return find_result::retry;
-#if 0
- template <typename Q, typename Compare, typename Func>
- find_result try_find( Q const& key, Compare cmp, Func f, node_type * pNode, int nDir, version_type nVersion ) const
- {
- assert( gc::is_locked() );
- assert( pNode );
- while ( true ) {
- node_type * pChild = child( pNode, nDir );
- if ( !pChild ) {
- if ( pNode->version( memory_model::memory_order_acquire ) != nVersion )
- return find_result::retry;
- m_stat.onFindFailed();
- return find_result::not_found;
- }
- int nCmp = cmp( key, pChild->m_key );
- if ( nCmp == 0 ) {
- if ( pChild->is_valued( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed ) ) {
- // key found
- node_scoped_lock l( m_Monitor, *pChild );
- if ( pChild->is_valued( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed )) {
- if ( f( pChild ) ) {
- m_stat.onFindSuccess();
- return find_result::found;
- }
- }
- }
- m_stat.onFindFailed();
- return find_result::not_found;
- }
- version_type nChildVersion = pChild->version( memory_model::memory_order_acquire );
- if ( nChildVersion & node_type::shrinking ) {
- m_stat.onFindWaitShrinking();
- pChild->template wait_until_shrink_completed<back_off>( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
- if ( pNode->version( memory_model::memory_order_acquire ) != nVersion )
- return find_result::retry;
- }
- else if ( nChildVersion != node_type::unlinked && child( pNode, nDir ) == pChild )
- {
- if ( pNode->version(memory_model::memory_order_acquire) != nVersion )
- return find_result::retry;
- find_result found = try_find( key, cmp, f, pChild, nCmp, nChildVersion );
- if ( found != find_result::retry )
- return found;
- }
- if ( pNode->version( memory_model::memory_order_acquire ) != nVersion )
- return find_result::retry;
- m_stat.onFindRetry();
- }
- }
template <typename K, typename Compare, typename Func>
int try_update_root( K const& key, Compare cmp, int nFlags, Func funcUpdate, rcu_disposer& disp )
return update_flags::retry;
-#if 0
- template <typename K, typename Compare, typename Func>
- int try_update( K const& key, Compare cmp, int nFlags, Func funcUpdate, node_type * pNode, version_type nVersion, rcu_disposer& disp )
- {
- assert( gc::is_locked() );
- assert( nVersion != node_type::unlinked );
- int nCmp = cmp( key, pNode->m_key );
- if ( nCmp == 0 )
- return try_update_node( nFlags, funcUpdate, pNode, nVersion, disp );
- while ( true ) {
- int result;
- node_type * pChild = child( pNode, nCmp );
- if ( pNode->version(memory_model::memory_order_acquire) != nVersion )
- return update_flags::retry;
- if ( pChild == nullptr ) {
- // insert new node
- if ( nFlags & update_flags::allow_insert )
- result = try_insert_node( key, funcUpdate, pNode, nCmp, nVersion, disp );
- else
- result = update_flags::failed;
- }
- else {
- // update child
- version_type nChildVersion = pChild->version( memory_model::memory_order_acquire );
- if ( nChildVersion & node_type::shrinking ) {
- m_stat.onUpdateWaitShrinking();
- pChild->template wait_until_shrink_completed<back_off>( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
- // retry
- result = update_flags::retry;
- }
- else if ( pChild == child( pNode, nCmp )) {
- // this second read is important, because it is protected by nChildVersion
- // validate the read that our caller took to get to node
- if ( pNode->version( memory_model::memory_order_acquire ) != nVersion )
- return update_flags::retry;
- // At this point we know that the traversal our parent took to get to node is still valid.
- // The recursive implementation will validate the traversal from node to
- // child, so just prior to the node nVersion validation both traversals were definitely okay.
- // This means that we are no longer vulnerable to node shrinks, and we don't need
- // to validate node version any more.
