--- /dev/null
+static __sramdata uint32_t ddrreg[0x40];
+extern void local_flush_tlb_all(void);
+#if 1
+unsigned int __sramlocalfunc ddr_datatraining(int nMHz)
+ pDDR_Reg->CSR =0x0;
+ pDDR_Reg->DRR |= RD;
+ delayus(1);
+ pDDR_Reg->CCR |= DTT;
+ dsb();
+ do{
+ delayus(1);
+ }while(pGRF_Reg->GRF_MEM_STATUS[2] &0x1);
+ if(pDDR_Reg->CSR & 0x100000)
+ while(1);
+ pDDR_Reg->DRR &= ~RD;
+ return 0;
+void __sramlocalfunc ddrReg_Save(void)
+ int i=0;
+ for(i =0; i<0x30; i++)
+ ddrreg[i] =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DDRC_BASE +i*4);
+ ddrreg[3] =0;
+ ddrreg[i++] =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DDRC_BASE +0x7c*4); //pDDR_Reg->MR;
+ ddrreg[i++] =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DDRC_BASE +0x7d*4);
+ ddrreg[i++] =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DDRC_BASE +0x7e*4);
+ ddrreg[i++] =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DDRC_BASE +0x7f*4);
+ //rest reg did not saved yet
+void __sramlocalfunc ddrReg_Restore(void)
+ int i=0;
+ for(i =0; i<0x30; i++)
+ *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DDRC_BASE +i*4) =ddrreg[i];
+ *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DDRC_BASE +0x7c*4) =ddrreg[i++];
+ *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DDRC_BASE +0x7d*4) =ddrreg[i++];
+ *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DDRC_BASE +0x7e*4) =ddrreg[i++];
+ *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DDRC_BASE +0x7f*4) =ddrreg[i++];
+ //rest reg did not saved yet
+void __sramlocalfunc Delay10cyc(int count)
+ volatile int i;
+ while(count--)
+ {
+ for (i=0; i<8; i++); //12*8+8=104cyc
+ }
+unsigned int __sramdata mem[42];
+unsigned int __sramdata maxtimeout =0;
+unsigned int __sramdata gpu_suspended;
+unsigned int __sramdata gpu_power;
+unsigned int __sramdata gpu_clock;
+unsigned int __sramdata gpuctl;
+unsigned int __sramdata gpususpendcmd =0x7;
+unsigned int __sramdata currcmdbufadr;
+unsigned int __sramdata clksel17;
+unsigned int __sramdata cru_gatecon[4];
+unsigned int __sramdata i2sxfer;
+void __sramlocalfunc __ddr_reconfig(int mode)
+#if 1
+ int i, n, bakdatr;
+ volatile unsigned int * temp=(volatile unsigned int *)SRAM_CODE_OFFSET;
+// __cpuc_flush_kern_all();
+// __cpuc_flush_user_all();
+ local_flush_tlb_all();
+ n=temp[0];
+ barrier();
+ n=temp[1024];
+ barrier();
+ n=temp[1024*2];
+ barrier();
+ n=temp[1024*3];
+ barrier();
+ n= pSCU_Reg->CRU_SOFTRST_CON[0];
+ dsb();
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[0] &=~0x3c000;
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[1] &=~0x3c000;
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[2] &=~0x3c000;
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[3] &=~0x3c000;
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[0] |=0x4000; //set 90-18
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[1] |=0x4000;
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[2] |=0x4000;
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[3] |=0x4000;
+ n=pGRF_Reg->GRF_OS_REG[2]; // *(unsigned long volatile *)(0xf50080d8);
+ pDDR_Reg->CCR &= ~HOSTEN; //ddr3 400m 4us 4*6*rank+1;
+ pDDR_Reg->DCR = (pDDR_Reg->DCR & (~((0x1<<24) | (0x1<<13) | (0xF<<27) | (0x1<<31)))) | ((0x1<<13) | (0x2<<27) | (0x1<<31)); //enter Self Refresh
+ while(pDDR_Reg->DCR &(0x1<<31)); //may done soon
+ ddrReg_Save();
+#if 1
+#if 1
+ //DO_INT Must be cleared before ddrReg_Save
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_SOFTRST_CON[2] |= ((0x3<<15) | (0x3<<11) |(0x3<<8));
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_SOFTRST_CON[0] |= (0x7f<<18);
+ dsb();
+ Delay10cyc(100);
