//This keeps track of taints we've traversed to prevent printing duplicate traverse functions
//The Integer keeps track of the weakly connected group it's in (used in enumerateHeapRoots)
- private Hashtable<Taint, Integer> doneTaints;
- private Hashtable<Pair, Integer> idMap=new Hashtable<Pair,Integer>();
- private Hashtable<Pair, Integer> weakMap=new Hashtable<Pair,Integer>();
- private Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> globalEffects;
- private Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> globalConflicts;
+ //private Hashtable<Taint, Integer> doneTaints;
+ //private Hashtable<Pair, Integer> idMap=new Hashtable<Pair,Integer>();
+ //private Hashtable<Pair, Integer> weakMap=new Hashtable<Pair,Integer>();
+ //private Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> globalEffects;
+ //private Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> globalConflicts;
- private ArrayList<TraversalInfo> traverserTODO;
+ //private ArrayList<TraversalInfo> traverserTODO;
// Hashtable provides fast access to heaproot # lookups
- private Hashtable<Taint, WeaklyConectedHRGroup> connectedHRHash;
- private ArrayList<WeaklyConectedHRGroup> num2WeaklyConnectedHRGroup;
- private int traverserIDCounter;
- public int currentID=1;
+ //private Hashtable<Taint, WeaklyConectedHRGroup> connectedHRHash;
+ //private ArrayList<WeaklyConectedHRGroup> num2WeaklyConnectedHRGroup;
+ //private int traverserIDCounter;
+ //public int currentID=1;
private int weaklyConnectedHRCounter;
- private ArrayList<TaintAndInternalHeapStructure> pendingPrintout;
- private EffectsTable effectsLookupTable;
- private OoOJavaAnalysis oooa;
+ //private ArrayList<TaintAndInternalHeapStructure> pendingPrintout;
+ //private EffectsTable effectsLookupTable;
+ private OoOJavaAnalysis oooa;
private State state;
// initializing variables can be found in printHeader()
* 4) Build internal representation of the rgs (pruned)
* 5) Print c methods by walking internal representation
- public RuntimeConflictResolver(String buildir, OoOJavaAnalysis oooa, Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> globalEffects, State state)
+ public RuntimeConflictResolver( String buildir,
+ OoOJavaAnalysis oooa,
+ State state)
throws FileNotFoundException {
this.generalDebug = state.RCR_DEBUG || state.RCR_DEBUG_VERBOSE;
this.verboseDebug = state.RCR_DEBUG_VERBOSE;
- doneTaints = new Hashtable<Taint, Integer>();
- connectedHRHash = new Hashtable<Taint, WeaklyConectedHRGroup>();
- pendingPrintout = new ArrayList<TaintAndInternalHeapStructure>();
- traverserTODO = new ArrayList<TraversalInfo>();
- globalConflicts = new Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>>();
- //Note: globalEffects is not instantiated since it'll be passed in whole while conflicts comes in chunks
+ //doneTaints = new Hashtable<Taint, Integer>();
+ //connectedHRHash = new Hashtable<Taint, WeaklyConectedHRGroup>();
+ //pendingPrintout = new ArrayList<TaintAndInternalHeapStructure>();
+ //traverserTODO = new ArrayList<TraversalInfo>();
- traverserIDCounter = 1;
- weaklyConnectedHRCounter = 0;
+ //traverserIDCounter = 1;
+ weaklyConnectedHRCounter = 1;
//note: the order below MATTERS
- setGlobalEffects(globalEffects);
- getAllTasksAndConflicts();
- buildEffectsLookupStructure();
- createInternalGraphs();
+ //getAllTasksAndConflicts();
+ //createInternalGraphs();
//After the internal graphs are created, we can print,
//but printing is done in close();
headerFile.println("#define __3_RCR_H_");
- private void setGlobalEffects(Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> effects) {
