--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.Utilities;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class Range implements Comparable {
+ private long start;
+ private long end;
+ public Range() {
+ }
+ public Range(long start, long end) {
+ this.start = start;
+ this.end = end;
+ }
+ public long getEnd() {
+ return end;
+ }
+ public void setEnd(long end) {
+ this.end = end;
+ }
+ public long getStart() {
+ return start;
+ }
+ public void setStart(long start) {
+ this.start = start;
+ }
+ public Range intersection(Range secondrange) {
+ if ((secondrange.start <= this.start) && (this.start <= secondrange.end)) {
+ return new Range(this.start, Math.min(this.end, secondrange.end));
+ } else if ((secondrange.start <= this.end) && (this.end <= secondrange.end)) {
+ return new Range(Math.max(this.start, secondrange.start), this.end);
+ } else if ((this.start <= secondrange.start) && (secondrange.end <= this.end)) {
+ return new Range(secondrange.start, secondrange.end);
+ } else {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean hasIntersection(Range secondrange) {
+ if ((secondrange.start <= this.start) && (this.start <= secondrange.end)) {
+ return true;
+ } else if ((secondrange.start <= this.end) && (this.end <= secondrange.end)) {
+ return true;
+ } else if ((this.start <= secondrange.start) && (secondrange.end <= this.end)) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public boolean includes(Range secondrange) {
+ if (this.start <= secondrange.start && secondrange.end <= this.end) {
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ public Range[] minus(Range[] intersectedranges, int size) {
+ Range[] tmp = new Range[size + 1];
+ int counter = 0;
+ if (this.start < intersectedranges[0].start) {
+ tmp[counter] = new Range(this.start, intersectedranges[0].start);
+ counter++;
+ }
+ for (int i = 1; i < size; i++) {
+ tmp[counter] = new Range(intersectedranges[i - 1].end, intersectedranges[i].start);
+ counter++;
+ }
+ if (this.end > intersectedranges[size - 1].end) {
+ tmp[counter] = new Range(intersectedranges[size - 1].end, this.end);
+ counter++;
+ }
+ Range[] result = new Range[counter];
+ for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) {
+ result[i] = tmp[i];
+ }
+ return result;
+ }
+ public int compareTo(Object arg0) {
+ Range tmp = (Range) arg0;
+ if (this.start < tmp.start) {
+ return -1;
+ } else if (this.start == tmp.start) {
+ return 0;
+ } else {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.benchmarks;
+import TransactionalIO.core.CustomThread;
+import TransactionalIO.core.ExtendedTransaction;
+import TransactionalIO.core.TransactionalFile;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class Main {
+ public static void main(String args[]){
+ try {
+ // benchmark.init();
+ // for (int i=0; i<100; i++){
+ benchmark.init();
+ //System.out.println(
+ long starttime = System.nanoTime();
+ /* thread1 tr1 = new thread1();
+ thread2 tr2 = new thread2();
+ thread3 tr3 = new thread3();
+ thread4 tr4 = new thread4();*/
+ /*TransactionalIO tr2 = new TransactionalIO();
+ TransactionalIO tr3 = new TransactionalIO();
+ CustomThread ct1 = new CustomThread(tr1);
+ CustomThread ct2 = new CustomThread(tr2);*/
+ /* CustomThread ct1 = new CustomThread(new thread1('a', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct2 = new CustomThread(new thread1('b', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct3 = new CustomThread(new thread1('c', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct4= new CustomThread(new thread1('d', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct5 = new CustomThread(new thread1('e', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct6 = new CustomThread(new thread1('f', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct7 = new CustomThread(new thread1('g', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct8 = new CustomThread(new thread1('h', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct9 = new CustomThread(new thread1('i',new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct10 = new CustomThread(new thread1('j', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct11 = new CustomThread(new thread1('k', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct12 = new CustomThread(new thread1('l', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct13 = new CustomThread(new thread1('m', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct14 = new CustomThread(new thread1('n', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct15 = new CustomThread(new thread1('o', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct16 = new CustomThread(new thread1('p', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct17 = new CustomThread(new thread1('q', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct18 = new CustomThread(new thread1('r', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ // CustomThread ct15 = new CustomThread(tr2);
+ CustomThread ct19 = new CustomThread(new thread1('s', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));
+ CustomThread ct20 = new CustomThread(new thread1('t', new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw")));*/
+ CustomThread ct1 = new CustomThread(new thread1('a'));
+ CustomThread ct2 = new CustomThread(new thread1('b'));
+ CustomThread ct3 = new CustomThread(new thread1('c'));
+ CustomThread ct4= new CustomThread(new thread1('d'));
+ CustomThread ct5 = new CustomThread(new thread1('e'));
+ CustomThread ct6 = new CustomThread(new thread1('f'));
+ CustomThread ct7 = new CustomThread(new thread1('g'));
+ CustomThread ct8 = new CustomThread(new thread1('h'));
+ CustomThread ct9 = new CustomThread(new thread1('i'));
+ CustomThread ct10 = new CustomThread(new thread1('j'));
+ CustomThread ct11 = new CustomThread(new thread1('k'));
+ CustomThread ct12 = new CustomThread(new thread1('l'));
+ CustomThread ct13 = new CustomThread(new thread1('m'));
+ CustomThread ct14 = new CustomThread(new thread1('n'));
+ CustomThread ct15 = new CustomThread(new thread1('o'));
+ CustomThread ct16 = new CustomThread(new thread1('p'));
+ CustomThread ct17 = new CustomThread(new thread1('q'));
+ CustomThread ct18 = new CustomThread(new thread1('r'));
+ // CustomThread ct15 = new CustomThread(tr2);
+ CustomThread ct19 = new CustomThread(new thread1('s'));
+ CustomThread ct20 = new CustomThread(new thread1('t'));
+ //CustomThread ct4 = new CustomThread(tr3);
+ // CustomThread ct5 = new CustomThread(tr4);
+ // CustomThread ct6 = new CustomThread(tr2);
+ // CustomThread ct4 = new CustomThread(tr2);
+ ct1.runner.join();
+ ct2.runner.join();
+ ct3.runner.join();
+ ct4.runner.join();
+ ct5.runner.join();
+ ct6.runner.join();
+ ct7.runner.join();
+ ct8.runner.join();
+ ct9.runner.join();
+ ct10.runner.join();
+ ct11.runner.join();
+ ct12.runner.join();
+ ct13.runner.join();
+ ct14.runner.join();
+ ct15.runner.join();
+ ct16.runner.join();
+ ct17.runner.join();
+ ct18.runner.join();
+ ct19.runner.join();
+ ct20.runner.join();
+ long endttime = System.nanoTime();
+ // System.out.println(endttime - starttime);
+ System.out.println((endttime - starttime)/1000000);
+ //}
+ /* TreeMap msgs = new TreeMap();
+ Iterator it = benchmark.transacctions.iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()){
+ ExtendedTransaction tr = (ExtendedTransaction) it.next();
+ msgs.putAll(tr.msg);
+ }
+ Iterator it2 = msgs.keySet().iterator();
+ while(it2.hasNext()){
+ Long time = (Long) it2.next();
+ System.out.print(time +" " + msgs.get(time));
+ }*/
+ int index =97;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++) {
+ ((TransactionalFile)(benchmark.m.get(String.valueOf((char) (index+j))))).close();
+ }
+ // }
+ //System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName());
+ } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(Main.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ //System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName());
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.benchmarks;
+import TransactionalIO.core.TransactionalFile;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class MainforLocks {
+ public static void main(String args[]){
+ try {
+ RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile("/home/navid/randomwords.text", "rw");
+ benchmark.init();
+ long starttime = System.nanoTime();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread1 = new lockthread1(file, 'a');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+// benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread2 = new lockthread1(file, 'b');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread3 = new lockthread1(file, 'c');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread4 = new lockthread1(file, 'd');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread5 = new lockthread1(file, 'e');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread6 = new lockthread1(file, 'f');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread7 = new lockthread1(file, 'g');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread8 = new lockthread1(file, 'h');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread9 = new lockthread1(file, 'i');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread10 = new lockthread1(file, 'j');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread11 = new lockthread1(file, 'k');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread12 = new lockthread1(file, 'l');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread13 = new lockthread1(file, 'm');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread14 = new lockthread1(file, 'n');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread15 = new lockthread1(file, 'o');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread16 = new lockthread1(file, 'p');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread17 = new lockthread1(file, 'q');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread18 = new lockthread1(file, 'r');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread19 = new lockthread1(file, 's');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().lock();
+ lockthread1 thread20 = new lockthread1(file, 't');
+ // benchmark.filelock.writeLock().unlock();
+ thread1.join();
+ thread2.join();
+ thread3.join();
+ thread4.join();
+ thread5.join();
+ thread6.join();
+ thread7.join();
+ thread8.join();
+ thread9.join();
+ thread10.join();
+ thread11.join();
+ thread12.join();
+ thread13.join();
+ thread14.join();
+ thread15.join();
+ thread16.join();
+ thread17.join();
+ thread18.join();
+ thread19.join();
+ thread20.join();
+ long endttime = System.nanoTime();
+ System.out.println(endttime - starttime);
+ System.out.println((endttime - starttime) / 1000000);
+ int index =97;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 26; j++) {
+ ((TransactionalFile)(benchmark.m.get(String.valueOf((char) (index+j))))).close();
+ }
+ } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(MainforLocks.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(MainforLocks.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.benchmarks;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class StatisticsWrapper {
+ public static int totalcommitted;
+ public static int totalaborted;
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.benchmarks;
+import TransactionalIO.core.Defaults;
+import TransactionalIO.core.TransactionalFile;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class benchmark {
+ static public HashMap TransactionalFiles = new HashMap();
+ static public HashMap hotwords = new HashMap();
+ static public HashMap names = new HashMap();
+ static public HashMap reversenames = new HashMap();
+ static int count = 0;
+ public static String msg = new String();
+ public static ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
+ public static Vector transacctions = new Vector();
+ public static ReentrantLock filelock = new ReentrantLock();
+ public static Map m;
+ public static Map m2;
+ public static Map m3;
+ public static Map m4;
+ public static String[] stocks;
+ public benchmark() {
+ }
+ private static void preparenamelist(){
+ try {
+ byte[] data = new byte[1];
+ char[] name = new char[20];
+ RandomAccessFile file = new RandomAccessFile("/home/navid/namelist.text", "rw");
+ RandomAccessFile file2 = new RandomAccessFile("/home/navid/financialtransaction.text", "rw");
+ RandomAccessFile file3 = new RandomAccessFile("/home/navid/accountbalance.text", "rw");
+ stocks = new String[20];
+ stocks[0] = "Yahoo";
+ stocks[1] = "Google";
+ stocks[2] = "Microsoft";
+ stocks[3] = "Broadcom";
+ stocks[4] = "Sun";
+ stocks[5] = "Qualcom";
+ stocks[6] = "Intel";
+ stocks[7] = "WaMU";
+ stocks[8] = "BoA";
+ stocks[9] = "IMU";
+ stocks[10] = "BMW";
+ stocks[11] = "Nokia";
+ stocks[12] = "Motorolla";
+ stocks[13] = "Samsung";
+ stocks[14] = "TMobile";
+ stocks[15] = "ATT";
+ stocks[16] = "PRops";
+ stocks[17] = "Asia";
+ stocks[18] = "LOLa";
+ stocks[19] = "Brita";
+ /* boolean hh = false;
+ boolean found = false;
+ while (true) {
+ if (found){
+ System.out.println(file4.getFilePointer()-1);
+ file4.seek(file4.getFilePointer()-1);
+ file4.write(' ');
+ file4.write(stocks[(int)(Math.random()*10)].getBytes());
+ file4.write('\n');
+ }
+ if (hh)
+ break;
+ found = false;
+ data[0] = 'a';
+ while (data[0] != '\n') {
+ int tt =0;
+ tt = file4.read(data);
+ found = true;
+ if (tt == -1) {
+ hh = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }*/
+ boolean flag = false;
+ boolean done = false;
+ int wordcounter = 0;
+ int counter =0;
+ while(true){
+ if (flag)
+ break;
+ if (done){
+ // System.out.println("At " + wordcounter + " inserted " +String.copyValueOf(name, 0, counter));
+ m3.put(Integer.valueOf(wordcounter), String.copyValueOf(name, 0, counter));
+ m4.put(String.copyValueOf(name, 0, counter), Integer.valueOf(wordcounter));
+ wordcounter++;
+ done = false;
+ }
+ counter = 0;
+ data[0] = 'a';
+ while (data[0] != '\n') {
+ int res;
+ res = file.read(data);
+ if (res == -1) {
+ flag = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ //System.out.println((char)data[0]);
+ if (!(Character.isLetter((char) data[0]))) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ name[counter] = (char)data[0];
+ done = true;
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ /* counter = 0;
+ while (counter <30000) {
+ int index1 = (int)(Math.random()*50);
+ int stocktrade = (int)(Math.random()*100);
+ while (stocktrade == 0)
+ stocktrade = (int)(Math.random()*100);
+ int index2 = (int)(Math.random()*50);
+ while (index2 == index1)
+ index2 = (int)(Math.random()*50);
+ //System.out.println(index);
+ String towrite = (String)m3.get(Integer.valueOf(index1)) + " ";
+ towrite += String.valueOf(stocktrade) + " ";
+ towrite += (String)m3.get(Integer.valueOf(index2)) + " ";
+ towrite += stocks[(int)(Math.random()*20)] + "\n";
+ file2.write(towrite.getBytes());
+ // System.out.println(towrite);
+ counter++;
+ }*/
+ // for (int i=0; i<50*Defaults.FILEFRAGMENTSIZE; i++)
+ //file3.write('');
+ for (int i=0; i<50; i++){
+ String towrite = (String)m3.get(Integer.valueOf(i)) +"\n";
+ for (int j=0; j<stocks.length; j++)
+ towrite += stocks[j] + " Stock Balance: " + ((int)(Math.random()*100+100)) + " \n";
+ System.out.println(towrite);
+ file3.write(towrite.getBytes());
+ while (file3.getFilePointer()<(i+1)*Defaults.FILEFRAGMENTSIZE)
+ file3.write(new String(" ").getBytes());
+ }
+ /* for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
+ System.out.println((char)f[i]);*/
+ file.close();
+// file2.close();
+ file3.close();
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(benchmark.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void init(){
+ try {
+ m3 = Collections.synchronizedMap(names);
+ m4 = Collections.synchronizedMap(reversenames);
+ preparenamelist();
+ count = 0;
+ m = Collections.synchronizedMap(TransactionalFiles);
+ TransactionalFile tr = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/randomwords.text", "rw");
+ m.put(String.valueOf(count), tr);
+ count++;
+ TransactionalFile tr2 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/input.text", "rw");
+ m.put(String.valueOf(count), tr2);
+ count++;
+ TransactionalFile tr3 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/iliad.text", "rw");
+ m.put(String.valueOf(count), tr3);
+ count++;
+ TransactionalFile tr4 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/counter_benchmark_output.text", "rw");
+ m.put(String.valueOf(count), tr4);
+ count++;
+ TransactionalFile tr5 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/financialtransaction.text", "rw");
+ m.put(String.valueOf(count), tr5);
+ count++;
+ TransactionalFile tr6 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/accountbalance.text", "rw");
+ m.put(String.valueOf(count), tr6);
+ count++;
+ TransactionalFile tr7 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/financialtransactionlog.text", "rw");
+ m.put(String.valueOf(count), tr7);
+ count++;
+ RandomAccessFile tr8 = new RandomAccessFile("/home/navid/accountbalance.text", "rw");
+ m.put(String.valueOf(count), tr8);
+ count++;
+ RandomAccessFile tr9 = new RandomAccessFile("/home/navid/financialtransactionlog.text", "rw");
+ m.put(String.valueOf(count), tr9);
+ count++;
+ int index = 97;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 26; i++) {
+ // System.out.println("here " +String.valueOf((char)(index+i)));
+ m.put(String.valueOf((char) (index+i)), new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/" + String.valueOf((char) (index+i)) + ".text", "rw"));
+ count++;
+ }
+ count = 0;
+ m2 = Collections.synchronizedMap(hotwords);
+ m2.put(Integer.valueOf(count), "Polydamas");
+ count++;
+ m2.put(Integer.valueOf(count), "Cebriones");
+ count++;
+ m2.put(Integer.valueOf(count), "Eurybates");
+ count++;
+ m2.put(Integer.valueOf(count), "Menoetius");
+ count++;
+ m2.put(Integer.valueOf(count), "countless");
+ count++;
+ m2.put(Integer.valueOf(count), "huntsman");
+ count++;
+ m2.put(Integer.valueOf(count), "presence");
+ count++;
+ m2.put(Integer.valueOf(count), "pursuit");
+ count++;
+ m2.put(Integer.valueOf(count), "masterfully");
+ count++;
+ m2.put(Integer.valueOf(count), "unweariable");
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(benchmark.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.benchmarks;
+import TransactionalIO.core.CustomThread;
+import TransactionalIO.core.ExtendedTransaction;
+import TransactionalIO.core.ExtendedTransaction.Status;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.TransactionStatu;
+import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
+import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+ public class customhandler implements PropertyChangeListener{
+ private Object abortcondition;
+ public void setAbortCondition(Object abortcondition){
+ this.abortcondition = abortcondition;
+ }
+ public customhandler() {
+ }
+ public customhandler(Object abortcondition) {
+ this.abortcondition = abortcondition;
+ }
+ public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent e) {
+ if (e.getNewValue().equals(abortcondition))
