+ /** This method returns a set of LocalityBindings. A
+ * LocalityBinding specifies a context a method can be invoked in.
+ * It specifies whether the method is in a transaction and whether
+ * its parameter objects are locals or globals. */
public Set<LocalityBinding> getLocalityBindings() {
return discovered.keySet();
+ /** This method returns a hashtable for a given LocalityBinding
+ * that tells the current local/global status of temps at the each
+ * node in the flat representation. */
public Hashtable<FlatNode, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer>> getNodeTempInfo(LocalityBinding lb) {
return temptab.get(lb);
+ /** This method returns an hashtable for a given LocalitBinding
+ * that tells whether a node in the flat represenation is in a
+ * transaction or not. Integer values greater than 0 indicate
+ * that the node is in a transaction and give the nesting depth.
+ * The outermost AtomicEnterNode will have a value of 1 and the
+ * outermost AtomicExitNode will have a value of 0. */
public Hashtable<FlatNode, Integer> getAtomic(LocalityBinding lb) {
return atomictab.get(lb);
+ /** This methods returns a hashtable for a given LocalityBinding
+ * that tells which temps needs to be saved for each
+ * AtomicEnterNode. */
+ public Hashtable<FlatAtomicEnterNode, Set<TempDescriptor>> getTemps(LocalityBinding lb) {
+ return tempstosave.get(lb);
+ }
private void doAnalysis() {
+ computeTempstoSave();
private void computeLocalityBindings() {
return nodetotemps;
+ private void computeTempstoSave() {
+ for(Iterator<LocalityBinding> lbit=getLocalityBindings().iterator();lbit.hasNext();) {
+ LocalityBinding;
+ computeTempstoSave(lb);
+ }
+ }
/* Need to checkpoint all temps that could be read from along any
* path that are either:
1) Written to by any assignment inside the transaction
- private void computeTempstoCheckpoint(LocalityBinding lb) {
+ private void computeTempstoSave(LocalityBinding lb) {
+ if (lb.isAtomic())
+ return;
Hashtable<FlatNode, Integer> atomictab=getAtomic(lb);
Hashtable<FlatNode, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer>> temptab=getNodeTempInfo(lb);
MethodDescriptor md=lb.getMethod();
FlatMethod fm=state.getMethodFlat(md);
Hashtable<FlatNode, Set<TempDescriptor>> nodetotemps=computeLiveTemps(fm);
+ Hashtable<FlatAtomicEnterNode, Set<TempDescriptor>> nodetosavetemps=new Hashtable<FlatAtomicEnterNode, Set<TempDescriptor>>();
+ tempstosave.put(lb, nodetosavetemps);
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, FlatAtomicEnterNode> nodemap=new Hashtable<FlatNode, FlatAtomicEnterNode>();
+ HashSet<FlatNode> toprocess=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ HashSet<FlatNode> discovered=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ toprocess.add(fm);
+ discovered.add(fm);
+ while(!toprocess.isEmpty()) {
+ FlatNode fn=toprocess.iterator().next();
+ toprocess.remove(fn);
+ boolean isatomic=atomictab.get(fn).intValue()>0;
+ if (isatomic&&
+ atomictab.get(fn.getPrev(0)).intValue()==0) {
+ assert(fn.getPrev(0).kind()==FKind.FlatAtomicEnterNode);
+ nodemap.put(fn, (FlatAtomicEnterNode)fn);
+ nodetosavetemps.put((FlatAtomicEnterNode)fn, new HashSet<TempDescriptor>());
+ } else if (isatomic) {
+ FlatAtomicEnterNode atomicnode=nodemap.get(fn);
+ Set<TempDescriptor> livetemps=nodetotemps.get(fn);
+ List<TempDescriptor> reads=Arrays.asList(fn.readsTemps());
+ List<TempDescriptor> writes=Arrays.asList(fn.readsTemps());
+ for(Iterator<TempDescriptor> tempit=livetemps.iterator();tempit.hasNext();) {
+ TempDescriptor;
+ if (writes.contains(tmp)) {
+ nodetosavetemps.get(fn).add(tmp);
+ } else if (reads.contains(tmp)&&temptab.get(fn).get(tmp)==GLOBAL) {
+ nodetosavetemps.get(fn).add(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<fn.numNext();i++) {
+ FlatNode fnnext=fn.getNext(i);
+ if (!discovered.contains(fnnext)) {
+ discovered.add(fnnext);
+ toprocess.add(fnnext);
+ if(isatomic) {
+ nodemap.put(fnnext, nodemap.get(fn));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }