+++ /dev/null
-Script that takes a file (output by wireshark/tshark, in JSON format) with DNS traffic
-and constructs a map (dictionary) in which a hostname points to a set that contains the
-IP addresses that is associated with that hostname.
-import sys
-import json
-from collections import defaultdict
-from decimal import *
-ROUTER_MAC = "b0:b9:8a:73:69:8e"
-JSON_KEY_SOURCE = "_source"
-JSON_KEY_LAYERS = "layers"
-JSON_KEY_DNS = "dns"
-JSON_KEY_DNS_RESP_TYPE = "dns.resp.type"
-JSON_KEY_DNS_A = "dns.a" # Key for retrieving IP. 'a' for type A DNS record.
-JSON_KEY_DNS_RESP_NAME = "dns.resp.name"
-JSON_KEY_DNS_CNAME = "dns.cname"
-JSON_KEY_ETH = "eth"
-JSON_KEY_ETH_DST = "eth.dst"
-JSON_KEY_FRAME = "frame"
-JSON_KEY_FRAME_TIME_EPOCH = "frame.time_epoch"
-def main():
- if len(sys.argv) < 2:
- print "Usage: python", sys.argv[0], "input_file"
- return
- mac_to_ddm = parse_json_dns(sys.argv[1])
- for mac in mac_to_ddm:
- ddm = mac_to_ddm[mac]
- ddm.print_mappings()
- # maps_tuple = parse_json_dns(sys.argv[1])
- # # print hostname to ip map
- # hn_ip_map = maps_tuple[0]
- # for hn in hn_ip_map.keys():
- # print "====================================================================="
- # print hn, "maps to:"
- # for ip in hn_ip_map[hn]:
- # print " -", ip
- # print "====================================================================="
- # print " "
- # # print ip to hostname map
- # ip_hn_map = maps_tuple[1]
- # for ip in ip_hn_map.keys():
- # print "====================================================================="
- # print ip, "maps to:"
- # for hn in ip_hn_map[ip]:
- # print " -", hn
- # print "====================================================================="
-class DeviceDNSMap:
- def __init__(self, mac_address):
- # MAC address of device
- self.mac = mac_address
- # Maps an external IP to a list of (timestamp,hostname) tuples.
- # Entries in the list should be interpreted as follows:
- # the timestamp indicates WHEN this device mapped the given ip (key in dict) to the hostname.
- self.ip_mappings = defaultdict(list)
- def hostname_for_ip_at_time(self, ip, timestamp):
- # Does device have a mapping for the given IP?
- if not ip in self.ip_mappings:
- return None
- if not self.ip_mappings[ip]:
- # If list of (timestamp,hostname) tuples is empty, there is no mapping to report.
- return None
- # Best fit mapping: the mapping immediately BEFORE timestamp parameter.
- # Start with random pick (element 0).
- best_fit = self.ip_mappings[ip][0]
- for t in self.ip_mappings[ip]:
- # t is a (timestamp,hostname) tuple
- if t[0] < timestamp and t[0] > best_fit[0]:
- # t is a better fit if it happened BEFORE the input timestamp
- # and is LATER than the current best_fit
- best_fit = t
- # return the matching hostname
- return best_fit[1]
- def add_mapping(self, ip, timestamp_hostname_tuple):
- self.ip_mappings[ip].append(timestamp_hostname_tuple)
- def print_mappings(self):
- count = 0
- print "### Mappings for MAC = ", self.mac, "###"
- for ip in self.ip_mappings:
- print "--- IP ", ip, " maps to: ---"
- for t in self.ip_mappings[ip]:
- print t[1], "at epoch time =", t[0]
- count += 1
- print "### Total of", count, "mappings for", self.mac, "###"
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Define eq and hash such that instances of the class can be used as keys in dictionaries.
- # Equality is based on MAC as a MAC uniquely identifies the device.
- def __eq__(self, another):
- return hasattr(another, 'mac') and self.mac == another.mac
- def __hash__(self):
- return hash(self.data)
- # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-def parse_json_dns(file_path):
- # Our end output: dictionary of MAC addresses with DeviceDNSMaps as values.
