template <typename EventCounter = cds::atomicity::event_counter>
struct stat {
typedef EventCounter event_counter ; ///< Event counter type
+ event_counter m_nInsertSuccess; ///< Number of success \p insert() operations
+ event_counter m_nInsertFailed; ///< Number of failed \p insert() operations
+ event_counter m_nInsertRetry; ///< Number of attempts to insert new item
+ event_counter m_nUpdateNew; ///< Number of new item inserted for \p update()
+ event_counter m_nUpdateExisting; ///< Number of existing item updates
+ event_counter m_nUpdateFailed; ///< Number of failed \p update() call
+ event_counter m_nUpdateRetry; ///< Number of attempts to update the item
+ event_counter m_nEraseSuccess; ///< Number of successful \p erase(), \p unlink(), \p extract() operations
+ event_counter m_nEraseFailed; ///< Number of failed \p erase(), \p unlink(), \p extract() operations
+ event_counter m_nEraseRetry; ///< Number of attempts to \p erase() an item
+ event_counter m_nFindSuccess; ///< Number of successful \p find() and \p get() operations
+ event_counter m_nFindFailed; ///< Number of failed \p find() and \p get() operations
+ event_counter m_nExpandNodeSuccess; ///< Number of succeeded attempts converting data node to array node
+ event_counter m_nExpandNodeFailed; ///< Number of failed attempts converting data node to array node
+ event_counter m_nSlotChanged; ///< Number of array node slot changing by other thread during an operation
+ event_counter m_nSlotConverting; ///< Number of events when we encounter a slot while it is converting to array node
+ void onInsertSuccess() { ++m_nInsertSuccess; }
+ void onInserFailed() { ++m_nInsertFailed; }
+ void onInsertRetry() { ++m_nInsertRetry; }
+ void onUpdateNew() { ++m_nUpdateNew; }
+ void onUpdateExisting() { ++m_nUpdateExisting; }
+ void onUpdateFailed() { ++m_nUpdateFailed; }
+ void onUpdateRetry() { ++m_nUpdateRetry; }
+ void onEraseSuccess() { ++m_nEraseSuccess; }
+ void onEraseFailed() { ++m_nEraseFailed; }
+ void onEraseRetry() { ++m_nEraseRetry; }
+ void onFindSuccess() { ++m_nFinSuccess; }
+ void onFindFailed() { ++m_nFindFailed; }
+ void onExpandNodeSuccess() { ++m_nExpandNodeSuccess; }
+ void onExpandNodeFailed() { ++m_nExpandNodeFailed; }
+ void onSlotChanged() { ++m_nSlotChanged; }
+ void onSlotConverting() { ++m_nSlotConverting; }
/// \p MultiLevelHashSet empty internal statistics
struct empty_stat {
+ //@cond
+ void onInsertSuccess() const {}
+ void onInsertFailed() const {}
+ void onInsertRetry() const {}
+ void onUpdateNew() const {}
+ void onUpdateExisting() const {}
+ void onUpdateFailed() const {}
+ void onUpdateRetry() const {}
+ void onEraseSuccess() const {}
+ void onEraseFailed() const {}
+ void onEraseRetry() const {}
+ void onFindSuccess() const {}
+ void onFindFailed() const {}
+ void onExpandNodeSuccess() const {}
+ void onExpandNodeFailed() const {}
+ void onSlotChanged() const {}
+ void onSlotConverting() const {}
+ //@endcond
/// MultiLevelHashSet traits
// ... other fields
- struct foo_hash_functor {
+ // Hash accessor
+ struct foo_hash_accessor {
hash_type const& operator()( foo const& d ) const
return d.hash;
explicit hash_splitter( hash_type const& h )
: m_ptr(reinterpret_cast<uint_type const*>( &h ))
, m_pos(0)
+ , m_first( m_ptr )
# ifdef _DEBUG
, m_last( m_ptr + c_nHashSize )
# endif
return nBits ? cut( nBits ) : 0;
+ void reset()
+ {
+ m_ptr = m_first;
+ m_pos = 0;
+ }
uint_type const* m_ptr; ///< current position in the hash
size_t m_pos; ///< current position in bits
+ uint_type const* m_first; ///< first position
# ifdef _DEBUG
- uint_type const* m_last;
+ uint_type const* m_last; ///< last position
# endif
} // namespace details
+#include <tuple> // std::tie
+#include <functional> // std::ref
#include <cds/intrusive/details/multilevel_hashset_base.h>
#include <cds/details/allocator.h>
typedef typename gc::template guarded_ptr< value_type > guarded_ptr; ///< Guarded pointer
+ /// Count of hazard pointers required
+ static CDS_CONSTEXPR size_t const c_nHazardPtrCount = 1;
+ /// Node marked poiter
+ typedef cds::details::marked_ptr< value_type, 3 > node_ptr;
+ /// Array node element
+ typedef atomics::atomic< node_ptr > atomic_node_ptr;
- enum cell_flags {
