IMPORTANT: Making symlinks from ~/.vim/syntax/... to the syntax files in your
LLVM source tree does not work, you DO need to copy the files directly.
+However, if you do not already have a ~/.vim/syntax/ directory, simply
+symlinking it to llvm/utils/vim will do the trick nicely, and you can stay
+up-to-date with CVS.
Note: If you notice missing or incorrect syntax highlighting, please contact
<llvmbugs [at]>; if you wish to provide a patch to improve the
functionality, it will be most appreciated. Thank you.
syn case match
-syn keyword tgKeyword def let in code dag
-syn keyword tgType class int string list bit bits
+syn keyword tgKeyword def let in code dag field
+syn keyword tgType class int string list bit bits
syn match tgNumber /\<\d\+\>/
syn match tgNumber /\<\d\+\.\d*\>/
syn match tgComment /\/\/.*$/
+" FIXME: this does not capture multi-line C-style comments
+syn match tgComment /\/\*.*\*\//
syn region tgString start=/"/ skip=/\\"/ end=/"/
if version >= 508 || !exists("did_c_syn_inits")
command -nargs=+ HiLink hi def link <args>
- HiLink tgKeyword Type
+ HiLink tgKeyword Statement
HiLink tgType Type
- "HiLink llvmStatement Statement
HiLink tgNumber Number
HiLink tgComment Comment
HiLink tgString String