import gov.nasa.jpf.Config;
import gov.nasa.jpf.JPF;
import gov.nasa.jpf.ListenerAdapter;
+import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.bytecode.INVOKEINTERFACE;
+import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.bytecode.JVMFieldInstruction;
-import gov.nasa.jpf.jvm.bytecode.*;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.*;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.bytecode.ReadInstruction;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.bytecode.WriteInstruction;
import gov.nasa.jpf.vm.choice.IntIntervalGenerator;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* This a DPOR implementation for event-driven applications with loops that create cycles of state matching
// Statistics
private int numOfTransitions;
public DPORStateReducer(Config config, JPF jpf) {
verboseMode = config.getBoolean("printout_state_transition", false);
stateReductionMode = config.getBoolean("activate_state_reduction", true);
// Create a new list of choices for backtrack based on the current choice and conflicting event number
// E.g. if we have a conflict between 1 and 3, then we create the list {3, 1, 0, 2}
// for the original set {0, 1, 2, 3}
+ // execution/currentChoice represent the event/transaction that will be put into the backtracking set of
+ // conflictExecution/conflictChoice
Integer[] newChoiceList = new Integer[refChoices.length];
ArrayList<TransitionEvent> currentTrace = execution.getExecutionTrace();
ArrayList<TransitionEvent> conflictTrace = conflictExecution.getExecutionTrace();
private boolean isConflictFound(Execution execution, int reachableChoice, Execution conflictExecution, int conflictChoice,
ReadWriteSet currRWSet) {
+ // conflictExecution/conflictChoice represent a predecessor event/transaction that can potentially have a conflict
ArrayList<TransitionEvent> executionTrace = execution.getExecutionTrace();
ArrayList<TransitionEvent> conflictTrace = conflictExecution.getExecutionTrace();
HashMap<Integer, ReadWriteSet> confRWFieldsMap = conflictExecution.getReadWriteFieldsMap();
// TODO: The following is the call to the original version of the method
// updateBacktrackSetRecursive(execution, currentChoice, execution, currentChoice, currRWSet, visited);
// TODO: The following is the call to the version of the method with pushing up happens-before transitions
- updateBacktrackSetRecursive(execution, currentChoice, execution, currentChoice, execution, currentChoice, currRWSet, visited);
+ updateBacktrackSetRecursive(execution, currentChoice, execution, currentChoice, currRWSet, visited);
// TODO: This is the original version of the recursive method
// TODO: This is the version of the method with pushing up happens-before transitions
private void updateBacktrackSetRecursive(Execution execution, int currentChoice,
Execution conflictExecution, int conflictChoice,
- Execution hbExecution, int hbChoice,
ReadWriteSet currRWSet, HashSet<TransitionEvent> visited) {
// Halt when we have found the first read/write conflicts for all memory locations
if (currRWSet.isEmpty()) {
- TransitionEvent confTrans = conflictExecution.getExecutionTrace().get(conflictChoice);
+ TransitionEvent currTrans = execution.getExecutionTrace().get(currentChoice);
// Halt when we have visited this transition (in a cycle)
- if (visited.contains(confTrans)) {
+ if (visited.contains(currTrans)) {
- visited.add(confTrans);
+ visited.add(currTrans);
// Explore all predecessors
- for (Predecessor predecessor : confTrans.getPredecessors()) {
+ for (Predecessor predecessor : currTrans.getPredecessors()) {
// Get the predecessor (previous conflict choice)
- conflictChoice = predecessor.getChoice();
- conflictExecution = predecessor.getExecution();
+ int predecessorChoice = predecessor.getChoice();
+ Execution predecessorExecution = predecessor.getExecution();
// Push up one happens-before transition
- int pushedChoice = hbChoice;
- Execution pushedExecution = hbExecution;
+ int newConflictChoice = conflictChoice;
+ Execution newConflictExecution = conflictExecution;
// Check if a conflict is found
- if (isConflictFound(execution, currentChoice, conflictExecution, conflictChoice, currRWSet)) {
- createBacktrackingPoint(pushedExecution, pushedChoice, conflictExecution, conflictChoice);
- pushedChoice = conflictChoice;
- pushedExecution = conflictExecution;
+ if (isConflictFound(conflictExecution, conflictChoice, predecessorExecution, predecessorChoice, currRWSet)) {
+ createBacktrackingPoint(conflictExecution, conflictChoice, predecessorExecution, predecessorChoice);
+ newConflictChoice = conflictChoice;
+ newConflictExecution = conflictExecution;
// Continue performing DFS if conflict is not found
- updateBacktrackSetRecursive(execution, currentChoice, conflictExecution, conflictChoice,
- pushedExecution, pushedChoice, currRWSet, visited);
+ updateBacktrackSetRecursive(predecessorExecution, predecessorChoice, newConflictExecution, newConflictChoice,
+ currRWSet, visited);
// Remove the transition after being explored
// TODO: Seems to cause a lot of loops---commented out for now