"mv /etc/config/firewall /etc/config/firewall.bak" to make it unreadable by LEDE
UCI when it is initializing the firewall rules when the system is booting up.
-10) Last, we need to copy the setup scripts in sentinel_setup/setup into /setup on
+10) We need to also create /root/sentinel_setup/register and copy the scripts in
+sentinel_setup/register/version_2 into it. These Shell scripts work with the
+Android app that registers and deletes devices to and fro the router.
+11) Last, we need to copy the setup scripts in sentinel_setup/setup into /setup on
our LEDE system. This contains a number of scripts.
- "startup.sh" will be run by the rc.local script when LEDE is booting up. This script
contains the initial firewall rules for Sentinel router and a number of workaround
- "show" shows the active iptables rules.
- "transfer" contains commands to transfer files through the "scp" command.
-12) Reboot the system and we will have a working LEDE router for Sentinel system.
+13) Reboot the system and we will have a working LEDE router for Sentinel system.
+++ /dev/null
-Device registration utility for Sentinel system
-This is a simple script that register a new device
-into /etc/config/dhcp and /etc/hostapd-psk
-Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Rahmadi Trimananda <rtrimana@uci.edu> PLRG@UCIrvine
- ./register_device.sh [-h]
- ./register_device.sh [-a <mac-address> <ip-address> <key> <device-name>]
- ./register_device.sh [-l]
- -h show this usage
- -a adding device by putting MAC address, desired IP address, key, and device name (optional)
- -l show list of devices registered
-- This simple script now only adds device information (no delete feature)
-- Meant to ease the setup process (mimicking production environment)
+++ /dev/null
-12:32:34:45:56:67 mydevice
-12:32:34:45:56:67 mydevice
+++ /dev/null
-# Print usage
-if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then
- echo "Device registration utility for Sentinel system"
- echo "This is a simple script that register a new device"
- echo "into /etc/config/dhcp and /etc/hostapd-psk"
- echo "Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Rahmadi Trimananda <rtrimana@uci.edu> PLRG@UCIrvine"
- echo ""
- echo "Usage:"
- echo " ./register_device.sh [-h]"
- echo " ./register_device.sh [-a <mac-address> <ip-address> <key> <device-name>]"
- echo " ./register_device.sh [-l]"
- echo ""
- echo "Options:"
- echo " -h show this usage"
- echo " -a adding device by putting MAC address, desired IP address, key, and device name (optional)"
- echo " -l show list of devices registered"
- echo ""
-elif [ "$1" == "-a" ]; then
- if [ "$2" == "" ] || [ "$3" == "" ] || [ "$4" == "" ]; then
- echo "Empty or incomplete parameters! Please run ./register_device.sh -h for usage."
- else
- # Add a new device
- MAC=$2
- IP=$3
- KEY=$4
- # Keep a local log
- echo "$MAC $IP $KEY $5" >> devices.dat
- # Insert into /etc/hostapd-psk
- echo "$MAC $KEY" >> /etc/hostapd-psk
- # Insert into /etc/config/dhcp
- echo "" >> /etc/config/dhcp
- if [ "$5" != "" ]; then # If device-name is not empty
- echo "# $5" >> /etc/config/dhcp
- fi
- echo "config host" >> /etc/config/dhcp
- echo " option ip '$IP'" >> /etc/config/dhcp
- echo " option mac '$MAC'" >> /etc/config/dhcp
- if [ "$5" != "" ]; then # If device-name is not empty
- echo " option name '$5'" >> /etc/config/dhcp
- fi
- echo "Device added!"
- fi
-elif [ "$1" == "-l" ]; then
- # Print list of devices
- echo "List of devices"
- cat devices.dat
- echo ""
- echo "/etc/hostapd-psk"
- cat /etc/hostapd-psk
- echo "Unknown option. Please run ./register_device.sh -h for usage."
