import Analysis.CallGraph.CallGraph;
import Analysis.Loops.LoopFinder;
-import IR.ClassDescriptor;
import IR.Descriptor;
import IR.FieldDescriptor;
import IR.MethodDescriptor;
private Hashtable<Descriptor, NTuple<Descriptor>> mapHeapPath;
// maps a temp descriptor to its composite location
- private Hashtable<Descriptor, NTuple<Location>> mapDescriptorToLocationStrPath;
+ private Hashtable<Descriptor, NTuple<Location>> mapDescriptorToLocationPath;
// maps a flat method to the READ that is the set of heap path that is
// expected to be written before method invocation
// maps a flat method to the DELETE SET that is a set of heap path to shared
// locations that are
// written to but not overwritten by the higher value
- private Hashtable<FlatMethod, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>> mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet;
+ private Hashtable<FlatMethod, SharedLocMap> mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet;
// maps a flat method to the S SET that is a set of heap path to shared
// locations that are overwritten by the higher value
- private Hashtable<FlatMethod, SharedLocMappingSet> mapFlatMethodToSharedLocMappingSet;
+ private Hashtable<FlatMethod, SharedLocMap> mapFlatMethodToSharedLocMap;
// maps a flat method to the may-wirte set that is the set of heap path that
// might be written to
private Hashtable<MethodDescriptor, MultiSourceMap<Location, Descriptor>> mapMethodToSharedWriteMapping;
- private Hashtable<FlatNode, SharedLocMappingSet> mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping;
+ private Hashtable<FlatNode, SharedLocMap> mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping;
+ private Hashtable<FlatNode, SharedLocMap> mapFlatNodeToDeleteSet;
private Hashtable<Location, Set<Descriptor>> mapSharedLocationToCoverSet;
private Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeIntersectBoundMustWriteSet;
private Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeUnionBoundMayWriteSet;
private Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeUnionBoundDeleteSet;
- private SharedLocMappingSet calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet;
+ private Hashtable<NTuple<Location>, Set<Descriptor>> calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet;
private Hashtable<Descriptor, Location> mapDescToLocation;
this.mapFlatNodeToMustWriteSet = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>>();
this.mapDescriptorToSetDependents = new Hashtable<Descriptor, Set<MethodDescriptor>>();
this.mapHeapPath = new Hashtable<Descriptor, NTuple<Descriptor>>();
- this.mapDescriptorToLocationStrPath = new Hashtable<Descriptor, NTuple<Location>>();
+ this.mapDescriptorToLocationPath = new Hashtable<Descriptor, NTuple<Location>>();
this.mapFlatMethodToReadSet = new Hashtable<FlatMethod, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>>();
this.mapFlatMethodToMustWriteSet = new Hashtable<FlatMethod, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>>();
this.mapFlatMethodToMayWriteSet = new Hashtable<FlatMethod, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>>();
this.mapFlatNodeToBoundMustWriteSet = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>>();
this.mapFlatNodeToBoundMayWriteSet = new Hashtable<FlatNode, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>>();
this.mapSharedLocationToCoverSet = new Hashtable<Location, Set<Descriptor>>();
- this.mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping = new Hashtable<FlatNode, SharedLocMappingSet>();
- this.mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet = new Hashtable<FlatMethod, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>>>();
+ this.mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping = new Hashtable<FlatNode, SharedLocMap>();
+ this.mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet = new Hashtable<FlatMethod, SharedLocMap>();
this.calleeUnionBoundDeleteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
- this.calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet = new SharedLocMappingSet();
- this.mapFlatMethodToSharedLocMappingSet = new Hashtable<FlatMethod, SharedLocMappingSet>();
+ this.calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet = new Hashtable<NTuple<Location>, Set<Descriptor>>();
+ this.mapFlatMethodToSharedLocMap = new Hashtable<FlatMethod, SharedLocMap>();
this.mapLocationPathToMayWrittenSet = new MultiSourceMap<Location, Descriptor>();
this.mapMethodToSharedWriteMapping =
new Hashtable<MethodDescriptor, MultiSourceMap<Location, Descriptor>>();
+ this.mapFlatNodeToDeleteSet = new Hashtable<FlatNode, SharedLocMap>();
public void definitelyWrittenCheck() {
- // sharedLocAnalysis();
+ sharedLocAnalysis();
// eventLoopAnalysis();
MethodDescriptor md = methodDescriptorsToVisitStack.pop();
FlatMethod fm = state.getMethodFlat(md);
