--- /dev/null
+package Analysis.Locality;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import Analysis.CallGraph.CallGraph;
+import IR.SymbolTable;
+import IR.State;
+import IR.MethodDescriptor;
+import IR.Flat.*;
+public class LocalityAnalysis {
+ State state;
+ Stack tovisit;
+ Hashtable<LocalityBinding,LocalityBinding> discovered;
+ Hashtable<MethodDescriptor, MethodDescriptor> dependence;
+ CallGraph callgraph;
+ TypeUtil typeutil;
+ public static final Integer LOCAL=new Integer(0);
+ public static final Integer GLOBAL=new Integer(1);
+ public static final Integer EITHER=new Integer(2);
+ public static final Integer CONFLICT=new Integer(3);
+ public LocalityAnalysis(State state, CallGraph callgraph, TypeUtil typeutil) {
+ this.state=state;
+ this.discovered=new Hashtable<LocalityBinding,LocalityBinding>();
+ this.dependence=new Hashtable<MethodDescriptor, MethodDescriptor>();
+ this.tovisit=new Stack();
+ this.callgraph=callgraph;
+ doAnalysis();
+ }
+ private void doAnalysis() {
+ computeLocalityBindings();
+ }
+ private void computeLocalityBindings() {
+ LocalityBinding lb=new LocalityBinding(typeutil.getMain(), false);
+ tovisit.add(lb);
+ discovered.put(lb, lb);
+ while(!tovisit.empty()) {
+ LocalityBinding lb=(LocalityBinding) tovisit.pop();
+ MethodDescriptor md=lb.getMethod();
+ computeCallsFlags(md, lb);
+ }
+ }
+ public Hashtable<FlatNode, Hashtable<TempDescriptor,Integer>> computeCallsFlags(MethodDescriptor md, LocalityBinding lb) {
+ FlatMethod fm=state.getMethodFlat(md);
+ HashSet<FlatNode> tovisit=new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ Hashtable<FlatNode,Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer>> temptable=new Hashtable<FlatNode,Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer>>();
+ tovisit.add(fm.getNext(0));
+ {
+ // Build table for initial node
+ Hashtable<TempDescriptor,Integer> table=new Hashtable<TempDescriptor,Integer>();
+ temptable.put(fm, table);
+ for(int i=0;i<fm.numParameters();i++) {
+ TempDescriptor temp=fm.getParameter(i);
+ b=lb.isGlobal(i);
+ table.put(temp,b);
+ }
+ }
+ while(!tovisit.isEmpty()) {
+ FlatNode fn=tovisit.iterator().next();
+ Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer> currtable=new Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer>();
+ for(int i=0;i<fn.numPrev();i++) {
+ FlatNode prevnode=fn.getPrev(i);
+ if (!temptable.containsKey(prevnode))
+ continue;
+ Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer> prevtable=temptable.get(prevnode);
+ for(Iterator<TempDescriptor> tempit=prevtable.keySet().iterator();tempit.hasNext();) {
+ TempDescriptor temp=tempit.next();
+ Integer tmpint=prevtable.get(temp);
+ Integer oldint=currtable.containsKey(temp)?currtable.get(temp):null;
+ Integer newint=merge(tmpint, oldint);
+ currtable.put(temp, newint);
+ }
+ }
+ // Process this node
+ switch(fn.kind()) {
+ case FlatCall:
+ processCall(md, (FlatCall)fn, currtable);
+ break;
+ case FlatFieldNode:
+ processFieldNode((FlatFieldNode)fn, currtable);
+ break;
+ case FlatSetFieldNode:
+ processSetFieldNode((FlatSetFieldNode)fn, currtable);
+ break;
+ case FlatNew:
+ processNew((FlatNew)fn, currtable);
+ break;
+ case FlatOpNode:
+ processOpNode((FlatOpNode)fn, currtable);
+ break;
+ case FlatCastNode:
+ processCastNode((FlatCastNode)fn, currtable);
+ break;
+ case FlatLiteralNode:
+ processLiteralNode((FlatLiteralNode)fn, currtable);
+ break;
+ case FlatReturnNode:
+ processReturnNode((FlatReturnNode)fn, currtable);
+ break;
+ case FlatSetElementNode:
+ processSetElement((FlatSetElementNode)fn, currtable);
