int next = 1;
trial = trial(num2choose, next);
+ toadd = null;
} else {
if(this.rootNodes.size() == 1) {
return false;
for(index = 0; index < toadd.size(); index++) {
+ toadd = null;
} else {
+ toadd = null;
while(next < this.sNodeVecs.size()) {
for(index = 0; index < toadd.size(); index++) {
+ toadd = null;
} else {
assert(this.rtask != null);
Vector<ObjectSimulator> transObjs = null;
- Vector<Queue<ObjectSimulator>> paraQueues = this.rtask.getParaQueues();
- for(int i = 0; i < paraQueues.size(); i++) {
- ObjectSimulator obj = paraQueues.elementAt(i).poll();
- obj.setHold(false);
- boolean remove = false;
- if((this.targetFState != null) && (this.targetFState.containsKey(obj.getCurrentFS()))) {
- if(transObjs == null) {
- transObjs = new Vector<ObjectSimulator>();
- }
- if(!transObjs.contains(obj)) {
- transObjs.add(obj);
- }
- remove = true;
- }
- // check if this object becoming shared or not
- Vector<Integer> allycores = this.getAllyCores(obj.getCurrentFS());
- if(allycores != null) {
- obj.setShared(true);
- for(int k = 0; k < allycores.size(); ++k) {
- Integer allyCore = allycores.elementAt(k);
+ if(this.rtask.currentRun.getExetype() == 0) {
+ Vector<Queue<ObjectSimulator>> paraQueues = this.rtask.getParaQueues();
+ for(int i = 0; i < paraQueues.size(); i++) {
+ ObjectSimulator obj = paraQueues.elementAt(i).poll();
+ obj.setHold(false);
+ boolean remove = false;
+ if((this.targetFState != null) && (this.targetFState.containsKey(obj.getCurrentFS()))) {
if(transObjs == null) {
transObjs = new Vector<ObjectSimulator>();
if(!transObjs.contains(obj)) {
- remove = false;
+ remove = true;
+ }
+ // check if this object becoming shared or not
+ Vector<Integer> allycores = this.getAllyCores(obj.getCurrentFS());
+ if(allycores != null) {
+ obj.setShared(true);
+ for(int k = 0; k < allycores.size(); ++k) {
+ //Integer allyCore = allycores.elementAt(k);
+ if(transObjs == null) {
+ transObjs = new Vector<ObjectSimulator>();
+ }
+ if(!transObjs.contains(obj)) {
+ transObjs.add(obj);
+ }
+ remove = false;
+ }
+ allycores = null;
+ }
+ for(int j = 0; j < this.tasks.size(); j++) {
+ this.tasks.elementAt(j).refreshPara(obj, remove);
- for(int j = 0; j < this.tasks.size(); j++) {
- this.tasks.elementAt(j).refreshPara(obj, remove);
- }
+ paraQueues = null;
this.activeTime += this.rtask.getCurrentRun().getFinishTime();
if(j == pqueues.size()) {
+ pqueues = null;
return next;
+ pqueues = null;
if(i == tasks.size()) {
return null;
+ toVisit = null;
SchedulingUtil.printScheduleGraph("scheduling_ori.dot", this.scheduleNodes);
clone = null;
qcn2cn = null;
cn2cn = null;
+ origins = null;
+ sn2sn = null;
private int calInExeTime(FlagState fs) throws Exception {
toremove = null;
+ rCNodes = null;
sFStates = null;
try {
if(!tmpcores.contains(tmpSchedule)) {
+ tmpcores = null;
// if the FlagState can be fed to some multi-param tasks,
// need to record corresponding ally cores later
if(td.numParameters() > 1) {
+ cNodes = null;
// For each of the ScheduleEdge out of this ScheduleNode, add the target ScheduleNode into the queue inside sn
Iterator it_edges = sn.edges();
+ tmpcores = null;
+ tmptds = null;
if(cores.size() > 1) {
+ tmpfss = null;
+ fes = null;
+ cores = null;
+ td2cores = null;
+ scheduleGraph = null;
+ scheduling = null;
+ sn2coreNum = null;
+ multiparamtds = null;
public Vector<ScheduleNode> generateScheduling(Vector<Vector<ScheduleNode>> rootnodes, Vector<Vector<CombinationUtil.Combine>> combine, int gid) {
Vector<FlagState> sfss = scn.getFlagStates();
+ sfss = null;
// flush the exeTime of fs and its ancestors
Queue<ObjectInfo> tmpqueue = transObjQueues.get(targetCore);
tmpqueue.add(new ObjectInfo(nobj));
+ tmpqueue = null;
// enqueue this core again
+ cores = null;
// check if this object becoming shared or not
Vector<Integer> allycores = cs.getAllyCores(nobj.getCurrentFS());
if(allycores != null) {
if(!tmpqueue.contains(nobjinfo)) {
+ tmpqueue = null;
+ allycores = null;
+ nobjs = null;
Vector<ObjectSimulator> transObjs = cs.finishTask();
Queue<ObjectInfo> tmpqueue = transObjQueues.get(targetCore);
tmpqueue.add(new ObjectInfo(tobj));
+ tmpqueue = null;
+ cores = null;
// check if this object becoming shared or not
Vector<Integer> allycores = cs.getAllyCores(tobj.getCurrentFS());
if(!tmpqueue.contains(nobjinfo)) {
+ tmpqueue = null;
+ allycores = null;
+ transObjs = null;
// add 'transport' tasks
Iterator it_entries = transObjQueues.entrySet().iterator();
Queue<ObjectInfo> nobjs = tmpentry.getValue();
TransTaskSimulator tmptask = new TransTaskSimulator(cs, tmpCoreNum, nobjs);
+ tmpentry = null;
+ nobjs = null;
- // Choose a new task for this core
- TaskSimulator newTask = cs.process();
- if(newTask != null) {
- this.tasks.add(newTask);
- // add a TASKSTART action into this checkpoint
- action = new Action(coreNum, Action.TASKSTART);
- action.setTd(cs.getRtask().getTd());
- cp.addAction(action);
- }
+ transObjQueues = null;
} else if (task.getCurrentRun().getExetype() == 1) {
action = new Action(coreNum, Action.TASKABORT);
+ Vector<ObjectSimulator> transObjs = cs.finishTask();
} else if (task.getCurrentRun().getExetype() == 2) {
action = new Action(coreNum, Action.TASKREMOVE);
+ Vector<ObjectSimulator> transObjs = cs.finishTask();
+ }
+ // Choose a new task for this core
+ TaskSimulator newTask = cs.process();
+ if(newTask != null) {
+ this.tasks.add(newTask);
+ // add a TASKSTART action into this checkpoint
+ action = new Action(coreNum, Action.TASKSTART);
+ action.setTd(cs.getRtask().getTd());
+ cp.addAction(action);
+ finishTasks = null;
SchedulingUtil.printSimulationResult("SimulatorResult_" + this.invoketime + ".dot", this.processTime,
output.print("; ");
+ keys = null;
+ tmplastTasks = null;
+ tmpisTaskFinish = null;
+ tmpisset = null;
+ actions = null;
+ tmpTaskNodes = null;
int max = 0;
int max2 = 0;
for(j = 1; j < timeNodes.size(); j++) {
- next = Integer.parseInt(timeNodes.elementAt(j));
- int delta = next - prev;
- if(max < delta) {
- max2 = max;
- max = delta;
- } else if((max != delta) && (max2 < delta)) {
- max2 = delta;
- }
- prev = next;
+ next = Integer.parseInt(timeNodes.elementAt(j));
+ int delta = next - prev;
+ if(max < delta) {
+ max2 = max;
+ max = delta;
+ } else if((max != delta) && (max2 < delta)) {
+ max2 = delta;
+ }
+ prev = next;
if(max2 == 0) {
- max2 = 1;
+ max2 = 1;
} else if(max/max2 > 100) {
- max2 = max/100;
+ max2 = max/100;
output.println("\"Time\"->" + timeNodes.elementAt(0) + "[style=invis];");
prev = Integer.parseInt(timeNodes.elementAt(0));
next = 0;
for(j = 1; j < timeNodes.size(); j++) {
- next = Integer.parseInt(timeNodes.elementAt(j));
- if(next - prev > max2) {
- do {
- output.print(prev + "->");
- prev += max2;
- }while(next - prev > max2);
- output.println(next + ";");
- } else {
- output.println("{rank=same; rankdir=LR; " + prev + "; " + next + "}");
- output.println(prev + "->" + next + "[style=invis];");
- }
- prev = next;
+ next = Integer.parseInt(timeNodes.elementAt(j));
+ if(next - prev > max2) {
+ do {
+ output.print(prev + "->");
+ prev += max2;
+ } while(next - prev > max2);
+ output.println(next + ";");
+ } else {
+ output.println("{rank=same; rankdir=LR; " + prev + "; " + next + "}");
+ output.println(prev + "->" + next + "[style=invis];");
+ }
+ prev = next;
/*for(j = 0; j < time; j++) {
- output.print(j + "->");
- }
- output.println(timeNodes.lastElement() + ";");*/
+ output.print(j + "->");
+ }
+ output.println(timeNodes.lastElement() + ";");*/
+ timeNodes = null;
+ lastTaskNodes = null;
+ lastTasks = null;
+ isTaskFinish = null;
} catch (Exception e) {
public void setExetype(int exetype) {
this.exetype = exetype;
+ public void init() {
+ finishTime = 0;
+ if(newObjs != null) {
+ newObjs.clear();
+ }
+ }
public TaskSimulator(TaskDescriptor td, CoreSimulator cs) {
if(this.currentRun == null) {
this.currentRun = new ExeResult();
+ } else {
+ this.currentRun.init();
int finishTime = 0;
if(tpara.isShared()) {