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_SOFTRST_CON[2] &= ~((0x3<<15) | (0x3<<11) | (0x3<<8));
+// if((mode >>12)&0xfff)
+// *(unsigned long volatile *)(0xf50080ac) =mode &0xfff;
+ pDDR_Reg->PQCR[0] =0x0e03f000;
+ pDDR_Reg->PQCR[1] =(mode ==0) ?0x0e000000 : 0x0e00f000;
+// pDDR_Reg->PQCR[2] =0x0e00f000;
+ ddrReg_Restore();
+ pDDR_Reg->MMGCR =((mode&0xf) ==0) ?0 : 2;
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_SOFTRST_CON[0] &=~(0x7F<<18);
+ dsb();
+ Delay10cyc(200); //need 1024 cycles, worst case assume ddr @200MHZ, cpu at @1GHZ, need 5120 cycles delay
+// if((pDDR_Reg->DRR) &0x0f000000)
+// while(1);
+ cru_gatecon[0] =pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[0];
+ cru_gatecon[1] =pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[1];
+ cru_gatecon[3] =pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[3];
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[0] |=/*(2<<19)*/(3<<9);
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[1] |=(1<<6);
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[3] |=((1<<1) |(0xf<<10) |(0xf<<14));
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_SOFTRST_CON[2] |=(1<<9);// ((0x1<<15) | (0x3<<11) | (0x3<<8));
+ dsb();
+ Delay10cyc(100);
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_SOFTRST_CON[0] |= (0x7f<<18);
+ Delay10cyc(100);
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_SOFTRST_CON[2] &= ~((0x1<<15) | (0x3<<11) | (0x3<<8));
+ if((mode >>12)&0xfff)
+ *(unsigned long volatile *)(0xf50080ac) =mode &0xfff;
+ pDDR_Reg->PQCR[0] =0x0e03f000;
+ pDDR_Reg->PQCR[1] =0x0e01f000;
+ pDDR_Reg->PQCR[2] =0x0e00f000;
+ ddrReg_Restore();
+ pDDR_Reg->MMGCR =(mode ==0) ?0:2;
+ dsb();
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_SOFTRST_CON[0] &=~(0x7F<<18);
+ dsb();
+ Delay10cyc(100);
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[0]=cru_gatecon[0];
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[1]=cru_gatecon[1];
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[3]=cru_gatecon[3];
+ Delay10cyc(200); //need 1024 cycles, worst case assume ddr @200MHZ, cpu at @1GHZ, need 5120 cycles delay
+ pDDR_Reg->DCR |= DO_INIT;
+ while(pGRF_Reg->GRF_MEM_STATUS[2] & 0x1) //wait init ok
+ Delay10cyc(1);
+ pDDR_Reg->DRR |=(1<<31);
+ Delay10cyc(10);
+ pDDR_Reg->CCR |= DTT; //ddr3 400m 4us 4*6*rank+1;
+ Delay10cyc(100);
+ while(pGRF_Reg->GRF_MEM_STATUS[2] & 0x1) //wait dtt ok
+ Delay10cyc(1);
+ if(pGRF_Reg->GRF_MEM_STATUS[2] & 0x2)
+ while(1);
+ pDDR_Reg->DRR &=~(1<<31);
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[0] &=~0x3c000;
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[1] &=~0x3c000;
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[2] &=~0x3c000;
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[3] &=~0x3c000;
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[0] |=0x10000; //set 90+18
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[1] |=0x10000;
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[2] |=0x10000;
+ pDDR_Reg->DLLCR09[3] |=0x10000;
+ pDDR_Reg->DCR &=~DO_INIT;
+ pDDR_Reg->CCR |= HOSTEN; //enable host port
+ dsb();
+unsigned int tmodelay1us(unsigned int tmo)
+ delayus(1);
+ return tmo +1;
+*input mode
+*case mode
+*0 normal
+*1 cpu priority highest
+*2 cpu priority ualtra
+ GRF_MEM_CON[1:0]: CPU (host 0)
+ [3:2]: PERI (host 1)
+ [5:4]: DISPLAY (host 2)
+ [7:6]: GPU (host 3)
+ [9:8]: VCODEC (host 4)
+void/* inline*/ __sramfunc sram_printch(char byte);
+int ddr_reconfig(int mode)
+ int baklcdctrl;
+ int count =0;
+ int i;
+ unsigned int ret =0;
+ unsigned int con3save, flags;
+ unsigned int tmo =0;
+ mode &=0xf;