- globalEffects = effects;
- if(verboseDebug) {
- System.out.println("============EFFECTS LIST AS PASSED IN============");
- for(Taint t: globalEffects.keySet()) {
- System.out.println("For Taint " + t);
- for(Effect e: globalEffects.get(t)) {
- System.out.println("\t" + e);
- }
- }
- System.out.println("====================END LIST====================");
- }
- }
- private void getAllTasksAndConflicts() {
- FlatSESEEnterNode fsen;
- FlatSESEEnterNode parentSESE;
- ConflictGraph conflictGraph;
- ReachGraph rg;
- Graph g;
- Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> conflicts;
- HeapAnalysis heapAnalysis = oooa.getDisjointAnalysis();
- //Go through the SESE's
- printDebug(generalDebug, "======================SESE's======================");
- if (heapAnalysis instanceof DisjointAnalysis) {
- DisjointAnalysis disjointAnalysis=(DisjointAnalysis) heapAnalysis;
- for(Iterator<FlatSESEEnterNode> seseit = oooa.getAllSESEs().iterator();seseit.hasNext();) {
- fsen = seseit.next();
- if ( fsen.getParents().size() > 0 &&
- (parentSESE = (FlatSESEEnterNode) fsen.getParents().iterator().next()) != null &&
- (conflictGraph = oooa.getConflictGraph(parentSESE)) != null &&
- (conflicts = conflictGraph.getConflictEffectSet(fsen)) != null &&
- (rg = disjointAnalysis.getEnterReachGraph(fsen)) != null ){
- addToTraverseToDoList(fsen, rg, conflicts, conflictGraph);
- }
- }
- } else {
- Pointer pointerAnalysis=(Pointer) heapAnalysis;
- for(Iterator<FlatSESEEnterNode> seseit = oooa.getAllSESEs().iterator();seseit.hasNext();) {
- fsen = seseit.next();
- if ( fsen.getParents().size() > 0 &&
- (parentSESE = (FlatSESEEnterNode) fsen.getParents().iterator().next()) != null &&
- (conflictGraph = oooa.getConflictGraph(parentSESE)) != null &&
- (conflicts = conflictGraph.getConflictEffectSet(fsen)) != null &&
- (g = pointerAnalysis.getGraph(fsen)) != null ){
- addToTraverseToDoList(fsen, g, conflicts, conflictGraph);
- }
- }
- }
- printDebug(generalDebug, "==================END SESE LIST==================");
- if (heapAnalysis instanceof DisjointAnalysis) {
- DisjointAnalysis disjointAnalysis=(DisjointAnalysis) heapAnalysis;
- // Go through the stall sites
- for(Iterator<FlatNode> codeit = oooa.getNodesWithPlans().iterator();codeit.hasNext();){
- FlatNode fn = codeit.next();
- CodePlan cp = oooa.getCodePlan(fn);
- fsen = cp.getCurrentSESE();
- if(fsen.getParents().size() != 0 &&
- (conflictGraph = oooa.getConflictGraph(fsen)) != null &&
- (conflicts = conflictGraph.getConflictEffectSet(fn)) != null &&
- (rg = disjointAnalysis.getEnterReachGraph(fn)) != null) {
- Set<SESELock> seseLockSet = oooa.getLockMappings(conflictGraph);
- Set<WaitingElement> waitingElementSet =
- conflictGraph.getStallSiteWaitingElementSet(fn, seseLockSet);
- if (waitingElementSet.size() > 0) {
- for (Iterator<WaitingElement> iterator = waitingElementSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- WaitingElement waitingElement = (WaitingElement) iterator.next();
- addToTraverseToDoList(fn, waitingElement.getTempDesc(), rg, conflicts);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- Pointer pointerAnalysis=(Pointer) heapAnalysis;
- // Go through the stall sites
- for(Iterator<FlatNode> codeit = oooa.getNodesWithPlans().iterator();codeit.hasNext();){
- FlatNode fn = codeit.next();
- CodePlan cp = oooa.getCodePlan(fn);
- fsen = cp.getCurrentSESE();
- if(fsen.getParents().size() != 0 &&
- (conflictGraph = oooa.getConflictGraph(fsen)) != null &&
- (conflicts = conflictGraph.getConflictEffectSet(fn)) != null &&
- (g = pointerAnalysis.getGraph(fn)) != null) {
