output.println(generateTemp(fm, ffn.getDst())+"="+ generateTemp(fm,ffn.getSrc())+"->"+ ffn.getField().getSafeSymbol()+";");
- }else {
+ }else if (ffn.getField().getSymbol().equals("this")) {
+ // an inner class refers to itself
+ output.println("#ifdef CAPTURE_NULL_DEREFERENCES");
+ output.println("if (" + generateTemp(fm,ffn.getSrc()) + " == NULL) {");
+ output.println("printf(\" NULL ptr error: %s, %s, %d \\n\", __FILE__, __func__, __LINE__);");
+ if(state.MULTICOREGC||state.PMC) {
+ output.println("failednullptr(&___locals___);");
+ } else {
+ output.println("failednullptr(NULL);");
+ }
+ output.println("}");
+ output.println("#endif //CAPTURE_NULL_DEREFERENCES");
+ }
+ output.println(generateTemp(fm, ffn.getDst())+"="+ generateTemp(fm,ffn.getSrc())+";");
+ } else {
output.println("#ifdef CAPTURE_NULL_DEREFERENCES");
output.println("if (" + generateTemp(fm,ffn.getSrc()) + " == NULL) {");
private HashSet valueset;
private Vector<SymbolTable> parentIFs;
- private SymbolTable surrounding;
public SymbolTable() {
table = new Hashtable();
valueset = new HashSet();
parent = null;
parentIFs = null;
- this.surrounding = null;
public SymbolTable(SymbolTable parent) {
- if(this.surrounding != null) {
- hs.addAll(this.surrounding.getPSet(name));
- }
if (table.containsKey(name)) {
- if(this.surrounding != null) {
- d = this.surrounding.get(name);
- if(d != null) {
- return d;
- }
- }
return null;
- if(this.surrounding != null) {
- hs.addAll(this.surrounding.getAllValueSet());
- }
return hs;
this.parent = parent;
- public SymbolTable getSurrounding() {
- return this.surrounding;
- }
- public void setSurrounding(SymbolTable surrounding) {
- this.surrounding = surrounding;
- }
public Vector<SymbolTable> getParentIFs() {
return parentIFs;
- // if this is an inner class, link together Field, Method and Flag
- // tables from its surrounding class
- if(cd.isInnerClass()) {
- cd.getFieldTable().setSurrounding(cd.getSurroundingDesc().getFieldTable());
- cd.getMethodTable().setSurrounding(cd.getSurroundingDesc().getMethodTable());
- cd.getFlagTable().setSurrounding(cd.getSurroundingDesc().getFlagTable());
- }
if(ltd.isClassNameRef()) {
// the field access is using a class name directly
if (fd==null) {
+ // check if it is to access a surrounding class in an inner class
+ if(fieldname.equals("this")) {
+ ClassDescriptor icd = ((VarDescriptor)nametable.get("this")).getType().getClassDesc();
+ if(icd.isInnerClass()) {
+ NameNode nn = new NameNode(new NameDescriptor("this"));
+ nn.setVar((VarDescriptor)nametable.get("this"));
+ fan.setExpression(nn);
+ if(icd.getSurroundingDesc()==ltd.getClassDesc()) {
+ // this is a surrounding class access inside an inner class
+ fan.setExpression(nn);
+ fan.setFieldName("this$0");
+ fd = (FieldDescriptor)icd.getFieldTable().get("this$0");
+ } else if(icd==ltd.getClassDesc()) {
+ // this is an inner class this operation
+ fd = new FieldDescriptor(new Modifiers(),new TypeDescriptor(icd),"this",null,false);
+ }
+ fan.setField(fd);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
ClassDescriptor surroundingCls=ltd.getClassDesc().getSurroundingDesc();
while(surroundingCls!=null) {
+ FieldDescriptor recurseSurroundingClasses( ClassDescriptor icd, String varname ) {
+ if( null == icd || false == icd.isInnerClass() )
+ return null;
+ ClassDescriptor surroundingDesc = icd.getSurroundingDesc();
+ if( null == surroundingDesc )
+ return null;
+ SymbolTable fieldTable = surroundingDesc.getFieldTable();
+ FieldDescriptor fd = ( FieldDescriptor ) fieldTable.get( varname );
+ if( null != fd )
+ return fd;
+ return recurseSurroundingClasses( surroundingDesc, varname );
+ }
FieldAccessNode fieldAccessExpression( ClassDescriptor icd, String varname, int linenum ) {
- // first check if the field is belong to the icd or its parent class
- FieldDescriptor fd = (FieldDescriptor)icd.getFieldTable().get(varname);
+ FieldDescriptor fd = recurseSurroundingClasses( icd, varname );
if( null == fd )
return null;
+ MethodDescriptor recurseSurroundingClassesM( ClassDescriptor icd, String varname ) {
+ if( null == icd || false == icd.isInnerClass() )
+ return null;
+ ClassDescriptor surroundingDesc = icd.getSurroundingDesc();
+ if( null == surroundingDesc )
+ return null;
+ SymbolTable methodTable = surroundingDesc.getMethodTable();
+ MethodDescriptor md = ( MethodDescriptor ) methodTable.get( varname );
+ if( null != md )
+ return md;
+ return recurseSurroundingClassesM( surroundingDesc, varname );
+ }
+ ExpressionNode methodInvocationExpression( ClassDescriptor icd, MethodDescriptor md, int linenum ) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd = md.getClassDesc();
+ int depth = 1;
+ int startingDepth = icd.getInnerDepth();
+ if( true == cd.isInnerClass() )
+ depth = cd.getInnerDepth();
+ String composed = "this";
+ NameDescriptor runningDesc = new NameDescriptor( "this" );;
+ for ( int index = startingDepth; index > depth; --index ) {
+ composed = "this$" + String.valueOf( index - 1 );
+ runningDesc = new NameDescriptor( runningDesc, composed );
+ }
+ if( false == cd.isInnerClass() )
+ runningDesc = new NameDescriptor( runningDesc, "this$" + String.valueOf(0) ); //all the way up.
+ return new NameNode(runningDesc);
void checkMethodInvokeNode(Descriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, MethodInvokeNode min, TypeDescriptor td) {
/*Typecheck subexpressions
/* Is this more specific than bestmd */
- if (bestmd==null)
- throw new Error("No method found for :"+min.printNode(0)+" in class: " + classtolookin+" in "+md);
+ if (bestmd==null) {
+ // if this is an inner class, need to check the method table for the surrounding class
+ bestmd = recurseSurroundingClassesM(classtolookin, min.getMethodName());
+ if(bestmd == null)
+ throw new Error("No method found for :"+min.printNode(0)+" in class: " + classtolookin+" in "+md);
+ else {
+ // set the correct "this" expression here
+ ExpressionNode en=methodInvocationExpression(classtolookin, bestmd, min.getNumLine());
+ min.setExpression(en);
+ checkExpressionNode(md, nametable, min.getExpression(), null);
+ }
+ }
if ((td!=null)&&(min.getType()!=null)&&!typeutil.isSuperorType(td, min.getType()))