+++ /dev/null
-#include "SimpleHash.h"
-#include <stdio.h>
-/* LINKED HASH NODE ****************************************************/
-struct LinkedHashNode * allocateLinkedHashNode(int key, int data, struct LinkedHashNode *next) {
- struct LinkedHashNode *thisvar=(struct LinkedHashNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct LinkedHashNode));
- thisvar->key = key;
- thisvar->data = data;
- thisvar->next = next;
- thisvar->lnext=0;
- thisvar->lprev=0;
- return thisvar;
-struct LinkedHashNode * noargallocateLinkedHashNode() {
- struct LinkedHashNode *thisvar=(struct LinkedHashNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct LinkedHashNode));
- thisvar->key = -1;
- thisvar->data = -1;
- thisvar->next = 0;
- thisvar->lnext=0;
- thisvar->lprev=0;
- return thisvar;
-/* SIMPLE LIST ****************************************************/
-struct SimpleList * allocateSimpleList() {
- struct SimpleList *thisvar=(struct SimpleList *)malloc(sizeof(struct SimpleList));
- thisvar->ptr = 0;
- thisvar->head.next = 0;
- return thisvar;
-void SimpleListreset(struct SimpleList *thisvar) {
- thisvar->ptr = &thisvar->head;
-int SimpleListhasMoreElements(struct SimpleList *thisvar) {
- return (thisvar->ptr->next != 0);
-int SimpleListnextElement(struct SimpleList *thisvar) {
- thisvar->ptr = thisvar->ptr->next;
- return thisvar->ptr->data;
-void SimpleListadd(struct SimpleList *thisvar,int data) {
- struct LinkedHashNode *cur = &thisvar->head;
- while (cur->next) {
- cur = cur->next;
- if (cur->data == data) {
- return; /* no duplicates */
- }
- }
- cur->next = allocateLinkedHashNode(0, data, 0);
- return;
-int SimpleListcontains(struct SimpleList *thisvar,int data) {
- struct LinkedHashNode *cur = &thisvar->head;
- while (cur->next) {
- cur = cur->next;
- if (cur->data == data) {
- return 1; /* found! */
- }
- }
- return 0;
-/* WORK LIST ****************************************************/
-struct WorkList * allocateWorkList() {
- struct WorkList *thisvar=(struct WorkList *)malloc(sizeof(struct WorkList));
- thisvar->head=(struct ListNode *) malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
- thisvar->tail=thisvar->head;
- thisvar->head->next=0;
- thisvar->headoffset=0;
- thisvar->tailoffset=0;
- return thisvar;
-void WorkListreset(struct WorkList *thisvar) {
- thisvar->head=thisvar->tail;
- thisvar->headoffset=0;
- thisvar->tailoffset=0;
-int WorkListhasMoreElements(struct WorkList *thisvar) {
- return ((thisvar->head!=thisvar->tail)||(thisvar->headoffset!=thisvar->tailoffset));
-int WorkListgetid(struct WorkList *thisvar) {
- return thisvar->tail->data[thisvar->tailoffset];
-int WorkListgettype(struct WorkList *thisvar) {
- return thisvar->tail->data[thisvar->tailoffset+1];
-int WorkListgetlvalue(struct WorkList *thisvar) {
- return thisvar->tail->data[thisvar->tailoffset+2];
-int WorkListgetrvalue(struct WorkList *thisvar) {
- return thisvar->tail->data[thisvar->tailoffset+3];
-void freeWorkList(struct WorkList *thisvar) {
- struct ListNode *ptr=thisvar->tail;
- while(ptr) {
- struct ListNode *oldptr=ptr;
- ptr=ptr->next;
- free(oldptr);
- }
- free(thisvar);
-void WorkListpop(struct WorkList *thisvar) {
- int newoffset=thisvar->tailoffset+4;
- struct ListNode *ptr=thisvar->tail;
