-#include <cds/container/skip_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/container/details/skip_list_base.h>
#include <cds/details/binary_functor_wrapper.h>
-#include <cds/container/skip_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/container/details/skip_list_base.h>
#include <cds/details/binary_functor_wrapper.h>
--- /dev/null
+#include <cds/intrusive/details/skip_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/container/details/base.h>
+namespace cds { namespace container {
+ /// SkipListSet related definitions
+ /** @ingroup cds_nonintrusive_helper
+ */
+ namespace skip_list {
+ /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::random_level_generator template
+ struct random_level_generator {};
+ using cds::intrusive::skip_list::random_level_generator;
+ /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::xorshift class
+ class xorshift {};
+ using cds::intrusive::skip_list::xorshift;
+ /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::turbo_pascal class
+ class turbo_pascal {};
+ using cds::intrusive::skip_list::turbo_pascal;
+ /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::stat class
+ class stat {};
+ using cds::intrusive::skip_list::stat;
+ /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::empty_stat class
+ class empty_stat {};
+ using cds::intrusive::skip_list::empty_stat;
+ /// Type traits for SkipListSet class
+ struct type_traits
+ {
+ /// Key comparison functor
+ /**
+ No default functor is provided. If the option is not specified, the \p less is used.
+ */
+ typedef opt::none compare;
+ /// specifies binary predicate used for key compare.
+ /**
+ Default is \p std::less<T>.
+ */
+ typedef opt::none less;
+ /// Item counter
+ /**
+ The type for item counting feature.
+ Default is no item counter (\ref atomicity::empty_item_counter)
+ */
+ typedef atomicity::empty_item_counter item_counter;
+ /// C++ memory ordering model
+ /**
+ List of available memory ordering see opt::memory_model
+ */
+ typedef opt::v::relaxed_ordering memory_model;
+ /// Random level generator
+ /**
+ The random level generator is an important part of skip-list algorithm.
+ The node height in the skip-list have a probabilistic distribution
+ where half of the nodes that have level \p i also have level <tt>i+1</tt>
+ (i = 0..30). The height of a node is in range [0..31].
+ See skip_list::random_level_generator option setter.
+ */
+ typedef turbo_pascal random_level_generator;
+ /// Allocator for skip-list nodes, \p std::allocator interface
+ typedef CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR allocator;
+ /// back-off strategy used
+ /**
+ If the option is not specified, the cds::backoff::Default is used.
+ */
+ typedef cds::backoff::Default back_off;
+ /// Internal statistics
+ typedef empty_stat stat;
+ /// RCU deadlock checking policy (for \ref cds_nonintrusive_SkipListSet_rcu "RCU-based SkipListSet")
+ /**
+ List of available options see opt::rcu_check_deadlock
+ */
+ typedef opt::v::rcu_throw_deadlock rcu_check_deadlock;
+ //@cond
+ // For internal use only
+ typedef opt::none key_accessor;
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ /// Metafunction converting option list to SkipListSet traits
+ /**
+ This is a wrapper for <tt> cds::opt::make_options< type_traits, Options...> </tt>
+ \p Options list see \ref SkipListSet.
+ */
+ template <typename... Options>
+ struct make_traits {
+ typedef implementation_defined type ; ///< Metafunction result
+# else
+ typedef typename cds::opt::make_options<
+ typename cds::opt::find_type_traits< type_traits, Options... >::type
+ ,Options...