+ break;
+ case FlatElementNode:
+ processElement((FlatElementNode)fn, currtable);
+ break;
+ case FlatCondBranch:
+ case FlatBackEdge:
+ case FlatNop:
+ //No action needed for these
+ break;
+ case FlatFlagActionNode:
+ case FlatCheckNode:
+ case FlatTagDeclaration:
+ throw new Error("Incompatible with tasks!");
+ case FlatMethod:
+ default:
+ throw new Error();
+ }
+ Hashtable<TempDescriptor,Integer> oldtable=temptable.get(fn);
+ if (oldtable==null||!oldtable.equals(currtable)) {
+ // Update table for this node
+ temptable.put(fn, currtable);
+ for(int i=0;i<fn.numNext();i++) {
+ tovisit.add(fn.next(i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static Integer merge(Integer a, Integer b) {
+ if (a==null||a.equals(EITHER))
+ return b;
+ if (b==null||b.equals(EITHER))
+ return a;
+ if (a.equals(b))
+ return a;
+ return CONFLICT;
+ }
+ void processCall(LocalityBinding currlb, FlatCall fc, boolean transaction, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer> currtable) {
+ MethodDescriptor nodemd=fc.getMethod();
+ Set methodset=fc.getThis()==null?callgraph.getMethods(nodemd):
+ callgraph.getMethods(nodemd, fc.getThis().getType());
+ Integer currreturnval=null;
+ for(Iterator methodit=methodset.iterator();methodit.hasNext();) {
+ MethodDescriptor md=(MethodDescriptor) methodit.next();
+ LocalityBinding lb=new LocalityBinding(md, transaction);
+ for(int i=0;i<fc.numArgs();i++) {
+ TempDescriptor arg=fc.getArg(i);
+ lb.setGlobal(i,currtable.get(arg));
+ }
+ if (fc.getThis()!=null) {
+ Integer thistype=currtable.get(fc.getThis());
+ if(thistype.equals(CONFLICT))
+ throw new Error("Using type that can be either local or global");
+ if(thistype.equals(GLOBAL)&&!transaction)
+ throw new Error("Using global object outside of transaction");
+ lb.setGlobalThis(thistype);
+ } else
+ lb.setGlobalThis(EITHER);//default value
+ //lb is built
+ if (!discovered.containsKey(lb)) {
+ lb.setGlobalReturn(EITHER);
+ tovisit.add(lb);
+ discovered.put(lb, lb);
+ } else
+ lb=discovered.get(lb);
+ Integer returnval=lb.getGlobalReturn();
+ currreturnval=merge(returnval, currreturnval);
+ dependence.put(md, currlb.getMethod());
+ }
+ currtable.put(fc.getReturnTemp(), currreturnval);
+ }
+ void processFieldNode(LocalityBinding lb, FlatFieldNode ffn, boolean transaction, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer> currtable) {
+ Integer type=currtable.get(ffn.getSrc());
+ TempDescriptor dst=ffn.getDst();
+ if (type.equals(LOCAL)) {
+ if (ffn.getField().isGlobal())
+ currtable.put(dst,GLOBAL);
+ else
+ currtable.put(dst,LOCAL);
+ } else if (type.equals(GLOBAL)) {
+ if (!transaction)
+ throw Error("Global access outside of a transaction");
+ if (ffn.getField().getType().isPrimitive())
+ currtable.put(dst, LOCAL); // primitives are local
+ else
+ currtable.put(dst, GLOBAL);
+ } else if (type.equals(EITHER)) {
+ if (ffn.getField().getType().isPrimitive())
+ currtable.put(dst, LOCAL); // primitives are local
+ else
+ currtable.put(dst, EITHER);
+ } else if (type.equals(CONFLICT)) {
+ throw new Error("Access to object that could be either global or local");
+ }
+ }
+ //need to handle primitives
+ void processSetFieldNode(LocalityBinding lb, FlatSetFieldNode fsfn, boolean transaction, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer> currtable) {
+ Integer srctype=currtable.get(ffn.getSrc());
+ Integer dsttype=currtable.get(ffn.getDst());
+ if (dsttype.equals(LOCAL)) {
+ if (ffn.getField().isGlobal()) {
+ if (!(srctype.equals(GLOBAL)||srctype.equals(EITHER)))