- if (newoffset>=WLISTSIZE) {
- if (newoffset!=WLISTSIZE||thisvar->head!=thisvar->tail) {
- struct ListNode *oldptr=ptr;
- newoffset-=WLISTSIZE;
- ptr=ptr->next;
- free(oldptr);
- }
- }
- thisvar->tail=ptr;
- thisvar->tailoffset=newoffset;
-void WorkListadd(struct WorkList *thisvar, int id,int type, int lvalue, int rvalue) {
- if (thisvar->headoffset==WLISTSIZE) {
- if (thisvar->head->next==0) {
- thisvar->head->next=(struct ListNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode));
- thisvar->head->next->next=0;
- }
- thisvar->headoffset=0;
- thisvar->head=thisvar->head->next;
- if (thisvar->tailoffset==WLISTSIZE) { /* roll the tail over also */
- thisvar->tailoffset=0;
- thisvar->tail=thisvar->tail->next;
- }
- }
- thisvar->head->data[thisvar->headoffset++]=id;
- thisvar->head->data[thisvar->headoffset++]=type;
- thisvar->head->data[thisvar->headoffset++]=lvalue;
- thisvar->head->data[thisvar->headoffset++]=rvalue;
-/* SIMPLE HASH ********************************************************/
-struct SimpleIterator* createiterator(struct SimpleHash * thisvar) {
- return allocateSimpleIterator(thisvar->listhead,thisvar->listtail,thisvar->tailindex/*,thisvar*/);
-void iterator(struct SimpleHash *thisvar, struct SimpleIterator * it) {
- it->cur=thisvar->listhead;
- it->index=0;
- it->tailindex=thisvar->tailindex;
- it->tail=thisvar->listtail;
-struct SimpleHash * noargallocateSimpleHash() {
- return allocateSimpleHash(100);
-struct SimpleHash * allocateSimpleHash(int size) {
- struct SimpleHash *thisvar=(struct SimpleHash *)malloc(sizeof(struct SimpleHash));
- if (size <= 0) {
- printf("Negative Hashtable size Exception\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- thisvar->size = size;
- thisvar->bucket = (struct SimpleNode **) calloc(sizeof(struct SimpleNode *)*size,1);
- /* Set allocation blocks*/
- thisvar->listhead=(struct ArraySimple *) calloc(sizeof(struct ArraySimple),1);
- thisvar->listtail=thisvar->listhead;
- thisvar->tailindex=0;
- /*Set data counts*/
- thisvar->numparents = 0;
- thisvar->numchildren = 0;
- thisvar->numelements = 0;
- return thisvar;
-void freeSimpleHash(struct SimpleHash *thisvar) {
- struct ArraySimple *ptr=thisvar->listhead;
- free(thisvar->bucket);
- while(ptr) {
- struct ArraySimple *next=ptr->nextarray;
- free(ptr);
- ptr=next;
- }
- free(thisvar);
-int SimpleHashfirstkey(struct SimpleHash *thisvar) {
- struct ArraySimple *ptr=thisvar->listhead;
- int index=0;
- while((index==ARRAYSIZE)||!ptr->nodes[index].inuse) {
- if (index==ARRAYSIZE) {
- index=0;
- ptr=ptr->nextarray;
- } else
- index++;
- }
- return ptr->nodes[index].key;
-void SimpleHashaddParent(struct SimpleHash *thisvar,struct SimpleHash* parent) {
- thisvar->parents[thisvar->numparents++] = parent;
- SimpleHashaddChild(parent,thisvar);
-void SimpleHashaddChild(struct SimpleHash *thisvar, struct SimpleHash *child) {
- thisvar->children[thisvar->numchildren++]=child;
-int SimpleHashremove(struct SimpleHash *thisvar, int key, int data) {
- unsigned int hashkey = (unsigned int)key % thisvar->size;
- struct SimpleNode **ptr = &thisvar->bucket[hashkey];
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < thisvar->numchildren; i++) {