if(tpara.isHold()) {
// shared object held by other tasks
- finishTime = 1; // TODO currenly assume the effort on requesting locks are only 1
+ finishTime = 800; // TODO currenly assume the effort on requesting locks are only 1
} else if (tpara.getVersion() != this.objVersionTbl.get(tpara)) {
// shared object has been updated and no longer fitted to this task
- finishTime = 1; // TODO currenly assume the effort on requesting locks are only 1
+ finishTime = 800; // TODO currenly assume the effort on requesting locks are only 1
package Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis;
import IR.*;
-import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.*;
-import IR.Tree.*;
-import IR.Flat.*;
import java.util.*;
import Util.Edge;
// jzhou
private int executeTime;
private Hashtable<ClassDescriptor, NewObjInfo> newObjInfos;
- private int probability;
+ private double probability;
private int invokeNum;
private int expInvokeNum;
+ private boolean m_isbackedge;
public class NewObjInfo {
int newRate;
this.probability = -1;
this.invokeNum = 0;
this.expInvokeNum = 0;
+ this.m_isbackedge = false;
- public int getProbability() {
- return probability;
+ public double getProbability() {
+ return this.probability;
- public void setProbability(int probability) {
+ public void setProbability(double probability) {
this.probability = probability;
+ public boolean isbackedge() {
+ return m_isbackedge;
+ }
+ public void setisbackedge(boolean isbackedge) {
+ this.m_isbackedge = isbackedge;
+ }
public String getLabel() {
return label;
public int getInvokeNumGap() {
- return expInvokeNum - invokeNum;
+ return this.expInvokeNum - this.invokeNum;
public void setExpInvokeNum(int expInvokeNum) {
// refresh all the expInvokeNum of each edge
for(int i = 0; i < this.edges.size(); i++) {
next = (FEdge) this.edges.elementAt(i);
- next.setExpInvokeNum((int)Math.round(this.invokeNum * (next.getProbability() / 100)));
+ next.setExpInvokeNum((int)(Math.ceil(this.invokeNum * next.getProbability() / 100)));
// find the one with the biggest gap between its actual invoke time and the expected invoke time
// and associated with task td
int index = 0;
int gap = 0;
+ double prob = 0;
+ boolean isbackedge = true;
for(int i = 0; i < this.edges.size(); i++) {
- int temp = ((FEdge) this.edges.elementAt(index)).getInvokeNumGap();
+ next = ((FEdge) this.edges.elementAt(i));
+ int temp = next.getInvokeNumGap();
+ boolean exchange = false;
if((temp > gap) && (next.getTask().equals(td))) {
+ exchange = true;
+ } else if(temp == gap) {
+ if(next.getProbability() > prob) {
+ exchange = true;
+ } else if(next.getProbability() == prob) {
+ if(!isbackedge && next.isbackedge()) {
+ // backedge has higher priority
+ exchange = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(exchange) {
index = i;
gap = temp;
+ prob = next.getProbability();
+ isbackedge = next.isbackedge();
next = (FEdge) this.edges.elementAt(index);
FEdge newedge=new FEdge(fs, taskname, td, parameterindex);
+ newedge.setisbackedge(true);
} else if (fn1.kind()==FKind.FlatFlagActionNode) {
FlatFlagActionNode ffan=(FlatFlagActionNode)fn1;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Queue;
+import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import Analysis.Locality.LocalityBinding;
import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.FEdge;
import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.FlagState;
import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.SafetyAnalysis;
+import Analysis.OwnershipAnalysis.AllocationSite;
+import Analysis.OwnershipAnalysis.OwnershipAnalysis;
import Analysis.Prefetch.*;
import IR.ClassDescriptor;
import IR.Descriptor;
String otqueueprefix = "___otqueue";
int startupcorenum; // record the core containing startup task, suppose only one core can hava startup object
+ private OwnershipAnalysis m_oa;
+ private Vector<Vector<Integer>> m_aliasSets;
+ Hashtable<Integer, Vector<FlatNew>> m_aliasFNTbl4Para;
+ Hashtable<FlatNew, Vector<FlatNew>> m_aliasFNTbl;
+ Hashtable<FlatNew, Vector<Integer>> m_aliaslocksTbl4FN;
public BuildCodeMultiCore(State st, Hashtable temptovar, TypeUtil typeutil, SafetyAnalysis sa, Vector<Schedule> scheduling, int coreNum, PrefetchAnalysis pa) {
super(st, temptovar, typeutil, sa, pa);
this.scheduling = scheduling;
if(this.scheduling.size() < this.coreNum) {
this.coreNum = this.scheduling.size();
+ this.m_oa = null;
+ this.m_aliasSets = null;
+ this.m_aliasFNTbl4Para = null;
+ this.m_aliasFNTbl = null;
+ this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN = null;
+ }
+ public void setOwnershipAnalysis(OwnershipAnalysis m_oa) {
+ this.m_oa = m_oa;
public void buildCode() {
output.println(" struct Queue * totransobjqueue = createQueue();");
output.println(" struct transObjInfo * tmpObjInfo = NULL;");
+ this.m_aliasSets = null;
+ this.m_aliasFNTbl4Para = null;
+ this.m_aliasFNTbl = null;
+ this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN = null;
+ outputAliasLockCode(fm, lb, output);
/* generate print information for RAW version */
output.println("#ifdef RAW");
+ output.println("{");
output.println("int tmpsum = 0;");
output.println("char * taskname = \"" + task.getSymbol() + "\";");
output.println("int tmplen = " + task.getSymbol().length() + ";");
+ output.println("}");
for(int i = 0; i < fm.numParameters(); ++i) {
output.println("while(0 == isEmpty(totransobjqueue)) {");
output.println(" struct QueueItem * totransitem = getTail(totransobjqueue);");
- output.println(" transferObject((struct transObjInfo *)totransitem->objectptr);");
- output.println(" RUNFREE(((struct transObjInfo *)totransitem->objectptr)->queues);");
+ output.println(" transferObject((struct transObjInfo *)(totransitem->objectptr));");
+ output.println(" RUNFREE(((struct transObjInfo *)(totransitem->objectptr))->queues);");
output.println(" RUNFREE(totransitem->objectptr);");
output.println(" removeItem(totransobjqueue, totransitem);");
+ protected void outputAliasLockCode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, PrintWriter output) {
+ if(this.m_oa == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ TaskDescriptor td = fm.getTask();
+ Object[] allocSites = this.m_oa.getFlaggedAllocationSitesReachableFromTask(td).toArray();
+ Vector<Vector<Integer>> aliasSets = new Vector<Vector<Integer>>();
+ Vector<Vector<FlatNew>> aliasFNSets = new Vector<Vector<FlatNew>>();
+ Hashtable<Integer, Vector<FlatNew>> aliasFNTbl4Para = new Hashtable<Integer, Vector<FlatNew>>();
+ Hashtable<FlatNew, Vector<FlatNew>> aliasFNTbl = new Hashtable<FlatNew, Vector<FlatNew>>();
+ for( int i = 0; i < fm.numParameters(); ++i ) {
+ // for the ith parameter check for aliases to all
+ // higher numbered parameters
+ aliasSets.add(null);
+ for( int j = i + 1; j < fm.numParameters(); ++j ) {
+ if(this.m_oa.createsPotentialAliases(td, i, j)) {
+ // ith parameter and jth parameter has alias, create lock to protect them
+ if(aliasSets.elementAt(i) == null) {
+ aliasSets.setElementAt(new Vector<Integer>(), i);
+ }
+ aliasSets.elementAt(i).add(j);
+ }
+ }
+ // for the ith parameter, check for aliases against
+ // the set of allocation sites reachable from this
+ // task context
+ aliasFNSets.add(null);
+ for(int j = 0; j < allocSites.length; j++) {
+ AllocationSite as = (AllocationSite)allocSites[j];
+ if( this.m_oa.createsPotentialAliases(td, i, as) ) {
+ // ith parameter and allocationsite as has alias
+ if(aliasFNSets.elementAt(i) == null) {
+ aliasFNSets.setElementAt(new Vector<FlatNew>(), i);
+ }
+ aliasFNSets.elementAt(i).add(as.getFlatNew());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // for each allocation site check for aliases with
+ // other allocation sites in the context of execution
+ // of this task
+ for( int i = 0; i < allocSites.length; ++i ) {
+ AllocationSite as1 = (AllocationSite)allocSites[i];
+ for(int j = i + 1; j < allocSites.length; j++) {