+ throw new Error("Writing possible local reference to global field");
+ } else {
+ if (!(srctype.equals(LOCAL)||srctype.equals(EITHER)))
+ throw new Error("Writing possible global reference to local object");
+ }
+ } else if (dsttype.equals(GLOBAL)) {
+ if (!transaction)
+ throw Error("Global access outside of a transaction");
+ //okay to store primitives in global object
+ if (srctype.equals(LOCAL) && fsfn.getField().getType().isPrimitive())
+ return;
+ if (!(srctype.equals(GLOBAL)||srctype.equals(EITHER)))
+ throw new Error("Writing possible local reference to global object");
+ } else if (dsttype.equals(EITHER)) {
+ if (srctype.equals(CONFLICT))
+ throw new Error("Using reference that could be local or global");
+ } else if (dsttype.equals(CONFLICT)) {
+ throw new Error("Access to object that could be either global or local");
+ }
+ }
+ void processNew(LocalityBinding lb, FlatNew fn, boolean transaction, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer> currtable) {
+ if (fn.isGlobal()&&!transaction) {
+ throw new Error("Allocating global object outside of transaction");
+ }
+ if (fn.isGlobal())
+ currtable.put(fn.getDst(), GLOBAL);
+ else
+ currtable.put(fn.getDst(), LOCAL);
+ }
+ void processOpNode(FlatOpNode fon, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer> currtable) {
+ /* Just propagate value */
+ currtable.put(fon.getDest(), currtable.get(fon.getLeft()));
+ }
+ void processCastNode(FlatCastNode fcn, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer> currtable) {
+ currtable.put(fon.getDest(), currtable.get(fon.getSrc()));
+ }
+ void processLiteralNode(FlatLiteralNode fln, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer> currtable) {
+ //null is either
+ if (fln.getValue()==null)
+ currtable.put(fln.getDst(), EITHER);
+ else
+ currtable.put(fln.getDst(), LOCAL);
+ }
+ void processReturnNode(LocalityBinding lb, FlatReturnNode frn, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer> currtable) {
+ if(frn.getReturnTemp()!=null) {
+ Integer returntype=currtable.get(frn.getReturnTemp());
+ lb.setGlobalReturn(merge(returntype, lb.getGlobalReturn()));
+ }
+ }
+ void processSetElementNode(FlatSetElementNode fsen, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer> currtable) {
+ Integer srctype=currtable.get(fsen.getSrc());
+ Integer dsttype=currtable.get(fsen.getDst());
+ if (dsttype.equals(LOCAL)) {
+ if (!(srctype.equals(LOCAL)||srctype.equals(EITHER)))
+ throw new Error("Writing possible global reference to local object");
+ } else if (dsttype.equals(GLOBAL)) {
+ if (!(srctype.equals(GLOBAL)||srctype.equals(EITHER)))
+ throw new Error("Writing possible local reference to global object");
+ if (!transaction)
+ throw Error("Global access outside of a transaction");
+ } else if (dsttype.equals(EITHER)) {
+ if (srctype.equals(CONFLICT))
+ throw new Error("Using reference that could be local or global");
+ } else if (dsttype.equals(CONFLICT)) {
+ throw new Error("Access to object that could be either global or local");
+ }
+ }
+ void processElementNode(FlatElementNode fen, Hashtable<TempDescriptor, Integer> currtable) {
+ Integer type=currtable.get(fen.getSrc());
+ TempDescriptor dst=fen.getDst();
+ if (type.equals(LOCAL)) {
+ currtable.put(dst,LOCAL);
+ } else if (type.equals(GLOBAL)) {
+ if (!transaction)
+ throw Error("Global access outside of a transaction");
+ currtable.put(dst, GLOBAL);
+ } else if (type.equals(EITHER)) {
+ currtable.put(dst, EITHER);
+ } else if (type.equals(CONFLICT)) {
+ throw new Error("Access to object that could be either global or local");
+ }
+ }