+ >::type type;
+# endif
+ };
+ //@cond
+ namespace details {
+ template <typename Node, typename Traits>
+ class node_allocator
+ {
+ protected:
+ typedef Node node_type;
+ typedef Traits type_traits;
+ typedef typename node_type::tower_item_type node_tower_item;
+ typedef typename type_traits::allocator::template rebind<unsigned char>::other tower_allocator_type;
+ typedef typename type_traits::allocator::template rebind<node_type>::other node_allocator_type;
+ static size_t const c_nTowerItemSize = sizeof(node_tower_item);
+ static size_t const c_nNodePadding = sizeof(node_type) % c_nTowerItemSize;
+ static size_t const c_nNodeSize = sizeof(node_type) + (c_nNodePadding ? (c_nTowerItemSize - c_nNodePadding) : 0);
+ static CDS_CONSTEXPR size_t node_size( unsigned int nHeight ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return c_nNodeSize + (nHeight - 1) * c_nTowerItemSize;
+ }
+ static unsigned char * alloc_space( unsigned int nHeight )
+ {
+ if ( nHeight > 1 ) {
+ unsigned char * pMem = tower_allocator_type().allocate( node_size(nHeight) );
+ // check proper alignments
+ assert( (((uintptr_t) pMem) & (alignof(node_type) - 1)) == 0 );
+ assert( (((uintptr_t) (pMem + c_nNodeSize)) & (alignof(node_tower_item) - 1)) == 0 );
+ return pMem;
+ }
+ return reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>( node_allocator_type().allocate(1));
+ }
+ static void free_space( unsigned char * p, unsigned int nHeight )
+ {
+ assert( p != nullptr );
+ if ( nHeight == 1 )
+ node_allocator_type().deallocate( reinterpret_cast<node_type *>(p), 1 );
+ else
+ tower_allocator_type().deallocate( p, node_size(nHeight));
+ }
+ public:
+ template <typename Q>
+ node_type * New( unsigned int nHeight, Q const& v )
+ {
+ unsigned char * pMem = alloc_space( nHeight );
+ return new( pMem )
+ node_type( nHeight, nHeight > 1 ? reinterpret_cast<node_tower_item *>(pMem + c_nNodeSize) : nullptr, v );
+ }
+ template <typename... Args>
+ node_type * New( unsigned int nHeight, Args&&... args )
+ {
+ unsigned char * pMem = alloc_space( nHeight );
+ return new( pMem )
+ node_type( nHeight, nHeight > 1 ? reinterpret_cast<node_tower_item *>(pMem + c_nNodeSize) : nullptr,
+ std::forward<Args>(args)... );
+ }
+ void Delete( node_type * p )
+ {
+ assert( p != nullptr );
+ unsigned int nHeight = p->height();
+ node_allocator_type().destroy( p );
+ free_space( reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(p), nHeight );
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename IntrusiveNode>
+ struct dummy_node_builder {
+ typedef IntrusiveNode intrusive_node_type;
+ template <typename RandomGen>
+ static intrusive_node_type * make_tower( intrusive_node_type * pNode, RandomGen& /*gen*/ ) { return pNode ; }
+ static intrusive_node_type * make_tower( intrusive_node_type * pNode, unsigned int /*nHeight*/ ) { return pNode ; }
+ static void dispose_tower( intrusive_node_type * pNode )
+ {
+ pNode->release_tower();
+ }
+ struct node_disposer {
+ void operator()( intrusive_node_type * pNode ) const {}
+ };
+ };
+ template <typename ForwardIterator>
+ class iterator
+ {
+ typedef ForwardIterator intrusive_iterator;
+ typedef typename intrusive_iterator::value_type node_type;
+ typedef typename node_type::stored_value_type value_type;
+ static bool const c_isConst = intrusive_iterator::c_isConst;
+ typedef typename std::conditional< c_isConst, value_type const &, value_type &>::type value_ref;
+ intrusive_iterator m_It;
+ public: // for internal use only!!!