+ if (e.getSource().getClass() == ExtendedTransaction.class){
+ //if (e.getNewValue() == Status.ABORTED){
+// ((ExtendedTransaction)e.getSource()).memorystate.abort();
+ // synchronized(benchmark.lock)
+ // {
+ //System.out.println("1- " +Thread.currentThread() + " " + e.getNewValue());
+ //System.out.println("2- " +CustomThread.getTransaction());
+ // System.out.println("3- " +e.getSource());
+ //}
+ // Code for aborting the memory system for the correspondent Thread(transaction)
+ //Thread.getTransaction().abort();
+ //}
+ }
+ else{
+ //check to see if the memory is aborted
+ e.getSource().getClass().cast(e.getSource()).hashCode();
+ }
+ if (e.getNewValue().equals(abortcondition))
+ if (((TransactionStatu)e.getSource()).getOtherSystem() != null)
+ ((TransactionStatu)e.getSource()).getOtherSystem().abortThisSystem();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.benchmarks;
+import TransactionalIO.core.TransactionalFile;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class lockthread1 extends Thread{
+ RandomAccessFile f1;
+ char sample;
+ public lockthread1(RandomAccessFile file, char sample) {
+ f1 = file;
+ this.sample = sample;
+ this.start();
+ }
+ public void run(){
+ try {
+ // f1.read(b);
+ byte[] b = new byte[20];
+ for (int j = 0; j < 19; j++) {
+ b[j] = (byte) sample;
+ }
+ b[19] = (byte) '\n';
+ // f1 = (TransactionalFile)benchmark.m.get("0");
+ // f1 = (TransactionalFile)benchmark.m.get("0");
+ byte[] data = new byte[1];
+ char[] holder = new char[40];
+ benchmark.filelock.lock();
+ long toseek = Integer.valueOf(Thread.currentThread().getName().substring(7)) * 20448;
+ f1.seek(toseek);
+ data[0] = 'a';
+ if (toseek != 0) {
+ //////////////// skipt the first word since its been read already
+ while (data[0] != '\n') {
+ f1.read(data);
+ }
+ }
+ while (f1.getFilePointer() < toseek + 20448) {
+ data[0] = 'a';
+ int i = 0;
+ int result = 0;
+ while (data[0] != '\n') {
+ result = f1.read(data);
+ holder[i] = (char) data[0];
+ i++;
+ }
+ byte[] towrite = new byte[String.valueOf(holder, 0, i).length()];
+ towrite = String.valueOf(holder, 0, i).getBytes();
+ try {
+ ((TransactionalFile) (benchmark.m.get(String.valueOf(holder,0,i).toLowerCase().substring(0, 1)))).file.write(towrite);
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(thread1.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ }
+ benchmark.filelock.unlock();
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(lockthread1.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.benchmarks;
+import TransactionalIO.core.TransactionalFile;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.TransactionalProgram;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.nio.CharBuffer;
+import java.util.Random;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class thread1 implements TransactionalProgram{
+ char sample;
+ TransactionalFile tf;
+ Vector v = new Vector();
+ public thread1(char sample, TransactionalFile tf) {
+ this.sample = sample;
+ this.tf = tf;
+ v.add("Real State");
+ v.add("Loan");
+ v.add("Mortgage");
+ v.add("Account");
+ v.add("Debit-card Purchase");
+ v.add("Credit-card Purchase");
+ }
+ public thread1(char sample) {
+ this.sample = sample;
+ this.tf = null;
+ /* v.add("Real State");
+ v.add("Loan");
+ v.add("Mortgage");
+ v.add("Account");
+ v.add("Debit-card Purchase");
+ v.add("Credit-card Purchase");*/
+ }
+ public void execute() {
+ //TransactionalFile f1 = (TransactionalFile)benchmark.TransactionalFiles.get("0");
+ TransactionalFile f1;
+ if (tf != null)
+ f1 = tf;
+ else
+ f1 = (TransactionalFile)benchmark.m.get("0");
+ byte[] b = new byte[20];
+ byte[] data = new byte[1];
+ char[] holder = new char[40];
+ long toseek = (Integer.valueOf(Thread.currentThread().getName().substring(7)))%20 * 20448;
+ f1.seek(toseek);
+ data[0] ='a';
+ if (toseek != 0) //////////////// skipt the first word since its been read already
+ while (data[0] != '\n'){
+ f1.read(data);
+ }
+ while (f1.getFilePointer() < toseek +20448)
+ {
+ data[0] = 'a';
+ int i = 0;
+ int result = 0;
+ while (data[0] != '\n'){
+ result = f1.read(data);
+ holder[i] = (char)data[0];
+ i++;
+ }
+ byte[] towrite = new byte[String.valueOf(holder,0,i).length()];
+ towrite = String.valueOf(holder,0,i).getBytes();
+ try {
+ ((TransactionalFile) (benchmark.m.get(String.valueOf(holder,0,i).toLowerCase().substring(0, 1)))).write(towrite);
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(thread1.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ }
+ // for (int k=0; k< i; k++)
+ // System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " " +holder[k]);
+ // f1.seek(40);
+ // System.out.println("current offset " +f1.getFilePointer());
+ // f1.write(b);
+ // f1.write(b);
+ // f1.write(b);
+ //
+ /* for (int i =0; i< 2000; i++){
+ String str = "Number: " + (Integer.valueOf(Thread.currentThread().getName().substring(7))*200+i) +"\nType: " + v.get((int)(Math.random()*6)) + "\n\n";
+ byte[] buff;
+ char[] charar = new char[str.length()];
+ charar = str.toCharArray();
+ buff = new byte[str.length()];
+ for (int j=0; j<str.length(); j++)
+ buff[j] = (byte) charar[j];
+ f1.write(buff);
+ }*/
+ /* f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ // f1.seek(0);
+ // f1.seek(0);
+ // f1.getFilePointer();
+ // synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ // /*System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() +" 1-offset " + *///f1.getFilePointer();
+ //}
+ // synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ // f1.getFilePointer();
+ // }
+ /// f1.read(bread);
+ /* f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);*/
+ /*f1.read(bread);
+ // f1.seek(0);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);*/
+ /* f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);*/
+ // f1.seek(0);
+ // f1.read(bread2);
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread2[j]);
+ }*/
+ // f1.read(bread);
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ }*/
+ //f1.read(bread);
+ //*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ // for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ // System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ // }*/
+ // f1.read(bread);
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ }*/
+ // f1.read(bread);
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ }*/
+ //f1.read(bread);
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ }*/
+ //f1.read(bread);
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ }*/
+ //f1.read(bread);
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ }*/
+ /*
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread2);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread2);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread2);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread2);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ // f1.seek(0);
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ }
+ synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread2[j]);
+ }
+ */
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() +" 2-offset " + f1.getFilePointer());
+ }*/
+ /*f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ // f1.seek(0);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);*/
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() +" 3-offset " + f1.getFilePointer());
+ }*/
+ // f1.seek(50);
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() +" 4-offset " + f1.getFilePointer());
+ }*/
+ // f1.read(bread);
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ }*/
+ // f1.read(bread);
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ }*/
+ // f1.read(bread);
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ }*/
+ // f1.read(bread);
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ }*/
+ //f1.read(bread);
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ }*/
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() +" 5-offset " + f1.getFilePointer());
+ }*/
+ //System.out.println("offset " + f1.getFilePointer());
+ /* for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);*/
+ /* f1.read(bread);
+ System.out.println("offset " + f1.getFilePointer());*/
+ // for (int j =0; j<20; j++)
+ // System.out.println(j+1 + "-" +Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)bread[j]);
+ // f1.write(b);
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() +" 6-offset " + f1.getFilePointer());
+ }*/
+ //f1.read(bread);
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() +" 5-offset " + f1.getFilePointer());
+ }*/
+ // System.out.println("offset " + f1.getFilePointer());
+ /*f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);
+ f1.read(bread);*/
+ // f1.write(b);
+ // f1.write(b);
+ // f1.seek(40);
+ // for (int j =0; j<10; j++)
+ // System.out.println((char) b[j]);
+// } catch (IOException ex) {
+ // Logger.getLogger(thread1.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ // }
+ // TransactionalFile f1 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output1.txt", "rw");
+ // TransactionalFile f1 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output1.txt", "rw");
+ // TransactionalFile f1 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output1.txt", "rw");
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.benchmarks;
+import TransactionalIO.core.TransactionalFile;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.TransactionalProgram;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class thread2 implements TransactionalProgram{
+ public void execute() {
+ TransactionalFile tf1 = (TransactionalFile) benchmark.TransactionalFiles.get("0");
+ //TransactionalFile tf1 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output.text", "rw");
+ byte[] b = new byte[20];
+ // tf1.seek(20);
+ int i = tf1.read(b);
+ i = tf1.read(b);
+ i = tf1.read(b);
+ i = tf1.read(b);
+ i = tf1.read(b);
+ i = tf1.read(b);
+ i = tf1.read(b);
+ i = tf1.read(b);
+ i = tf1.read(b);
+ i = tf1.read(b);
+ i = tf1.read(b);
+ i = tf1.read(b);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.benchmarks;
+import TransactionalIO.core.TransactionalFile;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.TransactionalProgram;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class thread3 implements TransactionalProgram{
+ public void execute() {
+ TransactionalFile f1 = (TransactionalFile)benchmark.TransactionalFiles.get("0");
+ byte[] b = new byte[30];
+ // int i = f1.read(b);
+ // i = f1.read(b);
+ // i = f1.read(b);
+ // i = f1.read(b);
+ // i = f1.read(b);
+ // i = f1.read(b);
+ // System.out.println(i);
+ // for (int j =0; j<10; j++)
+ // System.out.println((char) b[j]);
+ try {
+ // f1.read(b);
+ for (int j =0; j<30; j++)
+ b[j] = 'k';
+ // f1.seek(40);
+ // System.out.println("current offset " +f1.getFilePointer());
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ // f1.seek(40);
+ //f1.read(b);
+ // for (int j =0; j<10; j++)
+ // System.out.println((char) b[j]);
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(thread1.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ // TransactionalFile f1 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output1.txt", "rw");
+ // TransactionalFile f1 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output1.txt", "rw");
+ // TransactionalFile f1 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output1.txt", "rw");
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.benchmarks;
+import TransactionalIO.core.TransactionalFile;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.TransactionalProgram;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class thread4 implements TransactionalProgram{
+ public void execute() {
+ TransactionalFile f1 = (TransactionalFile)benchmark.TransactionalFiles.get("0");
+ byte[] b = new byte[40];
+ // int i = f1.read(b);
+ // i = f1.read(b);
+ // i = f1.read(b);
+ // i = f1.read(b);
+ // i = f1.read(b);
+ // i = f1.read(b);
+ // System.out.println(i);
+ // for (int j =0; j<10; j++)
+ // System.out.println((char) b[j]);
+ try {
+ // f1.read(b);
+ for (int j =0; j<40; j++)
+ b[j] = 'l';
+ // f1.seek(40);
+ // System.out.println("current offset " +f1.getFilePointer());
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ f1.write(b);
+ // f1.seek(40);
+ //f1.read(b);
+ // for (int j =0; j<10; j++)
+ // System.out.println((char) b[j]);
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(thread1.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ // TransactionalFile f1 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output1.txt", "rw");
+ // TransactionalFile f1 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output1.txt", "rw");
+ // TransactionalFile f1 = new TransactionalFile("/home/navid/output1.txt", "rw");
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class BlockDataStructure {
+ private ReentrantReadWriteLock lock;
+ private ExtendedTransaction owner;
+ private INode inode;
+ private int blocknumber;
+ private AtomicInteger version;
+ private int referncount;
+ //private Vector<ExtendedTransaction> readers;
+ private Vector blockreaders;
+ public static enum MODE {READ, WRITE, READ_WRITE};
+ private MODE accessmode;
+ protected BlockDataStructure(INode inode, int blocknumber) {
+ version = new AtomicInteger(0);
+ //lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
+ blockreaders = new Vector();
+ lock = new ReentrantReadWriteLock();
+ this.inode = inode;
+ this.blocknumber = blocknumber;
+ referncount = 0;
+ owner = null;
+ }
+ public Vector getReaders() {
+ return blockreaders;
+ }
+ public void setReaders(Vector readers) {
+ this.blockreaders = readers;
+ }
+ public ReentrantReadWriteLock getLock() {
+ return lock;
+ }
+ public void setLock(ReentrantReadWriteLock lock) {
+ this.lock = lock;
+ }
+ public synchronized ExtendedTransaction getOwner() {
+ return owner;
+ }
+ public synchronized void setOwner(ExtendedTransaction owner) {
+ this.owner = owner;
+ }
+ public INode getInode() {
+ return inode;
+ }
+ public void setInode(INode inode) {
+ this.inode = inode;
+ }
+ public int getBlocknumber() {
+ return blocknumber;
+ }
+ public void setBlocknumber(int blocknumber) {
+ this.blocknumber = blocknumber;
+ }
+ public AtomicInteger getVersion() {
+ return version;
+ }
+ public void setVersion(AtomicInteger version) {
+ this.version = version;
+ }
+ public MODE getAccessmode() {
+ return accessmode;
+ }
+ public void setAccessmode(MODE accessmode) {
+ this.accessmode = accessmode;
+ }
+ public synchronized int getReferncount() {
+ return referncount;
+ }
+ public synchronized void setReferncount(int referncount) {
+ this.referncount = referncount;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+import TransactionalIO.benchmarks.benchmark;
+import TransactionalIO.benchmarks.thread1;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.TransactionalProgram;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class CustomLock implements Runnable{
+ private static ThreadLocal transactioncontainer = new ThreadLocal();
+ private TransactionalProgram ioprogram;
+ private static ThreadLocal/*<TransactionalProgram>*/ program = new ThreadLocal();
+ private ExtendedTransaction transaction;
+ public Thread runner;
+ public CustomLock(TransactionalProgram ioprogram) {
+ this.ioprogram = ioprogram;
+ transaction = new ExtendedTransaction();
+ runner = new Thread(this);
+ runner.start();
+ }
+ public static void setTransaction(ExtendedTransaction transaction){
+ transactioncontainer.set(transaction);
+ }
+ public static ExtendedTransaction getTransaction(){
+ return (ExtendedTransaction) transactioncontainer.get();
+ }
+ public static void setProgram(TransactionalProgram transaction){
+ program.set(transaction);
+ }
+ public static TransactionalProgram getProgram(){
+ return (TransactionalProgram) program.get();
+ }
+ public void run() {
+ setTransaction(transaction);
+ setProgram(ioprogram);
+ synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.transacctions.add(transaction);
+ }
+// System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName());
+ ioprogram.execute();
+ transaction.prepareCommit();
+ transaction.commitChanges();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+import TransactionalIO.exceptions.AbortedException;
+import TransactionalIO.benchmarks.benchmark;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.TransactionalProgram;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.util.Vector;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class CustomThread implements Runnable{
+ private static ThreadLocal transactioncontainer = new ThreadLocal();
+ private static ThreadLocal onAbort = new ThreadLocal();
+ private TransactionalProgram ioprogram;
+ private static ThreadLocal/*<TransactionalProgram>*/ program = new ThreadLocal();
+ private ExtendedTransaction transaction;
+ public Thread runner;
+ public CustomThread(TransactionalProgram ioprogram) {
+ this.ioprogram = ioprogram;
+ runner = new Thread(this);
+ runner.start();
+ }
+ /* public static void setTransaction(ExtendedTransaction transaction){
+ transactioncontainer.set(transaction);
+ }
+ public static ExtendedTransaction getTransaction(){
+ return (ExtendedTransaction) transactioncontainer.get();
+ }*/
+ public static void setProgram(TransactionalProgram transaction){
+ program.set(transaction);
+ }
+ public static TransactionalProgram getProgram(){
+ return (TransactionalProgram) program.get();
+ }
+ public static Vector getonAbort(){
+ return (Vector) onAbort.get();
+ }
+ public static void setonAbort(Vector s){
+ onAbort.set(s);
+ }
+ public void run() {
+ setProgram(ioprogram);
+ // setonAbort(new Vector());
+// System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName());
+ while (true){
+ try{
+ /* getonAbort().add(new terminateHandler() {
+ public void cleanup() {
+ synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() +" KEWL");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ */
+ Wrapper.Initialize(null);
+ // transaction = new ExtendedTransaction();
+ // setTransaction(transaction);
+ synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.transacctions.add(Wrapper.getTransaction());
+ }
+ ioprogram.execute();
+ Wrapper.prepareIOCommit();
+ Wrapper.commitIO();
+ break;
+ }
+ catch (AbortedException e){
+ /* Iterator it = getonAbort().iterator();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ terminateHandler th = (terminateHandler)it.next();
+ th.cleanup();
+ }
+ getonAbort().clear();*/
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() +" retried");
+ }*/
+ }
+ finally{
+ Wrapper.getTransaction().unlockAllLocks();
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+ * Defaults.java
+ *
+ * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
+ * Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to
+ * technology embodied in the product that is described in this
+ * document. In particular, and without limitation, these
+ * intellectual property rights may include one or more of the
+ * U.S. patents listed at http://www.sun.com/patents and one or more
+ * additional patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and
+ * in other countries.
