--- /dev/null
+//import java.io.*;
+ * A Java implementation of the <tt>tsp</tt> Olden benchmark, the traveling
+ * salesman problem.
+ * <p>
+ * <cite>
+ * R. Karp, "Probabilistic analysis of partitioning algorithms for the
+ * traveling-salesman problem in the plane." Mathematics of Operations Research
+ * 2(3):209-224, August 1977
+ * </cite>
+ **/
+public class TestRunner
+ flag run;
+ /**
+ * Number of cities in the problem.
+ **/
+ public int cities;
+ /**
+ * Set to true if the result should be printed
+ **/
+ //private static boolean printResult = false;
+ /**
+ * Set to true to print informative messages
+ **/
+ //private static boolean printMsgs = false;
+ public TestRunner(int cities) {
+ this.cities = cities;
+ }
+ /**
+ * The main routine which creates a tree and traverses it.
+ * @param args the arguments to the program
+ **/
+ public void run()
+ {
+ /*parseCmdLine(args);
+ if (printMsgs)
+ System.out.println("Building tree of size " + cities);
+ long start0 = System.currentTimeMillis();*/
+ Tree_tsp t = Tree_tsp.buildTree(this.cities, false, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ /*long end0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ long start1 = System.currentTimeMillis();*/
+ t.tsp(150);
+ /*long end1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ if (printResult) {
+ // if the user specifies, print the final result
+ t.printVisitOrder();
+ }
+ if (printMsgs) {
+ System.out.println("Tsp build time " + (end0 - start0)/1000.0);
+ System.out.println("Tsp time " + (end1 - start1)/1000.0);
+ System.out.println("Tsp total time " + (end1 - start0)/1000.0);
+ }
+ System.out.println("Done!");*/
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse the command line options.
+ * @param args the command line options.
+ **/
+ /*private static final void parseCmdLine(String args[])
+ {
+ int i = 0;
+ String arg;
+ while (i < args.length && args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+ arg = args[i++];
+ if (arg.equals("-c")) {
+ if (i < args.length)
+ cities = new Integer(args[i++]).intValue();
+ else throw new Error("-c requires the size of tree");
+ } else if (arg.equals("-p")) {
+ printResult = true;
+ } else if (arg.equals("-m")) {
+ printMsgs = true;
+ } else if (arg.equals("-h")) {
+ usage();
+ }
+ }
+ if (cities == 0) usage();
+ }*/
+ /**
+ * The usage routine which describes the program options.
+ **/
+ /*private static final void usage()
+ {
+ System.err.println("usage: java TSP -c <num> [-p] [-m] [-h]");
+ System.err.println(" -c number of cities (rounds up to the next power of 2 minus 1)");
+ System.err.println(" -p (print the final result)");
+ System.err.println(" -m (print informative messages)");
+ System.err.println(" -h (print this message)");
+ System.exit(0);
+ }*/
--- /dev/null
+//import java.util.Random;
+ * A class that represents a node in a binary tree. Each node represents
+ * a city in the TSP benchmark.
+ **/
+final class Tree_tsp
+ /**
+ * The number of nodes (cities) in this subtree
+ **/
+ private int sz;
+ /**
+ * The coordinates that this node represents
+ **/
+ private float x,y;
+ /**
+ * Left child of the tree
+ **/
+ private Tree_tsp left;
+ /**
+ * Right child of tree
+ **/
+ private Tree_tsp right;
+ /**
+ * The next pointer in a linked list of nodes in the subtree. The list
+ * contains the order of the cities to visit.
+ **/
+ private Tree_tsp next;
+ /**
+ * The previous pointer in a linked list of nodes in the subtree. The list
+ * contains the order of the cities to visit.