- Set<SESELock> seseLockSet = oooa.getLockMappings(conflictGraph);
- Set<WaitingElement> waitingElementSet =
- conflictGraph.getStallSiteWaitingElementSet(fn, seseLockSet);
- if (waitingElementSet.size() > 0) {
- for (Iterator<WaitingElement> iterator = waitingElementSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- WaitingElement waitingElement = (WaitingElement) iterator.next();
- addToTraverseToDoList(fn, waitingElement.getTempDesc(), g, conflicts);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void addToTraverseToDoList(FlatSESEEnterNode rblock,
- ReachGraph rg,
- Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> conflicts,
- ConflictGraph conflictGraph) {
- traverserTODO.add(new TraversalInfo(rblock, rg));
- addToGlobalConflicts(conflicts);
- if(generalDebug) {
- System.out.println(rblock);
- System.out.println(rblock.getParents());
- System.out.println("CG=" + conflictGraph);
- if(verboseDebug)
- rg.writeGraph("RCR_RG_SESE_DEBUG"+removeInvalidChars(rblock.getPrettyIdentifier()));
- }
- }
- public void addToTraverseToDoList(FlatNode fn,
- TempDescriptor tempDesc,
- ReachGraph rg,
- Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> conflicts)
- {
- traverserTODO.add(new TraversalInfo(fn, rg, tempDesc));
- addToGlobalConflicts(conflicts);
- if (verboseDebug)
- rg.writeGraph("RCR_RG_STALLSITE_DEBUG"+removeInvalidChars(fn.toString()));
- }
- public void addToTraverseToDoList(FlatSESEEnterNode rblock,
- Graph rg,
- Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> conflicts,
- ConflictGraph conflictGraph) {
- traverserTODO.add(new TraversalInfo(rblock, rg));
- addToGlobalConflicts(conflicts);
- if(generalDebug) {
- System.out.println(rblock);
- System.out.println(rblock.getParents());
- System.out.println("CG=" + conflictGraph);
- }
- }
- public void addToTraverseToDoList(FlatNode fn,
- TempDescriptor tempDesc,
- Graph rg,
- Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> conflicts) {
- traverserTODO.add(new TraversalInfo(fn, rg, tempDesc));
- addToGlobalConflicts(conflicts);
- }
- private void addToGlobalConflicts(Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> conflicts) {
- for(Taint t: conflicts.keySet()) {
- if(globalConflicts.containsKey(t)) {
- globalConflicts.get(t).addAll(conflicts.get(t));
- } else {
- globalConflicts.put(t, conflicts.get(t));
- }
- }
- }
- //Builds Effects Table and runs the analysis on them to get weakly connected HRs
- //SPECIAL NOTE: Only runs after we've taken all the conflicts and effects (via getAllTasksAndConflicts)
- private void buildEffectsLookupStructure(){
- effectsLookupTable = new EffectsTable(globalEffects, globalConflicts);
- effectsLookupTable.runAnalysis();
- enumerateHeaproots();
- }
- private void createInternalGraphs() {
- for(TraversalInfo t: traverserTODO) {
- printDebug(generalDebug, "Running Traversal on " + t.f);
- //Runs stallsite graph creation
- if(t.isStallSite()) {
- assert t.invar != null;
- createTraversalGraph(t.f, t.invar, t.rg);
- }
- //runs rblock graph creation
- else {
- FlatSESEEnterNode rblock = (FlatSESEEnterNode)t.f;
- for (TempDescriptor invar : rblock.getInVarSet()) {
- createTraversalGraph(rblock, invar, t.rg);
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ /*
//This method creates an pruned version of the reach graph using effects
//The graph ultimately steers the the runtime traverser and is used to generate output code
private void createTraversalGraph(FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor invar, ReachGraph rg) {
+ */
//This extends a tempDescriptor's isPrimitive test by also excluding primitive arrays.
