-#ifndef CDSLIB_GC_DHP_H
-#define CDSLIB_GC_DHP_H
+#include <exception>
+#include <cds/gc/details/hp_common.h>
+#include <cds/intrusive/free_list_selector.h>
+#include <cds/details/throw_exception.h>
+#include <cds/details/static_functor.h>
+#include <cds/details/marked_ptr.h>
+#include <cds/user_setup/cache_line.h>
+namespace cds { namespace gc {
+ /// Dynamic (adaptive) Hazard Pointer implementation details
+ namespace dhp {
+ using namespace cds::gc::hp::common;
+ /// Exception "Dynamic Hazard Pointer SMR is not initialized"
+ class not_initialized: public std::runtime_error
+ {
+ public:
+ //@cond
+ not_initialized()
+ : std::runtime_error( "Global DHP SMR object is not initialized" )
+ {}
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ //@cond
+ struct guard_block: public cds::intrusive::FreeListImpl::node
+ {
+ guard_block* next_; // next block in the thread list
+ guard_block()
+ : next_( nullptr )
+ {}
+ guard* first()
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<guard*>( this + 1 );
+ }
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
+ /// \p guard_block allocator (global object)
+ class hp_allocator
+ {
+ friend class smr;
+ public:
+ static hp_allocator& instance();
+ CDS_EXPORT_API guard_block* alloc();
+ void free( guard_block* block )
+ {
+ free_list_.put( block );
+ }
+ private:
+ hp_allocator()
+ {}
+ CDS_EXPORT_API ~hp_allocator();
+ private:
+ cds::intrusive::FreeListImpl free_list_; ///< list of free \p guard_block
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
+ /// Per-thread hazard pointer storage
+ class thread_hp_storage
+ {
+ friend class smr;
+ public:
+ thread_hp_storage( guard* arr, size_t nSize ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : free_head_( arr )
+ , extended_list_( nullptr )
+ , array_( arr )
+ , initial_capacity_( nSize )
+ {
+ // Initialize guards
+ new( arr ) guard[nSize];
+ }
+ thread_hp_storage() = delete;
+ thread_hp_storage( thread_hp_storage const& ) = delete;
+ thread_hp_storage( thread_hp_storage&& ) = delete;
+ ~thread_hp_storage()
+ {
+ clear();
+ }
+ guard* alloc()
+ {
+ if ( cds_unlikely( free_head_ == nullptr )) {
+ extend();
+ assert( free_head_ != nullptr );
+ }
+ guard* g = free_head_;
+ free_head_ = g->next_;
+ return g;
+ }
+ void free( guard* g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ if ( g ) {
+ g->clear();
+ g->next_ = free_head_;
+ free_head_ = g;
+ }
+ }
+ template< size_t Capacity>
+ size_t alloc( guard_array<Capacity>& arr )
+ {
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < Capacity; ++i ) {
+ if ( cds_unlikely( free_head_ == nullptr ))
+ extend();
+ arr.reset( i, free_head_ );
+ free_head_ = free_head_->next_;
+ }
+ return Capacity;
+ }
+ template <size_t Capacity>
+ void free( guard_array<Capacity>& arr ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ guard* gList = free_head_;
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < Capacity; ++i ) {
+ guard* g = arr[i];
+ if ( g ) {
+ g->clear();
+ g->next_ = gList;
+ gList = g;
+ }
+ }
+ free_head_ = gList;
+ }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ // clear array_
+ for ( guard* cur = array_, *last = array_ + initial_capacity_; cur < last; ++cur )
+ cur->clear();
+ // free all extended blocks
+ hp_allocator& alloc = hp_allocator::instance();
+ for ( guard_block* p = extended_list_; p; ) {
+ guard_block* next = p->next_;
+ alloc.free( p );
+ p = next;
+ }
+ extended_list_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ void init()
+ {
+ assert( extended_list_ == nullptr );
+ guard* p = array_;
+ for ( guard* pEnd = p + initial_capacity_ - 1; p != pEnd; ++p )
+ p->next_ = p + 1;
+ p->next_ = nullptr;
+ free_head_ = array_;
+ }
+ private:
+ void extend()
+ {
+ assert( free_head_ == nullptr );
+ guard_block* block = hp_allocator::instance().alloc();
+ block->next_ = extended_list_;
+ extended_list_ = block;
+ free_head_ = block->first();
+ }
+ private:
+ guard* free_head_; ///< Head of free guard list
+ guard_block* extended_list_; ///< Head of extended guard blocks allocated for the thread
+ guard* const array_; ///< initial HP array
+ size_t const initial_capacity_; ///< Capacity of \p array_
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
+ struct retired_block: public cds::intrusive::FreeListImpl::node
+ {
+ retired_block* next_; ///< Next block in thread-private retired array
+ static size_t const c_capacity = 256;
+ retired_block()
+ : next_( nullptr )
+ {}
+ retired_ptr* first() const
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<retired_ptr*>( const_cast<retired_block*>( this ) + 1 );
+ }
+ retired_ptr* last() const
+ {
+ return first() + c_capacity;
+ }
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
+ class retired_allocator
+ {
+ friend class smr;
+ public:
+ static retired_allocator& instance();
+ CDS_EXPORT_API retired_block* alloc();
+ void free( retired_block* block )
+ {
+ block->next_ = nullptr;
+ free_list_.put( block );
+ }
+ private:
+ retired_allocator()
+ {}
+ CDS_EXPORT_API ~retired_allocator();
+ private:
+ cds::intrusive::FreeListImpl free_list_; ///< list of free \p guard_block
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
+ /// Per-thread retired array
+ class retired_array
+ {
+ friend class smr;
+ public:
+ retired_array() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : current_block_( nullptr )
+ , current_cell_( nullptr )
+ , list_head_( nullptr )
+ , list_tail_( nullptr )
+ , block_count_(0)
+ {}
+ retired_array( retired_array const& ) = delete;
+ retired_array( retired_array&& ) = delete;
+ ~retired_array()
+ {
+ assert( empty());
+ fini();
+ }
+ bool push( retired_ptr const& p ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( current_block_ != nullptr );
+ assert( current_block_->first() <= current_cell_ );
+ assert( current_cell_ < current_block_->last() );
+ //assert( &p != current_cell_ );
+ *current_cell_ = p;
+ if ( ++current_cell_ == current_block_->last() ) {
+ // goto next block if exists
+ if ( current_block_->next_ ) {
+ current_block_ = current_block_->next_;
+ current_cell_ = current_block_->first();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // no free block
+ // smr::scan() extend retired_array if needed
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ bool safe_push( retired_ptr* p ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ bool ret = push( *p );
+ assert( ret );
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private: // called by smr
+ void init()
+ {
+ if ( list_head_ == nullptr ) {
+ retired_block* block = retired_allocator::instance().alloc();
+ assert( block->next_ == nullptr );
+ current_block_ =
+ list_head_ =
+ list_tail_ = block;
+ current_cell_ = block->first();
+ block_count_ = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ void fini()
+ {
+ retired_allocator& alloc = retired_allocator::instance();
+ for ( retired_block* p = list_head_; p; ) {
+ retired_block* next = p->next_;
+ alloc.free( p );
+ p = next;
+ }
+ current_block_ =
+ list_head_ =
+ list_tail_ = nullptr;
+ current_cell_ = nullptr;
+ block_count_ = 0;
+ }
+ void extend()
+ {
+ assert( list_head_ != nullptr );
+ assert( current_block_ == list_tail_ );
+ assert( current_cell_ == current_block_->last() );
+ retired_block* block = retired_allocator::instance().alloc();
+ assert( block->next_ == nullptr );
+ list_tail_ = list_tail_->next_ = block;
+ current_cell_ = block->first();
+ ++block_count_;
+ }
+ bool empty() const
+ {
+ return current_block_ == nullptr
+ || ( current_block_ == list_head_ && current_cell_ == current_block_->first());
+ }
+ private:
+ retired_block* current_block_;
+ retired_ptr* current_cell_; // in current_block_
+ retired_block* list_head_;
+ retired_block* list_tail_;
+ size_t block_count_;
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
+ /// Per-thread data
+ struct thread_data {
+ thread_hp_storage hazards_; ///< Hazard pointers private to the thread
+ retired_array retired_; ///< Retired data private to the thread
+ char pad1_[cds::c_nCacheLineSize];
+ atomics::atomic<unsigned int> sync_; ///< dummy var to introduce synchronizes-with relationship between threads
+ char pad2_[cds::c_nCacheLineSize];
+ // CppCheck warn: pad1_ and pad2_ is uninitialized in ctor
+ // cppcheck-suppress uninitMemberVar
+ thread_data( guard* guards, size_t guard_count )
+ : hazards_( guards, guard_count )
+ , sync_( 0 )
+ {}
+ thread_data() = delete;
+ thread_data( thread_data const& ) = delete;
+ thread_data( thread_data&& ) = delete;
+ void sync()
+ {
+ sync_.fetch_add( 1, atomics::memory_order_acq_rel );
+ }
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
+ // Dynmic (adaptive) Hazard Pointer SMR (Safe Memory Reclamation)
+ class smr
+ {
+ struct thread_record;
+ public:
+ /// Returns the instance of Hazard Pointer \ref smr
+ static smr& instance()
+ {
+ assert( instance_ != nullptr );
+# else
+ if ( !instance_ )
+ CDS_THROW_EXCEPTION( not_initialized() );
+# endif
+ return *instance_;
+ }
+ /// Creates Dynamic Hazard Pointer SMR singleton
+ /**
+ Dynamic Hazard Pointer SMR is a singleton. If DHP instance is not initialized then the function creates the instance.
+ Otherwise it does nothing.
+ The Michael's HP reclamation schema depends of three parameters:
+ - \p nHazardPtrCount - HP pointer count per thread. Usually it is small number (2-4) depending from
+ the data structure algorithms. By default, if \p nHazardPtrCount = 0,
+ the function uses maximum of HP count for CDS library
+ - \p nMaxThreadCount - max count of thread with using HP GC in your application. Default is 100.
+ - \p nMaxRetiredPtrCount - capacity of array of retired pointers for each thread. Must be greater than
+ <tt> nHazardPtrCount * nMaxThreadCount </tt>
+ Default is <tt>2 * nHazardPtrCount * nMaxThreadCount</tt>
+ */
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API void construct(
+ size_t nInitialHazardPtrCount = 16 ///< Initial number of hazard pointer per thread
+ );
+ // for back-copatibility
+ static void Construct(
+ size_t nInitialHazardPtrCount = 16 ///< Initial number of hazard pointer per thread
+ )
+ {
+ construct( nInitialHazardPtrCount );
+ }
+ /// Destroys global instance of \ref smr
+ /**
+ The parameter \p bDetachAll should be used carefully: if its value is \p true,
+ then the object destroyed automatically detaches all attached threads. This feature
+ can be useful when you have no control over the thread termination, for example,
+ when \p libcds is injected into existing external thread.
+ */
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API void destruct(
+ bool bDetachAll = false ///< Detach all threads
+ );
+ // for back-compatibility
+ static void Destruct(
+ bool bDetachAll = false ///< Detach all threads
+ )
+ {
+ destruct( bDetachAll );
+ }
+ /// Checks if global SMR object is constructed and may be used
+ static bool isUsed() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return instance_ != nullptr;
+ }
+ /// Set memory management functions
+ /**
+ @note This function may be called <b>BEFORE</b> creating an instance
+ of Dynamic Hazard Pointer SMR
+ SMR object allocates some memory for thread-specific data and for
+ creating SMR object.
+ By default, a standard \p new and \p delete operators are used for this.
+ */
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API void set_memory_allocator(
+ void* ( *alloc_func )( size_t size ),
+ void( *free_func )( void * p )
+ );
+ /// Returns thread-local data for the current thread
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API thread_data* tls();
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API void attach_thread();
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API void detach_thread();
+ public: // for internal use only
+ /// The main garbage collecting function
+ CDS_EXPORT_API void scan( thread_data* pRec );
+ /// Helper scan routine
+ /**
+ The function guarantees that every node that is eligible for reuse is eventually freed, barring
+ thread failures. To do so, after executing \p scan(), a thread executes a \p %help_scan(),
+ where it checks every HP record. If an HP record is inactive, the thread moves all "lost" reclaimed pointers
+ to thread's list of reclaimed pointers.
+ The function is called internally by \p scan().
+ */
+ CDS_EXPORT_API void help_scan( thread_data* pThis );
+ hp_allocator& get_hp_allocator()
+ {
+ return hp_allocator_;
+ }
+ retired_allocator& get_retired_allocator()
+ {
+ return retired_allocator_;
+ }
+ private:
+ CDS_EXPORT_API explicit smr(
+ size_t nInitialHazardPtrCount
+ );
+ CDS_EXPORT_API ~smr();
+ CDS_EXPORT_API void detach_all_thread();
+ private:
+ CDS_EXPORT_API thread_record* create_thread_data();
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API void destroy_thread_data( thread_record* pRec );
+ /// Allocates Hazard Pointer SMR thread private data
+ CDS_EXPORT_API thread_record* alloc_thread_data();
+ /// Free HP SMR thread-private data
+ CDS_EXPORT_API void free_thread_data( thread_record* pRec );
+ private:
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API smr* instance_;
+ atomics::atomic< thread_record*> thread_list_; ///< Head of thread list
+ size_t const initial_hazard_count_; ///< initial number of hazard pointers per thread
+ hp_allocator hp_allocator_;
+ retired_allocator retired_allocator_;
+ // temporaries
+ std::atomic<size_t> last_plist_size_; ///< HP array size in last scan() call
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
+ // for backward compatibility
+ typedef smr GarbageCollector;
+ // inlines
+ inline hp_allocator& hp_allocator::instance()
+ {
+ return smr::instance().get_hp_allocator();
+ }
+ inline retired_allocator& retired_allocator::instance()
+ {
+ return smr::instance().get_retired_allocator();
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ } // namespace dhp
+ /// Dynamic (adaptie) Hazard Pointer SMR
+ /** @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
+ Implementation of Dynamic (adaptive) Hazard Pointer SMR
+ Sources:
+ - [2002] Maged M.Michael "Safe memory reclamation for dynamic lock-freeobjects using atomic reads and writes"
+ - [2003] Maged M.Michael "Hazard Pointers: Safe memory reclamation for lock-free objects"
+ - [2004] Andrei Alexandrescy, Maged Michael "Lock-free Data Structures with Hazard Pointers"
+ %DHP is an adaptive variant of classic \p cds::gc::HP, see @ref cds_garbage_collectors_comparison "Compare HP implementation"
+ See \ref cds_how_to_use "How to use" section for details how to apply SMR.
+ */
+ class DHP
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Native guarded pointer type
+ typedef void* guarded_pointer;
+ /// Atomic reference
+ template <typename T> using atomic_ref = atomics::atomic<T *>;
+ /// Atomic type
+ /**
+ @headerfile cds/gc/dhp.h
+ */
+ template <typename T> using atomic_type = atomics::atomic<T>;
+ /// Atomic marked pointer
+ template <typename MarkedPtr> using atomic_marked_ptr = atomics::atomic<MarkedPtr>;
+ /// Dynamic Hazard Pointer guard
+ /**
+ A guard is a hazard pointer.
+ Additionally, the \p %Guard class manages allocation and deallocation of the hazard pointer
+ \p %Guard object is movable but not copyable.
+ The guard object can be in two states:
+ - unlinked - the guard is not linked with any internal hazard pointer.
+ In this state no operation except \p link() and move assignment is supported.
+ - linked (default) - the guard allocates an internal hazard pointer and fully operable.
+ Due to performance reason the implementation does not check state of the guard in runtime.
+ @warning Move assignment can transfer the guard in unlinked state, use with care.
+ */
+ class Guard
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Default ctor allocates a guard (hazard pointer) from thread-private storage
+ : guard_( dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc() )
+ {}
+ /// Initilalizes an unlinked guard i.e. the guard contains no hazard pointer. Used for move semantics support
+ explicit Guard( std::nullptr_t ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( nullptr )
+ {}
+ /// Move ctor - \p src guard becomes unlinked (transfer internal guard ownership)
+ Guard( Guard&& src ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( src.guard_ )
+ {
+ src.guard_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ /// Move assignment: the internal guards are swapped between \p src and \p this
+ /**
+ @warning \p src will become in unlinked state if \p this was unlinked on entry.
+ */
+ Guard& operator=( Guard&& src ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ std::swap( guard_, src.guard_ );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Copy ctor is prohibited - the guard is not copyable
+ Guard( Guard const& ) = delete;
+ /// Copy assignment is prohibited
+ Guard& operator=( Guard const& ) = delete;
+ /// Frees the internal hazard pointer if the guard is in linked state
+ ~Guard()
+ {
+ unlink();
+ }
+ /// Checks if the guard object linked with any internal hazard pointer
+ bool is_linked() const
+ {
+ return guard_ != nullptr;
+ }
+ /// Links the guard with internal hazard pointer if the guard is in unlinked state
+ void link()
+ {
+ if ( !guard_ )
+ guard_ = dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc();
+ }
+ /// Unlinks the guard from internal hazard pointer; the guard becomes in unlinked state
+ void unlink()
+ {
+ if ( guard_ ) {
+ dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.free( guard_ );
+ guard_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Protects a pointer of type <tt> atomic<T*> </tt>
+ /**
+ Return the value of \p toGuard
+ The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store it
+ to the HP slot repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ T protect( atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard )
+ {
+ assert( guard_ != nullptr );
+ T pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ T pRet;
+ do {
+ pRet = assign( pCur );
+ pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ } while ( pRet != pCur );
+ return pCur;
+ }
+ /// Protects a converted pointer of type <tt> atomic<T*> </tt>
+ /**
+ Return the value of \p toGuard
+ The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store result of \p f functor
+ to the HP slot repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard.
+ The function is useful for intrusive containers when \p toGuard is a node pointer
+ that should be converted to a pointer to the value type before guarding.
+ The parameter \p f of type Func is a functor that makes this conversion:
+ \code
+ struct functor {
+ value_type * operator()( T * p );
+ };
+ \endcode
+ Really, the result of <tt> f( toGuard.load()) </tt> is assigned to the hazard pointer.
+ */
+ template <typename T, class Func>
+ T protect( atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard, Func f )
+ {
+ assert( guard_ != nullptr );
+ T pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ T pRet;
+ do {
+ pRet = pCur;
+ assign( f( pCur ));
+ pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ } while ( pRet != pCur );
+ return pCur;
+ }
+ /// Store \p p to the guard
+ /**
+ The function is just an assignment, no loop is performed.
+ Can be used for a pointer that cannot be changed concurrently
+ or for already guarded pointer.
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ T* assign( T* p )
+ {
+ assert( guard_ != nullptr );
+ guard_->set( p );
+ dhp::smr::tls()->sync();
+ return p;
+ }
+ //@cond
+ std::nullptr_t assign( std::nullptr_t )
+ {
+ assert( guard_ != nullptr );
+ clear();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ /// Store marked pointer \p p to the guard
+ /**
+ The function is just an assignment of <tt>p.ptr()</tt>, no loop is performed.
