import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.Stack;
import Analysis.CallGraph.CallGraph;
import IR.Descriptor;
import IR.MethodDescriptor;
import IR.Operation;
import IR.State;
+import IR.TypeDescriptor;
import IR.Flat.FKind;
+import IR.Flat.FlatCall;
import IR.Flat.FlatFieldNode;
import IR.Flat.FlatLiteralNode;
import IR.Flat.FlatMethod;
// overwritten on every possible path during method invocation
private Hashtable<FlatMethod, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>> mapFlatMethodToOverWrite;
- private Hashtable<FlatNode, Hashtable<Descriptor, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>>> definitelyWrittenResults;
+ // points to method containing SSJAVA Loop
+ private MethodDescriptor methodContainingSSJavaLoop;
+ // maps a flatnode to definitely written analysis mapping M
+ private Hashtable<FlatNode, Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>>> definitelyWrittenResults;
public DefinitelyWrittenCheck(SSJavaAnalysis ssjava, State state) {
this.state = state;
this.mapHeapPath = new Hashtable<Descriptor, NTuple<Descriptor>>();
this.mapFlatMethodToRead = new Hashtable<FlatMethod, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>>();
this.mapFlatMethodToOverWrite = new Hashtable<FlatMethod, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>>();
+ this.definitelyWrittenResults =
+ new Hashtable<FlatNode, Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>>>();
public void definitelyWrittenCheck() {
+ methodReadOverWriteAnalysis();
+ writtenAnalyis();
+ }
+ private void writtenAnalyis() {
+ // perform second stage analysis: intraprocedural analysis ensure that all
+ // variables are definitely written in-between the same read
+ // First, identify ssjava loop entrace
+ FlatMethod fm = state.getMethodFlat(methodContainingSSJavaLoop);
+ Set<FlatNode> flatNodesToVisit = new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ flatNodesToVisit.add(fm);
+ FlatNode entrance = null;
+ while (!flatNodesToVisit.isEmpty()) {
+ FlatNode fn = flatNodesToVisit.iterator().next();
+ flatNodesToVisit.remove(fn);
+ String label = (String) state.fn2labelMap.get(fn);
+ if (label != null) {
+ if (label.equals(ssjava.SSJAVA)) {
+ entrance = fn;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < fn.numNext(); i++) {
+ FlatNode nn = fn.getNext(i);
+ flatNodesToVisit.add(nn);
+ }
+ }
+ assert entrance != null;
+ writtenAnalysis_analyzeLoop(entrance);
- analyzeMethods();
- private void analyzeMethods() {
- // perform method READ/OVERWRITE analysis
+ private void writtenAnalysis_analyzeLoop(FlatNode entrance) {
+ Set<FlatNode> flatNodesToVisit = new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ flatNodesToVisit.add(entrance);
+ while (!flatNodesToVisit.isEmpty()) {
+ FlatNode fn = (FlatNode) flatNodesToVisit.iterator().next();
+ flatNodesToVisit.remove(fn);
+ Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>> prev =
+ definitelyWrittenResults.get(fn);
+ Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>> curr =
+ new Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < fn.numPrev(); i++) {
+ FlatNode nn = fn.getPrev(i);
+ Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>> dwIn =
+ definitelyWrittenResults.get(nn);
+ if (dwIn != null) {
+ merge(curr, dwIn);
+ }
+ }
+ writtenAnalysis_nodeAction(fn, curr, entrance);
+ // definitelyWritten_nodeActions(fn, curr, entrance);
+ // if a new result, schedule forward nodes for analysis
+ if (!curr.equals(prev)) {
+ definitelyWrittenResults.put(fn, curr);
+ for (int i = 0; i < fn.numNext(); i++) {
+ FlatNode nn = fn.getNext(i);
+ flatNodesToVisit.add(nn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void writtenAnalysis_nodeAction(FlatNode fn,
+ Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>> curr, FlatNode loopEntrance) {
+ if (fn.equals(loopEntrance)) {
+ // it reaches loop entrance: changes all flag to true
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> keySet = curr.keySet();
+ for (Iterator iterator = keySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> key = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean> pair = curr.get(key);
+ if (pair != null) {
+ Set<FlatNode> pairKeySet = pair.keySet();
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = pairKeySet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
+ FlatNode pairKey = (FlatNode);
+ pair.put(pairKey, Boolean.TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ TempDescriptor lhs;
+ TempDescriptor rhs;
+ FieldDescriptor fld;