private boolean isReallyAPrimitive(TypeDescriptor type) {
return (type.isPrimitive() && !type.isArray());
return s.toString();
public int getWeakID(TempDescriptor invar, FlatNode fn) {
- return weakMap.get(new Pair(invar, fn)).intValue();
+ //return weakMap.get(new Pair(invar, fn)).intValue();
+ return -12;
public int getTraverserID(TempDescriptor invar, FlatNode fn) {
- Pair t=new Pair(invar, fn);
- if (idMap.containsKey(t))
- return idMap.get(t).intValue();
- int value=currentID++;
- idMap.put(t, new Integer(value));
- return value;
+ //Pair t=new Pair(invar, fn);
+ //if (idMap.containsKey(t))
+ // return idMap.get(t).intValue();
+ //int value=currentID++;
+ //idMap.put(t, new Integer(value));
+ //return value;
+ return -12;
public void close() {
- //prints the traversal code
- for(TaintAndInternalHeapStructure ths: pendingPrintout) {
- printCMethod(ths.nodesInHeap, ths.t);
+ BuildStateMachines bsm = oooa.getBuildStateMachines();
+ for( Pair p: bsm.getAllMachineNames() ) {
+ FlatNode taskOrStallSite = (FlatNode) p.getFirst();
+ TempDescriptor var = (TempDescriptor) p.getSecond();
+ //prints the traversal code
+ printCMethod( taskOrStallSite,
+ var,
+ bsm.getStateMachine( taskOrStallSite, var ),
+ 0 ); // weakly connected component group
//Prints out the master traverser Invocation that'll call all other traversers
//based on traverserID
private void createMasterHashTableArray() {
headerFile.println("struct Hashtable_rcr ** createAndFillMasterHashStructureArray();");
cFile.println("struct Hashtable_rcr ** createAndFillMasterHashStructureArray() {");
cFile.println(" struct Hashtable_rcr **table=rcr_createMasterHashTableArray("+weaklyConnectedHRCounter + ");");
for(int i = 0; i < weaklyConnectedHRCounter; i++) {
for(int i=0;i<invars.size();i++) {
TempDescriptor tmp=invars.get(i);
- // FIX IT LATER! Right now, we assume that there is only one parent
+ // TODO!!!!! FIX IT LATER! Right now, we assume that there is only one parent
// JCJ ask yong hun what we should do in the multi-parent future!
FlatSESEEnterNode parentSESE = (FlatSESEEnterNode) fsen.getParents().iterator().next();
ConflictGraph graph = oooa.getConflictGraph(parentSESE);
cFile.println( " }");
cFile.println( " break;");
+ /*
for(Taint t: doneTaints.keySet()) {
if (t.isStallSiteTaint()){
cFile.println( " case -" + getTraverserID(t.getVar(), t.getStallSite())+ ": {");
cFile.println(" break;");
+ */
cFile.println(" default:\n printf(\"Invalid SESE ID was passed in: %d.\\n\",record->classID);\n break;");
cFile.println(" }");
cFile.println("\nint traverse(void * startingPtr, SESEcommon *record, int traverserID) {");
cFile.println(" switch(traverserID) {");
+ /*
for(Taint t: doneTaints.keySet()) {
cFile.println(" case " + doneTaints.get(t)+ ":");
if(t.isRBlockTaint()) {
cFile.println(" " + this.getTraverserInvocation(t.getVar(), "startingPtr, ("+t.getSESE().getSESErecordName()+" *)record", t.getSESE()));
} else if (t.isStallSiteTaint()){
// JCJ either remove this or consider writing a comment explaining what it is commented out for
- cFile.println("/* " + this.getTraverserInvocation(t.getVar(), "startingPtr, record", t.getStallSite())+"*/");
+ cFile.println("// " + this.getTraverserInvocation(t.getVar(), "startingPtr, record", t.getStallSite())+"");
} else {
System.out.println("RuntimeConflictResolver encountered a taint that is neither SESE nor stallsite: " + t);
cFile.println(" break;");
+ */
cFile.println(" default:\n break;");
cFile.println(" }");
* signal a conflict within itself.