+ *
+ * U.S. Government Rights - Commercial software.
+ * Government users are subject to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard
+ * license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its
+ * supplements. Use is subject to license terms. Sun, Sun
+ * Microsystems, the Sun logo and Java are trademarks or registered
+ * trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other
+ * countries.
+ *
+ * This product is covered and controlled by U.S. Export Control laws
+ * and may be subject to the export or import laws in other countries.
+ * Nuclear, missile, chemical biological weapons or nuclear maritime
+ * end uses or end users, whether direct or indirect, are strictly
+ * prohibited. Export or reexport to countries subject to
+ * U.S. embargo or to entities identified on U.S. export exclusion
+ * lists, including, but not limited to, the denied persons and
+ * specially designated nationals lists is strictly prohibited.
+ */
+ *
+ * @author Maurice Herlihy
+ */
+public class Defaults {
+ /**
+ * how many threads
+ **/
+ public static final int THREADS = 1;
+ /**
+ * benchmark duration in milliseconds
+ **/
+ public static final int TIME = 10000;
+ /**
+ * uninterpreted arg passed to benchmark
+ **/
+ public static final int EXPERIMENT = 100;
+ /**
+ * fully-qualified contention manager name
+ **/
+ public static final String MANAGER = "dstm2.manager.BackoffManager";
+ /**
+ * fully-qualified factory name
+ **/
+ public static final String FACTORY = "dstm2.factory.shadow.Factory";
+ /**
+ * fully-qualified adapter name
+ **/
+ public static final String ADAPTER = "dstm2.factory.shadow.Adapter";;
+ public static final int FILEFRAGMENTSIZE= 1024;
+ public static final boolean READWRITECONFLIT = true;
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+import TransactionalIO.exceptions.AbortedException;
+import TransactionalIO.benchmarks.benchmark;
+import TransactionalIO.benchmarks.customhandler;
+import TransactionalIO.benchmarks.customhandler;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.BlockAccessModesEnum;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.ContentionManager;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.TransactionStatu;
+//import dstm2.file.managers.BaseManager;
+import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
+import java.beans.EventHandler;
+import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent;
+import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
+import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
+import java.io.FileDescriptor;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantReadWriteLock;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class ExtendedTransaction implements TransactionStatu {
+ private native int nativepwrite(byte buff[], long offset, int size, FileDescriptor fd);
+ {
+ System.load("/home/navid/libkooni.so");
+ }
+ private boolean flag = true;
+ public TransactionStatu memorystate;
+ private PropertyChangeSupport changes = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
+ public int starttime;
+ public int endtime;
+ public TreeMap msg = new TreeMap();
+ public int numberofwrites;
+ public int numberofreads;
+ public enum Status {ABORTED, ACTIVE, COMMITTED};
+ private boolean writesmerged = true;
+ //private Vector<ReentrantLock> heldoffsetlocks;
+ private Vector heldoffsetlocks;
+ //private Vector<ReentrantLock> heldblocklocks;
+ private Vector heldblocklocks;
+ //private HashMap<INode, Vector<TransactionalFile>> AccessedFiles;
+ private HashMap AccessedFiles;
+ //private HashMap<INode, HashMap<Integer, BlockAccessModesEnum> > accessedBlocks;
+ private HashMap accessedBlocks;
+ //private HashMap<TransactionalFile, TransactionLocalFileAttributes> LocaltoGlobalMappings;
+ private HashMap GlobaltoLocalMappings;
+ public HashMap merge_for_writes_done;
+ private HashMap writeBuffer;
+ private ContentionManager contentionmanager;
+ private /*volatile*/ Status status;
+ private int id;
+ public ExtendedTransaction() {
+ // super();
+ // id = Integer.valueOf(Thread.currentThread().getName().substring(7));
+ heldblocklocks = new Vector() ;
+ heldoffsetlocks= new Vector();
+ AccessedFiles = new HashMap();
+ GlobaltoLocalMappings = new HashMap/*<TransactionalFile, TransactionLocalFileAttributes >*/();
+ writeBuffer = new HashMap();
+ status = Status.ACTIVE;
+ accessedBlocks = new HashMap();
+ merge_for_writes_done = new HashMap();
+ writesmerged = true;
+ // setContentionmanager(new BaseManager());
+ // beginTransaction();
+ }
+ public ExtendedTransaction(TransactionStatu memorystate){
+ this();
+ /* heldblocklocks = new Vector() ;
+ heldoffsetlocks= new Vector();
+ AccessedFiles = new HashMap();
+ GlobaltoLocalMappings = new HashMap();
+ writeBuffer = new HashMap();
+ status = Status.ACTIVE;
+ accessedBlocks = new HashMap();
+ merge_for_writes_done = new HashMap();
+ writesmerged = true;*/
+ this.memorystate = memorystate ;
+ }
+ private int invokeNativepwrite(byte buff[], long offset, int size, RandomAccessFile file) {
+ try {
+ //System.out.println(buff.length);
+ // System.out.println(offset);
+ return nativepwrite(buff, offset, buff.length, file.getFD());
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(TransactionalFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ public void beginTransaction(){
+ this.addPropertyChangeListener(new customhandler(Status.ABORTED));
+ }
+ public void abort() {
+ synchronized(this){
+ // Status oldst = getStatus();
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println("be ga raftim 0");
+ }*/
+ this.status = Status.ABORTED;
+ if (this.memorystate !=null && !(this.memorystate).isAborted()){
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() +" be ga raftim 1 file");
+ }*/
+ this.memorystate.abortThisSystem();
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " be ga raftim 2 file");
+ }*/
+ }
+ // Thread[] group = new Thread[30];
+ // Thread.currentThread().enumerate(group);
+ // group[this.id].interrupt();
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println("/////////////");
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " " +Thread.currentThread().enumerate(group));
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " " +group[0]);
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " " +group[1]);
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " " +group[2]);
+ System.out.println("/////////////");
+ }*/
+ // this.changes.firePropertyChange("status", oldst, Status.ABORTED);
+ }
+ }
+ public Status getStatus() {
+ return status;
+ }
+ public boolean isActive() {
+ return this.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE;
+ }
+ public boolean isAborted() {
+ return this.getStatus() == Status.ABORTED;
+ }
+ public ContentionManager getContentionmanager() {
+ return contentionmanager;
+ }
+ public void setContentionmanager(ContentionManager contentionmanager) {
+ this.contentionmanager = contentionmanager;
+ }
+ public HashMap getWriteBuffer() {
+ return writeBuffer;
+ }
+ public HashMap getAccessedFiles() {
+ return AccessedFiles;
+ }
+ public boolean isWritesmerged() {
+ return writesmerged;
+ }
+ public void setWritesmerged(boolean writesmerged) {
+ this.writesmerged = writesmerged;
+ }
+ public HashMap getGlobaltoLocalMappings() {
+ return GlobaltoLocalMappings;
+ }
+ public HashMap getAccessedBlocks() {
+ return accessedBlocks;
+ }
+ public ContentionManager getBlockContentionManager(){
+ return ManagerRepository.getBlockcm();
+ }
+ public ContentionManager getOffsetContentionManager(){
+ return ManagerRepository.getOffsetcm();
+ }
+ public TreeMap getSortedFileAccessMap(HashMap hmap) {
+ /*TreeMap sortedMap = new TreeMap(hmap);
+ return sortedMap;*/
+ return new TreeMap(hmap);
+ }
+ public void setStatus(Status st){
+ Status oldst = getStatus();
+ this.status = st;
+ this.changes.firePropertyChange("status", oldst, st);
+ }
+ public void addFile(TransactionalFile tf/*, TransactionLocalFileAttributes tmp*/) {
+ /* if (tf.appendmode) {
+ this.addtoFileAccessModeMap(tf.getInode(), FileAccessModesEum.APPEND);
+ } else if (tf.writemode) {
+ this.addtoFileAccessModeMap(tf.getInode(), FileAccessModesEum.READ_WRITE);
+ } else {
+ this.addtoFileAccessModeMap(tf.getInode(), FileAccessModesEum.READ);
+ }*/
+ // System.out.println("dsadssasadssa");
+ tf.lockOffset(this);
+ //tf.offsetlock.lock();
+ TransactionLocalFileAttributes tmp = new TransactionLocalFileAttributes(tf.getCommitedoffset().getOffsetnumber()/*, tf.getInodestate().commitedfilesize.get()*/);
+ //this.heldoffsetlocks.remove(tf.offsetlock);
+ tf.offsetlock.unlock();
+ Vector dummy;
+ if (AccessedFiles.containsKey(tf.getInode())){
+ dummy = (Vector) AccessedFiles.get(tf.getInode());
+ }
+ else{
+ dummy = new Vector();
+ AccessedFiles.put(tf.getInode(), dummy);
+ }
+ // this.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Unlocked the offset lock " + tf.offsetlock + " for file " + tf.getInode() + " form descriptor " + tf.getSequenceNum());
+ dummy.add(tf);
+ GlobaltoLocalMappings.put(tf, tmp);
+ merge_for_writes_done.put(tf.getInode(), Boolean.TRUE);
+ //}
+ }
+ public boolean lockOffsets() { /// Locking offsets for File Descriptors
+ TreeMap hm = getSortedFileAccessMap(AccessedFiles);
+ Iterator iter = hm.keySet().iterator();
+ while (iter.hasNext() && (this.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE)) {
+ INode key = (INode) iter.next();
+ Vector vec = (Vector) AccessedFiles.get(key);
+ Collections.sort(vec);
+ Iterator it = vec.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()){
+ TransactionalFile value = (TransactionalFile) it.next();
+ while (this.getStatus() ==Status.ACTIVE){
+ //if (value.offsetlock.tryLock()) {
+ value.offsetlock.lock();
+ // synchronized(value.getCommitedoffset()){
+ // value.getCommitedoffset().setOffsetOwner(this);
+ // this.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Locked the offset lock in commit for file " + value.getInode() + " from descriptor "+ value.getSequenceNum() +"\n");
+ heldoffsetlocks.add(value.offsetlock);
+ //else
+ // getContentionmanager().resolveConflict(this, value.getCommitedoffset());
+ break;
+ //}
+ }
+ if (this.getStatus() != Status.ACTIVE){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // outercounter++;
+ }
+ if (this.getStatus() != Status.ACTIVE){
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*public boolean commit() { /// Locking offsets for File Descriptors
+ Map hm = getSortedFileAccessMap(FilesAccesses);
+ //lock phase
+ Iterator iter = hm.keySet().iterator();
+ TransactionLocalFileAttributes value;
+ while (iter.hasNext() && (this.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE)) {
+ INode key = (INode) iter.next();
+ value = (TransactionLocalFileAttributes) hm.get(key);
+ synchronized(value.getCurrentcommitedoffset()){
+ if (value.offsetlock.tryLock()) {
+ value.getCurrentcommitedoffset().setOffsetOwner(this);
+ heldblocklocks.add(value.offsetlock);
+ Iterator it = value.getCurrentcommitedoffset().getOffsetReaders().iterator(); // for in-place aborting visible readers strategy
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ ExtendedTransaction tr = (ExtendedTransaction) it.next();
+ tr.abort();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ getOffsetContentionManager().resolveConflict(this, value.getCurrentcommitedoffset().getOffsetOwner());
+ }
+ return true;
+ } */
+ /*public boolean commit() { /// Locking offsets for File Descriptors with checking strategy
+ Map hm = getSortedFileAccessMap(FilesAccesses);
+ //lock phase
+ Iterator iter = hm.keySet().iterator();
+ TransactionLocalFileAttributes value;
+ while (iter.hasNext() && (this.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE)) {
+ INode key = (INode) iter.next();
+ value = (TransactionLocalFileAttributes) hm.get(key);
+ if (value.isValidatelocaloffset()) {
+ if (value.getCopylocaloffset() == value.currentcommitedoffset.getOffsetnumber()) {
+ value.offsetlock.lock();
+ heldoffsetlocks.add(value.offsetlock);
+ if (!(value.getCopylocaloffset() == value.currentcommitedoffset.getOffsetnumber())) {
+ unlockAllLocks();
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ unlockAllLocks();
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ value.offsetlock.lock();
+ heldoffsetlocks.add(value.offsetlock);
+ }
+ }
+ }*/
+ public boolean lockBlock(BlockDataStructure block, BlockAccessModesEnum mode/*, GlobalINodeState adapter, BlockAccessModesEnum mode, int expvalue, INode inode, TransactionLocalFileAttributes tf*/) {
+ //boolean locked = false;
+ Lock lock;
+ if (mode == BlockAccessModesEnum.READ){
+ lock = block.getLock().readLock();
+ }
+ else {
+ lock = block.getLock().writeLock();
+ }
+ while (this.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE) {
+ //synchronized(block){
+ // if (lock.tryLock()) {
+ lock.lock();
+ // synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ // System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " Lock the block lock for " + lock +" number " + block.getBlocknumber());
+ // }
+ heldblocklocks.add(lock);
+ // block.setOwner(this);
+ return true;
+ // }
+ //getContentionmanager().resolveConflict(this, block);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*
+ public boolean lockBlock(BlockDataStructure block, Adapter adapter, BlockAccessModesEnum mode, int expvalue) { // from here for visible readers strategy
+ while (this.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE) {
+ if (lock.tryLock()) {
+ Thread.onAbortOnce(new Runnable() {
+ public void run() {
+ lock.unlock();
+ }
+ });
+ heldblocklocks.add(lock);
+ synchronized (adapter) {
+ block.setOwner(this);
+ // Iterator it = block.getReaders().iterator();
+ // while (it.hasNext())
+ // {
+ // ExtendedTransaction tr = (ExtendedTransaction) it.next();
+ // tr.abort();
+ // }
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ getBlockContentionManager().resolveConflict(this, block.getOwner());
+ }
+ }
+ return false;*/
+ /*
+ public boolean lockBlock(BlockDataStructure block, Adapter adapter, BlockAccessModesEnum mode, int expvalue) { // versioning strat
+ while (this.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE) {
+ if (lock.tryLock()) {
+ Thread.onAbortOnce(new Runnable() {
+ public void run() {
+ lock.unlock();
+ }
+ });
+ heldblocklocks.add(lock);
+ if (mode != BlockAccessModesEnum.WRITE) { egy
+ if (block.getVersion().get() != expvalue) {
+ unlockAllLocks();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ synchronized (adapter) {
+ block.setOwner(this);
+ }
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ getContentionManager().resolveConflict(this, block.getOwner());
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }*/
+ public void prepareCommit() {
+ if (this.status != Status.ACTIVE)
+ throw new AbortedException();
+ boolean ok = true;
+ if (!lockOffsets())
+ {
+// unlockAllLocks();
+ // this.msg.put(System.nanoTime(),Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Aborted \n");
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Aborted in prepare commit\n";
+ }*/
+ //Thread.currentThread().stop();
+ throw new AbortedException();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////
+ Map hm = getWriteBuffer();
+ Iterator iter = hm.keySet().iterator();
+ WriteOperations value;
+ Vector vec = new Vector();
+ while (iter.hasNext() && (this.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE) && ok) {