+ switch (fn.kind()) {
+ case FKind.FlatOpNode: {
+ FlatOpNode fon = (FlatOpNode) fn;
+ lhs = fon.getDest();
+ rhs = fon.getLeft();
+ NTuple<Descriptor> rhsHeapPath = computePath(rhs);
+ if (!rhs.getType().isImmutable()) {
+ mapHeapPath.put(lhs, rhsHeapPath);
+ }
+ if (fon.getOp().getOp() == Operation.ASSIGN) {
+ // read(rhs)
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean> gen = curr.get(rhsHeapPath);
+ if (gen == null) {
+ gen = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>();
+ curr.put(rhsHeapPath, gen);
+ }
+ Boolean currentStatus = gen.get(fn);
+ if (currentStatus == null) {
+ gen.put(fn, Boolean.FALSE);
+ } else {
+ if (!rhs.getType().isClass()) {
+ checkFlag(currentStatus.booleanValue(), fn);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // write(lhs)
+ NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = computePath(lhs);
+ curr.put(lhsHeapPath, new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>());
+ }
+ break;
+ case FKind.FlatLiteralNode: {
+ FlatLiteralNode fln = (FlatLiteralNode) fn;
+ lhs = fln.getDst();
+ // write(lhs)
+ NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = computePath(lhs);
+ curr.put(lhsHeapPath, new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>());
+ }
+ break;
+ case FKind.FlatFieldNode:
+ case FKind.FlatElementNode: {
+ FlatFieldNode ffn = (FlatFieldNode) fn;
+ lhs = ffn.getSrc();
+ fld = ffn.getField();
+ // read field
+ NTuple<Descriptor> srcHeapPath = mapHeapPath.get(lhs);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> fldHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>(srcHeapPath.getList());
+ fldHeapPath.add(fld);
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean> gen = curr.get(fldHeapPath);
+ if (gen == null) {
+ gen = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>();
+ curr.put(fldHeapPath, gen);
+ }
+ Boolean currentStatus = gen.get(fn);
+ if (currentStatus == null) {
+ gen.put(fn, Boolean.FALSE);
+ } else {
+ checkFlag(currentStatus.booleanValue(), fn);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case FKind.FlatSetFieldNode:
+ case FKind.FlatSetElementNode: {
+ FlatSetFieldNode fsfn = (FlatSetFieldNode) fn;
+ lhs = fsfn.getDst();
+ fld = fsfn.getField();
+ // write(field)
+ NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = mapHeapPath.get(lhs);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> fldHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>(lhsHeapPath.getList());
+ fldHeapPath.add(fld);
+ curr.put(fldHeapPath, new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>());
+ }
+ break;
+ case FKind.FlatCall: {
+ FlatCall fc = (FlatCall) fn;
+ // compute all possible callee set
+ // transform all READ/OVERWRITE set from the any possible callees to the
+ // caller
+ MethodDescriptor mdCallee = fc.getMethod();
+ FlatMethod fmCallee = state.getMethodFlat(mdCallee);
+ Set<MethodDescriptor> setPossibleCallees = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
+ TypeDescriptor typeDesc = fc.getThis().getType();
+ setPossibleCallees.addAll(callGraph.getMethods(mdCallee, typeDesc));
+ // create mapping from arg idx to its heap paths
+ Hashtable<Integer, NTuple<Descriptor>> mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath =
+ new Hashtable<Integer, NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ // arg idx is starting from 'this' arg
+ NTuple<Descriptor> thisHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
+ thisHeapPath.add(fc.getThis());
+ mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.put(Integer.valueOf(0), thisHeapPath);
+ for (int i = 0; i < fc.numArgs(); i++) {
+ TempDescriptor arg = fc.getArg(i);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> argHeapPath = computePath(arg);
+ mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.put(Integer.valueOf(i + 1), argHeapPath);
+ }
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeUnionBoundReadSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeIntersectBoundOverWriteSet =
+ new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ for (Iterator iterator = setPossibleCallees.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ MethodDescriptor callee = (MethodDescriptor);
+ FlatMethod calleeFlatMethod = state.getMethodFlat(callee);
+ // binding caller's args and callee's params
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeReadSet = mapFlatMethodToRead.get(calleeFlatMethod);
+ if (calleeReadSet == null) {
+ calleeReadSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ mapFlatMethodToRead.put(calleeFlatMethod, calleeReadSet);