- logically_deleted = 1, ///< the cell (data node) is logically deleted
- array_converting = 2, ///< the cell is converting from data node to an array node
- array_node = 4 ///< the cell is a pointer to an array node
+ enum node_flags {
+ array_converting = 1, ///< the cell is converting from data node to an array node
+ array_node = 2 ///< the cell is a pointer to an array node
- typedef cds::details::marked_ptr< value_type, 7 > node_ptr;
- typedef atomics::atomic< node_ptr * > atomic_node_ptr;
typedef cds::details::Allocator< atomic_node_ptr, head_node_allocator > cxx_head_node_allocator;
typedef cds::details::Allocator< atomic_node_ptr, array_node_allocator > cxx_array_node_allocator;
size_t array_node_size; // power-of-two
size_t array_node_size_log;// log2( array_node_size )
MultiLevelHashSet( size_t head_bits = 8, size_t array_bits = 4 )
: m_Metrics(make_metrics( head_bits, array_bits ))
- , m_Head( cxx_head_node_allocator().NewArray( m_Metrics.head_node_size, nullptr ))
+ , m_Head( cxx_head_node_allocator().NewArray( head_size(), nullptr ))
/// Destructs the set and frees all data
- cxx_head_node_allocator().Delete( m_Head, m_Metrics.head_node_size );
+ cxx_array_node_allocator().Delete( m_Head, head_size() );
/// Inserts new node
bool insert( value_type& val )
+ return insert( val, [](value_type&) {} );
/// Inserts new node
The function allows to split creating of new item into two part:
- create item with key only
- insert new item into the set
- - if inserting is success, calls \p f functor to initialize \p val.
+ - if inserting is success, calls \p f functor to initialize \p val.
The functor signature is:
template <typename Func>
bool insert( value_type& val, Func f )
+ hash_type const& hash = hash_accessor()( val );
+ hash_splitter splitter( hash );
+ hash_comparator cmp;
+ gc::Guard guard;
+ back_off bkoff;
+ atomic_node_ptr * pArr = m_Head;
+ size_t nSlot = splitter.cut( m_Metrics.head_node_size_log );
+ assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.head_node_size );
+ while ( true ) {
+ node_ptr slot = pArr[nSlot].load( memory_model::memory_order_acquire );
+ if ( slot.bits() == array_node ) {
+ // array node, go down the tree
+ assert( slot.ptr() != nullptr );
+ nSlot = splitter.cut( m_Metrics.array_node_size_log );
+ assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.array_node_size );
+ pArr = to_array( slot.ptr() );
+ }
+ else if ( slot.bits() == array_converting ) {
+ // the slot is converting to array node right now
+ bkoff();
+ m_Stat.onSlotConverting();
+ }
+ else {
+ // data node
+ assert(slot.bits() == 0 );
+ // protect data node by hazard pointer
+ if ( guard.protect( pArr[nSlot], [](node_ptr p) -> value_type * { return p.ptr(); }) != slot ) {
+ // slot value has been changed - retry
+ m_Stat.onSlotChanged();
+ }
+ else if ( slot.ptr() ) {
+ if ( cmp( hash, hash_accessor()( *slot.ptr() )) == 0 ) {
+ // the item with that hash value already exists
+ m_Stat.onInsertFailed();
+ return false;
+ }
+ // the slot must be expanded
+ atomic_node_ptr * pNewArr;
+ size_t nNewSlot;
+ std::tie( pNewArr, nNewSlot ) = expand_slot( pArr[ nSlot ], slot, splitter );
+ if ( pNewArr ) {
+ pArr = pNewArr;
+ nSlot = nNewSlot;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // the slot is empty, try to insert data node
+ node_ptr pNull;
+ if ( pArr[nSlot].compare_exchange_strong( pNull, node_ptr( &val ), memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed )
+ {
+ // the new data node has been inserted
+ f( val );
+ ++m_ItemCounter;
+ m_Stat.onInsertSuccess();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // insert failed - slot has been changed by another thread
+ // retry inserting
+ m_Stat.onInsertRetry();
+ }
+ }
+ } // while
/// Updates the node
template <typename Func>
std::pair<bool, bool> update( value_type& val, bool bInsert = true )
+ hash_type const& hash = hash_accessor()( val );
+ hash_splitter splitter( hash );
+ hash_comparator cmp;
+ gc::Guard guard;
+ back_off bkoff;
+ atomic_node_ptr * pArr = m_Head;
+ size_t nSlot = splitter.cut( m_Metrics.head_node_size_log );
+ assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.head_node_size );
+ while ( true ) {
+ node_ptr slot = pArr[nSlot].load( memory_model::memory_order_acquire );