+ if((pDDR_Reg->MMGCR ==0) &&(mode <2))
+ {
+ pDDR_Reg->PQCR[0] =(mode ==0) ?0x0e000000 : 0x0e00f000;
+ pDDR_Reg->PQCR[1] =(mode ==0) ?0x0e000000 : 0x0e03f000;
+ pDDR_Reg->PQCR[2] =(mode ==0) ?0x0e000000 : 0x0e00f000;
+ pGRF_Reg->GRF_MEM_CON = (pGRF_Reg->GRF_MEM_CON & ~0x3FF)
+ | ((mode ==0) ?((2<<0)|(1<<2)|(0<<4)|(1<<6)|(2<<8)):((0<<0)|(2<<2)|(1<<4)|(2<<6)|(2<<8)));
+ return 1;
+ }
+ local_irq_save(flags);
+ sram_printch('1');
+/* if(mode ==2)
+ {
+ tmp =*(unsigned long volatile *)(0xf50080bc);
+ pDDR_Reg->PQCR[0] =0x0e03f000;
+ pDDR_Reg->PQCR[1] =0x0e01f000;
+ pDDR_Reg->PQCR[2] =0x0e00f000;
+ pDDR_Reg->MMGCR =(mode ==0) ?0 : 2;
+ }
+// asm volatile ("cpsid if");
+ {
+ __cpuc_flush_kern_all();
+ __cpuc_flush_user_all();
+ dsb();
+ //some risk: if a common to lcdc is going, then a read form 0xf410c0000 may retrun an old val
+ con3save =pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[3];
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[3] =con3save |(1<<3);
+ pGRF_Reg->GRF_SOC_CON[0] |=(1<<0);
+ {
+ gpu_suspended =0;
+ gpu_power =0;
+ gpu_clock =0;
+ if((*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_PMU_BASE +0x10) &0x40) ==0)
+ {
+ gpu_power =1;
+ if((0xf<<14) !=(pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[3] &(0xf<<14)))
+ {
+ gpu_clock =1;
+ if(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x4) !=0x7fffffff)
+ { //clock enable and not at idle
+ gpu_suspended =1;
+#if 1
+ #if 1
+ int chktime =0;
+ for(chktime =0; chktime<32; chktime++ )
+ {
+ if(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x4) !=0x7ffffffe)
+ { chktime =0;
+ //
+ if((tmo =tmodelay1us(tmo)) >10)
+ while(1);
+ #else
+ goto ddr_reconfig_cancel;
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ if(tmo >maxtimeout)
+ {
+ maxtimeout =tmo;
+ printk("maxtimout %d\n", maxtimeout);
+ }
+ #endif
+ {
+ unsigned int i,tmp;
+ currcmdbufadr =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x664);
+ if((currcmdbufadr&0xfff0) ==0)
+ for(i =0; i<6; i++)
+ {
+ tmp =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x664);
+ if(((tmp >currcmdbufadr) &&((tmp -currcmdbufadr) >0x10))
+ ||((tmp <currcmdbufadr) &&((currcmdbufadr -tmp) >0x10)))
+ {
+ printk("gpu:cmdbuffer base reg read error 0x%x !=0x%x\n", tmp, currcmdbufadr);
+ i =0;
+ }
+ else
+ delayus(1);
+ currcmdbufadr =tmp;
+ }
+ }
+ #if 0
+ for(i =0; i<0x1000; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned int tmp;
+ if(currcmdbufadr >(tmp =*(unsigned long volatile *)(0xf4120664)))
+ currcmdbufadr =tmp;
+ }
+ #else
+ if(*(int *)(currcmdbufadr +0x60000000) !=0x380000c8) //0x60000000 assume VA =PA +0x60000000
+ {
+ currcmdbufadr -=8;
+ if(*(int *)(currcmdbufadr +0x60000000) !=0x380000c8)
+ {
+ currcmdbufadr -=8;
+ if(*(int *)(currcmdbufadr +0x60000000) !=0x380000c8)
+ while(1);
+ #else
+ goto ddr_reconfig_cancel;
+ #endif
+ }
+ }
+ #endif
+ if((currcmdbufadr &0xffffe000) !=0x736ce000)
+ while(1);
+ {
+ int i;
+ for(i =0; i<16; i++)
+ mem[i] =*(int *)(currcmdbufadr +0x60000000 +(i-4)*4);
+ }
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x658) =0x2;
+ dsb();
+ while(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x4) !=0x7fffffff) delayus(1); //
+ gpuctl =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x0);
+ *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x0) =gpususpendcmd;
+ delayus(100);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sram_printch('5');
+ if(!(gpu_clock &gpu_power))
+ {
+ unsigned int tmoadd1ms =tmo +3000;
+ sram_printch('c');
+// if(tmo==0)
+ if(pGRF_Reg->GRF_OS_REG[3] ==0xff)
+ while(1);
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[3] =(con3save |(1<<3)) &0xfffc3fff;
