--- /dev/null
+/** Banboo Version */
+* *
+* Java Grande Forum Benchmark Suite - Thread Version 1.0 *
+* *
+* produced by *
+* *
+* Java Grande Benchmarking Project *
+* *
+* at *
+* *
+* Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre *
+* *
+* email: epcc-javagrande@epcc.ed.ac.uk *
+* *
+* *
+* This version copyright (c) The University of Edinburgh, 2001. *
+* All rights reserved. *
+* *
+task t1(StartupObject s{initialstate}) {
+ //System.printString("task t1\n");
+ int datasize = 2;
+ int group = 16;
+ MD md = new MD(datasize, group){initialise};
+ taskexit(s{!initialstate});
+task t2(MD md{initialise}) {
+ //System.printString("task t2\n");
+ md.initialise();
+ taskexit(md{!initialise, move});
+task t3(MD md{move}) {
+ //System.printString("task t3\n");
+ md.domove();
+ md.init();
+ //System.printI(0xd0);
+ for(int i = 0; i < md.group; ++i) {
+ MDRunner runner = new MDRunner(i, md){run};
+ runner.init();
+ //System.printI(0xd1);
+ }
+ //System.printI(0xd2);
+ taskexit(md{!move,update});
+/*task t4(MD md{fire}, MDRunner runner{wait}) {
+ System.printString("task t4\n");
+ runner.init();
+ md.counter++;
+ //System.printString("counter: " + md.counter + "\n");
+ if(md.counter == md.group) {
+ //System.printString("Fire finished: " + md.move + "\n");
+ taskexit(md{!fire, update}, runner{!wait, run});
+ } else {
+ taskexit(md{fire}, runner{!wait, run});
+ }
+task t5(MDRunner runner{run}) {
+ //System.printString("task t5\n");
+ runner.run();
+ taskexit(runner{update, !run});
+task t6(MD md{update}, MDRunner runner{update}) {
+ //System.printString("task t6\n");
+ md.update(runner);
+ md.counter++;
+ if(md.counter == md.group) {
+ md.sum();
+ md.scale();
+ if(md.finish()) {
+ taskexit(md{!update, validate}, runner{!update/*, scale*/});
+ } else {
+ taskexit(md{!update, move}, runner{!update/*, scale*/});
+ }
+ } else {
+ taskexit(md{update}, runner{!update/*, scale*/});
+ }
+/*task t7(MD md{scale}, MDRunner runner{scale}) {
+ //System.printString("task t7\n");
+ md.counter--;
+ if(md.counter == 0) {
+ if(md.finish()) {
+ // finished
+ taskexit(md{!scale, validate}, runner{!scale, !wait});
+ }
+ taskexit(md{!scale, move}, runner{!scale, !wait});
+ } else {
+ if(md.finish()) {
+ taskexit(md{scale}, runner{!scale, !wait});
+ }
+ taskexit(md{scale}, runner{!scale, !wait});
+ }
+task t8(MD md{validate}) {
+ //System.printString("task t8\n");
+ md.validate();
+ taskexit(md{!validate, finish});
--- /dev/null
+/** Banboo Version */
+ * *
+ * Java Grande Forum Benchmark Suite - Version 2.0 *
+ * *
+ * produced by *
+ * *
+ * Java Grande Benchmarking Project *
+ * *
+ * at *
+ * *
+ * Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre *
+ * *
+ * email: epcc-javagrande@epcc.ed.ac.uk *
+ * *
+ * Original version of this code by *
+ * Dieter Heermann *
+ * converted to Java by *
+ * Lorna Smith (l.smith@epcc.ed.ac.uk) *
+ * (see copyright notice below) *
+ * *
+ * This version copyright (c) The University of Edinburgh, 2001. *
+ * All rights reserved. *
+ * *
+ **************************************************************************/
+public class MD {
+ flag initialise;
+ flag move;