- # Each DeviceDNSMap contains DNS lookups performed by the device with the corresponding MAC.
- result = defaultdict()
- with open(file_path) as jf:
- # Read JSON.
- # data becomes reference to root JSON object (or in our case json array)
- data = json.load(jf)
- # Loop through json objects in data
- # Each entry is a pcap entry (request/response (packet) and associated metadata)
- for p in data:
- # p is a JSON object, not an index
- # Drill down to DNS part: _source->layers->dns
- dns = layers.get(JSON_KEY_DNS, None)
- # Skip any non DNS traffic
- if dns is None:
- print "[ WARNING: Non DNS traffic ]"
- continue
- # We only care about DNS responses as these also contain a copy of the query that they answer
- answers = dns.get(JSON_KEY_ANSWERS, None)
- if answers is None:
- continue
- ## Now that we know that it is an answer, the queries should also be available.
- queries = dns.get(JSON_KEY_QUERIES)
- if len(queries.keys()) > 1:
- # Unclear if script will behave correctly for DNS lookups with multiple queries
- print "[ WARNING: Multi query DNS lookup ]"
- # Get ethernet information for identifying the device performing the DNS lookup.
- eth = layers.get(JSON_KEY_ETH, None)
- if eth is None:
- print "[ WARNING: eth data not found ]"
- continue
- # As this is a response to a DNS query, the IoT device is the destination.
- # Get the device MAC of that device.
- device_mac = eth.get(JSON_KEY_ETH_DST, None)
- if device_mac is None:
- print "[ WARNING: eth.dst data not found ]"
- continue
- # Get the router's timestamp for this packet
- # so that we can mark when the DNS mapping occurred
- timestamp = Decimal(layers[JSON_KEY_FRAME][JSON_KEY_FRAME_TIME_EPOCH])
- for ak in answers.keys():
- a = answers[ak]
- # We are looking for type A records as these are the ones that contain the IP.
- # Type A == type 1
- if a[JSON_KEY_DNS_RESP_TYPE] == "1":
- # get the IP
- ip = a[JSON_KEY_DNS_A]
- # The answer may be the canonical name.
- # Now trace back the answer stack, looking for any higher level aliases.
- hostname = find_alias_hostname(answers, a[JSON_KEY_DNS_RESP_NAME])
- # Create the tuple that indicates WHEN the ip to hostname mapping occurred
- timestamp_hostname_tuple = (timestamp,hostname)
- if device_mac in result:
- # If we already have DNS data for the device with this MAC:
- # Add the mapping to the DeviceDNSMap that is already present in the dict.
- result[device_mac].add_mapping(ip, timestamp_hostname_tuple)
- else:
- # No DNS data for this device yet:
- # Create a new DeviceDNSMap, add the mapping, and at it to the dict.
- ddm = DeviceDNSMap(device_mac)
- ddm.add_mapping(ip, timestamp_hostname_tuple)
- result[device_mac] = ddm
- return result
-# Recursively traverse set of answers trying to find the top most alias for a canonical name
-def find_alias_hostname(answers, hostname):
- for ak in answers.keys():
- a = answers[ak]
- cname = a.get(JSON_KEY_DNS_CNAME, None)
- # We only care about type=CNAME records
- if cname is None:
- continue
- if cname == hostname:
- # Located the right answer, perform recursive search for higher level aliases.
- return find_alias_hostname(answers, a[JSON_KEY_DNS_RESP_NAME])
- return hostname
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
-# ================================================================================================
-# Notes/brainstorming how to do ip to host mappings.
-# Maps IPs to hostnames. Uses a dictionary of dictionaries.
-# IP lookup in the outer dictionary returns a dictionary that has hostnames as keys.
-# Looking up a hostname in the inner dictionary returns a set of timestamps.
-# Each timestamp indicate the time at which the IP<->hostname mapping was determined by a DNS query.
-# Note that the keyset of the inner dictionary will be of size 1 in most cases.
-# When this is the case, the value (the set of timestamps) can be ignored.