+ }
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeOverWriteSet =
+ mapFlatMethodToOverWrite.get(calleeFlatMethod);
+ if (calleeOverWriteSet == null) {
+ calleeOverWriteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ mapFlatMethodToOverWrite.put(calleeFlatMethod, calleeOverWriteSet);
+ }
+ Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor> mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc =
+ new Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < calleeFlatMethod.numParameters(); i++) {
+ TempDescriptor param = calleeFlatMethod.getParameter(i);
+ mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc.put(Integer.valueOf(i), param);
+ }
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeBoundReadSet =
+ bindSet(calleeReadSet, mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc, mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath);
+ // union of the current read set and the current callee's read set
+ calleeUnionBoundReadSet.addAll(calleeBoundReadSet);
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeBoundWriteSet =
+ bindSet(calleeOverWriteSet, mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc, mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath);
+ // intersection of the current overwrite set and the current callee's
+ // overwrite set
+ merge(calleeIntersectBoundOverWriteSet, calleeBoundWriteSet);
+ }
+ // add <hp,statement,false> in which hp is an element of READ_bound set
+ // of callee: callee has 'read' requirement!
+ for (Iterator iterator = calleeUnionBoundReadSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> read = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean> gen = curr.get(read);
+ if (gen == null) {
+ gen = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>();
+ curr.put(read, gen);
+ }
+ Boolean currentStatus = gen.get(fn);
+ if (currentStatus == null) {
+ gen.put(fn, Boolean.FALSE);
+ } else {
+ checkFlag(currentStatus.booleanValue(), fn);
+ }
+ }
+ // removes <hp,statement,flag> if hp is an element of OVERWRITE_bound
+ // set of callee. it means that callee will overwrite it
+ for (Iterator iterator = calleeIntersectBoundOverWriteSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> write = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
+ curr.put(write, new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void checkFlag(boolean booleanValue, FlatNode fn) {
+ if (booleanValue) {
+ throw new Error(
+ "There is a variable who comes back to the same read statement at the out-most iteration at "
+ + methodContainingSSJavaLoop.getClassDesc().getSourceFileName() + "::"
+ + fn.getNumLine());
+ }
+ }
+ private void merge(Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>> curr,
+ Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>> in) {
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> inKeySet = in.keySet();
+ for (Iterator iterator = inKeySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> inKey = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean> inPair = in.get(inKey);
+ Set<FlatNode> pairKeySet = inPair.keySet();
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = pairKeySet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
+ FlatNode pairKey = (FlatNode);
+ Boolean inFlag = inPair.get(pairKey);
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean> currPair = curr.get(inKey);
+ if (currPair == null) {
+ currPair = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>();
+ curr.put(inKey, currPair);
+ }
+ Boolean currFlag = currPair.get(pairKey);
+ // by default, flag is set by false
+ if (currFlag == null) {
+ currFlag = Boolean.FALSE;
+ }
+ currFlag = Boolean.valueOf(inFlag.booleanValue() | currFlag.booleanValue());
+ currPair.put(pairKey, currFlag);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void methodReadOverWriteAnalysis() {
+ // perform method READ/OVERWRITE analysis
Set<MethodDescriptor> methodDescriptorsToAnalyze = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
LinkedList<MethodDescriptor> sortedDescriptors = topologicalSort(methodDescriptorsToAnalyze);
// no need to analyze method having ssjava loop
- sortedDescriptors.removeFirst();
+ methodContainingSSJavaLoop = sortedDescriptors.removeFirst();
+ // current descriptors to visit in fixed-point interprocedural analysis,
+ // prioritized by
+ // dependency in the call graph
+ Stack<MethodDescriptor> methodDescriptorsToVisitStack = new Stack<MethodDescriptor>();