- SimpleHashremove(thisvar->children[i], key, data);
- }
- while (*ptr) {
- if ((*ptr)->key == key && (*ptr)->data == data) {
- struct SimpleNode *toremove=*ptr;
- *ptr=(*ptr)->next;
- toremove->inuse=0; /* Marked as unused */
- thisvar->numelements--;
- return 1;
- }
- ptr = &((*ptr)->next);
- }
- return 0;
-void SimpleHashaddAll(struct SimpleHash *thisvar, struct SimpleHash * set) {
- struct SimpleIterator it;
- SimpleHashiterator(set, &it);
- while(hasNext(&it)) {
- int keyv=key(&it);
- int data=next(&it);
- SimpleHashadd(thisvar,keyv,data);
- }
-int SimpleHashadd(struct SimpleHash * thisvar,int key, int data) {
- /* Rehash code */
- unsigned int hashkey;
- struct SimpleNode **ptr;
- if (thisvar->numelements>=thisvar->size) {
- int newsize=2*thisvar->size+1;
- struct SimpleNode ** newbucket = (struct SimpleNode **) calloc(sizeof(struct SimpleNode *)*newsize,1);
- int i;
- for(i=thisvar->size-1;i>=0;i--) {
- struct SimpleNode *ptr;
- for(ptr=thisvar->bucket[i];ptr!=NULL;) {
- struct SimpleNode * nextptr=ptr->next;
- unsigned int newhashkey=(unsigned int)ptr->key % newsize;
- ptr->next=newbucket[newhashkey];
- newbucket[newhashkey]=ptr;
- ptr=nextptr;
- }
- }
- thisvar->size=newsize;
- free(thisvar->bucket);
- thisvar->bucket=newbucket;
- }
- hashkey = (unsigned int)key % thisvar->size;
- ptr = &thisvar->bucket[hashkey];
- /* check that thisvar key/object pair isn't already here */
- /* TBD can be optimized for set v. relation */
- while (*ptr) {
- if ((*ptr)->key == key && (*ptr)->data == data) {
- return 0;
- }
- ptr = &((*ptr)->next);
- }
- if (thisvar->tailindex==ARRAYSIZE) {
- thisvar->listtail->nextarray=(struct ArraySimple *) calloc(sizeof(struct ArraySimple),1);
- thisvar->tailindex=0;
- thisvar->listtail=thisvar->listtail->nextarray;
- }
- *ptr = &thisvar->listtail->nodes[thisvar->tailindex++];
- (*ptr)->key=key;
- (*ptr)->data=data;
- (*ptr)->inuse=1;
- thisvar->numelements++;
- {
- int i;
- for (i = 0; i < thisvar->numparents; i++) {
- SimpleHashadd(thisvar->parents[i], key, data);
- }
- }
- return 1;
-bool SimpleHashcontainskey(struct SimpleHash *thisvar,int key) {
- unsigned int hashkey = (unsigned int)key % thisvar->size;
- struct SimpleNode *ptr = thisvar->bucket[hashkey];
- while (ptr) {
- if (ptr->key == key) {
- /* we already have thisvar object
- stored in the hash so just return */
- return true;
- }
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- return false;
-bool SimpleHashcontainskeydata(struct SimpleHash *thisvar, int key, int data) {
- unsigned int hashkey = (unsigned int)key % thisvar->size;
- struct SimpleNode *ptr = thisvar->bucket[hashkey];
- while (ptr) {
- if (ptr->key == key && ptr->data == data) {
- /* we already have thisvar object
- stored in the hash so just return*/
- return true;
- }
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- return false;
-int SimpleHashcount(struct SimpleHash *thisvar,int key) {
- unsigned int hashkey = (unsigned int)key % thisvar->size;
- int count = 0;
- struct SimpleNode *ptr = thisvar->bucket[hashkey];
- while (ptr) {
- if (ptr->key == key) {
- count++;
- }
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- return count;
-struct SimpleHash * SimpleHashimageSet(struct SimpleHash *thisvar, int key) {