+ flag fire;
+ flag update;
+ flag scale;
+ flag validate;
+ flag finish;
+ public int mm;
+ public int group;
+ public int mdsize;
+ public int move;
+ public int movemx;
+ public float side;
+ float hsq, hsq2, den, h, vaver,vaverh;
+ float tref, tscale;
+ int irep;
+ int istop;
+ int iprint;
+ public Particle[] one;
+ public float[][] sh_force;
+ //public float[] epot;
+ //public float[] vir;
+ //public float[] ek;
+ public float epot;
+ public float vir;
+ public float ek;
+ float ekin;
+ public int counter;
+ public void MD(int d, int g) {
+ this.mm = d;
+ this.group = g;
+ this.mdsize = this.mm * this.mm * this.mm * 4;
+ this.one = new Particle [this.mdsize];
+ this.sh_force = new float[3][this.mdsize];
+ this.move = 0;
+ this.movemx = 2;
+ this.den = (float)0.83134;
+ this.h = (float)0.064;
+ this.side = Math.powf((float)(this.mdsize/this.den),(float)0.3333333);
+ this.hsq = this.h * this.h;
+ this.hsq2 = this.hsq * (float)0.5;
+ this.vaver = (float)1.13 * Math.sqrtf((float)this.tref / (float)24.0);
+ this.vaverh = this.vaver * this.h;
+ this.irep = 10;
+ this.istop = 19;
+ //this.epot = (float)0.0;
+ //this.vir = (float)0.0;
+ this.tref = (float)0.722;
+ this.tscale = (float)16.0 / ((float)1.0 * (float)this.mdsize - (float)1.0);
+ this.iprint = 10;
+ this.counter = 0;
+ this.epot = (float)0.0;//new float[this.group + 1];
+ this.vir = (float)0.0;//new float[this.group + 1];
+ this.ek = (float)0.0;//new float[this.group + 1];
+ }
+ public void init() {
+ /*for(int i = 0; i < this.group + 1; i++) {
+ this.epot[i] = (float)0.0;
+ this.vir[i] = (float)0.0;
+ }*/
+ this.epot = (float)0.0;
+ this.vir = (float)0.0;
+ for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < this.mdsize; i++) {
+ this.sh_force[j][i] = (float)0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ this.counter = 0;
+ }
+ public void initialise() {
+ /* Particle Generation */
+ float xvelocity, yvelocity, zvelocity;
+ int ijk, lg, i, j, k;
+ float a = this.side/this.mm;
+ xvelocity = (float)0.0;
+ yvelocity = (float)0.0;
+ zvelocity = (float)0.0;
+ //System.printString("here 1\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa0);
+ ijk = 0;
+ for (lg=0; lg<=1; lg++) {
+ for (i=0; i<mm; i++) {
+ for (j=0; j<mm; j++) {
+ for (k=0; k<mm; k++) {
+ one[ijk] = new Particle((float)(i*a+lg*a*(float)0.5),(float)(j*a+lg*a*(float)0.5),(k*a),
+ xvelocity,yvelocity,zvelocity,this);
+ ijk = ijk + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (lg=1; lg<=2; lg++) {
+ for (i=0; i<mm; i++) {
+ for (j=0; j<mm; j++) {
+ for (k=0; k<mm; k++) {
+ one[ijk] = new Particle((float)(i*a+(2-lg)*a*(float)0.5),(float)(j*a+(lg-1)*a*(float)0.5),
+ (float)(k*a+a*(float)0.5),xvelocity,yvelocity,zvelocity,this);
+ ijk = ijk + 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //System.printString("here 2\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa1);
+ /* Initialise velocities */
+ int iseed;
+ float v1,v2, r;
+ iseed = 0;
+ v1 = (float)0.0;
+ v2 = (float)0.0;
+ MyRandom random = new MyRandom(iseed,v1,v2);
+ //System.printString("here 3\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa2);
