new byte[1024];
+ int numchars=l.read(buffer);
+ if (numchars<=0) {
+ l.fix();
+ l.close();
+ taskexit(l{!query,done}{});
+ }
+ String str=new String(buffer, 0, numchars);
+ if (l.data==null) {
+ l.data=str;
+ } else
+ l.data=l.data+str;
+ taskexit;
+task LookupW(Weather l{initialstate}) {
+ String query="GET /"+l.url+" HTTP/1.1\r\nConnection: close\r\nHost:"+l.hostname+"\r\n\r\n";
+ l.connect(l.hostname, 80);
+ l.write(query.getBytes());
+ taskexit(l{!initialstate, query});
+task ReceiveQueryW(Weather l{query&&IOPending}) {
+ byte[] buffer=new byte[1024];
+ int numchars=l.read(buffer);
+ if (numchars<=0) {
+ l.fix();
+ l.close();
+ taskexit(l{!query,done}{});
+ }
+ String str=new String(buffer, 0, numchars);
+ if (l.data==null) {
+ l.data=str;
+ } else
+ l.data=l.data+str;
+ taskexit;
+//Listen for a request and accept request
+task AcceptConnection(ServerSocket ss{SocketPending}) {
+ // System.printString("W> Waiting for connection...\n");
+ tag t=new tag(link);
+ WebServerSocket web = new WebServerSocket() {!WritePending, !TransPending, WebInitialize}{t};
+ MySocket ms=new MySocket(){}{t};
+ ss.accept(ms);
+// System.printString("W> Connected... \n");
+// Process the incoming http request
+task ProcessRequest(WebServerSocket web{WebInitialize}{link l}, MySocket s{IOPending}{link l}) {
+ if (web.clientrequest(s)) {
+ if(web.checktrans()==false)
+ // Not special transaction , do normal filesending
+ taskexit(web {WritePending, LogPending,!WebInitialize}); //Sets the WritePending and LogPending flag true
+ else {
+ Weather w=new Weather(){initialstate}{l};
+ Google g=new Google(){initialstate}{l};
+ Stock st=new Stock(){initialstate}{l};
+ taskexit(web {TransPending, LogPending,!WebInitialize});
+ }
+ }
+//Do the WriteIO on server socket and send the requested file to Client
+task SendFile(WebServerSocket web{WritePending}{link l}, MySocket s{}{link l}) {
+// System.printString("W> Inside SendFile ... \n");
+ web.sendfile(s);
+ s.close();
+ taskexit(web {!WritePending});
+// Log the Client request
+task LogRequest(WebServerSocket web{LogPending}, Logger log{Initialize}) {
+//Task fired when both
+// LogPending and Initialize flags are true
+// System.printString("L > Inside logrequest\n");
+ log.logrequest(web.filename);
+ taskexit(web {!LogPending});
+//Transaction on Inventory
+task Transaction(WebServerSocket web{TransPending}{link l}, optional Weather weather{done}{link l}, optional Google g{done}{link l}, MySocket s{}{link l}, optional Stock st{done}{link l}){ //Task for WebServerTransactions
+ web.httpresponse(s);
+ s.write(("<html>").getBytes());
+ if (isavailable(weather))
+ s.write(weather.data.getBytes());
+ if (isavailable(g))
+ s.write(g.data.getBytes());
+ if (isavailable(st)) {
+ s.write(st.data.getBytes());
+ }
+ s.write(("</html>").getBytes());
+ s.close();
+ taskexit(web {!TransPending});
--- /dev/null
+public class Stock extends Lookup {
+ public Stock() {
+ url="q?s=%5EDJI";
+ hostname="finance.yahoo.com";
+ start="</title>";
+ end="</html>";
+ exclusive=true;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+public class Weather extends Lookup{
+ public Weather() {
+ url="warnings.php?wfo=sgx&zone=CAZ042&pil=XXXHWOSGX&productType=Hazardous+Weather+Outlook";
+ hostname="www.wrh.noaa.gov";
+ start="Hazardous Weather Outlook";
+ end="$$";
+ }
--- /dev/null
+public class WebServerSocket {
+ // Websocket flag
+ flag LogPending;
+ flag WritePending;
+ flag TransPending;
+ flag WebInitialize;
+ //Filename requested by the client
