highlight WhitespaceEOL ctermbg=DarkYellow guibg=DarkYellow
match WhitespaceEOL /\s\+$/
+" Enable filetype detection
+filetype on
" Optional
" C/C++ programming helpers
-set cindent
+augroup csrc
+ au!
+ autocmd FileType * set nocindent smartindent
+ autocmd FileType c,cpp set cindent
+augroup END
" Set a few indentation parameters. See the VIM help for cinoptions-values for
" details. These aren't absolute rules; they're just an approximation of
" common style in LLVM source.
" Highlight syntax in programming languages
syntax on
-" Enable filetype detection
-filetype on
" LLVM Makefiles can have names such as Makefile.rules or TEST.nightly.Makefile,
" so it's important to categorize them as such.
augroup filetype