--- /dev/null
+#include "rewriter.h"
+#include "boolean.h"
+void replaceBooleanWithTrue(Boolean * This) {
+ uint size=getSizeVectorBoolean(&This->parents);
+ for(uint i=0;i<size;i++) {
+ Boolean * parent=getVectorBoolean(&This->parents, i);
+ BooleanLogic * logicop=(BooleanLogic*) parent;
+ switch(logicop->op) {
+ case L_AND:
+ handleANDTrue(logicop, This);
+ break;
+ case L_OR:
+ replaceBooleanWithTrue(parent);
+ break;
+ case L_NOT:
+ replaceBooleanWithFalse(parent);
+ break;
+ case L_XOR:
+ handleXORTrue(logicop, This);
+ break;
+ case L_IMPLIES:
+ handleIMPLIESTrue(logicop, This);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void replaceBooleanWithBoolean(Boolean *oldb, Boolean *newb) {
+ uint size=getSizeVectorBoolean(&oldb->parents);
+ for(uint i=0;i<size;i++) {
+ Boolean * parent=getVectorBoolean(&oldb->parents, i);
+ BooleanLogic * logicop=(BooleanLogic*) parent;
+ uint parentsize=getSizeArrayBoolean(&logicop->inputs);
+ for(uint j=0;j<parentsize;j++) {
+ Boolean *b=getArrayBoolean(&logicop->inputs, i);
+ if (b==oldb) {
+ setArrayBoolean(&logicop->inputs, i, newb);
+ pushVectorBoolean(&newb->parents, parent);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void handleXORTrue(BooleanLogic *This, Boolean *child) {
+ uint size=getSizeArrayBoolean(&This->inputs);
+ Boolean *b=getArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, 0);
+ uint otherindex=(b==child)?1:0;
+ removeElementArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, otherindex);
+ This->op=L_NOT;
+void handleXORFalse(BooleanLogic *This, Boolean *child) {
+ uint size=getSizeArrayBoolean(&This->inputs);
+ Boolean *b=getArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, 0);
+ uint otherindex=(b==child)?1:0;
+ replaceBooleanWithBoolean((Boolean *)This, getArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, otherindex));
+void handleIMPLIESTrue(BooleanLogic *This, Boolean *child) {
+ uint size=getSizeArrayBoolean(&This->inputs);
+ Boolean *b=getArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, 0);
+ if (b==child) {
+ //Replace with other term
+ replaceBooleanWithBoolean((Boolean *)This, getArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, 1));
+ } else {
+ //Statement is true...
+ replaceBooleanWithTrue((Boolean *)This);
+ }
+void handleIMPLIESFalse(BooleanLogic *This, Boolean *child) {
+ uint size=getSizeArrayBoolean(&This->inputs);
+ Boolean *b=getArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, 0);
+ if (b==child) {
+ //Statement is true...
+ replaceBooleanWithTrue((Boolean *)This);
+ } else {
+ //Make into negation of first term
+ removeElementArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, 1);
+ This->op=L_NOT;
+ }
+void handleANDTrue(BooleanLogic *This, Boolean *child) {
+ uint size=getSizeArrayBoolean(&This->inputs);
+ if (size==1) {
+ replaceBooleanWithTrue((Boolean *)This);
+ return;
+ }
+ for(uint i=0;i<size;i++) {
+ Boolean *b=getArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, i);
+ if (b==child) {
+ removeElementArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (size==2) {
+ replaceBooleanWithBoolean((Boolean *)This, getArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, 0));
+ }
+void handleORFalse(BooleanLogic *This, Boolean *child) {
+ uint size=getSizeArrayBoolean(&This->inputs);
+ if (size==1) {
+ replaceBooleanWithFalse((Boolean*) This);
+ }
+ for(uint i=0;i<size;i++) {
+ Boolean *b=getArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, i);
+ if (b==child) {
+ removeElementArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, i);
+ }
+ }
+ if (size==2) {
+ replaceBooleanWithBoolean((Boolean *)This, getArrayBoolean(&This->inputs, 0));
+ }
+void replaceBooleanWithFalse(Boolean * This) {
+ uint size=getSizeVectorBoolean(&This->parents);
+ for(uint i=0;i<size;i++) {
+ Boolean * parent=getVectorBoolean(&This->parents, i);
+ BooleanLogic * logicop=(BooleanLogic*) parent;
+ switch(logicop->op) {
+ case L_AND:
+ replaceBooleanWithFalse(parent);
+ break;
+ case L_OR:
+ handleORFalse(logicop, This);
+ break;
+ case L_NOT:
+ replaceBooleanWithTrue(parent);
+ break;
+ case L_XOR:
+ handleXORFalse(logicop, This);
+ break;
+ case L_IMPLIES:
+ handleIMPLIESFalse(logicop, This);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
#include "ordergraph.h"
#include "order.h"
#include "ordernode.h"
+#include "rewriter.h"
OrderGraph* buildOrderGraph(Order *order) {
OrderGraph* orderGraph = allocOrderGraph(order);
void decomposeOrder(Order *order, OrderGraph *graph) {
uint size=getSizeVectorBooleanOrder(&order->constraints);
for(uint i=0;i<size;i++) {
+ BooleanOrder *orderconstraint=getVectorBooleanOrder(&order->constraints, i);
+ OrderNode *from=getOrderNodeFromOrderGraph(graph, orderconstraint->first);
+ OrderNode *to=getOrderNodeFromOrderGraph(graph, orderconstraint->second);
+ OrderEdge* edge=getOrderEdgeFromOrderGraph(graph, from, to);
+ if (from->sccNum < to->sccNum) {
+ //replace with true
+ replaceBooleanWithTrue((Boolean *)orderconstraint);
+ } else if (to->sccNum < from->sccNum) {
+ //replace with false
+ replaceBooleanWithFalse((Boolean *)orderconstraint);
+ } else {
+ //Build new order and change constraint's order
+ }