// according to collected statistic data
extern int gc_num_sampling;
-bool cacheAdapt_policy_d(VA page_sva,
- bamboo_cache_policy_t* policy,
- int page_num,
- int page_index){
- int hottestcore = 0;
- int num_hotcore = 0;
- int hotfreq = 0;
- for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORESACTIVE; i++) {
- int * local_tbl = (int *)((void *)gccachesamplingtbl_r
- +page_num*sizeof(float)*i);
- int freq = local_tbl[page_index];
- // TODO
-/* if(page_sva == 0xd180000) {
- tprintf("%x %d %d\n", (int)page_sva, i, (int)(freq*100000));
- }*/
- // TODO
- // check the freqency, decide if this page is hot for the core
- if(hotfreq < freq) {
- hotfreq = freq;
- hottestcore = i;
- }
- num_hotcore++;
- }
+// make all pages hfh
+int cacheAdapt_policy_h4h(){
+ unsigned int page_index = 0;
+ VA page_sva = 0;
+ unsigned int page_num = (BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE) / (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE);
+ int numchanged = 0;
+ int * tmp_p = gccachepolicytbl+1;
+ for(page_index = 0; page_index < page_num; page_index++) {
+ page_sva = gcbaseva + (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE) * page_index;
+ bamboo_cache_policy_t policy = {0};
+ policy.cache_mode = BAMBOO_CACHE_MODE_HASH;
+ *tmp_p = page_index;
+ tmp_p++;
+ *tmp_p = policy.word;
+ tmp_p++;
+ numchanged++;
- // TODO
- // Decide the cache strategy for this page
- // If decide to adapt a new cache strategy, write into the shared block of
- // the gcsharedsamplingtbl. The mem recording information that has been
- // written is enough to hold the information.
- // Format: page start va + cache strategy(hfh/(host core+[x,y]))
- if(hotfreq == 0) {
- // this page has not been accessed, do not change its cache policy
- return false;
- }
- // use hfh
- policy->cache_mode = BAMBOO_CACHE_MODE_HASH;
- } else {
- // locally cache the page in the hottest core
+ return numchanged;
+} // int cacheAdapt_policy_hfh()
+// make all pages local as non-cache-adaptable gc local mode
+int cacheAdapt_policy_local(){
+ unsigned int page_index = 0;
+ VA page_sva = 0;
+ unsigned int page_num = (BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE) / (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE);
+ int numchanged = 0;
+ int * tmp_p = gccachepolicytbl+1;
+ for(page_index = 0; page_index < page_num; page_index++) {
+ page_sva = gcbaseva + (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE) * page_index;
+ bamboo_cache_policy_t policy = {0};
+ int block = 0;
+ BLOCKINDEX(page_sva, &block);
+ int coren = gc_block2core[block%(NUMCORES4GC*2)];
+ // locally cache the page in the hotest core
// NOTE: (x,y) should be changed to (x+1, y+1)!!!
- policy->cache_mode = BAMBOO_CACHE_MODE_COORDS;
- policy->lotar_x = bamboo_cpu2coords[2*hottestcore]+1;
- policy->lotar_y = bamboo_cpu2coords[2*hottestcore+1]+1;
+ policy.cache_mode = BAMBOO_CACHE_MODE_COORDS;
+ policy.lotar_x = bamboo_cpu2coords[2*coren]+1;
+ policy.lotar_y = bamboo_cpu2coords[2*coren+1]+1;
+ *tmp_p = page_index;
+ tmp_p++;
+ *tmp_p = policy.word;
+ tmp_p++;
+ numchanged++;
- return true;
-void cacheAdapt_master() {
- // check the statistic data
- // for each page, decide the new cache strategy
+ return numchanged;
+} // int cacheAdapt_policy_local()
+int cacheAdapt_policy_hotest(){
unsigned int page_index = 0;
VA page_sva = 0;
unsigned int page_num = (BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE) / (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE);
int numchanged = 0;
int * tmp_p = gccachepolicytbl+1;
- int hottestcore = 0;
- int num_hotcore = 0;
- int hotfreq = 0;
for(page_index = 0; page_index < page_num; page_index++) {
page_sva = gcbaseva + (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE) * page_index;
bamboo_cache_policy_t policy = {0};
- bool ischange=cacheAdapt_policy_d(page_sva, &policy, page_num, page_index);
- if(ischange) {
+ int hotestcore = 0;
+ int hotfreq = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORESACTIVE; i++) {
+ int * local_tbl = (int *)((void *)gccachesamplingtbl_r
+ +page_num*sizeof(float)*i);
+ int freq = local_tbl[page_index];
+ // TODO
+ // check the freqency, decide if this page is hot for the core
+ if(hotfreq < freq) {
+ hotfreq = freq;
+ hotestcore = i;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO
+ // Decide the cache strategy for this page
+ // If decide to adapt a new cache strategy, write into the shared block of
+ // the gcsharedsamplingtbl. The mem recording information that has been
+ // written is enough to hold the information.
