//create this$n representing a final reference to the next surrounding class. each inner class should have whatever inner class
//pointers the surrounding class has + a pointer to the surrounding class.
- if( false )
+ if( true )
- addOuterClassReferences( cn, new Vector< String >() );
+ addOuterClassReferences( cn, 0 );
+ addOuterClassParam( cn, 0 );
this.isRunningRecursiveInnerClass = false;
return cn;
-//called recursively with the parent class whose reference is to be passed
+private void initializeOuterMember( MethodDescriptor md, String fieldName, String formalParameter ) {
+ BlockNode obn = state.getMethodBody(md);
+ NameNode nn=new NameNode( new NameDescriptor( fieldName ) );
+ NameNode fn = new NameNode ( new NameDescriptor( formalParameter ) );
+ //nn.setNumLine(en.getNumLine())
+ AssignmentNode an=new AssignmentNode(nn,fn,new AssignOperation(1));
+ //an.setNumLine(pn.getLine());
+ obn.addFirstBlockStatement(new BlockExpressionNode(an));
+ // System.out.print( "The code inserted is : " + obn.printNode( 0 ) + "\n" );
+ state.addTreeCode(md, obn);
private void addOuterClassParam( ClassDescriptor cn, int depth )
Iterator nullCheckItr = cn.getInnerClasses();
for(Iterator method_it=icd.getMethods(); method_it.hasNext(); ) {
MethodDescriptor md=(MethodDescriptor);
if( md.isConstructor() ){
- md.addParameter( theTypeDesc, "surrounding$" + String.valueOf(depth) );
+ md.addParameter( theTypeDesc, "surrounding$" + String.valueOf(depth) );
+ initializeOuterMember( md, "this$" + String.valueOf( depth ), "surrounding$" + String.valueOf(depth) );
+ //System.out.println( "The added param is " + md.toString() + "\n" );
addOuterClassParam( icd, depth + 1 );
-private void addOuterClassReferences( ClassDescriptor cn, Vector< String > runningClassNames )
+private void addOuterClassReferences( ClassDescriptor cn, int depth )
//SYMBOLTABLE does not have a length or empty method, hence could not define a hasInnerClasses method in classDescriptor
Iterator nullCheckItr = cn.getInnerClasses();
if( false == nullCheckItr.hasNext() )
- //logic: for each inner class present in current cn add this$runningIndex and recursively invoke this method on that inner class
- //JAVA might be passing it by reference , so creating a copy for myself.
- Vector tempCopy = new Vector< String >( runningClassNames );
- tempCopy.add( cn.getClassName() );
- Vector< ParseNode > vecParses = new Vector< ParseNode >();
+ String tempCopy = cn.getClassName();
int i = 0;
- for( Iterator itr = tempCopy.listIterator(); itr.hasNext() ; ++i ) {
- ParseNode theNode = new ParseNode( "field_declaration" );
- theNode.addChild("modifier").addChild( new ParseNode( "modifier_list" ) ).addChild("final");
- ParseNode theTypeNode = new ParseNode("type");
- ParseNode tempChildNode = theTypeNode.addChild("class").addChild( "name" );
+ ParseNode theNode = new ParseNode( "field_declaration" );
+ theNode.addChild("modifier").addChild( new ParseNode( "modifier_list" ) ).addChild("final");
+ ParseNode theTypeNode = new ParseNode("type");
+ ParseNode tempChildNode = theTypeNode.addChild("class").addChild( "name" );
//tempChildNode.addChild("base").addChild( new ParseNode("empty") );
- tempChildNode.addChild("identifier").addChild ( ( String ) );
- theNode.addChild("type").addChild( theTypeNode );
- ParseNode variableDeclaratorID = new ParseNode("single");
- String theStr = "this$" + String.valueOf( i );
- variableDeclaratorID.addChild( theStr );
- ParseNode variableDeclarator = new ParseNode( "variable_declarator" );
- variableDeclarator.addChild( variableDeclaratorID );
- ParseNode variableDeclaratorList = new ParseNode("variable_declarators_list");
- variableDeclaratorList.addChild( variableDeclarator );
- theNode.addChild("variables").addChild( variableDeclaratorList );
- //finally
- vecParses.add( theNode );
- }
+ tempChildNode.addChild("identifier").addChild ( tempCopy );
+ theNode.addChild("type").addChild( theTypeNode );
+ ParseNode variableDeclaratorID = new ParseNode("single");
+ String theStr = "this$" + String.valueOf( depth );
+ variableDeclaratorID.addChild( theStr );
+ ParseNode variableDeclarator = new ParseNode( "variable_declarator" );
+ variableDeclarator.addChild( variableDeclaratorID );
+ ParseNode variableDeclaratorList = new ParseNode("variable_declarators_list");
+ variableDeclaratorList.addChild( variableDeclarator );
+ theNode.addChild("variables").addChild( variableDeclaratorList );
for(Iterator it=cn.getInnerClasses(); it.hasNext(); ) {
ClassDescriptor icd=(ClassDescriptor);
- for( Iterator vecParsesItr = vecParses.listIterator(); vecParsesItr.hasNext(); ) {