- result = try_update( key, cmp, nFlags, funcUpdate, pChild, nChildVersion, disp );
- }
- else
- result = update_flags::retry;
- }
- if ( result == update_flags::retry ) {
- if ( pNode->version( memory_model::memory_order_acquire ) != nVersion )
- return update_flags::retry;
- m_stat.onUpdateRetry();
- }
- else
- return result;
- }
- }
template <typename K, typename Compare, typename Func>
int try_remove( K const& key, Compare cmp, Func func, node_type * pParent, node_type * pNode, version_type nVersion, rcu_disposer& disp )
return update_flags::retry;
-#if 0
- template <typename K, typename Compare, typename Func>
- int try_remove( K const& key, Compare cmp, Func func, node_type * pParent, node_type * pNode, version_type nVersion, rcu_disposer& disp )
- {
- assert( gc::is_locked() );
- assert( nVersion != node_type::unlinked );
- int nCmp = cmp( key, pNode->m_key );
- if ( nCmp == 0 )
- return try_remove_node( pParent, pNode, nVersion, func, disp );
- while ( true ) {
- int result;
- node_type * pChild = child( pNode, nCmp );
- if ( pNode->version(memory_model::memory_order_acquire) != nVersion )
- return update_flags::retry;
- if ( pChild == nullptr )
- return update_flags::failed;
- else {
- // update child
- result = update_flags::retry;
- version_type nChildVersion = pChild->version( memory_model::memory_order_acquire );
- if ( nChildVersion & node_type::shrinking ) {
- m_stat.onRemoveWaitShrinking();
- pChild->template wait_until_shrink_completed<back_off>( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
- // retry
- }
- else if ( pChild == child( pNode, nCmp )) {
- // this second read is important, because it is protected by nChildVersion
- // validate the read that our caller took to get to node
- if ( pNode->version( memory_model::memory_order_acquire ) != nVersion )
- return update_flags::retry;
- // At this point we know that the traversal our parent took to get to node is still valid.
- // The recursive implementation will validate the traversal from node to
- // child, so just prior to the node nVersion validation both traversals were definitely okay.
- // This means that we are no longer vulnerable to node shrinks, and we don't need
- // to validate node version any more.
- result = try_remove( key, cmp, func, pNode, pChild, nChildVersion, disp );
- }
- else
- result = update_flags::retry;
- }
- if ( result == update_flags::retry ) {
- if ( pNode->version( memory_model::memory_order_acquire ) != nVersion )
- return update_flags::retry;
- m_stat.onRemoveRetry();
- }
- else
- return result;
- }
- }
template <typename Func>
int try_extract_minmax( int nDir, Func func, node_type * pParent, node_type * pNode, version_type nVersion, rcu_disposer& disp )
return update_flags::retry;
-#if 0
- template <typename Func>
- int try_extract_minmax( int nDir, Func func, node_type * pParent, node_type * pNode, version_type nVersion, rcu_disposer& disp )
- {
- assert( gc::is_locked() );
- assert( nVersion != node_type::unlinked );
- while ( true ) {
- int result;
- node_type * pChild = child( pNode, nDir );
- if ( pNode->version(memory_model::memory_order_acquire) != nVersion )
- return update_flags::retry;
- if ( pChild == nullptr ) {
- // Found min/max
- assert(pNode->is_valued( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed ));
- return try_remove_node( pParent, pNode, nVersion, func, disp );
- }
- else {
- //result = update_flags::retry;
- version_type nChildVersion = pChild->version( memory_model::memory_order_acquire );
- if ( nChildVersion & node_type::shrinking ) {
- m_stat.onRemoveWaitShrinking();
- pChild->template wait_until_shrink_completed<back_off>( memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
- // retry
- result = update_flags::retry;
- }
- else if ( pChild == child( pNode, nDir )) {
- // this second read is important, because it is protected by nChildVersion
- // validate the read that our caller took to get to node
- if ( pNode->version( memory_model::memory_order_acquire ) != nVersion )
- return update_flags::retry;
- // At this point we know that the traversal our parent took to get to node is still valid.
- // The recursive implementation will validate the traversal from node to
- // child, so just prior to the node nVersion validation both traversals were definitely okay.
- // This means that we are no longer vulnerable to node shrinks, and we don't need
- // to validate node version any more.
- result = try_extract_minmax( nDir, func, pNode, pChild, nChildVersion, disp );
- }
- else
- result = update_flags::retry;
- }
- if ( result == update_flags::retry ) {
- if ( pNode->version( memory_model::memory_order_acquire ) != nVersion )
- return update_flags::retry;
- m_stat.onRemoveRetry();
- }
- else
- return result;
- }
- }
template <typename K, typename Func>
int try_insert_node( K const& key, Func funcUpdate, node_type * pNode, int nDir, version_type nVersion, rcu_disposer& disp )