+ if ( slot.bits() == array_node ) {
+ // array node, go down the tree
+ assert( slot.ptr() != nullptr );
+ nSlot = splitter.cut( m_Metrics.array_node_size_log );
+ assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.array_node_size );
+ pArr = to_array( slot.ptr() );
+ }
+ else if ( slot.bits() == array_converting ) {
+ // the slot is converting to array node right now
+ bkoff();
+ m_Stat.onSlotConverting();
+ }
+ else {
+ // data node
+ assert(slot.bits() == 0 );
+ // protect data node by hazard pointer
+ if ( guard.protect( pArr[nSlot], [](node_ptr p) -> value_type * { return p.ptr(); }) != slot ) {
+ // slot value has been changed - retry
+ m_Stat.onSlotChanged();
+ }
+ else if ( slot.ptr() ) {
+ if ( cmp( hash, hash_accessor()( *slot.ptr() )) == 0 ) {
+ // the item with that hash value already exists
+ // Replace it with val
+ if ( pArr[nSlot].compare_exchange_strong( slot, node_ptr( &val ), memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ) ) {
+ // slot can be disposed
+ gc::template retire<disposer>( slot.ptr() );
+ m_Stat.onUpdateExisting();
+ return std::make_pair( true, false );
+ }
+ m_Stat.onUpdateRetry();
+ continue;
+ }
+ // the slot must be expanded
+ atomic_node_ptr * pNewArr;
+ size_t nNewSlot;
+ std::tie( pNewArr, nNewSlot ) = expand_slot( pArr[ nSlot ], slot, splitter );
+ if ( pNewArr ) {
+ pArr = pNewArr;
+ nSlot = nNewSlot;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // the slot is empty, try to insert data node
+ if ( bInsert ) {
+ node_ptr pNull;
+ if ( pArr[nSlot].compare_exchange_strong( pNull, node_ptr( &val ), memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed )
+ {
+ // the new data node has been inserted
+ f( val );
+ ++m_ItemCounter;
+ m_Stat.onUpdateNew();
+ return std::make_pair( true, true );
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ m_Stat.onUpdateFailed();
+ return std:make_pair( false, false );
+ }
+ // insert failed - slot has been changed by another thread
+ // retry updating
+ m_Stat.onUpdateRetry();
+ }
+ }
+ } // while
/// Unlinks the item \p val from the set
bool unlink( value_type& val )
+ typename gc::Guard guard;
+ auto pred = [&val](value_type const& item) -> bool { return &item == &val; };
+ value_type * p = do_erase( hash, guard, std::ref( pred ));
+ // p is guarded by HP
+ if ( p ) {
+ gc::template retire<disposer>( p );
+ --m_ItemCounter;
+ m_Stat.onEraseSuccess();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
/// Deletes the item from the set
bool erase( hash_type const& hash )
+ return erase(hash, [](value_type const&) {} );
/// Deletes the item from the set
The \p Func interface is
struct functor {
- void operator()( value_type const& item );
+ void operator()( value_type& item );
template <typename Func>
bool erase( hash_type const& hash, Func f )
+ typename gc::Guard guard;
+ value_type * p = do_erase( hash, guard, []( value_type const&) -> bool {return true; } );
+ // p is guarded by HP
+ if ( p ) {
+ gc::template retire<disposer>( p );
+ --m_ItemCounter;
+ f( *p );
+ m_Stat.onEraseSuccess();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
/// Extracts the item with specified \p hash
guarded_ptr extract( hash_type const& hash )
+ typename gc::Guard guard;
+ value_type * p = do_erase( hash, guard, []( value_type const&) -> bool {return true; } );
+ // p is guarded by HP
+ if ( p ) {
+ gc::template retire<disposer>( p );
+ --m_ItemCounter;
+ m_Stat.onEraseSuccess();
+ return guarded_ptr(p);
+ }
+ return guarded_ptr();
/// Finds an item by it's \p hash
template <typename Func>
bool find( hash_type const& hash, Func f )
+ typename gc::Guard guard;
+ value_type * p = search( hash, guard );
+ // p is guarded by HP
+ if ( p ) {
+ f( *p );
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
/// Checks whether the set contains \p hash
bool contains( hash_type const& hash )
+ return find( hash, [](value_type&) {} );
/// Finds an item by it's \p hash and returns the item found
guarded_ptr get( hash_type const& hash )
+ typename gc::Guard guard;
+ value_type * p = search( hash, guard );
+ // p is guarded by HP
+ if ( p )
+ return guarded_ptr( p );
+ return guarded_ptr();
/// Clears the set (non-atomic)
- The function unlink all items from the set.
