"Exactly one argument required in container mode");
-template <class Derived, bool containerMode, class... Args>
-void BaseFormatter<Derived, containerMode, Args...>::handleFormatStrError()
- const {
- if (crashOnError_) {
- LOG(FATAL) << "folly::format: bad format string \"" << str_ << "\": " <<
- folly::exceptionStr(std::current_exception());
- }
- throw;
template <class Derived, bool containerMode, class... Args>
template <class Output>
void BaseFormatter<Derived, containerMode, Args...>::operator()(Output& out)
const {
- // Catch BadFormatArg and range_error exceptions, and call
- // handleFormatStrError().
- //
- // These exception types indicate a problem with the format string. Most
- // format strings are string literals specified by the programmer. If they
- // have a problem, this is usually a programmer bug. We want to crash to
- // ensure that these are found early on during development.
- //
- // BadFormatArg is thrown by the Format.h code, while range_error is thrown
- // by Conv.h, which is used in several places in our format string
- // processing.
- //
- // (Note: This behavior is slightly dangerous. If the Output object throws a
- // BadFormatArg or a range_error, we will also crash the program, even if it
- // wasn't an issue with the format string. This seems highly unlikely
- // though, and none of our current Output objects can throw these errors.)
- //
- // We also throw out_of_range errors if the format string references an
- // argument that isn't present (or a key that isn't present in one of the
- // argument containers). However, at the moment we don't crash on these
- // errors, as it is likely that the container is dynamic at runtime.
- try {
- appendOutput(out);
- } catch (const BadFormatArg& ex) {
- handleFormatStrError();
- } catch (const std::range_error& ex) {
- handleFormatStrError();
- }
-template <class Derived, bool containerMode, class... Args>
-template <class Output>
-void BaseFormatter<Derived, containerMode, Args...>::appendOutput(Output& out)
- const {
// Copy raw string (without format specifiers) to output;
// not as simple as we'd like, as we still need to translate "}}" to "}"
// and throw if we see any lone "}"
template <class Derived, bool containerMode, class... Args>
class BaseFormatter {
- /*
- * Change whether or not Formatter should crash or throw exceptions if the
- * format string is invalid.
- *
- * Crashing is desirable for literal format strings that are fixed at compile
- * time. Errors in the format string are generally programmer bugs, and
- * should be caught early on in development. Crashing helps ensure these
- * problems are noticed.
- */
- void setCrashOnError(bool crash) {
- crashOnError_ = crash;
- }
* Append to output. out(StringPiece sp) may be called (more than once)
typename std::decay<Args>::type>...> ValueTuple;
static constexpr size_t valueCount = std::tuple_size<ValueTuple>::value;
- FOLLY_NORETURN void handleFormatStrError() const;
- template <class Output>
- void appendOutput(Output& out) const;
template <size_t K, class Callback>
typename std::enable_if<K == valueCount>::type
doFormatFrom(size_t i, FormatArg& arg, Callback& cb) const {
StringPiece str_;
- bool crashOnError_{true};
explicit BaseFormatter(StringPiece str, Args&&... args);
template <class... A>
friend Formatter<false, A...> format(StringPiece fmt, A&&... arg);
- template <class... A>
- friend Formatter<false, A...> formatChecked(StringPiece fmt, A&&... arg);
template <class C>
friend Formatter<true, C> vformat(StringPiece fmt, C&& container);
- template <class C>
- friend Formatter<true, C> vformatChecked(StringPiece fmt, C&& container);
* std::string formatted = format("{} {}", 23, 42).str();
* LOG(INFO) << format("{} {}", 23, 42);
* writeTo(stdout, format("{} {}", 23, 42));
- *
- * Note that format() will crash the program if the format string is invalid.
- * Normally, the format string is a fixed string literal specified by the
- * programmer. Invalid format strings are normally programmer bugs, and should
- * be caught early on during development. Crashing helps ensure these bugs are
- * found.
- *
- * Use formatChecked() if you have a dynamic format string (for example, a user
- * supplied value). formatChecked() will throw an exception rather than
- * crashing the program.
template <class... Args>
Formatter<false, Args...> format(StringPiece fmt, Args&&... args) {
return format(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...).str();
- * Create a formatter object from a dynamic format string.