- struct SimpleHash * newset=allocateSimpleHash(2*SimpleHashcount(thisvar,key)+4);
- unsigned int hashkey = (unsigned int)key % thisvar->size;
- struct SimpleNode *ptr = thisvar->bucket[hashkey];
- while (ptr) {
- if (ptr->key == key) {
- SimpleHashadd(newset,ptr->data,ptr->data);
- }
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- return newset;
-int SimpleHashget(struct SimpleHash *thisvar, int key, int *data) {
- unsigned int hashkey = (unsigned int)key % thisvar->size;
- struct SimpleNode *ptr = thisvar->bucket[hashkey];
- while (ptr) {
- if (ptr->key == key) {
- *data = ptr->data;
- return 1; /* success */
- }
- ptr = ptr->next;
- }
- return 0; /* failure */
-int SimpleHashcountdata(struct SimpleHash *thisvar,int data) {
- int count = 0;
- struct ArraySimple *ptr = thisvar->listhead;
- while(ptr) {
- if (ptr->nextarray) {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<ARRAYSIZE;i++)
- if (ptr->nodes[i].data == data
- &&ptr->nodes[i].inuse) {
- count++;
- }
- } else {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<thisvar->tailindex;i++)
- if (ptr->nodes[i].data == data
- &&ptr->nodes[i].inuse) {
- count++;
- }
- }
- ptr = ptr->nextarray;
- }
- return count;
-struct RepairHashNode * allocateRepairHashNode(int setrelation, int rule, int lvalue, int rvalue, int data, int data2, int ismodify){
- struct RepairHashNode * thisvar=(struct RepairHashNode *)malloc(sizeof(struct RepairHashNode));
- thisvar->setrelation = setrelation;
- thisvar->lvalue=lvalue;
- thisvar->rvalue=rvalue;
- thisvar->data = data;
- thisvar->data2 = data2;
- thisvar->next = 0;
- thisvar->lnext=0;
- thisvar->rule=rule;
- thisvar->ismodify=ismodify;
- return thisvar;
-struct RepairHash * allocateRepairHash(int size) {
- struct RepairHash *thisvar=(struct RepairHash*)malloc(sizeof(struct RepairHash));
- if (size <= 0) {
- printf("Negative size for RepairHash\n");
- exit(-1);
- }
- thisvar->size = size;
- thisvar->bucket = (struct RepairHashNode **) calloc(1,sizeof(struct RepairHashNode*)*size);
- thisvar->nodelist=0;
- thisvar->numelements = 0;
- return thisvar;
-#define REPAIRSIZE 100
-struct RepairHash * noargallocateRepairHash() {
- return allocateRepairHash(REPAIRSIZE);
-void freeRepairHash(struct RepairHash *thisvar) {
- struct RepairHashNode *ptr=thisvar->nodelist;
- free(thisvar->bucket);
- while(ptr) {
- struct RepairHashNode *next=ptr->lnext;
- free(ptr);
- ptr=next;
- }
- free(thisvar);
-#define SETFLAG (1<<31)
-int addset(struct RepairHash *thisvar, int setv, int rule, int value, int data) {
- return addrelation(thisvar, setv||SETFLAG, rule, value,0,data);
-int addrelation(struct RepairHash *thisvar, int relation, int rule, int lvalue, int rvalue, int data) {
- unsigned int hashkey = ((unsigned int)(relation ^ rule ^ lvalue ^ rvalue)) % thisvar->size;
- struct RepairHashNode **ptr = &thisvar->bucket[hashkey];
- /* check that thisvar key/object pair isn't already here */
- /* TBD can be optimized for set v. relation */
- while (*ptr) {
- if ((*ptr)->setrelation == relation &&
- (*ptr)->rule==rule &&
- (*ptr)->lvalue==lvalue &&
- (*ptr)->rvalue==rvalue &&
- (*ptr)->data == data&&
- (*ptr)->data2 == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- ptr = &((*ptr)->next);
- }