+ Set<MethodDescriptor> methodDescriptorToVistSet = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
+ methodDescriptorToVistSet.addAll(sortedDescriptors);
- // analyze scheduled methods until there are no more to visit
while (!sortedDescriptors.isEmpty()) {
- // start to analyze leaf node
- MethodDescriptor md = sortedDescriptors.removeLast();
- analyzeMethod(md);
+ MethodDescriptor md = sortedDescriptors.removeFirst();
+ methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.add(md);
- }
+ // analyze scheduled methods until there are no more to visit
+ while (!methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.isEmpty()) {
+ // start to analyze leaf node
+ MethodDescriptor md = methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.pop();
+ FlatMethod fm = state.getMethodFlat(md);
- private void analyzeMethod(MethodDescriptor md) {
- if (state.SSJAVADEBUG) {
- System.out.println("Definitely written Analyzing: " + md);
- }
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> readSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> overWriteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
- FlatMethod fm = state.getMethodFlat(md);
+ methodReadOverWrite_analyzeMethod(fm, readSet, overWriteSet);
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> prevRead = mapFlatMethodToRead.get(fm);
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> prevOverWrite = mapFlatMethodToOverWrite.get(fm);
+ if (!(readSet.equals(prevRead) && overWriteSet.equals(prevOverWrite))) {
+ mapFlatMethodToRead.put(fm, readSet);
+ mapFlatMethodToOverWrite.put(fm, overWriteSet);
+ // results for callee changed, so enqueue dependents caller for further
+ // analysis
+ Iterator<MethodDescriptor> depsItr = getDependents(md).iterator();
+ while (depsItr.hasNext()) {
+ MethodDescriptor methodNext =;
+ if (!methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.contains(methodNext)
+ && methodDescriptorToVistSet.contains(methodNext)) {
+ methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.add(methodNext);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> readSet = mapFlatMethodToRead.get(fm);
- if (readSet == null) {
- readSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
- mapFlatMethodToRead.put(fm, readSet);
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> overWriteSet = mapFlatMethodToOverWrite.get(fm);
- if (overWriteSet == null) {
- overWriteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
- mapFlatMethodToOverWrite.put(fm, overWriteSet);
+ }
+ private void methodReadOverWrite_analyzeMethod(FlatMethod fm, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> readSet,
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> overWriteSet) {
+ if (state.SSJAVADEBUG) {
+ System.out.println("Definitely written Analyzing: " + fm);
// intraprocedural analysis
FlatNode fn = flatNodesToVisit.iterator().next();
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> prev = mapFlatNodeToWrittenSet.get(fn);
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> curr = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
for (int i = 0; i < fn.numPrev(); i++) {
- analyzeFlatNode(fn, curr, readSet, overWriteSet);
+ methodReadOverWrite_nodeActions(fn, curr, readSet, overWriteSet);
- // if a new result, schedule forward nodes for analysis
- if (!curr.equals(prev)) {
- mapFlatNodeToWrittenSet.put(fn, curr);
+ mapFlatNodeToWrittenSet.put(fn, curr);
- for (int i = 0; i < fn.numNext(); i++) {
- FlatNode nn = fn.getNext(i);
- flatNodesToVisit.add(nn);
- }
+ for (int i = 0; i < fn.numNext(); i++) {
+ FlatNode nn = fn.getNext(i);
+ flatNodesToVisit.add(nn);
- System.out.println("READSET=" + mapFlatMethodToRead.get(fm));
- System.out.println("OVERWRITESET=" + mapFlatMethodToOverWrite.get(fm));
- }
- private void merge(Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> curr, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> in) {
- if (curr.isEmpty()) {
- // WrittenSet has a special initial value which covers all possible
- // elements
- // For the first time of intersection, we can take all previous set
- curr.addAll(in);
- } else {
- // otherwise, current set is the intersection of the two sets
- curr.retainAll(in);
- }
- private void analyzeFlatNode(FlatNode fn, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> writtenSet,
+ private void methodReadOverWrite_nodeActions(FlatNode fn, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> writtenSet,