- *
- * This is identical to format(), but throws an exception if the format string
- * is invalid, rather than aborting the program. This allows it to be used
- * with user-specified format strings which are not guaranteed to be well
- * formed.
- */
-template <class... Args>
-Formatter<false, Args...> formatChecked(StringPiece fmt, Args&&... args) {
- Formatter<false, Args...> f(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
- f.setCrashOnError(false);
- return f;
- * Like formatChecked(), but immediately returns the formatted string instead of
- * an intermediate format object.
- */
-template <class... Args>
-inline std::string sformatChecked(StringPiece fmt, Args&&... args) {
- return formatChecked(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...).str();
* Create a formatter object that takes one argument (of container type)
* and uses that container to get argument values from.
return vformat(fmt, std::forward<Container>(container)).str();
- * Create a formatter object from a dynamic format string.
- *
- * This is identical to vformat(), but throws an exception if the format string
- * is invalid, rather than aborting the program. This allows it to be used
- * with user-specified format strings which are not guaranteed to be well
- * formed.
- */
-template <class Container>
-Formatter<true, Container> vformatChecked(StringPiece fmt,
- Container&& container) {
- Formatter<true, Container> f(fmt, std::forward<Container>(container));
- f.setCrashOnError(false);
- return f;
- * Like vformatChecked(), but immediately returns the formatted string instead
- * of an intermediate format object.
- */
-template <class Container>
-inline std::string svformatChecked(StringPiece fmt, Container&& container) {
- return vformatChecked(fmt, std::forward<Container>(container)).str();
* Wrap a sequence or associative container so that out-of-range lookups
* return a default value rather than throwing an exception.
format(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...).appendTo(*out);
-template <class Str, class... Args>
-typename std::enable_if<IsSomeString<Str>::value>::type
-formatChecked(Str* out, StringPiece fmt, Args&&... args) {
- formatChecked(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...).appendTo(*out);
* Append vformatted output to a string.
vformat(fmt, std::forward<Container>(container)).appendTo(*out);
-template <class Str, class Container>
-typename std::enable_if<IsSomeString<Str>::value>::type
-vformatChecked(Str* out, StringPiece fmt, Container&& container) {
- vformatChecked(fmt, std::forward<Container>(container)).appendTo(*out);
* Utilities for all format value specializations.
type> : public std::true_type {};
} // folly::detail
+// Deprecated API. formatChecked() et. al. now behave identically to their
+// non-Checked counterparts.
+template <class... Args>
+Formatter<false, Args...> formatChecked(StringPiece fmt, Args&&... args) {
+ return format(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
+template <class... Args>
+inline std::string sformatChecked(StringPiece fmt, Args&&... args) {
+ return formatChecked(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...).str();
+template <class Container>
+Formatter<true, Container> vformatChecked(StringPiece fmt,
+ Container&& container) {
+ return vformat(fmt, std::forward<Container>(container));
+template <class Container>
+inline std::string svformatChecked(StringPiece fmt, Container&& container) {
+ return vformatChecked(fmt, std::forward<Container>(container)).str();
+template <class Str, class... Args>
+typename std::enable_if<IsSomeString<Str>::value>::type
+formatChecked(Str* out, StringPiece fmt, Args&&... args) {
+ formatChecked(fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...).appendTo(*out);
+template <class Str, class Container>
+typename std::enable_if<IsSomeString<Str>::value>::type
