//remember where to copy page back to
//set protection to read/write
- mprotect( addr, sizeof(struct SnapShotPage), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE );
+ if (mprotect( addr, sizeof(struct SnapShotPage), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE )) {
+ perror("mprotect");
+ // Handle error by quitting?
+ }
#endif //nothing to handle for non snapshotting case.
for(unsigned int region=0; region<snapshotrecord->lastRegion;region++) {
if( mprotect(snapshotrecord->regionsToSnapShot[region].basePtr, snapshotrecord->regionsToSnapShot[region].sizeInPages*sizeof(struct SnapShotPage), PROT_READ ) == -1 ){
+ perror("mprotect");
printf("Failed to mprotect inside of takeSnapShot\n");
std::map< void *, bool, std::less< void * >, MyAlloc< std::pair< const void *, bool > > > duplicateMap;
for(unsigned int region=0; region<snapshotrecord->lastRegion;region++) {
if( mprotect(snapshotrecord->regionsToSnapShot[region].basePtr, snapshotrecord->regionsToSnapShot[region].sizeInPages*sizeof(struct SnapShotPage), PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE ) == -1 ){
+ perror("mprotect");
printf("Failed to mprotect inside of takeSnapShot\n");