public static final double PROB_DIFF = 0.05; //threshold for difference in probabilities during first phase of analysis
public static final double ANALYSIS_THRESHOLD_PROB = 0.10; //threshold for prefetches to stop propagating during first phase of analysis
public static final double PREFETCH_THRESHOLD_PROB = 0.30;//threshold for prefetches to stop propagating while applying prefetch rules during second phase of analysis
- public static final double BRANCH_TRUE_EDGE_PROB = 0.5;
- public static final double BRANCH_FALSE_EDGE_PROB = 0.5;
public PrefetchAnalysis(State state, CallGraph callgraph, TypeUtil typeutil) {
* for a given prefetch pair else returns false*/
private boolean isTempDescFound(PrefetchPair pp, TempDescriptor td) {
ArrayList<Descriptor> desc = (ArrayList<Descriptor>) pp.getDesc();
- ListIterator it = desc.listIterator();
- for(;it.hasNext();) {
+ for(ListIterator it = desc.listIterator();it.hasNext();) {
Object o =;
if(o instanceof IndexDescriptor) {
ArrayList<TempDescriptor> tdarray = (ArrayList<TempDescriptor>)((IndexDescriptor)o).tddesc;
* tempdescriptors when there is a match */
private ArrayList<Descriptor> getNewDesc(PrefetchPair pp, TempDescriptor td, TempDescriptor newtd) {
ArrayList<Descriptor> desc = (ArrayList<Descriptor>) pp.getDesc();
- ListIterator it = desc.listIterator();
- for(;it.hasNext();) {
+ for(ListIterator it = desc.listIterator();it.hasNext();) {
Object currdesc =;
if(currdesc instanceof IndexDescriptor) {
ArrayList<TempDescriptor> tdarray = (ArrayList<TempDescriptor>)((IndexDescriptor)currdesc).tddesc;
* tempdescriptors when there is a match for e.g FlatOpNodes if i= i+j then replace i with i+j */
private ArrayList<Descriptor> getNewDesc(PrefetchPair pp, TempDescriptor td, TempDescriptor left, TempDescriptor right) {
ArrayList<Descriptor> desc = (ArrayList<Descriptor>) pp.getDesc();
- ListIterator it = desc.listIterator();
- for(;it.hasNext();) {
+ for(ListIterator it = desc.listIterator();it.hasNext();) {
Object currdesc =;
if(currdesc instanceof IndexDescriptor) {
ArrayList<TempDescriptor> tdarray = (ArrayList<TempDescriptor>)((IndexDescriptor)currdesc).tddesc;
return desc;
- /** This function starts the prefetch analysis */
- private void DoPrefetch() {
- Iterator classit=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
- while(classit.hasNext()) {
- ClassDescriptor cn=(ClassDescriptor);
- doMethodAnalysis(cn);
- }
+ /** This function starts the prefetch analysis */
+ private void DoPrefetch() {
+ for(Iterator classit=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();classit.hasNext();) {
+ ClassDescriptor cn=(ClassDescriptor);
+ doMethodAnalysis(cn);
+ }
/** This function calls analysis for every method in a class */
private void doMethodAnalysis(ClassDescriptor cn) {
* returns: true if something has changed in the new Prefetch set else
* returns: false
- private boolean comparePrefetchSets(Hashtable<PrefetchPair, Double> oldPrefetchSet, Hashtable<PrefetchPair, Double>
- newPrefetchSet) {
- boolean hasChanged = false;
- PrefetchPair oldpp = null;
- PrefetchPair newpp = null;
- if(oldPrefetchSet.size() != newPrefetchSet.size()) {
- if(newPrefetchSet.size() == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- } else {
- Enumeration e = newPrefetchSet.keys();
- while(e.hasMoreElements()) {
- newpp = (PrefetchPair) e.nextElement();
- double newprob = newPrefetchSet.get(newpp).doubleValue();
- for(Enumeration elem = oldPrefetchSet.keys(); elem.hasMoreElements();) {
- oldpp = (PrefetchPair) elem.nextElement();
- if(oldpp.equals(newpp)) {
- /*Compare the difference in their probabilities */