+ Can be used for a marked pointer that cannot be changed concurrently
+ or for already guarded pointer.
+ */
+ template <typename T, int BITMASK>
+ T* assign( cds::details::marked_ptr<T, BITMASK> p )
+ {
+ return assign( p.ptr());
+ }
+ /// Copy from \p src guard to \p this guard
+ void copy( Guard const& src )
+ {
+ assign( src.get_native());
+ }
+ /// Clears value of the guard
+ void clear()
+ {
+ assert( guard_ != nullptr );
+ guard_->clear();
+ }
+ /// Gets the value currently protected (relaxed read)
+ template <typename T>
+ T * get() const
+ {
+ assert( guard_ != nullptr );
+ return guard_->get_as<T>();
+ }
+ /// Gets native guarded pointer stored
+ void* get_native() const
+ {
+ assert( guard_ != nullptr );
+ return guard_->get();
+ }
+ //@cond
+ dhp::guard* release()
+ {
+ dhp::guard* g = guard_;
+ guard_ = nullptr;
+ return g;
+ }
+ dhp::guard*& guard_ref()
+ {
+ return guard_;
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ private:
+ //@cond
+ dhp::guard* guard_;
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ /// Array of Dynamic Hazard Pointer guards
+ /**
+ The class is intended for allocating an array of hazard pointer guards.
+ Template parameter \p Count defines the size of the array.
+ A \p %GuardArray object is not copy- and move-constructible
+ and not copy- and move-assignable.
+ */
+ template <size_t Count>
+ class GuardArray
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Rebind array for other size \p OtherCount
+ template <size_t OtherCount>
+ struct rebind {
+ typedef GuardArray<OtherCount> other ; ///< rebinding result
+ };
+ /// Array capacity
+ static CDS_CONSTEXPR const size_t c_nCapacity = Count;
+ public:
+ /// Default ctor allocates \p Count hazard pointers
+ GuardArray()
+ {
+ dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc( guards_ );
+ }
+ /// Move ctor is prohibited
+ GuardArray( GuardArray&& ) = delete;
+ /// Move assignment is prohibited
+ GuardArray& operator=( GuardArray&& ) = delete;
+ /// Copy ctor is prohibited
+ GuardArray( GuardArray const& ) = delete;
+ /// Copy assignment is prohibited
+ GuardArray& operator=( GuardArray const& ) = delete;
+ /// Frees allocated hazard pointers
+ ~GuardArray()
+ {
+ dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.free( guards_ );
+ }
+ /// Protects a pointer of type \p atomic<T*>
+ /**
+ Return the value of \p toGuard
+ The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store it
+ to the slot \p nIndex repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ T protect( size_t nIndex, atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard )
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity() );
+ T pRet;
+ do {
+ pRet = assign( nIndex, toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire));
+ } while ( pRet != toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed));
+ return pRet;
+ }
+ /// Protects a pointer of type \p atomic<T*>
+ /**
+ Return the value of \p toGuard
+ The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store it
+ to the slot \p nIndex repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard
+ The function is useful for intrusive containers when \p toGuard is a node pointer
+ that should be converted to a pointer to the value type before guarding.
+ The parameter \p f of type Func is a functor to make that conversion:
+ \code
+ struct functor {
+ value_type * operator()( T * p );
+ };
+ \endcode
+ Actually, the result of <tt> f( toGuard.load()) </tt> is assigned to the hazard pointer.
+ */
+ template <typename T, class Func>
+ T protect( size_t nIndex, atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard, Func f )
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity() );
+ T pRet;
+ do {
+ assign( nIndex, f( pRet = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire)));
+ } while ( pRet != toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed));
+ return pRet;
+ }
+ /// Store \p p to the slot \p nIndex
+ /**
+ The function is just an assignment, no loop is performed.
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ T * assign( size_t nIndex, T * p )
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity() );
+ guards_.set( nIndex, p );
+ dhp::smr::tls()->sync();
+ return p;
+ }
+ /// Store marked pointer \p p to the guard
+ /**
+ The function is just an assignment of <tt>p.ptr()</tt>, no loop is performed.
+ Can be used for a marked pointer that cannot be changed concurrently
+ or for already guarded pointer.
+ */
+ template <typename T, int Bitmask>
+ T * assign( size_t nIndex, cds::details::marked_ptr<T, Bitmask> p )
+ {
+ return assign( nIndex, p.ptr());
+ }
+ /// Copy guarded value from \p src guard to slot at index \p nIndex
+ void copy( size_t nIndex, Guard const& src )
+ {
+ assign( nIndex, src.get_native());
+ }
+ /// Copy guarded value from slot \p nSrcIndex to slot at index \p nDestIndex
+ void copy( size_t nDestIndex, size_t nSrcIndex )
+ {
+ assign( nDestIndex, get_native( nSrcIndex ));
+ }
+ /// Clear value of the slot \p nIndex
+ void clear( size_t nIndex )
+ {
+ guards_.clear( nIndex );
+ }
+ /// Get current value of slot \p nIndex
+ template <typename T>
+ T * get( size_t nIndex ) const
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity() );
+ return guards_[nIndex]->template get_as<T>();
+ }
+ /// Get native guarded pointer stored
+ guarded_pointer get_native( size_t nIndex ) const
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity() );
+ return guards_[nIndex]->get();
+ }
+ //@cond
+ dhp::guard* release( size_t nIndex ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return guards_.release( nIndex );
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ /// Capacity of the guard array
+ static CDS_CONSTEXPR size_t capacity()
+ {
+ return Count;
+ }
+ private:
+ //@cond
+ dhp::guard_array<c_nCapacity> guards_;
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ /// Guarded pointer
+ /**
+ A guarded pointer is a pair of a pointer and GC's guard.
+ Usually, it is used for returning a pointer to the item from an lock-free container.
+ The guard prevents the pointer to be early disposed (freed) by GC.
+ After destructing \p %guarded_ptr object the pointer can be disposed (freed) automatically at any time.
+ Template arguments:
+ - \p GuardedType - a type which the guard stores
+ - \p ValueType - a value type
+ - \p Cast - a functor for converting <tt>GuardedType*</tt> to <tt>ValueType*</tt>. Default is \p void (no casting).
+ For intrusive containers, \p GuardedType is the same as \p ValueType and no casting is needed.
+ In such case the \p %guarded_ptr is:
+ @code
+ typedef cds::gc::DHP::guarded_ptr< foo > intrusive_guarded_ptr;
+ @endcode
+ For standard (non-intrusive) containers \p GuardedType is not the same as \p ValueType and casting is needed.
+ For example:
+ @code
+ struct foo {
+ int const key;
+ std::string value;
+ };
+ struct value_accessor {
+ std::string* operator()( foo* pFoo ) const
+ {
+ return &(pFoo->value);
+ }
+ };
+ // Guarded ptr
+ typedef cds::gc::DHP::guarded_ptr< Foo, std::string, value_accessor > nonintrusive_guarded_ptr;
+ @endcode
+ You don't need use this class directly.
+ All set/map container classes from \p libcds declare the typedef for \p %guarded_ptr with appropriate casting functor.
+ */
+ template <typename GuardedType, typename ValueType=GuardedType, typename Cast=void >
+ class guarded_ptr
+ {
+ //@cond
+ struct trivial_cast {
+ ValueType * operator()( GuardedType * p ) const
+ {
+ return p;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename GT, typename VT, typename C> friend class guarded_ptr;
+ //@endcond
+ public:
+ typedef GuardedType guarded_type; ///< Guarded type
+ typedef ValueType value_type; ///< Value type
+ /// Functor for casting \p guarded_type to \p value_type
+ typedef typename std::conditional< std::is_same<Cast, void>::value, trivial_cast, Cast >::type value_cast;
+ public:
+ /// Creates empty guarded pointer
+ guarded_ptr() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( nullptr )
+ {}
+ //@cond
+ explicit guarded_ptr( dhp::guard* g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( g )
+ {}
+ /// Initializes guarded pointer with \p p
+ explicit guarded_ptr( guarded_type * p ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( nullptr )
+ {
+ reset( p );
+ }
+ explicit guarded_ptr( std::nullptr_t ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( nullptr )
+ {}
+ //@endcond
+ /// Move ctor
+ guarded_ptr( guarded_ptr&& gp ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( gp.guard_ )
+ {
+ gp.guard_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ /// Move ctor
+ template <typename GT, typename VT, typename C>
+ guarded_ptr( guarded_ptr<GT, VT, C>&& gp ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( gp.guard_ )
+ {
+ gp.guard_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ /// Ctor from \p Guard
+ explicit guarded_ptr( Guard&& g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( g.release())
+ {}
+ /// The guarded pointer is not copy-constructible
+ guarded_ptr( guarded_ptr const& gp ) = delete;
+ /// Clears the guarded pointer
+ /**
+ \ref release is called if guarded pointer is not \ref empty
+ */
+ ~guarded_ptr() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ release();
+ }
+ /// Move-assignment operator
+ guarded_ptr& operator=( guarded_ptr&& gp ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ std::swap( guard_, gp.guard_ );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Move-assignment from \p Guard
+ guarded_ptr& operator=( Guard&& g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ std::swap( guard_, g.guard_ref());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// The guarded pointer is not copy-assignable
+ guarded_ptr& operator=(guarded_ptr const& gp) = delete;
+ /// Returns a pointer to guarded value
+ value_type * operator ->() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( !empty());
+ return value_cast()( guard_->get_as<guarded_type>() );
+ }
+ /// Returns a reference to guarded value
+ value_type& operator *() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( !empty());
+ return *value_cast()( guard_->get_as<guarded_type>() );
+ }
+ /// Returns const reference to guarded value
+ value_type const& operator *() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( !empty());
+ return *value_cast()(reinterpret_cast<guarded_type *>(guard_->get()));
+ }
+ /// Checks if the guarded pointer is \p nullptr
+ bool empty() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return guard_ == nullptr || guard_->get( atomics::memory_order_relaxed ) == nullptr;
+ }
+ /// \p bool operator returns <tt>!empty()</tt>
+ explicit operator bool() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return !empty();
+ }
+ /// Clears guarded pointer
+ /**
+ If the guarded pointer has been released, the pointer can be disposed (freed) at any time.
+ Dereferncing the guarded pointer after \p release() is dangerous.
+ */
+ void release() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ free_guard();
+ }
+ //@cond
+ // For internal use only!!!
+ void reset(guarded_type * p) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ alloc_guard();
+ assert( guard_ );
+ guard_->set( p );
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ private:
+ //@cond
+ void alloc_guard()
+ {
+ if ( !guard_ )
+ guard_ = dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc();
+ }
+ void free_guard()
+ {
+ if ( guard_ ) {
+ dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.free( guard_ );
+ guard_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ private:
+ //@cond
+ dhp::guard* guard_;
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ public:
+ /// Initializes %DHP memory manager singleton
+ /**
+ Constructor creates and initializes %DHP global object.
+ %DHP object should be created before using CDS data structure based on \p %cds::gc::DHP. Usually,
+ it is created in the beginning of \p main() function.
+ After creating of global object you may use CDS data structures based on \p %cds::gc::DHP.
+ \p nInitialThreadGuardCount - initial count of guard allocated for each thread.
+ When a thread is initialized the GC allocates local guard pool for the thread from a common guard pool.
+ By perforce the local thread's guard pool is grown automatically from common pool.
+ When the thread terminated its guard pool is backed to common GC's pool.
+ */
+ explicit DHP(
+ size_t nInitialHazardPtrCount = 16 ///< Initial number of hazard pointer per thread
+ )
+ {
+ dhp::smr::construct( nInitialHazardPtrCount );
+ }
+ /// Destroys %DHP memory manager
+ /**
+ The destructor destroys %DHP global object. After calling of this function you may \b NOT
+ use CDS data structures based on \p %cds::gc::DHP.
+ Usually, %DHP object is destroyed at the end of your \p main().
+ */
+ ~DHP()
+ {
+ dhp::GarbageCollector::destruct( true );
+ }
+ /// Checks if count of hazard pointer is no less than \p nCountNeeded
+ /**
+ The function always returns \p true since the guard count is unlimited for
+ \p %gc::DHP garbage collector.
+ */
+ static CDS_CONSTEXPR bool check_available_guards(
+ size_t nCountNeeded,
+ size_t
+ )
+ {
+ return true;
+ }
+ /// Set memory management functions
+ /**
+ @note This function may be called <b>BEFORE</b> creating an instance
+ of Dynamic Hazard Pointer SMR
+ SMR object allocates some memory for thread-specific data and for creating SMR object.
+ By default, a standard \p new and \p delete operators are used for this.
+ */
+ static void set_memory_allocator(
+ void* ( *alloc_func )( size_t size ), ///< \p malloc() function
+ void( *free_func )( void * p ) ///< \p free() function
+ )
+ {
+ dhp::smr::set_memory_allocator( alloc_func, free_func );
+ }
+ /// Retire pointer \p p with function \p pFunc
+ /**
+ The function places pointer \p p to array of pointers ready for removing.
+ (so called retired pointer array). The pointer can be safely removed when no hazard pointer points to it.
+ \p func is a disposer: when \p p can be safely removed, \p func is called.
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ static void retire( T * p, void (* func)(T *))
+ {
+ dhp::thread_data* rec = dhp::smr::tls();
+ if ( !rec->retired_.push( dhp::retired_ptr( p, func ) ) )
+ dhp::smr::instance().scan( rec );
+ }
+ /// Retire pointer \p p with functor of type \p Disposer
+ /**
+ The function places pointer \p p to array of pointers ready for removing.
+ (so called retired pointer array). The pointer can be safely removed when no hazard pointer points to it.
+ Deleting the pointer is an invocation of some object of type \p Disposer; the interface of \p Disposer is:
+ \code
+ template <typename T>
+ struct disposer {
+ void operator()( T * p ) ; // disposing operator
+ };
+ \endcode
+ Since the functor call can happen at any time after \p retire() call, additional restrictions are imposed to \p Disposer type:
+ - it should be stateless functor
+ - it should be default-constructible
+ - the result of functor call with argument \p p should not depend on where the functor will be called.
+ \par Examples:
+ Operator \p delete functor:
+ \code
+ template <typename T>
+ struct disposer {
+ void operator ()( T * p ) {
+ delete p;
+ }
+ };
+ // How to call HP::retire method
+ int * p = new int;
+ // ... use p in lock-free manner
+ cds::gc::DHP::retire<disposer>( p ) ; // place p to retired pointer array of DHP SMR
+ \endcode
+ Functor based on \p std::allocator :
+ \code
+ template <typename Alloc = std::allocator<int> >
+ struct disposer {
+ template <typename T>
+ void operator()( T * p ) {
+ typedef typename Alloc::templare rebind<T>::other alloc_t;
+ alloc_t a;
+ a.destroy( p );
+ a.deallocate( p, 1 );
+ }
+ };
+ \endcode
+ */
+ template <class Disposer, typename T>
+ static void retire( T * p )
+ {
+ if ( !dhp::smr::tls()->retired_.push( dhp::retired_ptr( p, cds::details::static_functor<Disposer, T>::call )))
+ scan();
+ }
+ /// Checks if Dynamic Hazard Pointer GC is constructed and may be used
+ static bool isUsed()
+ {
+ return dhp::smr::isUsed();
+ }
+ /// Forced GC cycle call for current thread
+ /**
+ Usually, this function should not be called directly.