+ //int expvalue = 0;
+ INode key = (INode) iter.next();
+ vec = (Vector) hm.get(key);
+ Collections.sort(vec);
+ Iterator it = vec.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()){
+ value = (WriteOperations) it.next();
+ if (value.isUnknownoffset()){
+ long start;
+ long end;
+ //synchronized(value.getOwnertransactionalFile().getCommitedoffset()){
+ start = value.getRange().getStart() - value.getBelongingto().getCopylocaloffset() + value.getOwnertransactionalFile().getCommitedoffset().getOffsetnumber();
+ end = value.getRange().getEnd() - value.getBelongingto().getCopylocaloffset() + value.getOwnertransactionalFile().getCommitedoffset().getOffsetnumber();
+ if (value.getBelongingto().isUnknown_inital_offset_for_write()){
+ value.getBelongingto().setLocaloffset(value.getBelongingto().getLocaloffset() - value.getBelongingto().getCopylocaloffset() + value.getOwnertransactionalFile().getCommitedoffset().getOffsetnumber());
+ value.getBelongingto().setUnknown_inital_offset_for_write(false);
+ }
+ //}
+ // System.out.println("start write " + start);
+ /// System.out.println("end write " + end);
+ int startblock = FileBlockManager.getCurrentFragmentIndexofTheFile(start);
+ int targetblock = FileBlockManager.getTargetFragmentIndexofTheFile(start, value.getRange().getEnd() - value.getRange().getStart());
+ TreeMap sset;
+ if (this.getAccessedBlocks().get(key) != null){
+ sset = (TreeMap) this.getAccessedBlocks().get(key);
+ }
+ else{
+ sset = new TreeMap();
+ this.getAccessedBlocks().put(key, sset);
+ }
+ for (int i = startblock; i <= targetblock; i++) {
+ if (sset.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(i))){
+ if (sset.get(Integer.valueOf(i)) != BlockAccessModesEnum.WRITE)
+ sset.put(Integer.valueOf(i), BlockAccessModesEnum.READ_WRITE);
+ }
+ else
+ sset.put(Integer.valueOf(i), BlockAccessModesEnum.WRITE);
+ // tt.add(Integer.valueOf(i));
+ }
+ value.getRange().setStart(start);
+ value.getRange().setEnd(end);
+ // System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().);
+ // System.out.println(value.getRange().getStart());
+ // System.out.println(value.getRange().getEnd());
+ // System.out.println("---------------");
+ //this.getAccessedBlocks().put(value.getOwnertransactionalFile().getInode(), sset);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Iterator it = this.getAccessedBlocks().keySet().iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext() && (this.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE)) {
+ INode inode = (INode) it.next();
+ GlobalINodeState inodestate = TransactionalFileWrapperFactory.getTateransactionalFileINodeState(inode);
+ TreeMap vec2 = (TreeMap) this.getAccessedBlocks().get(inode);
+ Iterator iter2 = vec2.keySet().iterator();
+ while(iter2.hasNext()){
+ Integer num = (Integer) iter2.next();
+ //BlockDataStructure blockobj = (BlockDataStructure) inodestate.lockmap.get(num);
+ BlockDataStructure blockobj;
+ // if (((BlockAccessModesEnum)vec2.get(num)) == BlockAccessModesEnum.WRITE){
+ blockobj = inodestate.getBlockDataStructure(num);
+ // }
+ // else
+ // blockobj = (BlockDataStructure) inodestate.lockmap.get(num);
+ ok = this.lockBlock(blockobj, (BlockAccessModesEnum)vec2.get(num));
+ if (ok == false)
+ break;
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Locked the Block Number " + blockobj.getBlocknumber() +" for " + inode + "\n";
+ }*/
+ // this.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Locked the Block Number " + blockobj.getBlocknumber() + " for file " + inode + "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.getStatus() != Status.ACTIVE){
+ // unlockAllLocks();
+ // this.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Aborted \n");
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Aborted \n";
+ }*/
+ // Thread.currentThread().stop();
+ throw new AbortedException();
+ }
+ abortAllReaders();
+ // }
+ //expvalue = ((Integer) value.getBlockversions().get(it)).intValue(); //for versioning strategy
+ /*if (!(value.isValidatelocaloffset())) {
+ if (((BlockAccessModesEnum) (value.getAccesedblocks().get(blockno))) != BlockAccessModesEnum.WRITE) { //versioning strategy
+ /if (blockobj.getVersion().get() == expvalue) {
+ ok = this.lock(blockobj, value.adapter, (BlockAccessModesEnum) (value.getAccesedblocks().get(blockno)), expvalue);
+ if (ok == false) {
+ // unlockAllLocks();
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ok = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ ok = this.lock(blockobj, value.adapter, (BlockAccessModesEnum) (value.getAccesedblocks().get(blockno)), expvalue);
+ if (ok == false) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!(ok)) {
+ unlockAllLocks();
+ throw new AbortedException();
+ }*/
+ }
+ public void commitChanges(){
+ // this.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " is committing \n");
+ //synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ // System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " is commiting");
+ //}
+ Map hm = getWriteBuffer();
+ Iterator iter = hm.keySet().iterator();
+ Iterator it;
+ WriteOperations writeop;
+ Vector vec;
+ while (iter.hasNext() && (this.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE)) {
+ INode key = (INode) iter.next();
+ vec = (Vector) hm.get(key);
+ Collections.sort(vec);
+ it = vec.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()){
+ //value = (WriteOperations) it.next();
+ // writeop = (WriteOperations) writeBuffer.get(key);
+ writeop = (WriteOperations) it.next();
+ // System.out.println(writeop);
+ Byte[] data = new Byte[(int) (writeop.getRange().getEnd() - writeop.getRange().getStart())];
+ byte[] bytedata = new byte[(int) (writeop.getRange().getEnd() - writeop.getRange().getStart())];
+ data = (Byte[]) writeop.getData();
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ bytedata[i] = data[i];
+ }
+ // try {
+ //
+ // writeop.getOwnertransactionalFile().file.seek(writeop.getRange().getStart());
+ // System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " range " + writeop.getRange().getStart());
+ // writeop.getOwnertransactionalFile().file.write(bytedata);
+ invokeNativepwrite(bytedata, writeop.getRange().getStart(), bytedata.length, writeop.getOwnertransactionalFile().file);
+ // System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " " + bytedata);
+ // } catch (IOException ex) {
+ // Logger.getLogger(ExtendedTransaction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ // }
+ //
+ }
+ }
+ /*if (((FileAccessModesEum) (this.FilesAccessModes.get(key))) == FileAccessModesEum.APPEND) {
+ try {
+ Range range = (Range) value.getWrittendata().firstKey();
+ //synchronized(value.adapter){
+ //value.f.seek(value.adapter.commitedfilesize.get());
+ value.f.seek(value.getFilelength());
+ //}
+ Byte[] data = new Byte[(int) (range.getEnd() - range.getStart())];
+ byte[] bytedata = new byte[(int) (range.getEnd() - range.getStart())];
+ data = (Byte[]) value.getWrittendata().get(range);
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ bytedata[i] = data[i];
+ }
+ value.f.write(bytedata);
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(ExtendedTransaction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ } else if (((FileAccessModesEum) (this.FilesAccessModes.get(key))) == FileAccessModesEum.READ) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (value.relocatablewrite && value.getContinious_written_data() != null){
+ }
+ else if (!(value.getNon_Speculative_Writtendata().isEmpty())) {
+ int tobeaddedoffset = 0;
+ if (value.isValidatelocaloffset()) {
+ tobeaddedoffset = 0;
+ } else {
+ tobeaddedoffset = (int) (value.getCurrentcommitedoffset().getOffsetnumber() - value.getCopylocaloffset());
+ }
+ Iterator it = value.getNon_Speculative_Writtendata().keySet().iterator();
+ int counter = 0;
+ while (it.hasNext() && (this.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE)) {
+ try {
+ Range range = (Range) it.next();
+ value.f.seek(range.getStart() + tobeaddedoffset);
+ Byte[] data = new Byte[(int) (range.getEnd() - range.getStart())];
+ byte[] bytedata = new byte[(int) (range.getEnd() - range.getStart())];
+ data = (Byte[]) value.getNon_Speculative_Writtendata().get(range);
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ bytedata[i] = data[i];
+ }
+ value.f.write(bytedata);
+ counter++;
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(ExtendedTransaction.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ iter = hm.keySet().iterator();
+ while (iter.hasNext() ) {
+ INode key = (INode) iter.next();
+ value = (TransactionLocalFileAttributes) hm.get(key);
+ Iterator it = value.getAccesedblocks().keySet().iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ Integer blockno = (Integer) it.next();
+ synchronized (value.adapter) {
+ //BlockDataStructure blockobj = (BlockDataStructure) value.adapter.lockmap.get(blockno);
+ //blockobj.getVersion().getAndIncrement(); for versioning strategy
+ //value.getCurrentcommitedoffset().setOffsetnumber(value.getLocaloffset());
+ //value.adapter.commitedfilesize.getAndSet(value.getFilelength());
+ }
+ }
+ }*/
+ Iterator k = GlobaltoLocalMappings.keySet().iterator();
+ while (k.hasNext()){
+ TransactionalFile trf = (TransactionalFile) (k.next());
+ // synchronized(trf.getCommitedoffset()){
+ trf.getCommitedoffset().setOffsetnumber(((TransactionLocalFileAttributes)GlobaltoLocalMappings.get(trf)).getLocaloffset());
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " KIRIR " +GlobaltoLocalMappings.get(trf).getLocaloffset());
+ }*/
+ // }
+ }
+ //unlockAllLocks();
+ }
+ public void unlockAllLocks() {
+ Iterator it = heldblocklocks.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ Lock lock = (Lock) it.next();
+ lock.unlock();
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Released the block lock for " + lock);
+ }*/
+ }
+ heldblocklocks.clear();
+ it = heldoffsetlocks.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ ReentrantLock lock = (ReentrantLock) it.next();
+ lock.unlock();
+ // synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ // System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Released the offset lock for "+ lock +"\n");
+ // }
+ }
+ heldoffsetlocks.clear();
+ }
+ public void abortAllReaders(){
+ TreeMap hm = getSortedFileAccessMap(AccessedFiles);
+ //lock phase
+ Iterator iter = hm.keySet().iterator();
+ TransactionalFile value;
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ INode key = (INode) iter.next();
+ Vector vec = (Vector) AccessedFiles.get(key);
+ Iterator it = vec.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ {
+ value = (TransactionalFile)it.next();
+ //value = (TransactionalFile) hm.get(key);
+ //System.out.println(value.getCommitedoffset().getOffsetReaders());
+ Iterator it2 = value.getCommitedoffset().getOffsetReaders().iterator(); // for visible readers strategy
+ while ( it2.hasNext())
+ {
+ ExtendedTransaction tr = (ExtendedTransaction) it2.next();
+ if (tr != this)
+ tr.abort();
+ }
+ value.getCommitedoffset().getOffsetReaders().clear();
+ //}
+ }
+ TreeMap vec2;
+ if (accessedBlocks.get(key) != null){
+ vec2 = (TreeMap) accessedBlocks.get(key);
+ }
+ else{
+ vec2 = new TreeMap();
+ }
+ GlobalINodeState inodestate = TransactionalFileWrapperFactory.getTateransactionalFileINodeState(key);
+ Iterator it2 = vec2.keySet().iterator();
+ while (it2.hasNext())
+ {
+ Integer num = (Integer)it2.next();
+ if (vec2.get(num) != BlockAccessModesEnum.READ)
+ {
+ BlockDataStructure blockobj = (BlockDataStructure) inodestate.getBlockDataStructure(num);//lockmap.get(num);
+ Iterator it4 = blockobj.getReaders().iterator(); // from here for visible readers strategy
+ while (it4.hasNext())
+ {
+ ExtendedTransaction tr = (ExtendedTransaction) it4.next();
+ if (this != tr)
+ tr.abort();
+ }
+ blockobj.getReaders().clear();
+ }
+ }
+ /* SortedSet sst = (SortedSet) this.getAccessedBlocks().get(key);
+ Iterator it3 = sst.iterator();
+ while (it3.hasNext()){
+ Integer num = (Integer)it.next();
+ BlockDataStructure blockobj = (BlockDataStructure) value.getInodestate().lockmap.get(num);
+ Iterator it4 = blockobj.getReaders().iterator(); // from here for visible readers strategy
+ while (it4.hasNext())
+ {
+ ExtendedTransaction tr = (ExtendedTransaction) it3.next();
+ tr.abort();
+ }
+ }*/
+ }
+ }
+ public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener){
+ this.changes.addPropertyChangeListener("status",listener);
+ }
+ public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener){
+ this.changes.removePropertyChangeListener("status",listener);
+ }
+ public TransactionStatu getOtherSystem() {
+ return memorystate;
+ }
+ public void setOtherSystem(TransactionStatu othersystem) {
+ memorystate = othersystem;
+ }
+ public Vector getHeldblocklocks() {
+ return heldblocklocks;
+ }
+ public void setHeldblocklocks(Vector heldblocklocks) {
+ this.heldblocklocks = heldblocklocks;
+ }
+ public Vector getHeldoffsetlocks() {
+ return heldoffsetlocks;
+ }
+ public void setHeldoffsetlocks(Vector heldoffsetlocks) {
+ this.heldoffsetlocks = heldoffsetlocks;
+ }
+ public void abortThisSystem() {
+ abort();
+ }
+ public boolean isCommitted() {
+ if (this.status == Status.COMMITTED)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+//import Defaults;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class FileBlockManager {
+ public static long getFragmentIndexofTheFile(long filesize) {
+ return (filesize / Defaults.FILEFRAGMENTSIZE);
+ }
+ public static int getCurrentFragmentIndexofTheFile(long start) {
+ return (int) ((start / Defaults.FILEFRAGMENTSIZE));
+ }
+ public static int getTargetFragmentIndexofTheFile(long start, long offset) {
+ return (int) (((offset + start) / Defaults.FILEFRAGMENTSIZE));
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * Adapter.java
+ *
+ * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
+ * Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to
+ * technology embodied in the product that is described in this
+ * document. In particular, and without limitation, these
+ * intellectual property rights may include one or more of the
+ * U.S. patents listed at http://www.sun.com/patents and one or more
+ * additional patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and
+ * in other countries.
+ *
+ * U.S. Government Rights - Commercial software.
+ * Government users are subject to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard
+ * license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its
+ * supplements. Use is subject to license terms. Sun, Sun
+ * Microsystems, the Sun logo and Java are trademarks or registered
+ * trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other
+ * countries.
+ *
+ * This product is covered and controlled by U.S. Export Control laws
+ * and may be subject to the export or import laws in other countries.
+ * Nuclear, missile, chemical biological weapons or nuclear maritime
+ * end uses or end users, whether direct or indirect, are strictly
+ * prohibited. Export or reexport to countries subject to
+ * U.S. embargo or to entities identified on U.S. export exclusion
+ * lists, including, but not limited to, the denied persons and
+ * specially designated nationals lists is strictly prohibited.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
+import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
+ * Obstruction-free atomic object implementation. Visible reads.
+ * Support snapshots and early release.