+ AllocationSite as2 = (AllocationSite)allocSites[j];
+ if( this.m_oa.createsPotentialAliases(td, as1, as2) ) {
+ // as1 and as2 has alias
+ if(!aliasFNTbl.contains(as1.getFlatNew())) {
+ aliasFNTbl.put(as1.getFlatNew(), new Vector<FlatNew>());
+ }
+ if(!aliasFNTbl.get(as1.getFlatNew()).contains(as2.getFlatNew())) {
+ aliasFNTbl.get(as1.getFlatNew()).add(as2.getFlatNew());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // if FlatNew N1->N2->N3, we group N1, N2, N3 together
+ Iterator<FlatNew> it = aliasFNTbl.keySet().iterator();
+ Vector<FlatNew> visited = new Vector<FlatNew>();
+ while(it.hasNext()) {
+ FlatNew tmpfn = it.next();
+ if(visited.contains(tmpfn)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ visited.add(tmpfn);
+ Queue<FlatNew> tovisit = new LinkedList<FlatNew>();
+ Vector<FlatNew> tmpv = aliasFNTbl.get(tmpfn);
+ if(tmpv == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for(int j = 0; j < tmpv.size(); j++) {
+ tovisit.add(tmpv.elementAt(j));
+ }
+ while(!tovisit.isEmpty()) {
+ FlatNew fn = tovisit.poll();
+ visited.add(fn);
+ Vector<FlatNew> tmpset = aliasFNTbl.get(fn);
+ if(tmpset != null) {
+ // merge tmpset to the alias set of the ith parameter
+ for(int j = 0; j < tmpset.size(); j++) {
+ if(!tmpv.contains(tmpset.elementAt(j))) {
+ tmpv.add(tmpset.elementAt(j));
+ tovisit.add(tmpset.elementAt(j));
+ }
+ }
+ aliasFNTbl.remove(fn);
+ }
+ }
+ it = aliasFNTbl.keySet().iterator();
+ }
+ // check alias between parameters and between parameter-flatnew
+ for(int i = 0; i < aliasSets.size(); i++) {
+ Queue<Integer> tovisit = new LinkedList<Integer>();
+ Vector<Integer> tmpv = aliasSets.elementAt(i);
+ if(tmpv == null) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ for(int j = 0; j < tmpv.size(); j++) {
+ tovisit.add(tmpv.elementAt(j));
+ }
+ while(!tovisit.isEmpty()) {
+ int index = tovisit.poll().intValue();
+ Vector<Integer> tmpset = aliasSets.elementAt(index);
+ if(tmpset != null) {
+ // merge tmpset to the alias set of the ith parameter
+ for(int j = 0; j < tmpset.size(); j++) {
+ if(!tmpv.contains(tmpset.elementAt(j))) {
+ tmpv.add(tmpset.elementAt(j));
+ tovisit.add(tmpset.elementAt(j));
+ }
+ }
+ aliasSets.setElementAt(null, index);
+ }
+ Vector<FlatNew> tmpFNSet = aliasFNSets.elementAt(index);
+ if(tmpFNSet != null) {
+ // merge tmpFNSet to the aliasFNSet of the ith parameter
+ if(aliasFNSets.elementAt(i) == null) {
+ aliasFNSets.setElementAt(tmpFNSet, i);
+ } else {
+ Vector<FlatNew> tmpFNv = aliasFNSets.elementAt(i);
+ for(int j = 0; j < tmpFNSet.size(); j++) {
+ if(!tmpFNv.contains(tmpFNSet.elementAt(j))) {
+ tmpFNv.add(tmpFNSet.elementAt(j));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ aliasFNSets.setElementAt(null, index);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int numlock = 0;
+ int numparalock = 0;
+ Vector<Vector<Integer>> tmpaliasSets = new Vector<Vector<Integer>>();
+ for(int i = 0; i < aliasSets.size(); i++) {
+ Vector<Integer> tmpv = aliasSets.elementAt(i);
+ if(tmpv != null) {
+ tmpv.add(0, i);
+ tmpaliasSets.add(tmpv);
+ numlock++;
+ }
+ Vector<FlatNew> tmpFNv = aliasFNSets.elementAt(i);
+ if(tmpFNv != null) {
+ aliasFNTbl4Para.put(i, tmpFNv);
+ if(tmpv == null) {
+ numlock++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ numparalock = numlock;
+ aliasSets.clear();
+ aliasSets = null;
+ this.m_aliasSets = tmpaliasSets;
+ tmpaliasSets.clear();
+ tmpaliasSets = null;
+ aliasFNSets.clear();
+ aliasFNSets = null;
+ this.m_aliasFNTbl4Para = aliasFNTbl4Para;
+ this.m_aliasFNTbl = aliasFNTbl;
+ numlock += this.m_aliasFNTbl.size();
+ // create locks
+ if(numlock > 0) {
+ output.println("int aliaslocks[" + numlock + "];");
+ output.println("int tmpi = 0;");
+ output.println("for(tmpi = 0; tmpi < " + numlock + "; tmpi++) {");
+ output.println(" aliaslocks[tmpi] = (int)(RUNMALLOC(sizeof(int)));");
+ output.println(" *(int *)(aliaslocks[tmpi]) = 0;");
+ output.println("}");
+ // associate locks with parameters
+ int lockindex = 0;
+ for(int i = 0; i < this.m_aliasSets.size(); i++) {
+ Vector<Integer> toadd = this.m_aliasSets.elementAt(i);
+ for(int j = 0; j < toadd.size(); j++) {
+ int para = toadd.elementAt(j).intValue();
+ output.println("addAliasLock(" + super.generateTemp(fm, fm.getParameter(para), lb) + ", aliaslocks[" + i + "]);");
+ }
+ // check if this lock is also associated with any FlatNew nodes
+ if(this.m_aliasFNTbl4Para.contains(toadd.elementAt(0))) {
+ if(this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN == null) {
+ this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN = new Hashtable<FlatNew, Vector<Integer>>();
+ }
+ Vector<FlatNew> tmpv = this.m_aliasFNTbl4Para.get(toadd.elementAt(0));
+ for(int j = 0; j < tmpv.size(); j++) {
+ FlatNew fn = tmpv.elementAt(j);
+ if(!this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.contains(fn)) {
+ this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.put(fn, new Vector<Integer>());
+ }
+ this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.get(fn).add(i);
+ }
+ this.m_aliasFNTbl4Para.remove(toadd.elementAt(0));
+ }
+ lockindex++;
+ }
+ Object[] key = this.m_aliasFNTbl4Para.keySet().toArray();
+ for(int i = 0; i < key.length; i++) {
+ int para = ((Integer)key[i]).intValue();
+ output.println("addAliasLock(" + super.generateTemp(fm, fm.getParameter(para), lb) + ", aliaslocks[" + lockindex + "]);");
+ Vector<FlatNew> tmpv = this.m_aliasFNTbl4Para.get(para);
+ for(int j = 0; j < tmpv.size(); j++) {
+ FlatNew fn = tmpv.elementAt(j);
+ if(this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN == null) {
+ this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN = new Hashtable<FlatNew, Vector<Integer>>();
+ }
+ if(!this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.contains(fn)) {
+ this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.put(fn, new Vector<Integer>());
+ }
+ this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.get(fn).add(lockindex);
+ }
+ lockindex++;
+ }
+ // check m_aliasFNTbl for locks associated with FlatNew nodes
+ Object[] FNkey = this.m_aliasFNTbl.keySet().toArray();
+ for(int i = 0; i < FNkey.length; i++) {
+ FlatNew fn = (FlatNew)FNkey[i];
+ Vector<FlatNew> tmpv = this.m_aliasFNTbl.get(fn);
+ if(this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN == null) {
+ this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN = new Hashtable<FlatNew, Vector<Integer>>();
+ }
+ if(!this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.contains(fn)) {
+ this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.put(fn, new Vector<Integer>());
+ }
+ this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.get(fn).add(lockindex);
+ for(int j = 0; j < tmpv.size(); j++) {
+ FlatNew tfn = tmpv.elementAt(j);
+ if(!this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.contains(tfn)) {
+ this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.put(tfn, new Vector<Integer>());
+ }
+ this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.get(tfn).add(lockindex);
+ }
+ lockindex++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
protected void generateFlatReturnNode(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatReturnNode frn, PrintWriter output) {
if (frn.getReturnTemp()!=null) {
if (frn.getReturnTemp().getType().isPtr())
+ protected void generateFlatNew(FlatMethod fm, LocalityBinding lb, FlatNew fn,
+ PrintWriter output) {
+ if (state.DSM && locality.getAtomic(lb).get(fn).intValue() > 0
+ && !fn.isGlobal()) {
+ // Stash pointer in case of GC
+ String revertptr = super.generateTemp(fm, reverttable.get(lb), lb);
+ output.println(revertptr + "=trans->revertlist;");
+ }
+ if (fn.getType().isArray()) {
+ int arrayid = state.getArrayNumber(fn.getType())
+ + state.numClasses();
+ if (fn.isGlobal()) {
+ output.println(super.generateTemp(fm, fn.getDst(), lb)
+ + "=allocate_newarrayglobal(trans, " + arrayid + ", "
+ + super.generateTemp(fm, fn.getSize(), lb) + ");");