+ **/
+ private Tree_tsp prev;
+ // used by the random number generator
+ //private static final float M_E2; // = 7.3890560989306502274;
+ //private static final float M_E3; // = 20.08553692318766774179;
+ //private static final float M_E6; // = 403.42879349273512264299;
+ //private static final float M_E12; // = 162754.79141900392083592475;
+ /**
+ * Construct a Tree node (a city) with the specified size
+ * @param size the number of nodes in the (sub)tree
+ * @param x the x coordinate of the city
+ * @param y the y coordinate of the city
+ * @param left the left subtree
+ * @param right the right subtree
+ **/
+ Tree_tsp(int size, float x, float y, Tree_tsp l, Tree_tsp r)
+ {
+ /*M_E2 = 7.3890560989306502274f;
+ M_E3 = 20.08553692318766774179f;
+ M_E6 = 403.42879349273512264299f;
+ M_E12 = 162754.79141900392083592475f;*/
+ sz = size;
+ this.x = x;
+ this.y = y;
+ left = l;
+ right = r;
+ next = null;
+ prev = null;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Find Euclidean distance between this node and the specified node.
+ * @param b the specified node
+ * @return the Euclidean distance between two tree nodes.
+ **/
+ float distance(Tree_tsp b)
+ {
+ return (Math.sqrtf((float)((x-b.x)*(x-b.x)+(y-b.y)*(y-b.y))));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create a list of tree nodes. Requires root to be the tail of the list.
+ * Only fills in next field, not prev.
+ * @return the linked list of nodes
+ **/
+ Tree_tsp makeList()
+ {
+ Tree_tsp myleft, myright;
+ Tree_tsp tleft,tright;
+ Tree_tsp retval = this;
+ // head of left list
+ if (left != null)
+ myleft = left.makeList();
+ else
+ myleft = null;
+ // head of right list
+ if (right != null)
+ myright = right.makeList();
+ else
+ myright = null;
+ if (myright != null) {
+ retval = myright;
+ right.next = this;
+ }
+ if (myleft != null) {
+ retval = myleft;
+ if (myright != null)
+ left.next = myright;
+ else
+ left.next = this;
+ }
+ next = null;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reverse the linked list. Assumes that there is a dummy "prev"
+ * node at the beginning.
+ **/
+ void reverse()
+ {
+ Tree_tsp prev = this.prev;
+ prev.next = null;
+ this.prev = null;
+ Tree_tsp back = this;
+ Tree_tsp tmp = this;
+ // reverse the list for the other nodes
+ Tree_tsp next;
+ for (Tree_tsp t = this.next; t != null; back = t, t = next) {
+ next = t.next;
+ t.next = back;
+ back.prev = t;
+ }
+ // reverse the list for this node
+ tmp.next = prev;
+ prev.prev = tmp;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Use closest-point heuristic from Cormen, Leiserson, and Rivest.
+ * @return a
+ **/
+ Tree_tsp conquer()
+ {
+ // create the list of nodes
+ Tree_tsp t = makeList();
+ // Create initial cycle
+ Tree_tsp cycle = t;
+ t = t.next;
+ cycle.next = cycle;
+ cycle.prev = cycle;
+ // Loop over remaining points
+ Tree_tsp donext;
+ for (; t != null; t = donext) {
+ donext = t.next; /* value won't be around later */
+ Tree_tsp min = cycle;
+ float mindist = t.distance(cycle);
+ for (Tree_tsp tmp = cycle.next; tmp != cycle; tmp=tmp.next) {
+ float test = tmp.distance(t);
+ if (test < mindist) {
+ mindist = test;
+ min = tmp;
+ } /* if */
+ } /* for tmp... */
+ Tree_tsp next = min.next;
+ Tree_tsp prev = min.prev;
+ float mintonext = min.distance(next);
+ float mintoprev = min.distance(prev);
+ float ttonext = t.distance(next);
+ float ttoprev = t.distance(prev);
+ if ((float)(ttoprev - mintoprev) < (float)(ttonext - mintonext)) {
+ /* insert between min and prev */
+ prev.next = t;
+ t.next = min;
+ t.prev = prev;
+ min.prev = t;
+ } else {
+ next.prev = t;
+ t.next = next;
+ min.next = t;
+ t.prev = min;
+ }
+ } /* for t... */
+ return cycle;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Merge two cycles as per Karp.