+ * @author Navid Farri
+ */
+public class GlobalINodeState {
+ // public HashMap<Integer,BlockLock> lockmap;
+ public HashMap lockmap;
+ private ConcurrentHashMap conlockmap = new ConcurrentHashMap();
+ public AtomicLong commitedfilesize = new AtomicLong();
+ private ExtendedTransaction writer;
+ public int seqNum = 0;
+ private INode inode;
+ public GlobalINodeState() {
+ }
+ protected GlobalINodeState(INode inode, long length) {
+ writer = null;
+ lockmap = new HashMap();
+ commitedfilesize.set(length);
+ this.inode = inode;
+ }
+ public AtomicLong getCommitedfilesize() {
+ return commitedfilesize;
+ }
+ public void setCommitedfilesize(AtomicLong commitedfilesize) {
+ this.commitedfilesize = commitedfilesize;
+ }
+ public ExtendedTransaction getWriter() {
+ return writer;
+ }
+ public void setWriter(ExtendedTransaction writer) {
+ this.writer = writer;
+ }
+ public BlockDataStructure getBlockDataStructure(Integer blocknumber) {
+ /* synchronized (lockmap) {
+ if (lockmap.containsKey(blocknumber)) {
+ return ((BlockDataStructure) (lockmap.get(blocknumber)));
+ } else {
+ BlockDataStructure tmp = new BlockDataStructure(inode, blocknumber);
+ lockmap.put(blocknumber, tmp);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }*/
+ BlockDataStructure rec = (BlockDataStructure)conlockmap.get(blocknumber);
+ if (rec == null) {
+ // record does not yet exist
+ BlockDataStructure newRec = new BlockDataStructure(inode, blocknumber);
+ rec = (BlockDataStructure)conlockmap.putIfAbsent(blocknumber, newRec);
+ if (rec == null) {
+ // put succeeded, use new value
+ rec = newRec;
+ }
+ }
+ return rec;
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+import java.util.Vector;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class GlobalOffset {
+ private long offsetnumber;
+ //private Vector<ExtendedTransaction> offsetReaders;
+ private Vector offsetReaders = new Vector();
+ private ExtendedTransaction offsetOwner;
+ public GlobalOffset(long offsetnumber) {
+ this.offsetnumber = offsetnumber;
+ }
+ public long getOffsetnumber() {
+ return offsetnumber;
+ }
+ public ExtendedTransaction getOffsetOwner(){
+ return offsetOwner;
+ }
+ public void setOffsetOwner(ExtendedTransaction ex){
+ offsetOwner = ex;
+ }
+ public void setOffsetnumber(long offsetnumber) {
+ this.offsetnumber = offsetnumber;
+ }
+ public Vector getOffsetReaders() {
+ return offsetReaders;
+ }
+ public void setOffsetReaders(Vector offsetReaders) {
+ this.offsetReaders = offsetReaders;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#include <jni.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "HelloWorld.h"
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_HelloWorld_displayMessage(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj){
+ printf("HelloWorld!\n");
--- /dev/null
+/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
+#include <jni.h>
+#ifndef __dstm2_file_factory_HelloWorld__
+#define __dstm2_file_factory_HelloWorld__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_dstm2_file_factory_HelloWorld_displayMessage (JNIEnv *env, jobject);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __dstm2_file_factory_HelloWorld__ */
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class INode implements Comparable{
+ private String filepath;
+ private long number;
+ public INode(long number) {
+ this.number = number;
+ }
+ public INode(long number, String filepath) {
+ this(number);
+ this.filepath = filepath;
+ }
+ public String getFilepath() {
+ return filepath;
+ }
+ public void setFilepath(String filepath) {
+ this.filepath = filepath;
+ }
+ public long getNumber() {
+ return number;
+ }
+ public void setNumber(long number) {
+ this.number = number;
+ }
+ public int compareTo(Object arg0) {
+ INode other = (INode) arg0;
+ if (this.getNumber() < other.getNumber())
+ return -1;
+ else if (this.getNumber() > other.getNumber())
+ return 1;
+ else{
+ System.out.println("Logical Eroor Two Inodes cannot have the same number");
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.ContentionManager;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class ManagerRepository {
+ private static ContentionManager blockcm;
+ private static ContentionManager offsetcm;
+ public synchronized static ContentionManager getBlockcm() {
+ return blockcm;
+ }
+ public synchronized static void setBlockcm(ContentionManager blockcm) {
+ ManagerRepository.blockcm = blockcm;
+ }
+ public synchronized static ContentionManager getOffsetcm() {
+ return offsetcm;
+ }
+ public synchronized static void setOffsetcm(ContentionManager offsetcm) {
+ ManagerRepository.offsetcm = offsetcm;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * File: HelloWorld.cpp
+ * Author: navid
+ *
+ * Created on September 3, 2008, 2:17 PM
+ */
+ #include <jni.h>
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <sys/stat.h>
+ #include "NativeFunctions.h"
+ JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL Java_test2_Main_getINodeNative
+ (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring filename)
+ {
+ struct stat status_buf;
+ jlong inodenum;
+ // stat("/home/navid/myfile.txt",&status_buf);
+ char *str = (*env)->GetStringUTFChars(env, filename, 0);
+ printf("\n");
+ printf("File Name is: %s \n", str);
+ if (stat(str,&status_buf)<0)
+ inodenum = -1;
+ else
+ {
+ printf("Inode number is: %lu \n", status_buf.st_ino);
+ inodenum = status_buf.st_ino;
+ }
+ return inodenum;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+/* DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE - it is machine generated */
+#include <jni.h>
+#ifndef __test2_Main__
+#define __test2_Main__
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C"
+JNIEXPORT jlong JNICALL test2_Main_getINodeNative (JNIEnv *env, jobject, jstring);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+#endif /* __HellWorld__ */
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.OffsetDependency;
+import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class TransactionLocalFileAttributes {
+ private INode inode;
+ public boolean to_be_created = false;
+ RandomAccessFile f;
+ OffsetDependency offsetdependency;
+ private long copylocaloffset;
+ private boolean unknown_inital_offset_for_write = true;
+ private long localoffset;
+ private long localsize;
+ public TransactionLocalFileAttributes(long initialoffset/*, long initialsize*/){
+ localoffset = initialoffset;
+ copylocaloffset = initialoffset;
+ //copylocaloffset = 0;
+ unknown_inital_offset_for_write = true;
+ offsetdependency = OffsetDependency.NO_ACCESS;
+ //localsize = initialsize;
+ }
+ public long getCopylocaloffset() {
+ return copylocaloffset;
+ }
+ public void setCopylocaloffset(long copylocaloffset) {
+ this.copylocaloffset = copylocaloffset;
+ }
+ public long getLocalsize() {
+ return localsize;
+ }
+ public void setLocalsize(long localsize) {
+ this.localsize = localsize;
+ }
+ public OffsetDependency getOffsetdependency() {
+ return offsetdependency;
+ }
+ public void setOffsetdependency(OffsetDependency offsetdependency) {
+ this.offsetdependency = offsetdependency;
+ }
+ public boolean isUnknown_inital_offset_for_write() {
+ return unknown_inital_offset_for_write;
+ }
+ public void setUnknown_inital_offset_for_write(boolean unknown_inital_offset_for_write) {
+ this.unknown_inital_offset_for_write = unknown_inital_offset_for_write;
+ }
+ public long getLocaloffset() {
+ return localoffset;
+ }
+ public void setLocaloffset(long localoffset) {
+ this.localoffset = localoffset;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+import TransactionalIO.Utilities.Range;
+import TransactionalIO.exceptions.AbortedException;
+import TransactionalIO.exceptions.PanicException;
+import TransactionalIO.benchmarks.benchmark;
+import TransactionalIO.core.ExtendedTransaction.Status;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.BlockAccessModesEnum;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.OffsetDependency;
+import com.sun.org.apache.bcel.internal.generic.IFEQ;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.io.FileDescriptor;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.IOException;
+import java.io.RandomAccessFile;
+import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.SortedSet;
+import java.util.TreeMap;
+import java.util.TreeSet;
+import java.util.Vector;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock;
+import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
+import java.util.logging.Level;
+import java.util.logging.Logger;
+import sun.misc.ConditionLock;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class TransactionalFile implements Comparable{
+ private native int nativepread(byte buff[], long offset, int size, FileDescriptor fd);
+ {
+ System.load("/home/navid/libkooni.so");
+ }
+ public RandomAccessFile file;
+ private INode inode;
+ private int sequenceNum = 0;
+ public static int currenSeqNumforInode = 0;
+ /* public AtomicLong commitedoffset;
+ public AtomicLong commitedfilesize;*/
+ public boolean to_be_created = false;
+ public boolean writemode = false;
+ public boolean appendmode = false;
+ public ReentrantLock offsetlock;
+ private GlobalOffset committedoffset;
+ private GlobalINodeState inodestate ;
+ public TransactionalFile(String filename, String mode) {
+ File f = new File(filename);
+ if ((!(f.exists()))) {
+ to_be_created = true;
+ file = null;
+ } else {
+ try {
+ offsetlock = new ReentrantLock();
+ file = new RandomAccessFile(f, mode);
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(TransactionalFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ }
+ inode = TransactionalFileWrapperFactory.getINodefromFileName(filename);
+ inodestate = TransactionalFileWrapperFactory.createTransactionalFile(inode, filename, mode);
+ sequenceNum = inodestate.seqNum;
+ inodestate.seqNum++;
+ if (mode.equals("rw")) {
+ writemode = true;
+ } else if (mode.equals("a")) {
+ appendmode = true;
+ }
+ if (inodestate != null) {
+ synchronized (inodestate) {
+ try {
+ // if (!(to_be_created)) {
+ // } else {
+ // adapter.commitedfilesize.set(0);
+ // }
+ if (!appendmode) {
+ //commitedoffset.setOffsetnumber(0);
+ committedoffset = new GlobalOffset(0);
+ } else {
+ committedoffset = new GlobalOffset(file.length());
+ }
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(TransactionalFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private int invokeNativepread(byte buff[], long offset, int size) {
+ try {
+ return nativepread(buff, offset, size, file.getFD());
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(TransactionalFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ public int getSequenceNum() {
+ return sequenceNum;
+ }
+ public GlobalOffset getCommitedoffset() {
+ return committedoffset;
+ }
+ public GlobalINodeState getInodestate() {
+ return inodestate;
+ }
+ /* public TransactionalFile(Adapter adapter, RandomAccessFile file) {
+ this.adapter = adapter;
+ this.file = file;
+ decriptors = new Vector();
+ }
+ public void copyTransactionalFile(TransactionalFile tf){
+ try {
+ int tmp = tf.commitedoffset.get();
+ boolean flag = tf.to_be_created;
+ FileDescriptor fd = tf.file.getFD();
+ Adapter ad = new Adapter(tf.adapter);
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(TransactionalFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ }*/
+ /* public BlockDataStructure getBlockDataStructure(int blocknumber) {
+ synchronized (inodestate.lockmap) {
+ if (inodestate.lockmap.containsKey(blocknumber)) {
+ return ((BlockDataStructure) (inodestate.lockmap.get(Long.valueOf(blocknumber))));
+ } else {
+ BlockDataStructure tmp = new BlockDataStructure(getInode(), blocknumber);
+ inodestate.lockmap.put(Integer.valueOf(blocknumber), tmp);
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ }*/
+ public INode getInode() {
+ return inode;
+ }
+ /* public boolean deleteBlockLock(int blocknumber){
+ synchronized(adapter.lockmap){
+ //adapter.lockmap.get(blocknumber)
+ if (adapter.lockmap.containsKey(blocknumber)){
+ if (((BlockLock)(adapter.lockmap.get(blocknumber))).referncount == 0){
+ adapter.lockmap.remove(adapter.lockmap.get(blocknumber));
+ return true;
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
+ }
+ else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }*/
+ public void close() {
+ try {
+ file.close();
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(TransactionalFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ }
+ public long getFilePointer(){
+ ExtendedTransaction me = Wrapper.getTransaction();
+ TransactionLocalFileAttributes tmp = null;
+ if (me == null) {
+ return non_Transactional_getFilePointer();
+ }
+ if (!(me.getGlobaltoLocalMappings().containsKey(this))){
+ //if (!(me.getFilesAccesses().containsKey(this.inode))) {
+ tmp = new TransactionLocalFileAttributes(0);/*, tf.getInodestate().commitedfilesize.get();*/
+ Vector dummy;
+ if (me.getAccessedFiles().containsKey(this.getInode())){
+ dummy = (Vector) me.getAccessedFiles().get(this.getInode());
+ }
+ else{
+ dummy = new Vector();
+ me.getAccessedFiles().put(this.getInode(), dummy);
+ }
+ // this.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Unlocked the offset lock " + tf.offsetlock + " for file " + tf.getInode() + " form descriptor " + tf.getSequenceNum());
+ dummy.add(this);
+ me.getGlobaltoLocalMappings().put(this, tmp);
+ me.merge_for_writes_done.put(this.getInode(), Boolean.TRUE);
+ // me.addFile(this);
+ //me.addFile(this);
+ }
+ tmp = (TransactionLocalFileAttributes) me.getGlobaltoLocalMappings().get(this);
+ if ((tmp.getOffsetdependency() == OffsetDependency.WRITE_DEPENDENCY_1) || (tmp.getOffsetdependency() == OffsetDependency.NO_ACCESS)){
+ tmp.setOffsetdependency(OffsetDependency.READ_DEPENDENCY);
+ //System.out.println("sad");
+ //synchronized(this.committedoffset)
+ long target;
+ lockOffset(me);
+ //{
+ if (!(this.committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().contains(me))){
+ this.committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().add(me);
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Added to Offset Readers for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n";
+ }*/
+ // me.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Added to Offset Readers for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n");
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Added to Offset Readers for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n");
+ }*/
+ }
+ tmp.setLocaloffset(tmp.getLocaloffset() + this.committedoffset.getOffsetnumber() - tmp.getCopylocaloffset());
+ target = this.committedoffset.getOffsetnumber() - tmp.getCopylocaloffset();
+ offsetlock.unlock();
+ //me.getHeldoffsetlocks().remove(offsetlock);
+ Iterator it;
+ if ((me.getWriteBuffer().get(inode)) != null)
+ {
+ it = ((Vector) (me.getWriteBuffer().get(inode))).iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()){
+ WriteOperations wrp = (WriteOperations) it.next();
+ if (wrp.getBelongingto() == tmp && wrp.isUnknownoffset())
+ wrp.setUnknownoffset(false);
+ /*wrp.getRange().setStart(wrp.getOwnertransactionalFile().committedoffset.getOffsetnumber() - wrp.getBelongingto().getCopylocaloffset() + wrp.getRange().getStart());
+ wrp.getRange().setEnd(wrp.getOwnertransactionalFile().committedoffset.getOffsetnumber() - wrp.getBelongingto().getCopylocaloffset() + wrp.getRange().getEnd());*/
+ wrp.getRange().setStart(target + wrp.getRange().getStart());
+ wrp.getRange().setEnd(target + wrp.getRange().getEnd());
+ }
+ }
+ //}
+ }
+ tmp.setUnknown_inital_offset_for_write(false);
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Read the offset value for the file " + this.inode +" from descriptor " + this.sequenceNum + "\n";
+ }
+ me.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Read the offset value for the file " + this.inode +" from descriptor " + this.sequenceNum + "\n";*/
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println("offset " + Thread.currentThread() + " " + tmp.getLocaloffset());
+ }*/
+ return tmp.getLocaloffset();
+ }
+ public void seek(long offset) {
+ if (appendmode) {
+ throw new PanicException("Cannot seek into a file opened in append mode");
+ }
+ ExtendedTransaction me = Wrapper.getTransaction();
+ if (me == null) {
+ non_Transactional_Seek(offset);
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ // if (me.getStatus() != Status.ACTIVE)
+ // throw new AbortedException();
+ TransactionLocalFileAttributes tmp = null;
+ //tf.offsetlock.lock();
+ //this.heldoffsetlocks.remove(tf.offsetlock);
+ //tf.offsetlock.unlock();
+ if (!(me.getGlobaltoLocalMappings().containsKey(this))){
+ //if (!(me.getFilesAccesses().containsKey(this.inode))) {
+ tmp = new TransactionLocalFileAttributes(offset);/*, tf.getInodestate().commitedfilesize.get();*/
+ Vector dummy;
+ if (me.getAccessedFiles().containsKey(this.getInode())){
+ dummy = (Vector) me.getAccessedFiles().get(this.getInode());
+ }
+ else{
+ dummy = new Vector();
+ me.getAccessedFiles().put(this.getInode(), dummy);
+ }
+ // this.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Unlocked the offset lock " + tf.offsetlock + " for file " + tf.getInode() + " form descriptor " + tf.getSequenceNum());
+ dummy.add(this);
+ me.getGlobaltoLocalMappings().put(this, tmp);
+ me.merge_for_writes_done.put(this.getInode(), Boolean.TRUE);
+ //me.addFile(this);
+ }
+ tmp = (TransactionLocalFileAttributes) me.getGlobaltoLocalMappings().get(this);
+ //tmp = ((TransactionLocalFileAttributes) (me.getFilesAccesses().get(this.getInode())));
+ if (tmp.getOffsetdependency() == OffsetDependency.NO_ACCESS)
+ tmp.setOffsetdependency(OffsetDependency.NO_DEPENDENCY);
+ else if (tmp.getOffsetdependency() == OffsetDependency.WRITE_DEPENDENCY_1)
+ tmp.setOffsetdependency(OffsetDependency.WRITE_DEPENDENCY_2);
+ tmp.setUnknown_inital_offset_for_write(false);