+ output.println(super.generateTemp(fm, fn.getDst(), lb)
+ + "=allocate_newarray(&" + localsprefix + ", "
+ + arrayid + ", " + super.generateTemp(fm, fn.getSize(), lb)
+ + ");");
+ } else {
+ output.println(super.generateTemp(fm, fn.getDst(), lb)
+ + "=allocate_newarray(" + arrayid + ", "
+ + super.generateTemp(fm, fn.getSize(), lb) + ");");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (fn.isGlobal()) {
+ output.println(super.generateTemp(fm, fn.getDst(), lb)
+ + "=allocate_newglobal(trans, "
+ + fn.getType().getClassDesc().getId() + ");");
+ output.println(super.generateTemp(fm, fn.getDst(), lb)
+ + "=allocate_new(&" + localsprefix + ", "
+ + fn.getType().getClassDesc().getId() + ");");
+ } else {
+ output.println(super.generateTemp(fm, fn.getDst(), lb)
+ + "=allocate_new("
+ + fn.getType().getClassDesc().getId() + ");");
+ }
+ }
+ if (state.DSM && locality.getAtomic(lb).get(fn).intValue() > 0
+ && !fn.isGlobal()) {
+ String revertptr = super.generateTemp(fm, reverttable.get(lb), lb);
+ output.println("trans->revertlist=" + revertptr + ";");
+ }
+ // create alias lock if necessary
+ if((this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN != null) && (this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.contains(fn))) {
+ Vector<Integer> tmpv = this.m_aliaslocksTbl4FN.get(fn);
+ for(int i = 0; i < tmpv.size(); i++) {
+ output.println("addAliasLock(" + super.generateTemp(fm, fn.getDst(), lb) + ", aliaslocks[" + tmpv.elementAt(i).intValue() + "]);");
+ }
+ }
+ }
class TranObjInfo {
public String name;
public int targetcore;
package Main;
import java.io.FileOutputStream;
-import java.io.InputStream;
import java.io.PrintStream;
import java.io.Reader;
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.FileReader;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.util.Iterator;
+import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Vector;
import IR.Tree.ParseNode;
import IR.TypeUtil;
import Analysis.Scheduling.Schedule;
import Analysis.Scheduling.ScheduleAnalysis;
-import Analysis.Scheduling.ScheduleEdge;
-import Analysis.Scheduling.ScheduleNode;
import Analysis.Scheduling.ScheduleSimulator;
import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.TaskAnalysis;
import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.TaskTagAnalysis;
import Analysis.FlatIRGraph.FlatIRGraph;
import Analysis.OwnershipAnalysis.OwnershipAnalysis;
import Interface.*;
+import Util.GraphNode;
+import Util.GraphNode.DFS;
+import Util.GraphNode.SCC;
public class Main {
else if (option.equals("-scheduling"))
else if (option.equals("-useprofile"))
- state.USEPROFILE=true;
+ state.USEPROFILE=true;
else if (option.equals("-thread"))
else if (option.equals("-dsm"))
if (state.SCHEDULING) {
+ // Indentify backedges
+ for(Iterator it_classes=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator(); it_classes.hasNext();) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor) it_classes.next();
+ if(cd.hasFlags()) {
+ Set<FlagState> fss = ta.getFlagStates(cd);
+ SCC scc=GraphNode.DFS.computeSCC(fss);
+ if (scc.hasCycles()) {
+ for(int i=0; i<scc.numSCC(); i++) {
+ if (scc.hasCycle(i)) {
+ Set cycleset = scc.getSCC(i);
+ Iterator it_fs = cycleset.iterator();
+ while(it_fs.hasNext()) {
+ FlagState fs = (FlagState)it_fs.next();
+ Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
+ while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ FEdge edge = (FEdge)it_edges.next();
+ if(cycleset.contains(edge.getTarget())) {
+ // a backedge
+ edge.setisbackedge(true);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // set up profiling data
+ if(state.USEPROFILE) {
+ // read in profile data and set
+ FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream("/scratch/profile.rst");
+ byte[] b = new byte[1024 * 100];
+ int length = inStream.read(b);
+ if(length < 0) {
+ System.out.print("No content in input file: /scratch/profile.rst\n");
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ String profiledata = new String(b, 0, length);
+ java.util.Hashtable<String, Integer> taskinfo = new java.util.Hashtable<String, Integer>();
+ int inindex = profiledata.indexOf('\n');
+ while((inindex != -1) ) {
+ String inline = profiledata.substring(0, inindex);
+ profiledata = profiledata.substring(inindex + 1);
+ //System.printString(inline + "\n");
+ int tmpinindex = inline.indexOf(',');
+ if(tmpinindex == -1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ String inname = inline.substring(0, tmpinindex);
+ String inint = inline.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
+ while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
+ inint = inint.substring(1);
+ }
+ int duration = Integer.parseInt(inint);
+ taskinfo.put(inname, duration);
+ inindex = profiledata.indexOf('\n');
+ }
+ java.util.Random r=new java.util.Random();
+ int tint = 0;
+ for(Iterator it_classes=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator(); it_classes.hasNext();) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor) it_classes.next();
+ if(cd.hasFlags()) {
+ Vector rootnodes=ta.getRootNodes(cd);
+ if(rootnodes!=null) {
+ for(Iterator it_rootnodes=rootnodes.iterator(); it_rootnodes.hasNext();) {
+ FlagState root=(FlagState)it_rootnodes.next();
+ Vector allocatingTasks = root.getAllocatingTasks();
+ if(allocatingTasks != null) {
+ for(int k = 0; k < allocatingTasks.size(); k++) {
+ TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor)allocatingTasks.elementAt(k);
+ Vector<FEdge> fev = (Vector<FEdge>)ta.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
+ int numEdges = fev.size();
+ int total = 100;
+ for(int j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
+ FEdge pfe = fev.elementAt(j);
+ if(numEdges - j == 1) {
+ pfe.setProbability(total);
+ } else {
+ if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
+ do {
+ tint = r.nextInt()%total;
+ } while(tint <= 0);
+ }
+ pfe.setProbability(tint);
+ total -= tint;
+ }
+ //do {
+ // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
+ // } while(tint <= 0);
+ //int newRate = tint;
+ //int newRate = (j+1)%2+1;
+ int newRate = 1;
+ String cdname = cd.getSymbol();
+ if((cdname.equals("SeriesRunner")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("MDRunner")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("Stage")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("AppDemoRunner")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("FilterBankAtom"))) {
+ newRate = 16;
+ } else if(cdname.equals("SentenceParser")) {
+ newRate = 4;
+ }
+ //do {
+ // tint = r.nextInt()%100;
+ // } while(tint <= 0);
+ // int probability = tint;
+ int probability = 100;
+ pfe.addNewObjInfo(cd, newRate, probability);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Iterator it_flags = ta.getFlagStates(cd).iterator();
+ while(it_flags.hasNext()) {
+ FlagState fs = (FlagState)it_flags.next();
+ Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
+ int total = 100;
+ while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ //do {
+ // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
+ // } while(tint <= 0);
+ FEdge edge = (FEdge)it_edges.next();
+ tint = taskinfo.get(edge.getTask().getSymbol()).intValue();
+ edge.setExeTime(tint);
+ if((fs.getClassDescriptor().getSymbol().equals("MD")) && (edge.getTask().getSymbol().equals("t6"))) {
+ if(edge.isbackedge()) {
+ if(edge.getTarget().equals(edge.getSource())) {
+ edge.setProbability(93.75);
+ } else {
+ edge.setProbability(3.125);
+ }
+ } else {
+ edge.setProbability(3.125);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ edge.setProbability(total);
+ } else {
+ if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
+ do {
+ tint = r.nextInt()%total;
+ } while(tint <= 0);
+ }
+ edge.setProbability(tint);
+ total -= tint;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ // for test
+ // Randomly set the newRate and probability of FEdges
+ java.util.Random r=new java.util.Random();