-# The values are only relevant when one IP maps to more than 1 hostname.
-# When this the case, the timestamps must be considered to find the most recent mapping.
-# ip_host_mappings = defaultdict(defaultdict(set))
-# ================================================================================================
\ No newline at end of file
+++ /dev/null
-Script that takes a file (output by wireshark/tshark, in JSON format) and analyze
-the traffic frequency of a certain device at a certain time.
-import sys
-import json
-from collections import defaultdict
-from dateutil import parser
-JSON_KEY_SOURCE = "_source"
-JSON_KEY_LAYERS = "layers"
-JSON_KEY_ETH = "eth"
-JSON_KEY_ETH_DST = "eth.dst"
-JSON_KEY_ETH_SRC = "eth.src"
-JSON_KEY_FRAME = "frame"
-JSON_KEY_FRAME_TIME = "frame.time"
-def save_to_file(tbl_header, dictionary, filename_out):
- """ Show summary of statistics of PCAP file
- Args:
- tbl_header: header for the saved table
- dictionary: dictionary to be saved
- filename_out: file name to save
- """
- # Appending, not overwriting!
- f = open(filename_out, 'a')
- # Write the table header
- f.write("\n\n" + str(tbl_header) + "\n");
- # Iterate over dictionary and write (key, value) pairs
- #for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
- for key in sorted(dictionary):
- f.write(str(key) + ", " + str(dictionary[key]) + "\n")
- f.close()
- print "Writing output to file: ", filename_out
-def main():
- """ Main function
- """
- if len(sys.argv) < 5:
- print "Usage: python", sys.argv[0], "<input_file> <output_file> <device_name> <mac_address>"
- return
- # Parse the file for the specified MAC address
- time_freq = parse_json(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[4])
- # Write statistics into file
- save_to_file(sys.argv[3], time_freq, sys.argv[2])
- print "====================================================================="
- #for time in time_freq.keys():
- for key in sorted(time_freq):
- print key, " => ", time_freq[key]
- print "====================================================================="
-# Convert JSON file containing DNS traffic to a map in which a hostname points to its set of associated IPs.
-def parse_json(file_path, mac_address):
- """ Show summary of statistics of PCAP file
- Args:
- file_path: path of the read file
- mac_address: MAC address of a device to analyze
- """
- # Maps timestamps to frequencies of packets
- time_freq = dict()
- with open(file_path) as jf:
- # Read JSON.
- # data becomes reference to root JSON object (or in our case json array)
- data = json.load(jf)
- # Loop through json objects in data
- # Each entry is a pcap entry (request/response (packet) and associated metadata)
- for p in data:
- # p is a JSON object, not an index
- # Get timestamp
- frame = layers.get(JSON_KEY_FRAME, None)
- date_time = frame.get(JSON_KEY_FRAME_TIME, None)
- # Get into the Ethernet address part
- eth = layers.get(JSON_KEY_ETH, None)
- # Skip any non DNS traffic
- if eth is None:
- print "[ WARNING: Packet has no ethernet address! ]"
- continue
- # Get source and destination MAC addresses
- src = eth.get(JSON_KEY_ETH_SRC, None)
- dst = eth.get(JSON_KEY_ETH_DST, None)
- # Get just the time part
- date_time_obj = parser.parse(date_time)
- # Remove the microsecond part
- time_str = str(date_time_obj.time())[:8]
- print str(time_str) + " - src:" + str(src) + " - dest:" + str(dst)
- # Get and count the traffic for the specified MAC address
- if src == mac_address or dst == mac_address:
- # Check if timestamp already exists in the map
- # If yes, then just increment the frequency value...
- if time_str in time_freq:
- time_freq[time_str] = time_freq[time_str] + 1
- else: # If not, then put the value one there
- time_freq[time_str] = 1
- return time_freq
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- main()
--- /dev/null
+Script that takes a file (output by wireshark/tshark, in JSON format) with DNS traffic
+and constructs a map (dictionary) in which a hostname points to a set that contains the
+IP addresses that is associated with that hostname.