+ */
+ static void scan()
+ {
+ dhp::smr::instance().scan( dhp::smr::tls() );
+ }
+ /// Synonym for \p scan()
+ static void force_dispose()
+ {
+ scan();
+ }
+ };
+}} // namespace cds::gc
+#endif // #ifndef CDSLIB_GC_DHP_SMR_H
-#include <cds/gc/dhp_smr.h>
-#include <cds/details/lib.h>
-#include <cds/threading/model.h>
-#endif // #ifndef CDSLIB_GC_DHP_H
+++ /dev/null
- This file is a part of libcds - Concurrent Data Structures library
- (C) Copyright Maxim Khizhinsky (libcds.dev@gmail.com) 2006-2017
- Source code repo: http://github.com/khizmax/libcds/
- Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/libcds/files/
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-#include <exception>
-#include <cds/gc/details/hp_common.h>
-#include <cds/intrusive/free_list_selector.h>
-#include <cds/details/throw_exception.h>
-#include <cds/details/static_functor.h>
-#include <cds/details/marked_ptr.h>
-#include <cds/user_setup/cache_line.h>
-namespace cds { namespace gc {
- /// Dynamic (adaptive) Hazard Pointer implementation details
- namespace dhp {
- using namespace cds::gc::hp::common;
- /// Exception "Dynamic Hazard Pointer SMR is not initialized"
- class not_initialized: public std::runtime_error
- {
- public:
- //@cond
- not_initialized()
- : std::runtime_error( "Global DHP SMR object is not initialized" )
- {}
- //@endcond
- };
- //@cond
- struct guard_block: public cds::intrusive::FreeListImpl::node
- {
- guard_block* next_; // next block in the thread list
- guard_block()
- : next_( nullptr )
- {}
- guard* first()
- {
- return reinterpret_cast<guard*>( this + 1 );
- }
- };
- //@endcond
- //@cond
- /// \p guard_block allocator (global object)
- class hp_allocator
- {
- friend class smr;
- public:
- static hp_allocator& instance();
- CDS_EXPORT_API guard_block* alloc();
- void free( guard_block* block )
- {
- free_list_.put( block );
- }
- private:
- hp_allocator()
- {}
- CDS_EXPORT_API ~hp_allocator();
- private:
- cds::intrusive::FreeListImpl free_list_; ///< list of free \p guard_block
- };
- //@endcond
- //@cond
- /// Per-thread hazard pointer storage
- class thread_hp_storage
- {
- friend class smr;
- public:
- thread_hp_storage( guard* arr, size_t nSize ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : free_head_( arr )
- , extended_list_( nullptr )
- , array_( arr )
- , initial_capacity_( nSize )
- {
- // Initialize guards
- new( arr ) guard[nSize];
- }
- thread_hp_storage() = delete;
- thread_hp_storage( thread_hp_storage const& ) = delete;
- thread_hp_storage( thread_hp_storage&& ) = delete;
- ~thread_hp_storage()
- {
- clear();
- }
- guard* alloc()
- {
- if ( cds_unlikely( free_head_ == nullptr )) {
- extend();
- assert( free_head_ != nullptr );
- }
- guard* g = free_head_;
- free_head_ = g->next_;
- return g;
- }
- void free( guard* g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- if ( g ) {
- g->clear();
- g->next_ = free_head_;
- free_head_ = g;
- }
- }
- template< size_t Capacity>
- size_t alloc( guard_array<Capacity>& arr )
- {
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < Capacity; ++i ) {
- if ( cds_unlikely( free_head_ == nullptr ))
- extend();
- arr.reset( i, free_head_ );
- free_head_ = free_head_->next_;
- }
- return Capacity;
- }
- template <size_t Capacity>
- void free( guard_array<Capacity>& arr ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- guard* gList = free_head_;
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < Capacity; ++i ) {
- guard* g = arr[i];
- if ( g ) {
- g->clear();
- g->next_ = gList;
- gList = g;
- }
- }
- free_head_ = gList;
- }
- void clear()
- {
- // clear array_
- for ( guard* cur = array_, *last = array_ + initial_capacity_; cur < last; ++cur )
- cur->clear();
- // free all extended blocks
- hp_allocator& alloc = hp_allocator::instance();
- for ( guard_block* p = extended_list_; p; ) {
- guard_block* next = p->next_;
- alloc.free( p );
- p = next;
- }
- extended_list_ = nullptr;
- }
- void init()
- {
- assert( extended_list_ == nullptr );
- guard* p = array_;
- for ( guard* pEnd = p + initial_capacity_ - 1; p != pEnd; ++p )
- p->next_ = p + 1;
- p->next_ = nullptr;
- free_head_ = array_;
- }
- private:
- void extend()
- {
- assert( free_head_ == nullptr );
- guard_block* block = hp_allocator::instance().alloc();
- block->next_ = extended_list_;
- extended_list_ = block;
- free_head_ = block->first();
- }
- private:
- guard* free_head_; ///< Head of free guard list
- guard_block* extended_list_; ///< Head of extended guard blocks allocated for the thread
- guard* const array_; ///< initial HP array
- size_t const initial_capacity_; ///< Capacity of \p array_
- };
- //@endcond
- //@cond
- struct retired_block: public cds::intrusive::FreeListImpl::node
- {
- retired_block* next_; ///< Next block in thread-private retired array
- static size_t const c_capacity = 256;
- retired_block()
- : next_( nullptr )
- {}
- retired_ptr* first() const
- {
- return reinterpret_cast<retired_ptr*>( const_cast<retired_block*>( this ) + 1 );
- }
- retired_ptr* last() const
- {
- return first() + c_capacity;
- }
- };
- //@endcond
- //@cond
- class retired_allocator
- {
- friend class smr;
- public:
- static retired_allocator& instance();
- CDS_EXPORT_API retired_block* alloc();
- void free( retired_block* block )
- {
- block->next_ = nullptr;
- free_list_.put( block );
- }
- private:
- retired_allocator()
- {}
- CDS_EXPORT_API ~retired_allocator();
- private:
- cds::intrusive::FreeListImpl free_list_; ///< list of free \p guard_block
- };
- //@endcond
- //@cond
- /// Per-thread retired array
- class retired_array
- {
- friend class smr;
- public:
- retired_array() CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : current_block_( nullptr )
- , current_cell_( nullptr )
- , list_head_( nullptr )
- , list_tail_( nullptr )
- , block_count_(0)
- {}
- retired_array( retired_array const& ) = delete;
- retired_array( retired_array&& ) = delete;
- ~retired_array()
- {
- assert( empty());
- fini();
- }
- bool push( retired_ptr const& p ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- assert( current_block_ != nullptr );
- assert( current_block_->first() <= current_cell_ );
- assert( current_cell_ < current_block_->last() );
- //assert( &p != current_cell_ );
- *current_cell_ = p;
- if ( ++current_cell_ == current_block_->last() ) {
- // goto next block if exists
- if ( current_block_->next_ ) {
- current_block_ = current_block_->next_;
- current_cell_ = current_block_->first();
- return true;
- }
- // no free block
- // smr::scan() extend retired_array if needed
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- bool safe_push( retired_ptr* p ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- bool ret = push( *p );
- assert( ret );
- return ret;
- }
- private: // called by smr
- void init()
- {
- if ( list_head_ == nullptr ) {
- retired_block* block = retired_allocator::instance().alloc();
- assert( block->next_ == nullptr );
- current_block_ =
- list_head_ =
- list_tail_ = block;
- current_cell_ = block->first();
- block_count_ = 1;
- }
- }
- void fini()
- {
- retired_allocator& alloc = retired_allocator::instance();
- for ( retired_block* p = list_head_; p; ) {
- retired_block* next = p->next_;
- alloc.free( p );
- p = next;
- }
- current_block_ =
- list_head_ =
- list_tail_ = nullptr;
- current_cell_ = nullptr;
- block_count_ = 0;
- }
- void extend()
- {
- assert( list_head_ != nullptr );
- assert( current_block_ == list_tail_ );
- assert( current_cell_ == current_block_->last() );
- retired_block* block = retired_allocator::instance().alloc();
- assert( block->next_ == nullptr );
- list_tail_ = list_tail_->next_ = block;
- current_cell_ = block->first();
- ++block_count_;
- }
- bool empty() const
- {
- return current_block_ == nullptr
- || ( current_block_ == list_head_ && current_cell_ == current_block_->first());
- }
- private:
- retired_block* current_block_;
- retired_ptr* current_cell_; // in current_block_
- retired_block* list_head_;
- retired_block* list_tail_;
- size_t block_count_;
- };
- //@endcond
- //@cond
- /// Per-thread data
- struct thread_data {
- thread_hp_storage hazards_; ///< Hazard pointers private to the thread
- retired_array retired_; ///< Retired data private to the thread
- char pad1_[cds::c_nCacheLineSize];
- atomics::atomic<unsigned int> sync_; ///< dummy var to introduce synchronizes-with relationship between threads
- char pad2_[cds::c_nCacheLineSize];
- // CppCheck warn: pad1_ and pad2_ is uninitialized in ctor
- // cppcheck-suppress uninitMemberVar
- thread_data( guard* guards, size_t guard_count )
- : hazards_( guards, guard_count )
- , sync_( 0 )
- {}
- thread_data() = delete;
- thread_data( thread_data const& ) = delete;
- thread_data( thread_data&& ) = delete;
- void sync()
- {
- sync_.fetch_add( 1, atomics::memory_order_acq_rel );
- }
- };
- //@endcond
- //@cond
- // Dynmic (adaptive) Hazard Pointer SMR (Safe Memory Reclamation)
- class smr
- {
- struct thread_record;
- public:
- /// Returns the instance of Hazard Pointer \ref smr
- static smr& instance()
- {
- assert( instance_ != nullptr );
-# else
- if ( !instance_ )
- CDS_THROW_EXCEPTION( not_initialized() );
-# endif
- return *instance_;
- }
- /// Creates Dynamic Hazard Pointer SMR singleton
- /**
- Dynamic Hazard Pointer SMR is a singleton. If DHP instance is not initialized then the function creates the instance.
- Otherwise it does nothing.
- The Michael's HP reclamation schema depends of three parameters:
- - \p nHazardPtrCount - HP pointer count per thread. Usually it is small number (2-4) depending from
- the data structure algorithms. By default, if \p nHazardPtrCount = 0,
- the function uses maximum of HP count for CDS library
- - \p nMaxThreadCount - max count of thread with using HP GC in your application. Default is 100.
- - \p nMaxRetiredPtrCount - capacity of array of retired pointers for each thread. Must be greater than
- <tt> nHazardPtrCount * nMaxThreadCount </tt>
- Default is <tt>2 * nHazardPtrCount * nMaxThreadCount</tt>
- */
- static CDS_EXPORT_API void construct(
- size_t nInitialHazardPtrCount = 16 ///< Initial number of hazard pointer per thread
- );
- // for back-copatibility
- static void Construct(
- size_t nInitialHazardPtrCount = 16 ///< Initial number of hazard pointer per thread
- )
- {
- construct( nInitialHazardPtrCount );
- }
- /// Destroys global instance of \ref smr
- /**
- The parameter \p bDetachAll should be used carefully: if its value is \p true,
- then the object destroyed automatically detaches all attached threads. This feature
- can be useful when you have no control over the thread termination, for example,
- when \p libcds is injected into existing external thread.
- */
- static CDS_EXPORT_API void destruct(
- bool bDetachAll = false ///< Detach all threads
- );
- // for back-compatibility
- static void Destruct(
- bool bDetachAll = false ///< Detach all threads
- )
- {
- destruct( bDetachAll );
- }
- /// Checks if global SMR object is constructed and may be used
- static bool isUsed() CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return instance_ != nullptr;
- }
- /// Set memory management functions
- /**
- @note This function may be called <b>BEFORE</b> creating an instance
- of Dynamic Hazard Pointer SMR
- SMR object allocates some memory for thread-specific data and for
- creating SMR object.
- By default, a standard \p new and \p delete operators are used for this.
- */
- static CDS_EXPORT_API void set_memory_allocator(
- void* ( *alloc_func )( size_t size ),
- void( *free_func )( void * p )
- );
- /// Returns thread-local data for the current thread
- static CDS_EXPORT_API thread_data* tls();
- static CDS_EXPORT_API void attach_thread();
- static CDS_EXPORT_API void detach_thread();
- public: // for internal use only
- /// The main garbage collecting function
- CDS_EXPORT_API void scan( thread_data* pRec );
- /// Helper scan routine
- /**
- The function guarantees that every node that is eligible for reuse is eventually freed, barring
- thread failures. To do so, after executing \p scan(), a thread executes a \p %help_scan(),
- where it checks every HP record. If an HP record is inactive, the thread moves all "lost" reclaimed pointers
- to thread's list of reclaimed pointers.
- The function is called internally by \p scan().
- */
- CDS_EXPORT_API void help_scan( thread_data* pThis );
- hp_allocator& get_hp_allocator()
- {
- return hp_allocator_;
- }
- retired_allocator& get_retired_allocator()
- {
- return retired_allocator_;
- }
- private:
- CDS_EXPORT_API explicit smr(
- size_t nInitialHazardPtrCount
- );
- CDS_EXPORT_API ~smr();
- CDS_EXPORT_API void detach_all_thread();
- private:
- CDS_EXPORT_API thread_record* create_thread_data();
- static CDS_EXPORT_API void destroy_thread_data( thread_record* pRec );
- /// Allocates Hazard Pointer SMR thread private data
- CDS_EXPORT_API thread_record* alloc_thread_data();
- /// Free HP SMR thread-private data
- CDS_EXPORT_API void free_thread_data( thread_record* pRec );
- private:
- static CDS_EXPORT_API smr* instance_;
- atomics::atomic< thread_record*> thread_list_; ///< Head of thread list
- size_t const initial_hazard_count_; ///< initial number of hazard pointers per thread
- hp_allocator hp_allocator_;
- retired_allocator retired_allocator_;
- // temporaries
- std::atomic<size_t> last_plist_size_; ///< HP array size in last scan() call
- };
- //@endcond
- //@cond
- // for backward compatibility
- typedef smr GarbageCollector;
- // inlines
- inline hp_allocator& hp_allocator::instance()
- {
- return smr::instance().get_hp_allocator();
- }
- inline retired_allocator& retired_allocator::instance()
- {
- return smr::instance().get_retired_allocator();
- }
- //@endcond
- } // namespace dhp
- /// Dynamic (adaptie) Hazard Pointer SMR
- /** @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
- Implementation of Dynamic (adaptive) Hazard Pointer SMR
- Sources:
- - [2002] Maged M.Michael "Safe memory reclamation for dynamic lock-freeobjects using atomic reads and writes"
- - [2003] Maged M.Michael "Hazard Pointers: Safe memory reclamation for lock-free objects"
- - [2004] Andrei Alexandrescy, Maged Michael "Lock-free Data Structures with Hazard Pointers"
- %DHP is an adaptive variant of classic \p cds::gc::HP, see @ref cds_garbage_collectors_comparison "Compare HP implementation"
- See \ref cds_how_to_use "How to use" section for details how to apply SMR.
- */
- class DHP
- {
- public:
- /// Native guarded pointer type
- typedef void* guarded_pointer;
- /// Atomic reference
- template <typename T> using atomic_ref = atomics::atomic<T *>;
- /// Atomic type
- /**
- @headerfile cds/gc/dhp.h
- */
- template <typename T> using atomic_type = atomics::atomic<T>;
- /// Atomic marked pointer
- template <typename MarkedPtr> using atomic_marked_ptr = atomics::atomic<MarkedPtr>;
- /// Dynamic Hazard Pointer guard
- /**
- A guard is a hazard pointer.
- Additionally, the \p %Guard class manages allocation and deallocation of the hazard pointer
- \p %Guard object is movable but not copyable.
- The guard object can be in two states:
- - unlinked - the guard is not linked with any internal hazard pointer.
- In this state no operation except \p link() and move assignment is supported.
- - linked (default) - the guard allocates an internal hazard pointer and fully operable.
- Due to performance reason the implementation does not check state of the guard in runtime.
- @warning Move assignment can transfer the guard in unlinked state, use with care.
- */
- class Guard
- {
- public:
- /// Default ctor allocates a guard (hazard pointer) from thread-private storage
- : guard_( dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc() )
- {}
- /// Initilalizes an unlinked guard i.e. the guard contains no hazard pointer. Used for move semantics support
- explicit Guard( std::nullptr_t ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( nullptr )
- {}
- /// Move ctor - \p src guard becomes unlinked (transfer internal guard ownership)
- Guard( Guard&& src ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( src.guard_ )
- {
- src.guard_ = nullptr;
- }
- /// Move assignment: the internal guards are swapped between \p src and \p this
- /**
- @warning \p src will become in unlinked state if \p this was unlinked on entry.
- */
- Guard& operator=( Guard&& src ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- std::swap( guard_, src.guard_ );
- return *this;
- }
- /// Copy ctor is prohibited - the guard is not copyable
- Guard( Guard const& ) = delete;
- /// Copy assignment is prohibited
- Guard& operator=( Guard const& ) = delete;
- /// Frees the internal hazard pointer if the guard is in linked state
- ~Guard()
- {
- unlink();
- }
- /// Checks if the guard object linked with any internal hazard pointer
- bool is_linked() const
- {
- return guard_ != nullptr;
- }
- /// Links the guard with internal hazard pointer if the guard is in unlinked state
- void link()
- {
- if ( !guard_ )
- guard_ = dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc();
- }
- /// Unlinks the guard from internal hazard pointer; the guard becomes in unlinked state
- void unlink()
- {
- if ( guard_ ) {
- dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.free( guard_ );
- guard_ = nullptr;
- }
- }
- /// Protects a pointer of type <tt> atomic<T*> </tt>
- /**
- Return the value of \p toGuard
- The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store it
- to the HP slot repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard
- */
- template <typename T>
- T protect( atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard )
- {
- assert( guard_ != nullptr );
- T pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- T pRet;
- do {
- pRet = assign( pCur );
- pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- } while ( pRet != pCur );
- return pCur;
- }
- /// Protects a converted pointer of type <tt> atomic<T*> </tt>
- /**
- Return the value of \p toGuard
- The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store result of \p f functor
- to the HP slot repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard.
- The function is useful for intrusive containers when \p toGuard is a node pointer
- that should be converted to a pointer to the value type before guarding.
- The parameter \p f of type Func is a functor that makes this conversion:
- \code
- struct functor {
- value_type * operator()( T * p );
- };
- \endcode
- Really, the result of <tt> f( toGuard.load()) </tt> is assigned to the hazard pointer.
- */
- template <typename T, class Func>
- T protect( atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard, Func f )
- {
- assert( guard_ != nullptr );
- T pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- T pRet;
- do {
- pRet = pCur;
- assign( f( pCur ));
- pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- } while ( pRet != pCur );
- return pCur;
- }
- /// Store \p p to the guard
- /**
- The function is just an assignment, no loop is performed.
- Can be used for a pointer that cannot be changed concurrently
- or for already guarded pointer.
- */
- template <typename T>
- T* assign( T* p )
- {
- assert( guard_ != nullptr );
- guard_->set( p );
- dhp::smr::tls()->sync();
- return p;
- }
- //@cond
- std::nullptr_t assign( std::nullptr_t )
- {
- assert( guard_ != nullptr );
- clear();
- return nullptr;
- }
- //@endcond
- /// Store marked pointer \p p to the guard
- /**
- The function is just an assignment of <tt>p.ptr()</tt>, no loop is performed.
- Can be used for a marked pointer that cannot be changed concurrently
- or for already guarded pointer.
- */
- template <typename T, int BITMASK>
- T* assign( cds::details::marked_ptr<T, BITMASK> p )
- {
- return assign( p.ptr());
- }
- /// Copy from \p src guard to \p this guard
- void copy( Guard const& src )
- {
- assign( src.get_native());
- }
- /// Clears value of the guard
- void clear()
- {
- assert( guard_ != nullptr );
- guard_->clear();
- }
- /// Gets the value currently protected (relaxed read)
- template <typename T>
- T * get() const
- {
- assert( guard_ != nullptr );
- return guard_->get_as<T>();
- }
- /// Gets native guarded pointer stored
- void* get_native() const
- {
- assert( guard_ != nullptr );
- return guard_->get();
- }
- //@cond
- dhp::guard* release()
- {
- dhp::guard* g = guard_;
- guard_ = nullptr;
- return g;
- }
- dhp::guard*& guard_ref()
- {
- return guard_;
- }
- //@endcond
- private:
- //@cond
- dhp::guard* guard_;
- //@endcond
- };
- /// Array of Dynamic Hazard Pointer guards
- /**
- The class is intended for allocating an array of hazard pointer guards.
- Template parameter \p Count defines the size of the array.
- A \p %GuardArray object is not copy- and move-constructible
- and not copy- and move-assignable.
- */
- template <size_t Count>
- class GuardArray
- {
- public:
- /// Rebind array for other size \p OtherCount
- template <size_t OtherCount>
- struct rebind {
- typedef GuardArray<OtherCount> other ; ///< rebinding result
- };
- /// Array capacity
- static CDS_CONSTEXPR const size_t c_nCapacity = Count;
- public:
- /// Default ctor allocates \p Count hazard pointers
- GuardArray()
- {
- dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc( guards_ );
- }
- /// Move ctor is prohibited
- GuardArray( GuardArray&& ) = delete;
- /// Move assignment is prohibited
- GuardArray& operator=( GuardArray&& ) = delete;
- /// Copy ctor is prohibited
- GuardArray( GuardArray const& ) = delete;
- /// Copy assignment is prohibited
- GuardArray& operator=( GuardArray const& ) = delete;
- /// Frees allocated hazard pointers
- ~GuardArray()
- {
- dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.free( guards_ );
- }
- /// Protects a pointer of type \p atomic<T*>
- /**
- Return the value of \p toGuard
- The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store it
- to the slot \p nIndex repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard
- */
- template <typename T>
- T protect( size_t nIndex, atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard )
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity() );
- T pRet;
- do {
- pRet = assign( nIndex, toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire));
- } while ( pRet != toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed));
- return pRet;
- }
- /// Protects a pointer of type \p atomic<T*>
- /**
- Return the value of \p toGuard
- The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store it
- to the slot \p nIndex repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard
- The function is useful for intrusive containers when \p toGuard is a node pointer
- that should be converted to a pointer to the value type before guarding.
- The parameter \p f of type Func is a functor to make that conversion:
- \code
- struct functor {
- value_type * operator()( T * p );
- };
- \endcode
- Actually, the result of <tt> f( toGuard.load()) </tt> is assigned to the hazard pointer.