+ int tint = 0;
+ for(Iterator it_classes=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator(); it_classes.hasNext();) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor) it_classes.next();
+ if(cd.hasFlags()) {
+ Vector rootnodes=ta.getRootNodes(cd);
+ if(rootnodes!=null) {
+ for(Iterator it_rootnodes=rootnodes.iterator(); it_rootnodes.hasNext();) {
+ FlagState root=(FlagState)it_rootnodes.next();
+ Vector allocatingTasks = root.getAllocatingTasks();
+ if(allocatingTasks != null) {
+ for(int k = 0; k < allocatingTasks.size(); k++) {
+ TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor)allocatingTasks.elementAt(k);
+ Vector<FEdge> fev = (Vector<FEdge>)ta.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
+ int numEdges = fev.size();
+ int total = 100;
+ for(int j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
+ FEdge pfe = fev.elementAt(j);
+ if(numEdges - j == 1) {
+ pfe.setProbability(total);
+ } else {
+ if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
+ do {
+ tint = r.nextInt()%total;
+ } while(tint <= 0);
+ }
+ pfe.setProbability(tint);
+ total -= tint;
+ }
+ //do {
+ // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
+ // } while(tint <= 0);
+ //int newRate = tint;
+ //int newRate = (j+1)%2+1;
+ int newRate = 1;
+ String cdname = cd.getSymbol();
+ if((cdname.equals("SeriesRunner")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("MDRunner")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("Stage")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("AppDemoRunner")) ||
+ (cdname.equals("FilterBankAtom"))) {
+ newRate = 16;
+ } else if(cdname.equals("SentenceParser")) {
+ newRate = 4;
+ }
+ //do {
+ // tint = r.nextInt()%100;
+ // } while(tint <= 0);
+ // int probability = tint;
+ int probability = 100;
+ pfe.addNewObjInfo(cd, newRate, probability);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Iterator it_flags = ta.getFlagStates(cd).iterator();
+ while(it_flags.hasNext()) {
+ FlagState fs = (FlagState)it_flags.next();
+ Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
+ int total = 100;
+ while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ //do {
+ // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
+ // } while(tint <= 0);
+ tint = 3;
+ FEdge edge = (FEdge)it_edges.next();
+ edge.setExeTime(tint);
+ if((fs.getClassDescriptor().getSymbol().equals("MD")) && (edge.getTask().getSymbol().equals("t6"))) {
+ if(edge.isbackedge()) {
+ if(edge.getTarget().equals(edge.getSource())) {
+ edge.setProbability(93.75);
+ } else {
+ edge.setProbability(3.125);
+ }
+ } else {
+ edge.setProbability(3.125);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(!it_edges.hasNext()) {
+ edge.setProbability(total);
+ } else {
+ if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
+ do {
+ tint = r.nextInt()%total;
+ } while(tint <= 0);
+ }
+ edge.setProbability(tint);
+ total -= tint;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Use ownership analysis to get alias information
+ CallGraph callGraph = new CallGraph(state);
+ OwnershipAnalysis oa = new OwnershipAnalysis(state,
+ tu,
+ callGraph,
// Save the current standard input, output, and error streams
// for later restoration.
PrintStream origOut = System.out;
//System.out.println ("Test output via 'SimulatorResult.out'.");
//origOut.println ("Test output via 'origOut' reference.");
- if(state.USEPROFILE) {
- // read in profile data and set
- FileInputStream inStream = new FileInputStream("/scratch/profile.rst");
- byte[] b = new byte[1024 * 100];
- int length = inStream.read(b);
- if(length < 0) {
- System.out.print("No content in input file: /scratch/profile.rst\n");
- System.exit(-1);
- }
- String profiledata = new String(b, 0, length);
- java.util.Hashtable<String, Integer> taskinfo = new java.util.Hashtable<String, Integer>();
- int inindex = profiledata.indexOf('\n');
- while((inindex != -1) ) {
- String inline = profiledata.substring(0, inindex);
- profiledata = profiledata.substring(inindex + 1);
- //System.printString(inline + "\n");
- int tmpinindex = inline.indexOf(',');
- if(tmpinindex == -1) {
- break;
- }
- String inname = inline.substring(0, tmpinindex);
- String inint = inline.substring(tmpinindex + 1);
- while(inint.startsWith(" ")) {
- inint = inint.substring(1);
- }
- int duration = Integer.parseInt(inint);
- taskinfo.put(inname, duration);
- inindex = profiledata.indexOf('\n');
- }
- java.util.Random r=new java.util.Random();
- int tint = 0;
- for(Iterator it_classes=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator(); it_classes.hasNext();) {
- ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor) it_classes.next();
- if(cd.hasFlags()) {
- Vector rootnodes=ta.getRootNodes(cd);
- if(rootnodes!=null) {
- for(Iterator it_rootnodes=rootnodes.iterator(); it_rootnodes.hasNext();) {
- FlagState root=(FlagState)it_rootnodes.next();
- Vector allocatingTasks = root.getAllocatingTasks();
- if(allocatingTasks != null) {
- for(int k = 0; k < allocatingTasks.size(); k++) {
- TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor)allocatingTasks.elementAt(k);
- Vector<FEdge> fev = (Vector<FEdge>)ta.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
- int numEdges = fev.size();
- int total = 100;
- for(int j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
- FEdge pfe = fev.elementAt(j);
- if(numEdges - j == 1) {
- pfe.setProbability(total);
- } else {
- if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
- do {
- tint = r.nextInt()%total;
- } while(tint <= 0);
- }
- pfe.setProbability(tint);
- total -= tint;
- }
- //do {
- // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
- // } while(tint <= 0);
- //int newRate = tint;
- //int newRate = (j+1)%2+1;
- int newRate = 1;
- String cdname = cd.getSymbol();
- if((cdname.equals("SeriesRunner")) ||
- (cdname.equals("MDRunner")) ||
- (cdname.equals("Stage")) ||
- (cdname.equals("AppDemoRunner")) ||
- (cdname.equals("FilterBankAtom"))) {
- newRate = 16;
- } else if(cdname.equals("SentenceParser")) {
- newRate = 4;
- }
- //do {
- // tint = r.nextInt()%100;
- // } while(tint <= 0);
- // int probability = tint;
- int probability = 100;
- pfe.addNewObjInfo(cd, newRate, probability);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Iterator it_flags = ta.getFlagStates(cd).iterator();
- while(it_flags.hasNext()) {
- FlagState fs = (FlagState)it_flags.next();
- Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
- int total = 100;
- while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
- //do {
- // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
- // } while(tint <= 0);
- FEdge edge = (FEdge)it_edges.next();
- tint = taskinfo.get(edge.getTask().getSymbol()).intValue();
- edge.setExeTime(tint);
- if(!it_edges.hasNext()) {
- edge.setProbability(total);
- } else {
- if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
- do {
- tint = r.nextInt()%total;
- } while(tint <= 0);
- }
- edge.setProbability(tint);
- total -= tint;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- // for test
- // Randomly set the newRate and probability of FEdges
- java.util.Random r=new java.util.Random();
- int tint = 0;
- for(Iterator it_classes=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator(); it_classes.hasNext();) {
- ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor) it_classes.next();
- if(cd.hasFlags()) {
- Vector rootnodes=ta.getRootNodes(cd);
- if(rootnodes!=null) {
- for(Iterator it_rootnodes=rootnodes.iterator(); it_rootnodes.hasNext();) {
- FlagState root=(FlagState)it_rootnodes.next();
- Vector allocatingTasks = root.getAllocatingTasks();
- if(allocatingTasks != null) {
- for(int k = 0; k < allocatingTasks.size(); k++) {
- TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor)allocatingTasks.elementAt(k);
- Vector<FEdge> fev = (Vector<FEdge>)ta.getFEdgesFromTD(td);
- int numEdges = fev.size();
- int total = 100;