+ for (i=0; i<this.mdsize; i+=2) {
+ r = random.seed();
+ one[i].xvelocity = r*random.v1;
+ one[i+1].xvelocity = r*random.v2;
+ }
+ //System.printString("here 4\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa3);
+ for (i=0; i<this.mdsize; i+=2) {
+ r = random.seed();
+ one[i].yvelocity = r*random.v1;
+ one[i+1].yvelocity = r*random.v2;
+ }
+ //System.printString("here 5\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa4);
+ for (i=0; i<this.mdsize; i+=2) {
+ r = random.seed();
+ one[i].zvelocity = r*random.v1;
+ one[i+1].zvelocity = r*random.v2;
+ }
+ /*for(i = 0; i < this.mdsize; i++) {
+ System.printString("xvel: " + (int)(one[i].xvelocity*100000) + "; yvel: " + (int)(one[i].yvelocity*100000) + "; zvel: " + (int)(one[i].zvelocity*100000) + "\n");
+ }*/
+ //System.printString("here 6\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa5);
+ /* velocity scaling */
+ float sp, ts, sc;
+ ekin = (float)0.0;
+ sp = (float)0.0;
+ //System.printString("here 7\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa6);
+ for(i=0;i<this.mdsize;i++) {
+ sp = sp + one[i].xvelocity;
+ }
+ sp = sp / this.mdsize;
+ //System.printString("here 8\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa7);
+ for(i=0;i<this.mdsize;i++) {
+ one[i].xvelocity = one[i].xvelocity - sp;
+ ekin = ekin + one[i].xvelocity*one[i].xvelocity;
+ }
+ //System.printString("here 9\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa8);
+ sp = (float)0.0;
+ for(i=0;i<this.mdsize;i++) {
+ sp = sp + one[i].yvelocity;
+ }
+ sp = sp / this.mdsize;
+ //System.printString("here 10\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa9);
+ for(i=0;i<this.mdsize;i++) {
+ one[i].yvelocity = one[i].yvelocity - sp;
+ ekin = ekin + one[i].yvelocity*one[i].yvelocity;
+ }
+ //System.printString("here 11\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa10);
+ sp = (float)0.0;
+ for(i=0;i<this.mdsize;i++) {
+ sp = sp + one[i].zvelocity;
+ }
+ sp = sp / this.mdsize;
+ //System.printString("here 12\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa11);
+ for(i=0;i<this.mdsize;i++) {
+ one[i].zvelocity = one[i].zvelocity - sp;
+ ekin = ekin + one[i].zvelocity*one[i].zvelocity;
+ }
+ //System.printString("here 13\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa12);
+ ts = this.tscale * ekin;
+ sc = h * Math.sqrtf(this.tref/ts);
+ for(i=0;i<this.mdsize;i++) {
+ one[i].xvelocity = one[i].xvelocity * sc;
+ one[i].yvelocity = one[i].yvelocity * sc;
+ one[i].zvelocity = one[i].zvelocity * sc;
+ }
+ //System.printString("here 14\n");
+ //System.printI(0xa13);
+ }
+ public void domove(){
+ for (int i=0;i<this.mdsize;i++) {
+ one[i].domove(this.side,i);
+ }
+ /*for(int j=0;j<3;j++) {
+ for (int i=0;i<mdsize;i++) {
+ sh_force[j][i] = (float)0.0;
+ }
+ }*/
+ this.move++;
+ }
+ public boolean finish() {
+ if(this.move == this.movemx) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public void update(MDRunner runner) {
+ float sum, vel,velt, count, sc;
+ float etot,temp,pres,rp;
+ /* update force arrays */
+ for(int k=0;k<3;k++) {
+ for(int i=0;i<this.mdsize;i++) {
+ sh_force[k][i] += runner.sh_force2[k][i];
+ }
+ }
+ //runner.init();