+ * @param a a subtree with one cycle
+ * @param b a subtree with the other cycle
+ **/
+ Tree_tsp merge(Tree_tsp a, Tree_tsp b)
+ {
+ // Compute location for first cycle
+ Tree_tsp min = a;
+ float mindist = distance(a);
+ Tree_tsp tmp = a;
+ for (a = a.next; a != tmp; a = a.next) {
+ float test = distance(a);
+ if (test < mindist) {
+ mindist = test;
+ min = a;
+ }
+ }
+ Tree_tsp next = min.next;
+ Tree_tsp prev = min.prev;
+ float mintonext = min.distance(next);
+ float mintoprev = min.distance(prev);
+ float ttonext = distance(next);
+ float ttoprev = distance(prev);
+ Tree_tsp p1, n1;
+ float tton1, ttop1;
+ if ((ttoprev - mintoprev) < (ttonext - mintonext)) {
+ // would insert between min and prev
+ p1 = prev;
+ n1 = min;
+ tton1 = mindist;
+ ttop1 = ttoprev;
+ } else {
+ // would insert between min and next
+ p1 = min;
+ n1 = next;
+ ttop1 = mindist;
+ tton1 = ttonext;
+ }
+ // Compute location for second cycle
+ min = b;
+ mindist = distance(b);
+ tmp = b;
+ for (b = b.next; b != tmp; b = b.next) {
+ float test = distance(b);
+ if (test < mindist) {
+ mindist = test;
+ min = b;
+ }
+ }
+ next = min.next;
+ prev = min.prev;
+ mintonext = min.distance(next);
+ mintoprev = min.distance(prev);
+ ttonext = this.distance(next);
+ ttoprev = this.distance(prev);
+ Tree_tsp p2, n2;
+ float tton2, ttop2;
+ if ((ttoprev - mintoprev) < (ttonext - mintonext)) {
+ // would insert between min and prev
+ p2 = prev;
+ n2 = min;
+ tton2 = mindist;
+ ttop2 = ttoprev;
+ } else {
+ // would insert between min andn ext
+ p2 = min;
+ n2 = next;
+ ttop2 = mindist;
+ tton2 = ttonext;
+ }
+ // Now we have 4 choices to complete:
+ // 1:t,p1 t,p2 n1,n2
+ // 2:t,p1 t,n2 n1,p2
+ // 3:t,n1 t,p2 p1,n2
+ // 4:t,n1 t,n2 p1,p2
+ float n1ton2 = n1.distance(n2);
+ float n1top2 = n1.distance(p2);
+ float p1ton2 = p1.distance(n2);
+ float p1top2 = p1.distance(p2);
+ mindist = (float)(ttop1 + ttop2 + n1ton2);
+ int choice = 1;
+ float test = (float)(ttop1 + tton2 + n1top2);
+ if (test < mindist) {
+ choice = 2;
+ mindist = test;
+ }
+ test = tton1 + ttop2 + p1ton2;
+ if (test < mindist) {
+ choice = 3;
+ mindist = test;
+ }
+ test = tton1 + tton2 + p1top2;
+ if (test < mindist)
+ choice = 4;
+ if (choice == 1) {
+ //case 1:
+ // 1:p1,this this,p2 n2,n1 -- reverse 2!
+ n2.reverse();
+ p1.next = this;
+ this.prev = p1;
+ this.next = p2;
+ p2.prev = this;
+ n2.next = n1;
+ n1.prev = n2;
+ //break;
+ } else if(choice == 2) {
+ //case 2:
+ // 2:p1,this this,n2 p2,n1 -- OK
+ p1.next = this;
+ this.prev = p1;
+ this.next = n2;
+ n2.prev = this;
+ p2.next = n1;
+ n1.prev = p2;
+ //break;
+ } else if(choice == 3) {
+ //case 3:
+ // 3:p2,this this,n1 p1,n2 -- OK
+ p2.next = this;
+ this.prev = p2;
+ this.next = n1;
+ n1.prev = this;
+ p1.next = n2;
+ n2.prev = p1;
+ //break;
+ } else if(choice == 4) {
+ //case 4:
+ // 4:n1,this this,n2 p2,p1 -- reverse 1!