- for(int j = 0; j < numEdges; j++) {
- FEdge pfe = fev.elementAt(j);
- if(numEdges - j == 1) {
- pfe.setProbability(total);
- } else {
- if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
- do {
- tint = r.nextInt()%total;
- } while(tint <= 0);
- }
- pfe.setProbability(tint);
- total -= tint;
- }
- //do {
- // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
- // } while(tint <= 0);
- //int newRate = tint;
- //int newRate = (j+1)%2+1;
- int newRate = 1;
- String cdname = cd.getSymbol();
- if((cdname.equals("SeriesRunner")) ||
- (cdname.equals("MDRunner")) ||
- (cdname.equals("Stage")) ||
- (cdname.equals("AppDemoRunner")) ||
- (cdname.equals("FilterBankAtom"))) {
- newRate = 16;
- } else if(cdname.equals("SentenceParser")) {
- newRate = 4;
- }
- //do {
- // tint = r.nextInt()%100;
- // } while(tint <= 0);
- // int probability = tint;
- int probability = 100;
- pfe.addNewObjInfo(cd, newRate, probability);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Iterator it_flags = ta.getFlagStates(cd).iterator();
- while(it_flags.hasNext()) {
- FlagState fs = (FlagState)it_flags.next();
- Iterator it_edges = fs.edges();
- int total = 100;
- while(it_edges.hasNext()) {
- //do {
- // tint = r.nextInt()%10;
- // } while(tint <= 0);
- tint = 3;
- FEdge edge = (FEdge)it_edges.next();
- edge.setExeTime(tint);
- if(!it_edges.hasNext()) {
- edge.setProbability(total);
- } else {
- if((total != 0) && (total != 1)) {
- do {
- tint = r.nextInt()%total;
- } while(tint <= 0);
- }
- edge.setProbability(tint);
- total -= tint;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
// generate multiple schedulings
ScheduleAnalysis scheduleAnalysis = new ScheduleAnalysis(state, ta);
//Vector<Schedule> scheduling = (Vector<Schedule>)it_scheduling.next();
Vector<Schedule> scheduling = scheduleAnalysis.getSchedulings().elementAt(selectedScheduling.lastElement());
BuildCodeMultiCore bcm=new BuildCodeMultiCore(state, bf.getMap(), tu, sa, scheduling, scheduleAnalysis.getCoreNum(), pa);
+ bcm.setOwnershipAnalysis(oa);
v->isolate = 1;
v->version = 0;
+ v->numlocks = 0;
+ v->locks = NULL;
#ifdef THREADS
v->isolate = 1;
v->version = 0;
+ v->numlocks = 0;
+ v->locks = NULL;
if (length<0) {
#ifndef RAW
printf("ERROR: negative array\n");
v->isolate = 1;
v->version = 0;
+ v->numlocks = 0;
+ v->locks = NULL;
return v;
v->isolate = 1;
v->version = 0;
+ v->numlocks = 0;
+ v->locks = NULL;
return v;
int corestatus[NUMCORES]; // records status of each core
// 1: running tasks
-// 0: stall
+ // 0: stall
int numsendobjs[NUMCORES]; // records how many objects a core has sent out
int numreceiveobjs[NUMCORES]; // records how many objects a core has received
#ifdef RAW
// profiling mode of RAW version
bool stall;
} TaskInfo;
/*typedef struct interrupt_info {
- int startTime;
- int endTime;
-} InterruptInfo;*/
+ int startTime;
+ int endTime;
+ } InterruptInfo;*/
TaskInfo * taskInfoArray[TASKINFOLENGTH];
int taskInfoIndex;
bool taskInfoOverflow;
/*InterruptInfo * interruptInfoArray[INTERRUPTINFOLENGTH];
-int interruptInfoIndex;
-bool interruptInfoOverflow;*/
+ int interruptInfoIndex;
+ bool interruptInfoOverflow;*/
int profilestatus[NUMCORES]; // records status of each core
// 1: running tasks
-// 0: stall
+ // 0: stall
bool transProfileRequestMsg(int targetcore);
void outputProfileData();
#ifdef RAW
-//#ifdef RAWPROFILE
int main(void) {
for(i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
msgdata[i] = -1;
- //msgdata = NULL;
msgtype = -1;
msgdataindex = 0;
msglength = 30;
totalexetime = -1;
taskInfoIndex = 0;
/*interruptInfoIndex = 0;
- taskInfoOverflow = false;
- interruptInfoOverflow = false;*/
+ taskInfoOverflow = false;
+ interruptInfoOverflow = false;*/
- //pthread_exit(NULL);
while(true) {
while(true) {
-/*#ifndef INTERRUPT
- while(receiveObject() != -1) {
- }
- #endif*/
// check if there are new active tasks can be executed
while(!isEmpty(&objqueue)) {
void * obj = NULL;
+ int * locks = NULL;
+ int numlocks = 0;
sendStall = false;
tocontinue = true;
objitem = getTail(&objqueue);
- //obj = objitem->objectptr;
objInfo = (struct transObjInfo *)objitem->objectptr;
obj = objInfo->objptr;
// grab lock and flush the obj
- getreadlock_I(obj);
- while(!lockflag) {
- receiveObject();
+ grount = 0;
+ if(((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->numlocks == 0) {
+ locks = obj;
+ numlocks = 1;
+ } else {
+ locks = ((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->locks;
+ numlocks = ((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->numlocks;
- grount = lockresult;
+ for(; numlocks > 0; numlocks--) {
+ getreadlock_I(locks);
+ while(!lockflag) {
+ receiveObject();
+ }
+ grount = grount || lockresult;
- raw_test_pass_reg(grount);
+ raw_test_pass_reg(grount);
- lockresult = 0;
- lockobj = 0;
- lockflag = false;
+ lockresult = 0;
+ lockobj = 0;
+ lockflag = false;
- reside = false;
+ reside = false;
+ if(grount == 0) {
+ goto grablockfail;
+ }
+ locks = (int*)(*locks);
+ }
if(grount == 1) {
int k = 0;
+ // flush the object
raw_invalidate_cache_range((int)obj, classsize[((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->type]);
- // flush the obj
- /*for(k = 0; k < classsize[((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->type]; ++k) {
- invalidateAddr(obj + k);
- }*/
// enqueue the object
for(k = 0; k < objInfo->length; ++k) {
int taskindex = objInfo->queues[2 * k];
enqueueObject_I(obj, queues, 1);
removeItem(&objqueue, objitem);
- releasereadlock_I(obj);
+ if(((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->numlocks == 0) {
+ locks = obj;
+ numlocks = 1;
+ } else {
+ locks = ((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->locks;
+ numlocks = ((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->numlocks;
+ }
+ for(; numlocks > 0; numlocks--) {
+ releasereadlock_I(locks);
+ locks = (int *)(*locks);
+ }
- /*enqueueObject_I(obj, NULL, 0);
- removeItem(&objqueue, objitem);
- releasereadlock_I(obj);*/
} else {
// can not get lock
// put it at the end of the queue
// and try to execute active tasks already enqueued first
removeItem(&objqueue, objitem);
addNewItem_I(&objqueue, objInfo);
+ if(((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->numlocks > 0) {
+ //release grabbed locks
+ numlocks = ((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->numlocks - numlocks;
+ locks = ((struct ___Object___ *)obj)->locks;
+ for(; numlocks > 0; numlocks--) {
+ releasereadlock_I(locks);
+ locks = (int *)(*locks);
+ }
+ }
//isInterrupt = true;
-//#ifdef RAWPROFILE
totalexetime = raw_get_cycle();
while(true) {
switch(receiveObject()) {
case 0: {
- printf("[run, %d] receive an object\n", numofcore);
+ //printf("[run, %d] receive an object\n", numofcore);
sendStall = false;
// received an object
// check if there are new active tasks can be executed
- /* case 3: {
- printf("[run, %d] receive a terminate msg\n", numofcore);
- // receive a terminate Msg
- assert(STARTUPCORE != corenum); // only non-startup core can receive such msg
- mq_close(mqd[corenum]);
- fflush(stdout);
- exit(0);
- break;
- }*/
default: {
printf("[run, %d] Error: invalid message type.\n", numofcore);
startupobject->isolate = 1;
startupobject->version = 0;
+ startupobject->numlocks = 0;
+ startupobject->locks = NULL;
/* Set initialized flag for startup object */
enqueueObject(startupobject, NULL, 0);
#ifdef RAW
- //flushAll();
+void addAliasLock(void * ptr, int lock) {
+ struct ___Object___ * obj = (struct ___Object___ *)ptr;
+ if(obj->numlocks == 0) {
+ // originally no alias locks associated
+ obj->locks = (int *)lock;
+ *(obj->locks) = 0;
+ obj->numlocks++;
+ } else {
+ // already have some alias locks
+ // insert the new lock into the sorted lock linklist
+ int prev, next;
+ prev = next = (int)obj->locks;
+ while(next != 0) {
+ if(next < lock) {
+ // next is less than lock, move to next node
+ prev = next;
+ next = *((int *)next);
+ } else if(next == lock) {
+ // already have this lock, do nothing