- */
- template <typename T, class Func>
- T protect( size_t nIndex, atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard, Func f )
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity() );
- T pRet;
- do {
- assign( nIndex, f( pRet = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire)));
- } while ( pRet != toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_relaxed));
- return pRet;
- }
- /// Store \p p to the slot \p nIndex
- /**
- The function is just an assignment, no loop is performed.
- */
- template <typename T>
- T * assign( size_t nIndex, T * p )
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity() );
- guards_.set( nIndex, p );
- dhp::smr::tls()->sync();
- return p;
- }
- /// Store marked pointer \p p to the guard
- /**
- The function is just an assignment of <tt>p.ptr()</tt>, no loop is performed.
- Can be used for a marked pointer that cannot be changed concurrently
- or for already guarded pointer.
- */
- template <typename T, int Bitmask>
- T * assign( size_t nIndex, cds::details::marked_ptr<T, Bitmask> p )
- {
- return assign( nIndex, p.ptr());
- }
- /// Copy guarded value from \p src guard to slot at index \p nIndex
- void copy( size_t nIndex, Guard const& src )
- {
- assign( nIndex, src.get_native());
- }
- /// Copy guarded value from slot \p nSrcIndex to slot at index \p nDestIndex
- void copy( size_t nDestIndex, size_t nSrcIndex )
- {
- assign( nDestIndex, get_native( nSrcIndex ));
- }
- /// Clear value of the slot \p nIndex
- void clear( size_t nIndex )
- {
- guards_.clear( nIndex );
- }
- /// Get current value of slot \p nIndex
- template <typename T>
- T * get( size_t nIndex ) const
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity() );
- return guards_[nIndex]->template get_as<T>();
- }
- /// Get native guarded pointer stored
- guarded_pointer get_native( size_t nIndex ) const
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity() );
- return guards_[nIndex]->get();
- }
- //@cond
- dhp::guard* release( size_t nIndex ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return guards_.release( nIndex );
- }
- //@endcond
- /// Capacity of the guard array
- static CDS_CONSTEXPR size_t capacity()
- {
- return Count;
- }
- private:
- //@cond
- dhp::guard_array<c_nCapacity> guards_;
- //@endcond
- };
- /// Guarded pointer
- /**
- A guarded pointer is a pair of a pointer and GC's guard.
- Usually, it is used for returning a pointer to the item from an lock-free container.
- The guard prevents the pointer to be early disposed (freed) by GC.
- After destructing \p %guarded_ptr object the pointer can be disposed (freed) automatically at any time.
- Template arguments:
- - \p GuardedType - a type which the guard stores
- - \p ValueType - a value type
- - \p Cast - a functor for converting <tt>GuardedType*</tt> to <tt>ValueType*</tt>. Default is \p void (no casting).
- For intrusive containers, \p GuardedType is the same as \p ValueType and no casting is needed.
- In such case the \p %guarded_ptr is:
- @code
- typedef cds::gc::DHP::guarded_ptr< foo > intrusive_guarded_ptr;
- @endcode
- For standard (non-intrusive) containers \p GuardedType is not the same as \p ValueType and casting is needed.
- For example:
- @code
- struct foo {
- int const key;
- std::string value;
- };
- struct value_accessor {
- std::string* operator()( foo* pFoo ) const
- {
- return &(pFoo->value);
- }
- };
- // Guarded ptr
- typedef cds::gc::DHP::guarded_ptr< Foo, std::string, value_accessor > nonintrusive_guarded_ptr;
- @endcode
- You don't need use this class directly.
- All set/map container classes from \p libcds declare the typedef for \p %guarded_ptr with appropriate casting functor.
- */
- template <typename GuardedType, typename ValueType=GuardedType, typename Cast=void >
- class guarded_ptr
- {
- //@cond
- struct trivial_cast {
- ValueType * operator()( GuardedType * p ) const
- {
- return p;
- }
- };
- template <typename GT, typename VT, typename C> friend class guarded_ptr;
- //@endcond
- public:
- typedef GuardedType guarded_type; ///< Guarded type
- typedef ValueType value_type; ///< Value type
- /// Functor for casting \p guarded_type to \p value_type
- typedef typename std::conditional< std::is_same<Cast, void>::value, trivial_cast, Cast >::type value_cast;
- public:
- /// Creates empty guarded pointer
- guarded_ptr() CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( nullptr )
- {}
- //@cond
- explicit guarded_ptr( dhp::guard* g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( g )
- {}
- /// Initializes guarded pointer with \p p
- explicit guarded_ptr( guarded_type * p ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( nullptr )
- {
- reset( p );
- }
- explicit guarded_ptr( std::nullptr_t ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( nullptr )
- {}
- //@endcond
- /// Move ctor
- guarded_ptr( guarded_ptr&& gp ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( gp.guard_ )
- {
- gp.guard_ = nullptr;
- }
- /// Move ctor
- template <typename GT, typename VT, typename C>
- guarded_ptr( guarded_ptr<GT, VT, C>&& gp ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( gp.guard_ )
- {
- gp.guard_ = nullptr;
- }
- /// Ctor from \p Guard
- explicit guarded_ptr( Guard&& g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( g.release())
- {}
- /// The guarded pointer is not copy-constructible
- guarded_ptr( guarded_ptr const& gp ) = delete;
- /// Clears the guarded pointer
- /**
- \ref release is called if guarded pointer is not \ref empty
- */
- ~guarded_ptr() CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- release();
- }
- /// Move-assignment operator
- guarded_ptr& operator=( guarded_ptr&& gp ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- std::swap( guard_, gp.guard_ );
- return *this;
- }
- /// Move-assignment from \p Guard
- guarded_ptr& operator=( Guard&& g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- std::swap( guard_, g.guard_ref());
- return *this;
- }
- /// The guarded pointer is not copy-assignable
- guarded_ptr& operator=(guarded_ptr const& gp) = delete;
- /// Returns a pointer to guarded value
- value_type * operator ->() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- assert( !empty());
- return value_cast()( guard_->get_as<guarded_type>() );
- }
- /// Returns a reference to guarded value
- value_type& operator *() CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- assert( !empty());
- return *value_cast()( guard_->get_as<guarded_type>() );
- }
- /// Returns const reference to guarded value
- value_type const& operator *() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- assert( !empty());
- return *value_cast()(reinterpret_cast<guarded_type *>(guard_->get()));
- }
- /// Checks if the guarded pointer is \p nullptr
- bool empty() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return guard_ == nullptr || guard_->get( atomics::memory_order_relaxed ) == nullptr;
- }
- /// \p bool operator returns <tt>!empty()</tt>
- explicit operator bool() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return !empty();
- }
- /// Clears guarded pointer
- /**
- If the guarded pointer has been released, the pointer can be disposed (freed) at any time.
- Dereferncing the guarded pointer after \p release() is dangerous.
- */
- void release() CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- free_guard();
- }
- //@cond
- // For internal use only!!!
- void reset(guarded_type * p) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- alloc_guard();
- assert( guard_ );
- guard_->set( p );
- }
- //@endcond
- private:
- //@cond
- void alloc_guard()
- {
- if ( !guard_ )
- guard_ = dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc();
- }
- void free_guard()
- {
- if ( guard_ ) {
- dhp::smr::tls()->hazards_.free( guard_ );
- guard_ = nullptr;
- }
- }
- //@endcond
- private:
- //@cond
- dhp::guard* guard_;
- //@endcond
- };
- public:
- /// Initializes %DHP memory manager singleton
- /**
- Constructor creates and initializes %DHP global object.
- %DHP object should be created before using CDS data structure based on \p %cds::gc::DHP. Usually,
- it is created in the beginning of \p main() function.
- After creating of global object you may use CDS data structures based on \p %cds::gc::DHP.
- \p nInitialThreadGuardCount - initial count of guard allocated for each thread.
- When a thread is initialized the GC allocates local guard pool for the thread from a common guard pool.
- By perforce the local thread's guard pool is grown automatically from common pool.
- When the thread terminated its guard pool is backed to common GC's pool.
- */
- explicit DHP(
- size_t nInitialHazardPtrCount = 16 ///< Initial number of hazard pointer per thread
- )
- {
- dhp::smr::construct( nInitialHazardPtrCount );
- }
- /// Destroys %DHP memory manager
- /**
- The destructor destroys %DHP global object. After calling of this function you may \b NOT
- use CDS data structures based on \p %cds::gc::DHP.
- Usually, %DHP object is destroyed at the end of your \p main().
- */
- ~DHP()
- {
- dhp::GarbageCollector::destruct( true );
- }
- /// Checks if count of hazard pointer is no less than \p nCountNeeded
- /**
- The function always returns \p true since the guard count is unlimited for
- \p %gc::DHP garbage collector.
- */
- static CDS_CONSTEXPR bool check_available_guards(
- size_t nCountNeeded,
- size_t
- )
- {
- return true;
- }
- /// Set memory management functions
- /**
- @note This function may be called <b>BEFORE</b> creating an instance
- of Dynamic Hazard Pointer SMR
- SMR object allocates some memory for thread-specific data and for creating SMR object.
- By default, a standard \p new and \p delete operators are used for this.
- */
- static void set_memory_allocator(
- void* ( *alloc_func )( size_t size ), ///< \p malloc() function
- void( *free_func )( void * p ) ///< \p free() function
- )
- {
- dhp::smr::set_memory_allocator( alloc_func, free_func );
- }
- /// Retire pointer \p p with function \p pFunc
- /**
- The function places pointer \p p to array of pointers ready for removing.
- (so called retired pointer array). The pointer can be safely removed when no hazard pointer points to it.
- \p func is a disposer: when \p p can be safely removed, \p func is called.
- */
- template <typename T>
- static void retire( T * p, void (* func)(T *))
- {
- dhp::thread_data* rec = dhp::smr::tls();
- if ( !rec->retired_.push( dhp::retired_ptr( p, func ) ) )
- dhp::smr::instance().scan( rec );
- }
- /// Retire pointer \p p with functor of type \p Disposer
- /**
- The function places pointer \p p to array of pointers ready for removing.
- (so called retired pointer array). The pointer can be safely removed when no hazard pointer points to it.
- Deleting the pointer is an invocation of some object of type \p Disposer; the interface of \p Disposer is:
- \code
- template <typename T>
- struct disposer {
- void operator()( T * p ) ; // disposing operator
- };
- \endcode
- Since the functor call can happen at any time after \p retire() call, additional restrictions are imposed to \p Disposer type:
- - it should be stateless functor
- - it should be default-constructible
- - the result of functor call with argument \p p should not depend on where the functor will be called.
- \par Examples:
- Operator \p delete functor:
- \code
- template <typename T>
- struct disposer {
- void operator ()( T * p ) {
- delete p;
- }
- };
- // How to call HP::retire method
- int * p = new int;
- // ... use p in lock-free manner
- cds::gc::DHP::retire<disposer>( p ) ; // place p to retired pointer array of DHP SMR
- \endcode
- Functor based on \p std::allocator :
- \code
- template <typename Alloc = std::allocator<int> >
- struct disposer {
- template <typename T>
- void operator()( T * p ) {
- typedef typename Alloc::templare rebind<T>::other alloc_t;
- alloc_t a;
- a.destroy( p );
- a.deallocate( p, 1 );
- }
- };
- \endcode
- */
- template <class Disposer, typename T>
- static void retire( T * p )
- {
- if ( !dhp::smr::tls()->retired_.push( dhp::retired_ptr( p, cds::details::static_functor<Disposer, T>::call )))
- scan();
- }
- /// Checks if Dynamic Hazard Pointer GC is constructed and may be used
- static bool isUsed()
- {
- return dhp::smr::isUsed();
- }
- /// Forced GC cycle call for current thread
- /**
- Usually, this function should not be called directly.
- */
- static void scan()
- {
- dhp::smr::instance().scan( dhp::smr::tls() );
- }
- /// Synonym for \p scan()
- static void force_dispose()
- {
- scan();
- }
- };
-}} // namespace cds::gc
-#endif // #ifndef CDSLIB_GC_DHP_SMR_H
-#ifndef CDSLIB_GC_HP_H
-#define CDSLIB_GC_HP_H
-#include <cds/gc/hp_smr.h>
-#include <cds/details/lib.h>
-#include <cds/threading/model.h>
+#include <exception>
+#include <cds/gc/details/hp_common.h>
+#include <cds/details/throw_exception.h>
+#include <cds/details/static_functor.h>
+#include <cds/details/marked_ptr.h>
+#include <cds/user_setup/cache_line.h>
+ @page cds_garbage_collectors_comparison Hazard Pointer SMR implementations
+ @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
+ <table>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Feature</th>
+ <th>%cds::gc::HP</th>
+ <th>%cds::gc::DHP</th>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Max number of guarded (hazard) pointers per thread</td>
+ <td>limited (specified at construction time)</td>
+ <td>unlimited (dynamically allocated when needed)</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Max number of retired pointers<sup>1</sup></td>
+ <td>bounded, specified at construction time</td>
+ <td>bounded, adaptive, depends on current thread count and number of hazard pointer for each thread</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Thread count</td>
+ <td>bounded, upper bound is specified at construction time</td>
+ <td>unbounded</td>
+ </tr>
+ </table>
+ <sup>1</sup>Unbounded count of retired pointers means a possibility of memory exhaustion.
+namespace cds {
+ /// @defgroup cds_garbage_collector Garbage collectors
+ /// Different safe memory reclamation schemas (garbage collectors)
+ /** @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
+ This namespace specifies different safe memory reclamation (SMR) algorithms.
+ See \ref cds_garbage_collector "Garbage collectors"
+ */
+ namespace gc {
+ } // namespace gc
+} // namespace cds
+namespace cds { namespace gc {
+ /// Hazard pointer implementation details
+ namespace hp {
+ using namespace cds::gc::hp::common;
+ /// Exception "Not enough Hazard Pointer"
+ class not_enought_hazard_ptr: public std::length_error
+ {
+ //@cond
+ public:
+ not_enought_hazard_ptr()
+ : std::length_error( "Not enough Hazard Pointer" )
+ {}
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ /// Exception "Hazard Pointer SMR is not initialized"
+ class not_initialized: public std::runtime_error
+ {
+ //@cond
+ public:
+ not_initialized()
+ : std::runtime_error( "Global Hazard Pointer SMR object is not initialized" )
+ {}
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ //@cond
+ /// Per-thread hazard pointer storage
+ class thread_hp_storage {
+ public:
+ thread_hp_storage( guard* arr, size_t nSize ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : free_head_( arr )
+ , array_( arr )
+ , capacity_( nSize )
+ , alloc_guard_count_(0)
+ , free_guard_count_(0)
+# endif
+ {
+ // Initialize guards
+ new( arr ) guard[nSize];
+ for ( guard* pEnd = arr + nSize - 1; arr < pEnd; ++arr )
+ arr->next_ = arr + 1;
+ arr->next_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ thread_hp_storage() = delete;
+ thread_hp_storage( thread_hp_storage const& ) = delete;
+ thread_hp_storage( thread_hp_storage&& ) = delete;
+ size_t capacity() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return capacity_;
+ }
+ bool full() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return free_head_ == nullptr;
+ }
+ guard* alloc()
+ {
+ assert( !full());
+# else
+ if ( full() )
+ CDS_THROW_EXCEPTION( not_enought_hazard_ptr());
+# endif
+ guard* g = free_head_;
+ free_head_ = g->next_;
+ CDS_HPSTAT( ++alloc_guard_count_ );
+ return g;
+ }
+ void free( guard* g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( g >= array_ && g < array_ + capacity() );
+ if ( g ) {
+ g->clear();
+ g->next_ = free_head_;
+ free_head_ = g;
+ CDS_HPSTAT( ++free_guard_count_ );
+ }
+ }
+ template< size_t Capacity>
+ size_t alloc( guard_array<Capacity>& arr )
+ {
+ size_t i;
+ guard* g = free_head_;
+ for ( i = 0; i < Capacity && g; ++i ) {
+ arr.reset( i, g );
+ g = g->next_;
+ }
+ assert( i == Capacity );
+# else
+ if ( i != Capacity )
+ CDS_THROW_EXCEPTION( not_enought_hazard_ptr());
+# endif
+ free_head_ = g;
+ CDS_HPSTAT( alloc_guard_count_ += Capacity );
+ return i;
+ }
+ template <size_t Capacity>
+ void free( guard_array<Capacity>& arr ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ guard* gList = free_head_;
+ for ( size_t i = 0; i < Capacity; ++i ) {
+ guard* g = arr[i];
+ if ( g ) {
+ g->clear();
+ g->next_ = gList;
+ gList = g;
+ CDS_HPSTAT( ++free_guard_count_ );
+ }
+ }
+ free_head_ = gList;
+ }
+ // cppcheck-suppress functionConst
+ void clear()
+ {
+ for ( guard* cur = array_, *last = array_ + capacity(); cur < last; ++cur )
+ cur->clear();
+ }
+ guard& operator[]( size_t idx )
+ {
+ assert( idx < capacity() );
+ return array_[idx];
+ }
+ static size_t calc_array_size( size_t capacity )
+ {
+ return sizeof( guard ) * capacity;
+ }
+ private:
+ guard* free_head_; ///< Head of free guard list
+ guard* const array_; ///< HP array
+ size_t const capacity_; ///< HP array capacity
+ public:
+ size_t alloc_guard_count_;
+ size_t free_guard_count_;
+# endif
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
+ /// Per-thread retired array
+ class retired_array
+ {
+ public:
+ retired_array( retired_ptr* arr, size_t capacity ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : current_( arr )
+ , last_( arr + capacity )
+ , retired_( arr )
+ , retire_call_count_(0)
+# endif
+ {}
+ retired_array() = delete;
+ retired_array( retired_array const& ) = delete;
+ retired_array( retired_array&& ) = delete;
+ size_t capacity() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return last_ - retired_;
+ }
+ size_t size() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return current_ - retired_;
+ }
+ bool push( retired_ptr&& p ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ *current_ = p;
+ CDS_HPSTAT( ++retire_call_count_ );
+ return ++current_ < last_;
+ }
+ retired_ptr* first() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return retired_;
+ }
+ retired_ptr* last() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return current_;
+ }
+ void reset( size_t nSize ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ current_ = first() + nSize;
+ }
+ bool full() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return current_ == last_;
+ }
+ static size_t calc_array_size( size_t capacity )
+ {
+ return sizeof( retired_ptr ) * capacity;
+ }
+ private:
+ retired_ptr* current_;
+ retired_ptr* const last_;
+ retired_ptr* const retired_;
+ public:
+ size_t retire_call_count_;
+# endif
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ /// Internal statistics
+ struct stat {
+ size_t guard_allocated; ///< Count of allocated HP guards
+ size_t guard_freed; ///< Count of freed HP guards
+ size_t retired_count; ///< Count of retired pointers
+ size_t free_count; ///< Count of free pointers
+ size_t scan_count; ///< Count of \p scan() call
+ size_t help_scan_count; ///< Count of \p help_scan() call
+ size_t thread_rec_count; ///< Count of thread records
+ /// Default ctor
+ stat()
+ {
+ clear();
+ }
+ /// Clears all counters
+ void clear()
+ {
+ guard_allocated =
+ guard_freed =
+ retired_count =
+ free_count =
+ scan_count =
+ help_scan_count =
+ thread_rec_count = 0;
+ }
+ };
+ //@cond
+ /// Per-thread data
+ struct thread_data {
+ thread_hp_storage hazards_; ///< Hazard pointers private to the thread
+ retired_array retired_; ///< Retired data private to the thread
+ stat stat_; ///< Internal statistics for the thread
+ char pad1_[cds::c_nCacheLineSize];
+ atomics::atomic<unsigned int> sync_; ///< dummy var to introduce synchronizes-with relationship between threads
+ char pad2_[cds::c_nCacheLineSize];
+ // CppCheck warn: pad1_ and pad2_ is uninitialized in ctor
+ // cppcheck-suppress uninitMemberVar
+ thread_data( guard* guards, size_t guard_count, retired_ptr* retired_arr, size_t retired_capacity )
+ : hazards_( guards, guard_count )
+ , retired_( retired_arr, retired_capacity )
+ , sync_(0)
+ {}
+ thread_data() = delete;
+ thread_data( thread_data const& ) = delete;
+ thread_data( thread_data&& ) = delete;
+ void sync()
+ {
+ sync_.fetch_add( 1, atomics::memory_order_acq_rel );
+ }
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ /// \p smr::scan() strategy
+ enum scan_type {
+ classic, ///< classic scan as described in Michael's works (see smr::classic_scan() )
+ inplace ///< inplace scan without allocation (see smr::inplace_scan() )
+ };
+ //@cond
+ /// Hazard Pointer SMR (Safe Memory Reclamation)
+ class smr
+ {
+ struct thread_record;
+ public:
+ /// Returns the instance of Hazard Pointer \ref smr
+ static smr& instance()
+ {
+ assert( instance_ != nullptr );
+# else
+ if ( !instance_ )
+ CDS_THROW_EXCEPTION( not_initialized());
+# endif
+ return *instance_;
+ }
+ /// Creates Hazard Pointer SMR singleton
+ /**
+ Hazard Pointer SMR is a singleton. If HP instance is not initialized then the function creates the instance.
