// processing all methods in the program, and by methods
// TaskDescriptor and MethodDescriptor are combined
// together, with a common parent class Descriptor
- private HashSet <Descriptor> descriptorsToVisit;
- private Hashtable<Descriptor, OwnershipGraph> mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph;
- private Hashtable<FlatNew, AllocationSite> mapFlatNewToAllocationSite;
+ private HashSet <Descriptor> descriptorsToVisit;
+ private Hashtable<Descriptor, OwnershipGraph> mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph;
+ private Hashtable<FlatNew, AllocationSite> mapFlatNewToAllocationSite;
+ private Hashtable<Descriptor, HashSet<AllocationSite> > mapDescriptorToAllocationSiteSet;
// Use these data structures to track progress of one pass of
// processing the FlatNodes of a particular method
this.callGraph = callGraph;
this.allocationDepth = allocationDepth;
+ descriptorsToVisit = new HashSet<Descriptor>();
mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph =
new Hashtable<Descriptor, OwnershipGraph>();
mapFlatNewToAllocationSite =
new Hashtable<FlatNew, AllocationSite>();
- descriptorsToVisit = new HashSet<Descriptor>();
+ mapDescriptorToAllocationSiteSet =
+ new Hashtable<Descriptor, HashSet<AllocationSite> >();
// use this set to prevent infinite recursion when
// traversing the call graph
case FKind.FlatNew:
FlatNew fnn = (FlatNew) fn;
- dst = fnn.getDst();
+ dst = fnn.getDst();
AllocationSite as = getAllocationSiteFromFlatNew( fnn );
og.assignTempToNewAllocation( dst, as );
- // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- // do this if the new object is a flagged type
- //og.addAnalysisRegion( tdParam );
case FKind.FlatCall:
- //FlatCall fc = (FlatCall) fn;
- //MethodDescriptor md = fc.getMethod();
- //descriptorsToVisit.add( md );
- //System.out.println( " Descs to visit: " + descriptorsToVisit );
+ FlatCall fc = (FlatCall) fn;
+ MethodDescriptor md = fc.getMethod();
+ FlatMethod flatm = state.getMethodFlat( md );
+ HashSet<AllocationSite> allocSiteSet = getAllocationSiteSet( md );
+ OwnershipGraph ogAllPossibleCallees = new OwnershipGraph( allocationDepth );
+ if( md.isStatic() ) {
+ // a static method is simply always the same, makes life easy
+ OwnershipGraph onlyPossibleCallee = mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph.get( md );
+ ogAllPossibleCallees.merge( onlyPossibleCallee );
+ } else {
+ // if the method descriptor is virtual, then there could be a
+ // set of possible methods that will actually be invoked, so
+ // find all of them and merge all of their graphs together
+ TypeDescriptor typeDesc = fc.getThis().getType();
+ Set possibleCallees = callGraph.getMethods( md, typeDesc );
+ Iterator i = possibleCallees.iterator();
+ while( i.hasNext() ) {
+ MethodDescriptor possibleMd = (MethodDescriptor) i.next();
+ allocSiteSet.addAll( getAllocationSiteSet( possibleMd ) );
+ OwnershipGraph ogPotentialCallee = mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph.get( possibleMd );
+ ogAllPossibleCallees.merge( ogPotentialCallee );
+ }
+ }
+ // now we should have the following information to resolve this method call:
+ //
+ // 1. A FlatCall fc to query for the caller's context (argument labels, etc)
+ //
+ // 2. Whether the method is static; if not we need to deal with the "this" pointer
+ //
+ // *******************************************************************************************
+ // 3. The original FlatMethod flatm to query for callee's context (paramter labels)
+ // NOTE! I assume FlatMethod before virtual dispatch accurately describes all possible methods!
+ // *******************************************************************************************
+ //
+ // 4. The OwnershipGraph ogAllPossibleCallees is a merge of every ownership graph of all the possible
+ // methods to capture any possible references made.