+ clksel17 =pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKSEL_CON[17];
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKSEL_CON[17]&=~(3<<14);
+ dsb();
+ *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_PMU_BASE +0x10) &=~0x40;
+ dsb();
+ while((tmo =tmodelay1us(tmo)) <tmoadd1ms);
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[3] =(con3save |(1<<3)) &0xfffc3fff;
+ }
+ }
+ sram_printch('6');
+ //status check
+ //3 VIP clock con2[22,18](0x20000064) VIPCTL[0](0x10108010) 0==stop
+ while(((0)==(pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[2] &((0x1<<18)|(0x1<<22))))
+ &&((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_VIP_BASE +0x10) &(1<<0))) &&((1)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_VIP_BASE +0x2c) &(1<<0))))
+ if((tmo =tmodelay1us(tmo)) >20)
+ // goto ddr_reconfig_cancel2;
+ while(1);
+ #else
+ goto ddr_reconfig_cancel2;
+ #endif
+ sram_printch('7');
+ //1 IPP clock_con3[5:4](0x20000068) INT_ST[6](0x10110010) 1 ==working
+ if(((0)==(pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[3] &(0x3<<4))) &&
+ ((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_IPP_BASE +0x10) &(1<<6))))
+ if((tmo =tmodelay1us(tmo)) >200000)
+ while(1);
+ #else
+ goto ddr_reconfig_cancel2;
+ #endif
+ sram_printch('8');
+ //2 SDMA0 clock con0[10](0x2000005c) DSR[3:0](0x20180000) 0 ==stop
+// i2sxfer =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_I2S0_BASE +0x28);
+// *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_I2S0_BASE +0x28) =0;
+ while(((0)==(pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[0] &(0x1<<10)))
+ &&(((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_SDMAC0_BASE +0x0) &(0xf<<0)))
+ ||(((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_SDMAC0_BASE +0x100) &(0xf<<0)))/*&& ((0x27)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_SDMAC0_BASE +0x100) &(0xff<<0)))*/)
+ ||((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_SDMAC0_BASE +0x108) &(0xf<<0)))
+ ||((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_SDMAC0_BASE +0x110) &(0xf<<0)))
+ ||((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_SDMAC0_BASE +0x118) &(0xf<<0)))))
+ if((tmo =tmodelay1us(tmo)) >200000)
+ while(1);
+ #else
+ goto ddr_reconfig_cancel2;
+ #endif
+ sram_printch('9');
+ //2 DMA0 clock con0[9](0x2000005c) DSR[3:0](0x201C0000) 0 ==stop
+ while(((0)==(pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[0] &(0x1<<9)))
+ &&(((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DMAC0_BASE +0x0) &(0xf<<0)))
+ ||((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DMAC0_BASE +0x100) &(0xf<<0)))
+ ||((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DMAC0_BASE +0x108) &(0xf<<0)))
+ ||((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DMAC0_BASE +0x110) &(0xf<<0)))
+ ||((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DMAC0_BASE +0x118) &(0xf<<0)))))
+ if((tmo =tmodelay1us(tmo)) >200000)
+ while(1);
+ #else
+ goto ddr_reconfig_cancel2;
+ #endif
+ sram_printch('a');
+ //2 DMA1 clock con1[5](0x20000060) DSR[3:0](0x20078000) 0 ==stop
+ while(((0)==(pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[1] &(0x1<<5)))
+ &&(((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DMAC1_BASE +0x0) &(0xf<<0)))
+ ||((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DMAC1_BASE +0x100) &(0xf<<0)))
+ ||((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DMAC1_BASE +0x108) &(0xf<<0)))
+ ||((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DMAC1_BASE +0x110) &(0xf<<0)))
+ ||((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_DMAC1_BASE +0x118) &(0xf<<0)))))