- private void printCMethod(Hashtable<Integer, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> created, Taint taint) {
- String inVar = taint.getVar().getSafeSymbol();
- String rBlock;
+ private void printCMethod( FlatNode taskOrStallSite,
+ TempDescriptor var,
+ StateMachineForEffects smfe,
+ Integer weaklyConnectedComponent ) {
+ // collect info for code gen
+ FlatSESEEnterNode task = null;
+ String inVar = var.getSafeSymbol();
+ boolean isStallSite = !(taskOrStallSite instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode);
+ String rBlock;
+ SMFEState initialState = smfe.getInitialState();
+ if( isStallSite ) {
+ rBlock = taskOrStallSite.toString();
+ } else {
+ task = (FlatSESEEnterNode) taskOrStallSite;
+ rBlock = task.getPrettyIdentifier();
+ }
+ String methodName = "void traverse___" + inVar + removeInvalidChars(rBlock) + "___(void * InVar, ";
+ int index = -1;
+ if( isStallSite ) {
+ methodName += "SESEstall *record)";
+ } else {
+ methodName += task.getSESErecordName() +" *record)";
+ index = task.getInVarsForDynamicCoarseConflictResolution().indexOf( var );
+ }
- if(taint.isStallSiteTaint()) {
- rBlock = taint.getStallSite().toString();
- } else if(taint.isRBlockTaint()) {
- rBlock = taint.getSESE().getPrettyIdentifier();
+ cFile .println( methodName + " {");
+ headerFile.println( methodName + ";" );
+ cFile.println( " int totalcount = RUNBIAS;");
+ if( isStallSite ) {
+ cFile.println(" record->rcrRecords[0].count = RUNBIAS;");
} else {
- System.out.println("RCR CRITICAL ERROR: TAINT IS NEITHER A STALLSITE NOR SESE! " + taint.toString());
- return;
+ cFile.println(" record->rcrRecords["+index+"].count = RUNBIAS;");
+ //clears queue and hashtable that keeps track of where we've been.
+ cFile.println(clearQueue + ";\n" + resetVisitedHashTable + ";");
+ cFile.println(" int traverserState = "+initialState.getID()+";");
+ //generic cast to ___Object___ to access ptr->allocsite field.
+ cFile.println(" RCRQueueEntry* entry = (struct ___Object___ *) InVar;");
+ cFile.println(" struct ___Object___ * ptr = (struct ___Object___ *) InVar;");
+ cFile.println(" if (InVar != NULL) {");
+ cFile.println(" " + queryVistedHashtable + "(ptr);");
+ cFile.println(" do {");
+ if( !isStallSite ) {
+ cFile.println(" if(unlikely(record->common.doneExecuting)) {");
+ cFile.println(" record->common.rcrstatus=0;");
+ cFile.println(" return;");
+ cFile.println(" }");
+ }
- //This hash table keeps track of all the case statements generated.
- Hashtable<AllocSite, StringBuilder> cases = new Hashtable<AllocSite, StringBuilder>();
+ // Traverse the StateMachineForEffects (a graph)
+ // that serves as a plan for building the heap examiner code.
+ // SWITCH on the states in the state machine, THEN
+ // SWITCH on the concrete object's allocation site THEN
+ // consider conflicts, enqueue more work, inline more SWITCHES, etc.
+ Set<SMFEState> toVisit = new HashSet<SMFEState>();
+ Set<SMFEState> visited = new HashSet<SMFEState>();
- //Generate C cases
- for (ConcreteRuntimeObjNode node : created.values()) {
- printDebug(generalDebug, "Considering " + node.allocSite + " for traversal");
+ toVisit.add( initialState );
+ cFile.println(" switch( traverserState ) {");
+ /*
+ while( !toVisit.isEmpty() ) {
+ SMFEState state = toVisit.iterator().next();
+ visited.add( state );
+ toVisit.remove( state );
+ printDebug(generalDebug, "Considering " + state + " for traversal");
if (!cases.containsKey(node.allocSite) && qualifiesForCaseStatement(node)) {
printDebug(generalDebug, "+\t" + node.allocSite + " qualified for case statement");
addChecker(taint, node, cases, null, "ptr", 0);
- String methodName;
- int index=-1;
- if (taint.isStallSiteTaint()) {
- methodName= "void traverse___" + inVar + removeInvalidChars(rBlock) + "___(void * InVar, SESEstall *record)";
- } else {
- methodName= "void traverse___" + inVar + removeInvalidChars(rBlock) + "___(void * InVar, "+taint.getSESE().getSESErecordName() +" *record)";
- FlatSESEEnterNode fsese=taint.getSESE();
- TempDescriptor tmp=taint.getVar();
- index=fsese.getInVarsForDynamicCoarseConflictResolution().indexOf(tmp);
- }
- cFile.println(methodName + " {");
- headerFile.println(methodName + ";");
- if(cases.size() == 0) {
- cFile.println(" return;");
- } else {
- cFile.println(" int totalcount=RUNBIAS;");
- if (taint.isStallSiteTaint()) {
- cFile.println(" record->rcrRecords[0].count=RUNBIAS;");
- } else {
- cFile.println(" record->rcrRecords["+index+"].count=RUNBIAS;");
- }
- //clears queue and hashtable that keeps track of where we've been.