+ n1.reverse();
+ n1.next = this;
+ this.prev = n1;
+ this.next = n2;
+ n2.prev = this;
+ p2.next = p1;
+ p1.prev = p2;
+ //break;
+ }
+ return this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compute TSP for the tree t. Use conquer for problems <= sz
+ * @param sz the cutoff point for using conquer vs. merge
+ **/
+ Tree_tsp tsp(int sz)
+ {
+ if (this.sz <= sz) return conquer();
+ Tree_tsp leftval = left.tsp(sz);
+ Tree_tsp rightval = right.tsp(sz);
+ return merge(leftval, rightval);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Print the list of cities to visit from the current node. The
+ * list is the result of computing the TSP problem.
+ * The list for the root node (city) should contain every other node
+ * (city).
+ **/
+ /*void printVisitOrder()
+ {
+ System.out.println("x = " + x + " y = " + y);
+ for (Tree_tsp tmp = next; tmp != this; tmp = tmp.next) {
+ System.out.println("x = " + tmp.x + " y = " + tmp.y);
+ }
+ }*/
+ //
+ // static methods
+ //
+ /**
+ * Return an estimate of median of n values distributed in [min,max)
+ * @param min the minimum value
+ * @param max the maximum value
+ * @param n
+ * @return an estimate of median of n values distributed in [min,max)
+ **/
+ private static float median(float min, float max, int n)
+ {
+ float M_E2 = 7.3890560989306502274f;
+ float M_E3 = 20.08553692318766774179f;
+ float M_E6 = 403.42879349273512264299f;
+ float M_E12 = 162754.79141900392083592475f;
+ // get random value in [0.0, 1.0)
+ float t = (new Random()).nextFloat();
+ float retval;
+ if (t > 0.5) {
+ retval = /*java.lang.*/(float)(Math.log(1.0-(2.0*(M_E12-1)*(t-0.5)/M_E12))/12.0f);
+ } else {
+ retval = (float)(-/*java.lang.*/Math.log(1.0-(2.0*(M_E12-1)*t/M_E12))/12.0f);
+ }
+ // We now have something distributed on (-1.0,1.0)
+ retval = (float)((retval+1.0f) * (max-min)/2.0f);
+ retval = retval + min;
+ return retval;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Get float uniformly distributed over [min,max)
+ * @return float uniformily distributed over [min,max)
+ **/
+ private static float uniform(float min, float max)
+ {
+ // get random value between [0.0,1.0)
+ float retval = (new Random()).nextFloat();
+ retval = retval * (max-min);
+ return retval + min;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Builds a 2D tree of n nodes in specified range with dir as primary
+ * axis (false for x, true for y)
+ *
+ * @param n the size of the subtree to create
+ * @param dir the primary axis
+ * @param min_x the minimum x coordinate
+ * @param max_x the maximum x coordinate
+ * @param min_y the minimum y coordinate
+ * @param max_y the maximum y coordinate
+ * @return a reference to the root of the subtree
+ **/
+ public static Tree_tsp buildTree(int n, boolean dir, float min_x,
+ float max_x, float min_y, float max_y)
+ {
+ if (n==0) return null;
+ Tree_tsp left, right;
+ float x, y;
+ if (dir) {
+ dir = !dir;
+ float med = median(min_x,max_x,n);
+ left = buildTree(n/2, dir, min_x, med, min_y, max_y);
+ right = buildTree(n/2, dir, med, max_x, min_y, max_y);
+ x = med;
+ y = uniform(min_y, max_y);
+ } else {
+ dir = !dir;
+ float med = median(min_y,max_y,n);
+ left = buildTree(n/2, dir, min_x, max_x, min_y, med);
+ right = buildTree(n/2, dir, min_x, max_x, med, max_y);
+ y = med;
+ x = uniform(min_x, max_x);
+ }
+ return new Tree_tsp(n, x, y, left, right);
+ }