+ //
+ // 5. The Set of AllocationSite objects, allocSiteSet that is the set of allocation sites from
+ // every possible method we might have chosen
+ //
+ og.resolveMethodCall( fc, md.isStatic(), flatm, ogAllPossibleCallees, allocSiteSet );
//og.writeGraph( methodDesc, fn );
+ // return just the allocation site associated with one FlatNew node
private AllocationSite getAllocationSiteFromFlatNew( FlatNew fn ) {
if( !mapFlatNewToAllocationSite.containsKey( fn ) ) {
AllocationSite as = new AllocationSite( allocationDepth );
return mapFlatNewToAllocationSite.get( fn );
+ // return all allocation sites in the method (there is one allocation
+ // site per FlatNew node in a method)
+ private HashSet<AllocationSite> getAllocationSiteSet( Descriptor d ) {
+ if( !mapDescriptorToAllocationSiteSet.containsKey( d ) ) {
+ buildAllocationSiteSet( d );
+ }
+ return mapDescriptorToAllocationSiteSet.get( d );
+ }
+ private void buildAllocationSiteSet( Descriptor d ) {
+ HashSet<AllocationSite> s = new HashSet<AllocationSite>();
+ FlatMethod fm;
+ if( d instanceof MethodDescriptor ) {
+ fm = state.getMethodFlat( (MethodDescriptor) d );
+ } else {
+ assert d instanceof TaskDescriptor;
+ fm = state.getMethodFlat( (TaskDescriptor) d );
+ }
+ // visit every node in this FlatMethod's IR graph
+ // and make a set of the allocation sites from the
+ // FlatNew node's visited
+ HashSet<FlatNode> visited = new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ HashSet<FlatNode> toVisit = new HashSet<FlatNode>();
+ toVisit.add( fm );
+ while( !toVisit.isEmpty() ) {
+ FlatNode n = toVisit.iterator().next();
+ if( n instanceof FlatNew ) {
+ s.add( getAllocationSiteFromFlatNew( (FlatNew) n ) );
+ }
+ toVisit.remove( n );
+ visited.add( n );
+ for( int i = 0; i < n.numNext(); ++i ) {
+ FlatNode child = n.getNext( i );
+ if( !visited.contains( child ) ) {
+ toVisit.add( child );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ mapDescriptorToAllocationSiteSet.put( d, s );
+ }
+ // some notes:
+ // the heap regions that are specially allocated as multiple-object
+ // regions for method parameters need to be remembered in order to
+ // resolve a function call. So actually, we need a mapping from
+ // caller argument descriptors to the callee parameter heap regions
+ // to apply reference edges in the callee to the caller graph.
+ //
+ // also, Constructors and virtual dispatch methods have a "this"
+ // argument that make the mapping of arguments to parameters a little
+ // tricky. What happens to that this region?
+ public void resolveMethodCall( FlatCall fc,
+ boolean isStatic,
+ FlatMethod fm,
+ OwnershipGraph ogCallee,
+ HashSet<AllocationSite> allocSiteSet ) {
+ // first age all of the allocation sites from
+ // the callee graph in this graph
+ Iterator i = allocSiteSet.iterator();
+ while( i.hasNext() ) {
+ this.age( (AllocationSite) i.next() );
+ }
+ // the heap regions represented by the arguments (caller graph)
+ // and heap regions for the parameters (callee graph)
+ // don't correspond to each other by heap region ID. In fact,
+ // an argument label node can be referencing several heap regions
+ // so the parameter label always references a multiple-object
+ // heap region in order to handle the range of possible contexts
+ // for a method call. This means we need to make a special mapping
+ // of argument->parameter regions in order to update the caller graph,
+ // then remember which heap regions were used so we can ignore them
+ // in the more general algorithm below that includes all heap regions
+ // of the callee graph
+ HashSet<Integer> calleeParameterIDs = new HashSet<Integer>();
+ if( isStatic ) {
+ assert fc.numArgs() == fm.numParameters();
+ } else {
+ assert fc.numArgs() + 1 == fm.numParameters();
+ }
+ for( int a = 0; a < fc.numArgs(); ++a ) {
+ }
+ // for every heap region->heap region edge in the
+ // callee graph, create the matching edge or edges
+ // in the caller graph
+ Set sCallee = ogCallee.id2hrn.entrySet();
+ Iterator iCallee = sCallee.iterator();
+ while( iCallee.hasNext() ) {
+ Map.Entry meCallee = (Map.Entry) iCallee.next();
+ Integer idCallee = (Integer) meCallee.getKey();
+ HeapRegionNode hrnCallee = (HeapRegionNode) meCallee.getValue();
+ HeapRegionNode hrnChildCallee = null;
+ Iterator heapRegionsItrCallee = hrnCallee.setIteratorToReferencedRegions();
+ while( heapRegionsItrCallee.hasNext() ) {
+ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) heapRegionsItrCallee.next();
+ hrnChildCallee = (HeapRegionNode) me.getKey();
+ ReferenceEdgeProperties repC = (ReferenceEdgeProperties) me.getValue();
+ Integer idChildCallee = hrnChildCallee.getID();
+ // now we know that in the callee method's ownership graph
+ // there is a heap region->heap region reference edge given
+ // by the ownership-graph independent ID's:
+ // idCallee->idChildCallee
+ //
+ // at this point we know an edge in graph A exists
+ // idA -> idChildA, does this exist in B?
+ }
+ }
+ }
// in merge() and equals() methods the suffix A