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> deleteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
- sharedLoc_analyzeMethod(fm, deleteSet);
- System.out.println("deleteSet result=" + deleteSet);
+ SharedLocMap sharedLocMap = new SharedLocMap();
+ SharedLocMap deleteSet = new SharedLocMap();
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> prevDeleteSet = mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet.get(fm);
+ sharedLoc_analyzeMethod(fm, sharedLocMap, deleteSet);
+ SharedLocMap prevSharedLocMap = mapFlatMethodToSharedLocMap.get(fm);
+ SharedLocMap prevDeleteSet = mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet.get(fm);
- if (!deleteSet.equals(prevDeleteSet)) {
+ if (!(deleteSet.equals(prevDeleteSet) && sharedLocMap.equals(prevSharedLocMap))) {
+ mapFlatMethodToSharedLocMap.put(fm, sharedLocMap);
mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet.put(fm, deleteSet);
// results for callee changed, so enqueue dependents caller for
+ sharedLoc_analyzeEventLoop();
+ }
+ private void sharedLoc_analyzeEventLoop() {
+ if (state.SSJAVADEBUG) {
+ System.out.println("SSJAVA: Definite clearance for shared locations Analyzing: eventloop");
+ }
+ SharedLocMap sharedLocMap = new SharedLocMap();
+ SharedLocMap deleteSet = new SharedLocMap();
+ sharedLoc_analyzeBody(state.getMethodFlat(methodContainingSSJavaLoop), ssjavaLoopEntrance,
+ sharedLocMap, deleteSet, true);
- private void sharedLoc_analyzeMethod(FlatMethod fm, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> deleteSet) {
+ private void sharedLoc_analyzeMethod(FlatMethod fm, SharedLocMap sharedLocMap,
+ SharedLocMap deleteSet) {
if (state.SSJAVADEBUG) {
System.out.println("SSJAVA: Definite clearance for shared locations Analyzing: " + fm);
- sharedLoc_analyzeBody(fm, deleteSet, false);
+ sharedLoc_analyzeBody(fm, fm, sharedLocMap, deleteSet, false);
- private void sharedLoc_analyzeBody(FlatNode startNode, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> deleteSet,
- boolean isEventLoopBody) {
+ private void sharedLoc_analyzeBody(FlatMethod fm, FlatNode startNode, SharedLocMap sharedLocMap,
+ SharedLocMap deleteSet, boolean isEventLoopBody) {
// intraprocedural analysis
Set<FlatNode> flatNodesToVisit = new HashSet<FlatNode>();
FlatNode fn = flatNodesToVisit.iterator().next();
- SharedLocMappingSet currSharedSet = new SharedLocMappingSet();
+ SharedLocMap currSharedSet = new SharedLocMap();
+ SharedLocMap currDeleteSet = new SharedLocMap();
for (int i = 0; i < fn.numPrev(); i++) {
FlatNode prevFn = fn.getPrev(i);
- SharedLocMappingSet in = mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping.get(prevFn);
- if (in != null) {
- merge(currSharedSet, in);
+ SharedLocMap inSharedLoc = mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping.get(prevFn);
+ if (inSharedLoc != null) {
+ mergeSharedLocMap(currSharedSet, inSharedLoc);
+ }
+ SharedLocMap inDeleteLoc = mapFlatNodeToDeleteSet.get(prevFn);
+ if (inDeleteLoc != null) {
+ mergeDeleteSet(currDeleteSet, inDeleteLoc);
- sharedLoc_nodeActions(fn, currSharedSet, deleteSet, isEventLoopBody);
+ sharedLoc_nodeActions(fm, fn, currSharedSet, currDeleteSet, sharedLocMap, deleteSet,
+ isEventLoopBody);
+ SharedLocMap prevSharedSet = mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping.get(fn);
+ SharedLocMap prevDeleteSet = mapFlatNodeToDeleteSet.get(fn);
- SharedLocMappingSet mustSetPrev = mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping.get(fn);
- if (!currSharedSet.equals(mustSetPrev)) {
+ if (!(currSharedSet.equals(prevSharedSet) && currDeleteSet.equals(prevDeleteSet))) {
mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping.put(fn, currSharedSet);
+ mapFlatNodeToDeleteSet.put(fn, currDeleteSet);
for (int i = 0; i < fn.numNext(); i++) {
FlatNode nn = fn.getNext(i);
if ((!isEventLoopBody) || loopIncElements.contains(nn)) {
- private void sharedLoc_nodeActions(FlatNode fn, SharedLocMappingSet curr,
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> deleteSet, boolean isEventLoopBody) {
+ private void sharedLoc_nodeActions(FlatMethod fm, FlatNode fn, SharedLocMap curr,
+ SharedLocMap currDeleteSet, SharedLocMap sharedLocMap, SharedLocMap deleteSet,
+ boolean isEventLoopBody) {
- SharedLocMappingSet killSet = new SharedLocMappingSet();
- SharedLocMappingSet genSet = new SharedLocMappingSet();
+ SharedLocMap killSet = new SharedLocMap();
+ SharedLocMap genSet = new SharedLocMap();
TempDescriptor lhs;
TempDescriptor rhs;
if (isEventLoopBody) {
FlatOpNode fon = (FlatOpNode) fn;
- lhs = fon.getDest();
- rhs = fon.getLeft();
- if (!lhs.getSymbol().startsWith("neverused")) {
- if (rhs.getType().isImmutable()) {
- NTuple<Descriptor> rhsHeapPath = computePath(rhs);
+ if (fon.getOp().getOp() == Operation.ASSIGN) {
+ lhs = fon.getDest();
+ rhs = fon.getLeft();
- if (rhs.getType().getExtension() instanceof Location
- && lhs.getType().getExtension() instanceof CompositeLocation) {
- // rhs is field!