+ //this.epot[runner.id + 1] = runner.epot;
+ //this.vir[runner.id + 1] = runner.vir;
+ this.epot += runner.epot;
+ this.vir += runner.vir;
+ }
+ public void sum() {
+ float sum = (float)0.0;
+ for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
+ for (int i=0;i<this.mdsize;i++) {
+ sh_force[j][i] = sh_force[j][i] * hsq2;
+ }
+ }
+ sum = (float)0.0;
+ for (int i=0;i<this.mdsize;i++) {
+ sum = sum + this.one[i].mkekin(hsq2,i);
+ }
+ ekin = (float)(sum/hsq);
+ }
+ public void scale() {
+ float sum, vel,velt, count, sc;
+ float etot,temp,pres,rp;
+ //runner.epot = this.epot[0];
+ //runner.vir = this.vir[0];
+ vel = (float)0.0;
+ count = (float)0.0;
+ /* average velocity */
+ for (int i=0;i<this.mdsize;i++) {
+ velt = this.one[i].velavg(vaverh,h);
+ if(velt > vaverh) {
+ count = count + (float)1.0;
+ }
+ vel = vel + velt;
+ }
+ vel = (float)(vel / h);
+ /* temperature scale if required */
+ if((this.move < this.istop) && (((this.move+1) % this.irep) == 0)) {
+ sc = Math.sqrtf(this.tref / (this.tscale*ekin));
+ for (int i=0;i<mdsize;i++) {
+ one[i].dscal(sc,1);
+ }
+ ekin = (float)(this.tref / this.tscale);
+ }
+ /* sum to get full potential energy and virial */
+ if(((this.move+1) % this.iprint) == 0) {
+ /*this.ek[runner.id+1] = (float)24.0*ekin;
+ this.epot[runner.id+1] = (float)4.0*this.epot[runner.id+1];
+ etot = this.ek[runner.id+1] + this.epot[runner.id+1];
+ temp = this.tscale * ekin;
+ pres = den * (float)16.0 * (ekin - this.vir[runner.id+1]) / mdsize;
+ vel = vel / this.mdsize;
+ rp = (count / this.mdsize) * (float)100.0;
+ if(this.counter == this.group) {*/
+ this.ek = (float)24.0*ekin;
+ //this.epot[0] = (float)4.0*this.epot[0];
+ //etot = this.ek[0] + this.epot[0];
+ //temp = this.tscale * ekin;
+ //pres = den * (float)16.0 * (ekin - this.vir[0]) / mdsize;
+ //vel = vel / this.mdsize;
+ //rp = (count / this.mdsize) * (float)100.0;
+ //System.printString("ek: " + (int)(this.ek*1000000) + " (" + this.move + ")\n");
+ //}
+ }
+ }
+ public void validate() {
+ float refval = (float)1731.4306625334357;
+ float dev = Math.abs(this.ek - refval);
+ if (dev > 1.0e-10 ){
+ //System.printString("Validation failed\n");
+ //System.printString("Kinetic Energy = " + (int)(this.ek*1000000) + "; " + (int)(refval*1000000) + "\n");
+ //System.printI(0xdddf);
+ //System.printI((int)(this.ek[0]*1000000));
+ //System.printI((int)(refval*1000000));
+ //System.printI((int)(ek*10000));
+ //System.printI((int)(refval*10000));
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+public class Particle {
+ public float xcoord, ycoord, zcoord;
+ public float xvelocity,yvelocity,zvelocity;
+ int id;
+ //float [][] sh_force;
+ //float [][][] sh_force2;
+ MD md;
+ public Particle(float xcoord, float ycoord, float zcoord, float xvelocity,
+ float yvelocity,float zvelocity,/*float [][] sh_force,
+ float [][][] sh_force2, int id, */MD m) {
+ this.xcoord = xcoord;
+ this.ycoord = ycoord;
+ this.zcoord = zcoord;
+ this.xvelocity = xvelocity;
+ this.yvelocity = yvelocity;
+ this.zvelocity = zvelocity;
+ //this.sh_force = sh_force;
+ //this.sh_force2 = sh_force2;
+ this.id=id;
+ this.md=m;
+ }