- ParseNode theDummy = ( ParseNode );
- //System.out.println( ( theDummy ).PPrint( 0, true ) );
- parseFieldDecl( icd, theDummy );
- }
- if( true ) {
+ parseFieldDecl( icd, theNode );
+ /*if( true ) {
SymbolTable fieldTable = icd.getFieldTable();
- System.out.println( fieldTable.toString() );
- }
- addOuterClassReferences( icd, tempCopy );
+ //System.out.println( fieldTable.toString() );
+ }*/
+ addOuterClassReferences( icd, depth + 1 );
return icn;
-private void AddSurroundingClassParamToCtor( ClassDescriptor icn, ParseNode pn )
private TypeDescriptor parseTypeDescriptor(ParseNode pn) {
ParseNode tn=pn.getChild("type");
String type_st=tn.getTerminal();
if (pn.getChild("disjoint") != null) {
disjointId = pn.getChild("disjoint").getTerminal();
+ ParseNode idChild = (pn.getChild( "id" ));
+ ParseNode baseChild = (pn.getChild( "base" ));
CreateObjectNode con = new CreateObjectNode(td, isglobal, disjointId);
+ if( null != idChild && null != idChild.getFirstChild() ) {
+ idChild = idChild.getFirstChild();
+ //System.out.println( "\nThe object passed has this expression " + idChild.PPrint( 0, true ) );
+ ExpressionNode en = parseExpression( idChild );
+ //System.out.println( "\nThe object passed has this expression " + en.printNode( 0 ) );
+ con.setSurroundingExpression( en );
+ }
+ else if( null != baseChild && null != baseChild.getFirstChild() ) {
+ baseChild = baseChild.getFirstChild();
+ //System.out.println( "\nThe object passed has this expression " + baseChild.PPrint( 0, true ) );
+ ExpressionNode en = parseExpression( baseChild );
+ //System.out.println( "\nThe object passed has this expression " + en.printNode( 0 ) );
+ con.setSurroundingExpression( en );
+ }
for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
con.addArgument((ExpressionNode) args.get(i));
TypeDescriptor tdnew=state.getTypeDescriptor(cnnew.getSymbol());
Vector args=parseArgumentList(pn);
+ ParseNode idChild = pn.getChild( "id" );
+ ParseNode baseChild = pn.getChild( "base" );
+ //System.out.println("\n to print idchild and basechild for ");
+ /*if( null != idChild )
+ System.out.println( "\n trying to create an inner class and the id child passed is " + idChild.PPrint( 0, true ) );
+ if( null != baseChild )
+ System.out.println( "\n trying to create an inner class and the base child passed is " + baseChild.PPrint( 0, true ) );*/
CreateObjectNode con=new CreateObjectNode(tdnew, false, null);
for(int i=0; i<args.size(); i++) {
+ void InnerClassAddParamToCtor( MethodDescriptor md, ClassDescriptor cd, SymbolTable nametable,
+ CreateObjectNode con, TypeDescriptor td ) {
+ TypeDescriptor cdsType = new TypeDescriptor( cd );
+ ExpressionNode conExp = con.getSurroundingClassExpression();
+ //System.out.println( "The surrounding class expression si " + con );
+ if( null == conExp ) {
+ if( md.isStatic() ) {
+ throw new Error("trying to instantiate inner class: " + con.getType() + " in a static scope" );
+ }
+ VarDescriptor thisVD = md.getThis();
+ if( null == thisVD ) {
+ throw new Error( "this pointer is not defined in a non static scope" );
+ }
+ if( cdsType.equals( thisVD.getType() ) == false ) {
+ throw new Error( "the type of this pointer is different than the type expected for inner class constructor. Initializing the inner class: " + con.getType() + " in the wrong scope" );
+ }
+ //make this into an expression node.
+ NameNode nThis=new NameNode( new NameDescriptor( "this" ) );
+ con.addArgument( nThis );
+ }
+ else {
+ //REVISIT : here i am storing the expression as an expressionNode which does not implement type, there is no way for me to semantic check this argument.
+ con.addArgument( conExp );
+ }
+ //System.out.println( " the modified createObjectNode is " + con.printNode( 0 ) + "\n" );
void checkCreateObjectNode(Descriptor md, SymbolTable nametable, CreateObjectNode con,
TypeDescriptor td) {
TypeDescriptor[] tdarray = new TypeDescriptor[con.numArgs()];
// Array's don't need constructor calls
ClassDescriptor classtolookin = typetolookin.getClassDesc();
checkClass(classtolookin, INIT);
+ if( classtolookin.isInnerClass() ) {
+ InnerClassAddParamToCtor( (MethodDescriptor)md, ((MethodDescriptor)md).getClassDesc() , nametable, con, td );
+ tdarray = new TypeDescriptor[con.numArgs()];
+ for (int i = 0; i < con.numArgs(); i++) {
+ ExpressionNode en = con.getArg(i);
+ checkExpressionNode(md, nametable, en, null);
+ tdarray[i] = en.getType();
+ }
+ }
Set methoddescriptorset = classtolookin.getMethodTable().getSet(classtolookin.getSymbol());
MethodDescriptor bestmd = null;
NextMethod: for (Iterator methodit = methoddescriptorset.iterator(); methodit.hasNext(); ) {