+ // Format: page start va + cache strategy(hfh/(host core+[x,y]))
+ if(hotfreq == 0) {
+ // this page has not been accessed, do not change its cache policy
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ // locally cache the page in the hotest core
+ // NOTE: (x,y) should be changed to (x+1, y+1)!!!
+ policy.cache_mode = BAMBOO_CACHE_MODE_COORDS;
+ policy.lotar_x = bamboo_cpu2coords[2*hotestcore]+1;
+ policy.lotar_y = bamboo_cpu2coords[2*hotestcore+1]+1;
*tmp_p = page_index;
*tmp_p = policy.word;
+ return numchanged;
+} // int cacheAdapt_policy_hotest()
+// cache the page on the core that accesses it the most if that core accesses
+// it more than (GC_CACHE_ADAPT_DOMINATE_THRESHOLD)% of the total. Otherwise,
+// h4h the page.
+int cacheAdapt_policy_dominate(){
+ unsigned int page_index = 0;
+ VA page_sva = 0;
+ unsigned int page_num = (BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE) / (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE);
+ int numchanged = 0;
+ int * tmp_p = gccachepolicytbl+1;
+ for(page_index = 0; page_index < page_num; page_index++) {
+ page_sva = gcbaseva + (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE) * page_index;
+ bamboo_cache_policy_t policy = {0};
+ int hotestcore = 0;
+ int totalfreq = 0;
+ int hotfreq = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORESACTIVE; i++) {
+ int * local_tbl = (int *)((void *)gccachesamplingtbl_r
+ +page_num*sizeof(float)*i);
+ int freq = local_tbl[page_index];
+ totalfreq += freq;
+ // TODO
+ // check the freqency, decide if this page is hot for the core
+ if(hotfreq < freq) {
+ hotfreq = freq;
+ hotestcore = i;
+ }
+ }
+ // Decide the cache strategy for this page
+ // If decide to adapt a new cache strategy, write into the shared block of
+ // the gcpolicytbl
+ // Format: page start va + cache policy
+ if(hotfreq == 0) {
+ // this page has not been accessed, do not change its cache policy
+ continue;
+ }
+ totalfreq = (totalfreq*GC_CACHE_ADAPT_DOMINATE_THRESHOLD)/100;
+ if(hotfreq < totalfreq) {
+ // use hfh
+ policy.cache_mode = BAMBOO_CACHE_MODE_HASH;
+ } else {
+ // locally cache the page in the hotest core
+ // NOTE: (x,y) should be changed to (x+1, y+1)!!!