+import sys
+import json
+from collections import defaultdict
+from decimal import *
+ROUTER_MAC = "b0:b9:8a:73:69:8e"
+JSON_KEY_SOURCE = "_source"
+JSON_KEY_LAYERS = "layers"
+JSON_KEY_DNS = "dns"
+JSON_KEY_DNS_RESP_TYPE = "dns.resp.type"
+JSON_KEY_DNS_A = "dns.a" # Key for retrieving IP. 'a' for type A DNS record.
+JSON_KEY_DNS_RESP_NAME = "dns.resp.name"
+JSON_KEY_DNS_CNAME = "dns.cname"
+JSON_KEY_ETH = "eth"
+JSON_KEY_ETH_DST = "eth.dst"
+JSON_KEY_FRAME = "frame"
+JSON_KEY_FRAME_TIME_EPOCH = "frame.time_epoch"
+def main():
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ print "Usage: python", sys.argv[0], "input_file"
+ return
+ mac_to_ddm = parse_json_dns(sys.argv[1])
+ for mac in mac_to_ddm:
+ ddm = mac_to_ddm[mac]
+ ddm.print_mappings()
+ # maps_tuple = parse_json_dns(sys.argv[1])
+ # # print hostname to ip map
+ # hn_ip_map = maps_tuple[0]
+ # for hn in hn_ip_map.keys():
+ # print "====================================================================="
+ # print hn, "maps to:"
+ # for ip in hn_ip_map[hn]:
+ # print " -", ip
+ # print "====================================================================="
+ # print " "
+ # # print ip to hostname map
+ # ip_hn_map = maps_tuple[1]
+ # for ip in ip_hn_map.keys():
+ # print "====================================================================="
+ # print ip, "maps to:"
+ # for hn in ip_hn_map[ip]:
+ # print " -", hn
+ # print "====================================================================="
+class DeviceDNSMap:
+ def __init__(self, mac_address):
+ # MAC address of device
+ self.mac = mac_address
+ # Maps an external IP to a list of (timestamp,hostname) tuples.
+ # Entries in the list should be interpreted as follows:
+ # the timestamp indicates WHEN this device mapped the given ip (key in dict) to the hostname.
+ self.ip_mappings = defaultdict(list)
+ def hostname_for_ip_at_time(self, ip, timestamp):
+ # Does device have a mapping for the given IP?
+ if not ip in self.ip_mappings:
+ return None
+ if not self.ip_mappings[ip]:
+ # If list of (timestamp,hostname) tuples is empty, there is no mapping to report.
+ return None
+ # Best fit mapping: the mapping immediately BEFORE timestamp parameter.
+ # Start with random pick (element 0).
+ best_fit = self.ip_mappings[ip][0]
+ for t in self.ip_mappings[ip]:
+ # t is a (timestamp,hostname) tuple
+ if t[0] < timestamp and t[0] > best_fit[0]:
+ # t is a better fit if it happened BEFORE the input timestamp
+ # and is LATER than the current best_fit
+ best_fit = t
+ # return the matching hostname
+ return best_fit[1]
+ def add_mapping(self, ip, timestamp_hostname_tuple):
+ self.ip_mappings[ip].append(timestamp_hostname_tuple)
+ def print_mappings(self):
+ count = 0
+ print "### Mappings for MAC = ", self.mac, "###"
+ for ip in self.ip_mappings:
+ print "--- IP ", ip, " maps to: ---"
+ for t in self.ip_mappings[ip]:
+ print t[1], "at epoch time =", t[0]
+ count += 1
+ print "### Total of", count, "mappings for", self.mac, "###"
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ # Define eq and hash such that instances of the class can be used as keys in dictionaries.
+ # Equality is based on MAC as a MAC uniquely identifies the device.
+ def __eq__(self, another):
+ return hasattr(another, 'mac') and self.mac == another.mac
+ def __hash__(self):
+ return hash(self.data)
+ # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+def parse_json_dns(file_path):
+ # Our end output: dictionary of MAC addresses with DeviceDNSMaps as values.
+ # Each DeviceDNSMap contains DNS lookups performed by the device with the corresponding MAC.