- cFile.println(clearQueue + ";\n" + resetVisitedHashTable + ";");
- //generic cast to ___Object___ to access ptr->allocsite field.
- cFile.println("struct ___Object___ * ptr = (struct ___Object___ *) InVar;\nif (InVar != NULL) {\n " + queryVistedHashtable + "(ptr);\n do {");
- if (taint.isRBlockTaint()) {
- cFile.println(" if(unlikely(record->common.doneExecuting)) {");
- cFile.println(" record->common.rcrstatus=0;");
- cFile.println(" return;");
- cFile.println(" }");
- }
- cFile.println(" switch(ptr->allocsite) {");
- for(AllocSite singleCase: cases.keySet()) {
- cFile.append(cases.get(singleCase));
- }
+ //This hash table keeps track of all the case statements generated.
+ Hashtable<SMFEState, StringBuilder> cases = new Hashtable<SMFEState, StringBuilder>();
- cFile.println(" default:\n break; ");
- cFile.println(" }\n } while((ptr = " + dequeueFromQueueInC + ") != NULL);\n}");
+ for(AllocSite singleCase: cases.keySet()) {
+ cFile.append(cases.get(singleCase));
+ }
- if (taint.isStallSiteTaint()) {
- //need to add this
- cFile.println(" if(atomic_sub_and_test(totalcount,&(record->rcrRecords[0].count))) {");
- cFile.println(" psem_give_tag(record->common.parentsStallSem, record->tag);");
- cFile.println(" BARRIER();");
- cFile.println("}");
- } else {
- cFile.println(" if(atomic_sub_and_test(totalcount,&(record->rcrRecords["+index+"].count))) {");
- cFile.println(" int flag=LOCKXCHG32(&(record->rcrRecords["+index+"].flag),0);");
- cFile.println(" if(flag) {");
- //we have resolved a heap root...see if this was the last dependence
- cFile.println(" if(atomic_sub_and_test(1, &(record->common.unresolvedDependencies))) workScheduleSubmit((void *)record);");
- cFile.println(" }");
- cFile.println(" }");
- }
+ cFile.println(" default: break;");
+ cFile.println(" } // end switch on traverser state");
+ cFile.println(" } while((ptr = " + dequeueFromQueueInC + ") != NULL);");
+ cFile.println(" } // end if inVar not null");
+ */
+ if( isStallSite ) {
+ cFile.println(" if(atomic_sub_and_test(totalcount,&(record->rcrRecords[0].count))) {");
+ cFile.println(" psem_give_tag(record->common.parentsStallSem, record->tag);");
+ cFile.println(" BARRIER();");
+ cFile.println(" }");
+ } else {
+ cFile.println(" if(atomic_sub_and_test(totalcount,&(record->rcrRecords["+index+"].count))) {");
+ cFile.println(" int flag=LOCKXCHG32(&(record->rcrRecords["+index+"].flag),0);");
+ cFile.println(" if(flag) {");
+ //we have resolved a heap root...see if this was the last dependence
+ cFile.println(" if(atomic_sub_and_test(1, &(record->common.unresolvedDependencies))) workScheduleSubmit((void *)record);");
+ cFile.println(" }");
+ cFile.println(" }");
* addChecker creates a case statement for every object that is an inset variable, has more
* than 1 parent && has conflicts, or where resumes are possible
* See .qualifiesForCaseStatement
+ /*
private void addChecker(Taint taint,
ConcreteRuntimeObjNode node,
- Hashtable<AllocSite,StringBuilder> cases,
+ Hashtable<SMFEState,StringBuilder> cases,
StringBuilder possibleContinuingCase,
String prefix,
int depth) {
private void printObjRefSwitchStatement(Taint taint,
- Hashtable<AllocSite, StringBuilder> cases,
+ Hashtable<SMFEState, StringBuilder> cases,
int pDepth,
StringBuilder currCase,
ArrayList<ObjRef> refsAtParticularField,
(node.hasPotentialToBeIncorrectDueToConflict) && node.descendantsObjConflict);
- // decide whether the given SESE doesn't have traversers at all
- public boolean hasEmptyTraversers(FlatSESEEnterNode fsen) {
- boolean hasEmpty = true;
- Set<FlatSESEEnterNode> children = fsen.getChildren();
- for (Iterator iterator = children.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- FlatSESEEnterNode child = (FlatSESEEnterNode) iterator.next();
- hasEmpty &= child.getInVarsForDynamicCoarseConflictResolution().size() == 0;
- }
- return hasEmpty;
- }
//Note we assume instance of FlatSESEEnterNode to be sese blocks else they are considered stallsites.