+ iterator( intrusive_iterator const& it )
+ : m_It( it )
+ {}
+ public:
+ iterator()
+ : m_It()
+ {}
+ iterator( iterator const& s)
+ : m_It( s.m_It )
+ {}
+ value_type * operator ->() const
+ {
+ return &( m_It.operator->()->m_Value );
+ }
+ value_ref operator *() const
+ {
+ return m_It.operator*().m_Value;
+ }
+ /// Pre-increment
+ iterator& operator ++()
+ {
+ ++m_It;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ iterator& operator = (iterator const& src)
+ {
+ m_It = src.m_It;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ template <typename FwIt>
+ bool operator ==(iterator<FwIt> const& i ) const
+ {
+ return m_It == i.m_It;
+ }
+ template <typename FwIt>
+ bool operator !=(iterator<FwIt> const& i ) const
+ {
+ return !( *this == i );
+ }
+ };
+ } // namespace details
+ //@endcond
+ } // namespace skip_list
+ // Forward declaration
+ template <class GC, typename T, typename Traits = skip_list::type_traits >
+ class SkipListSet;
+ // Forward declaration
+ template <class GC, typename K, typename T, typename Traits = skip_list::type_traits >
+ class SkipListMap;
+}} // namespace cds::container
+++ /dev/null
-#include <cds/intrusive/details/skip_list_base.h>
-#include <cds/container/details/base.h>
-namespace cds { namespace container {
- /// SkipListSet related definitions
- /** @ingroup cds_nonintrusive_helper
- */
- namespace skip_list {
- /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::random_level_generator template
- struct random_level_generator {};
- using cds::intrusive::skip_list::random_level_generator;
- /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::xorshift class
- class xorshift {};
- using cds::intrusive::skip_list::xorshift;
- /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::turbo_pascal class
- class turbo_pascal {};
- using cds::intrusive::skip_list::turbo_pascal;
- /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::stat class
- class stat {};
- using cds::intrusive::skip_list::stat;
- /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::empty_stat class
- class empty_stat {};
- using cds::intrusive::skip_list::empty_stat;
- /// Type traits for SkipListSet class
- struct type_traits
- {
- /// Key comparison functor
- /**
- No default functor is provided. If the option is not specified, the \p less is used.
- */
- typedef opt::none compare;
- /// specifies binary predicate used for key compare.
- /**
- Default is \p std::less<T>.
- */
- typedef opt::none less;
- /// Item counter
- /**
- The type for item counting feature.
- Default is no item counter (\ref atomicity::empty_item_counter)
- */
- typedef atomicity::empty_item_counter item_counter;
- /// C++ memory ordering model
- /**
- List of available memory ordering see opt::memory_model
- */
- typedef opt::v::relaxed_ordering memory_model;
- /// Random level generator
- /**
- The random level generator is an important part of skip-list algorithm.
- The node height in the skip-list have a probabilistic distribution
- where half of the nodes that have level \p i also have level <tt>i+1</tt>
- (i = 0..30). The height of a node is in range [0..31].
- See skip_list::random_level_generator option setter.
- */
- typedef turbo_pascal random_level_generator;
- /// Allocator for skip-list nodes, \p std::allocator interface
- typedef CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR allocator;
- /// back-off strategy used
- /**
- If the option is not specified, the cds::backoff::Default is used.
- */
- typedef cds::backoff::Default back_off;
- /// Internal statistics
- typedef empty_stat stat;
- /// RCU deadlock checking policy (for \ref cds_nonintrusive_SkipListSet_rcu "RCU-based SkipListSet")
- /**
- List of available options see opt::rcu_check_deadlock
- */
- typedef opt::v::rcu_throw_deadlock rcu_check_deadlock;
- //@cond
- // For internal use only
- typedef opt::none key_accessor;
- //@endcond
- };
- /// Metafunction converting option list to SkipListSet traits
- /**
- This is a wrapper for <tt> cds::opt::make_options< type_traits, Options...> </tt>
- \p Options list see \ref SkipListSet.
- */
- template <typename... Options>
- struct make_traits {
- typedef implementation_defined type ; ///< Metafunction result
-# else
- typedef typename cds::opt::make_options<
- typename cds::opt::find_type_traits< type_traits, Options... >::type
- ,Options...