+ Otherwise it does nothing.
+ The Michael's HP reclamation schema depends of three parameters:
+ - \p nHazardPtrCount - HP pointer count per thread. Usually it is small number (2-4) depending from
+ the data structure algorithms. By default, if \p nHazardPtrCount = 0,
+ the function uses maximum of HP count for CDS library
+ - \p nMaxThreadCount - max count of thread with using HP GC in your application. Default is 100.
+ - \p nMaxRetiredPtrCount - capacity of array of retired pointers for each thread. Must be greater than
+ <tt> nHazardPtrCount * nMaxThreadCount </tt>
+ Default is <tt>2 * nHazardPtrCount * nMaxThreadCount</tt>
+ */
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API void construct(
+ size_t nHazardPtrCount = 0, ///< Hazard pointer count per thread
+ size_t nMaxThreadCount = 0, ///< Max count of simultaneous working thread in your application
+ size_t nMaxRetiredPtrCount = 0, ///< Capacity of the array of retired objects for the thread
+ scan_type nScanType = inplace ///< Scan type (see \ref scan_type enum)
+ );
+ // for back-copatibility
+ static void Construct(
+ size_t nHazardPtrCount = 0, ///< Hazard pointer count per thread
+ size_t nMaxThreadCount = 0, ///< Max count of simultaneous working thread in your application
+ size_t nMaxRetiredPtrCount = 0, ///< Capacity of the array of retired objects for the thread
+ scan_type nScanType = inplace ///< Scan type (see \ref scan_type enum)
+ )
+ {
+ construct( nHazardPtrCount, nMaxThreadCount, nMaxRetiredPtrCount, nScanType );
+ }
+ /// Destroys global instance of \ref smr
+ /**
+ The parameter \p bDetachAll should be used carefully: if its value is \p true,
+ then the object destroyed automatically detaches all attached threads. This feature
+ can be useful when you have no control over the thread termination, for example,
+ when \p libcds is injected into existing external thread.
+ */
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API void destruct(
+ bool bDetachAll = false ///< Detach all threads
+ );
+ // for back-compatibility
+ static void Destruct(
+ bool bDetachAll = false ///< Detach all threads
+ )
+ {
+ destruct( bDetachAll );
+ }
+ /// Checks if global SMR object is constructed and may be used
+ static bool isUsed() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return instance_ != nullptr;
+ }
+ /// Set memory management functions
+ /**
+ @note This function may be called <b>BEFORE</b> creating an instance
+ of Hazard Pointer SMR
+ SMR object allocates some memory for thread-specific data and for
+ creating SMR object.
+ By default, a standard \p new and \p delete operators are used for this.
+ */
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API void set_memory_allocator(
+ void* ( *alloc_func )( size_t size ),
+ void (*free_func )( void * p )
+ );
+ /// Returns max Hazard Pointer count per thread
+ size_t get_hazard_ptr_count() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return hazard_ptr_count_;
+ }
+ /// Returns max thread count
+ size_t get_max_thread_count() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return max_thread_count_;
+ }
+ /// Returns max size of retired objects array
+ size_t get_max_retired_ptr_count() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return max_retired_ptr_count_;
+ }
+ /// Get current scan strategy
+ scan_type get_scan_type() const
+ {
+ return scan_type_;
+ }
+ /// Checks that required hazard pointer count \p nRequiredCount is less or equal then max hazard pointer count
+ /**
+ If <tt> nRequiredCount > get_hazard_ptr_count()</tt> then the exception \p not_enought_hazard_ptr is thrown
+ */
+ static void check_hazard_ptr_count( size_t nRequiredCount )
+ {
+ if ( instance().get_hazard_ptr_count() < nRequiredCount ) {
+ assert( false ); // not enough hazard ptr
+# else
+ CDS_THROW_EXCEPTION( not_enought_hazard_ptr() );
+# endif
+ }
+ }
+ /// Returns thread-local data for the current thread
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API thread_data* tls();
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API void attach_thread();
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API void detach_thread();
+ /// Get internal statistics
+ void statistics( stat& st );
+ public: // for internal use only
+ /// The main garbage collecting function
+ /**
+ This function is called internally when upper bound of thread's list of reclaimed pointers
+ is reached.
+ There are the following scan algorithm:
+ - \ref hzp_gc_classic_scan "classic_scan" allocates memory for internal use
+ - \ref hzp_gc_inplace_scan "inplace_scan" does not allocate any memory
+ Use \p set_scan_type() member function to setup appropriate scan algorithm.
+ */
+ void scan( thread_data* pRec )
+ {
+ ( this->*scan_func_ )( pRec );
+ }
+ /// Helper scan routine
+ /**
+ The function guarantees that every node that is eligible for reuse is eventually freed, barring
+ thread failures. To do so, after executing \p scan(), a thread executes a \p %help_scan(),
+ where it checks every HP record. If an HP record is inactive, the thread moves all "lost" reclaimed pointers
+ to thread's list of reclaimed pointers.
+ The function is called internally by \p scan().
+ */
+ CDS_EXPORT_API void help_scan( thread_data* pThis );
+ private:
+ size_t nHazardPtrCount, ///< Hazard pointer count per thread
+ size_t nMaxThreadCount, ///< Max count of simultaneous working thread in your application
+ size_t nMaxRetiredPtrCount, ///< Capacity of the array of retired objects for the thread
+ scan_type nScanType ///< Scan type (see \ref scan_type enum)
+ );
+ CDS_EXPORT_API ~smr();
+ CDS_EXPORT_API void detach_all_thread();
+ /// Classic scan algorithm
+ /** @anchor hzp_gc_classic_scan
+ Classical scan algorithm as described in Michael's paper.
+ A scan includes four stages. The first stage involves scanning the array HP for non-null values.
+ Whenever a non-null value is encountered, it is inserted in a local list of currently protected pointer.
+ Only stage 1 accesses shared variables. The following stages operate only on private variables.
+ The second stage of a scan involves sorting local list of protected pointers to allow
+ binary search in the third stage.
+ The third stage of a scan involves checking each reclaimed node
+ against the pointers in local list of protected pointers. If the binary search yields
+ no match, the node is freed. Otherwise, it cannot be deleted now and must kept in thread's list
+ of reclaimed pointers.
+ The forth stage prepares new thread's private list of reclaimed pointers
+ that could not be freed during the current scan, where they remain until the next scan.
+ This algorithm allocates memory for internal HP array.
+ This function is called internally by ThreadGC object when upper bound of thread's list of reclaimed pointers
+ is reached.
+ */
+ CDS_EXPORT_API void classic_scan( thread_data* pRec );
+ /// In-place scan algorithm
+ /** @anchor hzp_gc_inplace_scan
+ Unlike the \p classic_scan() algorithm, \p %inplace_scan() does not allocate any memory.
+ All operations are performed in-place.
+ */
+ CDS_EXPORT_API void inplace_scan( thread_data* pRec );
+ private:
+ CDS_EXPORT_API thread_record* create_thread_data();
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API void destroy_thread_data( thread_record* pRec );
+ /// Allocates Hazard Pointer SMR thread private data
+ CDS_EXPORT_API thread_record* alloc_thread_data();
+ /// Free HP SMR thread-private data
+ CDS_EXPORT_API void free_thread_data( thread_record* pRec );
+ private:
+ static CDS_EXPORT_API smr* instance_;
+ atomics::atomic< thread_record*> thread_list_; ///< Head of thread list
+ size_t const hazard_ptr_count_; ///< max count of thread's hazard pointer
+ size_t const max_thread_count_; ///< max count of thread
+ size_t const max_retired_ptr_count_; ///< max count of retired ptr per thread
+ scan_type const scan_type_; ///< scan type (see \ref scan_type enum)
+ void ( smr::*scan_func_ )( thread_data* pRec );
+ };
+ //@endcond
+ //@cond
+ // for backward compatibility
+ typedef smr GarbageCollector;
+ //@endcond
+ } // namespace hp
+ /// Hazard Pointer SMR (Safe Memory Reclamation)
+ /** @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
+ Implementation of classic Hazard Pointer SMR
+ Sources:
+ - [2002] Maged M.Michael "Safe memory reclamation for dynamic lock-freeobjects using atomic reads and writes"
+ - [2003] Maged M.Michael "Hazard Pointers: Safe memory reclamation for lock-free objects"
+ - [2004] Andrei Alexandrescy, Maged Michael "Lock-free Data Structures with Hazard Pointers"
+ Hazard Pointer SMR is a singleton. The main user-level part of Hazard Pointer schema is
+ \p %cds::gc::HP class and its nested classes. Before use any HP-related class you must initialize \p %HP
+ by contructing \p %cds::gc::HP object in beginning of your \p main().
+ See \ref cds_how_to_use "How to use" section for details how to apply SMR schema.
+ */
+ class HP
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Native guarded pointer type
+ typedef hp::hazard_ptr guarded_pointer;
+ /// Atomic reference
+ template <typename T> using atomic_ref = atomics::atomic<T *>;
+ /// Atomic marked pointer
+ template <typename MarkedPtr> using atomic_marked_ptr = atomics::atomic<MarkedPtr>;
+ /// Atomic type
+ template <typename T> using atomic_type = atomics::atomic<T>;
+ /// Exception "Not enough Hazard Pointer"
+ typedef hp::not_enought_hazard_ptr not_enought_hazard_ptr_exception;
+ /// Internal statistics
+ typedef hp::stat stat;
+ /// Hazard Pointer guard
+ /**
+ A guard is a hazard pointer.
+ Additionally, the \p %Guard class manages allocation and deallocation of the hazard pointer.
+ \p %Guard object is movable but not copyable.
+ The guard object can be in two states:
+ - unlinked - the guard is not linked with any internal hazard pointer.
+ In this state no operation except \p link() and move assignment is supported.
+ - linked (default) - the guard allocates an internal hazard pointer and completely operable.
+ Due to performance reason the implementation does not check state of the guard in runtime.
+ @warning Move assignment transfers the guard in unlinked state, use with care.
+ */
+ class Guard
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Default ctor allocates a guard (hazard pointer) from thread-private storage
+ /**
+ @warning Can throw \p too_many_hazard_ptr_exception if internal hazard pointer objects are exhausted.
+ */
+ Guard()
+ : guard_( hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc() )
+ {}
+ /// Initilalizes an unlinked guard i.e. the guard contains no hazard pointer. Used for move semantics support
+ explicit Guard( std::nullptr_t ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( nullptr )
+ {}
+ /// Move ctor - \p src guard becomes unlinked (transfer internal guard ownership)
+ Guard( Guard&& src ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( src.guard_ )
+ {
+ src.guard_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ /// Move assignment: the internal guards are swapped between \p src and \p this
+ /**
+ @warning \p src will become in unlinked state if \p this was unlinked on entry.
+ */
+ Guard& operator=( Guard&& src ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ std::swap( guard_, src.guard_ );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Copy ctor is prohibited - the guard is not copyable
+ Guard( Guard const& ) = delete;
+ /// Copy assignment is prohibited
+ Guard& operator=( Guard const& ) = delete;
+ /// Frees the internal hazard pointer if the guard is in linked state
+ ~Guard()
+ {
+ unlink();
+ }
+ /// Checks if the guard object linked with any internal hazard pointer
+ bool is_linked() const
+ {
+ return guard_ != nullptr;
+ }
+ /// Links the guard with internal hazard pointer if the guard is in unlinked state
+ /**
+ @warning Can throw \p not_enought_hazard_ptr_exception if internal hazard pointer array is exhausted.
+ */
+ void link()
+ {
+ if ( !guard_ )
+ guard_ = hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc();
+ }
+ /// Unlinks the guard from internal hazard pointer; the guard becomes in unlinked state
+ void unlink()
+ {
+ if ( guard_ ) {
+ hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.free( guard_ );
+ guard_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ /// Protects a pointer of type \p atomic<T*>
+ /**
+ Return the value of \p toGuard
+ The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store it
+ to the HP slot repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard
+ @warning The guad object should be in linked state, otherwise the result is undefined
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ T protect( atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard )
+ {
+ assert( guard_ != nullptr );
+ T pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ T pRet;
+ do {
+ pRet = assign( pCur );
+ pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ } while ( pRet != pCur );
+ return pCur;
+ }
+ /// Protects a converted pointer of type \p atomic<T*>
+ /**
+ Return the value of \p toGuard
+ The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store result of \p f functor
+ to the HP slot repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard.
+ The function is useful for intrusive containers when \p toGuard is a node pointer
+ that should be converted to a pointer to the value before protecting.
+ The parameter \p f of type Func is a functor that makes this conversion:
+ \code
+ struct functor {
+ value_type * operator()( T * p );
+ };
+ \endcode
+ Actually, the result of <tt> f( toGuard.load()) </tt> is assigned to the hazard pointer.
+ @warning The guad object should be in linked state, otherwise the result is undefined
+ */
+ template <typename T, class Func>
+ T protect( atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard, Func f )
+ {
+ assert( guard_ != nullptr );
+ T pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ T pRet;
+ do {
+ pRet = pCur;
+ assign( f( pCur ));
+ pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
+ } while ( pRet != pCur );
+ return pCur;
+ }
+ /// Store \p p to the guard
+ /**
+ The function equals to a simple assignment the value \p p to guard, no loop is performed.
+ Can be used for a pointer that cannot be changed concurrently or if the pointer is already
+ guarded by another guard.
+ @warning The guad object should be in linked state, otherwise the result is undefined
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ T * assign( T* p )
+ {
+ assert( guard_ != nullptr );
+ guard_->set( p );
+ hp::smr::tls()->sync();
+ return p;
+ }
+ //@cond
+ std::nullptr_t assign( std::nullptr_t )
+ {
+ assert( guard_ != nullptr );
+ guard_->clear();
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ /// Copy a value guarded from \p src guard to \p this guard (valid only in linked state)
+ void copy( Guard const& src )
+ {
+ assign( src.get_native());
+ }
+ /// Store marked pointer \p p to the guard
+ /**
+ The function equals to a simple assignment of <tt>p.ptr()</tt>, no loop is performed.
+ Can be used for a marked pointer that cannot be changed concurrently or if the marked pointer
+ is already guarded by another guard.
+ @warning The guard object should be in linked state, otherwise the result is undefined
+ */
+ template <typename T, int BITMASK>
+ T * assign( cds::details::marked_ptr<T, BITMASK> p )
+ {
+ return assign( p.ptr());
+ }
+ /// Clear value of the guard (valid only in linked state)
+ void clear()
+ {
+ assign( nullptr );
+ }
+ /// Get the value currently protected (valid only in linked state)
+ template <typename T>
+ T * get() const
+ {
+ assert( guard_ != nullptr );
+ return guard_->get_as<T>();
+ }
+ /// Get native hazard pointer stored (valid only in linked state)
+ guarded_pointer get_native() const
+ {
+ assert( guard_ != nullptr );
+ return guard_->get();
+ }
+ //@cond
+ hp::guard* release()
+ {
+ hp::guard* g = guard_;
+ guard_ = nullptr;
+ return g;
+ }
+ hp::guard*& guard_ref()
+ {
+ return guard_;
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ private:
+ //@cond
+ hp::guard* guard_;
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ /// Array of Hazard Pointer guards
+ /**
+ The class is intended for allocating an array of hazard pointer guards.
+ Template parameter \p Count defines the size of the array.
+ */
+ template <size_t Count>
+ class GuardArray
+ {
+ public:
+ /// Rebind array for other size \p Count2
+ template <size_t Count2>
+ struct rebind {
+ typedef GuardArray<Count2> other; ///< rebinding result
+ };
+ /// Array capacity
+ static CDS_CONSTEXPR const size_t c_nCapacity = Count;
+ public:
+ /// Default ctor allocates \p Count hazard pointers
+ GuardArray()
+ {
+ hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc( guards_ );
+ }
+ /// Move ctor is prohibited
+ GuardArray( GuardArray&& ) = delete;
+ /// Move assignment is prohibited
+ GuardArray& operator=( GuardArray&& ) = delete;
+ /// Copy ctor is prohibited
+ GuardArray( GuardArray const& ) = delete;
+ /// Copy assignment is prohibited
+ GuardArray& operator=( GuardArray const& ) = delete;
+ /// Frees allocated hazard pointers
+ ~GuardArray()
+ {
+ hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.free( guards_ );
+ }
+ /// Protects a pointer of type \p atomic<T*>
+ /**
+ Return the value of \p toGuard
+ The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store it
+ to the slot \p nIndex repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ T protect( size_t nIndex, atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard )
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity());
+ T pRet;
+ do {
+ pRet = assign( nIndex, toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire));
+ } while ( pRet != toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire));
+ return pRet;
+ }
+ /// Protects a pointer of type \p atomic<T*>
+ /**
+ Return the value of \p toGuard
+ The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store it
+ to the slot \p nIndex repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard
+ The function is useful for intrusive containers when \p toGuard is a node pointer
+ that should be converted to a pointer to the value type before guarding.
+ The parameter \p f of type Func is a functor that makes this conversion:
+ \code
+ struct functor {
+ value_type * operator()( T * p );
+ };
+ \endcode
+ Really, the result of <tt> f( toGuard.load()) </tt> is assigned to the hazard pointer.
