--- /dev/null
+ * *
+ * Java Grande Forum Benchmark Suite - Thread Version 1.0 *
+ * *
+ * produced by *
+ * *
+ * Java Grande Benchmarking Project *
+ * *
+ * at *
+ * *
+ * Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre *
+ * *
+ * email: epcc-javagrande@epcc.ed.ac.uk *
+ * *
+ * adapted from SciMark 2.0, author Roldan Pozo (pozo@cam.nist.gov) *
+ * *
+ * This version copyright (c) The University of Edinburgh, 2001. *
+ * All rights reserved. *
+ * *
+ **************************************************************************/
+class SORRunner extends Thread {
+ int id,num_iterations;
+ double G[][],omega;
+ double S[][];
+ int sync[][];
+ int nthreads;
+ public SORRunner(int id, double omega, double G[][], int num_iterations,int[][] sync, int nthreads) {
+ this.id = id;
+ this.omega=omega;
+ this.G=G;
+ this.num_iterations=num_iterations;
+ this.sync=sync;
+ this.nthreads = nthreads;
+ }
+ public void run() {
+ int tmpid, M, N, numthreads;
+ double omega_over_four, one_minus_omega;
+ int numiterations;
+ atomic {
+ M = G.length;
+ N = G[0].length;
+ omega_over_four = omega * 0.25;
+ one_minus_omega = 1.0 - omega;
+ numthreads = nthreads;
+ tmpid = id;
+ numiterations = num_iterations;
+ }
+ // update interior points
+ //
+ int Mm1 = M-1;
+ int Nm1 = N-1;
+ int ilow, iupper, slice, tslice, ttslice;
+ tslice = (Mm1) / 2;
+ ttslice = (tslice + numthreads-1)/numthreads;
+ slice = ttslice*2;
+ ilow=tmpid*slice+1;
+ iupper = ((tmpid+1)*slice)+1;
+ if (iupper > Mm1) iupper = Mm1+1;
+ if (tmpid == (numthreads-1)) iupper = Mm1+1;
+ for (int p=-2; p<2*numiterations; p++) {
+ if (p<0) {
+ int l=ilow;
+ if (l==1)
+ l=0;
+ if (p==-2) {
+ atomic {
+ S=global new double[iupper-l][N];
+ for (int i=l; i<iupper; i++) {
+ double q[]=S[i-l];
+ double r[]=G[i];
+ for(int j=0;j<N;j++) {
+ q[j]=r[j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ atomic {
+ for (int i=l; i<iupper; i++) {
+ G[i]=S[i-l];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ atomic {
+ for (int i=ilow+(p%2); i<iupper; i=i+2) {
+ double [] Gi = G[i];
+ double [] Gim1 = G[i-1];
+ if(i == 1) {
+ double [] Gip1 = G[i+1];
+ for (int j=1; j<Nm1; j=j+2){
+ Gi[j] = omega_over_four * (Gim1[j] + Gip1[j] + Gi[j-1]
+ + Gi[j+1]) + one_minus_omega * Gi[j];
+ }
+ } else if (i == Mm1) {
+ double [] Gim2 = G[i-2];
+ for (int j=1; j<Nm1; j=j+2){
+ if((j+1) != Nm1) {
+ Gim1[j+1]=omega_over_four * (Gim2[j+1] + Gi[j+1] + Gim1[j]
+ + Gim1[j+2]) + one_minus_omega * Gim1[j+1];
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ double [] Gip1 = G[i+1];
+ double [] Gim2 = G[i-2];
+ for (int j=1; j<Nm1; j=j+2){
+ Gi[j] = omega_over_four * (Gim1[j] + Gip1[j] + Gi[j-1]
+ + Gi[j+1]) + one_minus_omega * Gi[j];
+ if((j+1) != Nm1) {
+ Gim1[j+1]=omega_over_four * (Gim2[j+1] + Gi[j+1] + Gim1[j]
+ + Gim1[j+2]) + one_minus_omega * Gim1[j+1];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } //close atomic
+ }
+ int ourcount;
+ boolean done=true;
+ atomic {
+ // Signal this thread has done iteration
+ sync[tmpid][0]++;
+ ourcount=sync[tmpid][0];
+ }
+ // Wait for neighbours;
+ while(done) {
+ atomic {
+ if ((tmpid==0 || ourcount <= sync[tmpid-1][0])
+ &&((tmpid==(numthreads-1))||ourcount<=sync[tmpid+1][0]))
+ done=false;
+ }
+ }
+ System.clearPrefetchCache();
+ }//end of for
+ } //end of run()