+ String filename;
+ String[] parsed;
+ String prefix;
+ //Constructor
+ public WebServerSocket(){
+ parsed = new String[4];
+ }
+ //Send the http header for web browser display
+ public void httpresponse(Socket s){
+ StringBuffer header = new StringBuffer("HTTP/1.0 200 OK\n");
+ header.append("Content-type: text/html\n");
+ header.append("\n\n");
+ String temp_str = new String(header);
+ s.write(temp_str.getBytes());
+ return;
+ }
+ // Send the html file , read from file one byte at a time
+ public void sendfile(Socket s) {
+ StringBuffer req_file = new StringBuffer("./htmlfiles/");
+ req_file.append(filename);
+ String filepath = new String(req_file);
+ FileInputStream def_file = new FileInputStream(filepath);
+ int status = def_file.getfd();//Checks if the file is present in
+ //current directory
+ httpresponse(s);
+ if (status == -1){
+ StringBuffer response = new StringBuffer("404: not found: ");//Send 404 error if
+ // file not found
+ response.append(filename);
+ String buffer = new String(response);
+ s.write(buffer.getBytes());
+ def_file.close();
+ return;
+ }
+ byte buf[] = new byte[16];
+ int ret;
+ while ((ret = def_file.read(buf)) > 0) {// Read from file and write
+ // one byte at a time into the socket
+ byte tosend[] = new byte[ret];
+ for (int i = 0; i < ret; i++) {
+ tosend[i] = buf[i];
+ }
+ s.write(tosend);
+ //String str = new String(tosend);
+ }
+ def_file.close();
+ }
+ //Read the client request and extract the filename from it
+ public boolean clientrequest(Socket s){
+ byte b1[] = new byte[1024];
+ int numbytes=s.read(b1);//Read client request from web server socket
+ String curr=(new String(b1)).subString(0, numbytes);
+ if (prefix!=null) {
+ StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer(prefix);
+ sb.append(curr);
+ curr=sb.toString();
+ }
+ prefix=curr;
+ if(prefix.indexOf("\r\n\r\n")>=0) {
+ int index = prefix.indexOf('/');//Parse the GET client request to find filename
+ int end = prefix.indexOf('H');
+ filename = prefix.subString((index+1), (end-1));
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Parse for the prefix in the client request
+ // This is helpful to find if the prefix is a special transaction
+ public boolean checktrans(){
+ if (filename.startsWith("portal") == true) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ //Parse for the substrings in the filename and use it to obtain the
+ //kind of operation, name of item, quantity of item, price of item
+ //e.g. trans_add_car_2_10000 is the filename
+ //store in the parsed[] string , add,car,2,1000
+ public int parseTransaction(){
+ int start = filename.indexOf('_');
+ String s = filename.subString(start+1);
+ if (s.startsWith("add")==true){
+ // System.printString("DEBUG > ADD\n");
+ int i1 = s.indexOf('_');
+ parsed[0] = new String(s.subString(0,i1));
+ int i2 = s.indexOf('_',i1+1);
+ parsed[1] = new String(s.subString(i1+1,i2));
+ int i3 = s.indexOf('_',i2+1);
+ parsed[2] = new String(s.subString(i2+1,i3));
+ String s3 = s.subString(i3+1);
+ parsed[3] = s3;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if (s.startsWith("buy")==true){
+ // System.printString("DEBUG > BUY\n");
+ int i1 = s.indexOf('_');
+ parsed[0] = s.subString(0,i1);
+ int i2 = s.indexOf('_', i1+1);
+ parsed[1] = s.subString(i1+1,i2);
+ String s2 = s.subString(i2+1);
+ parsed[2] = s2;
+ parsed[3] = "";
+ return 1;
+ }
+ if (s.startsWith("inventory")==true){
+ // System.printString("DEBUG > INVENTORY\n");
+ return 2;
+ }
+ // Error transaction
+ return -1;
+ }