- *ptr = allocateRepairHashNode(relation,rule,lvalue,rvalue, data,0,0);
- (*ptr)->lnext=thisvar->nodelist;
- thisvar->nodelist=*ptr;
- thisvar->numelements++;
- return 1;
-int addrelation2(struct RepairHash *thisvar, int relation, int rule, int lvalue, int rvalue, int data, int data2) {
- unsigned int hashkey = ((unsigned int)(relation ^ rule ^ lvalue ^ rvalue)) % thisvar->size;
- struct RepairHashNode **ptr = &thisvar->bucket[hashkey];
- /* check that thisvar key/object pair isn't already here */
- /* TBD can be optimized for set v. relation */
- while (*ptr) {
- if ((*ptr)->setrelation == relation &&
- (*ptr)->rule==rule &&
- (*ptr)->lvalue==lvalue &&
- (*ptr)->rvalue==rvalue &&
- (*ptr)->data == data &&
- (*ptr)->data2 == data2) {
- return 0;
- }
- ptr = &((*ptr)->next);
- }
- *ptr = allocateRepairHashNode(relation,rule,lvalue,rvalue, data,data2,1);
- (*ptr)->lnext=thisvar->nodelist;
- thisvar->nodelist=*ptr;
- thisvar->numelements++;
- return 1;
-bool containsset(struct RepairHash *thisvar, int setv, int rule, int value) {
- return containsrelation(thisvar, setv||SETFLAG, rule, value,0);
-bool containsrelation(struct RepairHash *thisvar, int relation, int rule, int lvalue, int rvalue) {
- unsigned int hashkey = ((unsigned int)(relation ^ rule ^ lvalue ^ rvalue)) % thisvar->size;
- struct RepairHashNode **ptr = &thisvar->bucket[hashkey];
- /* check that thisvar key/object pair isn't already here */
- /* TBD can be optimized for set v. relation */
- while (*ptr) {
- if ((*ptr)->setrelation == relation &&
- (*ptr)->rule==rule &&
- (*ptr)->lvalue==lvalue &&
- (*ptr)->rvalue==rvalue) {
- return true;
- }
- ptr = &((*ptr)->next);
- }
- return false;
-int getset(struct RepairHash *thisvar, int setv, int rule, int value) {
- return getrelation(thisvar, setv||SETFLAG, rule, value,0);
-int ismodify(struct RepairHash *thisvar, int relation, int rule, int lvalue,int rvalue) {
- unsigned int hashkey = ((unsigned int)(relation ^ rule ^ lvalue ^ rvalue)) % thisvar->size;
- struct RepairHashNode **ptr = &thisvar->bucket[hashkey];
- /* check that thisvar key/object pair isn't already here */
- /* TBD can be optimized for set v. relation */
- while (*ptr) {
- if ((*ptr)->setrelation == relation &&
- (*ptr)->rule==rule &&
- (*ptr)->lvalue==lvalue &&
- (*ptr)->rvalue==rvalue) {
- return (*ptr)->ismodify;
- }
- ptr = &((*ptr)->next);
- }
- return 0;
-int getrelation2(struct RepairHash *thisvar, int relation, int rule, int lvalue,int rvalue) {
- unsigned int hashkey = ((unsigned int)(relation ^ rule ^ lvalue ^ rvalue)) % thisvar->size;
- struct RepairHashNode **ptr = &thisvar->bucket[hashkey];
- /* check that thisvar key/object pair isn't already here */
- /* TBD can be optimized for set v. relation */
- while (*ptr) {
- if ((*ptr)->setrelation == relation &&
- (*ptr)->rule==rule &&
- (*ptr)->lvalue==lvalue &&
- (*ptr)->rvalue==rvalue) {
- return (*ptr)->data2;
- }
- ptr = &((*ptr)->next);
- }
- return 0;
-int getrelation(struct RepairHash *thisvar, int relation, int rule, int lvalue,int rvalue) {
- unsigned int hashkey = ((unsigned int)(relation ^ rule ^ lvalue ^ rvalue)) % thisvar->size;
- struct RepairHashNode **ptr = &thisvar->bucket[hashkey];
- /* check that this key/object pair isn't already here */