+ public void domove(float side,int part_id) {
+ xcoord = xcoord + xvelocity + this.md.sh_force[0][part_id];
+ ycoord = ycoord + yvelocity + this.md.sh_force[1][part_id];
+ zcoord = zcoord + zvelocity + this.md.sh_force[2][part_id];
+ if(xcoord < 0) { xcoord = xcoord + side; }
+ if(xcoord > side) { xcoord = xcoord - side; }
+ if(ycoord < 0) { ycoord = ycoord + side; }
+ if(ycoord > side) { ycoord = ycoord - side; }
+ if(zcoord < 0) { zcoord = zcoord + side; }
+ if(zcoord > side) { zcoord = zcoord - side; }
+ xvelocity = xvelocity + this.md.sh_force[0][part_id];
+ yvelocity = yvelocity + this.md.sh_force[1][part_id];
+ zvelocity = zvelocity + this.md.sh_force[2][part_id];
+ //System.printI(0xc0);
+ }
+ public void force(float side, float rcoff,int mdsize,int x, MDRunner runner) {
+ float sideh;
+ float rcoffs;
+ float fxi,fyi,fzi;
+ float rd,rrd,rrd2,rrd3,rrd4,rrd6,rrd7,r148;
+ float forcex,forcey,forcez;
+ float xx, yy, zz;
+ sideh = (float)0.5*side;
+ rcoffs = rcoff*rcoff;
+ fxi = (float)0.0;
+ fyi = (float)0.0;
+ fzi = (float)0.0;
+ //System.printString("here 111: " + runner.id + "\n");
+ for (int i=x+1;i<mdsize;i++) {
+ xx = this.xcoord - this.md.one[i].xcoord;
+ yy = this.ycoord - this.md.one[i].ycoord;
+ zz = this.zcoord - this.md.one[i].zcoord;
+ if(xx < (-sideh)) { xx = xx + side; }
+ if(xx > (sideh)) { xx = xx - side; }
+ if(yy < (-sideh)) { yy = yy + side; }
+ if(yy > (sideh)) { yy = yy - side; }
+ if(zz < (-sideh)) { zz = zz + side; }
+ if(zz > (sideh)) { zz = zz - side; }
+ rd = xx*xx + yy*yy + zz*zz;
+ if(rd <= rcoffs) {
+ rrd = (float)1.0/rd;
+ rrd2 = rrd*rrd;
+ rrd3 = rrd2*rrd;
+ rrd4 = rrd2*rrd2;
+ rrd6 = rrd2*rrd4;
+ rrd7 = rrd6*rrd;
+ runner.epot = runner.epot + (rrd6 - rrd3);
+ r148 = rrd7 - (float)0.5*rrd4;
+ runner.vir = runner.vir - rd*r148;
+ forcex = xx * r148;
+ fxi = fxi + forcex;
+ runner.sh_force2[0][i] = runner.sh_force2[0][i] - forcex;
+ forcey = yy * r148;
+ fyi = fyi + forcey;
+ runner.sh_force2[1][i] = runner.sh_force2[1][i] - forcey;
+ forcez = zz * r148;
+ fzi = fzi + forcez;
+ runner.sh_force2[2][i] = runner.sh_force2[2][i] - forcez;
+ //this.md.interacts[id]++;
+ }
+ }
+ //System.printString("here 222: " + runner.id + "\n");
+ runner.sh_force2[0][x] = runner.sh_force2[0][x] + fxi;
+ runner.sh_force2[1][x] = runner.sh_force2[1][x] + fyi;
+ runner.sh_force2[2][x] = runner.sh_force2[2][x] + fzi;
+ //System.printString("here 333: " + runner.id + "\n");
+ }
+ public float mkekin(float hsq2,int part_id) {
+ float sumt = (float)0.0;
+ xvelocity = xvelocity + this.md.sh_force[0][part_id];
+ yvelocity = yvelocity + this.md.sh_force[1][part_id];
+ zvelocity = zvelocity + this.md.sh_force[2][part_id];
+ sumt = (xvelocity*xvelocity)+(yvelocity*yvelocity)+(zvelocity*zvelocity);
+ return sumt;
+ }
+ public float velavg(float vaverh,float h) {
+ float velt;
+ float sq;
+ sq = Math.sqrtf(xvelocity*xvelocity + yvelocity*yvelocity + zvelocity*zvelocity);
+ velt = sq;
+ return velt;
+ }
+ public void dscal(float sc,int incx) {
+ xvelocity = xvelocity * sc;
+ yvelocity = yvelocity * sc;
+ zvelocity = zvelocity * sc;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file