- Location rhsLoc = (Location) rhs.getType().getExtension();
- CompositeLocation lhsCompLoc = (CompositeLocation) lhs.getType().getExtension();
- Location dstLoc = lhsCompLoc.get(lhsCompLoc.getSize() - 1);
+ if (!lhs.getSymbol().startsWith("neverused") && rhs.getType().isImmutable()) {
- NTuple<Descriptor> heapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
- for (int i = 0; i < rhsHeapPath.size() - 1; i++) {
- heapPath.add(rhsHeapPath.get(i));
- }
+ Location dstLoc = getLocation(lhs);
+ if (dstLoc != null && ssjava.isSharedLocation(dstLoc)) {
+ System.out.println("FlatOpNode=" + fon);
+ }
- NTuple<Descriptor> writeHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
- writeHeapPath.addAll(heapPath);
- writeHeapPath.add(lhs);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = computePath(lhs);
+ NTuple<Location> lhsLocTuple = mapDescriptorToLocationPath.get(lhs);
- System.out.println("VAR WRITE:" + fn);
- System.out.println("LHS TYPE EXTENSION=" + lhs.getType().getExtension());
- System.out.println("RHS TYPE EXTENSION=" + rhs.getType().getExtension()
- + " HEAPPATH=" + rhsHeapPath);
+ Location srcLoc = getLocation(lhs);
- // computing gen/kill set
- computeKILLSetForWrite(curr, heapPath, dstLoc, killSet);
- if (!dstLoc.equals(rhsLoc)) {
- computeGENSetForHigherWrite(curr, heapPath, dstLoc, lhs, genSet);
- deleteSet.remove(writeHeapPath);
- } else {
- computeGENSetForSharedWrite(curr, heapPath, dstLoc, lhs, genSet);
- deleteSet.add(writeHeapPath);
- }
+ System.out.println("VAR WRITE:" + fn);
+ System.out.println("lhsLocTuple=" + lhsLocTuple + " lhsHeapPath=" + lhsHeapPath);
+ System.out.println("dstLoc=" + dstLoc + " srcLoc=" + srcLoc);
+ // computing gen/kill set
+ computeKILLSetForWrite(curr, killSet, lhsLocTuple, lhsHeapPath);
+ if (!dstLoc.equals(srcLoc)) {
+ System.out.println("LOC IS DIFFERENT");
+ computeGENSetForHigherWrite(curr, killSet, lhsLocTuple, lhsHeapPath);
+ updateDeleteSetForHigherWrite(currDeleteSet, lhsLocTuple, lhsHeapPath);
+ } else {
+ computeGENSetForSameHeightWrite(curr, killSet, lhsLocTuple, lhsHeapPath);
+ updateDeleteSetForSameHeightWrite(currDeleteSet, lhsLocTuple, lhsHeapPath);
- // System.out.println("fieldLoc=" + fieldLoc + " srcLoc=" + srcLoc);
System.out.println("KILLSET=" + killSet);
System.out.println("GENSet=" + genSet);
- System.out.println("DELETESET=" + deleteSet);
+ System.out.println("DELETESET=" + currDeleteSet);
if (ssjava.isSharedLocation(fieldLoc)) {
// only care the case that loc(f) is shared location
// write(field)
- NTuple<Descriptor> lhsHeapPath = computePath(lhs);
- NTuple<Descriptor> fldHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>(lhsHeapPath.getList());
- fldHeapPath.add(fld);
+ NTuple<Location> fieldLocTuple = mapDescriptorToLocationPath.get(fld);
+ NTuple<Descriptor> fldHeapPath = computePath(fld);
// computing gen/kill set
- computeKILLSetForWrite(curr, lhsHeapPath, fieldLoc, killSet);
+ computeKILLSetForWrite(curr, killSet, fieldLocTuple, fldHeapPath);
if (!fieldLoc.equals(srcLoc)) {
System.out.println("LOC IS DIFFERENT");
- computeGENSetForHigherWrite(curr, lhsHeapPath, fieldLoc, fld, genSet);
- deleteSet.remove(fldHeapPath);
+ computeGENSetForHigherWrite(curr, killSet, fieldLocTuple, fldHeapPath);
+ updateDeleteSetForHigherWrite(currDeleteSet, fieldLocTuple, fldHeapPath);
} else {
- computeGENSetForSharedWrite(curr, lhsHeapPath, fieldLoc, fld, genSet);
- deleteSet.add(fldHeapPath);
+ computeGENSetForSameHeightWrite(curr, killSet, fieldLocTuple, fldHeapPath);
+ updateDeleteSetForSameHeightWrite(currDeleteSet, fieldLocTuple, fldHeapPath);
- }
- System.out.println("################");
- System.out.println("FIELD WRITE:" + fn);
- System.out.println("fieldLoc=" + fieldLoc + " srcLoc=" + srcLoc);
- System.out.println("KILLSET=" + killSet);
- System.out.println("GENSet=" + genSet);
- System.out.println("DELETESET=" + deleteSet);
+ System.out.println("################");
+ System.out.println("FIELD WRITE:" + fn);
+ System.out.println("FldHeapPath=" + fldHeapPath);
+ System.out.println("fieldLocTuple=" + fieldLocTuple + " srcLoc=" + srcLoc);
+ System.out.println("KILLSET=" + killSet);
+ System.out.println("GENSet=" + genSet);
+ System.out.println("DELETESET=" + currDeleteSet);
+ }
// // System.out.println("GENSet=" + GENSet);
- // break;
+ break;
+ case FKind.FlatExit: {
+ // merge the current delete/shared loc mapping
+ mergeSharedLocMap(sharedLocMap, curr);
+ mergeDeleteSet(deleteSet, currDeleteSet);
- // computeNewMapping(curr, readWriteKillSet, readWriteGenSet);
- // System.out.println("#######" + curr);
+ }
+ computeNewMapping(curr, killSet, genSet);
+ System.out.println("#######" + curr);
- private void computeKILLSetForWrite(SharedLocMappingSet curr, NTuple<Descriptor> hp,
- Location loc, SharedLocMappingSet killSet) {
+ private void mergeDeleteSet(SharedLocMap currDeleteSet, SharedLocMap inDeleteLoc) {
+ Set<NTuple<Location>> locTupleKeySet = inDeleteLoc.keySet();
+ for (Iterator iterator = locTupleKeySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Location> locTupleKey = (NTuple<Location>);
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> inSet = inDeleteLoc.get(locTupleKey);
+ currDeleteSet.addWrite(locTupleKey, inSet);
- Set<Descriptor> currWriteSet = curr.getWriteSet(hp, loc);
- if (!currWriteSet.isEmpty()) {
- killSet.addWriteSet(hp, loc, currWriteSet);
+ }