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> readSet, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> overWriteSet) {
TempDescriptor lhs;
TempDescriptor rhs;
+ case FKind.FlatCall: {
+ FlatCall fc = (FlatCall) fn;
+ // compute all possible callee set
+ // transform all READ/OVERWRITE set from the any possible callees to the
+ // caller
+ MethodDescriptor mdCallee = fc.getMethod();
+ FlatMethod fmCallee = state.getMethodFlat(mdCallee);
+ Set<MethodDescriptor> setPossibleCallees = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
+ TypeDescriptor typeDesc = fc.getThis().getType();
+ setPossibleCallees.addAll(callGraph.getMethods(mdCallee, typeDesc));
+ // create mapping from arg idx to its heap paths
+ Hashtable<Integer, NTuple<Descriptor>> mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath =
+ new Hashtable<Integer, NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ // arg idx is starting from 'this' arg
+ NTuple<Descriptor> thisHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
+ thisHeapPath.add(fc.getThis());
+ mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.put(Integer.valueOf(0), thisHeapPath);
+ for (int i = 0; i < fc.numArgs(); i++) {
+ TempDescriptor arg = fc.getArg(i);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> argHeapPath = mapHeapPath.get(arg);
+ mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.put(Integer.valueOf(i + 1), argHeapPath);
+ }
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeUnionBoundReadSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeIntersectBoundOverWriteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ for (Iterator iterator = setPossibleCallees.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ MethodDescriptor callee = (MethodDescriptor);
+ FlatMethod calleeFlatMethod = state.getMethodFlat(callee);
+ // binding caller's args and callee's params
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeReadSet = mapFlatMethodToRead.get(calleeFlatMethod);
+ if (calleeReadSet == null) {
+ calleeReadSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ mapFlatMethodToRead.put(calleeFlatMethod, calleeReadSet);
+ }
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeOverWriteSet = mapFlatMethodToOverWrite.get(calleeFlatMethod);
+ if (calleeOverWriteSet == null) {
+ calleeOverWriteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ mapFlatMethodToOverWrite.put(calleeFlatMethod, calleeOverWriteSet);
+ }
+ Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor> mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc =
+ new Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < calleeFlatMethod.numParameters(); i++) {
+ TempDescriptor param = calleeFlatMethod.getParameter(i);
+ mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc.put(Integer.valueOf(i), param);
+ }
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeBoundReadSet =
+ bindSet(calleeReadSet, mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc, mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath);
+ // union of the current read set and the current callee's read set
+ calleeUnionBoundReadSet.addAll(calleeBoundReadSet);
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeBoundWriteSet =
+ bindSet(calleeOverWriteSet, mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc, mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath);
+ // intersection of the current overwrite set and the current callee's
+ // overwrite set
+ merge(calleeIntersectBoundOverWriteSet, calleeBoundWriteSet);
+ }
+ // add heap path, which is an element of READ_bound set and is not an
+ // element of WT set, to the caller's READ set
+ for (Iterator iterator = calleeUnionBoundReadSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> read = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
+ if (!writtenSet.contains(read)) {
+ readSet.add(read);
+ }
+ }
+ writtenSet.removeAll(calleeUnionBoundReadSet);
+ // add heap path, which is an element of OVERWRITE_bound set, to the
+ // caller's WT set
+ for (Iterator iterator = calleeIntersectBoundOverWriteSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> write = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
+ writtenSet.add(write);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
case FKind.FlatExit: {
// merge the current written set with OVERWRITE set
merge(overWriteSet, writtenSet);
+ }
+ private void merge(Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> curr, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> in) {
+ if (curr.isEmpty()) {
