--- /dev/null
+/** Bamboo Version
+ * Ported by: Jin Zhou 11/18/10
+ * **/
+task t1(StartupObject s{initialstate}) {
+ //System.printString("task t1\n");
+ // make a shared array
+ //int kLongLivedTreeDepth = 12; // 256kb 16; // about 4Mb
+ //Helper helper = new Helper(kLongLivedTreeDepth);
+ int kArraySize = 1250;//0;//0; // 1Mb 500000; // about 4Mb
+ int array[] = new int[kArraySize];
+ for (int i = 0; i < kArraySize/2; ++i) {
+ array[i] = i;
+ }
+ int threadnum = 62; // 56;
+ for(int i = 0; i < threadnum; ++i) {
+ TestRunner gcb = newflag TestRunner(array/*helper.root*/){run};
+ }
+ taskexit(s{!initialstate});
+task t2(TestRunner gcb{run}) {
+ //System.printString("task t2\n");
+ gcb.run();
+ taskexit(gcb{!run});
+class Node {
+ public Node left, right;
+ public int i, j;
+ Node(Node l, Node r) { left = l; right = r; }
+ Node() { }
+public class Helper {
+ public Node root;
+ public Helper(int depth) {
+ root = MakeTree(depth);
+ }
+ Node MakeTree(int iDepth) {
+ if (iDepth<=0) {
+ return new Node();
+ } else {
+ return new Node(MakeTree(iDepth-1),
+ MakeTree(iDepth-1));
+ }
+ }
+public class TestRunner {
+ flag run;
+ public static final int kStretchTreeDepth;// = 18; // about 16Mb
+ public static final int kLongLivedTreeDepth;// = 16; // about 4Mb
+ public static final int kArraySize;// = 500000; // about 4Mb
+ public static final int kMinTreeDepth;// = 4;
+ public static final int kMaxTreeDepth;// = 16;
+ //Node sharedroot;
+ int[] sharedarray;
+ //public TestRunner(Node sroot) {
+ public TestRunner(int[] sarray) {
+ kStretchTreeDepth = 16;// 4Mb 18; // about 16Mb
+ kLongLivedTreeDepth = 14; // 1Mb 16; // about 4Mb
+ kArraySize = 250000; // 1Mb 500000; // about 4Mb
+ kMinTreeDepth = 4;
+ kMaxTreeDepth = 8;//14;
+ //this.sharedroot = sroot;
+ this.sharedarray = sarray;
+ }
+ // Nodes used by a tree of a given size
+ int TreeSize(int i) {
+ return ((1 << (i + 1)) - 1);
+ }
+ // Number of iterations to use for a given tree depth
+ int NumIters(int i) {
+ return 2 * TreeSize(kStretchTreeDepth) / TreeSize(i);
+ }
+ // Build tree top down, assigning to older objects.
+ void Populate(int iDepth, Node thisNode) {
+ if (iDepth<=0) {
+ return;
+ } else {
+ iDepth--;
+ thisNode.left = new Node();
+ thisNode.right = new Node();
+ Populate (iDepth, thisNode.left);
+ Populate (iDepth, thisNode.right);
+ }
+ }
+ // Build tree bottom-up
+ Node MakeTree(int iDepth) {
+ if (iDepth<=0) {
+ return new Node();
+ } else {
+ return new Node(MakeTree(iDepth-1),
+ MakeTree(iDepth-1));
+ }
+ }
+ void tc1(int depth) {
+ Node tempTree = new Node();
+ Populate(depth, tempTree);
+ tempTree = null;
+ }
+ void tc2(int depth) {
+ Node tempTree = MakeTree(depth);
+ tempTree = null;
+ }
+ void traverseTree(Node root, int depth) {
+ if(root == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int sum = root.i + root.j;
+ tc1(depth);
+ traverseTree(root.left, depth);
+ tc2(depth);
+ traverseTree(root.right, depth);
+ }
+ void tc3(int depth) {
+ // access the shared tree
+ //traverseTree(this.sharedroot, depth);
+ int sum = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < sharedarray.length; i++) {
+ tc1(depth);
+ sum += sharedarray[i];
+ //tc2(depth);
+ }
+ }
+ void TimeConstruction(int depth) {
+ Node root;
+ //long tStart, tFinish;
+ int iNumIters = NumIters(depth);
+ Node tempTree;
+ for (int i = 0; i < iNumIters; ++i) {
+ tc3(depth);
+ }
+ }
+ public void stretch() {
+ Node root;
+ Node longLivedTree;
+ Node tempTree;
+ // Stretch the memory space quickly
+ tempTree = MakeTree(kStretchTreeDepth);
+ tempTree = null;
+ }
+ public void run() {
+ Node root;
+ //Node longLivedTree;
+ // Stretch the memory space quickly
+ stretch();
+ // Create a long lived object
+ //longLivedTree = new Node();
+ //Populate(kLongLivedTreeDepth, longLivedTree);
+ // Create long-lived array, filling half of it
+ float array[] = new float[kArraySize];
+ for (int i = 0; i < kArraySize/2; ++i) {
+ array[i] = 1.0f/i;
+ }
+ for (int d = kMinTreeDepth; d <= kMaxTreeDepth; d += 2) {
+ TimeConstruction(0);
+ }
+ if (/*longLivedTree == null || */array[1000] != 1.0f/1000) {
+ //System.out.println("Failed");
+ System.printI(0xa0);
+ System.printI((int)(array[1000]*1000000));
+ }
+ // fake reference to LongLivedTree
+ // and array
+ // to keep them from being optimized away
+ }
+} // class JavaGC