+ policy.cache_mode = BAMBOO_CACHE_MODE_COORDS;
+ policy.lotar_x = bamboo_cpu2coords[2*hotestcore]+1;
+ policy.lotar_y = bamboo_cpu2coords[2*hotestcore+1]+1;
+ }
+ *tmp_p = page_index;
+ tmp_p++;
+ *tmp_p = policy.word;
+ tmp_p++;
+ numchanged++;
+ }
+ return numchanged;
+} // int cacheAdapt_policy_dominate()
+void gc_quicksort(int *array,
+ int left,
+ int right,
+ int offset) {
+ int pivot = 0;;
+ int leftIdx = left;
+ int rightIdx = right;
+ if((right-left+1) >= 1) {
+ pivot = (left+right)/2;
+ while((leftIdx <= pivot) && (rightIdx >= pivot)) {
+ int pivotValue = array[pivot*3-offset];
+ while((array[leftIdx*3-offset] < pivotValue) && (leftIdx <= pivot)) {
+ leftIdx++;
+ }
+ while((array[rightIdx*3-offset] > pivotValue) && (rightIdx >= pivot)) {
+ rightIdx--;
+ }
+ // swap [leftIdx] & [rightIdx]
+ for(int k = 0; k < 3; k++) {
+ int tmp = array[3*rightIdx-k];
+ array[3*rightIdx-k] = array[3*leftIdx-k];
+ array[3*leftIdx-k] = tmp;
+ }
+ leftIdx++;
+ rightIdx--;
+ if((leftIdx-1) == pivot) {
+ pivot = rightIdx = rightIdx + 1;
+ } else if((leftIdx+1) == pivot) {
+ pivot = leftIdx = leftIdx-1;
+ }
+ }
+ gc_quicksort(array, left, pivot-1, offset);
+ gc_quicksort(array, pivot+1, right, offset);
+ }
+ return;
+} // void gc_quicksort(...)
+// Every page cached on the core that accesses it the most.
+// Check to see if any core's pages total more accesses than threshold
+// GC_CACHE_ADAPT_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLD. If so, find the pages with the
+// most remote accesses and hash for home them until we get below
+int cacheAdapt_policy_overload(){
+ unsigned int page_index = 0;
+ VA page_sva = 0;
+ unsigned int page_num = (BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE) / (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE);
+ int numchanged = 0;
+ int * tmp_p = gccachepolicytbl+1;
+ int workload[NUMCORESACTIVE];
+ memset(workload, 0, NUMCORESACTIVE*sizeof(int));
+ int core2heavypages[NUMCORESACTIVE][page_num*3+1];
+ memset(core2heavypages, 0, sizeof(int)*(page_num*3+1)*NUMCORESACTIVE);
+ for(page_index = 0; page_index < page_num; page_index++) {
+ page_sva = gcbaseva + (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE) * page_index;
+ bamboo_cache_policy_t policy = {0};
+ int hotestcore = 0;
+ int totalfreq = 0;
+ int hotfreq = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORESACTIVE; i++) {
+ int * local_tbl = (int *)((void *)gccachesamplingtbl_r
+ +page_num*sizeof(float)*i);
+ int freq = local_tbl[page_index];
+ totalfreq += freq;
+ // TODO
+ // check the freqency, decide if this page is hot for the core
+ if(hotfreq < freq) {
+ hotfreq = freq;
+ hotestcore = i;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO
+ // Decide the cache strategy for this page
+ // If decide to adapt a new cache strategy, write into the shared block of
+ // the gcsharedsamplingtbl. The mem recording information that has been
+ // written is enough to hold the information.
+ // Format: page start va + cache strategy(hfh/(host core+[x,y]))
+ if(hotfreq == 0) {
+ // this page has not been accessed, do not change its cache policy
+ continue;
+ }
+ // locally cache the page in the hotest core
+ // NOTE: (x,y) should be changed to (x+1, y+1)!!!