+ private void computeNewMapping(SharedLocMap curr, SharedLocMap killSet, SharedLocMap genSet) {
+ curr.kill(killSet);
+ curr.gen(genSet);
+ }
+ private void updateDeleteSetForHigherWrite(SharedLocMap currDeleteSet, NTuple<Location> locTuple,
+ NTuple<Descriptor> hp) {
+ currDeleteSet.removeWrite(locTuple, hp);
- private void computeGENSetForHigherWrite(SharedLocMappingSet curr, NTuple<Descriptor> hp,
- Location loc, Descriptor desc, SharedLocMappingSet genSet) {
+ private void updateDeleteSetForSameHeightWrite(SharedLocMap currDeleteSet,
+ NTuple<Location> locTuple, NTuple<Descriptor> hp) {
+ currDeleteSet.addWrite(locTuple, hp);
+ }
- Set<Descriptor> genWriteSet = new HashSet<Descriptor>();
- genWriteSet.addAll(curr.getWriteSet(hp, loc));
- genWriteSet.add(desc);
+ private void computeGENSetForHigherWrite(SharedLocMap curr, SharedLocMap genSet,
+ NTuple<Location> locTuple, NTuple<Descriptor> hp) {
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> currWriteSet = curr.get(locTuple);
- genSet.addWriteSet(hp, loc, genWriteSet);
+ if (currWriteSet != null) {
+ genSet.addWrite(locTuple, currWriteSet);
+ }
+ genSet.addWrite(locTuple, hp);
- private void computeGENSetForSharedWrite(SharedLocMappingSet curr, NTuple<Descriptor> hp,
- Location loc, Descriptor desc, SharedLocMappingSet genSet) {
+ private void computeGENSetForSameHeightWrite(SharedLocMap curr, SharedLocMap genSet,
+ NTuple<Location> locTuple, NTuple<Descriptor> hp) {
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> currWriteSet = curr.get(locTuple);
- Set<Descriptor> genWriteSet = new HashSet<Descriptor>();
- genWriteSet.addAll(curr.getWriteSet(hp, loc));
- genWriteSet.remove(desc);
+ if (currWriteSet != null) {
+ genSet.addWrite(locTuple, currWriteSet);
+ }
+ genSet.removeWrite(locTuple, hp);
+ }
+ private void computeKILLSetForWrite(SharedLocMap curr, SharedLocMap killSet,
+ NTuple<Location> locTuple, NTuple<Descriptor> hp) {
- if (!genWriteSet.isEmpty()) {
- genSet.addWriteSet(hp, loc, genWriteSet);
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> writeSet = curr.get(locTuple);
+ if (writeSet != null) {
+ killSet.addWrite(locTuple, writeSet);
- private void merge(SharedLocMappingSet currSharedSet, SharedLocMappingSet in) {
+ private void mergeSharedLocMap(SharedLocMap currSharedSet, SharedLocMap in) {
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> hpKeySet = in.getHeapPathKeySet();
- for (Iterator iterator = hpKeySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- NTuple<Descriptor> hpKey = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
- Set<Location> locSet = in.getLocationKeySet(hpKey);
- for (Iterator iterator2 = locSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- Location locKey = (Location);
- Set<Descriptor> writeSet = in.getWriteSet(hpKey, locKey);
- currSharedSet.intersectWriteSet(hpKey, locKey, writeSet);
+ Set<NTuple<Location>> locTupleKeySet = in.keySet();
+ for (Iterator iterator = locTupleKeySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Location> locTupleKey = (NTuple<Location>);
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> inSet = in.get(locTupleKey);
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> currSet = currSharedSet.get(locTupleKey);
+ if (currSet == null) {
+ currSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ currSet.addAll(inSet);
+ currSharedSet.addWrite(locTupleKey, currSet);
+ currSet.retainAll(inSet);
- if (mapDescriptorToLocationStrPath.containsKey(rhs)) {
- mapDescriptorToLocationStrPath.put(lhs, mapDescriptorToLocationStrPath.get(rhs));
+ if (mapDescriptorToLocationPath.containsKey(rhs)) {
+ mapDescriptorToLocationPath.put(lhs, mapDescriptorToLocationPath.get(rhs));
} else {
if (rhs.getType().getExtension() instanceof SSJavaType) {
NTuple<Location> locTuple =
((SSJavaType) rhs.getType().getExtension()).getCompLoc().getTuple();
- mapDescriptorToLocationStrPath.put(lhs, locTuple);
+ mapDescriptorToLocationPath.put(lhs, locTuple);
if (ssjava.isSharedLocation(fieldLocation)) {
addSharedLocDescriptor(fieldLocation, fld);
- System.out.println("FIELD WRITE FN=" + fn);
+ // System.out.println("FIELD WRITE FN=" + fn);
NTuple<Location> locTuple = deriveLocationTuple(md, lhs);
locTuple.addAll(deriveLocationTuple(md, fld));
- System.out.println("LOC TUPLE=" + locTuple);
+ // System.out.println("LOC TUPLE=" + locTuple);
// mapLocationPathToMayWrittenSet.put(locTuple, null, fld);
addMayWrittenSet(md, locTuple, fld);
+ mapDescriptorToLocationPath.put(fld, locTuple);
NTuple<Location> locTuple = deriveLocationTuple(md, rhs);
locTuple.addAll(deriveLocationTuple(md, fld));
- mapDescriptorToLocationStrPath.put(lhs, locTuple);
+ mapDescriptorToLocationPath.put(lhs, locTuple);
- System.out.println("ADD WRITE DESC=" + d + " TO locTuple=" + locTuple);
+ // System.out.println("ADD WRITE DESC=" + d + " TO locTuple=" + locTuple);
private void bindLocationPathCallerArgWithCalleeParam(MethodDescriptor mdCaller, FlatCall fc) {
case FKind.FlatCall: {
FlatCall fc = (FlatCall) fn;
+ // System.out.println("FLATCALL:" + fn);
generateKILLSetForFlatCall(fc, curr, readWriteKillSet);
generateGENSetForFlatCall(fc, readWriteGenSet);
- // System.out.println("FLATCALL:" + fn);
- // System.out.println("KILLSET=" + KILLSet);
- // System.out.println("GENSet=" + GENSet);
+ checkManyRead(fc, curr);
+ // System.out.println("KILLSET=" + readWriteKillSet);
+ // System.out.println("GENSet=" + readWriteGenSet);
