Out << "target triple = \"" << M->getTargetTriple() << "\"\n";
if (!M->getInlineAsm().empty()) {
+ // Split the string into lines, to make it easier to read the .ll file.
+ std::string Asm = M->getInlineAsm();
+ size_t CurPos = 0;
+ size_t NewLine = Asm.find_first_of('\n', CurPos);
+ while (NewLine != std::string::npos) {
+ // We found a newline, print the portion of the asm string from the
+ // last newline up to this newline.
+ Out << "module asm \"";
+ PrintEscapedString(std::string(Asm.begin()+CurPos, Asm.begin()+NewLine),
+ Out);
+ Out << "\"\n";
+ CurPos = NewLine+1;
+ NewLine = Asm.find_first_of('\n', CurPos);
+ }
Out << "module asm \"";
- PrintEscapedString(M->getInlineAsm(), Out);
+ PrintEscapedString(std::string(Asm.begin()+CurPos, Asm.end()), Out);
Out << "\"\n";