--- /dev/null
+Device registration utility for Sentinel system
+This is a simple script that register a new device
+into /etc/config/dhcp and /etc/hostapd-psk
+Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Rahmadi Trimananda <rtrimana@uci.edu> PLRG@UCIrvine
+ ./register_device.sh [-h]
+ ./register_device.sh [-a <mac-address> <ip-address> <key> <device-name>]
+ ./register_device.sh [-l]
+ -h show this usage
+ -a adding device by putting MAC address, desired IP address, key, and device name (optional)
+ -l show list of devices registered
+- This simple script now only adds device information (no delete feature)
+- Meant to ease the setup process (mimicking production environment)
--- /dev/null
+12:32:34:45:56:67 mydevice
+12:32:34:45:56:67 mydevice
--- /dev/null
+# Print usage
+if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then
+ echo "Device registration utility for Sentinel system"
+ echo "This is a simple script that register a new device"
+ echo "into /etc/config/dhcp and /etc/hostapd-psk"
+ echo "Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Rahmadi Trimananda <rtrimana@uci.edu> PLRG@UCIrvine"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo " ./register_device.sh [-h]"
+ echo " ./register_device.sh [-a <mac-address> <ip-address> <key> <device-name>]"
+ echo " ./register_device.sh [-l]"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -h show this usage"
+ echo " -a adding device by putting MAC address, desired IP address, key, and device name (optional)"
+ echo " -l show list of devices registered"
+ echo ""
+elif [ "$1" == "-a" ]; then
+ if [ "$2" == "" ] || [ "$3" == "" ] || [ "$4" == "" ]; then
+ echo "Empty or incomplete parameters! Please run ./register_device.sh -h for usage."
+ else
+ # Add a new device
+ MAC=$2
+ IP=$3
+ KEY=$4
+ # Keep a local log
+ echo "$MAC $IP $KEY $5" >> devices.dat
+ # Insert into /etc/hostapd-psk
+ echo "$MAC $KEY" >> /etc/hostapd-psk
+ # Insert into /etc/config/dhcp
+ echo "" >> /etc/config/dhcp
+ if [ "$5" != "" ]; then # If device-name is not empty
+ echo "# $5" >> /etc/config/dhcp
+ fi
+ echo "config host" >> /etc/config/dhcp
+ echo " option ip '$IP'" >> /etc/config/dhcp
+ echo " option mac '$MAC'" >> /etc/config/dhcp
+ if [ "$5" != "" ]; then # If device-name is not empty
+ echo " option name '$5'" >> /etc/config/dhcp
+ fi
+ echo "Device added!"
+ fi
+elif [ "$1" == "-l" ]; then
+ # Print list of devices
+ echo "List of devices"
+ cat devices.dat
+ echo ""
+ echo "/etc/hostapd-psk"
+ cat /etc/hostapd-psk
+ echo "Unknown option. Please run ./register_device.sh -h for usage."
--- /dev/null
+# Print usage
+if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then
+ echo "This is a simple script that change the pre-shared key of a router"
+ echo "using UCI command change password written in /etc/config/wireless"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo " ./change_default_pw.sh [-h]"
+ echo " ./change_default_pw.sh [-ch <specific_password>]"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -h show this usage"
+ echo " -ch change default into a specific password"
+ echo ""
+elif [ "$1" == "-ch" ]; then
+ # Change the wireless.key option in the config file.
+ PW=$2
+ uci set wireless.default_radio0.key=$PW
+ uci set wireless.default_radio1.key=$PW
+ uci commit
+ /sbin/wifi
+ echo "Unknown option. Please run ./change_default_pw.sh -h for usage."
--- /dev/null
+# Print usage
+if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then
+ echo "This is a simple script that register connected device into the system"
+ echo "/etc/config/hostapd-psk /etc/config/dhcp will be changed accordingly"
+ echo "~/sentinel_setup/register/register_device.sh will be executed"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo " ./connect_device.sh [-h]"
+ echo " ./connect_device.sh [-co <specific-pw> <device_name> <default_pw>]"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -h show this usage"
+ echo " -co connect a new device"
+ echo ""
+elif [ "$1" == "-co" ]; then
+ # 0
+ # Get password from $2
+ # Supposing that key for radio0 and radio1 are equal
+ PW=$2
+ # Save default password from $4. If the argument is empty, let's use THE default one.
