--- /dev/null
+ * A class that represents the irregular bipartite graph used in
+ * EM3D. The graph contains two linked structures that represent the
+ * E nodes and the N nodes in the application.
+ **/
+public class BiGraph {
+ public BiGraph() {
+ }
+ /**
+ * Nodes that represent the electrical field.
+ **/
+ Node[] eNodes;
+ /**
+ * Nodes that representhe the magnetic field.
+ **/
+ Node[] hNodes;
+ EVector [][] reversetable;
+ int numNodes;
+ /**
+ * Construct the bipartite graph.
+ * @param e the nodes representing the electric fields
+ * @param h the nodes representing the magnetic fields
+ **/
+ BiGraph(Node[] e, Node[] h) {
+ eNodes = e;
+ hNodes = h;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create the bi graph that contains the linked list of
+ * e and h nodes.
+ * @param numNodes the number of nodes to create
+ * @param numDegree the out-degree of each node
+ * @param verbose should we print out runtime messages
+ * @return the bi graph that we've created.
+ **/
+ static BiGraph create(int numNodes, int degree, int numThreads) {
+ // making nodes (we create a table)
+ Node [] eTable = global new Node[numNodes];
+ Node [] hTable = global new Node[numNodes];
+ BiGraph g = global new BiGraph(eTable, hTable);
+ g.numNodes=numNodes;
+ g.reversetable=global new EVector[numThreads][];
+ return g;
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ *
+ * @return
+ **/
+ public void allocateNodes( int indexBegin, int indexEnd, int threadIndex) {
+ for(int i = indexBegin; i < indexEnd; i++ ) {
+ eNodes[i]=global new Node();
+ hNodes[i]=global new Node();
+ }
+ reversetable[threadIndex]=global new EVector[numNodes];
+ }
+ public void initializeNodes(Node[] fromnodes, Node[] tonodes, int begin, int end, int degree, Random r, int threadIndex) {
+ for(int i = begin; i < end; i++ ) {
+ Node n=fromnodes[i];
+ n.init(degree, r.nextDouble());
+ n.makeUniqueNeighbors(reversetable[threadIndex], tonodes, r, begin, end);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ *
+ *
+ * @return
+ **/
+ public void makeFromNodes(Node[] nodes, int indexBegin, int indexEnd, Random r) {
+ // Create the fromNodes and coeff field
+ int numthreads=reversetable.length;
+ for(int i = indexBegin; i < indexEnd; i++) {
+ Node n = nodes[i];
+ int count=0;
+ for(int j=0;j<numthreads;j++) {
+ EVector v=reversetable[j][i];
+ if(v!=null)
+ count+=v.size();
+ }
+ n.fromCount=count;
+ n.fromNodes=global new Node[count];
+ n.coeffs=global new double[count];
+ count=0;
+ for(int j=0;j<numthreads;j++) {
+ EVector v=reversetable[j][i];
+ if(v!=null) {
+ for(int k=0;k<v.size();k++) {
+ n.fromNodes[count]=(Node)v.elementAt(k);
+ n.coeffs[count++]=r.nextDouble();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+public class EVector {
+ Object[] array;
+ int size;
+ int capacityIncrement;
+ public EVector() {
+ capacityIncrement=0;
+ size=0;
+ array=global new Object[10];
+ }
+ public void clear() {
+ size=0;
+ array=global new Object[10];
+ }
+ public int indexOf(Object elem) {
+ return indexOf(elem, 0);
+ }
+ public int indexOf(Object elem, int index) {
+ for(int i=index;i<size;i++) {
+ if (elem.equals(array[i]))
+ return i;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ public Object elementAt(int index) {
+ if (index<0 || index >=size) {
+ System.printString("Illegal Vector.elementAt");
+ return null;
+ }
+ return array[index];
+ }
+ public void setElementAt(Object obj, int index) {
+ if (index>=0 && index <size)
+ array[index]=obj;
+ else
+ System.printString("Illegal setElementAt");
+ }
+ private ensureCapacity(int minCapacity) {
+ if (minCapacity>array.length) {
+ int newsize;
+ if (capacityIncrement<=0)
+ newsize=array.length*2;
+ else
+ newsize=array.length+capacityIncrement;
+ if (newsize<minCapacity)
+ newsize=minCapacity;