+vformatChecked(Str* out, StringPiece fmt, Container&& container) {
+ vformatChecked(fmt, std::forward<Container>(container)).appendTo(*out);
} // namespace folly
#include <folly/Format-inl.h>
} // namespace
+#define EXPECT_THROW_STR(code, type, str) \
+ do { \
+ bool caught = false; \
+ try { \
+ code; \
+ } catch (const type& e) { \
+ caught = true; \
+ EXPECT_TRUE(strstr(e.what(), (str)) != nullptr) << \
+ "Expected message [" << (str) << "], actual message [" << \
+ e.what(); \
+ } catch (const std::exception& e) { \
+ caught = true; \
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "Caught different exception type; expected " #type \
+ ", caught " << folly::demangle(typeid(e)); \
+ } catch (...) { \
+ caught = true; \
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "Caught unknown exception type; expected " #type; \
+ } \
+ if (!caught) { \
+ ADD_FAILURE() << "Expected exception " #type ", caught nothing"; \
+ } \
+ } while (false)
+#define EXPECT_FORMAT_ERROR(code, str) \
+ EXPECT_THROW_STR(code, folly::BadFormatArg, (str))
TEST(Format, Unformatted) {
Opaque o;
EXPECT_NE("", sformat("{}", &o));
- EXPECT_DEATH(sformat("{0[0]}", &o), "No formatter available for this type");
- EXPECT_THROW(sformatChecked("{0[0]}", &o), std::invalid_argument);
+ EXPECT_FORMAT_ERROR(sformat("{0[0]}", &o),
+ "No formatter available for this type");
TEST(Format, Nested) {
std::vector<int> ints{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
EXPECT_EQ("1 3 5", sformat("{0[0]} {0[2]} {0[4]}", ints));
EXPECT_THROW(sformat("{[5]}", ints), std::out_of_range);
- EXPECT_THROW(sformatChecked("{[5]}", ints), std::out_of_range);
std::map<std::string, int> map{{"hello", 0}, {"world", 1}};
EXPECT_EQ("hello = 0", sformat("hello = {[hello]}", map));
EXPECT_THROW(sformat("{[nope]}", map), std::out_of_range);
EXPECT_THROW(svformat("{nope}", map), std::out_of_range);
- EXPECT_THROW(svformatChecked("{nope}", map), std::out_of_range);
TEST(Format, BogusFormatString) {
// format() will crash the program if the format string is invalid.
- EXPECT_DEATH(sformat("}"), "single '}' in format string");
- EXPECT_DEATH(sformat("foo}bar"), "single '}' in format string");
- EXPECT_DEATH(sformat("foo{bar"), "missing ending '}'");
- EXPECT_DEATH(sformat("{[test]"), "missing ending '}'");
- EXPECT_DEATH(sformat("{-1.3}"), "argument index must be non-negative");
- EXPECT_DEATH(sformat("{1.3}", 0, 1, 2), "index not allowed");
- EXPECT_DEATH(sformat("{0} {} {1}", 0, 1, 2),
+ EXPECT_FORMAT_ERROR(sformat("}"), "single '}' in format string");
+ EXPECT_FORMAT_ERROR(sformat("foo}bar"), "single '}' in format string");
+ EXPECT_FORMAT_ERROR(sformat("foo{bar"), "missing ending '}'");
+ EXPECT_FORMAT_ERROR(sformat("{[test]"), "missing ending '}'");
+ EXPECT_FORMAT_ERROR(sformat("{-1.3}"), "argument index must be non-negative");
+ EXPECT_FORMAT_ERROR(sformat("{1.3}", 0, 1, 2), "index not allowed");
+ EXPECT_FORMAT_ERROR(sformat("{0} {} {1}", 0, 1, 2),
"may not have both default and explicit arg indexes");
- // formatChecked() should throw exceptions rather than crashing the program
- EXPECT_THROW(sformatChecked("}"), std::invalid_argument);
- EXPECT_THROW(sformatChecked("foo}bar"), std::invalid_argument);
- EXPECT_THROW(sformatChecked("foo{bar"), std::invalid_argument);
- EXPECT_THROW(sformatChecked("{[test]"), std::invalid_argument);
- EXPECT_THROW(sformatChecked("{-1.3}"), std::invalid_argument);
- EXPECT_THROW(sformatChecked("{1.3}", 0, 1, 2), std::invalid_argument);
- EXPECT_THROW(sformatChecked("{0} {} {1}", 0, 1, 2), std::invalid_argument);
// This one fails in detail::enforceWhitespace(), which throws
// std::range_error
- EXPECT_DEATH(sformat("{0[test}"), "Non-whitespace: \\[");
- EXPECT_THROW(sformatChecked("{0[test}"), std::exception);
+ EXPECT_THROW_STR(sformat("{0[test}"), std::range_error,
+ "Non-whitespace: [");
template <bool containerMode, class... Args>