- The function is not atomic. It removes all data nodes and then resets the item counter to zero.
- If there are a thread that performs insertion while \p %clear() is working the result is undefined in general case:
- \p empty() may return \p true but the set may contain item(s).
- Therefore, \p %clear() may be used only for debugging purposes.
+ The function unlink all data node from the set.
+ The function is not atomic but is thread-safe.
+ After \p %clear() the set may not be empty because another threads may insert items.
For each item the \p disposer is called after unlinking.
void clear()
+ clear_array( m_Head, head_size() );
/// Checks if the set is empty
return (reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(p) & node_ptr::bitmask) == 0;
+ atomic_node_ptr * alloc_array_node() const
+ {
+ return cxx_array_node_allocator().NewArray( array_node_size(), nullptr )
+ }
+ void free_array_node( atomic_node_ptr * parr ) const
+ {
+ cxx_array_node_allocator().Delete( parr, array_node_size() );
+ }
void destroy_tree()
// The function is not thread-safe. For use in dtor only
// Remove data node
- //TODO: free all array nodes
+ // Destroy all array nodes
+ destroy_array_nodes( m_Head, head_size());
+ }
+ void destroy_array_nodes( atomic_node_ptr * pArr, size_t nSize )
+ {
+ for ( atomic_node_ptr * pLast = pArr + nSize; pArr != pLast; ++pArr ) {
+ node_ptr slot = pArr->load( memory_model::memory_order_acquire );
+ if ( slot.bits() == array_node ) {
+ destroy_array_nodes(to_array(slot.ptr()), array_node_size());
+ free_array_node( to_array(slot.ptr()));
+ pArr->store(node_ptr(), memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void clear_array( atomic_node_ptr * pArr, size_t nSize )
+ {
+ back_off bkoff;
+ for ( atomic_node_ptr * pLast = pArr + nSize; pArr != pLast; ++pArr ) {
+ while ( true ) {
+ node_ptr slot = pArr->load( memory_model::memory_order_acquire );
+ if ( slot.bits() == array_node ) {
+ // array node, go down the tree
+ assert( slot.ptr() != nullptr );
+ clear_array( to_array( slot.ptr()), array_node_size() );
+ break;
+ }
+ else if ( slot.bits() == array_converting ) {
+ // the slot is converting to array node right now
+ while ( (slot = pArr->load(memory_model::memory_order_acquire)).bits() == array_converting ) {
+ bkoff();
+ m_Stat.onSlotConverting();
+ }
+ bkoff.reset();
+ assert( slot.ptr() != nullptr );
+ assert(slot.bits() == array_node );
+ clear_array( to_array( slot.ptr()), array_node_size() );
+ break;
+ }
+ else {
+ // data node
+ if ( pArr->compare_exchange_strong( slot, node_ptr(), memory_model::memory_order_acquire, atomics::memory_order_relaxed ) ) {
+ gc::template retire<disposer>( p );
+ --m_ItemCounter;
+ m_Stat.onEraseSuccess();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ union converter {
+ value_type * pData;
+ atomic_node_ptr * pArr;
+ converter( value_type * p )
+ : pData( p )
+ {}
+ converter( atomic_node_ptr * p )
+ : pArr( p )
+ {}
+ };
+ static atomic_node_ptr * to_array( value_type * p )
+ {
+ return converter( p ).pArr;
+ }
+ static node_ptr * to_node( atomic_node_ptr * p )
+ {
+ return converter( p ).pData;
+ std::pair< atomic_node_ptr *, size_t > expand_slot( atomic_node_ptr& slot, node_ptr current, hash_splitter& splitter )
+ {
+ node_ptr cur(current.ptr());
+ if ( !slot.compare_exchange_strong( cur, cur | array_converting, memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed )) {
+ m_Stat.onExpandNodeFailed();
+ return std::make_pair(static_cast<atomic_node_ptr *>(nullptr), size_t(0));