+ tmp.setLocaloffset(offset);
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(tmp.getLocaloffset());
+ }*/
+ // me.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Seeked to the file" + this.inode +" from descriptor " + this.sequenceNum + "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ public int read(byte[] b) {
+ if (appendmode) {
+ throw new PanicException("Cannot seek into a file opened in append mode");
+ }
+ boolean firsttime = false;
+ ExtendedTransaction me = Wrapper.getTransaction();
+ int size = b.length;
+ int result = 0;
+ if (me == null) { // not a transaction, but any I/O operation even though within a non-transaction is considered a single opertion transactiion
+ return non_Transactional_Read(b);
+ }
+ //if (me.getStatus() != Status.ACTIVE)
+ // throw new AbortedException();
+ if (me.getGlobaltoLocalMappings().containsKey(this)){
+ /*long target;
+ Vector locktracker = new Vector();
+ TreeMap hm = me.getSortedFileAccessMap(me.getAccessedFiles());;
+ Vector vec = (Vector)hm.get(inode);
+ Iterator vecit = vec.iterator();
+ while(vecit.hasNext()){
+ TransactionalFile tr = (TransactionalFile)vecit.next();
+ TransactionLocalFileAttributes tmp = (TransactionLocalFileAttributes) me.getGlobaltoLocalMappings().get(tr);
+ if ((tmp.getOffsetdependency() == OffsetDependency.WRITE_DEPENDENCY_1) || (tmp.offsetdependency == OffsetDependency.NO_ACCESS) || (tmp.getOffsetdependency() == OffsetDependency.WRITE_DEPENDENCY_2)){
+ tmp.setUnknown_inital_offset_for_write(false);
+ tmp.setOffsetdependency(OffsetDependency.READ_DEPENDENCY);
+ tr.lockOffset(me);
+ System.out.printtln(Thread.currentThread() + " kiri");
+ if (!(tr.committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().contains(me))){
+ tr.committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().add(me);
+ target = this.committedoffset.getOffsetnumber() - tmp.getCopylocaloffset();
+ me.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Added to Offset Readers for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }*/
+ TransactionLocalFileAttributes tmp = (TransactionLocalFileAttributes) me.getGlobaltoLocalMappings().get(this);
+ tmp.setUnknown_inital_offset_for_write(false);
+ if ((tmp.getOffsetdependency() == OffsetDependency.WRITE_DEPENDENCY_1) || (tmp.offsetdependency == OffsetDependency.NO_ACCESS) || (tmp.getOffsetdependency() == OffsetDependency.WRITE_DEPENDENCY_2)){
+ //System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " here");
+ //synchronized(this.committedoffset){
+ lockOffset(me);
+ if (tmp.getOffsetdependency() != OffsetDependency.WRITE_DEPENDENCY_2){
+ tmp.setLocaloffset(tmp.getLocaloffset() + this.committedoffset.getOffsetnumber() - tmp.getCopylocaloffset());
+ }
+ tmp.setOffsetdependency(OffsetDependency.READ_DEPENDENCY);
+ if (!(this.committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().contains(me))){
+ this.committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().add(me);
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println("adding offset " + committedoffset + " " +Thread.currentThread());
+ }*/
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Added to Offset Readers for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n";
+ }*/
+ // me.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Added to Offset Readers for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n");
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Added to Offset Readers for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum);
+ }*/
+ }
+ offsetlock.unlock();
+ // me.getHeldoffsetlocks().remove(offsetlock);
+ //}
+ }
+ Iterator it;
+ if (me.getWriteBuffer().get(inode) != null)
+ //if (!(((Vector)(me.getWriteBuffer().get(inode))).isEmpty()))
+ {
+ it = ((Vector) (me.getWriteBuffer().get(inode))).iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()){
+ WriteOperations wrp = (WriteOperations) it.next();
+ if (wrp.isUnknownoffset()){
+ wrp.setUnknownoffset(false);
+ //synchronized(wrp.getOwnertransactionalFile().committedoffset){
+ wrp.getOwnertransactionalFile().lockOffset(me);
+ wrp.getRange().setStart(wrp.getOwnertransactionalFile().committedoffset.getOffsetnumber() - wrp.getBelongingto().getCopylocaloffset() + wrp.getRange().getStart());
+ wrp.getRange().setEnd(wrp.getOwnertransactionalFile().committedoffset.getOffsetnumber() - wrp.getBelongingto().getCopylocaloffset() + wrp.getRange().getEnd());
+ if ((wrp.getBelongingto().getOffsetdependency() == OffsetDependency.WRITE_DEPENDENCY_1) || (wrp.getBelongingto().offsetdependency == OffsetDependency.NO_ACCESS) || (wrp.getBelongingto().getOffsetdependency() == OffsetDependency.WRITE_DEPENDENCY_2)){
+ wrp.getBelongingto().setOffsetdependency(OffsetDependency.READ_DEPENDENCY);
+ wrp.getBelongingto().setUnknown_inital_offset_for_write(false);
+ if (!(wrp.getOwnertransactionalFile().committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().contains(me)))
+ wrp.getOwnertransactionalFile().committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().add(me);
+ wrp.getBelongingto().setLocaloffset(wrp.getBelongingto().getLocaloffset() + wrp.getOwnertransactionalFile().committedoffset.getOffsetnumber() - wrp.getBelongingto().getCopylocaloffset());
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Added to Offset Readers for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ wrp.getOwnertransactionalFile().sequenceNum +"\n";
+ }*/
+ // me.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Added to Offset Readers for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ wrp.getOwnertransactionalFile().sequenceNum +"\n");
+ }
+ // me.getHeldoffsetlocks().remove(wrp.getOwnertransactionalFile().offsetlock);
+ wrp.getOwnertransactionalFile().offsetlock.unlock();
+ //}
+ markAccessedBlocks(me, (int)wrp.getRange().getStart(), (int)(wrp.getRange().getEnd() - wrp.getRange().getStart()), BlockAccessModesEnum.WRITE);
+// markWriteBlocks((int)wrp.getRange().getStart(), (int)(wrp.getRange().getEnd() - wrp.getRange().getStart()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* if (!(me.isWritesmerged())){
+ // synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ // System.out.println("ssssad " + Thread.currentThread() + " " + me.getWriteBuffer());
+ // }
+ mergeWrittenData();
+ }*/
+ // System.out.println("ssssad " + Thread.currentThread() + " " + me.getWriteBuffer());
+ if ((Boolean)me.merge_for_writes_done.get(inode) == Boolean.FALSE){
+ // synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println("ssssad " + Thread.currentThread() + " " + me.getWriteBuffer());
+ mergeWrittenData(me);
+ //}
+ }
+ long loffset = tmp.getLocaloffset();
+ markAccessedBlocks(me, loffset, size, BlockAccessModesEnum.READ);
+ Vector writebuffer;
+ if ((me.getWriteBuffer().get(this.inode)) != null)
+ writebuffer = (Vector) (me.getWriteBuffer().get(this.inode));
+ else {
+ writebuffer = new Vector();
+ me.getWriteBuffer().put(this.inode, writebuffer);
+ }
+ Range readrange = new Range(loffset, loffset + size);
+ Range writerange = null;
+ Range[] intersectedrange = new Range[writebuffer.size()];
+ WriteOperations[] markedwriteop = new WriteOperations[writebuffer.size()];
+ int counter = 0;
+ boolean flag = false;
+ //System.out.println("yani che>??");
+ it = writebuffer.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ WriteOperations wrp = (WriteOperations) it.next();
+ writerange = wrp.getRange();
+ if (writerange.includes(readrange)) {
+ markedwriteop[counter] = wrp;
+ flag = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (writerange.hasIntersection(readrange)) {
+ intersectedrange[counter] = readrange.intersection(writerange);
+ markedwriteop[counter] = wrp;
+ counter++;
+ }
+ }
+ // for block versioning mechanism
+ /*if (!(validateBlocksVersions(startblock, targetblock))) { ////check to see if version are still valid
+ throw new AbortedException();
+ }*/
+ if (flag) {
+ result = readFromBuffer(b, tmp, markedwriteop[counter],writerange);
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Read " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n";
+ }*/
+ // me.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Read " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n");
+ return result;
+ }
+ else{
+ if (counter == 0) {
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println("here" +Thread.currentThread());
+ }*/
+ // lockOffset(me);
+ result = readFromFile(me, b, tmp);
+ }
+ else {
+ for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) {
+ Byte[] data = markedwriteop[i].getData();
+ byte[] copydata = new byte[data.length];
+ for (int j = 0; j < data.length; j++) {
+ copydata[j] = data[j].byteValue();
+ }
+ System.arraycopy(copydata, (int) (intersectedrange[i].getStart() - markedwriteop[i].getRange().getStart()), b, (int) (intersectedrange[i].getStart() - readrange.getStart()), (int) (Math.min(intersectedrange[i].getEnd(), readrange.getEnd()) - intersectedrange[i].getStart()));
+ result += Math.min(intersectedrange[i].getEnd(), readrange.getEnd()) - intersectedrange[i].getStart();
+ }
+ Range[] non_intersected_ranges = readrange.minus(intersectedrange, counter);
+ Vector occupiedblocks = new Vector();
+ Vector heldlocks = new Vector();
+ for (int i = 0; i < non_intersected_ranges.length; i++) {
+ int st = FileBlockManager.getCurrentFragmentIndexofTheFile(non_intersected_ranges[i].getStart());
+ int en = FileBlockManager.getCurrentFragmentIndexofTheFile(non_intersected_ranges[i].getEnd());
+ for (int j = st; j <= en; j++) {
+ if (!(occupiedblocks.contains(Integer.valueOf(j)))) {
+ occupiedblocks.add(Integer.valueOf(j));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ lockOffset(me);
+ me.getHeldoffsetlocks().add(offsetlock);
+ for (int k = 0; k < occupiedblocks.size(); k++) { // locking the block locks
+ while (me.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE) {
+ BlockDataStructure block = this.inodestate.getBlockDataStructure((Integer)(occupiedblocks.get(k)));//(BlockDataStructure) tmp.adapter.lockmap.get(Integer.valueOf(k)));
+ //synchronized(block){
+ // if (block.getLock().readLock().tryLock()) {
+ block.getLock().readLock().lock();
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Locked The Block Number " + block.getBlocknumber()+ " for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n";
+ }*/
+ // me.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Added The Block Number " + block.getBlocknumber()+ " for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n");
+ //synchronized (block){
+ if (!(block.getReaders().contains(me))){
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Added to Block Readers for Block Number " + block.getBlocknumber()+ " for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n";
+ }*/
+ // me.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Added to Block Readers for Block Number " + block.getBlocknumber()+ " for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n");
+ block.getReaders().add(me);
+ }
+ me.getHeldblocklocks().add(block.getLock().readLock());
+ //heldlocks.add(block.getLock().readLock());
+ //}
+ break;
+ // }
+ //} else {
+ // me.getContentionmanager().resolveConflict(me, block);
+ // }
+ //}
+ }
+ if (me.getStatus() == Status.ABORTED) {
+ //unlockLocks(heldlocks);
+ //offsetlock.unlock();
+ // me.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Aborted in locking blocks in read\n");
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Aborted \n";
+ }*/
+ // Thread.currentThread().stop();
+ throw new AbortedException();
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ int expvalue = ((Integer) tmp.getBlockversions().get(Integer.valueOf(k))).intValue();
+ while (me.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE) {
+ BlockDataStructure block = ((BlockDataStructure) tmp.adapter.lockmap.get(Integer.valueOf(k)));
+ if (block.getLock().tryLock()) {
+ heldlocks.add(block.getLock());
+ if (!(block.getVersion().get() == expvalue)) { // for block versioning mechanism
+ me.abort();
+ }
+ else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ me.getContentionManager().resolveConflict(me, block.getOwner());
+ }
+ }
+ if (me.getStatus() == Status.ABORTED) {
+ unlockLocks(heldlocks);
+ offsetlock.unlock();
+ throw new AbortedException();
+ }
+ }
+ }*/
+ for (int i = 0; i < non_intersected_ranges.length; i++) {
+ try {
+ synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println("read start " + non_intersected_ranges[i].getStart());
+ }
+ file.seek(non_intersected_ranges[i].getStart());
+ int tmpsize = file.read(b, (int) (non_intersected_ranges[i].getStart() - readrange.getStart()), (int) (non_intersected_ranges[i].getEnd() - non_intersected_ranges[i].getStart()));
+ result += tmpsize;
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ //unlockLocks(heldlocks);
+ //offsetlock.unlock();
+ Logger.getLogger(TransactionalFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ }
+ }
+ me.unlockAllLocks();
+ tmp.setLocaloffset(tmp.getLocaloffset() + result);
+ // unlockLocks(heldlocks);
+ // offsetlock.unlock();
+ }
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Read from file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n";
+ }*/
+ // me.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Read from file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n");
+ return result;
+ }
+ } else { // add to the readers list
+ System.out.println("form read???");
+ me.addFile(this);
+ return read(b);
+ }
+ }
+ public void write(byte[] data) throws IOException {
+ if (!(writemode)) {
+ throw new IOException();
+ }
+ ExtendedTransaction me = Wrapper.getTransaction();
+ int size = data.length;
+ if (me == null) // not a transaction
+ {
+ non_Transactional_Write(data);
+ return;
+ }
+ //else if (me.getFilesAccesses().containsKey(this.getInode())) //
+ //{
+ // if (me.getStatus() != Status.ACTIVE)
+ // throw new AbortedException();
+ if (me.getGlobaltoLocalMappings().containsKey(this)) //
+ {
+ Byte[] by = new Byte[size];
+ for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ by[i] = Byte.valueOf(data[i]);
+ }
+ TransactionLocalFileAttributes tmp = ((TransactionLocalFileAttributes) (me.getGlobaltoLocalMappings().get(this)));
+ /*if (appendmode) {
+ newwriterange = new Range((((Range) (tm.firstKey())).getStart()), (((Range) (tm.firstKey())).getEnd()) + size);
+ Range range = new Range((((Range) (tm.firstKey())).getStart()), (((Range) (tm.firstKey())).getEnd()));
+ Byte[] appenddata = new Byte[(int) (newwriterange.getEnd() - newwriterange.getStart())];
+ Byte[] tempor = new Byte[(int) (range.getEnd() - range.getStart())];
+ System.arraycopy(tempor, 0, appenddata, 0, tempor.length);
+ System.arraycopy(by, 0, appenddata, tempor.length, by.length);
+ tm.remove(range);
+ tm.put(newwriterange, appenddata);
+ tmp.setLocaloffset(loffset + size);
+ tmp.setFilelength(tmp.getFilelength() + size);
+ return;
+ }*/
+ Vector dummy;
+ if (((Vector)(me.getWriteBuffer().get(this.inode))) != null){
+ dummy = new Vector((Vector)(me.getWriteBuffer().get(this.inode)));
+ }
+ else
+ dummy = new Vector();
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " gg " + tmp.getLocaloffset() + " " + (tmp.getLocaloffset()+by.length));
+ }*/
+ /*if (!(tmp.isUnknown_inital_offset_for_write())){
+ lockOffset(me);
+ tmp.setLocaloffset(this.committedoffset.getOffsetnumber());
+ offsetlock.unlock();
+ }*/
+ dummy.add(new WriteOperations(by, new Range(tmp.getLocaloffset(), tmp.getLocaloffset() + by.length), tmp.isUnknown_inital_offset_for_write(), this, tmp));
+ me.getWriteBuffer().put(this.inode, dummy);
+ long loffset = tmp.getLocaloffset();
+ tmp.setLocaloffset(tmp.getLocaloffset() + by.length);
+ me.merge_for_writes_done.put(inode, Boolean.FALSE);
+ //me.setWritesmerged(false);
+ if (!(tmp.isUnknown_inital_offset_for_write())){
+ markAccessedBlocks(me, loffset, size, BlockAccessModesEnum.WRITE);
+// markWriteBlocks(loffset, size);
+ }
+ /*{
+ int startblock = FileBlockManager.getCurrentFragmentIndexofTheFile(loffset);
+ int targetblock = FileBlockManager.getTargetFragmentIndexofTheFile(loffset, size);
+ for (int i = startblock; i <= targetblock; i++) {
+ if (me.getAccessedBlocks().containsKey(Integer.valueOf(i))) {
+ if (((BlockAccessModesEnum) (me.getAccessedBlocks().get(Integer.valueOf(i)))) == BlockAccessModesEnum.READ) {
+ me.getAccessedBlocks().put(Integer.valueOf(i), BlockAccessModesEnum.READ_WRITE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ me.getAccessedBlocks().put(Integer.valueOf(i), BlockAccessModesEnum.WRITE);
+ // tmp.getBlockversions().put(Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(getBlockDataStructure(i).getVersion().get())); //For Block Versioning Mechanism
+ }
+ }
+ }*/
+ if (tmp.getOffsetdependency() == OffsetDependency.NO_ACCESS)
+ tmp.offsetdependency = OffsetDependency.WRITE_DEPENDENCY_1;
+ /*if ((tmp.access_from_absolute_offset) || !(tmp.relocatablewrite))
+ {
+ int startblock = FileBlockManager.getCurrentFragmentIndexofTheFile(loffset);
+ int targetblock = FileBlockManager.getTargetFragmentIndexofTheFile(loffset, size);
+ for (int i = startblock; i <= targetblock; i++) {
+ if (tmp.getAccesedblocks().containsKey(Integer.valueOf(i))) {
+ if (((BlockAccessModesEnum) (tmp.getAccesedblocks().get(Integer.valueOf(i)))) == BlockAccessModesEnum.READ) {
+ tmp.getAccesedblocks().put(Integer.valueOf(i), BlockAccessModesEnum.READ_WRITE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ tmp.getAccesedblocks().put(Integer.valueOf(i), BlockAccessModesEnum.WRITE);
+ // tmp.getBlockversions().put(Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(getBlockDataStructure(i).getVersion().get())); //For Block Versioning Mechanism
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (tmp.access_from_absolute_offset){
+ mergeWrittenData(tmp.getNon_Speculative_Writtendata(), data, newwriterange);
