FlatMethod fm,
OwnershipGraph ogCallee) {
- try {
- writeGraph( "caller", true, false, false, false, false );
- ogCallee.writeGraph( "callee", true, false, false, false, false );
- } catch( Exception e ) {}
// define rewrite rules and other structures to organize
// data by parameter/argument index
Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteH =
while( hrnItr.hasNext() ) {
HeapRegionNode hrn = hrnItr.next();
- rewriteCallerNodeAlpha(fm.numParameters(),
- index,
- hrn,
- paramIndex2rewriteH,
- paramIndex2rewriteD,
- paramIndex2paramToken,
- paramIndex2paramTokenStar,
- paramToken2paramIndex,
- paramTokenStar2paramIndex);
+ rewriteCallerReachability(index,
+ hrn,
+ null,
+ paramIndex2rewriteH.get(index),
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ paramIndex2paramToken.get(index),
+ paramToken2paramIndex,
+ paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
+ false,
+ null);
while( edgeReachableItr.hasNext() ) {
ReferenceEdge edgeReachable = edgeReachableItr.next();
- rewriteCallerEdgeBeta(fm.numParameters(),
- index,
- edgeReachable,
- paramIndex2rewriteJ,
- paramIndex2rewriteD,
- paramIndex2paramToken,
- paramIndex2paramTokenStar,
- paramToken2paramIndex,
- paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
- false,
- null);
+ rewriteCallerReachability(index,
+ null,
+ edgeReachable,
+ paramIndex2rewriteJ.get(index),
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ paramIndex2paramToken.get(index),
+ paramToken2paramIndex,
+ paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
+ false,
+ null);
// update upstream edges
- Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet> edgeUpstreamPlannedChanges
- = new Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet>();
+ Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet> edgeUpstreamPlannedChanges =
+ new Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet>();
Iterator<ReferenceEdge> edgeUpstreamItr = edgesUpstream.iterator();
while( edgeUpstreamItr.hasNext() ) {
ReferenceEdge edgeUpstream = edgeUpstreamItr.next();
- rewriteCallerEdgeBeta(fm.numParameters(),
- index,
- edgeUpstream,
- paramIndex2rewriteK,
- paramIndex2rewriteD,
- paramIndex2paramToken,
- paramIndex2paramTokenStar,
- paramToken2paramIndex,
- paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
- true,
- edgeUpstreamPlannedChanges);
+ rewriteCallerReachability(index,
+ null,
+ edgeUpstream,
+ paramIndex2rewriteK.get(index),
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ paramIndex2paramToken.get(index),
+ paramToken2paramIndex,
+ paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
+ true,
+ edgeUpstreamPlannedChanges);
// so rewrite and immediately commit--and they don't belong
// to a particular parameter, so use a bogus param index
// that pulls a self-rewrite out of H
- rewriteCallerNodeAlpha(fm.numParameters(),
- bogusIndex,
- hrnShadowSummary,
- paramIndex2rewriteH,
- paramIndex2rewriteD,
- paramIndex2paramToken,
- paramIndex2paramTokenStar,
- paramToken2paramIndex,
- paramTokenStar2paramIndex);
+ rewriteCallerReachability(bogusIndex,
+ hrnShadowSummary,
+ null,
+ hrnShadowSummary.getAlpha(),
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ bogusToken,
+ paramToken2paramIndex,
+ paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
+ false,
+ null);
HeapRegionNode hrnIthCallee = ogCallee.id2hrn.get(idIth);
hrnIthShadow.setAlpha(toShadowTokens(ogCallee, hrnIthCallee.getAlpha() ) );
- rewriteCallerNodeAlpha(fm.numParameters(),
- bogusIndex,
- hrnIthShadow,
- paramIndex2rewriteH,
- paramIndex2rewriteD,
- paramIndex2paramToken,
- paramIndex2paramTokenStar,
- paramToken2paramIndex,
- paramTokenStar2paramIndex);
+ rewriteCallerReachability(bogusIndex,
+ hrnIthShadow,
+ null,
+ hrnIthShadow.getAlpha(),
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ bogusToken,
+ paramToken2paramIndex,
+ paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
+ false,
+ null);
toShadowTokens(ogCallee, edgeCallee.getBeta() )
- rewriteCallerEdgeBeta(fm.numParameters(),
- bogusIndex,
- edgeNewInCallerTemplate,
- paramIndex2rewriteJ,
- paramIndex2rewriteD,
- paramIndex2paramToken,