+ */
+ template <typename T, class Func>
+ T protect( size_t nIndex, atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard, Func f )
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity());
+ T pRet;
+ do {
+ assign( nIndex, f( pRet = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire)));
+ } while ( pRet != toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire));
+ return pRet;
+ }
+ /// Store \p to the slot \p nIndex
+ /**
+ The function equals to a simple assignment, no loop is performed.
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ T * assign( size_t nIndex, T * p )
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity() );
+ guards_.set( nIndex, p );
+ hp::smr::tls()->sync();
+ return p;
+ }
+ /// Store marked pointer \p p to the guard
+ /**
+ The function equals to a simple assignment of <tt>p.ptr()</tt>, no loop is performed.
+ Can be used for a marked pointer that cannot be changed concurrently.
+ */
+ template <typename T, int BITMASK>
+ T * assign( size_t nIndex, cds::details::marked_ptr<T, BITMASK> p )
+ {
+ return assign( nIndex, p.ptr());
+ }
+ /// Copy guarded value from \p src guard to slot at index \p nIndex
+ void copy( size_t nIndex, Guard const& src )
+ {
+ assign( nIndex, src.get_native());
+ }
+ /// Copy guarded value from slot \p nSrcIndex to the slot \p nDestIndex
+ void copy( size_t nDestIndex, size_t nSrcIndex )
+ {
+ assign( nDestIndex, get_native( nSrcIndex ));
+ }
+ /// Clear value of the slot \p nIndex
+ void clear( size_t nIndex )
+ {
+ guards_.clear( nIndex );
+ }
+ /// Get current value of slot \p nIndex
+ template <typename T>
+ T * get( size_t nIndex ) const
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity() );
+ return guards_[nIndex]->template get_as<T>();
+ }
+ /// Get native hazard pointer stored
+ guarded_pointer get_native( size_t nIndex ) const
+ {
+ assert( nIndex < capacity());
+ return guards_[nIndex]->get();
+ }
+ //@cond
+ hp::guard* release( size_t nIndex ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return guards_.release( nIndex );
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ /// Capacity of the guard array
+ static CDS_CONSTEXPR size_t capacity()
+ {
+ return c_nCapacity;
+ }
+ private:
+ //@cond
+ hp::guard_array<c_nCapacity> guards_;
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ /// Guarded pointer
+ /**
+ A guarded pointer is a pair of a pointer and GC's guard.
+ Usually, it is used for returning a pointer to an element of a lock-free container.
+ The guard prevents the pointer to be early disposed (freed) by SMR.
+ After destructing \p %guarded_ptr object the pointer can be disposed (freed) automatically at any time.
+ Template arguments:
+ - \p GuardedType - a type which the guard stores
+ - \p ValueType - a value type
+ - \p Cast - a functor for converting <tt>GuardedType*</tt> to <tt>ValueType*</tt>. Default is \p void (no casting).
+ For intrusive containers, \p GuardedType is the same as \p ValueType and no casting is needed.
+ In such case the \p %guarded_ptr is:
+ @code
+ typedef cds::gc::HP::guarded_ptr< foo > intrusive_guarded_ptr;
+ @endcode
+ For standard (non-intrusive) containers \p GuardedType is not the same as \p ValueType and casting is needed.
+ For example:
+ @code
+ struct foo {
+ int const key;
+ std::string value;
+ };
+ struct value_accessor {
+ std::string* operator()( foo* pFoo ) const
+ {
+ return &(pFoo->value);
+ }
+ };
+ // Guarded ptr
+ typedef cds::gc::HP::guarded_ptr< Foo, std::string, value_accessor > nonintrusive_guarded_ptr;
+ @endcode
+ You don't need use this class directly.
+ All set/map container classes from \p libcds declare the typedef for \p %guarded_ptr with appropriate casting functor.
+ */
+ template <typename GuardedType, typename ValueType=GuardedType, typename Cast=void >
+ class guarded_ptr
+ {
+ //@cond
+ struct trivial_cast {
+ ValueType * operator()( GuardedType * p ) const
+ {
+ return p;
+ }
+ };
+ template <typename GT, typename VT, typename C> friend class guarded_ptr;
+ //@endcond
+ public:
+ typedef GuardedType guarded_type; ///< Guarded type
+ typedef ValueType value_type; ///< Value type
+ /// Functor for casting \p guarded_type to \p value_type
+ typedef typename std::conditional< std::is_same<Cast, void>::value, trivial_cast, Cast >::type value_cast;
+ public:
+ /// Creates empty guarded pointer
+ guarded_ptr() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_(nullptr)
+ {}
+ //@cond
+ explicit guarded_ptr( hp::guard* g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( g )
+ {}
+ /// Initializes guarded pointer with \p p
+ explicit guarded_ptr( guarded_type* p ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( nullptr )
+ {
+ reset(p);
+ }
+ explicit guarded_ptr( std::nullptr_t ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( nullptr )
+ {}
+ //@endcond
+ /// Move ctor
+ guarded_ptr( guarded_ptr&& gp ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( gp.guard_ )
+ {
+ gp.guard_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ /// Move ctor
+ template <typename GT, typename VT, typename C>
+ guarded_ptr( guarded_ptr<GT, VT, C>&& gp ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( gp.guard_ )
+ {
+ gp.guard_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ /// Ctor from \p Guard
+ explicit guarded_ptr( Guard&& g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ : guard_( g.release())
+ {}
+ /// The guarded pointer is not copy-constructible
+ guarded_ptr( guarded_ptr const& gp ) = delete;
+ /// Clears the guarded pointer
+ /**
+ \ref release() is called if guarded pointer is not \ref empty()
+ */
+ ~guarded_ptr() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ release();
+ }
+ /// Move-assignment operator
+ guarded_ptr& operator=( guarded_ptr&& gp ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ std::swap( guard_, gp.guard_ );
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// Move-assignment from \p Guard
+ guarded_ptr& operator=( Guard&& g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ std::swap( guard_, g.guard_ref());
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /// The guarded pointer is not copy-assignable
+ guarded_ptr& operator=(guarded_ptr const& gp) = delete;
+ /// Returns a pointer to guarded value
+ value_type * operator ->() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( !empty());
+ return value_cast()( guard_->get_as<guarded_type>());
+ }
+ /// Returns a reference to guarded value
+ value_type& operator *() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( !empty());
+ return *value_cast()( guard_->get_as<guarded_type>());
+ }
+ /// Returns const reference to guarded value
+ value_type const& operator *() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ assert( !empty());
+ return *value_cast()( guard_->get_as<guarded_type>());
+ }
+ /// Checks if the guarded pointer is \p nullptr
+ bool empty() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return !guard_ || guard_->get( atomics::memory_order_relaxed ) == nullptr;
+ }
+ /// \p bool operator returns <tt>!empty()</tt>
+ explicit operator bool() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ return !empty();
+ }
+ /// Clears guarded pointer
+ /**
+ If the guarded pointer has been released, the pointer can be disposed (freed) at any time.
+ Dereferncing the guarded pointer after \p release() is dangerous.
+ */
+ void release() CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ free_guard();
+ }
+ //@cond
+ // For internal use only!!!
+ void reset(guarded_type * p) CDS_NOEXCEPT
+ {
+ alloc_guard();
+ assert( guard_ );
+ guard_->set(p);
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ private:
+ //@cond
+ void alloc_guard()
+ {
+ if ( !guard_ )
+ guard_ = hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc();
+ }
+ void free_guard()
+ {
+ if ( guard_ ) {
+ hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.free( guard_ );
+ guard_ = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ //@endcond
+ private:
+ //@cond
+ hp::guard* guard_;
+ //@endcond
+ };
+ public:
+ /// \p scan() type
+ enum class scan_type {
+ classic = hp::classic, ///< classic scan as described in Michael's papers
+ inplace = hp::inplace ///< inplace scan without allocation
+ };
+ /// Initializes %HP singleton
+ /**
+ The constructor initializes Hazard Pointer SMR singleton with passed parameters.
+ If the instance does not yet exist then the function creates the instance.
+ Otherwise it does nothing.
+ The Michael's %HP reclamation schema depends of three parameters:
+ - \p nHazardPtrCount - hazard pointer count per thread. Usually it is small number (up to 10) depending from
+ the data structure algorithms. If \p nHazardPtrCount = 0, the defaul value 8 is used
+ - \p nMaxThreadCount - max count of thread with using Hazard Pointer GC in your application. Default is 100.
+ - \p nMaxRetiredPtrCount - capacity of array of retired pointers for each thread. Must be greater than
+ <tt> nHazardPtrCount * nMaxThreadCount </tt>. Default is <tt>2 * nHazardPtrCount * nMaxThreadCount </tt>.
+ */
+ HP(
+ size_t nHazardPtrCount = 0, ///< Hazard pointer count per thread
+ size_t nMaxThreadCount = 0, ///< Max count of simultaneous working thread in your application
+ size_t nMaxRetiredPtrCount = 0, ///< Capacity of the array of retired objects for the thread
+ scan_type nScanType = scan_type::inplace ///< Scan type (see \p scan_type enum)
+ )
+ {
+ hp::smr::construct(
+ nHazardPtrCount,
+ nMaxThreadCount,
+ nMaxRetiredPtrCount,
+ static_cast<hp::scan_type>(nScanType)
+ );
+ }
+ /// Terminates GC singleton
+ /**
+ The destructor destroys %HP global object. After calling of this function you may \b NOT
+ use CDS data structures based on \p %cds::gc::HP.
+ Usually, %HP object is destroyed at the end of your \p main().
+ */
+ ~HP()
+ {
+ hp::smr::destruct( true );
+ }
+ /// Checks that required hazard pointer count \p nCountNeeded is less or equal then max hazard pointer count
+ /**
+ If <tt> nRequiredCount > get_hazard_ptr_count()</tt> then the exception \p not_enought_hazard_ptr is thrown
+ */
+ static void check_available_guards( size_t nCountNeeded )
+ {
+ hp::smr::check_hazard_ptr_count( nCountNeeded );
+ }
+ /// Set memory management functions
+ /**
+ @note This function may be called <b>BEFORE</b> creating an instance
+ of Hazard Pointer SMR
+ SMR object allocates some memory for thread-specific data and for
+ creating SMR object.
+ By default, a standard \p new and \p delete operators are used for this.
+ */
+ static void set_memory_allocator(
+ void* ( *alloc_func )( size_t size ), ///< \p malloc() function
+ void( *free_func )( void * p ) ///< \p free() function
+ )
+ {
+ hp::smr::set_memory_allocator( alloc_func, free_func );
+ }
+ /// Returns max Hazard Pointer count
+ static size_t max_hazard_count()
+ {
+ return hp::smr::instance().get_hazard_ptr_count();
+ }
+ /// Returns max count of thread
+ static size_t max_thread_count()
+ {
+ return hp::smr::instance().get_max_thread_count();
+ }
+ /// Returns capacity of retired pointer array
+ static size_t retired_array_capacity()
+ {
+ return hp::smr::instance().get_max_retired_ptr_count();
+ }
+ /// Retire pointer \p p with function \p func
+ /**
+ The function places pointer \p p to array of pointers ready for removing.
+ (so called retired pointer array). The pointer can be safely removed when no hazard pointer points to it.
+ \p func is a disposer: when \p p can be safely removed, \p func is called.
+ */
+ template <typename T>
+ static void retire( T * p, void( *func )( T * ))
+ {
+ hp::thread_data* rec = hp::smr::tls();
+ if ( !rec->retired_.push( hp::retired_ptr( p, func )))
+ hp::smr::instance().scan( rec );
+ }
+ /// Retire pointer \p p with functor of type \p Disposer
+ /**
+ The function places pointer \p p to array of pointers ready for removing.
+ (so called retired pointer array). The pointer can be safely removed when no hazard pointer points to it.
+ Deleting the pointer is an invocation of some object of type \p Disposer; the interface of \p Disposer is:
+ \code
+ template <typename T>
+ struct disposer {
+ void operator()( T * p ) ; // disposing operator
+ };
+ \endcode
+ Since the functor call can happen at any time after \p retire() call, additional restrictions are imposed to \p Disposer type:
+ - it should be stateless functor
+ - it should be default-constructible
+ - the result of functor call with argument \p p should not depend on where the functor will be called.
+ \par Examples:
+ Operator \p delete functor:
+ \code
+ template <typename T>
+ struct disposer {
+ void operator ()( T * p ) {
+ delete p;
+ }
+ };
+ // How to call HP::retire method
+ int * p = new int;
+ // ... use p in lock-free manner
+ cds::gc::HP::retire<disposer>( p ) ; // place p to retired pointer array of HP GC
+ \endcode
+ Functor based on \p std::allocator :
+ \code
+ template <typename Alloc = std::allocator<int> >
+ struct disposer {
+ template <typename T>
+ void operator()( T * p ) {
+ typedef typename Alloc::templare rebind<T>::other alloc_t;
+ alloc_t a;
+ a.destroy( p );
+ a.deallocate( p, 1 );
+ }
+ };
+ \endcode
+ */
+ template <class Disposer, typename T>
+ static void retire( T * p )
+ {
+ if ( !hp::smr::tls()->retired_.push( hp::retired_ptr( p, cds::details::static_functor<Disposer, T>::call )))
+ scan();
+ }
+ /// Get current scan strategy
+ static scan_type getScanType()
+ {
+ return static_cast<scan_type>( hp::smr::instance().get_scan_type());
+ }
+ /// Checks if Hazard Pointer GC is constructed and may be used
+ static bool isUsed()
+ {
+ return hp::smr::isUsed();
+ }
+ /// Forces SMR call for current thread
+ /**
+ Usually, this function should not be called directly.
+ */
+ static void scan()
+ {
+ hp::smr::instance().scan( hp::smr::tls());
+ }
+ /// Synonym for \p scan()
+ static void force_dispose()
+ {
+ scan();
+ }
+ /// Returns internal statistics
+ /**
+ The function clears \p st before gathering statistics.
+ @note Internal statistics is available only if you compile
+ \p libcds and your program with \p -DCDS_ENABLE_HPSTAT key.
+ */
+ static void statistics( stat& st )
+ {
+ hp::smr::instance().statistics( st );
+ }
+ /// Returns post-mortem statistics
+ /**
+ Post-mortem statistics is gathered in the \p %HP object destructor
+ and can be accessible after destructing the global \p %HP object.
+ @note Internal statistics is available only if you compile
+ \p libcds and your program with \p -DCDS_ENABLE_HPSTAT key.
+ Usage:
+ \code
+ int main()
+ {
+ cds::Initialize();
+ {
+ // Initialize HP SMR
+ cds::gc::HP hp;
+ // deal with HP-based data structured
+ // ...
+ }
+ // HP object destroyed
+ // Get total post-mortem statistics
+ cds::gc::HP::stat const& st = cds::gc::HP::postmortem_statistics();
+ printf( "HP statistics:\n"
+ "\tthread count = %llu\n"
+ "\tguard allocated = %llu\n"
+ "\tguard freed = %llu\n"
+ "\tretired data count = %llu\n"
+ "\tfree data count = %llu\n"
+ "\tscan() call count = %llu\n"
+ "\thelp_scan() call count = %llu\n",
+ st.thread_rec_count,
+ st.guard_allocated, st.guard_freed,
+ st.retired_count, st.free_count,
+ st.scan_count, st.help_scan_count
+ );
+ cds::Terminate();
+ }
+ \endcode
+ */
+ static stat const& postmortem_statistics();
+ };
+}} // namespace cds::gc
+#endif // #ifndef CDSLIB_GC_HP_SMR_H
-#endif // #ifndef CDSLIB_GC_HP_H
+++ /dev/null
- This file is a part of libcds - Concurrent Data Structures library
- (C) Copyright Maxim Khizhinsky (libcds.dev@gmail.com) 2006-2017
- Source code repo: http://github.com/khizmax/libcds/
- Download: http://sourceforge.net/projects/libcds/files/
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this
- list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
- this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
- and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
-#include <exception>
-#include <cds/gc/details/hp_common.h>
-#include <cds/details/throw_exception.h>
-#include <cds/details/static_functor.h>
-#include <cds/details/marked_ptr.h>
-#include <cds/user_setup/cache_line.h>
- @page cds_garbage_collectors_comparison Hazard Pointer SMR implementations
- @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
- <table>
- <tr>
- <th>Feature</th>
- <th>%cds::gc::HP</th>
- <th>%cds::gc::DHP</th>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Max number of guarded (hazard) pointers per thread</td>
- <td>limited (specified at construction time)</td>
- <td>unlimited (dynamically allocated when needed)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Max number of retired pointers<sup>1</sup></td>
- <td>bounded, specified at construction time</td>
- <td>bounded, adaptive, depends on current thread count and number of hazard pointer for each thread</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td>Thread count</td>
- <td>bounded, upper bound is specified at construction time</td>
- <td>unbounded</td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- <sup>1</sup>Unbounded count of retired pointers means a possibility of memory exhaustion.
-namespace cds {
- /// @defgroup cds_garbage_collector Garbage collectors
- /// Different safe memory reclamation schemas (garbage collectors)
- /** @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
- This namespace specifies different safe memory reclamation (SMR) algorithms.