+ DEFAULT="1qaz2wsx3edc"
+ if [ ! -z "$4" ]; then
+ fi
+ # 1
+ # Get MAC address and IP address from dhcp.leases file.
+ # Below scripts will find the most recently connected device by sorting the first column of lease file,
+ # which is time of lease expiry, in epoch time
+ # Before that, the file named devices.dat could not exist, so touch it first
+ touch ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat
+ chmod 666 ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat
+ # now ready to use devices.dat. Get numbers of records in devices.dat
+ NR=$(cat ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat | wc -l)
+ # use temp file for procedure so that we don't touch original lease file
+ cp /tmp/dhcp.leases leases.temp
+ for i in `seq 1 $NR`
+ do
+ #get line number(LN)
+ LN="${i}p"
+ #get target MAC address(TMAC) from devices.dat
+ TMAC=$(sed -n ${LN} ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat | awk '{print $1}')
+ #remove the record with certain TMAC in the dhcp file so that we can get new one at the end
+ sed -e /${TMAC}/d leases.temp > leases.temp.temp
+ rm leases.temp
+ mv leases.temp.temp leases.temp
+ done
+ # Filter done. There should be only one line in leases.temp, but just in
+ # case sort the epoch time
+ RECENT=$(sort -nrk1,1 leases.temp | head -1)
+ # Get MAC, IP, NAME from RECENT
+ MAC=$(echo $RECENT | awk '{print $2}')
+ IP=$(echo $RECENT | awk '{print $3}')
+ # below was used when there were no name argument in the script
+ # NAME=$(echo $RECENT | awk '{print $4}')
+ NAME=$3
+ # 2
+ # Add record to the database with ~/sentinel_setup/register/register_device.sh
+ ~/sentinel_setup/register/register_device.sh -a $MAC $IP $PW $NAME
+ # 3
+ # rewind the default password and apply config files
+ uci commit
+ ~/sentinel_setup/register/change_default_pw.sh -ch $DEFAULT
+ /sbin/wifi
+ echo "Unknown option. Please run ./connect_device.sh -h for usage."
--- /dev/null
+# Print usage
+if [ "$#" -eq 0 ] || [ "$1" == "-h" ]; then
+ echo "Device registration utility for Sentinel system"
+ echo "This is a simple script that register a new device"
+ echo "into /etc/config/dhcp and /etc/config/hostapd-psk"
+ echo "Copyright (c) 2015-2017, Rahmadi Trimananda <rtrimana@uci.edu> PLRG@UCIrvine"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo " ./register_device.sh [-h]"
+ echo " ./register_device.sh [-a <mac-address> <ip-address> <key> <device-name>]"
+ echo " ./register_device.sh [-l]"
+ echo " ./register_device.sh [-ln]"
+ echo " ./register_device.sh [-dm <mac-address>]"
+ echo " ./register_device.sh [-dn <device-name>]"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " -h show this usage"
+ echo " -a adding device by putting MAC address, desired IP address, key, and device name (optional)"
+ echo " -l show list of devices registered"
+ echo " -ln show list of names of devices registered"
+ echo " -dm delete a specific registered device with MAC address"
+ echo " -dn delete a specific registered device with name"
+ echo ""
+# add a device
+elif [ "$1" == "-a" ]; then
+ if [ "$2" == "" ] || [ "$3" == "" ] || [ "$4" == "" ]; then
+ echo "Empty or incomplete parameters! Please run ./register_device.sh -h for usage."