+ private void checkManyRead(FlatCall fc, Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Set<WriteAge>> curr) {
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> boundReadSet = mapFlatNodeToBoundReadSet.get(fc);
+ for (Iterator iterator = boundReadSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ NTuple<Descriptor> readHeapPath = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
+ Set<WriteAge> writeAgeSet = curr.get(readHeapPath);
+ checkWriteAgeSet(writeAgeSet, readHeapPath, fc);
+ }
+ }
private void checkWriteAgeSet(Set<WriteAge> writeAgeSet, NTuple<Descriptor> path, FlatNode fn) {
if (writeAgeSet != null) {
for (Iterator iterator = writeAgeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- private void computeNewMapping(SharedLocMappingSet curr, SharedLocMappingSet KILLSet,
- SharedLocMappingSet GENSet) {
- curr.kill(KILLSet);
- curr.add(GENSet);
- }
private void computeNewMapping(Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Set<WriteAge>> curr,
Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Set<WriteAge>> KILLSet,
Hashtable<NTuple<Descriptor>, Set<WriteAge>> GENSet) {
for (Enumeration<NTuple<Descriptor>> e = GENSet.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
NTuple<Descriptor> key = e.nextElement();
- curr.put(key, GENSet.get(key));
+ Set<WriteAge> currWriteAgeSet = curr.get(key);
+ if (currWriteAgeSet == null) {
+ currWriteAgeSet = new HashSet<WriteAge>();
+ curr.put(key, currWriteAgeSet);
+ }
+ currWriteAgeSet.addAll(GENSet.get(key));
private void bindHeapPathCallerArgWithCaleeParamForSharedLoc(FlatCall fc) {
- // compute all possible callee set
- // transform all DELETE set from the any possible
- // callees to the caller
- calleeUnionBoundDeleteSet.clear();
- calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet.clear();
- MethodDescriptor mdCallee = fc.getMethod();
- Set<MethodDescriptor> setPossibleCallees = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
- setPossibleCallees.addAll(callGraph.getMethods(mdCallee));
- // create mapping from arg idx to its heap paths
- Hashtable<Integer, NTuple<Descriptor>> mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath =
- new Hashtable<Integer, NTuple<Descriptor>>();
- // arg idx is starting from 'this' arg
- if (fc.getThis() != null) {
- NTuple<Descriptor> thisHeapPath = mapHeapPath.get(fc.getThis());
- if (thisHeapPath == null) {
- // method is called without creating new flat node representing 'this'
- thisHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
- thisHeapPath.add(fc.getThis());
- }
- mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.put(Integer.valueOf(0), thisHeapPath);
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < fc.numArgs(); i++) {
- TempDescriptor arg = fc.getArg(i);
- NTuple<Descriptor> argHeapPath = computePath(arg);
- mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.put(Integer.valueOf(i + 1), argHeapPath);
- }
- for (Iterator iterator = setPossibleCallees.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- MethodDescriptor callee = (MethodDescriptor);
- FlatMethod calleeFlatMethod = state.getMethodFlat(callee);
- // binding caller's args and callee's params
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeReadSet = mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet.get(calleeFlatMethod);
- if (calleeReadSet == null) {
- calleeReadSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
- mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet.put(calleeFlatMethod, calleeReadSet);
- }
- Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor> mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc =
- new Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor>();
- int offset = 0;
- if (calleeFlatMethod.getMethod().isStatic()) {
- // static method does not have implicit 'this' arg
- offset = 1;
- }
- for (int i = 0; i < calleeFlatMethod.numParameters(); i++) {
- TempDescriptor param = calleeFlatMethod.getParameter(i);
- mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc.put(Integer.valueOf(i + offset), param);
- }
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeBoundDeleteSet =
- bindSet(calleeReadSet, mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc, mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath);
- // union of the current read set and the current callee's
- // read set
- calleeUnionBoundDeleteSet.addAll(calleeBoundDeleteSet);
- SharedLocMappingSet calleeSharedLocMap =
- mapFlatMethodToSharedLocMappingSet.get(calleeFlatMethod);
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeHeapPathKeySet = calleeSharedLocMap.getHeapPathKeySet();
- for (Iterator iterator2 = calleeHeapPathKeySet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- NTuple<Descriptor> calleeHeapPathKey = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
- NTuple<Descriptor> calleeBoundHeapPathKey =
- bind(calleeHeapPathKey, mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc, mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath);
- Set<Location> calleeLocSet = calleeSharedLocMap.getLocationKeySet(calleeHeapPathKey);
- for (Iterator iterator3 = calleeLocSet.iterator(); iterator3.hasNext();) {
- Location calleeLocKey = (Location);
- Set<Descriptor> calleeWriteSet =
- calleeSharedLocMap.getWriteSet(calleeHeapPathKey, calleeLocKey);
- calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet.intersectWriteSet(calleeBoundHeapPathKey, calleeLocKey,