+ if((tmo =tmodelay1us(tmo)) >200000)
+ while(1);
+ #else
+ goto ddr_reconfig_cancel2;
+ #endif
+ sram_printch('b');
+ //4 USB
+ if(((0)==(*(unsigned long volatile *)(0xf5000068) &(0x3<<4))) &&
+ ((0)==(*(unsigned long volatile *)(0xf4110010) &(1<<6))))
+ while(1);
+ //5 VPU when select VDPU clk VDPU clock con2[19,13:12]else con2[18,11:10] (0x20000068) wreg[1](0x10104204) 0==stop
+ //wreg24[0] 0==stop
+ {
+ int clkgatemask;
+ clkgatemask =((0x1<<18)|(0x3<<10))<<((((pGRF_Reg->GRF_SOC_CON[0]))>>23) &1);
+ if((0)==(pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[3] &clkgatemask))
+ while((((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_VCODEC_BASE +0x204) &(1<<0)))
+ &&((0)==(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_VCODEC_BASE +0x204) &(1<<13)))) //until idle or buff_int
+ ||((0)!=(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_VCODEC_BASE +0x38) &(1<<0))))
+ if((tmo =tmodelay1us(tmo)) >200000)
+ while(1);
+ #else
+ goto ddr_reconfig_cancel2;
+ #endif
+ }
+// while(((0xf<<14)!=(pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[3] &(0xf<<14))) &&
+// (*(unsigned long volatile *)(0xf4120004) !=0x7fffffff));
+ sram_printch('2');
+ {
+ static unsigned long save_sp;
+ DDR_SAVE_SP(save_sp);
+ {
+ __ddr_reconfig(mode);
+ }
+ DDR_RESTORE_SP(save_sp);
+ } // do_ddr_reconfig(mode);
+ sram_printch('3');
+ ret =1;
+// *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_I2S0_BASE +0x28) =i2sxfer;
+ if(gpu_suspended)
+ {
+#if 1
+ *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x654) =currcmdbufadr;
+ *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x658) =0x10002;
+ dsb();
+ while(*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x4) !=0x7ffffffe);
+ mem[34] =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x660);
+ mem[35] =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x664);
+ mem[36] =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x668);
+ mem[37] =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x66c);
+ {
+ int i;
+ for(i =0; i<16; i++)
+ mem[i+16] =*(int *)(currcmdbufadr +0x60000000 +(i-4)*4);
+ }
+ mem[32] =currcmdbufadr;
+ mem[33]++;
+// printk("reconfig 0x%x ,0x%x ,0x%x ,0x%x ,", *(unsigned int volatile *)(0xf4120660),
+// *(unsigned int volatile *)(0xf4120664),*(unsigned int volatile *)(0xf4120668),
+// *(unsigned int volatile *)(0xf412066c));
+ #endif
+ *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_GPU_BASE +0x0) =gpuctl;
+ }
+ printk("clkgate =0x%x, 0x%x\n",pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[3],tmo);
+ #endif
+ count++;
+ if(!gpu_clock )
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKSEL_CON[17] =clksel17;
+ if(!gpu_power)
+ *(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_PMU_BASE +0x10) |=0x40;
+ dsb();
+ if((gpu_power ==0) &&( 1 ==gpu_clock))
+ while(1);
+ #endif
+ pSCU_Reg->CRU_CLKGATE_CON[3] =con3save;
+ pGRF_Reg->GRF_SOC_CON[0]&=~(1<<0);
+ }
+ local_irq_restore(flags);
+ sram_printch('4');
+ return ret;
+int rk29fb_irq_notify_ddr(void)
+ {
+ int tmp;
+ if(((tmp =*(unsigned long volatile *)(RK29_LCDC_BASE)) &(2<<10)) ==0) //win 0 blanked
+ {
+ if((tmp &(1<<10)) &&(((pDDR_Reg->MMGCR &(1<<1)) ==2) ||((pGRF_Reg->GRF_MEM_CON &0x3) ==0))) //has OSD and current ddr is supper priority
+ ddr_reconfig(0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(((pDDR_Reg->MMGCR &(1<<1)) ==0) &&((pGRF_Reg->GRF_MEM_CON &0x3) ==2)) //current not supper priority
+ {
+ if((((tmp >>3) &0x7) <2) &&((tmp &(1<<10)) ==0)) //LCD is RGB format, has not OSD
+ ddr_reconfig(1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+//#include "ddr_test.c"