java.srcDirs = ["src/tests"]
java.outputDir = file("${buildDir}/tests")
compileClasspath += sourceSets.annotations.output + sourceSets.classes.output + sourceSets.peers.output
+ runtimeClasspath += compileClasspath
+clean {
+ group = "JPF Build"
+task compile(type: Copy) {
+ group = "JPF Build"
+ description = "Compiles all JPF core sources."
+ // These are automatic generated tasks from the Java Gradle Plugin.
+ // Gradle is able to infer the ordering of the source sets
+ // due to the compileClasspath attribute
+ dependsOn compileTestJava, compileExamplesJava
+ // Copies file to the build directory
+ from ""
+ into + "/gov/nasa/jpf"
+task jpfClassesJar(type: Jar) {
+ archiveName = "jpf-classes.jar"
+ destinationDir = file("${buildDir}")
+ description = "Creates the ${archiveName} file."
+ group = "JPF Jars"
+ dependsOn compile
+ from
+ from
+ from( {
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/JPFShell.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/vm/Verify.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/util/TypeRef.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/util/test/TestJPF.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/util/test/TestMultiProcessJPF.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/util/test/TestJPFHelper.class"
+ }
+task jpfJar(type: Jar) {
+ archiveName = "jpf.jar"
+ destinationDir = file("${buildDir}")
+ description = "Creates the ${archiveName} file."
+ group = "JPF Jars"
+ dependsOn compile
+ from
+ from
+ from
+ from( {
+ include "org/junit/*.class"
+ }
+ manifest {
+ attributes(
+ "Built-By": System.getProperty(""),
+ "Implementation-Vendor": "NASA Ames Research Center",
+ "Implementation-Title": "Java Pathfinder core system",
+ "Implementation-Version": "1234" //FIXME
+ )
+ }
+task annotationsJar(type: Jar) {
+ archiveName = "jpf-annotations.jar"
+ destinationDir = file("${buildDir}")
+ description = "Creates the ${archiveName} file."
+ group = "JPF Jars"
+ dependsOn compile
+ from
+task classloaderSpecificTestsJar(type: Jar) {
+ archiveName = "classloader_specific_tests.jar"
+ destinationDir = file("${buildDir}")
+ description = "Creates the ${archiveName} file."
+ group = "JPF Jars"
+ dependsOn compile
+ from( {
+ include "classloader_specific_tests/*.class"
+ }
+task runJpfJar(type: Jar) {
+ archiveName = "RunJPF.jar"
+ destinationDir = file("${buildDir}")
+ description = "Creates the ${archiveName} file."
+ group = "JPF Jars"
+ dependsOn compile
+ from( {
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/tool/Run.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/tool/RunJPF.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/Config.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/ConfigChangeListener.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/Config\$MissingRequiredKeyException.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/JPFClassLoader.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/JPFShell.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/JPFException.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/JPFConfigException.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/JPFTargetException.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/util/JPFSiteUtils.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/util/FileUtils.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/util/StringMatcher.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/util/Pair.class"
+ }
+ manifest {
+ attributes(
+ "Built-By": System.getProperty(""),
+ "Implementation-Vendor": "NASA Ames Research Center",
+ "Implementation-Title": "Java Pathfinder core launch system",
+ "Implementation-Version": "1234", //FIXME
+ "Main-Class": "gov.nasa.jpf.tool.RunJPF"
+ )
+ }
+task runTestJar(type: Jar) {
+ archiveName = "RunTest.jar"
+ destinationDir = file("${buildDir}")
+ description = "Creates the ${archiveName} file."
+ group = "JPF Jars"
+ dependsOn compile
+ from( {
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/tool/Run.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/tool/RunTest.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/tool/RunTest\$Failed.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/Config.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/ConfigChangeListener.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/Config\$MissingRequiredKeyException.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/JPFClassLoader.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/JPFException.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/JPFConfigException.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/util/JPFSiteUtils.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/util/FileUtils.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/util/StringMatcher.class"
+ include "gov/nasa/jpf/util/DevNullPrintStream.class"
+ }
+ manifest {
+ attributes(
+ "Built-By": System.getProperty(""),
+ "Implementation-Vendor": "NASA Ames Research Center",
+ "Implementation-Title": "Java Pathfinder test launch system",
+ "Implementation-Version": "1234", // FIXME
+ "Main-Class": "gov.nasa.jpf.tool.RunTest"
+ )
+ }
+task buildJars {
+ group = "JPF Build"
+ description = "Generates the core JPF jar files."
+ dependsOn classloaderSpecificTestsJar, annotationsJar,
+ jpfClassesJar, jpfJar, runJpfJar,
+ runTestJar
test {
+ group = "JPF Build"
+ description = "Runs core regression tests."
+ dependsOn buildJars
enableAssertions = true
forkEvery = 1
-task compile(type: Copy) {
- group = "JPF Build"
- description = "Compile all JPF core sources"
- // These are automatic generated tasks from the Java Gradle Plugin.
- // Gradle is able to infer the ordering of the source source sets
- // due to the compileClasspath attribute
- dependsOn compileTestJava, compileExamplesJava
- // Copies file to the build directory
- from ""
- into + "/gov/nasa/jpf"
-defaultTasks "compile"
+defaultTasks "buildJars"