private Taint getProperTaintForEnterNode(FlatNode fn, VariableNode var) {
FlatNode flatnode;
return null;
+ */
+ // decide whether the given SESE doesn't have traversers at all
+ public boolean hasEmptyTraversers(FlatSESEEnterNode fsen) {
+ boolean hasEmpty = true;
+ Set<FlatSESEEnterNode> children = fsen.getChildren();
+ for (Iterator iterator = children.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ FlatSESEEnterNode child = (FlatSESEEnterNode) iterator.next();
+ hasEmpty &= child.getInVarsForDynamicCoarseConflictResolution().size() == 0;
+ }
+ return hasEmpty;
+ }
private void printDebug(boolean guard, String debugStatements) {
+ /*
//Walks the connected heaproot groups, coalesces them, and numbers them
//Special Note: Lookup Table must already be created
private void enumerateHeaproots() {
System.out.println("=======================END LIST=======================");
+ */
- private void printoutTable(EffectsTable table) {
- System.out.println("==============EFFECTS TABLE PRINTOUT==============");
- for(Alloc as: table.table.keySet()) {
- System.out.println("\tFor AllocSite " + as.getUniqueAllocSiteID());
- BucketOfEffects boe = table.table.get(as);
- if(boe.potentiallyConflictingRoots != null && !boe.potentiallyConflictingRoots.isEmpty()) {
- System.out.println("\t\tPotentially conflicting roots: ");
- for(String key: boe.potentiallyConflictingRoots.keySet()) {
- System.out.println("\t\t-Field: " + key);
- System.out.println("\t\t\t" + boe.potentiallyConflictingRoots.get(key));
- }
- }
- for(Taint t: boe.taint2EffectsGroup.keySet()) {
- System.out.println("\t\t For Taint " + t);
- EffectsGroup eg = boe.taint2EffectsGroup.get(t);
- if(eg.hasPrimitiveConflicts()) {
- System.out.print("\t\t\tPrimitive Conflicts at alloc " + as.getUniqueAllocSiteID() +" : ");
- for(String field: eg.primitiveConflictingFields.keySet()) {
- System.out.print(field + " ");
- }
- System.out.println();
- }
- for(String fieldKey: eg.myObjEffects.keySet()) {
- CombinedEffects ce = eg.myObjEffects.get(fieldKey);
- System.out.println("\n\t\t\tFor allocSite " + as.getUniqueAllocSiteID() + " && field " + fieldKey);
- System.out.println("\t\t\t\tread " + ce.hasReadEffect + "/"+ce.hasReadConflict +
- " write " + ce.hasWriteEffect + "/" + ce.hasWriteConflict +
- " SU " + ce.hasStrongUpdateEffect + "/" + ce.hasStrongUpdateConflict);
- for(Effect ef: ce.originalEffects) {
- System.out.println("\t" + ef);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private class EffectsGroup {
- Hashtable<String, CombinedEffects> myObjEffects;
- //In the end, we don't really care what the primitive fields are.