- See \ref cds_garbage_collector "Garbage collectors"
- */
- namespace gc {
- } // namespace gc
-} // namespace cds
-namespace cds { namespace gc {
- /// Hazard pointer implementation details
- namespace hp {
- using namespace cds::gc::hp::common;
- /// Exception "Not enough Hazard Pointer"
- class not_enought_hazard_ptr: public std::length_error
- {
- //@cond
- public:
- not_enought_hazard_ptr()
- : std::length_error( "Not enough Hazard Pointer" )
- {}
- //@endcond
- };
- /// Exception "Hazard Pointer SMR is not initialized"
- class not_initialized: public std::runtime_error
- {
- //@cond
- public:
- not_initialized()
- : std::runtime_error( "Global Hazard Pointer SMR object is not initialized" )
- {}
- //@endcond
- };
- //@cond
- /// Per-thread hazard pointer storage
- class thread_hp_storage {
- public:
- thread_hp_storage( guard* arr, size_t nSize ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : free_head_( arr )
- , array_( arr )
- , capacity_( nSize )
- , alloc_guard_count_(0)
- , free_guard_count_(0)
-# endif
- {
- // Initialize guards
- new( arr ) guard[nSize];
- for ( guard* pEnd = arr + nSize - 1; arr < pEnd; ++arr )
- arr->next_ = arr + 1;
- arr->next_ = nullptr;
- }
- thread_hp_storage() = delete;
- thread_hp_storage( thread_hp_storage const& ) = delete;
- thread_hp_storage( thread_hp_storage&& ) = delete;
- size_t capacity() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return capacity_;
- }
- bool full() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return free_head_ == nullptr;
- }
- guard* alloc()
- {
- assert( !full());
-# else
- if ( full() )
- CDS_THROW_EXCEPTION( not_enought_hazard_ptr());
-# endif
- guard* g = free_head_;
- free_head_ = g->next_;
- CDS_HPSTAT( ++alloc_guard_count_ );
- return g;
- }
- void free( guard* g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- assert( g >= array_ && g < array_ + capacity() );
- if ( g ) {
- g->clear();
- g->next_ = free_head_;
- free_head_ = g;
- CDS_HPSTAT( ++free_guard_count_ );
- }
- }
- template< size_t Capacity>
- size_t alloc( guard_array<Capacity>& arr )
- {
- size_t i;
- guard* g = free_head_;
- for ( i = 0; i < Capacity && g; ++i ) {
- arr.reset( i, g );
- g = g->next_;
- }
- assert( i == Capacity );
-# else
- if ( i != Capacity )
- CDS_THROW_EXCEPTION( not_enought_hazard_ptr());
-# endif
- free_head_ = g;
- CDS_HPSTAT( alloc_guard_count_ += Capacity );
- return i;
- }
- template <size_t Capacity>
- void free( guard_array<Capacity>& arr ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- guard* gList = free_head_;
- for ( size_t i = 0; i < Capacity; ++i ) {
- guard* g = arr[i];
- if ( g ) {
- g->clear();
- g->next_ = gList;
- gList = g;
- CDS_HPSTAT( ++free_guard_count_ );
- }
- }
- free_head_ = gList;
- }
- // cppcheck-suppress functionConst
- void clear()
- {
- for ( guard* cur = array_, *last = array_ + capacity(); cur < last; ++cur )
- cur->clear();
- }
- guard& operator[]( size_t idx )
- {
- assert( idx < capacity() );
- return array_[idx];
- }
- static size_t calc_array_size( size_t capacity )
- {
- return sizeof( guard ) * capacity;
- }
- private:
- guard* free_head_; ///< Head of free guard list
- guard* const array_; ///< HP array
- size_t const capacity_; ///< HP array capacity
- public:
- size_t alloc_guard_count_;
- size_t free_guard_count_;
-# endif
- };
- //@endcond
- //@cond
- /// Per-thread retired array
- class retired_array
- {
- public:
- retired_array( retired_ptr* arr, size_t capacity ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : current_( arr )
- , last_( arr + capacity )
- , retired_( arr )
- , retire_call_count_(0)
-# endif
- {}
- retired_array() = delete;
- retired_array( retired_array const& ) = delete;
- retired_array( retired_array&& ) = delete;
- size_t capacity() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return last_ - retired_;
- }
- size_t size() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return current_ - retired_;
- }
- bool push( retired_ptr&& p ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- *current_ = p;
- CDS_HPSTAT( ++retire_call_count_ );
- return ++current_ < last_;
- }
- retired_ptr* first() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return retired_;
- }
- retired_ptr* last() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return current_;
- }
- void reset( size_t nSize ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- current_ = first() + nSize;
- }
- bool full() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return current_ == last_;
- }
- static size_t calc_array_size( size_t capacity )
- {
- return sizeof( retired_ptr ) * capacity;
- }
- private:
- retired_ptr* current_;
- retired_ptr* const last_;
- retired_ptr* const retired_;
- public:
- size_t retire_call_count_;
-# endif
- };
- //@endcond
- /// Internal statistics
- struct stat {
- size_t guard_allocated; ///< Count of allocated HP guards
- size_t guard_freed; ///< Count of freed HP guards
- size_t retired_count; ///< Count of retired pointers
- size_t free_count; ///< Count of free pointers
- size_t scan_count; ///< Count of \p scan() call
- size_t help_scan_count; ///< Count of \p help_scan() call
- size_t thread_rec_count; ///< Count of thread records
- /// Default ctor
- stat()
- {
- clear();
- }
- /// Clears all counters
- void clear()
- {
- guard_allocated =
- guard_freed =
- retired_count =
- free_count =
- scan_count =
- help_scan_count =
- thread_rec_count = 0;
- }
- };
- //@cond
- /// Per-thread data
- struct thread_data {
- thread_hp_storage hazards_; ///< Hazard pointers private to the thread
- retired_array retired_; ///< Retired data private to the thread
- stat stat_; ///< Internal statistics for the thread
- char pad1_[cds::c_nCacheLineSize];
- atomics::atomic<unsigned int> sync_; ///< dummy var to introduce synchronizes-with relationship between threads
- char pad2_[cds::c_nCacheLineSize];
- // CppCheck warn: pad1_ and pad2_ is uninitialized in ctor
- // cppcheck-suppress uninitMemberVar
- thread_data( guard* guards, size_t guard_count, retired_ptr* retired_arr, size_t retired_capacity )
- : hazards_( guards, guard_count )
- , retired_( retired_arr, retired_capacity )
- , sync_(0)
- {}
- thread_data() = delete;
- thread_data( thread_data const& ) = delete;
- thread_data( thread_data&& ) = delete;
- void sync()
- {
- sync_.fetch_add( 1, atomics::memory_order_acq_rel );
- }
- };
- //@endcond
- /// \p smr::scan() strategy
- enum scan_type {
- classic, ///< classic scan as described in Michael's works (see smr::classic_scan() )
- inplace ///< inplace scan without allocation (see smr::inplace_scan() )
- };
- //@cond
- /// Hazard Pointer SMR (Safe Memory Reclamation)
- class smr
- {
- struct thread_record;
- public:
- /// Returns the instance of Hazard Pointer \ref smr
- static smr& instance()
- {
- assert( instance_ != nullptr );
-# else
- if ( !instance_ )
- CDS_THROW_EXCEPTION( not_initialized());
-# endif
- return *instance_;
- }
- /// Creates Hazard Pointer SMR singleton
- /**
- Hazard Pointer SMR is a singleton. If HP instance is not initialized then the function creates the instance.
- Otherwise it does nothing.
- The Michael's HP reclamation schema depends of three parameters:
- - \p nHazardPtrCount - HP pointer count per thread. Usually it is small number (2-4) depending from
- the data structure algorithms. By default, if \p nHazardPtrCount = 0,
- the function uses maximum of HP count for CDS library
- - \p nMaxThreadCount - max count of thread with using HP GC in your application. Default is 100.
- - \p nMaxRetiredPtrCount - capacity of array of retired pointers for each thread. Must be greater than
- <tt> nHazardPtrCount * nMaxThreadCount </tt>
- Default is <tt>2 * nHazardPtrCount * nMaxThreadCount</tt>
- */
- static CDS_EXPORT_API void construct(
- size_t nHazardPtrCount = 0, ///< Hazard pointer count per thread
- size_t nMaxThreadCount = 0, ///< Max count of simultaneous working thread in your application
- size_t nMaxRetiredPtrCount = 0, ///< Capacity of the array of retired objects for the thread
- scan_type nScanType = inplace ///< Scan type (see \ref scan_type enum)
- );
- // for back-copatibility
- static void Construct(
- size_t nHazardPtrCount = 0, ///< Hazard pointer count per thread
- size_t nMaxThreadCount = 0, ///< Max count of simultaneous working thread in your application
- size_t nMaxRetiredPtrCount = 0, ///< Capacity of the array of retired objects for the thread
- scan_type nScanType = inplace ///< Scan type (see \ref scan_type enum)
- )
- {
- construct( nHazardPtrCount, nMaxThreadCount, nMaxRetiredPtrCount, nScanType );
- }
- /// Destroys global instance of \ref smr
- /**
- The parameter \p bDetachAll should be used carefully: if its value is \p true,
- then the object destroyed automatically detaches all attached threads. This feature
- can be useful when you have no control over the thread termination, for example,
- when \p libcds is injected into existing external thread.
- */
- static CDS_EXPORT_API void destruct(
- bool bDetachAll = false ///< Detach all threads
- );
- // for back-compatibility
- static void Destruct(
- bool bDetachAll = false ///< Detach all threads
- )
- {
- destruct( bDetachAll );
- }
- /// Checks if global SMR object is constructed and may be used
- static bool isUsed() CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return instance_ != nullptr;
- }
- /// Set memory management functions
- /**
- @note This function may be called <b>BEFORE</b> creating an instance
- of Hazard Pointer SMR
- SMR object allocates some memory for thread-specific data and for
- creating SMR object.
- By default, a standard \p new and \p delete operators are used for this.
- */
- static CDS_EXPORT_API void set_memory_allocator(
- void* ( *alloc_func )( size_t size ),
- void (*free_func )( void * p )
- );
- /// Returns max Hazard Pointer count per thread
- size_t get_hazard_ptr_count() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return hazard_ptr_count_;
- }
- /// Returns max thread count
- size_t get_max_thread_count() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return max_thread_count_;
- }
- /// Returns max size of retired objects array
- size_t get_max_retired_ptr_count() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return max_retired_ptr_count_;
- }
- /// Get current scan strategy
- scan_type get_scan_type() const
- {
- return scan_type_;
- }
- /// Checks that required hazard pointer count \p nRequiredCount is less or equal then max hazard pointer count
- /**
- If <tt> nRequiredCount > get_hazard_ptr_count()</tt> then the exception \p not_enought_hazard_ptr is thrown
- */
- static void check_hazard_ptr_count( size_t nRequiredCount )
- {
- if ( instance().get_hazard_ptr_count() < nRequiredCount ) {
- assert( false ); // not enough hazard ptr
-# else
- CDS_THROW_EXCEPTION( not_enought_hazard_ptr() );
-# endif
- }
- }
- /// Returns thread-local data for the current thread
- static CDS_EXPORT_API thread_data* tls();
- static CDS_EXPORT_API void attach_thread();
- static CDS_EXPORT_API void detach_thread();
- /// Get internal statistics
- void statistics( stat& st );
- public: // for internal use only
- /// The main garbage collecting function
- /**
- This function is called internally when upper bound of thread's list of reclaimed pointers
- is reached.
- There are the following scan algorithm:
- - \ref hzp_gc_classic_scan "classic_scan" allocates memory for internal use
- - \ref hzp_gc_inplace_scan "inplace_scan" does not allocate any memory
- Use \p set_scan_type() member function to setup appropriate scan algorithm.
- */
- void scan( thread_data* pRec )
- {
- ( this->*scan_func_ )( pRec );
- }
- /// Helper scan routine
- /**
- The function guarantees that every node that is eligible for reuse is eventually freed, barring
- thread failures. To do so, after executing \p scan(), a thread executes a \p %help_scan(),
- where it checks every HP record. If an HP record is inactive, the thread moves all "lost" reclaimed pointers
- to thread's list of reclaimed pointers.
- The function is called internally by \p scan().
- */
- CDS_EXPORT_API void help_scan( thread_data* pThis );
- private:
- size_t nHazardPtrCount, ///< Hazard pointer count per thread
- size_t nMaxThreadCount, ///< Max count of simultaneous working thread in your application
- size_t nMaxRetiredPtrCount, ///< Capacity of the array of retired objects for the thread
- scan_type nScanType ///< Scan type (see \ref scan_type enum)
- );
- CDS_EXPORT_API ~smr();
- CDS_EXPORT_API void detach_all_thread();
- /// Classic scan algorithm
- /** @anchor hzp_gc_classic_scan
- Classical scan algorithm as described in Michael's paper.
- A scan includes four stages. The first stage involves scanning the array HP for non-null values.
- Whenever a non-null value is encountered, it is inserted in a local list of currently protected pointer.
- Only stage 1 accesses shared variables. The following stages operate only on private variables.
- The second stage of a scan involves sorting local list of protected pointers to allow
- binary search in the third stage.
- The third stage of a scan involves checking each reclaimed node
- against the pointers in local list of protected pointers. If the binary search yields
- no match, the node is freed. Otherwise, it cannot be deleted now and must kept in thread's list
- of reclaimed pointers.
- The forth stage prepares new thread's private list of reclaimed pointers
- that could not be freed during the current scan, where they remain until the next scan.
- This algorithm allocates memory for internal HP array.
- This function is called internally by ThreadGC object when upper bound of thread's list of reclaimed pointers
- is reached.
- */
- CDS_EXPORT_API void classic_scan( thread_data* pRec );
- /// In-place scan algorithm
- /** @anchor hzp_gc_inplace_scan
- Unlike the \p classic_scan() algorithm, \p %inplace_scan() does not allocate any memory.
- All operations are performed in-place.
- */
- CDS_EXPORT_API void inplace_scan( thread_data* pRec );
- private:
- CDS_EXPORT_API thread_record* create_thread_data();
- static CDS_EXPORT_API void destroy_thread_data( thread_record* pRec );
- /// Allocates Hazard Pointer SMR thread private data
- CDS_EXPORT_API thread_record* alloc_thread_data();
- /// Free HP SMR thread-private data
- CDS_EXPORT_API void free_thread_data( thread_record* pRec );
- private:
- static CDS_EXPORT_API smr* instance_;
- atomics::atomic< thread_record*> thread_list_; ///< Head of thread list
- size_t const hazard_ptr_count_; ///< max count of thread's hazard pointer
- size_t const max_thread_count_; ///< max count of thread
- size_t const max_retired_ptr_count_; ///< max count of retired ptr per thread
- scan_type const scan_type_; ///< scan type (see \ref scan_type enum)
- void ( smr::*scan_func_ )( thread_data* pRec );
- };
- //@endcond
- //@cond
- // for backward compatibility
- typedef smr GarbageCollector;
- //@endcond
- } // namespace hp
- /// Hazard Pointer SMR (Safe Memory Reclamation)
- /** @ingroup cds_garbage_collector
- Implementation of classic Hazard Pointer SMR
- Sources:
- - [2002] Maged M.Michael "Safe memory reclamation for dynamic lock-freeobjects using atomic reads and writes"
- - [2003] Maged M.Michael "Hazard Pointers: Safe memory reclamation for lock-free objects"
- - [2004] Andrei Alexandrescy, Maged Michael "Lock-free Data Structures with Hazard Pointers"
- Hazard Pointer SMR is a singleton. The main user-level part of Hazard Pointer schema is
- \p %cds::gc::HP class and its nested classes. Before use any HP-related class you must initialize \p %HP
- by contructing \p %cds::gc::HP object in beginning of your \p main().
- See \ref cds_how_to_use "How to use" section for details how to apply SMR schema.
- */
- class HP
- {
- public:
- /// Native guarded pointer type
- typedef hp::hazard_ptr guarded_pointer;
- /// Atomic reference
- template <typename T> using atomic_ref = atomics::atomic<T *>;
- /// Atomic marked pointer
- template <typename MarkedPtr> using atomic_marked_ptr = atomics::atomic<MarkedPtr>;
- /// Atomic type
- template <typename T> using atomic_type = atomics::atomic<T>;
- /// Exception "Not enough Hazard Pointer"
- typedef hp::not_enought_hazard_ptr not_enought_hazard_ptr_exception;
- /// Internal statistics
- typedef hp::stat stat;
- /// Hazard Pointer guard
- /**
- A guard is a hazard pointer.
- Additionally, the \p %Guard class manages allocation and deallocation of the hazard pointer.
- \p %Guard object is movable but not copyable.
- The guard object can be in two states:
- - unlinked - the guard is not linked with any internal hazard pointer.
- In this state no operation except \p link() and move assignment is supported.
- - linked (default) - the guard allocates an internal hazard pointer and completely operable.
- Due to performance reason the implementation does not check state of the guard in runtime.
- @warning Move assignment transfers the guard in unlinked state, use with care.
- */
- class Guard
- {
- public:
- /// Default ctor allocates a guard (hazard pointer) from thread-private storage
- /**
- @warning Can throw \p too_many_hazard_ptr_exception if internal hazard pointer objects are exhausted.
- */
- Guard()
- : guard_( hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc() )
- {}
- /// Initilalizes an unlinked guard i.e. the guard contains no hazard pointer. Used for move semantics support
- explicit Guard( std::nullptr_t ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( nullptr )
- {}
- /// Move ctor - \p src guard becomes unlinked (transfer internal guard ownership)
- Guard( Guard&& src ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( src.guard_ )
- {
- src.guard_ = nullptr;
- }
- /// Move assignment: the internal guards are swapped between \p src and \p this
- /**
- @warning \p src will become in unlinked state if \p this was unlinked on entry.
- */
- Guard& operator=( Guard&& src ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- std::swap( guard_, src.guard_ );
- return *this;
- }
- /// Copy ctor is prohibited - the guard is not copyable
- Guard( Guard const& ) = delete;
- /// Copy assignment is prohibited
- Guard& operator=( Guard const& ) = delete;
- /// Frees the internal hazard pointer if the guard is in linked state
- ~Guard()
- {
- unlink();
- }
- /// Checks if the guard object linked with any internal hazard pointer
- bool is_linked() const
- {
- return guard_ != nullptr;
- }
- /// Links the guard with internal hazard pointer if the guard is in unlinked state
- /**
- @warning Can throw \p not_enought_hazard_ptr_exception if internal hazard pointer array is exhausted.
- */
- void link()
- {
- if ( !guard_ )
- guard_ = hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc();
- }
- /// Unlinks the guard from internal hazard pointer; the guard becomes in unlinked state
- void unlink()
- {
- if ( guard_ ) {
- hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.free( guard_ );
- guard_ = nullptr;
- }
- }
- /// Protects a pointer of type \p atomic<T*>
- /**
- Return the value of \p toGuard
- The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store it
- to the HP slot repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard
- @warning The guad object should be in linked state, otherwise the result is undefined
- */
- template <typename T>
- T protect( atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard )
- {
- assert( guard_ != nullptr );
- T pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- T pRet;
- do {
- pRet = assign( pCur );
- pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- } while ( pRet != pCur );
- return pCur;
- }
- /// Protects a converted pointer of type \p atomic<T*>
- /**
- Return the value of \p toGuard
- The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store result of \p f functor
- to the HP slot repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard.
- The function is useful for intrusive containers when \p toGuard is a node pointer
- that should be converted to a pointer to the value before protecting.
- The parameter \p f of type Func is a functor that makes this conversion:
- \code
- struct functor {
- value_type * operator()( T * p );
- };
- \endcode
- Actually, the result of <tt> f( toGuard.load()) </tt> is assigned to the hazard pointer.
- @warning The guad object should be in linked state, otherwise the result is undefined
- */
- template <typename T, class Func>
- T protect( atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard, Func f )
- {
- assert( guard_ != nullptr );
- T pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- T pRet;
- do {
- pRet = pCur;
- assign( f( pCur ));
- pCur = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire);
- } while ( pRet != pCur );
- return pCur;
- }
- /// Store \p p to the guard
- /**
- The function equals to a simple assignment the value \p p to guard, no loop is performed.
- Can be used for a pointer that cannot be changed concurrently or if the pointer is already
- guarded by another guard.
- @warning The guad object should be in linked state, otherwise the result is undefined
- */
- template <typename T>
- T * assign( T* p )
- {
- assert( guard_ != nullptr );
- guard_->set( p );
- hp::smr::tls()->sync();
- return p;
- }
- //@cond
- std::nullptr_t assign( std::nullptr_t )
- {
- assert( guard_ != nullptr );
- guard_->clear();
- return nullptr;
- }
- //@endcond
- /// Copy a value guarded from \p src guard to \p this guard (valid only in linked state)
- void copy( Guard const& src )
- {
- assign( src.get_native());
- }
- /// Store marked pointer \p p to the guard
- /**
- The function equals to a simple assignment of <tt>p.ptr()</tt>, no loop is performed.