+ else
+ # Add a new device
+ MAC=$2
+ IP=$3
+ KEY=$4
+ # Keep a local log
+ echo "$MAC $IP $KEY $5" >> ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat
+ # Insert into /etc/config/hostapd-psk
+ echo "$MAC $KEY" >> /etc/config/hostapd-psk
+ # Insert into /etc/config/dhcp
+ echo "" >> /etc/config/dhcp
+ if [ "$5" != "" ]; then # If device-name is not empty
+ echo "# $5" >> /etc/config/dhcp
+ fi
+ echo "config host" >> /etc/config/dhcp
+ echo " option ip '$IP'" >> /etc/config/dhcp
+ echo " option mac '$MAC'" >> /etc/config/dhcp
+ if [ "$5" != "" ]; then # If device-name is not empty
+ echo " option name '$5'" >> /etc/config/dhcp
+ fi
+ echo "Device added!"
+ fi
+# Print list of devices
+elif [ "$1" == "-l" ]; then
+ echo "List of devices"
+ cat ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat
+ echo ""
+ echo "/etc/config/hostapd-psk"
+ cat /etc/config/hostapd-psk
+# Print only the devices' names list
+elif [ "$1" == "-ln" ]; then
+ cat ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat | awk '{print $4}'
+# Delete device by MAC address
+elif [ "$1" == "-dm" ]; then
+ # Make new file without the line containing specific MAC address then swap
+ sed -e "/$2/d" ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat > tmp.dat
+ chmod 666 tmp.dat
+ rm ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat
+ mv tmp.dat ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat
+ # update /etc/config/hostapd
+ sed -e "/$2/d" /etc/config/hostapd-psk > hostapd.tmp
+ rm /etc/config/hostapd-psk
+ mv hostapd.tmp /etc/config/hostapd-psk
+ # update /etc/config/dhcp
+ # get line number of dhcp including the MAC address
+ LN=$(sed -n "/$2/=" /etc/config/dhcp)
+ HEAD=$(expr ${LN} - 3)
+ # add 1, not 2, in case of no name line in target device
+ TAIL=$(expr ${LN} + 1)
+ sed "${HEAD},${TAIL}d" /etc/config/dhcp > dhcp.tmp
+ rm /etc/config/dhcp
+ mv dhcp.tmp /etc/config/dhcp
+ #show on screen
+ echo "device deleted!"
+ #apply change
+ /sbin/wifi
+# Delete by name. Similar to deleting with MAC
+elif [ "$1" == "-dn" ]; then
+ # back up first
+ cp /etc/config/hostapd-psk /etc/config/hostapd-psk.bak
+ cp /etc/config/dhcp /etc/config/dhcp.bak
+ #Multiple name arguments can be given.
+ VAR1=$1
+ shift 1
+ for arg in "$@"
+ do
+ NAME=${arg}
+ # Get MAC Address first looking up the devices.dat file
+ MAC=$(grep ${NAME} ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat | awk '{print $1}')
+ # Make new file without the line containing specific device name then swap
+ sed -e "/${NAME}/d" ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat > tmp.dat
+ chmod 666 tmp.dat
+ rm ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat
+ mv tmp.dat ~/sentinel_setup/register/devices.dat
+ # update /etc/config/hostapd
+ sed -e "/${MAC}/d" /etc/config/hostapd-psk > hostapd.tmp
+ rm /etc/config/hostapd-psk
+ mv hostapd.tmp /etc/config/hostapd-psk
+ # update /etc/config/dhcp
+ # get line number of dhcp including the MAC address
+ LN=$(sed -n "/${MAC}/=" /etc/config/dhcp)
+ HEAD=$(expr ${LN} - 3)
+ # add 1, not 2, in case of no name in the dhcp file
+ TAIL=$(expr ${LN} + 1)
+ sed "${HEAD},${TAIL}d" /etc/config/dhcp > dhcp.tmp
+ rm /etc/config/dhcp
+ mv dhcp.tmp /etc/config/dhcp
+ done
+ #show on screen
+ echo "device deleted!"
+ #apply change
+ /sbin/wifi
+ echo "Unknown option. Please run ./register_device.sh -h for usage."