- paramIndex2paramTokenStar,
- paramToken2paramIndex,
- paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
- false,
- null);
+ rewriteCallerReachability(bogusIndex,
+ null,
+ edgeNewInCallerTemplate,
+ edgeNewInCallerTemplate.getBeta(),
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ bogusToken,
+ paramToken2paramIndex,
+ paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
+ false,
+ null);
toShadowTokens(ogCallee, edgeCallee.getBeta() )
- rewriteCallerEdgeBeta(fm.numParameters(),
- bogusIndex,
- edgeNewInCallerTemplate,
- paramIndex2rewriteJ,
- paramIndex2rewriteD,
- paramIndex2paramToken,
- paramIndex2paramTokenStar,
- paramToken2paramIndex,
- paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
- false,
- null);
+ rewriteCallerReachability(bogusIndex,
+ null,
+ edgeNewInCallerTemplate,
+ edgeNewInCallerTemplate.getBeta(),
+ paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ bogusToken,
+ paramToken2paramIndex,
+ paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
+ false,
+ null);
+ private void rewriteCallerReachability(Integer paramIndex,
+ HeapRegionNode hrn,
+ ReferenceEdge edge,
+ ReachabilitySet rules,
+ Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteD,
+ TokenTuple p_i,
+ Hashtable<TokenTuple, Integer> paramToken2paramIndex,
+ Hashtable<TokenTuple, Integer> paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
+ boolean makeChangeSet,
+ Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet> edgePlannedChanges) {
+ assert (hrn == null && edge != null) ||
+ (hrn != null && edge == null);
- // TODO: this and rewriteCallerEdgeBeta turned out to be almost
- // the same code, combine into a single more flexible method
- private void rewriteCallerNodeAlpha(int numParameters,
- Integer paramIndex,
- HeapRegionNode hrn,
- Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteH,
- Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteD,
- Hashtable<Integer, TokenTuple> paramIndex2paramToken,
- Hashtable<Integer, TokenTuple> paramIndex2paramTokenStar,
- Hashtable<TokenTuple, Integer> paramToken2paramIndex,
- Hashtable<TokenTuple, Integer> paramTokenStar2paramIndex ) {
- ReachabilitySet callerReachability = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
- ReachabilitySet rules = paramIndex2rewriteH.get(paramIndex);
assert rules != null;
- TokenTuple p_i = paramIndex2paramToken.get(paramIndex);
assert p_i != null;
- Iterator<TokenTupleSet> rulesItr = rules.iterator();
- while(rulesItr.hasNext()) {
- TokenTupleSet rule = rulesItr.next();
- TokenTupleSet ttsEmpty = new TokenTupleSet().makeCanonical();
- ReachabilitySet rewrittenRule = new ReachabilitySet(ttsEmpty).makeCanonical();
- Iterator<TokenTuple> ruleItr = rule.iterator();
- while(ruleItr.hasNext()) {
- TokenTuple ttCallee = ruleItr.next();
- // compute the possibilities for rewriting this callee token
- ReachabilitySet ttCalleeRewrites = null;
- if( ttCallee.equals( p_i ) ) {
- // replace the arity-one token of the current parameter with the reachability
- // information from the caller node
- ttCalleeRewrites = hrn.getAlpha();
- } else if( paramToken2paramIndex.containsKey( ttCallee ) ||
- paramTokenStar2paramIndex.containsKey( ttCallee ) ) {
- // this token is another callee parameter, or any ARITY_MANY callee parameter,
- // so rewrite it with the D rules for that parameter
- Integer paramIndex_j;
- if( paramToken2paramIndex.containsKey( ttCallee ) ) {
- paramIndex_j = paramToken2paramIndex.get( ttCallee );
- } else {
- paramIndex_j = paramTokenStar2paramIndex.get( ttCallee );
- }
- ttCalleeRewrites = paramIndex2rewriteD.get( paramIndex_j );
- assert ttCalleeRewrites != null;
- } else {
- // otherwise there's no need for a rewrite, just pass this one on
- TokenTupleSet ttsCaller = new TokenTupleSet(ttCallee).makeCanonical();
- ttCalleeRewrites = new ReachabilitySet(ttsCaller).makeCanonical();
- }
- // branch every version of the working rewritten rule with
- // the possibilities for rewriting the current callee token
- ReachabilitySet rewrittenRuleWithTTCallee = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
- Iterator<TokenTupleSet> rewrittenRuleItr = rewrittenRule.iterator();
