--- /dev/null
+package Analysis.Locality;
+import IR.Flat.*;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import Analysis.CallGraph.CallGraph;
+import IR.State;
+import IR.TypeUtil;
+import IR.Operation;
+import IR.TypeDescriptor;
+import IR.MethodDescriptor;
+import IR.FieldDescriptor;
+public class TypeAnalysis {
+ /* This analysis is essentially a dataflow analysis.
+ */
+ LocalityAnalysis locality;
+ State state;
+ TypeUtil typeutil;
+ CallGraph cg;
+ Hashtable<TypeDescriptor, Set<TypeDescriptor>> map;
+ HashSet<TypeDescriptor> roottypes;
+ Hashtable<TypeDescriptor, Set<TypeDescriptor>> transmap;
+ Hashtable<TypeDescriptor, Set<TypeDescriptor>> namemap;
+ public TypeAnalysis(LocalityAnalysis locality, State state, TypeUtil typeutil, CallGraph cg) {
+ this.state=state;
+ this.locality=locality;
+ this.typeutil=typeutil;
+ this.cg=cg;
+ map=new Hashtable<TypeDescriptor, Set<TypeDescriptor>>();
+ transmap=new Hashtable<TypeDescriptor, Set<TypeDescriptor>>();
+ namemap=new Hashtable<TypeDescriptor, Set<TypeDescriptor>>();
+ roottypes=new HashSet<TypeDescriptor>();
+ doAnalysis();
+ }
+ /* We use locality bindings to get calleable methods. This could be
+ * changed to use the callgraph starting from the main method. */
+ void doAnalysis() {
+ Set<LocalityBinding> localityset=locality.getLocalityBindings();
+ for(Iterator<LocalityBinding> lb=localityset.iterator();lb.hasNext();) {
+ computeTypes(lb.next().getMethod());
+ }
+ computeTrans();
+ computeOtherNames();
+ }
+ void computeOtherNames() {
+ for(Iterator<TypeDescriptor> it=transmap.keySet().iterator();it.hasNext();) {
+ TypeDescriptor td=it.next();
+ Set<TypeDescriptor> set=transmap.get(td);
+ for(Iterator<TypeDescriptor> it2=set.iterator();it2.hasNext();) {
+ TypeDescriptor type=it2.next();
+ if (!namemap.containsKey(type))
+ namemap.put(type, new HashSet<TypeDescriptor>());
+ namemap.get(type).addAll(set);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void computeTrans() {
+ //Idea: for each type we want to know all of the possible types it could be called
+ for(Iterator<TypeDescriptor> it=roottypes.iterator();it.hasNext();) {
+ TypeDescriptor td=it.next();
+ HashSet<TypeDescriptor> tovisit=new HashSet<TypeDescriptor>();
+ transmap.put(td, new HashSet<TypeDescriptor>());
+ tovisit.add(td);
+ transmap.get(td).add(td);
+ while(!tovisit.isEmpty()) {
+ TypeDescriptor type=tovisit.iterator().next();
+ tovisit.remove(type);
+ //Is type a supertype of td...if not skip along
+ if (!typeutil.isSuperorType(type,td))
+ continue;
+ //Check if we have seen it before
+ if (!transmap.get(td).contains(type)) {
+ //If not, add to set and continue processing
+ transmap.get(td).add(type);
+ tovisit.add(type);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public Set<TypeDescriptor> expand(TypeDescriptor td) {
+ return namemap.get(td);
+ }
+ public void addMapping(TypeDescriptor src, TypeDescriptor dst) {
+ if (!map.containsKey(src))
+ map.put(src, new HashSet<TypeDescriptor>());
+ map.get(src).add(dst);
+ }
+ void computeTypes(MethodDescriptor md) {
+ FlatMethod fm=state.getMethodFlat(md);
+ for(Iterator<FlatNode> fnit=fm.getNodeSet().iterator();fnit.hasNext();) {
+ FlatNode fn=fnit.next();
+ switch(fn.kind()) {
+ case FKind.FlatOpNode: {
+ FlatOpNode fon=(FlatOpNode)fn;
+ if(fon.getOp().getOp()==Operation.ASSIGN) {
+ addMapping(fon.getLeft().getType(),fon.getDest().getType());
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case FKind.FlatNew: {
+ FlatNew fnew=(FlatNew)fn;
+ roottypes.add(fnew.getType());
+ break;
+ }
+ case FKind.FlatCastNode: {
+ FlatCastNode fcn=(FlatCastNode)fn;
+ addMapping(fcn.getSrc().getType(), fcn.getDst().getType());
+ break;
+ }
+ case FKind.FlatFieldNode: {
+ FlatFieldNode ffn=(FlatFieldNode)fn;
+ addMapping(ffn.getField().getType(), ffn.getDst().getType());
+ break;
+ }
+ case FKind.FlatSetFieldNode: {
+ FlatSetFieldNode fsfn=(FlatSetFieldNode) fn;
+ addMapping(fsfn.getSrc().getType(), fsfn.getField().getType());
+ break;
+ }
+ case FKind.FlatElementNode: {
+ FlatElementNode fen=(FlatElementNode)fn;
+ addMapping(fen.getSrc().getType().dereference(), fen.getDst().getType());
+ break;
+ }
+ case FKind.FlatSetElementNode: {
+ FlatSetElementNode fsen=(FlatSetElementNode)fn;
+ addMapping(fsen.getSrc().getType(), fsen.getDst().getType().dereference());
+ break;
+ }
+ case FKind.FlatCall: {
+ FlatCall fc=(FlatCall)fn;
+ if (fc.getReturnTemp()!=null) {
+ addMapping(fc.getMethod().getReturnType(), fc.getReturnTemp().getType());
+ }
+ if (fc.getThis()!=null) {
+ //complicated...need to deal with virtual dispatch here
+ MethodDescriptor callmd=fc.getMethod();
+ Set methods=cg.getMethods(callmd);
+ for(Iterator mdit=methods.iterator();mdit.hasNext();) {
+ MethodDescriptor md2=(MethodDescriptor)mdit.next();
+ if (fc.getThis()!=null) {
+ TypeDescriptor ttype=new TypeDescriptor(md2.getClassDesc());
+ if (!typeutil.isSuperorType(fc.getThis().getType(),ttype)&&
+ !typeutil.isSuperorType(ttype,fc.getThis().getType()))
+ continue;
+ addMapping(fc.getThis().getType(), ttype);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i=0;i<fc.numArgs();i++) {
+ TempDescriptor arg=fc.getArg(i);
+ TypeDescriptor ptype=md.getParamType(i);
+ addMapping(arg.getType(), ptype);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ //both inputs and output
+ case FKind.FlatReturnNode: {
+ FlatReturnNode frn=(FlatReturnNode) fn;
+ if (frn.getReturnTemp()!=null)
+ addMapping(frn.getReturnTemp().getType(), md.getReturnType());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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