+ Object [] newarray=global new Object[minCapacity];
+ for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
+ newarray[i]=array[i];
+ array=newarray;
+ }
+ }
+ public int size() {
+ return size;
+ }
+ public Enumeration elements() {
+ System.printString("Vector.elements not implemented");
+ }
+ public void addElement(Object obj) {
+ if (size==array.length) {
+ ensureCapacity(size+1);
+ }
+ array[size++]=obj;
+ }
+ public void removeElementAt(int index) {
+ if (index<0||index>=size)
+ System.printString("Illegal remove");
+ for(int i=index;i<(size-1);i++) {
+ array[i]=array[i+1];
+ }
+ size--;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+ *
+ *
+ * Java implementation of the <tt>em3d</tt> Olden benchmark. This Olden
+ * benchmark models the propagation of electromagnetic waves through
+ * objects in 3 dimensions. It is a simple computation on an irregular
+ * bipartite graph containing nodes representing electric and magnetic
+ * field values.
+ *
+ * <p><cite>
+ * D. Culler, A. Dusseau, S. Goldstein, A. Krishnamurthy, S. Lumetta, T. von
+ * Eicken and K. Yelick. "Parallel Programming in Split-C". Supercomputing
+ * 1993, pages 262-273.
+ * </cite>
+ **/
+public class Em3d extends Thread {
+ /**
+ * The number of nodes (E and H)
+ **/
+ private int numNodes;
+ /**
+ * The out-degree of each node.
+ **/
+ private int numDegree;
+ /**
+ * The number of compute iterations
+ **/
+ private int numIter;
+ /**
+ * Should we print the results and other runtime messages
+ **/
+ private boolean printResult;
+ /**
+ * Print information messages?
+ **/
+ private boolean printMsgs;
+ int threadindex;
+ int numThreads;
+ BiGraph bg;
+ int upperlimit;
+ int lowerlimit;
+ Barrier mybarr;
+ public Em3d() {
+ }
+ public Em3d(BiGraph bg, int lowerlimit, int upperlimit, int numIter, Barrier mybarr, int numDegree, int threadindex) {
+ this.bg = bg;
+ this.lowerlimit = lowerlimit;
+ this.upperlimit = upperlimit;
+ this.numIter = numIter;
+ this.mybarr = mybarr;
+ this.numDegree = numDegree;
+ this.threadindex=threadindex;
+ }
+ public void run() {
+ int iteration;
+ Barrier barr;
+ int degree;
+ Random random;
+ atomic {
+ iteration = numIter;
+ barr=mybarr;
+ degree = numDegree;
+ random = new Random(lowerlimit);
+ }
+ atomic {
+ //This is going to conflict badly...Minimize work here
+ bg.allocateNodes( lowerlimit, upperlimit, threadindex);
+ }
+ Barrier.enterBarrier(barr);
+ atomic {
+ //initialize the eNodes
+ bg.initializeNodes(bg.eNodes, bg.hNodes, lowerlimit, upperlimit, degree, random, threadindex);
+ }
+ Barrier.enterBarrier(barr);
+ atomic {
+ //initialize the hNodes
+ bg.initializeNodes(bg.hNodes, bg.eNodes, lowerlimit, upperlimit, degree, random, threadindex);
+ }
+ Barrier.enterBarrier(barr);
+ atomic {
+ bg.makeFromNodes(bg.hNodes, lowerlimit, upperlimit, random);
+ }
+ Barrier.enterBarrier(barr);
+ atomic {
+ bg.makeFromNodes(bg.eNodes, lowerlimit, upperlimit, random);
+ }
+ Barrier.enterBarrier(barr);
+ //Do the computation
+ for (int i = 0; i < iteration; i++) {
+ /* for eNodes */
+ atomic {
+ for(int j = lowerlimit; j<upperlimit; j++) {
+ Node n = bg.eNodes[j];
+ for (int k = 0; k < n.fromCount; k++) {
+ n.value -= n.coeffs[k] * n.fromNodes[k].value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Barrier.enterBarrier(barr);
+ /* for hNodes */
+ atomic {
+ for(int j = lowerlimit; j<upperlimit; j++) {
+ Node n = bg.hNodes[j];
+ for (int k = 0; k < n.fromCount; k++) {
+ n.value -= n.coeffs[k] * n.fromNodes[k].value;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Barrier.enterBarrier(barr);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * The main roitine that creates the irregular, linked data structure
+ * that represents the electric and magnetic fields and propagates the
+ * waves through the graph.