- while( rewrittenRuleItr.hasNext() ) {
- TokenTupleSet ttsRewritten = rewrittenRuleItr.next();
- Iterator<TokenTupleSet> ttCalleeRewritesItr = ttCalleeRewrites.iterator();
- while( ttCalleeRewritesItr.hasNext() ) {
- TokenTupleSet ttsBranch = ttCalleeRewritesItr.next();
- rewrittenRuleWithTTCallee =
- rewrittenRuleWithTTCallee.union( ttsRewritten.unionUpArity( ttsBranch ) );
- }
- }
- // now the rewritten rule's possibilities have been extended by
- // rewriting the current callee token, remember result
- rewrittenRule = rewrittenRuleWithTTCallee;
- }
- // the rule has been entirely rewritten into the caller context
- // now, so add it to the new reachability information
- callerReachability =
- callerReachability.union( rewrittenRule );
+ ReachabilitySet callerReachabilityCurrent;
+ if( hrn == null ) {
+ callerReachabilityCurrent = edge.getBeta();
+ } else {
+ callerReachabilityCurrent = hrn.getAlpha();
- // finally update caller node with new information
- hrn.setAlphaNew(hrn.getAlphaNew().union(callerReachability) );
- }
- private void rewriteCallerEdgeBeta(int numParameters,
- Integer paramIndex,
- ReferenceEdge edge,
- Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteJorK,
- Hashtable<Integer, ReachabilitySet> paramIndex2rewriteD,
- Hashtable<Integer, TokenTuple> paramIndex2paramToken,
- Hashtable<Integer, TokenTuple> paramIndex2paramTokenStar,
- Hashtable<TokenTuple, Integer> paramToken2paramIndex,
- Hashtable<TokenTuple, Integer> paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
- boolean makeChangeSet,
- Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet> edgePlannedChanges) {
- ReachabilitySet callerReachability = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
+ ReachabilitySet callerReachabilityNew = new ReachabilitySet().makeCanonical();
// for initializing structures in this method
TokenTupleSet ttsEmpty = new TokenTupleSet().makeCanonical();
new Hashtable<TokenTupleSet, HashSet<TokenTupleSet> >();
rewritten2source.put(ttsEmpty, new HashSet<TokenTupleSet>() );
- ReachabilitySet rules = paramIndex2rewriteJorK.get(paramIndex);
- assert rules != null;
- TokenTuple p_i = paramIndex2paramToken.get(paramIndex);
- assert p_i != null;
Iterator<TokenTupleSet> rulesItr = rules.iterator();
while(rulesItr.hasNext()) {
if( ttCallee.equals( p_i ) ) {
// replace the arity-one token of the current parameter with the reachability
// information from the caller edge
- ttCalleeRewrites = edge.getBeta();
+ ttCalleeRewrites = callerReachabilityCurrent;
callerSourceUsed = true;
} else if( paramToken2paramIndex.containsKey( ttCallee ) ||
paramTokenStar2paramIndex.containsKey( ttCallee ) ) {
// this token is another callee parameter, or any ARITY_MANY callee parameter,
// so rewrite it with the D rules for that parameter
Integer paramIndex_j;
assert ttCalleeRewrites != null;
} else {
// otherwise there's no need for a rewrite, just pass this one on
TokenTupleSet ttsCaller = new TokenTupleSet(ttCallee).makeCanonical();
ttCalleeRewrites = new ReachabilitySet(ttsCaller).makeCanonical();
// the rule has been entirely rewritten into the caller context
// now, so add it to the new reachability information
- callerReachability =
- callerReachability.union( rewrittenRule );
+ callerReachabilityNew =
+ callerReachabilityNew.union( rewrittenRule );
if( makeChangeSet ) {
// each possibility for the final reachability should have a set of
// caller sources mapped to it, use to create the change set
- Iterator<TokenTupleSet> callerReachabilityItr = callerReachability.iterator();
+ Iterator<TokenTupleSet> callerReachabilityItr = callerReachabilityNew.iterator();
while( callerReachabilityItr.hasNext() ) {
TokenTupleSet ttsRewrittenFinal = callerReachabilityItr.next();
HashSet<TokenTupleSet> sourceSets = rewritten2source.get( ttsRewrittenFinal );
edgePlannedChanges.put(edge, callerChangeSet);
- edge.setBetaNew(edge.getBetaNew().union(callerReachability) );
+ if( hrn == null ) {
+ edge.setBetaNew(edge.getBetaNew().union(callerReachabilityNew) );
+ } else {
+ hrn.setAlphaNew(hrn.getAlphaNew().union(callerReachabilityNew) );
+ }