+ result = defaultdict()
+ with open(file_path) as jf:
+ # Read JSON.
+ # data becomes reference to root JSON object (or in our case json array)
+ data = json.load(jf)
+ # Loop through json objects in data
+ # Each entry is a pcap entry (request/response (packet) and associated metadata)
+ for p in data:
+ # p is a JSON object, not an index
+ # Drill down to DNS part: _source->layers->dns
+ dns = layers.get(JSON_KEY_DNS, None)
+ # Skip any non DNS traffic
+ if dns is None:
+ print "[ WARNING: Non DNS traffic ]"
+ continue
+ # We only care about DNS responses as these also contain a copy of the query that they answer
+ answers = dns.get(JSON_KEY_ANSWERS, None)
+ if answers is None:
+ continue
+ ## Now that we know that it is an answer, the queries should also be available.
+ queries = dns.get(JSON_KEY_QUERIES)
+ if len(queries.keys()) > 1:
+ # Unclear if script will behave correctly for DNS lookups with multiple queries
+ print "[ WARNING: Multi query DNS lookup ]"
+ # Get ethernet information for identifying the device performing the DNS lookup.
+ eth = layers.get(JSON_KEY_ETH, None)
+ if eth is None:
+ print "[ WARNING: eth data not found ]"
+ continue
+ # As this is a response to a DNS query, the IoT device is the destination.
+ # Get the device MAC of that device.
+ device_mac = eth.get(JSON_KEY_ETH_DST, None)
+ if device_mac is None:
+ print "[ WARNING: eth.dst data not found ]"
+ continue
+ # Get the router's timestamp for this packet
+ # so that we can mark when the DNS mapping occurred
+ timestamp = Decimal(layers[JSON_KEY_FRAME][JSON_KEY_FRAME_TIME_EPOCH])
+ for ak in answers.keys():
+ a = answers[ak]
+ # We are looking for type A records as these are the ones that contain the IP.
+ # Type A == type 1
+ if a[JSON_KEY_DNS_RESP_TYPE] == "1":
+ # get the IP
+ ip = a[JSON_KEY_DNS_A]
+ # The answer may be the canonical name.
+ # Now trace back the answer stack, looking for any higher level aliases.
+ hostname = find_alias_hostname(answers, a[JSON_KEY_DNS_RESP_NAME])
+ # Create the tuple that indicates WHEN the ip to hostname mapping occurred
+ timestamp_hostname_tuple = (timestamp,hostname)
+ if device_mac in result:
+ # If we already have DNS data for the device with this MAC:
+ # Add the mapping to the DeviceDNSMap that is already present in the dict.
+ result[device_mac].add_mapping(ip, timestamp_hostname_tuple)
+ else:
+ # No DNS data for this device yet:
+ # Create a new DeviceDNSMap, add the mapping, and at it to the dict.
+ ddm = DeviceDNSMap(device_mac)
+ ddm.add_mapping(ip, timestamp_hostname_tuple)
+ result[device_mac] = ddm
+ return result
+# Recursively traverse set of answers trying to find the top most alias for a canonical name
+def find_alias_hostname(answers, hostname):
+ for ak in answers.keys():
+ a = answers[ak]
+ cname = a.get(JSON_KEY_DNS_CNAME, None)
+ # We only care about type=CNAME records
+ if cname is None:
+ continue
+ if cname == hostname:
+ # Located the right answer, perform recursive search for higher level aliases.
+ return find_alias_hostname(answers, a[JSON_KEY_DNS_RESP_NAME])
+ return hostname
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
+# ================================================================================================
+# Notes/brainstorming how to do ip to host mappings.
+# Maps IPs to hostnames. Uses a dictionary of dictionaries.
+# IP lookup in the outer dictionary returns a dictionary that has hostnames as keys.
+# Looking up a hostname in the inner dictionary returns a set of timestamps.
+# Each timestamp indicate the time at which the IP<->hostname mapping was determined by a DNS query.
+# Note that the keyset of the inner dictionary will be of size 1 in most cases.