+ policy.cache_mode = BAMBOO_CACHE_MODE_COORDS;
+ policy.lotar_x = bamboo_cpu2coords[2*hotestcore]+1;
+ policy.lotar_y = bamboo_cpu2coords[2*hotestcore+1]+1;
+ *tmp_p = page_index;
+ tmp_p++;
+ *tmp_p = policy.word;
+ tmp_p++;
+ numchanged++;
+ workload[hotestcore] += totalfreq;
+ // insert into core2heavypages using quicksort
+ int remoteaccess = totalfreq - hotfreq;
+ int index = core2heavypages[hotestcore][0];
+ core2heavypages[hotestcore][3*index+3] = remoteaccess;
+ core2heavypages[hotestcore][3*index+2] = totalfreq;
+ core2heavypages[hotestcore][3*index+1] = tmp_p-1;
+ core2heavypages[hotestcore][0]++;
+ }
+ // Check the workload of each core
+ for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORESACTIVE; i++) {
+ int j = 1;
+ int index = core2heavypages[i][0];
+ // sort according to the remoteaccess
+ gc_quicksort(&core2heavypages[i][0], 1, index, 0);
+ while((workload[i] > GC_CACHE_ADAPT_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLD) && (j<index*3)) {
+ // hfh those pages with more remote accesses
+ bamboo_cache_policy_t policy = {0};
+ policy.cache_mode = BAMBOO_CACHE_MODE_HASH;
+ *((int*)core2heavypages[i][j]) = policy.word;
+ workload[i] -= core2heavypages[i][j+1];
+ j += 3;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return numchanged;
+} // int cacheAdapt_policy_overload()
+// Every page cached on the core that accesses it the most.
+// Check to see if any core's pages total more accesses than threshold
+// GC_CACHE_ADAPT_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLD. If so, find the pages with the
+// most remote accesses and hash for home them until we get below
+// Sort pages based on activity....
+// If more then GC_CACHE_ADAPT_ACCESS_THRESHOLD% of the accesses for a
+// core's pages are from more than GC_CACHE_ADAPT_CROWD_THRESHOLD pages,
+// then start hfh these pages(selecting the ones with the most remote
+// accesses first or fewest local accesses) until we get below
+int cacheAdapt_policy_crowd(){
+ unsigned int page_index = 0;
+ VA page_sva = 0;
+ unsigned int page_num = (BAMBOO_SHARED_MEM_SIZE) / (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE);
+ int numchanged = 0;
+ int * tmp_p = gccachepolicytbl+1;
+ int workload[NUMCORESACTIVE];
+ memset(workload, 0, NUMCORESACTIVE*sizeof(int));
+ int core2heavypages[NUMCORESACTIVE][page_num*3+1];
+ memset(core2heavypages, 0, sizeof(int)*(page_num*3+1)*NUMCORESACTIVE);
+ for(page_index = 0; page_index < page_num; page_index++) {
+ page_sva = gcbaseva + (BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE) * page_index;
+ bamboo_cache_policy_t policy = {0};
+ int hotestcore = 0;
+ int totalfreq = 0;
+ int hotfreq = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORESACTIVE; i++) {
+ int * local_tbl = (int *)((void *)gccachesamplingtbl_r
+ +page_num*sizeof(float)*i);
+ int freq = local_tbl[page_index];
+ totalfreq += freq;
+ // TODO
+ // check the freqency, decide if this page is hot for the core
+ if(hotfreq < freq) {
+ hotfreq = freq;
+ hotestcore = i;
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO
+ // Decide the cache strategy for this page
+ // If decide to adapt a new cache strategy, write into the shared block of
+ // the gcsharedsamplingtbl. The mem recording information that has been
+ // written is enough to hold the information.
+ // Format: page start va + cache strategy(hfh/(host core+[x,y]))
+ if(hotfreq == 0) {
+ // this page has not been accessed, do not change its cache policy
+ continue;
+ }
+ // locally cache the page in the hotest core
+ // NOTE: (x,y) should be changed to (x+1, y+1)!!!