+ * @param args the command line arguments
+ **/
+ public static void main(String args[]) {
+ Em3d em = new Em3d();
+ Em3d.parseCmdLine(args, em);
+ if (em.printMsgs)
+ System.printString("Initializing em3d random graph...\n");
+ long start0 = System.currentTimeMillis();
+ int numThreads = em.numThreads;
+ int[] mid = new int[4];
+ mid[0] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(175<<8)|79;//dw-1
+ mid[1] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(175<<8)|80;//dw-2
+ mid[2] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(175<<8)|73;
+ mid[3] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(175<<8)|78;
+ System.printString("DEBUG -> numThreads = " + numThreads+"\n");
+ Barrier mybarr;
+ BiGraph graph;
+ // initialization step 1: allocate BiGraph
+ // System.printString( "Allocating BiGraph.\n" );
+ atomic {
+ mybarr = global new Barrier(numThreads);
+ graph = BiGraph.create(em.numNodes, em.numDegree, numThreads);
+ }
+ Em3dWrap[] em3d=new Em3dWrap[numThreads];
+ int increment = em.numNodes/numThreads;
+ // initialization step 2: divide work of allocating nodes
+ // System.printString( "Launching distributed allocation of nodes.\n" );
+ atomic {
+ int base=0;
+ for(int i=0;i<numThreads;i++) {
+ Em3d tmp;
+ if ((i+1)==numThreads)
+ tmp = global new Em3d(graph, base, em.numNodes, em.numIter, mybarr, em.numDegree, 1);
+ else
+ tmp = global new Em3d(graph, base, base+increment, em.numIter, mybarr, em.numDegree, 1);
+ em3d[i]=new Em3dWrap(tmp);
+ base+=increment;
+ }
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i<numThreads; i++) {
+ em3d[i].em3d.start(mid[i]);
+ }
+ for(int i = 0; i<numThreads; i++) {
+ em3d[i].em3d.join();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Parse the command line options.
+ * @param args the command line options.
+ **/
+ public static void parseCmdLine(String args[], Em3d em)
+ {
+ int i = 0;
+ String arg;
+ while (i < args.length && args[i].startsWith("-")) {
+ arg = args[i++];
+ // check for options that require arguments
+ if (arg.equals("-N")) {
+ if (i < args.length) {
+ em.numNodes = new Integer(args[i++]).intValue();
+ }
+ } else if (arg.equals("-T")) {
+ if (i < args.length) {
+ em.numThreads = new Integer(args[i++]).intValue();
+ }
+ } else if (arg.equals("-d")) {
+ if (i < args.length) {
+ em.numDegree = new Integer(args[i++]).intValue();
+ }
+ } else if (arg.equals("-i")) {
+ if (i < args.length) {
+ em.numIter = new Integer(args[i++]).intValue();
+ }
+ } else if (arg.equals("-p")) {
+ em.printResult = true;
+ } else if (arg.equals("-m")) {
+ em.printMsgs = true;
+ } else if (arg.equals("-h")) {
+ em.usage();
+ }
+ }
+ if (em.numNodes == 0 || em.numDegree == 0)
+ em.usage();
+ }
+ /**
+ * The usage routine which describes the program options.