+ tmp.setLocaloffset(loffset + size);
+ if (tmp.getLocaloffset() > tmp.getFilelength()) {
+ tmp.setFilelength(tmp.getLocaloffset());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else // for comtimious determingin the accessed block is postpond till commit instant
+ {
+ Byte[] dd = new Byte[size];
+ System.arraycopy(by, 0, dd, 0, size);
+ if (!(tmp.getSpeculative_Writtendata().isEmpty())){
+ Range lastrange = (Range) tmp.getSpeculative_Writtendata().lastKey();
+ if (lastrange.getEnd() == newwriterange.getStart()){
+ dd = new Byte[(int)(size + lastrange.getEnd() - lastrange.getStart())];
+ System.arraycopy(((Byte[])tmp.getSpeculative_Writtendata().get(lastrange)), 0, dd, 0, (int)(lastrange.getEnd() - lastrange.getStart()));
+ System.arraycopy(by, 0, dd, (int)(lastrange.getEnd() - lastrange.getStart()), size);
+ newwriterange = new Range(lastrange.getStart(), size + lastrange.getEnd());
+ tmp.getSpeculative_Writtendata().remove(lastrange);
+ }
+ }
+ tmp.getSpeculative_Writtendata().put(newwriterange, dd);
+ tmp.setLocaloffset(loffset + size);
+ if (tmp.getLocaloffset() > tmp.getFilelength()) {
+ tmp.setFilelength(tmp.getLocaloffset());
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ */
+ /*
+ if (tmp.accessmode == TransactionLocalFileAttributes.MODE.READ)
+ tmp.accessmode = TransactionLocalFileAttributes.MODE.READ_WRITE;
+ else if (tmp.accessmode == TransactionLocalFileAttributes.MODE.WRITE)
+ simpleWritetoBuffer(by, newwriterange, tm);
+ */
+ // me.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Writes to " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n");
+ } else {
+ // System.out.println("form write??");
+ // me.addFile(this/*, TransactionLocalFileAttributes.MODE.WRITE*/);
+ //if (!(me.getGlobaltoLocalMappings().containsKey(this))){
+ //if (!(me.getFilesAccesses().containsKey(this.inode))) {
+ TransactionLocalFileAttributes tmp = new TransactionLocalFileAttributes(0);/*, tf.getInodestate().commitedfilesize.get();*/
+ Vector dummy;
+ if (me.getAccessedFiles().containsKey(this.getInode())){
+ dummy = (Vector) me.getAccessedFiles().get(this.getInode());
+ }
+ else{
+ dummy = new Vector();
+ me.getAccessedFiles().put(this.getInode(), dummy);
+ }
+ // this.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Unlocked the offset lock " + tf.offsetlock + " for file " + tf.getInode() + " form descriptor " + tf.getSequenceNum());
+ dummy.add(this);
+ me.getGlobaltoLocalMappings().put(this, tmp);
+ me.merge_for_writes_done.put(this.getInode(), Boolean.TRUE);
+ //me.addFile(this);
+ //}
+ write(data);
+ }
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Writes to " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n";
+ }*/
+ }
+ private void markAccessedBlocks(ExtendedTransaction me,long loffset, int size, BlockAccessModesEnum mode){
+ TreeMap map;
+ if (me.getAccessedBlocks().get(this.getInode()) != null)
+ map = (TreeMap) me.getAccessedBlocks().get(this.getInode());
+ else{
+ map = new TreeMap();
+ me.getAccessedBlocks().put(this.inode, map);
+ }
+ int startblock = FileBlockManager.getCurrentFragmentIndexofTheFile(loffset);
+ int targetblock = FileBlockManager.getTargetFragmentIndexofTheFile(loffset, size);
+ for (int i = startblock; i <= targetblock; i++) {
+ if (map.containsKey(Integer.valueOf(i))){
+ if (map.get(Integer.valueOf(i)) != mode){
+ map.put(Integer.valueOf(i), BlockAccessModesEnum.READ_WRITE);
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ map.put(Integer.valueOf(i), mode);
+ }
+ }
+ /*int startblock = FileBlockManager.getCurrentFragmentIndexofTheFile(loffset);
+ int targetblock = FileBlockManager.getTargetFragmentIndexofTheFile(loffset, size);
+ for (int i = startblock; i <= targetblock; i++) {
+ if (me.getAccessedBlocks().containsKey(Integer.valueOf(i))) {
+ if (((BlockAccessModesEnum) (me.getAccessedBlocks().get(Integer.valueOf(i)))) == BlockAccessModesEnum.READ) {
+ me.getAccessedBlocks().put(Integer.valueOf(i), BlockAccessModesEnum.READ_WRITE);
+ }
+ } else {
+ me.getAccessedBlocks().put(Integer.valueOf(i), BlockAccessModesEnum.WRITE);
+ // tmp.getBlockversions().put(Integer.valueOf(i), Integer.valueOf(getBlockDataStructure(i).getVersion().get())); //For Block Versioning Mechanism
+ }
+ }*/
+ }
+/* private void markWriteBlocks(long loffset, int size){
+ ExtendedTransaction me = CustomThread.getTransaction();
+ SortedSet tt;
+ if (me.writeBlocks.get(this.inode) != null)
+ tt = (SortedSet) me.writeBlocks.get(this.inode);
+ else {
+ tt = new TreeSet();
+ me.writeBlocks.put(this.inode, tt);
+ }
+ int startblock = FileBlockManager.getCurrentFragmentIndexofTheFile(loffset);
+ int targetblock = FileBlockManager.getTargetFragmentIndexofTheFile(loffset, size);
+ for (int i = startblock; i <= targetblock; i++) {
+ tt.add(Integer.valueOf(i));
+ }
+ }*/
+ private int readFromFile(ExtendedTransaction me, byte[] readdata, TransactionLocalFileAttributes tmp) {
+ //ExtendedTransaction me = Wrapper.getTransaction();
+ int st = FileBlockManager.getCurrentFragmentIndexofTheFile(tmp.getLocaloffset());
+ int end = FileBlockManager.getTargetFragmentIndexofTheFile(tmp.getLocaloffset(), readdata.length);
+ BlockDataStructure block = null;
+ boolean locked = false;
+ for (int k = st; k <= end; k++) {
+ // int expvalue = ((Integer) tmp.getBlockversions().get(Integer.valueOf(k))).intValue(); // all comments here for versioning mechanism
+ while (me.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE) {
+ //BlockDataStructure block = ((BlockDataStructure) this.inodestate.lockmap.get(Integer.valueOf(k)));
+ // BlockDataStructure block;
+ //if (me.getAccessedBlocks().get(inode))
+ block = this.inodestate.getBlockDataStructure(Integer.valueOf(k));
+ block.getLock().readLock().lock();
+ // me.getHeldblocklocks().add(block.getLock().readLock());
+ if (!(block.getReaders().contains(me))){
+ block.getReaders().add(me);
+ }
+ locked = true;
+ // if (!(block.getVersion().get() == expvalue)) {
+ // me.abort();
+ // } else {
+ break;
+ // }
+ // }
+ /* else {
+ me.getContentionmanager().resolveConflict(me, block);
+ }*/
+ }
+ if (me.getStatus() == Status.ABORTED) {
+ int m;
+ if (locked){
+ m = k+1;
+ }
+ else
+ m = k;
+ for (int i=st; i<m; i++){
+ /* System.out.println("///////////////////");
+ synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(block.getBlocknumber() + " =? " + i);
+ }*/
+ block = this.inodestate.getBlockDataStructure(Integer.valueOf(k));
+ me.getHeldblocklocks().add(block.getLock().readLock());
+ // System.out.println("///////////////////");
+ }
+ locked = false;
+ throw new AbortedException();
+ }
+ }
+ if (me.getStatus() == Status.ABORTED) {
+ for (int i=st; i<=end; i++){
+ block = this.inodestate.getBlockDataStructure(Integer.valueOf(i));
+ me.getHeldblocklocks().add(block.getLock().readLock());
+ }
+ throw new AbortedException();
+ }
+ int size = -1;
+ //ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(readdata);
+ //size = file.getChannel().read(buffer, tmp.getLocaloffset());
+ size = invokeNativepread(readdata, tmp.getLocaloffset(), readdata.length);
+ // synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ // if (Integer.valueOf(Thread.currentThread().getName().substring(7)) == 0)
+ /* for (int i =0; i<readdata.length; i++)
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + " " + (char)readdata[i]);
+ }*/
+ // file.seek(tmp.getLocaloffset());
+ // size = file.read(readdata);
+ tmp.setLocaloffset(tmp.getLocaloffset() + size);
+ if (size == 0)
+ size = -1;
+ /* while (it.hasNext()) {
+ Lock lock = (Lock) it.next();
+ lock.unlock();
+ }*/
+ // me.getHeldblocklocks().clear();
+ // }
+ if (me.getStatus() == Status.ABORTED) {
+ for (int i=st; i<=end; i++){
+ block = this.inodestate.getBlockDataStructure(Integer.valueOf(i));
+ me.getHeldblocklocks().add(block.getLock().readLock());
+ }
+ throw new AbortedException();
+ }
+ for (int k = st; k <= end; k++) {
+ block = this.inodestate.getBlockDataStructure(Integer.valueOf(k));
+ block.getLock().readLock().unlock();
+ }
+ return size;
+ }
+ private int readFromBuffer(byte[] readdata, TransactionLocalFileAttributes tmp, WriteOperations wrp, Range writerange) {
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println("in read buffer " + Thread.currentThread());
+ }*/
+ long loffset = tmp.getLocaloffset();
+ Byte[] data = (Byte[]) wrp.getData();
+ byte[] copydata = new byte[data.length];
+ for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ copydata[i] = data[i].byteValue();
+ }
+ System.arraycopy(copydata, (int) (loffset - writerange.getStart()), readdata, 0, readdata.length);
+ tmp.setLocaloffset(tmp.getLocaloffset() + readdata.length);
+ return readdata.length;
+ }
+ public void simpleWritetoBuffer(Byte[] data, Range newwriterange, TreeMap tm) {
+ tm.put(newwriterange, data);
+ }
+ public void unlockLocks(Vector heldlocks) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < heldlocks.size(); i++) {
+ ((Lock) heldlocks.get(i)).unlock();
+ }
+ }
+/* public boolean validateBlocksVersions(int startblock, int targetblock) { // For Block Versioning Mechanism
+ boolean valid = true;
+ ExtendedTransaction me = ExtendedTransaction.getTransaction();
+ TransactionLocalFileAttributes tmp = ((TransactionLocalFileAttributes) (me.getFilesAccesses().get(this.getInode())));
+ for (int i = startblock; i <= targetblock; i++) {
+ int expvalue = ((Integer) tmp.getBlockversions().get(Integer.valueOf(i))).intValue();
+ BlockDataStructure block = ((BlockDataStructure) tmp.adapter.lockmap.get(Integer.valueOf(i)));
+ if (expvalue != block.getVersion().get()) {
+ valid = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }*/
+ public void setInode(INode inode) {
+ this.inode = inode;
+ }
+ public void lockOffset(ExtendedTransaction me){
+ //
+ // System.out.println(Integer.getInteger(me.getStatus().toString()));
+ // lo.lockWhen(sequenceNum);
+ boolean locked = false;
+ while (me.getStatus() == Status.ACTIVE) { //locking the offset
+ //synchronized(this.commitedoffset){
+ // System.out.println("Trying");
+ // try{
+ // offsetlock.lockInterruptibly();
+ offsetlock.lock();
+ // }
+ // catch(InterruptedException e){
+ // System.out.println("dsadsa");
+ //}
+ //me.getHeldoffsetlocks().add(offsetlock);
+ locked = true;
+ break;
+ // if (offsetlock.tryLock()) {
+ // synchronized(this.commitedoffset){
+ // this.commitedoffset.setOffsetOwner(me);
+ //System.out.println(Thread.currentThread().getName() + " grabbd the lock");
+ // }
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Locked the offset lock for " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n";
+ }*/
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() + "LOCked the offset lock " + offsetlock);
+ }*/
+ //offsetlocks.add(offsetlock);
+ // me.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Locked the offset lock for file " + this.inode + " from descriptor "+ this.sequenceNum +"\n");
+ //break;
+ // }
+ //}
+ //me.getContentionmanager().resolveConflict(me, this.commitedoffset);
+ }
+ // if (me.getStatus() != Status.ACTIVE){
+ // me.msg.put(System.nanoTime(), Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Aborted in lock offset\n");
+ /*synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ benchmark.msg += Thread.currentThread().getName() + " Aborted \n";
+ }*/
+ // CustomThread.getTransaction().setStatus(Status.ACTIVE);
+ // CustomThread.getProgram().execute();
+// if (offsetlock.isHeldByCurrentThread())
+ //if (locked)
+ // offsetlock.unlock();
+ //unlockOffsetLocks();
+ /* synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println("aborting " + committedoffset + " " +Thread.currentThread());
+ }*/
+ //Thread.currentThread().stop();
+ if (me.getStatus() != Status.ACTIVE){
+ if (locked)
+ me.getHeldoffsetlocks().add(offsetlock);
+ throw new AbortedException();
+ }
+ // }
+ }
+ public void mergeWrittenData(ExtendedTransaction me/*TreeMap target, byte[] data, Range to_be_merged_data_range*/){
+ //ExtendedTransaction me = Wrapper.getTransaction();
+ boolean flag = false;
+ Vector vec = (Vector) me.getWriteBuffer().get(this.inode);
+ Range intersectedrange = new Range(0, 0);
+ Iterator it1 = vec.iterator();
+ WriteOperations wrp;
+ WriteOperations wrp2;
+ Vector toberemoved = new Vector();
+ while (it1.hasNext()) {
+ wrp = (WriteOperations) (it1.next());
+ if (toberemoved.contains(wrp)){
+ continue;
+ }
+ Iterator it2 = vec.listIterator();
+ while (it2.hasNext()) {
+ flag = false;
+ wrp2 = (WriteOperations) (it2.next());
+ /*if (wrp2.getRange().includes(wrp.getRange())) {
+ flag = true;
+ intersect = wrp2.getRange().intersection(wrp.getRange());
+ break;
+ }
+ */
+ if ((wrp2 == wrp) || toberemoved.contains(wrp2)){
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (wrp.getRange().hasIntersection(wrp2.getRange())) {
+ flag = true;
+ intersectedrange = wrp2.getRange().intersection(wrp.getRange());
+ toberemoved.add(wrp2);
+ }
+ long startprefix = 0;
+ long endsuffix = 0;
+ long startsuffix = 0;
+ int prefixsize = 0;
+ int suffixsize = 0;
+ int intermediatesize = 0;
+ Byte[] prefixdata = null;
+ Byte[] suffixdata = null;
+ boolean prefix = false;
+ boolean suffix = false;
+ if (flag){
+ if (wrp.getRange().getStart() < wrp2.getRange().getStart()) {
+ prefixdata = new Byte[(int) (wrp2.getRange().getStart() - wrp.getRange().getStart())];
+ prefixdata = (Byte[]) (wrp.getData());
+ startprefix = wrp.getRange().getStart();
+ prefixsize = (int)(intersectedrange.getStart() - startprefix);
+ intermediatesize = (int)(intersectedrange.getEnd() -intersectedrange.getStart());
+ prefix = true;
+ }
+ else if (wrp2.getRange().getStart() <= wrp.getRange().getStart()) {
+ prefixdata = new Byte[(int) (wrp.getRange().getStart() - wrp2.getRange().getStart())];
+ prefixdata = (Byte[]) (wrp2.getData());
+ startprefix = wrp2.getRange().getStart();
+ prefixsize = (int)(intersectedrange.getStart() - startprefix);
+ intermediatesize = (int)(intersectedrange.getEnd() -intersectedrange.getStart());
+ prefix = true;
+ }
+ if (wrp2.getRange().getEnd() >= wrp.getRange().getEnd()) {
+ suffixdata = new Byte[(int) (wrp2.getRange().getEnd() - intersectedrange.getEnd())];
+ suffixdata = (Byte[]) (wrp2.getData());
+ startsuffix = intersectedrange.getEnd() - wrp2.getRange().getStart();
+ suffixsize = (int)(wrp2.getRange().getEnd() - intersectedrange.getEnd());
+ suffix = true;
+ //System.out.println("wrp2 > wrp");
+ endsuffix = wrp2.getRange().getEnd();
+ //suffixstart = (int) (intersectedrange[i].getEnd() - intersectedrange[i].getStart());
+ }
+ else if (wrp.getRange().getEnd() > wrp2.getRange().getEnd()) {
+ suffixdata = new Byte[(int) (wrp.getRange().getEnd() - intersectedrange.getEnd())];
+ suffixdata = (Byte[]) (wrp.getData());
+ startsuffix = intersectedrange.getEnd() - wrp.getRange().getStart();
+ suffixsize = (int)(wrp.getRange().getEnd() - intersectedrange.getEnd());
+ // System.out.println("wrp2 < wrp");
+ endsuffix = wrp.getRange().getEnd();
+ suffix = true;
+ }
+ /* System.out.println("prefix start:" + startprefix);
+ System.out.println("suffix end:" + endsuffix);
+ System.out.println("suffix start:" + startsuffix);
+ System.out.println("intermediate start:" + intermediatetart);
+ System.out.println("suffix size:" + suffixsize);*/
+ Byte[] data_to_insert;
+ if ((prefix) && (suffix)) {
+ data_to_insert = new Byte[(int) (endsuffix - startprefix)];
+ System.arraycopy(prefixdata, 0, data_to_insert, 0, prefixsize);
+ System.arraycopy(wrp2.getData(), (int)(intersectedrange.getStart() - wrp2.getRange().getStart()), data_to_insert, prefixsize, intermediatesize);
+ System.arraycopy(suffixdata, (int)startsuffix, data_to_insert, (prefixsize + intermediatesize), suffixsize);
+ wrp.setData(data_to_insert);
+ wrp.setRange(new Range(startprefix, endsuffix));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Iterator it = toberemoved.iterator();
+ while (it.hasNext())
+ vec.remove(it.next());
+ toberemoved.clear();
+ Collections.sort(vec);
+ me.merge_for_writes_done.put(inode, Boolean.TRUE);
+ //me.setWritesmerged(true);
+ /*} else if (prefix) {
+ data_to_insert = new Byte[(int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - start + size)];
+ System.arraycopy(prefixdata, 0, data_to_insert, 0, (int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - start));
+ System.arraycopy(by, 0, data_to_insert, (int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - start), size);
+ to_be_merged_data_range.setStart(start);
+ } else if (suffix) {
+ data_to_insert = new Byte[(int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getEnd() - end + size)];
+ System.arraycopy(by, 0, data_to_insert, 0, size);
+ System.arraycopy(suffixdata, suffixstart, data_to_insert, size, (int) (end - to_be_merged_data_range.getEnd()));
+ to_be_merged_data_range.setEnd(end);
+ } else {
+ data_to_insert = new Byte[size];
+ System.arraycopy(data_to_insert, (int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - start), by, 0, size);
+ }*/
+ //target.put(to_be_merged_data_range, data_to_insert);
+ if (flag) {
+ int datasize = (int) (oldwriterange.getEnd() - oldwriterange.getStart());
+ Byte[] original = (Byte[]) (wrp.getData());
+ byte[] originaldata = new byte[datasize];
+ //for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+ // originaldata[i] = original[i].byteValue();
+ // }
+ System.arraycopy(data, 0, originaldata, (int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - oldwriterange.getStart()), size);
+ Byte[] to_be_inserted = new Byte[datasize];
+ for (int i = 0; i < datasize; i++) {
+ to_be_inserted[i] = Byte.valueOf(originaldata[i]);
+ }
+ target.put(oldwriterange, to_be_inserted);
+ return;
+ } else if (counter == 0) {
+ target.put(to_be_merged_data_range, data);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ int suffixstart = 0;
+ long start = 0;
+ long end = 0;
+ Byte[] prefixdata = null;