- >::type type;
-# endif
- };
- //@cond
- namespace details {
- template <typename Node, typename Traits>
- class node_allocator
- {
- protected:
- typedef Node node_type;
- typedef Traits type_traits;
- typedef typename node_type::tower_item_type node_tower_item;
- typedef typename type_traits::allocator::template rebind<unsigned char>::other tower_allocator_type;
- typedef typename type_traits::allocator::template rebind<node_type>::other node_allocator_type;
- static size_t const c_nTowerItemSize = sizeof(node_tower_item);
- static size_t const c_nNodePadding = sizeof(node_type) % c_nTowerItemSize;
- static size_t const c_nNodeSize = sizeof(node_type) + (c_nNodePadding ? (c_nTowerItemSize - c_nNodePadding) : 0);
- static CDS_CONSTEXPR size_t node_size( unsigned int nHeight ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return c_nNodeSize + (nHeight - 1) * c_nTowerItemSize;
- }
- static unsigned char * alloc_space( unsigned int nHeight )
- {
- if ( nHeight > 1 ) {
- unsigned char * pMem = tower_allocator_type().allocate( node_size(nHeight) );
- // check proper alignments
- assert( (((uintptr_t) pMem) & (alignof(node_type) - 1)) == 0 );
- assert( (((uintptr_t) (pMem + c_nNodeSize)) & (alignof(node_tower_item) - 1)) == 0 );
- return pMem;
- }
- return reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>( node_allocator_type().allocate(1));
- }
- static void free_space( unsigned char * p, unsigned int nHeight )
- {
- assert( p != nullptr );
- if ( nHeight == 1 )
- node_allocator_type().deallocate( reinterpret_cast<node_type *>(p), 1 );
- else
- tower_allocator_type().deallocate( p, node_size(nHeight));
- }
- public:
- template <typename Q>
- node_type * New( unsigned int nHeight, Q const& v )
- {
- unsigned char * pMem = alloc_space( nHeight );
- return new( pMem )
- node_type( nHeight, nHeight > 1 ? reinterpret_cast<node_tower_item *>(pMem + c_nNodeSize) : nullptr, v );
- }
- template <typename... Args>
- node_type * New( unsigned int nHeight, Args&&... args )
- {
- unsigned char * pMem = alloc_space( nHeight );
- return new( pMem )
- node_type( nHeight, nHeight > 1 ? reinterpret_cast<node_tower_item *>(pMem + c_nNodeSize) : nullptr,
- std::forward<Args>(args)... );
- }
- void Delete( node_type * p )
- {
- assert( p != nullptr );
- unsigned int nHeight = p->height();
- node_allocator_type().destroy( p );
- free_space( reinterpret_cast<unsigned char *>(p), nHeight );
- }
- };
- template <typename IntrusiveNode>
- struct dummy_node_builder {
- typedef IntrusiveNode intrusive_node_type;
- template <typename RandomGen>
- static intrusive_node_type * make_tower( intrusive_node_type * pNode, RandomGen& /*gen*/ ) { return pNode ; }
- static intrusive_node_type * make_tower( intrusive_node_type * pNode, unsigned int /*nHeight*/ ) { return pNode ; }
- static void dispose_tower( intrusive_node_type * pNode )
- {
- pNode->release_tower();
- }
- struct node_disposer {
- void operator()( intrusive_node_type * pNode ) const {}
- };
- };
- template <typename ForwardIterator>
- class iterator
- {
- typedef ForwardIterator intrusive_iterator;
- typedef typename intrusive_iterator::value_type node_type;
- typedef typename node_type::stored_value_type value_type;
- static bool const c_isConst = intrusive_iterator::c_isConst;
- typedef typename std::conditional< c_isConst, value_type const &, value_type &>::type value_ref;
- intrusive_iterator m_It;
- public: // for internal use only!!!