+ // WrittenSet has a special initial value which covers all possible
+ // elements
+ // For the first time of intersection, we can take all previous set
+ curr.addAll(in);
+ } else {
+ // otherwise, current set is the intersection of the two sets
+ curr.retainAll(in);
+ }
+ }
+ // combine two heap path
+ private NTuple<Descriptor> combine(NTuple<Descriptor> callerIn, NTuple<Descriptor> calleeIn) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> combined = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < callerIn.size(); i++) {
+ combined.add(callerIn.get(i));
+ }
+ // the first element of callee's heap path represents parameter
+ // so we skip the first one since it is already added from caller's heap
+ // path
+ for (int i = 1; i < calleeIn.size(); i++) {
+ combined.add(calleeIn.get(i));
+ }
+ return combined;
+ }
+ private Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> bindSet(Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeSet,
+ Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor> mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc,
+ Hashtable<Integer, NTuple<Descriptor>> mapCallerArgIdx2HeapPath) {
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> boundedCalleeSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ Set<Integer> keySet = mapCallerArgIdx2HeapPath.keySet();
+ for (Iterator iterator = keySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ Integer idx = (Integer);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> callerArgHeapPath = mapCallerArgIdx2HeapPath.get(idx);
+ TempDescriptor calleeParam = mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc.get(idx);
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = calleeSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> element = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
+ if (element.startsWith(calleeParam)) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> boundElement = combine(callerArgHeapPath, element);
+ boundedCalleeSet.add(boundElement);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return boundedCalleeSet;
// Borrowed it from disjoint analysis
- protected LinkedList<MethodDescriptor> topologicalSort(Set<MethodDescriptor> toSort) {
+ private LinkedList<MethodDescriptor> topologicalSort(Set<MethodDescriptor> toSort) {
Set<MethodDescriptor> discovered = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
// a dependent of a method decriptor d for this analysis is:
// 1) a method or task that invokes d
// 2) in the descriptorsToAnalyze set
- protected void dfsVisit(MethodDescriptor md, Set<MethodDescriptor> toSort,
+ private void dfsVisit(MethodDescriptor md, Set<MethodDescriptor> toSort,
LinkedList<MethodDescriptor> sorted, Set<MethodDescriptor> discovered) {
// a dependent of a method decriptor d for this analysis is:
// 1) a method or task that invokes d
// 2) in the descriptorsToAnalyze set
- protected void addDependent(MethodDescriptor callee, MethodDescriptor caller) {
+ private void addDependent(MethodDescriptor callee, MethodDescriptor caller) {
Set<MethodDescriptor> deps = mapDescriptorToSetDependents.get(callee);
if (deps == null) {
deps = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
mapDescriptorToSetDependents.put(callee, deps);
- private void definitelyWrittenForward(FlatNode entrance) {
- Set<FlatNode> flatNodesToVisit = new HashSet<FlatNode>();
- flatNodesToVisit.add(entrance);
- while (!flatNodesToVisit.isEmpty()) {
- FlatNode fn = (FlatNode) flatNodesToVisit.iterator().next();
- flatNodesToVisit.remove(fn);
- Hashtable<Descriptor, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>> prev = definitelyWrittenResults.get(fn);
- Hashtable<Descriptor, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>> curr =
- new Hashtable<Descriptor, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>>();
- for (int i = 0; i < fn.numPrev(); i++) {
- FlatNode nn = fn.getPrev(i);
- Hashtable<Descriptor, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>> dwIn = definitelyWrittenResults.get(nn);
- if (dwIn != null) {
- mergeResults(curr, dwIn);
- }
- }
- definitelyWritten_nodeActions(fn, curr, entrance);
- // if a new result, schedule forward nodes for analysis
- if (!curr.equals(prev)) {
- definitelyWrittenResults.put(fn, curr);
- for (int i = 0; i < fn.numNext(); i++) {
- FlatNode nn = fn.getNext(i);
- flatNodesToVisit.add(nn);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void mergeResults(Hashtable<Descriptor, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>> curr,