+ return;
+ } else {
+ // insert the lock between prev and next
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ *(int *)prev = lock;
+ *(int *)lock = next;
+ obj->numlocks++;
+ }
/* Message format for RAW version:
* type + Msgbody
* type: 0 -- transfer object
* 4 -- lock deny
* 5 -- lock release
* 6 -- transfer profile output msg
- * 7 -- transfer profile ouput finish msg
+ * 7 -- transfer profile output finish msg
* ObjMsg: 0 + size of msg + obj's address + (task index + param index)+
* StallMsg: 1 + corenum + sendobjs + receiveobjs (size is always 4 * sizeof(int))
int type=((int *)obj)[0];
int size=classsize[type];
int targetcore = transObj->targetcore;
- //assert(type < NUMCLASSES); // can only transfer normal object
#ifdef RAW
unsigned msgHdr;
int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
- //int isshared = 0;
// for 32 bit machine, the size of fixed part is always 3 words
- //int msgsize = sizeof(int) * 2 + sizeof(void *);
int msgsize = 3 + transObj->length * 2;
int i = 0;
struct ___Object___ * newobj = (struct ___Object___ *)obj;
- /*if(0 == newobj->isolate) {
- isshared = 1;
- }*/
calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
calCoords(targetcore, &target_y, &target_x);
- /*struct ___Object___ * newobj = (struct ___Object___ *)obj;
- if(0 == newobj->isolate) {
- newobj = RUNMALLOC(size);
- memcpy(newobj, obj, size);
- newobj->original=obj;
- }*/
struct transObjInfo * tmptransObj = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(struct transObjInfo));
memcpy(tmptransObj, transObj, sizeof(struct transObjInfo));
int * tmpqueue = RUNMALLOC(sizeof(int)*2*tmptransObj->length);
unsigned msgHdr;
int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
// for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
- //int msgsize = sizeof(int) * 4;
int msgsize = 2;
calCoords(corenum, &self_y, &self_x);
- int i = 0;
- int j = 0;
- raw_test_pass(0xdddd);
- // output task related info
- for(i= 0; i < taskInfoIndex; i++) {
- TaskInfo* tmpTInfo = taskInfoArray[i];
- char* tmpName = tmpTInfo->taskName;
- int nameLen = strlen(tmpName);
- raw_test_pass(0xddda);
- for(j = 0; j < nameLen; j++) {
- raw_test_pass_reg(tmpName[j]);
- }
- raw_test_pass(0xdddb);
- raw_test_pass_reg(tmpTInfo->startTime);
- raw_test_pass_reg(tmpTInfo->endTime);
- raw_test_pass(0xdddc);
- }
+ int i = 0;
+ int j = 0;
- if(taskInfoOverflow) {
- raw_test_pass(0xefee);
- }
+ raw_test_pass(0xdddd);
+ // output task related info
+ for(i= 0; i < taskInfoIndex; i++) {
+ TaskInfo* tmpTInfo = taskInfoArray[i];
+ char* tmpName = tmpTInfo->taskName;
+ int nameLen = strlen(tmpName);
+ raw_test_pass(0xddda);
+ for(j = 0; j < nameLen; j++) {
+ raw_test_pass_reg(tmpName[j]);
+ }
+ raw_test_pass(0xdddb);
+ raw_test_pass_reg(tmpTInfo->startTime);
+ raw_test_pass_reg(tmpTInfo->endTime);
+ raw_test_pass(0xdddc);
+ }
+ if(taskInfoOverflow) {
+ raw_test_pass(0xefee);
+ }
- // output interrupt related info
- /*for(i = 0; i < interruptInfoIndex; i++) {
- InterruptInfo* tmpIInfo = interruptInfoArray[i];
- raw_test_pass(0xddde);
- raw_test_pass_reg(tmpIInfo->startTime);
- raw_test_pass_reg(tmpIInfo->endTime);
- raw_test_pass(0xdddf);
+ // output interrupt related info
+ /*for(i = 0; i < interruptInfoIndex; i++) {
+ InterruptInfo* tmpIInfo = interruptInfoArray[i];
+ raw_test_pass(0xddde);
+ raw_test_pass_reg(tmpIInfo->startTime);
+ raw_test_pass_reg(tmpIInfo->endTime);
+ raw_test_pass(0xdddf);
if(interruptInfoOverflow) {
- raw_test_pass(0xefef);
+ raw_test_pass(0xefef);
- raw_test_pass(0xeeee);
+ raw_test_pass(0xeeee);
/*if(isInterrupt && (!interruptInfoOverflow)) {
- // raw_test_pass(0xffff);
- interruptInfoArray[interruptInfoIndex] = RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct interrupt_info));
- interruptInfoArray[interruptInfoIndex]->startTime = raw_get_cycle();
- interruptInfoArray[interruptInfoIndex]->endTime = -1;
- }*/
+ // raw_test_pass(0xffff);
+ interruptInfoArray[interruptInfoIndex] = RUNMALLOC_I(sizeof(struct interrupt_info));
+ interruptInfoArray[interruptInfoIndex]->startTime = raw_get_cycle();
+ interruptInfoArray[interruptInfoIndex]->endTime = -1;
+ }*/
- /*if(msgdataindex == 0) {
- // type
- msgtype = gdn_receive();
- if(msgtype > 2) {
- msglength = 3;
- } else {
- msglength = 4;
- }
- if(msgtype != 0) {
- msgdata = (int *)RUNMALLOC_I(msglength * sizeof(int));
- msgdata[msgdataindex] = msgtype;
- }
- #ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgtype);
- #endif
- } else if((msgdataindex == 1) && (msgtype == 0)) {
- // object transfer msg
- msglength = gdn_receive();
- msgdata = (int *)RUNMALLOC_I(msglength * sizeof(int));
- msgdata[0] = msgtype;
- msgdata[msgdataindex] = msglength;
- #ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[msgdataindex]);
- #endif
- } else {
- msgdata[msgdataindex] = gdn_receive();
- #ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass_reg(msgdata[msgdataindex]);
- #endif
- }
- msgdataindex++;*/
qitem = getNext(prev);
- //memcpy(transObj->queues, msgdata[3], sizeof(int)*(msglength - 3));
addNewItem_I(&objqueue, (void *)transObj);
- /*
- addNewItem_I(&objqueue, (void *)data2);
- ++(self_numreceiveobjs);
- #ifdef RAWDEBUG
- raw_test_pass(0xe881);
- #endif
- */
// receive lock release msg
if(!RuntimeHashcontainskey(locktbl, data2)) {
// no locks for this object, something is wrong
+ //raw_test_pass_reg(data2);
} else {
int rwlock_obj = 0;
// receive an output request msg
if(corenum == STARTUPCORE) {
// startup core can not receive profile output finish msg
- // return -1
// receive a profile output finish msg
if(corenum != STARTUPCORE) {
// non startup core can not receive profile output finish msg
- // return -1
profilestatus[data1] = 0;
- //RUNFREE(msgdata);
- //msgdata = NULL;
for(msgdataindex--; msgdataindex > 0; --msgdataindex) {
msgdata[msgdataindex] = -1;
msgtype = -1;
- //msgdataindex = 0;
msglength = 30;
interruptInfoArray[interruptInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
if(interruptInfoIndex == INTERRUPTINFOLENGTH) {
- interruptInfoOverflow = true;
+ interruptInfoOverflow = true;
interruptInfoArray[interruptInfoIndex]->endTime = raw_get_cycle();
if(interruptInfoIndex == INTERRUPTINFOLENGTH) {
- interruptInfoOverflow = true;
+ interruptInfoOverflow = true;
printf("<receiveObject> index: %d, sendobjs: %d, reveiveobjs: %d\n", index, numsendobjs[index], numreceiveobjs[index]);
return 2;
- } /*else if(((int*)msgptr)[0] == -2) {
- // terminate msg
- return 3;
- } */
- else {
+ } else {
// an object
if(numofcore == STARTUPCORE) {
int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0; //((int)ptr >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
// for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
- //int msgsize = sizeof(int) * 4;
int msgsize = 4;
int tc = TOTALCORE;
int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0; //((int)ptr >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
// for 32 bit machine, the size is always 3 words
- //int msgsize = sizeof(int) * 3;
int msgsize = 3;
int tc = TOTALCORE;
int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = ((int)ptr >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
// for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
- //int msgsize = sizeof(int) * 4;
int msgsize = 4;
lockobj = (int)ptr;
int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = ((int)ptr >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
// for 32 bit machine, the size is always 3 words
- //int msgsize = sizeof(int) * 3;
int msgsize = 3;
if(targetcore == corenum) {
int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0; //((int)ptr >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
// for 32 bit machine, the size is always 4 words
- //int msgsize = sizeof(int) * 4;
int msgsize= 4;
int tc = TOTALCORE;
int self_y, self_x, target_y, target_x;
int targetcore = 0; //((int)ptr >> 5) % TOTALCORE;
// for 32 bit machine, the size is always 3 words