+ Byte[] suffixdata = null;
+ boolean prefix = false;
+ boolean suffix = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < counter; i++) {
+ if (markedwriteranges[i].getStart() < to_be_merged_data_range.getStart()) {
+ prefixdata = new Byte[(int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - markedwriteranges[i].getStart())];
+ prefixdata = (Byte[]) (target.get(markedwriteranges[i]));
+ start = markedwriteranges[i].getStart();
+ //newdata = new Byte[size + newwriterange.getStart() - markedwriteranges[i].getStart()];
+ //System.arraycopy(by, 0, newdata, newwriterange.getStart() - markedwriteranges[i].getStart(), size);
+ //System.arraycopy(originaldata, 0, newdata, 0, newwriterange.getStart() - markedwriteranges[i].getStart());
+ //newwriterange.setStart(markedwriteranges[i].getStart());
+ prefix = true;
+ } else if (markedwriteranges[i].getEnd() > to_be_merged_data_range.getEnd()) {
+ suffixdata = new Byte[(int) (markedwriteranges[i].getStart() - to_be_merged_data_range.getStart())];
+ suffixdata = (Byte[]) (target.get(markedwriteranges[i]));
+ end = markedwriteranges[i].getEnd();
+ //Byte [] originaldata = (Byte [])(tmp.getWrittendata().get(markedwriteranges[i]));
+ //newdata = new Byte[size + newwriterange.getStart() - markedwriteranges[i].getStart()];
+ //System.arraycopy(originaldata, 0, newdata, 0, newwriterange.getStart() - markedwriteranges[i].getStart());
+ //newwriterange.setStart(markedwriteranges[i].getStart());
+ ///newwriterange.setEnd(markedwriteranges[i].getEnd());
+ suffix = true;
+ suffixstart = (int) (intersectedrange[i].getEnd() - intersectedrange[i].getStart());
+ //tm.remove(markedwriteranges[i]);
+ }
+ target.remove(markedwriteranges[i]);
+ }
+ Byte[] data_to_insert;
+ if ((prefix) && (suffix)) {
+ data_to_insert = new Byte[(int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - start + size - to_be_merged_data_range.getEnd() + end)];
+ System.arraycopy(prefixdata, 0, data_to_insert, 0, (int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - start));
+ System.arraycopy(by, 0, data_to_insert, (int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - start), size);
+ System.arraycopy(suffixdata, suffixstart, data_to_insert, (int) (size + to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - start), (int) (end - to_be_merged_data_range.getEnd()));
+ to_be_merged_data_range.setStart(start);
+ to_be_merged_data_range.setEnd(end);
+ } else if (prefix) {
+ data_to_insert = new Byte[(int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - start + size)];
+ System.arraycopy(prefixdata, 0, data_to_insert, 0, (int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - start));
+ System.arraycopy(by, 0, data_to_insert, (int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - start), size);
+ to_be_merged_data_range.setStart(start);
+ } else if (suffix) {
+ data_to_insert = new Byte[(int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getEnd() - end + size)];
+ System.arraycopy(by, 0, data_to_insert, 0, size);
+ System.arraycopy(suffixdata, suffixstart, data_to_insert, size, (int) (end - to_be_merged_data_range.getEnd()));
+ to_be_merged_data_range.setEnd(end);
+ } else {
+ data_to_insert = new Byte[size];
+ System.arraycopy(data_to_insert, (int) (to_be_merged_data_range.getStart() - start), by, 0, size);
+ }
+ target.put(to_be_merged_data_range, data_to_insert);
+ return;
+ }*/
+ }
+ public void non_Transactional_Write(byte[] data){
+ Vector heldlocks = new Vector();
+ boolean flag = true;
+ offsetlock.lock();
+ int startblock = FileBlockManager.getCurrentFragmentIndexofTheFile(committedoffset.getOffsetnumber());
+ int targetblock = FileBlockManager.getTargetFragmentIndexofTheFile(committedoffset.getOffsetnumber(), data.length);
+ for (int i = startblock; i <= targetblock; i++) {
+ BlockDataStructure block =this.inodestate.getBlockDataStructure(i);
+ //if (block.getLock().writeLock().tryLock()) {
+ block.getLock().writeLock().lock();
+ heldlocks.add(block.getLock().writeLock());
+ //} else {
+ // unlockLocks(heldlocks);
+ // offsetlock.unlock();
+ // flag = false;
+ // break;
+ //}
+ }
+ /*if (flag) {
+ throw new PanicException("The I/O operation could not be done to contention for the file");
+ }*/
+ //else {
+ try {
+ file.seek(committedoffset.getOffsetnumber());
+ file.write(data);
+ committedoffset.setOffsetnumber(committedoffset.getOffsetnumber() +data.length);
+ } catch (IOException ex) {
+ Logger.getLogger(TransactionalFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ } finally {
+ unlockLocks(heldlocks);
+ offsetlock.unlock();
+ }
+ //}
+ }
+ public int non_Transactional_Read(byte[] b){
+ int size = -1;
+ Vector heldlocks = new Vector();
+ boolean flag = true;
+ offsetlock.lock();
+ int startblock;
+ int targetblock;
+ startblock = FileBlockManager.getCurrentFragmentIndexofTheFile(committedoffset.getOffsetnumber());
+ targetblock = FileBlockManager.getTargetFragmentIndexofTheFile(committedoffset.getOffsetnumber(), size);
+ /* long offset = committedoffset.getOffsetnumber();
+ committedoffset.setOffsetnumber(committedoffset.getOffsetnumber() +b.length);
+ if (!(committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().isEmpty())){
+ Iterator it2 = committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().iterator(); // for visible readers strategy
+ while ( it2.hasNext())
+ {
+ ExtendedTransaction tr = (ExtendedTransaction) it2.next();
+ tr.abort();
+ }
+ committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().clear();
+ }
+ offsetlock.unlock();*/
+ for (int i = startblock; i <= targetblock; i++) {
+ BlockDataStructure block = this.inodestate.getBlockDataStructure(i);
+ //if (block.getLock().readLock().tryLock()) {
+ block.getLock().readLock().lock();
+ heldlocks.add(block.getLock().readLock());
+ /*} else {
+ unlockLocks(heldlocks);
+ offsetlock.unlock();
+ flag = false;
+ break;
+ }*/
+ }
+ /*if (flag) {
+ size = -1;
+ } else {*/
+ // try {
+ //ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(b);
+ //System.out.println(committedoffset.getOffsetnumber());
+ //size = file.getChannel().read(buffer, offset);
+ //file.seek(committedoffset.getOffsetnumber());
+ // size = file.read(b);
+ size = invokeNativepread(b, committedoffset.getOffsetnumber(), b.length);
+ committedoffset.setOffsetnumber(committedoffset.getOffsetnumber() +size);
+ if (!(committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().isEmpty())){
+ Iterator it2 = committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().iterator(); // for visible readers strategy
+ while ( it2.hasNext())
+ {
+ ExtendedTransaction tr = (ExtendedTransaction) it2.next();
+ tr.abort();
+ }
+ committedoffset.getOffsetReaders().clear();
+ }
+ // } catch (IOException ex) {
+ // Logger.getLogger(TransactionalFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ // size = -1;
+ // } finally {
+ unlockLocks(heldlocks);
+ offsetlock.unlock();
+ if (size == 0)
+ size = -1;
+ // }
+ // }
+ return size;
+ }
+ public void non_Transactional_Seek(long offset){
+ offsetlock.lock();
+ //try {
+ //file.seek(offset);
+ //synchronized(adapter){
+ committedoffset.setOffsetnumber(offset);
+ // inodestate.commitedfilesize.set(offset);
+ //}
+ //} catch (IOException ex) {
+ /// Logger.getLogger(TransactionalFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ //} finally {
+ offsetlock.unlock();
+ //}
+ }
+ public long non_Transactional_getFilePointer(){
+ long offset = -1;;
+ offsetlock.lock();
+ // try {
+ //synchronized(adapter){
+ offset = committedoffset.getOffsetnumber();
+ //}
+ // } catch (IOException ex) {
+ // Logger.getLogger(TransactionalFile.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
+ // } finally {
+ offsetlock.unlock();
+ // }
+ return offset;
+ }
+ public int compareTo(Object arg0) {
+ TransactionalFile tf = (TransactionalFile) arg0;
+ if (this.inode.getNumber() < tf.inode.getNumber())
+ return -1;
+ else if (this.inode.getNumber() > tf.inode.getNumber())
+ return 1;
+ else {
+ if (this.sequenceNum < tf.sequenceNum)
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return 1;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class TransactionalFileWrapperFactory {
+ private TransactionalFileWrapperFactory() {
+ }
+ // private static HashMap<INode, Adapter> filemappings;
+ public static HashMap filemappings = new HashMap();
+ private static native long getINodeNative(String filename);
+ static{
+ //System.load("/home/navid/libnav.so");
+ System.load("/home/navid/libnativeIO.so");
+ }
+ static INode getINodefromFileName(String filename) {
+ return new INode(getINodeNative(filename), filename);
+ }
+ public synchronized static GlobalINodeState getTateransactionalFileINodeState(INode inode) {
+ return (GlobalINodeState)filemappings.get(inode.getNumber());
+ }
+ public synchronized static GlobalINodeState createTransactionalFile(INode inode, String filename, String mode) {
+ long inodenumber = inode.getNumber();
+ if (inodenumber != -1)
+ if (filemappings.containsKey(inode.getNumber())) {
+ // System.out.println("here");
+ return (GlobalINodeState)filemappings.get(inode.getNumber());
+ } else {
+ long length = new File(filename).length();
+ GlobalINodeState inodestate = new GlobalINodeState(inode, length);
+ filemappings.put(inode.getNumber(), inodestate);
+ return inodestate;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+import TransactionalIO.core.ExtendedTransaction;
+import TransactionalIO.core.CustomThread;
+import TransactionalIO.interfaces.TransactionStatu;
+import java.util.Vector;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class Wrapper{
+ private ExtendedTransaction transaction = new ExtendedTransaction();
+ private static ThreadLocal IOtransactioncontainer = new ThreadLocal();
+ private static ThreadLocal onMemoryAbort = new ThreadLocal();
+ private static ThreadLocal onIOAbort = new ThreadLocal();
+ public static void prepareIOCommit(){
+ getTransaction().prepareCommit();
+ }
+ public static void commitIO(){
+ getTransaction().commitChanges();
+ }
+ public static void Initialize(TransactionStatu memory){
+ ExtendedTransaction transaction = new ExtendedTransaction();
+ setTransaction(transaction);
+ transaction.setOtherSystem(memory);
+ if (memory != null)
+ memory.setOtherSystem(transaction);
+ /* setonIOAbort(new Vector());
+ setonMemoryAbort(new Vector());
+ getonIOAbort().add(new terminateHandler() {
+ public void cleanup() {
+ Thread.getTransaction().abort();
+ synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() +" KEWL");
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ getonMemoryAbort().add(new terminateHandler() {
+ public void cleanup() {
+ CustomThread.getTransaction().abort();
+ synchronized(benchmark.lock){
+ System.out.println(Thread.currentThread() +" KEWL");
+ }
+ }
+ });*/
+ }
+ public static void memoryCommit(){
+ }
+ public static void setTransaction(ExtendedTransaction transaction){
+ IOtransactioncontainer.set(transaction);
+ }
+ public static ExtendedTransaction getTransaction(){
+ return (ExtendedTransaction) IOtransactioncontainer.get();
+ }
+ public static void setonIOAbort(Vector vec){
+ onIOAbort.set(vec);
+ }
+ private static Vector getonIOAbort(){
+ return (Vector) onIOAbort.get();
+ }
+ public static void setonMemoryAbort(Vector vec){
+ onMemoryAbort.set(vec);
+ }
+ private static Vector getonMemoryAbort(){
+ return (Vector) onMemoryAbort.get();
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.core;
+import TransactionalIO.Utilities.Range;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public class WriteOperations implements Comparable{
+ private Byte[] data;
+ private Range range;
+ private boolean unknownoffset;
+ private TransactionLocalFileAttributes belongingto;
+ private TransactionalFile ownertransactionalfile;
+ public WriteOperations(Byte[] data, Range range, boolean unknownoffset, TransactionalFile ownertransactionalfile, TransactionLocalFileAttributes belongingto) {
+ this.data = data;
+ this.range = range;
+ this.unknownoffset = unknownoffset;
+ this.ownertransactionalfile = ownertransactionalfile;
+ this.belongingto = belongingto;
+ }
+ public TransactionalFile getOwnertransactionalFile() {
+ return ownertransactionalfile;
+ }
+ public void setOwnertransaction(TransactionalFile ownertransaction) {
+ this.ownertransactionalfile = ownertransaction;
+ }
+ public Byte[] getData() {
+ return data;
+ }
+ public Range getRange() {
+ return range;
+ }
+ public boolean isUnknownoffset() {
+ return unknownoffset;
+ }
+ public void setData(Byte[] data) {
+ this.data = new Byte[data.length];
+ System.arraycopy(data, 0, this.data, 0, data.length);
+ }
+ public void setRange(Range range) {
+ this.range = range;
+ }
+ public void setUnknownoffset(boolean unknownoffset) {
+ this.unknownoffset = unknownoffset;
+ }
+ public TransactionLocalFileAttributes getBelongingto() {
+ return belongingto;
+ }
+ public void setBelongingto(TransactionLocalFileAttributes belongingto) {
+ this.belongingto = belongingto;
+ }
+ public int compareTo(Object other) {
+ WriteOperations tmp = (WriteOperations) other;
+ return this.range.compareTo(tmp.range);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ * PanicException.java
+ *
+ * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa
+ * Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to
+ * technology embodied in the product that is described in this
+ * document. In particular, and without limitation, these
+ * intellectual property rights may include one or more of the
+ * U.S. patents listed at http://www.sun.com/patents and one or more
+ * additional patents or pending patent applications in the U.S. and
+ * in other countries.
+ *
+ * U.S. Government Rights - Commercial software.
+ * Government users are subject to the Sun Microsystems, Inc. standard
+ * license agreement and applicable provisions of the FAR and its
+ * supplements. Use is subject to license terms. Sun, Sun
+ * Microsystems, the Sun logo and Java are trademarks or registered
+ * trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other
+ * countries.
+ *
+ * This product is covered and controlled by U.S. Export Control laws
+ * and may be subject to the export or import laws in other countries.
+ * Nuclear, missile, chemical biological weapons or nuclear maritime
+ * end uses or end users, whether direct or indirect, are strictly
+ * prohibited. Export or reexport to countries subject to
+ * U.S. embargo or to entities identified on U.S. export exclusion
+ * lists, including, but not limited to, the denied persons and
+ * specially designated nationals lists is strictly prohibited.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.exceptions;
+ * Thrown to indicate an error in the use of the transactional memory;
+ * that is, a violation of the assumptions of use.
+ */
+public class PanicException extends java.lang.RuntimeException {
+ /**
+ * Creates new <code>PanicException</code> with no detail message.
+ */
+ public PanicException() {
+ }
+ public PanicException(String format, Object ... args) {
+ super(String.format(format, args));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates a new <code>PanicException</code> with the specified detail message.
+ *
+ * @param msg the detail message.
+ */
+ public PanicException(String msg) {
+ super(msg);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Creates an <code>PanicException</code> with the specified cause.
+ *
+ * @param cause Throwable that caused PanicException to be thrown
+ */
+ public PanicException(Throwable cause) {
+ super(cause);
+ }
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+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.interfaces;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public enum BlockAccessModesEnum {
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.interfaces;
+import TransactionalIO.core.BlockDataStructure;
+import TransactionalIO.core.ExtendedTransaction;
+import TransactionalIO.core.GlobalOffset;
+import TransactionalIO.core.TransactionalFile;
+import java.util.Vector;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public interface ContentionManager {
+ public void resolveConflict(ExtendedTransaction me, ExtendedTransaction other, GlobalOffset obj);
+ public void resolveConflict(ExtendedTransaction me, ExtendedTransaction other, BlockDataStructure obj);
+ public void resolveConflict(ExtendedTransaction me, Vector/*<ExtendedTransaction>*/ other, GlobalOffset obj);
+ public void resolveConflict(ExtendedTransaction me, Vector/*<ExtendedTransaction>*/ other, BlockDataStructure obj);
+ public void resolveConflict(ExtendedTransaction me, GlobalOffset obj);
+ public void resolveConflict(ExtendedTransaction me, BlockDataStructure obj);
+ public long getPriority();
+ public void setPriority(long value);
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.interfaces;
+import java.io.WriteAbortedException;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public enum FileAccessModesEum {
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.interfaces;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public enum OffsetDependency {
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.interfaces;
+import TransactionalIO.core.ExtendedTransaction.Status;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public interface TransactionStatu {
+ public void abortThisSystem();
+ public TransactionStatu getOtherSystem();
+ public void setOtherSystem(TransactionStatu othersystem);
+ public boolean isActive();
+ public boolean isCommitted();
+ public boolean isAborted();
--- /dev/null
+ * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates
+ * and open the template in the editor.
+ */
+package TransactionalIO.interfaces;
+ *
+ * @author navid
+ */
+public interface TransactionalProgram {
+ public void execute();