+ }
+ atomic_node_ptr * pArr = alloc_array_node();
+ size_t idx = splitter.cut( m_Metrics.array_node_size_log );
+ pArr[idx].store( current, memory_model::memory_order_release );
+ cur = cur | array_converting;
+ CDS_VERIFY( slot.compare_exchange_strong( cur, node_ptr( to_node( pArr ), array_node ), memory_model::memory_order_release, atomics::memory_order_relaxed )));
+ return std::make_pair( pArr, idx );
+ }
+ value_type * search( hash_type const& hash, typename gc::Guard& guard )
+ {
+ hash_splitter splitter( hash );
+ hash_comparator cmp;
+ back_off bkoff;
+ atomic_node_ptr * pArr = m_Head;
+ size_t nSlot = splitter.cut( m_Metrics.head_node_size_log );
+ assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.head_node_size );
+ while ( true ) {
+ node_ptr slot = pArr[nSlot].load( memory_model::memory_order_acquire );
+ if ( slot.bits() == array_node ) {
+ // array node, go down the tree
+ assert( slot.ptr() != nullptr );
+ nSlot = splitter.cut( m_Metrics.array_node_size_log );
+ assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.array_node_size );
+ pArr = to_array( slot.ptr() );
+ }
+ else if ( slot.bits() == array_converting ) {
+ // the slot is converting to array node right now
+ bkoff();
+ m_Stat.onSlotConverting();
+ }
+ else {
+ // data node
+ assert(slot.bits() == 0 );
+ // protect data node by hazard pointer
+ if ( guard.protect( pArr[nSlot], [](node_ptr p) -> value_type * { return p.ptr(); }) != slot ) {
+ // slot value has been changed - retry
+ m_Stat.onSlotChanged();
+ }
+ else if ( slot.ptr() && cmp( hash, hash_accessor()( *slot.ptr() )) == 0 ) {
+ // item found
+ m_Stat.onFindSucces();
+ return slot.ptr();
+ }
+ m_Stat.onFindFailed();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ } // while
+ }
+ template <typename Predicate>
+ value_type * do_erase( hash_type const& hash, typename gc::Guard& guard, Predicate pred )
+ {
+ hash_splitter splitter( hash );
+ hash_comparator cmp;
+ back_off bkoff;
+ atomic_node_ptr * pArr = m_Head;
+ size_t nSlot = splitter.cut( m_Metrics.head_node_size_log );
+ assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.head_node_size );
+ while ( true ) {
+ node_ptr slot = pArr[nSlot].load( memory_model::memory_order_acquire );
+ if ( slot.bits() == array_node ) {
+ // array node, go down the tree
+ assert( slot.ptr() != nullptr );
+ nSlot = splitter.cut( m_Metrics.array_node_size_log );
+ assert( nSlot < m_Metrics.array_node_size );
+ pArr = to_array( slot.ptr() );
+ }
+ else if ( slot.bits() == array_converting ) {
+ // the slot is converting to array node right now
+ bkoff();
+ m_Stat.onSlotConverting();
+ }
+ else {
+ // data node
+ assert(slot.bits() == 0 );
+ // protect data node by hazard pointer
+ if ( guard.protect( pArr[nSlot], [](node_ptr p) -> value_type * { return p.ptr(); }) != slot ) {
+ // slot value has been changed - retry
+ m_Stat.onSlotChanged();
+ }
+ else if ( slot.ptr() ) {
+ if ( cmp( hash, hash_accessor()( *slot.ptr() )) == 0 && pred( *slot.ptr() )) {
+ // item found - replace it with nullptr
+ if ( pArr[nSlot].compare_exchange_strong(slot, node_ptr(nullptr), memory_model::memory_order_acquire, atomics::memory_order_relaxed))
+ return slot.ptr();
+ m_Stat.onEraseRetry();
+ continue;
+ }
+ m_Stat.onEraseFailed();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ else {
+ // the slot is empty
+ m_Stat.onEraseFailed();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ } // while
+ }
}} // namespace cds::intrusive
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