- calleeWriteSet);
- }
- }
- }
+ // // compute all possible callee set
+ // // transform all DELETE set from the any possible
+ // // callees to the caller
+ // calleeUnionBoundDeleteSet.clear();
+ // calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet.clear();
+ //
+ // MethodDescriptor mdCallee = fc.getMethod();
+ // Set<MethodDescriptor> setPossibleCallees = new
+ // HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
+ // setPossibleCallees.addAll(callGraph.getMethods(mdCallee));
+ //
+ // // create mapping from arg idx to its heap paths
+ // Hashtable<Integer, NTuple<Descriptor>> mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath =
+ // new Hashtable<Integer, NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ //
+ // // arg idx is starting from 'this' arg
+ // if (fc.getThis() != null) {
+ // NTuple<Descriptor> thisHeapPath = mapHeapPath.get(fc.getThis());
+ // if (thisHeapPath == null) {
+ // // method is called without creating new flat node representing 'this'
+ // thisHeapPath = new NTuple<Descriptor>();
+ // thisHeapPath.add(fc.getThis());
+ // }
+ //
+ // mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.put(Integer.valueOf(0), thisHeapPath);
+ // }
+ //
+ // for (int i = 0; i < fc.numArgs(); i++) {
+ // TempDescriptor arg = fc.getArg(i);
+ // NTuple<Descriptor> argHeapPath = computePath(arg);
+ // mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath.put(Integer.valueOf(i + 1), argHeapPath);
+ // }
+ //
+ // for (Iterator iterator = setPossibleCallees.iterator();
+ // iterator.hasNext();) {
+ // MethodDescriptor callee = (MethodDescriptor);
+ // FlatMethod calleeFlatMethod = state.getMethodFlat(callee);
+ //
+ // // binding caller's args and callee's params
+ //
+ // Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeReadSet =
+ // mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet.get(calleeFlatMethod);
+ // if (calleeReadSet == null) {
+ // calleeReadSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
+ // mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet.put(calleeFlatMethod, calleeReadSet);
+ // }
+ //
+ // Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor> mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc =
+ // new Hashtable<Integer, TempDescriptor>();
+ // int offset = 0;
+ // if (calleeFlatMethod.getMethod().isStatic()) {
+ // // static method does not have implicit 'this' arg
+ // offset = 1;
+ // }
+ // for (int i = 0; i < calleeFlatMethod.numParameters(); i++) {
+ // TempDescriptor param = calleeFlatMethod.getParameter(i);
+ // mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc.put(Integer.valueOf(i + offset), param);
+ // }
+ //
+ // Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeBoundDeleteSet =
+ // bindSet(calleeReadSet, mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc,
+ // mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath);
+ // // union of the current read set and the current callee's
+ // // read set
+ // calleeUnionBoundDeleteSet.addAll(calleeBoundDeleteSet);
+ //
+ // SharedLocMappingSet calleeSharedLocMap =
+ // mapFlatMethodToSharedLocMappingSet.get(calleeFlatMethod);
+ //
+ // Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> calleeHeapPathKeySet =
+ // calleeSharedLocMap.getHeapPathKeySet();
+ //
+ // for (Iterator iterator2 = calleeHeapPathKeySet.iterator();
+ // iterator2.hasNext();) {
+ // NTuple<Descriptor> calleeHeapPathKey = (NTuple<Descriptor>)
+ //;
+ //
+ // NTuple<Descriptor> calleeBoundHeapPathKey =
+ // bind(calleeHeapPathKey, mapParamIdx2ParamTempDesc,
+ // mapArgIdx2CallerArgHeapPath);
+ //
+ // Set<Location> calleeLocSet =
+ // calleeSharedLocMap.getLocationKeySet(calleeHeapPathKey);
+ //
+ // for (Iterator iterator3 = calleeLocSet.iterator(); iterator3.hasNext();)
+ // {
+ // Location calleeLocKey = (Location);
+ // Set<Descriptor> calleeWriteSet =
+ // calleeSharedLocMap.getWriteSet(calleeHeapPathKey, calleeLocKey);
+ //
+ // calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet.intersectWriteSet(calleeBoundHeapPathKey,
+ // calleeLocKey,
+ // calleeWriteSet);
+ //
+ // }
+ //
+ // }
+ //
+ // }
+ //
private NTuple<Descriptor> bind(NTuple<Descriptor> calleeHeapPathKey,
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> readSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> mustWriteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> mayWriteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
- SharedLocMappingSet sharedLocMapping = new SharedLocMappingSet();
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> deleteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
- methodReadWriteSet_analyzeMethod(fm, readSet, mustWriteSet, mayWriteSet, sharedLocMapping,
- deleteSet);
+ methodReadWriteSet_analyzeMethod(fm, readSet, mustWriteSet, mayWriteSet);
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> prevRead = mapFlatMethodToReadSet.get(fm);
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> prevMustWrite = mapFlatMethodToMustWriteSet.get(fm);
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> prevMayWrite = mapFlatMethodToMayWriteSet.get(fm);
- SharedLocMappingSet prevSharedLocMapping = mapFlatMethodToSharedLocMappingSet.get(fm);
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> prevDeleteSet = mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet.get(fm);