- Hashtable<String, CombinedEffects> primitiveConflictingFields;
- private boolean primConfRead;
- private boolean primConfWrite;
- public EffectsGroup() {
- myObjEffects = new Hashtable<String, CombinedEffects>();
- primitiveConflictingFields = new Hashtable<String, CombinedEffects>();
- primConfRead = false;
- primConfWrite = false;
- }
- public void addPrimitive(Effect e, boolean conflict) {
- CombinedEffects effects;
- if((effects = primitiveConflictingFields.get(e.getField().getSymbol())) == null) {
- effects = new CombinedEffects();
- primitiveConflictingFields.put(e.getField().getSymbol(), effects);
- }
- effects.add(e, conflict);
- primConfRead |= effects.hasReadConflict;
- primConfWrite |= effects.hasWriteConflict;
- }
- public void addObjEffect(Effect e, boolean conflict) {
- CombinedEffects effects;
- if((effects = myObjEffects.get(e.getField().getSymbol())) == null) {
- effects = new CombinedEffects();
- myObjEffects.put(e.getField().getSymbol(), effects);
- }
- effects.add(e, conflict);
- }
- public boolean isEmpty() {
- return myObjEffects.isEmpty() && primitiveConflictingFields.isEmpty();
- }
- public boolean hasPrimitiveConflicts(){
- return !primitiveConflictingFields.isEmpty();
- }
- public CombinedEffects getPrimEffect(String field) {
- return primitiveConflictingFields.get(field);
- }
- public boolean hasObjectEffects() {
- return !myObjEffects.isEmpty();
- }
- public CombinedEffects getObjEffect(String field) {
- return myObjEffects.get(field);
- }
- }
- //Is the combined effects for all effects with the same affectedAllocSite and field
- private class CombinedEffects {
- ArrayList<Effect> originalEffects;
- public boolean hasReadEffect;
- public boolean hasWriteEffect;
- public boolean hasStrongUpdateEffect;
- public boolean hasReadConflict;
- public boolean hasWriteConflict;
- public boolean hasStrongUpdateConflict;
- public CombinedEffects() {
- originalEffects = new ArrayList<Effect>();
- hasReadEffect = false;
- hasWriteEffect = false;
- hasStrongUpdateEffect = false;
- hasReadConflict = false;
- hasWriteConflict = false;
- hasStrongUpdateConflict = false;
- }
- public boolean add(Effect e, boolean conflict) {
- if(!originalEffects.add(e))
- return false;
- switch(e.getType()) {
- case Effect.read:
- hasReadEffect = true;
- hasReadConflict = conflict;
- break;
- case Effect.write:
- hasWriteEffect = true;
- hasWriteConflict = conflict;
- break;
- case Effect.strongupdate:
- hasStrongUpdateEffect = true;
- hasStrongUpdateConflict = conflict;
- break;
- default:
- System.out.println("RCR ERROR: An Effect Type never seen before has been encountered");
- assert false;
- break;
- }
- return true;
- }
- public boolean hasConflict() {
- return hasReadConflict || hasWriteConflict || hasStrongUpdateConflict;
- }
- public void mergeWith(CombinedEffects other) {
- for(Effect e: other.originalEffects) {
- if(!originalEffects.contains(e)){
- originalEffects.add(e);
- }
- }
- hasReadEffect |= other.hasReadEffect;
- hasWriteEffect |= other.hasWriteEffect;
- hasStrongUpdateEffect |= other.hasStrongUpdateEffect;
- hasReadConflict |= other.hasReadConflict;
- hasWriteConflict |= other.hasWriteConflict;
- hasStrongUpdateConflict |= other.hasStrongUpdateConflict;
- }
- }
+ /*
//This will keep track of a reference
private class ObjRef {
CombinedEffects myEffects;
+ */
+ /*
private class WeaklyConectedHRGroup {
HashSet<Taint> connectedHRs;
int id;
this.nodesInHeap = nodesInHeap;
+ */
+ /*
private class TraversalInfo {
public FlatNode f;
public ReachGraph rg;
return (f instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode);
+ */