GCC output: greater than 1 is a speedup, less than 1 is a slowdown.</li>
<li><a name="GCC/CBE">GCC/CBE</a> - The speed-up of the CBE output vs the native
GCC output: greater than 1 is a speedup, less than 1 is a slowdown.</li>
-<li><a name="LLC-LS">LLC-LS</a> - How long does the program generated by the static
- backend LLC take to execute the program, when compiled with the linear scan
- register allocator. This is temporary, for tuning.</li>
+<li><a name="LLC-BETA">LLC-BETA</a> - How long does the program generated by the static
+ backend LLC take to execute the program, when compiled with new experimental
+ features. This is temporary, for tuning.</li>
A complete log of testing