+ policy.cache_mode = BAMBOO_CACHE_MODE_COORDS;
+ policy.lotar_x = bamboo_cpu2coords[2*hotestcore]+1;
+ policy.lotar_y = bamboo_cpu2coords[2*hotestcore+1]+1;
+ *tmp_p = page_index;
+ tmp_p++;
+ *tmp_p = policy.word;
+ tmp_p++;
+ numchanged++;
+ workload[hotestcore] += totalfreq;
+ // insert into core2heavypages using quicksort
+ int remoteaccess = totalfreq - hotfreq;
+ int index = core2heavypages[hotestcore][0];
+ core2heavypages[hotestcore][3*index+3] = remoteaccess;
+ core2heavypages[hotestcore][3*index+2] = totalfreq;
+ core2heavypages[hotestcore][3*index+1] = tmp_p-1;
+ core2heavypages[hotestcore][0]++;
+ }
+ // Check the workload of each core
+ for(int i = 0; i < NUMCORESACTIVE; i++) {
+ int j = 1;
+ int index = core2heavypages[i][0];
+ // sort according to the remote access
+ gc_quicksort(&core2heavypages[i][0], 1, index, 0);
+ while((workload[i] > GC_CACHE_ADAPT_OVERLOAD_THRESHOLD) && (j<index*3)) {
+ // hfh those pages with more remote accesses
+ bamboo_cache_policy_t policy = {0};
+ policy.cache_mode = BAMBOO_CACHE_MODE_HASH;
+ *((int*)core2heavypages[i][j]) = policy.word;
+ workload[i] -= core2heavypages[i][j+1];
+ j += 3;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check if the accesses are crowded on few pages
+ // sort according to the total access
+ gc_quicksort(&core2heavypages[i][0], j/3+1, index, 1);
+ int threshold = GC_CACHE_ADAPT_ACCESS_THRESHOLD*workload[i]/100;
+ int num_crowded = 0;
+ int t_workload = 0;
+ &&(num_crowded<(index-j/3)); num_crowded++) {
+ t_workload += core2heavypages[i][j+num_crowded*3+1];
+ }
+ // num_crowded <= GC_CACHE_ADAPT_CROWD_THRESHOLD and if there are enough
+ // items, it is always == GC_CACHE_ADAPT_CROWD_THRESHOLD
+ if(t_workload > threshold) {
+ // need to hfh these pages
+ // sort the pages according to remote access
+ gc_quicksort(&core2heavypages[i][0], j/3+1, j/3+num_crowded, 0);
+ while((num_crowded--) && (j < index*3)) {
+ // h4h those pages with more remote accesses
+ bamboo_cache_policy_t policy = {0};
+ policy.cache_mode = BAMBOO_CACHE_MODE_HASH;
+ *((int*)core2heavypages[i][j]) = policy.word;
+ workload[i] -= core2heavypages[i][j+1];
+ t_workload -= core2heavypages[i][j+1];
+ if((j/3+GC_CACHE_ADAPT_CROWD_THRESHOLD) < index) {
+ t_workload +=
+ core2heavypages[i][j+GC_CACHE_ADAPT_CROWD_THRESHOLD*3+1];
+ }
+ j += 3;
+ threshold = GC_CACHE_ADAPT_ACCESS_THRESHOLD*workload[i]/100;
+ if(t_workload <= threshold) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if((j < index*3) && (t_workload > threshold)) {
+ num_crowded = ((index-j/3) > GC_CACHE_ADAPT_CROWD_THRESHOLD) ?
+ goto inner_crowd;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return numchanged;
+} // int cacheAdapt_policy_overload()
+void cacheAdapt_master() {
+ // check the statistic data
+ // for each page, decide the new cache strategy
+ //int numchanged = cacheAdapt_policy_h4h();
+ //int numchanged = cacheAdapt_policy_local();
+ //int numchanged = cacheAdapt_policy_hotest();
+ //int numchanged = cacheAdapt_policy_dominate();
+ int numchanged = cacheAdapt_policy_overload();
+ //int numchanged = cacheAdapt_policy_crowd();
*gccachepolicytbl = numchanged;
+ // TODO
+ //if(numchanged > 0) tprintf("=================\n");
// adapt the cache strategy for the mutator
// read out the policy
int page_index = *tmp_p;
bamboo_cache_policy_t policy = (bamboo_cache_policy_t)(*(tmp_p+1));
+ // TODO
+ /*if(BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE == 0) {
+ tprintf("va: %x, policy: %d (%d,%d) \n",
+ (int)(page_index*(BAMBOO_PAGE_SIZE)+gcbaseva), policy.cache_mode,
+ policy.lotar_x, policy.lotar_y);
+ }*/
// adapt the policy
tmp_p += 2;
+ //if(BAMBOO_NUM_OF_CORE == 0) tprintf("=================\n"); // TODO
#endif // GC_CACHE_ADAPT