Liveness liveness,
ArrayReferencees arrayReferencees ) {
- double timeStartAnalysis = (double) System.nanoTime();
+ State.logEvent("Starting OoOJavaAnalysis");
this.state = state;
this.typeUtil = typeUtil;
this.callGraph = callGraph;
// 0th pass, setup a useful mapping of any flat node to the
// flat method it is a part of
Iterator<MethodDescriptor> methItr = descriptorsToAnalyze.iterator();
FlatMethod fm = state.getMethodFlat( d );
buildFlatNodeToFlatMethod( fm );
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis Oth pass completed");
// 1st pass, find basic rblock relations & potential stall sites
rblockRel = new RBlockRelationAnalysis(state, typeUtil, callGraph);
VarSrcTokTable.rblockRel = rblockRel;
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis 1st pass completed");
// 2nd pass, liveness, in-set out-set (no virtual reads yet!)
methItr = descriptorsToAnalyze.iterator();
while (methItr.hasNext()) {
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis 2nd pass completed");
// 3rd pass, variable analysis
methItr = descriptorsToAnalyze.iterator();
while (methItr.hasNext()) {
// variable analysis for refinement and stalls
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis 3rd pass completed");
// 4th pass, compute liveness contribution from
// virtual reads discovered in variable pass
methItr = descriptorsToAnalyze.iterator();
FlatMethod fm = state.getMethodFlat(d);
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis 4th pass completed");
// 5th pass, use disjointness with NO FLAGGED REGIONS
// to compute taints and effects
rblockRel, buildStateMachines,
true ); // suppress output--this is an intermediate pass
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis 5th pass completed");
// 6th pass, not available analysis FOR VARIABLES!
methItr = descriptorsToAnalyze.iterator();
while (methItr.hasNext()) {
// point, in a forward fixed-point pass
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis 6th pass completed");
// 7th pass, start conflict graphs where a parent's graph has a
// node for possibly conflicting children and its own stall sites
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis 7th pass completed");
// 8th pass, calculate all possible conflicts without using
// reachability info and identify set of FlatNew that next
// disjoint reach. analysis should flag
Set<FlatNew> sitesToFlag = new HashSet<FlatNew>();
calculateConflicts(sitesToFlag, false);
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis 8th pass completed");
if (!state.RCR) {
// 9th pass, ask disjoint analysis to compute reachability
// for objects that may cause heap conflicts so the most
null, // no BuildStateMachines needed
false // don't suppress progress output
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis 9th pass completed");
// 10th pass, calculate conflicts with reachability info
calculateConflicts(null, true);
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis 10th pass completed");
} else {
// in RCR/DFJ we want to do some extra processing on the
// state machines before they get handed off to code gen,
// to identify heap examiners that are weakly connected, so
// accomplish both at the same time
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis RCR pruneMachines pass completed");
// 11th pass, compiling memory Qs! The name "lock" is a legacy
// term for the heap dependence queue, or memQ as the runtime calls it
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis 11th pass completed");
// 12th pass, compute a plan for code injections
methItr = descriptorsToAnalyze.iterator();
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis 12th pass completed");
// 13th pass,
// splice new IR nodes into graph after all
// analysis passes are complete
FlatWriteDynamicVarNode fwdvn = (FlatWriteDynamicVarNode) me.getValue();
+ State.logEvent("OoOJavaAnalysis 13th pass completed");
if (state.OOODEBUG) {
try {
String ClassLibraryPrefix="./ClassLibrary/";
State state=new State();
Vector sourcefiles=new Vector();
+ State.initTimer();
String outputdir = null;
boolean isDistributeInfo = false;
boolean isDisAll = false;
int startnum = 0;
for(int i=0; i<args.length; i++) {
String option=args[i];
if (state.classpath.size()==1)
+ State.logEvent("Done Parsing Commands");
SSJavaAnalysis ssjava=new SSJavaAnalysis(state);
BuildIR bir=new BuildIR(state);
TypeUtil tu=new TypeUtil(state, bir);
+ State.logEvent("Done Semantic Checking");
+ State.logEvent("Done Creating TypeUtil");
// SSJava
BuildFlat bf=new BuildFlat(state,tu);
+ State.logEvent("Done Building Flat");
SafetyAnalysis sa=null;
PrefetchAnalysis pa=null;
OoOJavaAnalysis oooa=null;
+ State.logEvent("Done Optimizing");
if (state.FLATIRGRAPH) {
+ State.logEvent("Done With BuildCode");