- /* TBD can be optimized for set v. relation */
- while (*ptr) {
- if ((*ptr)->setrelation == relation &&
- (*ptr)->rule==rule &&
- (*ptr)->lvalue==lvalue &&
- (*ptr)->rvalue==rvalue) {
- return (*ptr)->data;
- }
- ptr = &((*ptr)->next);
- }
- return 0;
+++ /dev/null
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include "tmap.h"
-#include "size.h"
-#include "stack.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#define CHECKTYPE
-struct typemap * allocatetypemap() {
- struct typemap *thisvar=(struct typemap *) malloc(sizeof(struct typemap));
- thisvar->alloctree=rbinit();
- thisvar->typetree=rbinit();
- thisvar->low=GC_linux_stack_base();
-void freefunction(void *ptr) {
- if(ptr!=NULL) {
- free((struct structuremap *)ptr);
- }
-void freetypemap(struct typemap * ptr) {
- rbdestroy(ptr->typetree,freefunction);
- rbdestroy(ptr->alloctree,freefunction);
- free(ptr);
-void typemapreset(struct typemap *ptr) {
- rbdestroy(ptr->typetree,freefunction);
- ptr->typetree=rbinit();
- if (ptr->low<ptr->high)
- rbdelete(ptr->low,ptr->alloctree);
- else
- rbdelete(ptr->high,ptr->alloctree);
-void initializetypemapstack(struct typemap * ptr, void *high) {
- ptr->high=high;
- if (ptr->low<ptr->high)
- rbinsert(ptr->low,ptr->high,NULL,ptr->alloctree);
- else
- rbinsert(ptr->high,ptr->low,NULL,ptr->alloctree);
-struct structuremap * allocatestructuremap(int s) {
- struct structuremap *ptr=(struct structuremap *)malloc(sizeof(struct structuremap));
- ptr->str=s;
- ptr->typetree=rbinit();
- return ptr;
-void freestructuremap(struct structuremap *ptr) {
- rbdestroy(ptr->typetree,freefunction);
- free(ptr);
-bool typemapasserttype(struct typemap *thisvar, void *ptr, int s) {
- int toadd=sizeBytes(s);
- return typemapasserttypeB(thisvar, ptr,((char *) ptr)+toadd,s);
-bool typemapasserttypeB(struct typemap * thisvar, void *ptr, void *high, int s) {
- bool b=typemapchecktype(thisvar,true,ptr,s);
- if (!b) {
- printf("Assertion failure\n");
- {
- bool testb=typemapchecktype(thisvar,true,ptr,s);
- }
- }
- return b;
- return typemapassertvalidmemoryB(thisvar,ptr, high);
-bool typemapassertvalidmemory(struct typemap * thisvar, void* low, int s) {
- int toadd=sizeBytes(s);
- return typemapassertvalidmemoryB(thisvar, low,((char *)low)+toadd);
-bool typemapassertvalidmemoryB(struct typemap * thisvar, void* low, void* high) {
- return typemapcheckmemory(thisvar, low, high);
- return true;
-bool typemapistype(struct typemap *thisvar, void *ptr, void *high, int s) {
- bool b=typemapchecktype(thisvar, false,ptr,s);
- if (!b) {
- printf("Verify failure\n");
- {
- bool testb=typemapchecktype(thisvar, false,ptr,s);
- }
- }
- return b;
- return typemapassertvalidmemoryB(thisvar, ptr, high);
-void typemapallocate(struct typemap *thisvar,void *ptr, int size) {
- void *low=ptr;
- void *high=((char *)ptr)+size;
- int val=rbinsert(low,high,NULL,thisvar->alloctree);
- if (val==0)
- printf("Error\n");
-inline int sizeinbytes(unsigned int bits) {
- int bytes=bits>>3;
- if (bits %8)
- bytes++;
- return bytes;
-int typemapfindoffsetstructure(struct typemap * thisvar, int s, int offset) {
- int count=0;
- int i;
- int increment;
- for(i=0;i<getnumfields(s);i++) {
- int mult=1;
- int ttype=getfield(s,i);