+ **/
+ public void usage()
+ {
+ System.printString("usage: java Em3d -T <threads> -N <nodes> -d <degree> [-p] [-m] [-h]\n");
+ System.printString(" -N the number of nodes\n");
+ System.printString(" -T the number of threads\n");
+ System.printString(" -d the out-degree of each node\n");
+ System.printString(" -i the number of iterations\n");
+ System.printString(" -p (print detailed results\n)");
+ System.printString(" -m (print informative messages)\n");
+ System.printString(" -h (this message)\n");
+ }
--- /dev/null
+public class Em3dWrap {
+ public global Em3d em3d;
+ public Em3dWrap() {
+ }
+ public Em3dWrap(Em3d e) {
+ em3d=e;
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+ * This class implements nodes (both E- and H-nodes) of the EM graph. Sets
+ * up random neighbors and propagates field values among neighbors.
+ */
+public class Node {
+ /**
+ * The value of the node.
+ **/
+ double value;
+ /**
+ * Array of nodes to which we send our value.
+ **/
+ Node[] toNodes;
+ /**
+ * Array of nodes from which we receive values.
+ **/
+ Node[] fromNodes;
+ /**
+ * Coefficients on the fromNodes edges
+ **/
+ double[] coeffs;
+ /**
+ * The number of fromNodes edges
+ **/
+ int fromCount;
+ /**
+ * Used to create the fromEdges - keeps track of the number of edges that have
+ * been added
+ **/
+ int fromLength;
+ /**
+ * Constructor for a node with given `degree'. The value of the
+ * node is initialized to a random value.
+ **/
+ public Node() {
+ }
+ public void init(int degree, double val) {
+ this.value=val;
+ // create empty array for holding toNodes
+ toNodes = global new Node[degree];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Create unique `degree' neighbors from the nodes given in nodeTable.
+ * We do this by selecting a random node from the give nodeTable to
+ * be neighbor. If this neighbor has been previously selected, then
+ * a different random neighbor is chosen.
+ * @param nodeTable the list of nodes to choose from.
+ **/
+ public void makeUniqueNeighbors(EVector[] reversetable,Node[] nodeTable, Random rand, int begin, int end) {
+ for (int filled = 0; filled < toNodes.length; filled++) {
+ int k;
+ Node otherNode;
+ int index;
+ do {
+ boolean isBreak = false;
+ // generate a random number in the correct range
+ index = rand.nextInt();
+ if (index < 0) index = -index;
+ //local vs remote from em3d benchmark
+ if ((rand.nextInt()%4)==0)
+ index=index%nodeTable.length;
+ else
+ index=begin+(index%(end-begin));
+ // find a node with the random index in the given table
+ otherNode = nodeTable[index];
+ for (k = 0; (k < filled) && (isBreak==false); k++) {
+ if (otherNode == toNodes[k])
+ isBreak = true;
+ }
+ } while (k < filled);
+ // other node is definitely unique among "filled" toNodes
+ toNodes[filled] = otherNode;
+ // update fromCount for the other node
+ if (reversetable[index]==null)
+ reversetable[index]=global new EVector();
+ reversetable[index].addElement(this);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Allocate the right number of FromNodes for this node. This
+ * step can only happen once we know the right number of from nodes
+ * to allocate. Can be done after unique neighbors are created and known.
+ *
+ * It also initializes random coefficients on the edges.
+ **/
+ public void makeFromNodes() {
+ fromNodes = global new Node[fromCount]; // nodes fill be filled in later
+ coeffs = global new double[fromCount];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Fill in the fromNode field in "other" nodes which are pointed to
+ * by this node.
+ **/
+ public void updateFromNodes(Random rand) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < toNodes.length; i++) {
+ Node otherNode = toNodes[i];
+ int count = otherNode.fromLength++;
+ otherNode.fromNodes[count] = this;
+ otherNode.coeffs[count] = rand.nextDouble();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Override the toString method to return the value of the node.
+ * @return the value of the node.
+ **/
+ public String toString() {
+ String returnString;
+ returnString = "value " + (long)value + ", from_count " + fromCount;
+ }