+# When this is the case, the value (the set of timestamps) can be ignored.
+# The values are only relevant when one IP maps to more than 1 hostname.
+# When this the case, the timestamps must be considered to find the most recent mapping.
+# ip_host_mappings = defaultdict(defaultdict(set))
+# ================================================================================================
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+Script that takes a file (output by wireshark/tshark, in JSON format) and analyze
+the traffic frequency of a certain device at a certain time.
+import sys
+import json
+from collections import defaultdict
+from dateutil import parser
+JSON_KEY_SOURCE = "_source"
+JSON_KEY_LAYERS = "layers"
+JSON_KEY_ETH = "eth"
+JSON_KEY_ETH_DST = "eth.dst"
+JSON_KEY_ETH_SRC = "eth.src"
+JSON_KEY_FRAME = "frame"
+JSON_KEY_FRAME_TIME = "frame.time"
+def save_to_file(tbl_header, dictionary, filename_out):
+ """ Show summary of statistics of PCAP file
+ Args:
+ tbl_header: header for the saved table
+ dictionary: dictionary to be saved
+ filename_out: file name to save
+ """
+ # Appending, not overwriting!
+ f = open(filename_out, 'a')
+ # Write the table header
+ f.write("\n\n" + str(tbl_header) + "\n");
+ # Iterate over dictionary and write (key, value) pairs
+ #for key, value in dictionary.iteritems():
+ for key in sorted(dictionary):
+ f.write(str(key) + ", " + str(dictionary[key]) + "\n")
+ f.close()
+ print "Writing output to file: ", filename_out
+def main():
+ """ Main function
+ """
+ if len(sys.argv) < 5:
+ print "Usage: python", sys.argv[0], "<input_file> <output_file> <device_name> <mac_address>"
+ return
+ # Parse the file for the specified MAC address
+ time_freq = parse_json(sys.argv[1], sys.argv[4])
+ # Write statistics into file
+ save_to_file(sys.argv[3], time_freq, sys.argv[2])
+ print "====================================================================="
+ #for time in time_freq.keys():
+ for key in sorted(time_freq):
+ print key, " => ", time_freq[key]
+ print "====================================================================="
+# Convert JSON file containing DNS traffic to a map in which a hostname points to its set of associated IPs.
+def parse_json(file_path, mac_address):
+ """ Show summary of statistics of PCAP file
+ Args:
+ file_path: path of the read file
+ mac_address: MAC address of a device to analyze
+ """
+ # Maps timestamps to frequencies of packets
+ time_freq = dict()
+ with open(file_path) as jf:
+ # Read JSON.
+ # data becomes reference to root JSON object (or in our case json array)
+ data = json.load(jf)
+ # Loop through json objects in data
+ # Each entry is a pcap entry (request/response (packet) and associated metadata)
+ for p in data:
+ # p is a JSON object, not an index
+ # Get timestamp
+ frame = layers.get(JSON_KEY_FRAME, None)
+ date_time = frame.get(JSON_KEY_FRAME_TIME, None)
+ # Get into the Ethernet address part
+ eth = layers.get(JSON_KEY_ETH, None)
+ # Skip any non DNS traffic
+ if eth is None:
+ print "[ WARNING: Packet has no ethernet address! ]"
+ continue
+ # Get source and destination MAC addresses
+ src = eth.get(JSON_KEY_ETH_SRC, None)
+ dst = eth.get(JSON_KEY_ETH_DST, None)
+ # Get just the time part
+ date_time_obj = parser.parse(date_time)
+ # Remove the microsecond part
+ time_str = str(date_time_obj.time())[:8]
+ print str(time_str) + " - src:" + str(src) + " - dest:" + str(dst)
+ # Get and count the traffic for the specified MAC address
+ if src == mac_address or dst == mac_address:
+ # Check if timestamp already exists in the map
+ # If yes, then just increment the frequency value...
+ if time_str in time_freq:
+ time_freq[time_str] = time_freq[time_str] + 1
+ else: # If not, then put the value one there
+ time_freq[time_str] = 1
+ return time_freq
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()