- if (isArray(s,i)) {
- mult=numElements(s,i);
- }
- increment=size(ttype);
- if (increment%8) {
- int delt=offset-count;
- int byteincrement=increment/8;
- if (delt<mult*byteincrement) {
- if (delt%byteincrement==0) {
- return ttype;
- } else
- return -1;
- }
- } else {
- if ((count+sizeinbytes(mult*increment))>offset)
- return -1;
- }
- count+=sizeinbytes(mult*increment);
- }
- return -1;
-void typemapdeallocate(struct typemap * thisvar,void *ptr) {
- if (rbdelete(ptr,thisvar->alloctree)==NULL)
- printf("Freeing unallocated memory\n");
-bool typemapcheckmemory(struct typemap *thisvar, void* low, void* high) {
- struct pair allocp=rbfind(low,high,thisvar->alloctree);
- if (allocp.low == NULL) {
- return false;
- } else if ((allocp.low > low) || (allocp.high < high)) { /* make sure this block is used */
- return false;
- } else {
- return true;
- }
-bool typemapchecktype(struct typemap *thisvar, bool doaction,void *ptr, int structure) {
- int ssize=sizeBytes(structure);
- void *low=ptr;
- void *high=((char *)low)+ssize;
- struct pair allocp=rbfind(low,high,thisvar->alloctree);
- if (allocp.low==NULL)
- return false;
- if (allocp.low>low||allocp.high<high) /* make sure this block is used */
- return false;
- {
- struct pair typep=rbfind(low,high,thisvar->typetree);
- struct structuremap *smap=(struct structuremap *)rblookup(low,high,thisvar->typetree);
- if (typep.low==NULL) {
- if(!doaction)
- return true;
- {
- struct structuremap *sm=allocatestructuremap(structure);
- int flag=rbinsert(low, high, sm, thisvar->typetree);
- if (flag==0) {
- printf("Error in asserttype\n");
- return false;
- } else
- return true;
- }
- }
- return typemapchecktypeB(thisvar, doaction, low,high, structure, thisvar->typetree);
- }
-bool typemapchecktypeB(struct typemap *thisvar, bool doaction, void *low, void *high, int structure, struct rbtree *ttree) {
- struct pair typep=rbfind(low,high,ttree);
- struct structuremap *smap=(struct structuremap *)rblookup(low,high,ttree);
- if (typep.low==low&&typep.high==high) {
- /* Recast */
- if (issubtype(structure,smap->str)) {
- /* narrowing cast */
- if (!doaction)
- return true;
- smap->str=structure;
- return true;
- } else if (issubtype(smap->str,structure)) {
- /* widening cast */
- return true;
- } else
- return false; /* incompatible types */
- } else if (typep.low<=low&&typep.high>=high) {
- /* See if it matches up with structure inside typep */
- if (rbsearch(low,high,smap->typetree)) {
- /* recurse */
- return typemapchecktypeB(thisvar,doaction,low,high, structure, smap->typetree);
- } else {
- /* check to see if data lines up correctly */
- int offset=((char *)low)-((char *)typep.low);
- int st=typemapfindoffsetstructure(thisvar, smap->str,offset);
- if (st==-1)
- return false;
- if (issubtype(structure,st)) {
- if (!doaction)
- return true;
- {
- struct structuremap *newsm=allocatestructuremap(structure);
- int flag=rbinsert(low, high, newsm, smap->typetree);
- return (flag==1);
- }
- } else if (issubtype(st,structure)) {
- if (!doaction)
- return true;
- {
- struct structuremap *newsm=allocatestructuremap(st);
- int flag=rbinsert(low, high, newsm, smap->typetree);
- return (flag==1);
- }
- } else
- return false;
- }
- } else
- return false;