- Can be used for a marked pointer that cannot be changed concurrently or if the marked pointer
- is already guarded by another guard.
- @warning The guard object should be in linked state, otherwise the result is undefined
- */
- template <typename T, int BITMASK>
- T * assign( cds::details::marked_ptr<T, BITMASK> p )
- {
- return assign( p.ptr());
- }
- /// Clear value of the guard (valid only in linked state)
- void clear()
- {
- assign( nullptr );
- }
- /// Get the value currently protected (valid only in linked state)
- template <typename T>
- T * get() const
- {
- assert( guard_ != nullptr );
- return guard_->get_as<T>();
- }
- /// Get native hazard pointer stored (valid only in linked state)
- guarded_pointer get_native() const
- {
- assert( guard_ != nullptr );
- return guard_->get();
- }
- //@cond
- hp::guard* release()
- {
- hp::guard* g = guard_;
- guard_ = nullptr;
- return g;
- }
- hp::guard*& guard_ref()
- {
- return guard_;
- }
- //@endcond
- private:
- //@cond
- hp::guard* guard_;
- //@endcond
- };
- /// Array of Hazard Pointer guards
- /**
- The class is intended for allocating an array of hazard pointer guards.
- Template parameter \p Count defines the size of the array.
- */
- template <size_t Count>
- class GuardArray
- {
- public:
- /// Rebind array for other size \p Count2
- template <size_t Count2>
- struct rebind {
- typedef GuardArray<Count2> other; ///< rebinding result
- };
- /// Array capacity
- static CDS_CONSTEXPR const size_t c_nCapacity = Count;
- public:
- /// Default ctor allocates \p Count hazard pointers
- GuardArray()
- {
- hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc( guards_ );
- }
- /// Move ctor is prohibited
- GuardArray( GuardArray&& ) = delete;
- /// Move assignment is prohibited
- GuardArray& operator=( GuardArray&& ) = delete;
- /// Copy ctor is prohibited
- GuardArray( GuardArray const& ) = delete;
- /// Copy assignment is prohibited
- GuardArray& operator=( GuardArray const& ) = delete;
- /// Frees allocated hazard pointers
- ~GuardArray()
- {
- hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.free( guards_ );
- }
- /// Protects a pointer of type \p atomic<T*>
- /**
- Return the value of \p toGuard
- The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store it
- to the slot \p nIndex repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard
- */
- template <typename T>
- T protect( size_t nIndex, atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard )
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity());
- T pRet;
- do {
- pRet = assign( nIndex, toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire));
- } while ( pRet != toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire));
- return pRet;
- }
- /// Protects a pointer of type \p atomic<T*>
- /**
- Return the value of \p toGuard
- The function tries to load \p toGuard and to store it
- to the slot \p nIndex repeatedly until the guard's value equals \p toGuard
- The function is useful for intrusive containers when \p toGuard is a node pointer
- that should be converted to a pointer to the value type before guarding.
- The parameter \p f of type Func is a functor that makes this conversion:
- \code
- struct functor {
- value_type * operator()( T * p );
- };
- \endcode
- Really, the result of <tt> f( toGuard.load()) </tt> is assigned to the hazard pointer.
- */
- template <typename T, class Func>
- T protect( size_t nIndex, atomics::atomic<T> const& toGuard, Func f )
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity());
- T pRet;
- do {
- assign( nIndex, f( pRet = toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire)));
- } while ( pRet != toGuard.load(atomics::memory_order_acquire));
- return pRet;
- }
- /// Store \p to the slot \p nIndex
- /**
- The function equals to a simple assignment, no loop is performed.
- */
- template <typename T>
- T * assign( size_t nIndex, T * p )
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity() );
- guards_.set( nIndex, p );
- hp::smr::tls()->sync();
- return p;
- }
- /// Store marked pointer \p p to the guard
- /**
- The function equals to a simple assignment of <tt>p.ptr()</tt>, no loop is performed.
- Can be used for a marked pointer that cannot be changed concurrently.
- */
- template <typename T, int BITMASK>
- T * assign( size_t nIndex, cds::details::marked_ptr<T, BITMASK> p )
- {
- return assign( nIndex, p.ptr());
- }
- /// Copy guarded value from \p src guard to slot at index \p nIndex
- void copy( size_t nIndex, Guard const& src )
- {
- assign( nIndex, src.get_native());
- }
- /// Copy guarded value from slot \p nSrcIndex to the slot \p nDestIndex
- void copy( size_t nDestIndex, size_t nSrcIndex )
- {
- assign( nDestIndex, get_native( nSrcIndex ));
- }
- /// Clear value of the slot \p nIndex
- void clear( size_t nIndex )
- {
- guards_.clear( nIndex );
- }
- /// Get current value of slot \p nIndex
- template <typename T>
- T * get( size_t nIndex ) const
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity() );
- return guards_[nIndex]->template get_as<T>();
- }
- /// Get native hazard pointer stored
- guarded_pointer get_native( size_t nIndex ) const
- {
- assert( nIndex < capacity());
- return guards_[nIndex]->get();
- }
- //@cond
- hp::guard* release( size_t nIndex ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return guards_.release( nIndex );
- }
- //@endcond
- /// Capacity of the guard array
- static CDS_CONSTEXPR size_t capacity()
- {
- return c_nCapacity;
- }
- private:
- //@cond
- hp::guard_array<c_nCapacity> guards_;
- //@endcond
- };
- /// Guarded pointer
- /**
- A guarded pointer is a pair of a pointer and GC's guard.
- Usually, it is used for returning a pointer to an element of a lock-free container.
- The guard prevents the pointer to be early disposed (freed) by SMR.
- After destructing \p %guarded_ptr object the pointer can be disposed (freed) automatically at any time.
- Template arguments:
- - \p GuardedType - a type which the guard stores
- - \p ValueType - a value type
- - \p Cast - a functor for converting <tt>GuardedType*</tt> to <tt>ValueType*</tt>. Default is \p void (no casting).
- For intrusive containers, \p GuardedType is the same as \p ValueType and no casting is needed.
- In such case the \p %guarded_ptr is:
- @code
- typedef cds::gc::HP::guarded_ptr< foo > intrusive_guarded_ptr;
- @endcode
- For standard (non-intrusive) containers \p GuardedType is not the same as \p ValueType and casting is needed.
- For example:
- @code
- struct foo {
- int const key;
- std::string value;
- };
- struct value_accessor {
- std::string* operator()( foo* pFoo ) const
- {
- return &(pFoo->value);
- }
- };
- // Guarded ptr
- typedef cds::gc::HP::guarded_ptr< Foo, std::string, value_accessor > nonintrusive_guarded_ptr;
- @endcode
- You don't need use this class directly.
- All set/map container classes from \p libcds declare the typedef for \p %guarded_ptr with appropriate casting functor.
- */
- template <typename GuardedType, typename ValueType=GuardedType, typename Cast=void >
- class guarded_ptr
- {
- //@cond
- struct trivial_cast {
- ValueType * operator()( GuardedType * p ) const
- {
- return p;
- }
- };
- template <typename GT, typename VT, typename C> friend class guarded_ptr;
- //@endcond
- public:
- typedef GuardedType guarded_type; ///< Guarded type
- typedef ValueType value_type; ///< Value type
- /// Functor for casting \p guarded_type to \p value_type
- typedef typename std::conditional< std::is_same<Cast, void>::value, trivial_cast, Cast >::type value_cast;
- public:
- /// Creates empty guarded pointer
- guarded_ptr() CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_(nullptr)
- {}
- //@cond
- explicit guarded_ptr( hp::guard* g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( g )
- {}
- /// Initializes guarded pointer with \p p
- explicit guarded_ptr( guarded_type* p ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( nullptr )
- {
- reset(p);
- }
- explicit guarded_ptr( std::nullptr_t ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( nullptr )
- {}
- //@endcond
- /// Move ctor
- guarded_ptr( guarded_ptr&& gp ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( gp.guard_ )
- {
- gp.guard_ = nullptr;
- }
- /// Move ctor
- template <typename GT, typename VT, typename C>
- guarded_ptr( guarded_ptr<GT, VT, C>&& gp ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( gp.guard_ )
- {
- gp.guard_ = nullptr;
- }
- /// Ctor from \p Guard
- explicit guarded_ptr( Guard&& g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- : guard_( g.release())
- {}
- /// The guarded pointer is not copy-constructible
- guarded_ptr( guarded_ptr const& gp ) = delete;
- /// Clears the guarded pointer
- /**
- \ref release() is called if guarded pointer is not \ref empty()
- */
- ~guarded_ptr() CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- release();
- }
- /// Move-assignment operator
- guarded_ptr& operator=( guarded_ptr&& gp ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- std::swap( guard_, gp.guard_ );
- return *this;
- }
- /// Move-assignment from \p Guard
- guarded_ptr& operator=( Guard&& g ) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- std::swap( guard_, g.guard_ref());
- return *this;
- }
- /// The guarded pointer is not copy-assignable
- guarded_ptr& operator=(guarded_ptr const& gp) = delete;
- /// Returns a pointer to guarded value
- value_type * operator ->() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- assert( !empty());
- return value_cast()( guard_->get_as<guarded_type>());
- }
- /// Returns a reference to guarded value
- value_type& operator *() CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- assert( !empty());
- return *value_cast()( guard_->get_as<guarded_type>());
- }
- /// Returns const reference to guarded value
- value_type const& operator *() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- assert( !empty());
- return *value_cast()( guard_->get_as<guarded_type>());
- }
- /// Checks if the guarded pointer is \p nullptr
- bool empty() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return !guard_ || guard_->get( atomics::memory_order_relaxed ) == nullptr;
- }
- /// \p bool operator returns <tt>!empty()</tt>
- explicit operator bool() const CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- return !empty();
- }
- /// Clears guarded pointer
- /**
- If the guarded pointer has been released, the pointer can be disposed (freed) at any time.
- Dereferncing the guarded pointer after \p release() is dangerous.
- */
- void release() CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- free_guard();
- }
- //@cond
- // For internal use only!!!
- void reset(guarded_type * p) CDS_NOEXCEPT
- {
- alloc_guard();
- assert( guard_ );
- guard_->set(p);
- }
- //@endcond
- private:
- //@cond
- void alloc_guard()
- {
- if ( !guard_ )
- guard_ = hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.alloc();
- }
- void free_guard()
- {
- if ( guard_ ) {
- hp::smr::tls()->hazards_.free( guard_ );
- guard_ = nullptr;
- }
- }
- //@endcond
- private:
- //@cond
- hp::guard* guard_;
- //@endcond
- };
- public:
- /// \p scan() type
- enum class scan_type {
- classic = hp::classic, ///< classic scan as described in Michael's papers
- inplace = hp::inplace ///< inplace scan without allocation
- };
- /// Initializes %HP singleton
- /**
- The constructor initializes Hazard Pointer SMR singleton with passed parameters.
- If the instance does not yet exist then the function creates the instance.
- Otherwise it does nothing.
- The Michael's %HP reclamation schema depends of three parameters:
- - \p nHazardPtrCount - hazard pointer count per thread. Usually it is small number (up to 10) depending from
- the data structure algorithms. If \p nHazardPtrCount = 0, the defaul value 8 is used
- - \p nMaxThreadCount - max count of thread with using Hazard Pointer GC in your application. Default is 100.
- - \p nMaxRetiredPtrCount - capacity of array of retired pointers for each thread. Must be greater than
- <tt> nHazardPtrCount * nMaxThreadCount </tt>. Default is <tt>2 * nHazardPtrCount * nMaxThreadCount </tt>.
- */
- HP(
- size_t nHazardPtrCount = 0, ///< Hazard pointer count per thread
- size_t nMaxThreadCount = 0, ///< Max count of simultaneous working thread in your application
- size_t nMaxRetiredPtrCount = 0, ///< Capacity of the array of retired objects for the thread
- scan_type nScanType = scan_type::inplace ///< Scan type (see \p scan_type enum)
- )
- {
- hp::smr::construct(
- nHazardPtrCount,
- nMaxThreadCount,
- nMaxRetiredPtrCount,
- static_cast<hp::scan_type>(nScanType)
- );
- }
- /// Terminates GC singleton
- /**
- The destructor destroys %HP global object. After calling of this function you may \b NOT
- use CDS data structures based on \p %cds::gc::HP.
- Usually, %HP object is destroyed at the end of your \p main().
- */
- ~HP()
- {
- hp::smr::destruct( true );
- }
- /// Checks that required hazard pointer count \p nCountNeeded is less or equal then max hazard pointer count
- /**
- If <tt> nRequiredCount > get_hazard_ptr_count()</tt> then the exception \p not_enought_hazard_ptr is thrown
- */
- static void check_available_guards( size_t nCountNeeded )
- {
- hp::smr::check_hazard_ptr_count( nCountNeeded );
- }
- /// Set memory management functions
- /**
- @note This function may be called <b>BEFORE</b> creating an instance
- of Hazard Pointer SMR
- SMR object allocates some memory for thread-specific data and for
- creating SMR object.
- By default, a standard \p new and \p delete operators are used for this.
- */
- static void set_memory_allocator(
- void* ( *alloc_func )( size_t size ), ///< \p malloc() function
- void( *free_func )( void * p ) ///< \p free() function
- )
- {
- hp::smr::set_memory_allocator( alloc_func, free_func );
- }
- /// Returns max Hazard Pointer count
- static size_t max_hazard_count()
- {
- return hp::smr::instance().get_hazard_ptr_count();
- }
- /// Returns max count of thread
- static size_t max_thread_count()
- {
- return hp::smr::instance().get_max_thread_count();
- }
- /// Returns capacity of retired pointer array
- static size_t retired_array_capacity()
- {
- return hp::smr::instance().get_max_retired_ptr_count();
- }
- /// Retire pointer \p p with function \p func
- /**
- The function places pointer \p p to array of pointers ready for removing.
- (so called retired pointer array). The pointer can be safely removed when no hazard pointer points to it.
- \p func is a disposer: when \p p can be safely removed, \p func is called.
- */
- template <typename T>
- static void retire( T * p, void( *func )( T * ))
- {
- hp::thread_data* rec = hp::smr::tls();
- if ( !rec->retired_.push( hp::retired_ptr( p, func )))
- hp::smr::instance().scan( rec );
- }
- /// Retire pointer \p p with functor of type \p Disposer
- /**
- The function places pointer \p p to array of pointers ready for removing.
- (so called retired pointer array). The pointer can be safely removed when no hazard pointer points to it.
- Deleting the pointer is an invocation of some object of type \p Disposer; the interface of \p Disposer is:
- \code
- template <typename T>
- struct disposer {
- void operator()( T * p ) ; // disposing operator
- };
- \endcode
- Since the functor call can happen at any time after \p retire() call, additional restrictions are imposed to \p Disposer type:
- - it should be stateless functor
- - it should be default-constructible
- - the result of functor call with argument \p p should not depend on where the functor will be called.
- \par Examples:
- Operator \p delete functor:
- \code
- template <typename T>
- struct disposer {
- void operator ()( T * p ) {
- delete p;
- }
- };
- // How to call HP::retire method
- int * p = new int;
- // ... use p in lock-free manner
- cds::gc::HP::retire<disposer>( p ) ; // place p to retired pointer array of HP GC
- \endcode
- Functor based on \p std::allocator :
- \code
- template <typename Alloc = std::allocator<int> >
- struct disposer {
- template <typename T>
- void operator()( T * p ) {
- typedef typename Alloc::templare rebind<T>::other alloc_t;
- alloc_t a;
- a.destroy( p );
- a.deallocate( p, 1 );
- }
- };
- \endcode
- */
- template <class Disposer, typename T>
- static void retire( T * p )
- {
- if ( !hp::smr::tls()->retired_.push( hp::retired_ptr( p, cds::details::static_functor<Disposer, T>::call )))
- scan();
- }
- /// Get current scan strategy
- static scan_type getScanType()
- {
- return static_cast<scan_type>( hp::smr::instance().get_scan_type());
- }
- /// Checks if Hazard Pointer GC is constructed and may be used
- static bool isUsed()
- {
- return hp::smr::isUsed();
- }
- /// Forces SMR call for current thread
- /**
- Usually, this function should not be called directly.
- */
- static void scan()
- {
- hp::smr::instance().scan( hp::smr::tls());
- }
- /// Synonym for \p scan()
- static void force_dispose()
- {
- scan();
- }
- /// Returns internal statistics
- /**
- The function clears \p st before gathering statistics.
- @note Internal statistics is available only if you compile
- \p libcds and your program with \p -DCDS_ENABLE_HPSTAT key.
- */
- static void statistics( stat& st )
- {
- hp::smr::instance().statistics( st );
- }
- /// Returns post-mortem statistics
- /**
- Post-mortem statistics is gathered in the \p %HP object destructor
- and can be accessible after destructing the global \p %HP object.
- @note Internal statistics is available only if you compile
- \p libcds and your program with \p -DCDS_ENABLE_HPSTAT key.
- Usage:
- \code
- int main()
- {
- cds::Initialize();
- {
- // Initialize HP SMR
- cds::gc::HP hp;
- // deal with HP-based data structured
- // ...
- }
- // HP object destroyed
- // Get total post-mortem statistics
- cds::gc::HP::stat const& st = cds::gc::HP::postmortem_statistics();
- printf( "HP statistics:\n"
- "\tthread count = %llu\n"
- "\tguard allocated = %llu\n"
- "\tguard freed = %llu\n"
- "\tretired data count = %llu\n"
- "\tfree data count = %llu\n"
- "\tscan() call count = %llu\n"
- "\thelp_scan() call count = %llu\n",
- st.thread_rec_count,
- st.guard_allocated, st.guard_freed,
- st.retired_count, st.free_count,
- st.scan_count, st.help_scan_count
- );
- cds::Terminate();
- }
- \endcode
- */
- static stat const& postmortem_statistics();
- };
-}} // namespace cds::gc
-#endif // #ifndef CDSLIB_GC_HP_SMR_H
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\details\throw_exception.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\details\hp_common.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\dhp.h" />\r
- <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\dhp_smr.h" />\r
- <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\hp_smr.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\basket_queue.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\cuckoo_set.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\intrusive\details\base.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\details\make_split_list_set_iterable_list.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\container\details</Filter>\r
- <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\hp_smr.h">\r
- <Filter>Header Files\cds\gc</Filter>\r
- </ClInclude>\r
- <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\dhp_smr.h">\r
- <Filter>Header Files\cds\gc</Filter>\r
- </ClInclude>\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\gc\details\hp_common.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\gc\details</Filter>\r
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
-#include <cds/gc/dhp_smr.h>
+#include <cds/gc/dhp.h>
#include <cds/os/thread.h>
namespace cds { namespace gc { namespace dhp {
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
-#include <cds/gc/hp_smr.h>
+#include <cds/gc/hp.h>
#include <cds/os/thread.h>
namespace cds { namespace gc { namespace hp {