- iterator( intrusive_iterator const& it )
- : m_It( it )
- {}
- public:
- iterator()
- : m_It()
- {}
- iterator( iterator const& s)
- : m_It( s.m_It )
- {}
- value_type * operator ->() const
- {
- return &( m_It.operator->()->m_Value );
- }
- value_ref operator *() const
- {
- return m_It.operator*().m_Value;
- }
- /// Pre-increment
- iterator& operator ++()
- {
- ++m_It;
- return *this;
- }
- iterator& operator = (iterator const& src)
- {
- m_It = src.m_It;
- return *this;
- }
- template <typename FwIt>
- bool operator ==(iterator<FwIt> const& i ) const
- {
- return m_It == i.m_It;
- }
- template <typename FwIt>
- bool operator !=(iterator<FwIt> const& i ) const
- {
- return !( *this == i );
- }
- };
- } // namespace details
- //@endcond
- } // namespace skip_list
- // Forward declaration
- template <class GC, typename T, typename Traits = skip_list::type_traits >
- class SkipListSet;
- // Forward declaration
- template <class GC, typename K, typename T, typename Traits = skip_list::type_traits >
- class SkipListMap;
-}} // namespace cds::container
-#endif // #ifndef __CDS_CONTAINER_SKIP_LIST_BASE_H
-#include <cds/container/skip_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/container/details/skip_list_base.h>
#include <cds/intrusive/skip_list_hp.h>
#include <cds/container/details/make_skip_list_map.h>
#include <cds/container/skip_list_map_impl.h>
-#include <cds/container/skip_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/container/details/skip_list_base.h>
#include <cds/intrusive/skip_list_hrc.h>
#include <cds/container/details/make_skip_list_map.h>
#include <cds/container/skip_list_map_impl.h>
-#include <cds/container/skip_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/container/details/skip_list_base.h>
#include <cds/intrusive/skip_list_ptb.h>
#include <cds/container/details/make_skip_list_map.h>
#include <cds/container/skip_list_map_impl.h>
-#include <cds/container/skip_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/container/details/skip_list_base.h>
#include <cds/intrusive/skip_list_rcu.h>
#include <cds/container/details/make_skip_list_map.h>
#include <cds/details/functor_wrapper.h>
-#include <cds/container/skip_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/container/details/skip_list_base.h>
#include <cds/intrusive/skip_list_hp.h>
#include <cds/container/details/make_skip_list_set.h>
#include <cds/container/skip_list_set_impl.h>
-#include <cds/container/skip_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/container/details/skip_list_base.h>
#include <cds/intrusive/skip_list_hrc.h>
#include <cds/container/details/make_skip_list_set.h>
#include <cds/container/skip_list_set_impl.h>
#include <cds/intrusive/skip_list_nogc.h>
-#include <cds/container/skip_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/container/details/skip_list_base.h>
#include <cds/details/binary_functor_wrapper.h>
#include <cds/gc/nogc.h>
#include <cds/details/allocator.h>
-#include <cds/container/skip_list_base.h>
+#include <cds/container/details/skip_list_base.h>
#include <cds/intrusive/skip_list_ptb.h>
#include <cds/container/details/make_skip_list_set.h>
#include <cds/container/skip_list_set_impl.h>
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\details\michael_list_base.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\details\michael_map_base.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\details\michael_set_base.h" />\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\details\skip_list_base.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\ellen_bintree_map_hp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\ellen_bintree_map_ptb.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\ellen_bintree_map_rcu.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\michael_map_rcu.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\michael_set_rcu.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\mspriority_queue.h" />\r
- <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\skip_list_base.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\skip_list_map_hp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\skip_list_map_hrc.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\skip_list_map_impl.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\skip_list_ptb.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\intrusive</Filter>\r
- <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\skip_list_base.h">\r
- <Filter>Header Files\cds\container</Filter>\r
- </ClInclude>\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\skip_list_set_hp.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\container</Filter>\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\details\michael_set_base.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\container\details</Filter>\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\details\skip_list_base.h">\r
+ <Filter>Header Files\cds\container\details</Filter>\r
+ </ClInclude>\r
\ No newline at end of file