copied field by LLVM field if the record has a variable
sized field in it. The problem is that the LLVM field
will not completely cover the variable sized gcc field.
--- /dev/null
+package Element_Copy is
+ type SmallInt is range 1 .. 4;
+ type SmallStr is array (SmallInt range <>) of Character;
+ type VariableSizedField (D : SmallInt := 2) is record
+ S : SmallStr (1 .. D) := "Hi";
+ end record;
+ function F return VariableSizedField;
--- /dev/null
+-- RUN: %llvmgcc -S -O2 %s -I%p/Support -o - | grep 105 | count 2
+package body Element_Copy is
+ function F return VariableSizedField is
+ X : VariableSizedField;
+ begin
+ return X;
+ end;