- if (!(readSet.equals(prevRead) && mustWriteSet.equals(prevMustWrite)
- && mayWriteSet.equals(prevMayWrite) && sharedLocMapping.equals(prevSharedLocMapping) && deleteSet
- .equals(prevDeleteSet))) {
+ if (!(readSet.equals(prevRead) && mustWriteSet.equals(prevMustWrite) && mayWriteSet
+ .equals(prevMayWrite))) {
mapFlatMethodToReadSet.put(fm, readSet);
mapFlatMethodToMustWriteSet.put(fm, mustWriteSet);
mapFlatMethodToMayWriteSet.put(fm, mayWriteSet);
- mapFlatMethodToSharedLocMappingSet.put(fm, sharedLocMapping);
- mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet.put(fm, deleteSet);
// results for callee changed, so enqueue dependents caller for
// further
private void methodReadWriteSet_analyzeMethod(FlatMethod fm, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> readSet,
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> mustWriteSet, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> mayWriteSet,
- SharedLocMappingSet sharedLocMapping, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> deleteSet) {
+ Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> mustWriteSet, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> mayWriteSet) {
if (state.SSJAVADEBUG) {
System.out.println("SSJAVA: Definitely written Analyzing: " + fm);
- methodReadWriteSet_analyzeBody(fm, readSet, mustWriteSet, mayWriteSet, sharedLocMapping,
- deleteSet, false);
+ methodReadWriteSet_analyzeBody(fm, readSet, mustWriteSet, mayWriteSet, false);
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> readSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> mustWriteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> mayWriteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
- SharedLocMappingSet sharedLocMapping = new SharedLocMappingSet();
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> deleteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
mapFlatMethodToReadSet.put(flatMethodContainingSSJavaLoop, readSet);
mapFlatMethodToMustWriteSet.put(flatMethodContainingSSJavaLoop, mustWriteSet);
mapFlatMethodToMayWriteSet.put(flatMethodContainingSSJavaLoop, mayWriteSet);
- mapFlatMethodToSharedLocMappingSet.put(flatMethodContainingSSJavaLoop, sharedLocMapping);
- mapFlatMethodToDeleteSet.put(flatMethodContainingSSJavaLoop, deleteSet);
- methodReadWriteSet_analyzeBody(ssjavaLoopEntrance, readSet, mustWriteSet, mayWriteSet,
- sharedLocMapping, deleteSet, true);
+ methodReadWriteSet_analyzeBody(ssjavaLoopEntrance, readSet, mustWriteSet, mayWriteSet, true);
private void methodReadWriteSet_analyzeBody(FlatNode startNode, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> readSet,
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> mustWriteSet, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> mayWriteSet,
- SharedLocMappingSet sharedLocMapping, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> deleteSet,
boolean isEventLoopBody) {
// intraprocedural analysis
FlatNode fn = flatNodesToVisit.iterator().next();
- SharedLocMappingSet currSharedLocMapping = new SharedLocMappingSet();
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> currMustWriteSet = new HashSet<NTuple<Descriptor>>();
for (int i = 0; i < fn.numPrev(); i++) {
FlatNode prevFn = fn.getPrev(i);
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> in = mapFlatNodeToMustWriteSet.get(prevFn);
- SharedLocMappingSet inSharedLoc = mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping.get(prevFn);
if (in != null) {
merge(currMustWriteSet, in);
- merge(currSharedLocMapping, inSharedLoc);
methodReadWriteSet_nodeActions(fn, currMustWriteSet, readSet, mustWriteSet, mayWriteSet,
- currSharedLocMapping, sharedLocMapping, deleteSet, isEventLoopBody);
+ isEventLoopBody);
- SharedLocMappingSet prevSharedLocSet = mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping.get(fn);
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> mustSetPrev = mapFlatNodeToMustWriteSet.get(fn);
- if ((!currMustWriteSet.equals(mustSetPrev))
- || (!currSharedLocMapping.equals(prevSharedLocSet))) {
+ if (!currMustWriteSet.equals(mustSetPrev)) {
mapFlatNodeToMustWriteSet.put(fn, currMustWriteSet);
- mapFlatNodeToSharedLocMapping.put(fn, currSharedLocMapping);
for (int i = 0; i < fn.numNext(); i++) {
FlatNode nn = fn.getNext(i);
if ((!isEventLoopBody) || loopIncElements.contains(nn)) {
private void methodReadWriteSet_nodeActions(FlatNode fn,
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> currMustWriteSet, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> readSet,
Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> mustWriteSet, Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> mayWriteSet,
- SharedLocMappingSet currSharedLocMapping, SharedLocMappingSet sharedLocMapping,
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> deleteSet, boolean isEventLoopBody) {
- SharedLocMappingSet killSetSharedLoc = new SharedLocMappingSet();
- SharedLocMappingSet genSetSharedLoc = new SharedLocMappingSet();
+ boolean isEventLoopBody) {
TempDescriptor lhs;
TempDescriptor rhs;
System.out.println("RHS TYPE EXTENSION=" + rhs.getType().getExtension()
+ " HEAPPATH=" + rhsHeapPath);
+ // TODO
// computing gen/kill set
- computeKILLSetForWrite(currSharedLocMapping, heapPath, dstLoc, killSetSharedLoc);
- if (!dstLoc.equals(rhsLoc)) {
- computeGENSetForHigherWrite(currSharedLocMapping, heapPath, dstLoc, lhs,
- genSetSharedLoc);