- double oldprob = oldPrefetchSet.get(oldpp).doubleValue();
- if(((newprob - oldprob) > PROB_DIFF) || (newprob >= PREFETCH_THRESHOLD_PROB && oldprob < PREFETCH_THRESHOLD_PROB)) {
- return true;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return hasChanged;
+ private boolean comparePrefetchSets(Hashtable<PrefetchPair, Double> oldPrefetchSet, Hashtable<PrefetchPair, Double> newPrefetchSet) {
+ if(oldPrefetchSet.size() != newPrefetchSet.size()) {
+ return true;
+ for(Enumeration e = newPrefetchSet.keys();e.hasMoreElements();) {
+ PrefetchPair pp = (PrefetchPair) e.nextElement();
+ double newprob = newPrefetchSet.get(pp).doubleValue();
+ if (!oldPrefetchSet.containsKey(pp))
+ return true;//item missing
+ double oldprob = oldPrefetchSet.get(pp).doubleValue();
+ if(((newprob - oldprob) > PROB_DIFF) || (newprob >= PREFETCH_THRESHOLD_PROB && oldprob < PREFETCH_THRESHOLD_PROB))//probability different
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
/** This function processes the prefetch set of FlatFieldNode
* It generates a new prefetch set after comparision with its children
} //End of if
} //end of while
- private void doAnalysis() {
- Iterator classit=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
- while(classit.hasNext()) {
- ClassDescriptor cn=(ClassDescriptor);
- Iterator methodit=cn.getMethods();
- while(methodit.hasNext()) {
- /* Classify parameters */
- MethodDescriptor md=(MethodDescriptor);
- FlatMethod fm=state.getMethodFlat(md);
- printMethod(fm);
- }
- }
- }
- private void printMethod(FlatMethod fm) {
- System.out.println(fm.getMethod()+" {");
- HashSet tovisit=new HashSet();
- HashSet visited=new HashSet();
- int labelindex=0;
- Hashtable nodetolabel=new Hashtable();
- tovisit.add(fm);
- FlatNode current_node=null;
- //Assign labels 1st
- //Node needs a label if it is
- while(!tovisit.isEmpty()) {
- FlatNode fn=(FlatNode)tovisit.iterator().next();
- tovisit.remove(fn);
- visited.add(fn);
- for(int i=0;i<fn.numNext();i++) {
- FlatNode nn=fn.getNext(i);
- if(i>0) {
- //1) Edge >1 of node
- nodetolabel.put(nn,new Integer(labelindex++));
- }
- if (!visited.contains(nn)&&!tovisit.contains(nn)) {
- tovisit.add(nn);
- } else {
- //2) Join point
- nodetolabel.put(nn,new Integer(labelindex++));
- }
- }
- }
- //Do the actual printing
- tovisit=new HashSet();
- visited=new HashSet();
- tovisit.add(fm);
- while(current_node!=null||!tovisit.isEmpty()) {
- if (current_node==null) {
- current_node=(FlatNode)tovisit.iterator().next();
- tovisit.remove(current_node);
- }
- visited.add(current_node);
- if (nodetolabel.containsKey(current_node))
- System.out.println("L"+nodetolabel.get(current_node)+":");
- if (current_node.numNext()==0) {
- System.out.println(" "+current_node.toString());
- current_node=null;
- } else if(current_node.numNext()==1) {
- System.out.println(" "+current_node.toString());
- FlatNode nextnode=current_node.getNext(0);
- if (visited.contains(nextnode)) {
- System.out.println("goto L"+nodetolabel.get(nextnode));
- current_node=null;
- } else
- current_node=nextnode;
- } else if (current_node.numNext()==2) {
- /* Branch */
- System.out.println(" "+((FlatCondBranch)current_node).toString("L"+nodetolabel.get(current_node.getNext(1))));
- if (!visited.contains(current_node.getNext(1)))
- tovisit.add(current_node.getNext(1));
- if (visited.contains(current_node.getNext(0))) {
- System.out.println("goto L"+nodetolabel.get(current_node.getNext(0)));
- current_node=null;
- } else
- current_node=current_node.getNext(0);
- } else throw new Error();
- }
- System.out.println("}");
- }