- //int msgsize = sizeof(int) * 3;
int msgsize = 3;
int tc = TOTALCORE;
currtpd=(struct taskparamdescriptor *) getfirstkey(activetasks);
genfreekey(activetasks, currtpd);
- /* Check if this task has failed, allow a task that contains optional objects to fire */
- /*if (gencontains(failedtasks, currtpd)) {
- // Free up task parameter descriptor
- RUNFREE(currtpd->parameterArray);
- RUNFREE(currtpd);
- goto newtask;
- }*/
/* Make sure that the parameters are still in the queues */
for(i=0; i<numparams; i++) {
void * parameter=currtpd->parameterArray[i];
+ int * locks;
+ int numlocks;
#ifdef RAW
lock = true;
// require locks for this parameter if it is not a startup object
- getwritelock(parameter);
+ if(((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->numlocks == 0) {
+ numlocks = 1;
+ locks = parameter;
+ } else {
+ numlocks = ((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->numlocks;
+ locks = ((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->locks;
+ }
grount = 0;
+ for(; numlocks > 0; numlocks--) {
+ getwritelock(locks);
- raw_user_interrupts_off();
+ raw_user_interrupts_off();
- //isInterrupt = false;
+ //isInterrupt = false;
- while(!lockflag) {
- receiveObject();
- }
+ while(!lockflag) {
+ receiveObject();
+ }
- if(reside) {
- while(receiveObject() != -1) {
+ if(reside) {
+ while(receiveObject() != -1) {
+ }
- }
- grount = lockresult;
+ grount = grount || lockresult;
- lockresult = 0;
- lockobj = 0;
- lockflag = false;
+ lockresult = 0;
+ lockobj = 0;
+ lockflag = false;
- reside = false;
+ reside = false;
- //isInterrupt = true;
+ //isInterrupt = true;
- raw_user_interrupts_on();
+ raw_user_interrupts_on();
+ if(grount == 0) {
+ goto grablock_fail;
+ }
+ locks = (int *)(*locks);
+ }
if(grount == 0) {
// can not get the lock, try later
+ // first release all grabbed locks for this parameter
+ numlocks = ((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->numlocks - numlocks;
+ locks = ((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->locks;
+ for(; numlocks > 0; numlocks--) {
+ releasewritelock(locks);
+ locks = (int *)(*locks);
+ }
+ // then releas all grabbed locks for previous parameters
for(j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
- releasewritelock(taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET]);
+ if(((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->numlocks == 0) {
+ locks = taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET];
+ numlocks = 1;
+ } else {
+ locks = ((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->locks;
+ numlocks = ((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->numlocks;
+ }
+ for(; numlocks > 0; numlocks--) {
+ releasewritelock(locks);
+ locks = (int *)(*locks);
+ }
genputtable(activetasks, currtpd, currtpd);
if(hashsize(activetasks) == 1) {
// flush the object
raw_invalidate_cache_range((int)parameter, classsize[((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->type]);
- /*int tmp = 0;
- for(tmp = 0; tmp < classsize[((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->type]; ++tmp) {
- invalidateAddr(parameter + tmp);
- }*/
tmpparam = (struct ___Object___ *)parameter;
if(0 == tmpparam->isolate) {
isolateflags[i] = 0;
// shared object, need to flush with current value
- //if(!getreadlock(tmpparam->original)) {
- // // fail to get read lock of the original object, try this task later
+ // TODO: need modification according to added alias locks
if(!getwritelock(tmpparam->original)) {
// fail to get write lock, release all obtained locks and try this task later
int j = 0;
goto newtask;
if(tmpparam->version != tmpparam->original->version) {
- // some task on another core has changed this object
- // flush this object
- //memcpy(tmpparam, tmpparam->original, classsize[tmpparam->type]);
// release all obtained locks
int j = 0;
for(j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
- // try to enqueue it again to check if it feeds other tasks;
- //enqueueObject(tmpparam, NULL, 0);
// Free up task parameter descriptor
// release grabbed locks
for(j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
- releasewritelock(taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET]);
+ if(((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->numlocks == 0) {
+ numlocks = 1;
+ locks = ((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->locks;
+ } else {
+ numlocks = ((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->numlocks;
+ locks = ((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->locks;
+ }
+ for(; numlocks > 0; numlocks--) {
+ releasewritelock(locks);
+ locks = (int *)(*locks);
+ }
+ }
+ if(((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->numlocks == 0) {
+ numlocks = 1;
+ locks = parameter;
+ } else {
+ numlocks = ((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->numlocks;
+ locks = ((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->locks;
+ }
+ for(; numlocks > 0; numlocks--) {
+ releasewritelock(locks);
+ locks = (int *)(*locks);
- releasewritelock(parameter);
goto newtask;
// release grabbed locks
for(j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
- releasewritelock(taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET]);
+ if(((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->numlocks == 0) {
+ numlocks = 1;
+ locks = taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET];
+ } else {
+ numlocks = ((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->numlocks;
+ locks = ((struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[j+OFFSET])->locks;
+ }
+ for(; numlocks > 0; numlocks--) {
+ releasewritelock(locks);
+ locks = (int *)(*locks);
+ }
+ }
+ if(((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->numlocks == 0) {
+ numlocks = 1;
+ locks = parameter;
+ } else {
+ numlocks = ((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->numlocks;
+ locks = ((struct ___Object___ *)parameter)->locks;
+ }
+ for(; numlocks > 0; numlocks--) {
+ releasewritelock(locks);
+ locks = (int *)(*locks);
- releasewritelock(parameter);
/* Actually call task */
- ((int *)taskpointerarray)[0]=currtpd->numParameters;
+ ((int *)taskpointerarray)[0]=currtpd->numParameters;
for(i = 0; i < numparams; ++i) {
int j = 0;
struct ___Object___ * tmpparam = (struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[i+OFFSET];
+ int numlocks;
+ int * locks;
raw_test_pass(0xdd100000 + tmpparam->flag);
- releasewritelock(tmpparam);
+ if(tmpparam->numlocks == 0) {
+ numlocks = 1;
+ locks = tmpparam;
+ } else {
+ numlocks = tmpparam->numlocks;
+ locks = tmpparam->locks;
+ }
+ for(; numlocks > 0; numlocks--) {
+ releasewritelock(locks);
+ locks = (int *)(*locks);
+ }
#elif defined THREADSIMULATE
for(i = 0; i < numparams; ++i) {
if(0 == isolateflags[i]) {
struct ___Object___ * tmpparam = (struct ___Object___ *)taskpointerarray[i+OFFSET];
- releasewritelock(tmpparam);
+ if(tmpparam->numlocks == 0) {
+ numlocks = 1;
+ locks = tmpparam;
+ } else {
+ numlocks = tmpparam->numlocks;
+ locks = tmpparam->locks;
+ }
+ for(; numlocks > 0; numlocks--) {
+ releasewritelock(locks);
+ locks = (int *)(*locks);
+ }
-#ifdef RAW
-//struct RuntimeHash * ptbl = NULL;
void flagorand(void * ptr, int ormask, int andmask, struct parameterwrapper ** queues, int length);
void flagorandinit(void * ptr, int ormask, int andmask);
#ifdef RAW
void enqueueObject_I(void * ptr, struct parameterwrapper ** queues, int length);
+void addAliasLock(void * ptr, int lock);
void flagorand(void * ptr, int ormask, int andmask);
void flagorandinit(void * ptr, int ormask, int andmask);
/* Actually call task */
- ((int *)taskpointerarray)[0]=currtpd->numParameters;
+ ((int *)taskpointerarray)[0]=currtpd->numParameters;
/** Returns whether the strongly connected component i contains a cycle */
- boolean hasCycle(int i) {
+ public boolean hasCycle(int i) {
Integer scc=new Integer(i);
Set s=(Set)map.get(scc);
if (s.size()>1)