- Hashtable<Descriptor, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>> in) {
- Set<Descriptor> inKeySet = in.keySet();
- for (Iterator iterator = inKeySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- Descriptor inKey = (Descriptor);
- Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean> inPair = in.get(inKey);
- Set<FlatNode> pairKeySet = inPair.keySet();
- for (Iterator iterator2 = pairKeySet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- FlatNode pairKey = (FlatNode);
- Boolean inFlag = inPair.get(pairKey);
- Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean> currPair = curr.get(inKey);
- if (currPair == null) {
- currPair = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>();
- curr.put(inKey, currPair);
- }
- Boolean currFlag = currPair.get(pairKey);
- // by default, flag is set by false
- if (currFlag == null) {
- currFlag = Boolean.FALSE;
- }
- currFlag = Boolean.valueOf(inFlag.booleanValue() | currFlag.booleanValue());
- currPair.put(pairKey, currFlag);
- }
+ private Set<MethodDescriptor> getDependents(MethodDescriptor callee) {
+ Set<MethodDescriptor> deps = mapDescriptorToSetDependents.get(callee);
+ if (deps == null) {
+ deps = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
+ mapDescriptorToSetDependents.put(callee, deps);
+ return deps;
- private void definitelyWritten_nodeActions(FlatNode fn,
- Hashtable<Descriptor, Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>> curr, FlatNode entrance) {
- if (fn == entrance) {
- Set<Descriptor> keySet = curr.keySet();
- for (Iterator iterator = keySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- Descriptor key = (Descriptor);
- Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean> pair = curr.get(key);
- if (pair != null) {
- Set<FlatNode> pairKeySet = pair.keySet();
- for (Iterator iterator2 = pairKeySet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- FlatNode pairKey = (FlatNode);
- pair.put(pairKey, Boolean.TRUE);
- }
- }
- }
+ private NTuple<Descriptor> computePath(TempDescriptor td) {
+ // generate proper path fot input td
+ // if td is local variable, it just generate one element tuple path
+ if (mapHeapPath.containsKey(td)) {
+ return mapHeapPath.get(td);
} else {
- TempDescriptor lhs;
- TempDescriptor rhs;
- FieldDescriptor fld;
- switch (fn.kind()) {
- case FKind.FlatOpNode: {
- FlatOpNode fon = (FlatOpNode) fn;
- lhs = fon.getDest();
- rhs = fon.getLeft();
- System.out.println("\nfon=" + fon);
- if (fon.getOp().getOp() == Operation.ASSIGN) {
- // read(rhs)
- Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean> gen = curr.get(rhs);
- if (gen == null) {
- gen = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>();
- curr.put(rhs, gen);
- }
- System.out.println("READ LOC=" + rhs.getType().getExtension());
- Boolean currentStatus = gen.get(fn);
- if (currentStatus == null) {
- gen.put(fn, Boolean.FALSE);
- }
- }
- // write(lhs)
- curr.put(lhs, new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>());
- System.out.println("WRITING LOC=" + lhs.getType().getExtension());
- }
- break;
- case FKind.FlatLiteralNode: {
- FlatLiteralNode fln = (FlatLiteralNode) fn;
- lhs = fln.getDst();
- // write(lhs)
- curr.put(lhs, new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>());
- System.out.println("WRITING LOC=" + lhs.getType().getExtension());
- }
- break;
- case FKind.FlatFieldNode:
- case FKind.FlatElementNode: {
- FlatFieldNode ffn = (FlatFieldNode) fn;
- lhs = ffn.getSrc();
- fld = ffn.getField();
- // read field
- Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean> gen = curr.get(fld);
- if (gen == null) {
- gen = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>();
- curr.put(fld, gen);
- }
- Boolean currentStatus = gen.get(fn);
- if (currentStatus == null) {
- gen.put(fn, Boolean.FALSE);
- }
- System.out.println("\nffn=" + ffn);
- System.out.println("READ LOCfld=" + fld.getType().getExtension());
- System.out.println("READ LOClhs=" + lhs.getType().getExtension());
- }
- break;
- case FKind.FlatSetFieldNode:
- case FKind.FlatSetElementNode: {
- FlatSetFieldNode fsfn = (FlatSetFieldNode) fn;
- fld = fsfn.getField();
- // write(field)
- curr.put(fld, new Hashtable<FlatNode, Boolean>());
- System.out.println("\nfsfn=" + fsfn);
- System.out.println("WRITELOC LOC=" + fld.getType().getExtension());
- }
- break;
- case FKind.FlatCall: {
- }
- break;
- }
+ NTuple<Descriptor> path = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
+ path.add(td);
+ return path;
\ No newline at end of file