- deleteSet.remove(writeHeapPath);
- } else {
- computeGENSetForSharedWrite(currSharedLocMapping, heapPath, dstLoc, lhs,
- genSetSharedLoc);
- deleteSet.add(writeHeapPath);
- }
+ // computeKILLSetForWrite(currSharedLocMapping, heapPath, dstLoc,
+ // killSetSharedLoc);
+ // if (!dstLoc.equals(rhsLoc)) {
+ // computeGENSetForHigherWrite(currSharedLocMapping, heapPath,
+ // dstLoc, lhs,
+ // genSetSharedLoc);
+ // deleteSet.remove(writeHeapPath);
+ // } else {
+ // computeGENSetForSharedWrite(currSharedLocMapping, heapPath,
+ // dstLoc, lhs,
+ // genSetSharedLoc);
+ // deleteSet.add(writeHeapPath);
+ // }
// x.f=y;
if (fn.kind() == FKind.FlatSetFieldNode) {
- SharedLocMappingSet killSet = new SharedLocMappingSet();
- SharedLocMappingSet genSet = new SharedLocMappingSet();
FlatSetFieldNode fsfn = (FlatSetFieldNode) fn;
lhs = fsfn.getDst();
fld = fsfn.getField();
- // shared loc extension
- Location srcLoc = getLocation(rhs);
- Location fieldLoc = (Location) fld.getType().getExtension();
- if (ssjava.isSharedLocation(fieldLoc)) {
- // only care the case that loc(f) is shared location
- // write(field)
- computeKILLSetForWrite(currSharedLocMapping, lhsHeapPath, fieldLoc, killSetSharedLoc);
- if (!fieldLoc.equals(srcLoc)) {
- computeGENSetForHigherWrite(currSharedLocMapping, lhsHeapPath, fieldLoc, fld,
- genSetSharedLoc);
- deleteSet.remove(fldHeapPath);
- } else {
- computeGENSetForSharedWrite(currSharedLocMapping, lhsHeapPath, fieldLoc, fld,
- genSetSharedLoc);
- deleteSet.add(fldHeapPath);
- }
- }
- System.out.println("################");
- System.out.println("FIELD WRITE:" + fn);
- System.out.println("fieldLoc=" + fieldLoc + " srcLoc=" + srcLoc);
- System.out.println("KILLSET=" + killSetSharedLoc);
- System.out.println("GENSet=" + genSetSharedLoc);
- System.out.println("DELETESET=" + deleteSet);
- // shared loc extension
- bindHeapPathCallerArgWithCaleeParamForSharedLoc(fc);
- generateKILLSharedSetForFlatCall(currSharedLocMapping, killSetSharedLoc);
- generateGENSharedSetForFlatCall(currSharedLocMapping, genSetSharedLoc);
- System.out.println("### Analyzing FC=" + fc);
- System.out.println("### BOUNDSET=" + calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet);
- System.out.println("### GEN=" + genSetSharedLoc);
- System.out.println("### KILL=" + killSetSharedLoc);
case FKind.FlatExit: {
// merge the current written set with OVERWRITE set
merge(mustWriteSet, currMustWriteSet);
- // shared loc extension
- merge(sharedLocMapping, currSharedLocMapping);
- computeNewMapping(currSharedLocMapping, killSetSharedLoc, genSetSharedLoc);
- }
- private void generateGENSharedSetForFlatCall(SharedLocMappingSet currSharedLocMapping,
- SharedLocMappingSet genSetSharedLoc) {
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> hpKeySet = calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet.getHeapPathKeySet();
- for (Iterator iterator = hpKeySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- NTuple<Descriptor> hpKey = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
- Set<Location> locKeySet = calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet.getLocationKeySet(hpKey);
- for (Iterator iterator2 = locKeySet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- Location locKey = (Location);
- Set<Descriptor> calleeBoundWriteSet =
- calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet.getWriteSet(hpKey, locKey);
- System.out.println("calleeBoundWriteSet=" + calleeBoundWriteSet + " hp=" + hpKey + " loc="
- + locKey);
- Set<Descriptor> removeSet = computeRemoveSet(hpKey, locKey);
- Set<Descriptor> currWriteSet = currSharedLocMapping.getWriteSet(hpKey, locKey);
- genSetSharedLoc.addWriteSet(hpKey, locKey, currWriteSet);
- genSetSharedLoc.addWriteSet(hpKey, locKey, calleeBoundWriteSet);
- genSetSharedLoc.removeWriteSet(hpKey, locKey, removeSet);
- }
- }
public NTuple<Descriptor> getPrefix(NTuple<Descriptor> in) {
return removeSet;
- private void generateKILLSharedSetForFlatCall(SharedLocMappingSet currSharedLocMapping,
- SharedLocMappingSet killSetSharedLoc) {
- Set<NTuple<Descriptor>> hpKeySet = calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet.getHeapPathKeySet();
- for (Iterator iterator = hpKeySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- NTuple<Descriptor> hpKey = (NTuple<Descriptor>);
- Set<Location> locKeySet = calleeIntersectBoundSharedSet.getLocationKeySet(hpKey);
- for (Iterator iterator2 = locKeySet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- Location locKey = (Location);
- Set<Descriptor> currWriteSet = currSharedLocMapping.getWriteSet(hpKey, locKey);
- killSetSharedLoc.addWriteSet(hpKey, locKey, currWriteSet);
- }
- }
- }
static public FieldDescriptor getArrayField(TypeDescriptor td) {
FieldDescriptor fd = mapTypeToArrayField.get(td);
if (fd == null) {
return deps;
- private NTuple<Descriptor> computePath(TempDescriptor td) {
+ private NTuple<Descriptor> computePath(Descriptor td) {
// generate proper path fot input td
// if td is local variable, it just generate one element tuple path
if (mapHeapPath.containsKey(td)) {
assert td.getType() != null;
- if (mapDescriptorToLocationStrPath.containsKey(td)) {
- return mapDescriptorToLocationStrPath.get(td);
+ if (mapDescriptorToLocationPath.containsKey(td)) {
+ return mapDescriptorToLocationPath.get(td);
} else {
if (td.getSymbol().startsWith("this")) {
return deriveThisLocationTuple(md);